• Published 2nd May 2012
  • 12,670 Views, 779 Comments

Family Secrets: The Reveal - Schrodinger's Pony

The Mane Six are keeping secrets from each other. All of their secrets are uncovered.

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Lord Krastos stormed into Lady Babbage’s cave. The shadow of Smaug loomed behind him. The two Knights stood before them, saluting their leader.

Smaug glowered at them. “Knights, I was told that you were defeated by one pony. And not even Fluttershy’s leader, or the rainbow maned one, but the one who has the appearance of marshmallows. Will you tell me whether my messenger was lying, or whether two of my elite knights were defeated by a single pony?”

The knights glanced at each other. “It is true Smaug.” The halberded one said. “We assumed she would be easy to defeat, and she would have been until she managed to find a weapon.”

Smaug roared, and seized his knights by the throat. Lord Krastos grimaced, and looked to the side, hoping his king would have the common sense not to kill his most loyal followers. Smaug looked them both in the eye. “If you couldn’t even kill one pony, how are you supposed to slay the rainbow maned one when the time comes?”

The Knights stood firm. “We will not fail you again Smaug. We will be ready the next time.”

“I’m sure you will.” Krastos intervened before somedragon got hurt. “But for now, just keep up your job. 110%, am I right?”

The knights nodded earnestly, and Smaug dropped the with a scowl. The pair of them stalked into the cave.

“May I do the talking here Smaug?” Lord Krastos asked.

Smaug grunted his approval.

Lord Krastos smiled, and slithered into the kitchen of the cave beside him. Princess Celestia and Lady Babbage were sitting at the table, having a warm drink of diamond juice. Their eyes were red, probably done so they could pretend they’d been crying. Krastos stood to his full height, and smiled compassionately at the two of them. “So… it would seem your hatchlings are in danger.”

“Yes.” Lady Babbage somehow managed to glare at him while pretending to sniffle. “We’re terribly upset.”

“Do you have any idea how it might have happened?” Krastos asked.

“One minute they were there, the next they weren’t.” Celestia hid her face by taking a long draught of steaming diamond juice.

Lord Krastos nodded. “Well, we don’t know either. All we know is Tarzan said he was hit from behind repeatedly, and two of our knights were attacked by one of your ponies. We have reason to suspect she may be involved in the kidnapping…”

“It was changelings.” Princess Celestia stated, as if there couldn’t be any doubt.

The two dragons stared at her.

“Come again?”

“Changelings.” Princess Celestia repeated. “Shapeshifters. They tried to take over my kingdom, not even a month ago. Kidnapping the Elements of Harmony must be their idea of revenge.”

Krastos’ eyes narrowed. “I thought you had no idea what might have happened?”

Celestia shrugged. “I… only just realized.”

Smaug roared and slammed his clawed fists into the table. “JUST ADMIT IT!!! YOU’RE PLOTTING AGAINST ME!!! THIS IS AN ACT OF WAR!!!”

There was a burst of rainbow colored light. Smaug turned away and shielded his eyes, and when he looked back Celestia was gone. Or, to be more specific, Celestia the Alicorn was gone. Looking directly at him was a female beaked dragon. She was as white as bone, the color of death. Her spines were rainbow colored, but unlike her mane were stiff and sharp. She was a full head taller than Smaug, and firm muscles rippled underneath her scales.

She rested her head in one of her claws and smiled, showing off impressive teeth. “If I wanted war, Smaug, I would not slink in the shadows.”

A collective shiver passed through every dragon in the room, including Lady Babbage. And just like that, the topic of Celestia trying to form a rebellion was no longer pursued.

“I assure you, we’ll do our best to find your subjects, and ours.” Lord Krastos said, and he gently nudged Smaug out of the room.

“What are we doing?” Smaug hissed at him as they left earshot. “I thought we were supposed to be finding Fluttershy?”

“That was what I was doing.” Krastos said, idly brushing a yellow feather in his claws. “You were there to distract her.”

“Why you – the wedding is tomorrow! The preperations for war are set! We don’t have time for your games.”

Krastos sighed. “I… agree. This matter is far too serious now, and there’s no time left.” He took a drink from the flask he wore, and steeled himself. “I’m going to have to commune with the Adversary’s Chancellor.”

Smaug paled, which was impressive for a black dragon, and quickly excused himself. Smaug had been learning, these past few days, how ponies weren’t as harmless as Fluttershy. How the legends making them out to be monsters might be true.

But there was one pony that had already confirmed her status as a monster.

Lord Krastos returned to his cave in silence. He pondered the trouble of the Elements of Harmony. Why would they run away? Where would they go? Were they just hiding?

He’d gone on a scouting mission once. He had gathered a great deal of information on the six elements of harmony. He’d studied them for months to prepare himself for this. Their little dragon friend even ate some of his gems. And for all of his trouble, he was still at a loss.

He touched down gently, slithering his way into his home. Where he was met with an unpleasant surprise.

Garble was there.

Smaug’s son was patting Tarzan’s hoof comfortingly. “I’m sure they’ll find her soon man.” The dragon said.

Tarzan blew into a silk handkerchief. “But… we were gonna get married!” He wailed.

Krastos and Garble both grimaced in disgust as Tarzan cried. “Listen, sitting around crying isn’t going to help.” Garble said, trying to sound comforting at the same time as he dissuaded him from his tears.

“You don’t understand!” Tarzan cried. “She’s perfect! We clicked immediately! She was… she was just kissing me when she… when they…” He wailed again, a pool of tears gathering on the floor. “If I find out one of her packmates did this… they’re going down! I’ll kill them all!”

“And I’ll be right beside you buddy.” Garble grinned, showing off his fangs. Krastos had no doubt Garble enjoyed the idea of killing ponies. “But right now, you’ve got to focus on something else. Keep your mind off of things.” He snapped his claws. “I know! We can go beat up some of the guys!”

Tarzan sighed. “My heart… isn’t into it.” He moaned.

Lord Krastos sighed, and stepped in. He hated pretending to be sentimental. At least Garble could remain his same repulsive self while claiming to have his best interests in heart. But Krastos didn’t have that luxury.

“Oh, my son.” He curled his tail around Tarzan, who despite his body-building looked utterly fragile. “Don’t worry. I’ve just been to Lady Babbage’s house, we’ll find her. We’re sending out Lady Bahama and Lord Fransisco out to rescue her as we speak.”

“Can I join the rescue pack?” Tarzan asked.

Krastos all but gagged. “That would only make matters worse.” He said. “How do you think having a – well, a pony on their team?”

Tarzan’s face fell. Krastos didn’t think it was possibly for it to fall harder, but there it was. “Ah, I’m actually doing my part to find her right now. So if you’ll excuse me… Garble would you…”

“Going to call mom?” The red dragon asked, grinning ferociously. Krastos shuddered, both at Garble, and Garble’s ‘mom’.

“Stay strong.” Krastos muttered to Tarzan, before leaving for the basement.

His basement. His enclave. The part of the house where his ‘son’ was not allowed to enter. He relaxed.

Then he remembered why he came here.

He passed by the giant coral organ, and went towards the mirror. He watched his beloved Lady Babbage, and that frightening Princess Celestia.

“They’ll be okay.” Lady Babbage was hugging and comforting Celestia, much like Krastos had pretended to comfort his ‘son’ mere moments ago. “My husband didn’t become Smaug for nothing. If he’s still alive, you can bet that it will only be a matter of time before he comes up with a plan to make Krastos’ scheming go away.”

Contrary to pony belief, dragons are not cold blooded. Their blood is as hot as the lava they swim in. But Krastos’ blood could have been made of liquefied sun and it still would have gone cold.

Krastos had almost had Babbage, whether she wanted it or not, had Lord Stockholm not fallen in love with her. For the past twenty years Krastos and Stockholm had been fighting. Krastos would have liked to call them mirror-matches, but the truth was, Stockholm shot down every one of Krastos’ schemes, and only scheme C-a, his current plot with Tarzan, had any chance of success.

But he couldn’t be alive, right? Lord Smooze said he’d killed…

Oh, Lord Smooze.

Krastos decided he would have words with ‘Smaug’ when he was through with his tasks.

“I worry.” Princess Celestia sniffed. “I know they’ve faced some of Equestria’s greatest dangers, but I still worry. They’re my little ponies, and I always want to protect them, but somehow I never can.”

Krastos was tempted to look more, but he had other ponies to spy on. He opened a clasp at the top of the mirror, and one of Lady Babbage’s scales fell out. He held it tenderly, and put it in a soft case. He then took out the feather he’d found in Lady Babbage’s home, and placed it in the mirror. He would have preferred a hair, as with a feather he ran the risk of confusing Fluttershy with one of Lady Babbage’s fowls, but this would do.

The mirror hummed, and soon he saw her. Fluttershy was sitting at a table, drinking something. She looked sorrowful, but everypony around her was chanting. Krastos glued his eyes to the glass, watching and waiting for any sort of hint. Then he saw it; a sign above what he assumed was a bar.

Pony Joe’s.


He started. The mirror’s image faded away, and in its place the silhouette of a pony mare looking into the mirror. The mare’s image was super-imposed across the screen, making her appear to be roughly Krastos’ size. He couldn’t make out any features, only that she wasn’t a Pegasus.

“I told you, to give me a report every day this week.” The mare said. “Why are you tardy?”

“A thousand apologies your majesty.” Krastos bowed. “I was about to report to you.”

“Well, get on with it.”

Krastos bit his tongue. Dealing with the Adversary’s Chancellor was always so irritating. She acted like she was in control. And Krastos wouldn’t deny, she could back up her claims to power. He would deal with her if and when she became a problem.

“The Elements of Harmony, and their dragon, have escaped.” Lord Krastos explained. “Apparently, they believe Lord Stockholm is alive, and have gone in search for them. I do not know whether he is or is not yet. On their way out, the marshmallow looking one defeated two members of the Knights In Smaug’s Service. Tarzan is distraught. Princess Celestia claims this to be the work of Changelings, a kidnapping plot for revenge. Most dragons believe her, for now. I have discovered that Fluttershy is in an old wooden pony cave, somewhere called Pony Joe’s. Lord Francisco and Lady Bahama are both heading the search party but do not know this.” There. That was everything, concisely.

The chancellor pondered this. “How is Garble?” She asked, distractedly.

“He is ensuring that Tarzan, in his distraught state, will want to kill the kidnappers. Especially should the kidnappers be ponies.”

“Good, good.” She seemed to have struck upon an idea. “Lord Stockholm is alive. We do not know for sure, but we must act on the assumption that the worst possible outcome is probable. I know of Pony Joes, and will send you the location. One of my little ponies will get there first, and ensure they do not escape before your dragons reach them.”

“Understood.” Krastos bowed.

“I don’t need to remind you how important this is.” The chancellor hissed. “Getting rid of Lord Stockholm would qualify this plan as a success on its own. But you know that more then I. He is, after all, the only dragon in the way of you and Babbage.”

“I know.” Krastos hissed.

“Good! Then go and bring the Elements back! Dead or alive, I don’t care! Where ever they are, the Elements of Harmony are plotting your downfall right now!”



Fluttershy belted back another glass of hard apple cider. The crowd cheered and she sighed, and put the bottle on top of the neatly stacked pyramid next to her. On the other end of the table, a pirate was downing her own stack of cider. She got halfway through her drink before she collapsed under the table. The crowd cheered, and bits changed hands.

Applejack pushed her way through the crowd. “How ya doin’ sugarcube?” She asked.

Fluttershy glanced down at her forehooves. “I feel a slight tingling in my hooves.” She said. “I think it’s starting to effect me.”

Applejack laughed. “Well, I reckon if ya drink rainbows like milk, ya must’ve built up quite the tolerance there.”

Fluttershy glared half-heartedly at Applejack. “You said this drink was strong. You lied to me.”

“No lie there.” Applejack glanced at the table. “How much money didja win?”

Fluttershy squinted. “I… won money?”

Applejack blinked. “Uh… yep. This here’s a gambling sport Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy squinted at the bits on the table. “How much did I win?”

Applejack counted quickly. He jaw dropped. “Fluttershy… you won seventy bits! That’s a quarter of a season’s pay right there!”

Fluttershy frowned. “Is it enough to buy an army?”

Applejack frowned. “Ah don’t think so.”

Fluttershy gestured to the pirates. “Then I need more cider.” They cheered, and passed her another mug.

“Fluttershy, is something wrong?” Applejack asked.

“I’m just a bit upset.” The Pegasus whispered.

“Upset how?”

Fluttershy gestured. Rarity and Rainbow Dash were talking to Octavia on the other side of the room. “I used to have nightmares about shadows when I was a hatchling. I dreamt that the nightmares pulled me into the shadows, and ate me. Rarity’s one of my best friend. And she’s one of them.”

Applejack sighed. “Flutters, you ain’t gonna get mad at her are ya? ‘Cause that would make about as much sense as Twilight bein’ mad at you.”

“I’m not mad at her.” Fluttershy frowned. “I’m scared of her. I’m scared of her, but I know I shouldn’t be, because she’s my best friend. I… I’m mad at myself, for being scared of her.”

Applejack thought this through, and sighed. “Ah reckon you’ve have enough cider Fluttershy.” The crowd of pirates groaned as Applejack led her away. Applejack glared at them, and they stopped groaning.

Applejack led Fluttershy through the crowd of ponies, and towards where Twilight and Pinkie Pie were searching through the rafters. “Here Ferdinand!” Twilight called. “She held up a cracker. “Does Ferdinand want a tasty Waaaugh!” Twilight screamed as a swarm of parrots engulfed her.

Fluttershy coughed politely. “Ferdinand?” She asked.

A parrot landed on her raised hoof.

“Oh come on!” Twilight groaned, as Spike waved the birds away from her.

“I’ll go get the others!” Pinkie Pie said, before zooming off.

“And how’re you feelin’ Twi?” Applejack asked.

“Frustrated.” Twilight growled. “Did you know about this? Did you know that Rarity was breaking the law? And not just small laws like illegal immigration, you have diplomatic immunity anyway Fluttershy, but big laws!”

“Now Twi, the way Rarity tells it, she’s only a former pirate.” Applejack said. “It’s her family who’re pirates proper.”

Twilight sighed. “It’s just… these secrets are starting to stress me out.” She laid a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “I’m glad I have the element of honesty around. At least I know not everypony is leading secret double lives.”

Applejack chuckled. “What you see is what you get with me Twi.”


Twilight jumped as the three voices spoke at exactly the same time. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Octavia had somehow come up behind her without making a sound. Judging by Applejack’s expression, she was just as surprised as Twilight, which meant they came up behind her without Applejack who was looking right at them noticing. Fluttershy squeaked, and shot up to the rafters.

“Bwahahahahahaha!” Rainbow Dash laughed. “You should have seen your faces!”

“How did you do that?” Twilight asked, calming down.

“I’m not sure about Pinkie Pie…” Octavia raised an eyebrow at the giggling pony. “But it’s a pirate trade secret.”

Rainbow Dash giggled, and flew back up to the rafters. “Hey Flutters, you okay?”

“Just… scared.” Fluttershy whispered.

“Well, up here is more shadowy then down there.” Rainbow pointed out.

Fluttershy gasped, and flew back down. Ferdinand snickered, but went quiet when Rainbow glared at him and the parrot stopped quickly.

“Alright.” Twilight stepped forward. “Lead on Ferdinand.”

The eight ponies walked through the crowd of Pony Joe’s led on by the parrot. Ferdinand hopped from perch to perch, leading them through the crowd, through a door and up the stairs, until they reached on of the quieter corners of Pony Joes. This was the place where pirate captains went to strike deals, or get away from the crowds.

Ferdinand hopped onto the shoulder of a cloaked mare, who lifted a blue hoof to stroke the parrot.

“Oh no…” Twilight groaned. “It can’t be.”

Rainbow Dash gasped, and pulled the cloak off of the mare.

Princess Luna gasped, revealed to all.

“What are you doing here?” She whispered, putting her hood back up.

“Us?” Twilight ran forward. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be, you know, keeping the kingdom safe?”

“I was.” Luna blushed. “But I was… um… meeting somepony… and… I got distracted…”

“You’re dating a pirate?” Rainbow Dash asked. “So… awesome!”

“Dating?” Luna laughed nervously. “Where did you get that idea…” She looked around and her face fell. “’Tia told you didn’t she?”

“Oh this is so romantic!” Rarity clapped her hooves in delight. “When did you two first meet? How long have you been seeing each other?”

“Sorry Rarity, but we ain’t got time fer that right now.” Applejack told Rarity.

“We always have time for romance.” Rarity pouted.

“Ms. Princess.” Applejack tipped her hat to Luna. “We’re followin’ that there parrot, looking fer Fluttershy’s dad. You wouldn’t happen ta know where he is?”

Luna tapped her chin, then her eyes widened. “Oh! ‘Tia told me about this! You’re father’s Lord Stockholm, isn’t he?”

Fluttershy beamed. “Yes! Oh, is he all right? Please tell me he’s all right!”

“Aside from going mad from a lack of books, he’s fine.” Princess Luna assured her. “Captain Scaramouch and I are hiding him in our ship…”

“Scaramouch!?” Rarity gasped. “Oh my…”

“I will thank you not to comment on my romantic life Rarity.” Princess Luna blushed and slid out of her seat. “It’s this way.”

As they walked through Pony Joe’s to the pirate galleon, Spike noticed something. “Uh, Rainbow Dash, are you all right?”

Rainbow shook her head. She had bags under her eyes, and her ears were twitching wildly. “I’m fine. I just haven’t gone this long without a nap for years.”

“Maybe you should take it easy.” Spike suggested.

“Nah, I’ll be fine.” Rainbow Dash grinned. “Just wake me up if I start sleep-flying, ‘kay?”

Octavia heard them talking. “I’ll stay out here, and guard the ship.” She said.

“Nopony would dare attack the Iron Claw.” Luna boasted. “Especially in a neutral territory like Pony Joe’s.”

“Just the same I’ll stay out here.” Octavia said. “I could use some company though.” She asked politely, looking pointedly at both Spike and Rainbow Dash.

Spike caught on quickly, realizing that this was a perfect chance for Rainbow Dash to get a nap. “Oh, Rainbow Dash and I will stay and help you.”

"What?" Rainbow Dash, unaware of their plans, looked at the other two, confused.

“That is utterly unnecessary.” Princess Luna scoffed. “What could possibly threaten the Iron Claw?”


Flim and Flam were nursing their wounds and tending the bar, when the elevator doors slid open. A strongly built Pegasus walked through the doors. He was as dark as a stormcloud, with a yellow streak running through his blue mane. His left wing was replaced by a clockwork contraption, with the same odd design as their Super Cider Squeezy.

“Um… excuse me sir.” Flam put himself in front of the Pegasus. “Might I ask what you’re doing here?”

“The Chancellor sent me.” The Pegasus said.

Flam gulped. “Ah, yes, I’d assumed as much. So…”

“So you’re going to want to evacuate Pony Joe’s.”

Flam’s eyes widened, and he hurried over to Flim. “Come on Flim, we’re leaving.”

“What, because he said so?”

“Trust me on this. Everything within a certain distance of Thunder Crash is in permanent danger of being destroyed. And we’re much too close.”