• Published 5th Feb 2015
  • 288 Views, 5 Comments

Frost and the secret of the Rune ponys - Blue Robin

A secret journey of a young colt, to understand his past.

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Chapter 3 Market Panic

Chapter 3

Market Panic

The streets of Canterlot were full of life once more after the rain last night but even if the sun is out with a blaze of life. The city still had water from the rain with the sidewalk ways small water running in to the sewers and small puddle where colts and filly jumped up and down in them. The shop keeper had their shops open calling to the ponies of Canterlot to come buy their items. The city had life of young and old and of each pony race. Out of the entire pony’s there one did stand out he was a small earth pony colt with a brown color and a black mane and a small tip of brown on the top. The small colt had saddle bags old but still good to use it had patch around it were rips us to be and a dirt brown color. Around the colt neck was a Scarf a bright red color that seem to pop and bring most eyes to it. The young colt was no other then Frost himself. Frost was by a wall on the side Street looking at a poster.

Frost read the poster quietly it said “Wanted alive” a drawn picture of a small pony with a black clock all around the pony and under the picture said “The Thief of Canterlot reward is five hundred bits for the caught or information leading to the caught of the Thief.
Pixl had pop her head out a tiny bit to what was happening just a few stallion and mares walking by she face to see that Frost was looking at the poster and lost in thought. Pixl broken the silent “Frost snap out of it come on”.

The young colt keep looking at the poster “Five hundred bells really I sure I’m worth at less a thousand bells” the young colt told himself.
Pixl flow out and place her little hoof on each side of Frost face and look at him with a face of a mother would give to their young foal.
“What Wrong with you Pixl you seem to be in a bitter mood now” Frost said with a small devils smile.

“ Frost why are you saying look at me what how come I’ m not worth more bit’s, Frost you are a wanted pony you need to be careful at all-time” said Pixl.

A slow glow of light blue was around the Pixl as she was put back in to the bag Frost just shook his head.
“Listen Pixl I think we are ok walking in the streets as normal as the other pony’s do beside most of the pony’s thick the thief is a unicorn.

There no need to worry with the poster were fine for now as long as we don’t drawn attend to are self we are ok. Just stay calm ok” Frost said to Pixl.

The breeze nod and the two went on their way thought the city. As they made their way down the street young colts and filly were playing around some jump roping others played marbles and some skipping in the small puddles. Frost keep walking on soon after a few seconds his body stared to glow a light silver color Frost quick hide around a few boxes and barrels. Frost peek thought a small hole thought the wood boxes and could only see three filly’s playing with toys and a small unicorn with her face glue to a book. There seem to also be two colts fighting over a small objection that was round. Frost Know that his body was glow bright and the young colt stared to pain a little if a guard is around they might be trouble for him. After what flat like a hour for Frost the glowing around his body died down and the colt was back to just his normal self. “What was all that about” Frost said with a puzzled look on the colts face.
Frost took another peak and saw that the young filly’s and colts were the same way they were before but the one reading a book was gone Frost took pause for a second. The silence was broken when a sound from Frost stomach gave a loud and bubbling growl as to let him know that he had to eat soon.

“I think it time we got a move on now Pixl” said Frost Pixl knot and the two made their way to the market district of Canterlot.
Traders were showing off their stands with goods all over Equestria from rare Fruit like zap apples to rare gems like the fames Pink Diamond. For Frost he may be a thief but the young colt only steels what he needs Frost has little interest in high value items. Frost and Pixl made their way to a small ally way where there was little light and not too many small young ponies enter. Frost opened his ruck bags and pulled out his clock Frost also took out a small feather with a little bit of ink on it and a small note pad. Frost stared to write a small map of the area of the market with stands and building. The map had lines and arrows all off it and small little ponies with helmets and a small tiny pony with a small ball by it. Pixl watch as Frost drew the map out and was somewhat impress that he is able to do this things and yet she feels a bit sad as most young foals just had to ask their parents for the things they want but Frost had to steel it and it can sometimes end bad for the small colt.

“Finish” Frost said he them faced Pixl who was day dreaming. The small breeze was giving a blank face Frost smiled and placed his left hoof over his face and closed his eye. The breeze gave a quick jot and face Frost with a rather grump be look at him. “Frost Stop reading my mind I hate it when you do that” said Pixl.

Frost gave a quick chuckle “come on at least I got your attended come on lets go through the plan and you don’t need to worry I only use it to get other attractions Pixl. Ok this is how it works we need to hit these four stands I need to get two iron bars four junk ore and a book about medic plants and herbs o and some oranges from the cart right next to the book stand. We will need to keep to the top of the tents and building to keep out of sight from other ponies seeing us. Pixl I need you to help out I need you to distraction the trader and I will garb the item we need from the stand”. Pixl nod but was a little worry about the plan if they got caught.

“Umm Frost what happens if we get caught by a guard or another pony” Pixl said with a somewhat worry face.
Frost pointed to the map with triangles around them “Pixl if we do get alert by other ponies and the plan turns for the worst these places on the map will give us an escape route. The ally way we are in is one of them the next is the sewer hole by the book and juice stand the last is in the ally way by the tool shop we can get thought a small window to the closed up candy shop they shut down a few days ago. The smoke bombs I have will give us the cover we need to get one of the escape routes. Right it time to go to work Pixl let’s get to the roof of the buildings” Pixl Nod and where off to the roof tops.

Frost made his way to back of the ally were the walls close by each other and with a quick breath Frost body aura change to a light green color. Frost stared to jump from each wall with easy jump from left to right each time getting a little higher to the top and before long the colt had made it to the top. The colt struggle a little to lift himself from the side of the roof top his body had return to normal. The two made their way to the shop tents and gentle and quickly on the top. The two looked at each other and nod both knowing what to do. As the trader was calling out to other ponies to come shop at the stand the pony saw a light a glowing ball on the right side of the stand. To the left side Frost would hold his hoof out and the items he need it came to him just like a unicorn using telekinesis Frost had the able to but unlike unicorns when an item is lift their magic aura could be seen lifting it for Frost the item just lift with no color aura around it.

After Frost lift the item so it was out of sight Pixl made a flash light and made her way to the top of the tent and the trader just looked around to see what happen with a confused face and a scratched on the mane just continue on with his job. Frost and Pixl continue on with the plan they have made but with each item they stole the traders on the street stared to get a feeling that something is wrong. Frost had just almost finish garbing all the items he needed for the time being all that was left to get was the oranges and they could get back to their home.

“Pixl let’s get this last items and get back home my stomach is growling like a lion at the circles” said Frost Pixl giggled a little.

As they made their way from the roof top to the last stand for the day Frost was getting in to Posen as goes for Pixl. When the sales pony saw Pixl Glowing orb the pony merchant gave a scream and as the sale did Frost fell from the top of the tent and landed on top of the sealers fruit and smashed a great number of them. As Pixl flew to see if Frost was ok the sales pony had hoofed Pixl to the ground Frost look to see that his Friend had fall to the ground and was badly wound he saw bruise all over her body and the glow she gives was deemed. Frost watch in shock for that his friend had just been hurt Frost body stared to give a red orange glow of rage and fear at the same time.
The glow of the young colt gave other ponies a shock and soon after ponies from all over the market place were yelling about the Thief of Canterlot was here. Frost saw that the sales pony was about to steep on Pixl to end her life the young colt place his left hoof out and a blue ball of energy came out of it and in a spite second when the sales pony was about to fully steep on Pixl the pony stopped in its place the ponies all in the market place where in shock and some were in panic. The pony that was shot by the blue energy was just in the pose as it would look for steeping on something. Frost raced to Pixl Side and as he made it to her his body color change to a pink color as he buck the sales pony back to the wall the sales pony hit the wall hard as a small dust cloud formed around the pony the blue energy around the pony was gone and the pony was fast asleep from the blow the ponies in the market where in a panic now and the market to what was a place of business was now a mad house of fear. Frost place Pixl in his hoof and the young colt had a tear in his eye his body glow now gave a green color as the colt closed his eye he could feel a slime feel in the hoof Pixl was in the young colt opened his eye to see that his friend was in a ball of light green slime but as he look closer he saw that her wounds were going away slowly.

Frost gave a sign of relief that his friend was going to be ok but still wonder how or what did this was it Frost or Pixl. At that moment the Royal guards have shown up and surround the whole market place to calm ponies down and to find the Thief. It didn’t take the guards long to find the thief Frost look to see if there was a way out but all the ally escape routes have been block by Pegues guards however the Sewers lid opening was just a few feet away from Frost but there were unicorn guards in the way. It was now time for Frost to face them head on. Frost places the slime ball that Pixl was in his bag on top of the other items to make sure that she doesn’t get smash by the heavy items in his bags. The Royal guards stared to move closer to Frost one with a helmet of gold and silver spoke to Frost with other guards by his side.
“By the order of the Princess and the city of Canterlot you are under arrested we can do this the easy or hard way little one” Said the guard with an alert pose.

Frost just finish placing Pixl in the bag and faces the guards his body was shinnying with a dark pink aura around his body the colt was seen of black and pink mix. As Frost just stand in place two guards came to arrested Frost One was a black earth pony that was quite strong and the other a unicorn as most them white and with shiny gold armor shiny to the bright of days. As the Guards apposed the young colt the earth one was a side Frost and the other was making a magic pair of hoof chain to take him in. As the guard was about to place the chain around colt Frost slide under the earth pony knocking him to the ground and dash to the unicorn before the guard could react Frost place his front hoofs around the unicorn neck and smash the guard to the ground hard and made the guard fast asleep. The other Guard recovered and rush at Frost to tackle the colt Frost quick counter the big Stallion as the guard face Frost he stared to yell in pain as if his leg was broken. As Frost walk towards the other guards he putted out a few smoke pellets and throw them at the guards. The smoke pellets were shot by the unicorn’s magic and were gone in a puff.

“That trick won’t work this time little thief” said the guard with a gold and silver helmet as the unicorns ready there magic to take down the colt.

Frost focus and his body that was once pink had turned gray “Time break” Frost yelled and the world around him was gray and all life had stop in place the young colt made his way to the swear lid but Frost stared to feel a sight pain in his head like a headache.
Frost was able to lift the lid with both hoofs easy but his headache was getting worse as frost drop to the platform of the swear walk way Frost move the lid back in to place by using his telekinesis to move it in place. Frost was moving it and now was bleeding from his nose a little as he place the lid back on Frost mind had let go of the time that had stop and all the color had returned to life. Frost sat down for a few seconds the colt was breathing hard and was showed to be tired from the magic he uses.

“Whatever that was hurt a lot ow my head hurts I thick in the future I should not use that power to much.”
Frost places his right hoof over his chest to feel his heart. The heart beat was moving at a fast pace which can’t be good for a young pony like him as Frost place his hoof down he notes that there was blood on the floor. Frost watches it for a sec it had a bright red color to it but then a drop landed on the floor. “That my blood isn’t it” Frost looked around “of course it is I’m talking to myself.”
Frost check to see how Pixl was doing see was still in the green slime but a little more of her wounds have healed. Frost closed his bag and the young colt rested for a minute “I will just rest for a moment and then….”

Frost sat there for a little bit and soon was asleep