• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 641 Views, 80 Comments

Diaries of a Traitor part One: The Letter - Paradox Theory

All Equestria depends on one pony, whose father betrayed everypony.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Train Fight

"A weapon?" I said at last. "I'm holding a-" But my sentence was cut off by two turquoise hooves.

"Well tell the whole train, why don't you!" Aurora hissed, her voice dripping with venom.

Then something else comes from that sentence, "Why not turn me in then? Or steal the letter?"

Aurora studies me for a bit, "Because I want to know one thing."


"Why?" She whispered, "Why is there an assassin after the same letter?"

I sighed, "I don't know, but it's getting rather late, I'm gonna try and get some shut eye."

"Yeah, me too." Aurora agreed, putting her glasses away.

I suppose now would be a good time to describe her, as her hood was pulled back. She had turquoise fur, A beautiful mane with greens and yellows blending together like the northern lights, and brown colored eyes.

I suddenly realized that I was giving her more attention then I had intended.

Well, I guess I'll end the entry here for tonight.

A loud thud woke me.

I sat for a minute to let my eyes adjust, that, and I felt comfortable. I was being warmed by something leaning on me. And the weight of the thing felt nice.

Wait. . . what?!

I look down to see Aurora leaning against me and snoring.


Suddenly, the far door of the train burst open.

"There you are," The orange Pegasus said, "Today is your lucky day."

"Oh?" I asked in surprise.

"I'm not in a mood to fight," She replied, "Give me the letter, and I'll let you live."

I smiled, "You aren't a very good assassin, are you?"

"W-what?!" She gasped.

"Strike number two." I answered as I jumped up to the ceiling vent. As I did, a wave of metal hit the orange Pegasus.

"Strike three, you're out." Aurora said as the orange Pegasus tried to fight her way through the rubble.

Not wasting a moment I opened the Vent and slipped out.

Now was my time to leave those two behind.

Crouching low, I worked my way up the train when a loud thud occurred in front of me.

"Crud." I whispered, looking up at a pure white unicorn with pink eyes.

"I was told you had a letter?" He asked quietly.

I then noticed the wind was gone, we were in a magical field of some sort.

"You too huh?" Was all I could say.

He raised an eyebrow before a small orange blur flew right into him.

I quickly dropped to the train again as the stallion's spell snapped off.

Whoever those two were, they're gone now.

Shimmying my way up the train, I reached the coal cart.

Dropping out of the wind I let myself sigh.

I lost all of them, now all I had to do was wait a little at Ponyville before the train leaves for Canterlot.

"Swift!" Aurora shouted, barging into the train car, "Those two, they are coming back."

They don't know when to give up, do they? I sighed, "Do you trust me?" I asked her.

"Why?" She asked hesitantly.

"Because I have a plan, and I need your trust." I explained.

She looked to her hooves for a few minutes. "Yes." She whispered.

"Then hop on my back and hold tight." I told her, causing her to promptly blush. She got on silently.

I was glad she was not an earth pony, as I had never done this before, and I wasn't used to the extra weight.

Steeling my nerves, I took one last breath and jumped.

I heard Aurora gasp as we began to fall, only to have her gasp louder as my wings extended and carried us away from the train and towards the nearby forest.

What was it's name again?

Oh yeah, the Everfree.

Then it hit me like a stack of bricks. "No! Not there!" I shouted as I tried to turn. Unfortunately, all I could do was glide.

Then another thought hit me, why did I bring Aurora?

I didn't have long to think because the first tree in the Everfree introduced its self to my face.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, longer one tomorrow.

See you then.