• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 641 Views, 80 Comments

Diaries of a Traitor part One: The Letter - Paradox Theory

All Equestria depends on one pony, whose father betrayed everypony.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Wrath

"Plotting?" I asked in shock.

Blueblood nodded, "We've been hearing word that a group of rag tags was heading towards Canterlot to assassinate the Princess. It's a good thing I decided to patrol the Canterlot Caverns entrance."

Suddenly, part of the letter came back to me.

You must make sure Celestia is unreachable by any who are outcast. Of course, I mean my son. As for the 'device', it too will make you ascend,

Then, you may enact your revenge.

I looked up in surprise, "Guys, he's Wrath!"

Without missing a single beat, Second and I took to the air. Slate summoned a black shield, which pushed Blueblood's guards away. Aurora then teleported behind Blueblood to deliver a sweet kick to his stallion hood.

Every stallion in the group collectively winced in sympathy.

"Okay everyone, regroup at the main gate." I said, motioning Second to follow me.

Slate and Tourmaline took off in one direction while Aurora and Bright Blade went in another, all of us racing against time.

And for the second time that day, the mountain shook.

My turn next huh? Well, Aurora here.

Shortly after we split, I felt the mountain shake for the second time today. What is going on? I thought as I weaved through the city.

"Aurora, there's something I think I should've mentioned." Blade shouted from behind me.


"I smelled a lot of Changeling in those caves. I think they are waking." Blade informed me.

"Waking?!" I shouted. "Why?"

Blade looked at me, "To distract the locals."

At that moment, the city swarmed with Changelings.

Well, this story won't be leaving for ahwile.

I still can't believe how right Swift was. He was kind. Honest. Of all the things I noticed, only one thing did he get from his father.

His cunning.

But now, an attack of Changelings, here in Canterlot?! With Swift in the middle?

No. I won't have the injustice he's suffered continue, not while I know the truth. The honest truth.

Looking at the huge stallion next to me, I pondered a way to the catsle.

I knew Cardinal had something up his sleeve. And of course there's changelings. . . but the thing is, I have a hunch that this is just a distraction.

Looking to my left, I noticed Second looking for any signs of struggle.

"You see anything yet?" I yelled to her.

"No, but I know that they are coming. . . " Second yelled back.

"Well then, we best get to Celestia." I told her, turning my wings to make me swoop low to the ground.

Bracing for impact, I landed on the street. Ahead of me was the castle gates. Taking of at a full gallop, I ran to the guards.

"Halt citizen. You must have an appointment to see the Princess." One of the guards said.

"How about you go tell her the son of the infamous Cardinal is here." I replied in a snarky tone.

"S-swift?!" A guard stammered. "Why do you want to see the Princess?"

"To tell her why these Changelings," As I spoke, a changeling hit the ground next to us, "Are attacking."

Looking at each other, the guards stepped aside. "Then hurry."

Without a moment's pause, Me and Second ran inside the castle.

Blasted changelings. . . filthy creatures. They were everywhere.

As I ran, I remembered the first time I interacted with these creatures. . .shortly after her death.

I was told that the Changelings had pledged allegiance to a new king. I had always wondered who.

Now, it makes too much sense.

Looking to the mare next to me, I had an idea.

"Aurora!" I barked at her.


"Your magic, is it strong enough to teleport?" I asked her, even though I hated magic.

"Yes, but not many ponies or very far." Aurora replied.

I nodded, "Then go, teleport to the castle."

"Why?" Aurora asked.

"Because, I have a special changeling that I need to repay a debt to."

Aurora could only gape.

"GO!" I yelled.

Without a moments hesitation, Aurora teleported. And I was alone, the horde coming for me.

"Now where are you. . . Chameleon?"

I did not ask for this.

That letter had an artifact of black magic. And I wanted it destroyed.

Now I'm running through the capital of Equestria with a reporter from a horde of changelings. . . led by a stallion thought to be dead.

What is really going on? And why am I still here?!

"Hey Slate, do you have any ideas to get us out of here?" Tourmaline asked me.

I pondered for a moment. "This may hurt a little, but I don't have a choice." I replied.

I then turned to face her, "I have to teleport using dark magic. And it will honestly hurt."

Tourmaline gave me a look of determination, "Do it."

Without a moments hesitation, I cast the spell, and everything fell silent.

Many things happened at once.

First, Second Sun and I burst into the throne room. Then a bright flash revealed Aurora. A second flash gave up Tourmaline and Blank Slate.

"Aurora, where is Bright Blade?" I asked, forgetting the fact a princess was watching.

"I don't know." Aurora admitted.

"Now that we have that out of the way, may I ask what brought you here?" Princess Celestia asked, walking towards our group.

I approached her and bowed, "I am Swift Justice, son of Cardinal Justice, and I have brought something of great importance for you." I then motioned to Aurora to give the letter to Celestia.

The Princess took the letter, read it, then sighed. "So his plan worked."

Author's Note:

FINALLY! This next chapter is out.

And now we'll get some more backstory from the princess, Blueballs, I mean Blueblood will be found out, and this first book is nearly at the end.

Get ready for the second installment: Diaries of a Traitor Part 2: The World of War.