• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 643 Views, 80 Comments

Diaries of a Traitor part One: The Letter - Paradox Theory

All Equestria depends on one pony, whose father betrayed everypony.

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Reporter

So, after talking to Bright Blade the bounty hunter, we decided to head north to the mountain which Canterlot sits on. We'd walk, of course. We couldn't risk being tracked.

But something was still bothering me. Something about the letter. . . . I feel like I've seen it before. . . . .

But, maybe I'm just paranoid, I mean. . .. how would anyone know I'm holding this letter? . . . Except them.

Although. . . . . I still feel like something is missing. . . .something big.

I'll end my dairy here, pick it up tomorrow.

Our morning was quiet, very quiet. We had to wait for Second Sun, who took off earlier today. As soon as we got back, Twilight and her friends escorted us to the edge of town.

However, we had a backup plan.

In Twilight's pouch, a fake letter sat. We hoped that if anypony else was tracking us, they would follow Twilight on the train.

What we hadn't realized though. . . . was that one pony wasn't fooled.

"The path is just ahead!" Second said, flying ahead of us as we entered Whitetail woods. This northern forest was a bit quieter then it's sister the Everfree. It was also brighter as well.

We followed her in haste, hoping that nopony would follow.

As we scrambled over roots to keep up with Sun, I noticed a small, insignificant flash of light from my right.

Keeping my caution, I continued onward.

"Of all of the paths, why this one?" grumbles Slate as he tries his hardest to duck under the tree limbs.

Oh, I guess I never described Blank Slate's size. He is huge, think 2-3 times bigger then a normal pony. I think there's a pony his size in Appaloosa. . . . Troubleshoes? I don't know.

So, while we had no trouble navigating the forest, Blank Slate kept tripping over everything and hitting every branch.

"Cheer up Slate," Aurora chimed, "We'll only be here for a few hours and then we'll be climbing Canterlot Mountain!"

"Oh, joy." Slate replied sarcastically.

Suddenly, a twig snapped.

Without missing a beat, Blank Slate summoned a black energy shield around us. Second got her wingblades ready, Aurora's horn flared.

Bright Blade pulled out his crossbow, aiming it towards the sound.

I then called out, "Who ever you are, show yourself!"

From the trees in front of me, a disappointed looking earth pony appeared.

Her coat was emerald green, but her mane was grey. She looked to be twice as old as me.

"What is your name?" Slate asked.

"Tourmaline." She said, straightening up.

"Why are you following us?" I asked.

She chuckled, "Your exploits aren't exactly quiet. First, a royal carrier is found dead. Then, a fight breaks out in Ponyville, and in the middle of it is the traitor's son."

"I don't claim him. He wasn't any father of mine the moment he shed innocent blood." I replied. "And I would like it if you didn't tell anypony."

Tourmaline smirked, "So I can't do my job? The very job that I've been on for. . . oh. . . . 18 years?"

I paused, what could she mean?

"What does my father have to do with my mission?" I demanded.

Tourmaline shook her head, "If you had payed attention to the rumors, you would have heard that he may still be alive."

"That still doesn't explain why he would be involved now." I countered.

"Do you even know what's happening down in Zebrica?" Tourmaline asked, "They have been plotting war for. ..oh wouldn't you know it? 18 years!"

I was starting to grow weak, i knew where she was going with this,

"I wonder if that letter has a different agenda, if someone is waiting for it to come to him?" Tourmaline continued.

"You're a reporter." I said, finally finding my voice. "I hate your kind. Your kind ruined my life. Spreading rumors that I'd actually followed my fathers ways."

Tourmaline shook her head, "Not rumors, observations. We look at what could b-"

"BULLSHIT!" I hollered. "If you really did that, then you wouldn't have said that I was like my father! You would have mentioned that I haven't really done anything bad! YOU ARE ALL LIARS THAT CANT SEE GOOD IN ANYPONY!"

"My," Tourmaline chuckled, "I had my doubts, but you at least have your father's fire."

I couldn't let her get to me, I couldn't give her fuel.

"Listen Swift, all I want is that letter, for only a moment. Then we can go on our separate paths." Tourmaline asked, starting to step forward.

"No, this letter is on a one way trip to the Princess. I am going to make sure it gets there."

Tourmaline hummed to herself. "Then how about I accompany you, and if you do what it is that you plan on doing, I tell only the truth?"

I thought about this for a moment. . . . if this letter truly needs to go to the princess. . . . yes, having a reporter to tell the world I am not a traitor would be good.

"On one condition, you only tell the world after I meet with the princess."

"Deal." Tourmaline said.

After an hour or so the forest cleared, and we found ourselves on a long abandoned pathway going up the mountain.

"We'll stop here, then make our way up the mountain tomorrow." I told the rest of the group.

We all settled into our own tents, each one telling stories of their travels.

"And that's how I found the letter." Aurora finished.

Slate looked at me. "So, how did you come across the guard?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Well, I had just got done gambling. As I had next to no money, then I heard a shout and a clang. Found him dying in the alley. . ." I paused and looked around. "Where's Second Sun?"

Everypony looked around to see that the young assassin was gone.

"Master, the Assassin is here to give her report." A shady pony with a big cloak announced, talking to a pony sitting on a throne.

"Good, send her in."

Second Sun walked into the chamber, slightly shaking in the presence of the one on the throne.

"The Letter is at the bottom of the mountain, it will be here by tomorrow." Second explained.

The pony smiled. "After 18 long years, I will finally achieve all I have planned for. After 18 years, I will finally face the Sun."

He stood up and stepped into the moonlight. His silver grey coat shimmered. "After 18 years, I will face my son."

He laughed as his horn lit up, lighting the room with it.

"After 18 years, the Alicorn of Knowledge will rise!"

Author's Note:

Finally, this chapter is done.

Blank Slate is property of Remmy4warlord.
Bright Blade, Second Sun, Aurora Sky, and Tourmaline are the property of Wish I Was There.

All other caracters mentioned are my own.

And yes, Swift's father is indeed an Alicorn.

HOW?! You ask, well, that's the next chapter.