• Published 17th Feb 2015
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Turnabout Bully - Paradox Theory

When Applebloom is accused of murder, it's up to Rarity to clear her name!

  • ...

Day Two: Trial

April 3rd. 12:30 PM
Ponyville Courthouse, Courtroom 2

The courtroom was abuzz in conversation.

*SMACK* Went the judge's gavel.

"We are here to resume the case of Applebloom." The Doctor announced, "I believe both sides have found new things to show in court today, so, Prosecution, do you have anything to say?"

"Yes your Honor." Shining nodded, "I have humored the defense, but I have two witnesses today who will clear up any and all doubts. The fur does indeed belong to Silver Spoon, but we will know what happened soon enough."

The Doctor nodded, "You may call your first witness."

"I call the security guard of the Rich Manor." Shining announced.

"Hello everypony." said a white pony with a blue mane.

Shining slammed his hoof on the desk in front of him. "Name and Occupation."

"Gatewatch. I'm the security guard at the gate." He replied.

"And do you know why your here?" Shining asked.

"No." Gatewatch said quietly.

The Doctor spoke up, "You are here to testify to the court about whether or not Silver Spoon visited on the day of the murder."

"Then I suppose I shall start." Gatewatch replied.


--Watching the Gate--

"It was a quiet day, Diamond and her Father left early."

"The Butler left some time later, to get cleaning supplies, I assume."

"Then Diamond returned from school around 3 PM."

"I don't recall if anypony else visited after words though."

"Then you know the rest."


"Well, " The Doctor said, "It seems that Silver Spoon wasn't there."

"Your honor? If I may present my theory as to why?" Shining asked.

The Doctor nodded, "Of course."

"What happened was this: Silver Spoon had gone home with Diamond. The got into an argument hours later, resulting in Diamond pushing Silver out of the window. By that time, Applebloom showed up and killed Diamond."

Rarity looked at Shining in shock.

"Well, that clears a few things up." The Doctor said in surprise, "Miss Rarity, will you cross examine the witness?"

Rarity slammed her hooves on the desk in front of her. "I will your Honor!"


--Watching the Gate--

"It was a quiet day, Diamond and her Father left early."

"What time?" asked Rarity.

"9:00 I'd assume, that's when they usually leave." Gatewatch explained.

"Usually?" Rarity asked.

"That is irrelevant!' Shining objected.

The Doctor nodded. "Sustained."

"The Butler left some time later, to get cleaning supplies, I assume."

"So is the butler the only other worker there?" Rarity asked.

"Filthy doesn't trust very many ponies." Gatewatch stated. "I was the only employee besides the butler."

Rarity nodded, "Continue."

"Then Diamond returned from school around 3 PM."

"Was anypony with her?" Rarity asked.

Gatewach paused, "Yeah, one of her friends I think."

Rarity slammed her hooves down on the table, "Could you describe her?"

"How does this relate to the crime?" Shining asked. The whole courtroom sat in silence as he realized what he just did.

"Shining," The Doctor said with a glare, "Do that again and I will penalize you."

Shining gave a small jump while his guard helmet flipped up.

Gatewatch scratched his chin. "Don't recall."

Rarity sighed as she nodded, "Continue then."

"I don't recall if anypony else visited after words though."

"You don't remember if anypony else showed up?" Rarity asked.

Gatewatch scratched his chin, "I don't."

"Are you sure that nopony had entered afterwords?"

"Absolutely." He said.

"What did I do?" Gatewatch demanded.

"It's more like what you didn't do, your job." Rarity accused.

"ORDER! ORDER!" The Doctor shouted, banging his gavel to calm the jury. "Miss Rarity, what is the meaning of this?"

"You see your honor, according to this security card record, somepony used a card a 8:35. Clearly a contradiction!" Rarity explained.

Gatewatch yelled as he looked up.

Rarity slammed her hooves on her desk again, "Why don't you remember this?"

"I was asleep." He mumbled.

"What?!" Shining gasped.

"I fell asleep on the job. Seeing as I'm the only guard." Gatewatch explained, "I basically live there at my post."

"So you didn't see Applebloom enter the manor because you had fallen asleep?" Rarity asked.

"HEY! It's not my fault someone drugged my lunch!"

The courtroom fell silent.

"Oh. . . " Gatewatch sighed.

"Your Honor, I'm done with him." Rarity said after a short pause.

The Doctor stared at Gatewatch stunned. "Are you sure?"

Rarity nodded, "Yes your honor."

The Doctor nodded. "Then Gatewatch is free to go."

Gatewatch gives a curt nod before leaving.

"However Rarity, we still have no idea who really did it." The Doctor reminded her.

"Then may we have Silver Spoon testify?" Rarity asked.

"Are you ready to face what will happen if there is no change?" Shining asked.

The Doctor nodded, "Unless there is a significant amount of evidence proving that the defendant may be innocent, I will have no choice but to find her guilty."

Rarity nods in response. "I understand, Your Honor."

"Then the prosecution may call out their next witness." The Doctor said.

"I call Silver Spoon to the stand." Shining announced.

A small grey filly with silver hair and glasses walked up to the stand. However, it was too tall for her.

"Bailiff, can you get some boxes for her?" The Doctor asked.

The Bailiff nods before running out of the courtroom, not even five minutes later, he came back. "Here you go." He told Silver as he placed the boxes behind the stand.

Silver Spoon looked around the courtroom before seeing Rarity. "You!" She hissed.

Rarity arched an eyebrow, "What?"

"Do you know what you've done to my life? Everypony at school thinks I've done it! They look at me like I'm going to kill them next!" Silver practically screamed.

"Order!" The Doctor barked as he slammed his gavel.

With a saddened voice, Rarity answered, "I didn't mean for it to happen. I'm just trying to understand what happened. Please tell us the truth, we'll believe you."

Silver stared at Rarity quietly.

But Shining wasn't about to be left behind. "Witness, name and occupation!" He said with slamming his hooves.

Silver jumped.

"Prosecution, please be more careful, this is only a filly after all." The Doctor warned.

"Yes, your honor" Shining sighed.

"My name is Silver Spoon, and I'm still in school." Silver answered.

"Miss Spoon, can you please tell us what you did on the day of the murder?" The Doctor asked.

Silver nodded, "If it gets me ff the hook."


--What I was Doing--

Well, I went to school, like I do every day.

After school got out, I went to Diamonds home with Diamond Tiara.

A few hours later, I went to run an errand.

Then I got back, and found DT . . . . I found her. . .

In a daze, I ran in a random direction.

Bye the time I stopped running, police had swarmed Diamonds home.


The Doctor had tears in his eyes, "Oh you poor filly! No need to worry! It's over now."

"Ahem" Rarity cleared her throat.

"Oh! Right," The Doctor sat up in realization, "Will you cross examine her?"

"Yes, Your Honor." Rarity replied.

"I must warn you, she is a filly, don't press her too hard!" The Doctor warned.

Fillies, the kryptonite of attorneys. Rarity thought gloomily to herself.


--What I was Doing--

Well, I went to school, like I do every day.

"You claim to have good attendance?" Rarity asked.

"What does that mean?" Silver asked back.

"It means: Have you ever missed school?" Rarity explained.

Silver thought for a moment, "No, unlike what most ponies thought, I had good attendance."

Could you add what you just said to testimony?" Rarity asked.

"How is this relevant?" Shining asked.

"Uh. . ." Rarity paused.

The Doctor nodded, "Objection Sustained!"

After school got out, I went to Diamonds home with Diamond Tiara.

"Could you tell me what time it was?" Rarity asked.

"If School get's out at the same time everyday, then it was shortly before 3:00." Silver answered.

What a smart filly. . . Rarity thought. "So you fillies got there at 3:00 then?"

"I believe so." Silver said.

"Continue." Rarity said.

A few hours later, I went to run an errand.

"What was the errand?" Rarity asked.

"This is irrelevant! You Honor! Stop this line of questioning." Shining demanded.

"Your Honor! Please! This is important!"

"Hmm. . . " The Doctor hummed in thought, "If you can prove it has relevance to this case, I will allow you to continue."

"Well?" Shining asked, "How is it relevant?"

Suddenly, Rarity had an idea, "Because she visited the defendant!"

Silver jumped and her glasses fell off as the jury burst into conversation.

"Order!" The Doctor yelled, "Rarity, con you prove that she went to see the defendant?"

Rarity nodded. "I can."

"Then prove it." Shining demanded.

Rarity revealed a note. "Applebloom came to the crime scene on behalf of this note. Only now do I understand it's importance."

Silvers eyes grew wide.

"What does this note say?" Shining asked the question on everypony's mind.

Rarity opened the note and cleared her throat to read, "'Rich Manor, 9:00 sharp, don't be late. S."'

"That could be anypony!" Shining countered.

The Doctor nodded, "Miss Rarity, unless you have proof that Silver wrote the note, I'm afraid I must stop this questioning."

Rarity started thinking, "Silver?"

"Yes?" Silver replied.

"Did you write on Cheerilee's testimony?" Rarity asked.

"Yes." Silver replied simply.

"Your honor, could we have somepony examine this note and Silver's writing on the testimony?" Rarity asked.

"Hmm." The Doctor hummed, "I will allow it. Bailiff!"

The Bailiff retrieved the note and testimony, after a minute, he looked up. "We have a match, this note was written by Silver Spoon." He announced.

Rarity turned back to Silver. "Why?"

", , , " Silver was quiet.

"It could save an innocent pony's life!"

"Because I was tired of being a bully." Silver said at last, "I wanted to show her father what she had been doing. Shining was right, we had a fight. Diamond told me that she'd tell her father that I was helping her. But I didn't care. I wanted to stop. I would accept my punishment. As long as I stopped ruining ponies lives."

The whole court was in awe. But Silver wasn't finished, "But I wasn't pushed. I jumped out of the window."

Rarity slammed her hooves down. "You have to tell us if you saw anypony else on the crime scene!"

"The Butler. He was the one who fed the guard lunch." Silver explained.

"Lies!" Somepony shouted from the stand.

"Order!" The Doctor said while banging the gavel, "Are you telling me that the Butler did it?"

"He is the only one that could've. Diamond was dead before I got back from Applebloom's." Silver pleaded.

"When did you get back?" Rarity asked.

"8:45. Applebloom might have gotten there fifteen minutes after me."

"It also explains why the gate was open when Applebloom got there and how the food was drugged." Rarity offered.


"I demand proof that the Butler really could have done it. He's old and frail." Shining yelled, causing the court to become an uproar.

"ORDER IN THE COURT!" The Doctor yelled. "It seems we have more details of that night. But Armor is right. The Butler is old and frail, how could he have done it?"

"Don't forget that there were no prints on the floor or the weapon!" Shining reminded The Doctor.

"That's right!" The Doctor exclaimed. "How do you explain this Rarity?"

"I-i can't." Rarity sighed, letting her head fall to the desk.

"Then I find the defendant, Apple Bloom," The Doctor said, raising his gavel.

Everypony looked in shock at Silver Spoon, "You can't do it!" She pleaded. "I know the Butler is responsible!"

The Doctor's eye's went wide, "You do?"

"Yes," Silver answered, "Could I testify again?" She asked.

The Doctor closed his eyes in thought,

"Your Honor! She may know something that can tip the scales!" Rarity pleaded.

The Doctor's eyes opened, "I will allow her to testify again, if nothing changes, I will hand down my verdict on the spot. Prosecution, objections?"

"None, your honor." Shining answered.

"Then the witness will tell us why she thinks the Butler is responsible!" The Doctor said as he slammed his gavel down.


The Butlers Habits

"Only the four of us have a card."

"And the Butler's the one in charge of everypony's meals."

"I hadn't seen him all day."

"And what was odd was that the gate was opened when I returned to the Manor."

"I thought there was another contradiction. . . . But I can't remember it now."


The Doctor simply stared. "The Butler was missing?"

"Yeah, I don't know why." Silver replied.

"Your Honor, ma I cross-examine her one last time?" Rarity asked.

"If I wasn't going to let you, I wouldn't of let her testify." The Doctor responded.


The Butlers Habits

"Only the four of us have a card."

"Do you have yours?" Rarity asked.

"No, I lost mine that day." Silver frowned.

"Do you remember it's number?" Rarity asked, "Could you recite it?"

"It was. . . one-one-four-seven-eight-nine-two-three." Silver recited.

Rarity thought for a moment. Suddenly, she looked up.

"What is it Rarity?" Shining asked.

"Silver, are you sure you got back when you said you did?" Rarity asked.

"Yes." Silver said.

"Then why was your card used 10 minutes before you got back?!" Rarity asked.

Silver's eyes grew wide.

"Order!" The Doctor told the Jury. "Seeing as Miss Silver claimed to have lost her card, and somehow somepony used it while she was ten minutes away. I wish for the Butler to come explain this."

"Your Honor, may I finish this Cross Examination first?"

"Of course."

"And the Butler's the one in charge of everypony's meals."

"Continue." Rarity said.

"I hadn't seen him all day."

"And you have no clue as to where he might have been?" Rarity asked.

"None." Silver replied.

"And what was odd was that the gate was opened when I returned to the Manor."

"I think I know why." Rarity said. "But we've already figured this out. Continue."

"I thought there was another contradiction. . . . But I can't remember it now."

"Silver, I have to know what was wrong." Rarity said.

"I don't know why, but. . ." Silver hesitated.

"Please Silver."

"But that candelabra was still sitting on its stand when I returned." She said.

"What?!" Rarity gasped.

"It didn't kill her." Silver reaffirmed.

The Doctor banged his gavel. "ORDER!" He yelled, "Ms. Spoon. what could have killed her?"

"I don't know. But it wasn't the candelabra."

"Your Honor. I think I know what could have killed her." Rarity exclaimed.

"Yes?" The Doctor asked in anticipation.

"If the Butler hit her hard enough, her could have killed her with his hoof." Rarity explained.

"Order!" The Doctor yelled again.

"Your Honor, the Defense casts suspicion on the Butler!" Rarity said.

"On what grounds?" Shining demanded.

"On the grounds of him being the last one on the scene." Rarity replied. "Unless you could think of another pony who could've stolen Silvers card?"

"I don't have any guess."

The Doctor closed his eyes in thought.

"Shining, could you go get the Butler?" The Doctor asked.

"Your Honor, we have to locate him. He's been missing for two days." Shining explained. "If we could resume this tomorrow, I'm sure he can explain things."

The Doctor nodded, "Then I shall adjourn court for the time being, Shining will locate the Butler. And then we can finally resolve this." He then smacked his gavel. "Court is Adjourned."

Author's Note:

Rarity's Records:

Rarity: Resident of Ponyville, now is Applebloom's attorney.
Applejack: Good friend of Rarity and Applebloom's older sister.
Applebloom: A yellow earth pony filly, accused of murdering Diamond.
Diamond Tiara: Heir to the Rich Family Fortune. The Victim.
Twilight Sparkle: Equestria's newest Princess. Former Student of Celestia.
Silver Wing: A Detective, and the head of the investigation on this case.
Pinkie Pie: Another one of Rarity's friends.
Filthy Rich: The father of Diamond, and a witness.
The Doctor: A resident of Ponyville, the Judge for the current case.
Silver Spoon: Diamond Tiara's best friend.
Cheerilee: The school teacher of Applebloom and Diamond Tiara.
Dinky Doo: A classmate of Diamond and Applebloom

Attorney's Badge: With this, Rarity can defend anypony as a defense attorney.
Autopsy report: Victim died at 8:45 sharp due to blunt trauma.
Candelabra: The Murder Weapon.
Note: A note for Applebloom, uncertain who wrote it.
Silver-grey fur: Found at the crime scene near a broken window. Update: May belomg to Silver Spoon.
Broken Glass shards: Remains of a Window near the Crime Scene. Update: May have been broken by Silver Spoon.
Cheerilee's Testimony: Her and the schoolkids reports on Diamonds behavior.
Card Records: A record that showed the time each card was used. One card was used at 8:35.