• Published 17th Feb 2015
  • 1,603 Views, 28 Comments

Turnabout Bully - Paradox Theory

When Applebloom is accused of murder, it's up to Rarity to clear her name!

  • ...

Day 3: The Final Testimony

Author's Note:

OKay guys, last day. Before you read this chapter, go back and reread the last chapter. I did some last minute edits.

Silver Wing found the Butler in Appeloosa. He was brought back to the court house to testify.
Rarity and Applejack prepare to take on the Butler as he testifies about his involvement.

"Court is back in session for the trial of Miss Applebloom. Prosecution, opening statement?" The Doctor asked.

"We have the Butler here to speak on the matter concerning his whereabouts on the day of the murder. If nothing new is found, then I think we all know what will happen next." Shining stated.

"Well then, you may bring out this witness." The Doctor said.

With a nod of his head, Shining motioned forward an older looking pony.

When the pony took the stand, Rarity was able to finally put a face to the Butler. He had grey hair on a blue body. A scowl was printed on his face.

"Witness, name and occupation." Shining asked.

"Randall. The Butler for Mr. Rich and his daughter." Randall said.

"Randall, will you please testify to what you were doing the day of the murder?" The Doctor asked.

"Of course." Randall replied.


--The Day of the Murder--

"It started with My master and his daughter leaving early.

"I left some time later. To pick up some food."

"Upon returning to the manor I fed the guard, then went out back to garden."

"As soon as I was done, I went inside to shower, then I heard a scream and saw the body."

"If it isn't obvious, this was a waste of time."


"well," The Doctor commented. "It seems he has a pretty tight alibi."

Rarity slammed her desk with her hooves. "I still wish to cross examine him!"

"Rarity, I feel I must warn you," The Doctor warned, "If you do not find anything new that could clear her name, I will find Applebloom guilty."

Rarity nodded, "I understand."


--The Day of the Murder--

"It started with My master and his daughter leaving early.

"Could you tell me if you knew where Filthy went?" Rarity asked.

"How is this of relevance to the case?" Shining asked.

"I-it. . . it. . . uh. . . " Rarity stammered.

"As I thought." Shining said with a smirk. "Continue."

"I left some time later. To pick up some food."

"When did you get back?" Rarity asked.

"10:30." Randall answered curtly.

Rarity fell silent as she tried to find any contradiction. with a sigh, she nodded for Randall to continue.

Everypony looked at the defense table as AJ slammed her own two hooves on the desk. "Rarity! I saw a. . . a. . . Contrdoohickey!"

Rarity glanced at Aj who held up the card list. As soon as Rarity read it she smiled. Turning to Randall she asked, "Then why is there no record of a card being used between 10:30 and 9:00?"

Instead of freaking out, Randall chuckled. "Filthy was right in his testimony, he left the gate pen, so I didn't need to use a card."

Both Rarity and AJ flinched.

The Doctor glared at them, "If you waste our time again, I will hand down my verdict on the spot."

"I understand." Rarity sighed.

"Upon returning to the manor I fed the guard, then went out back to garden."

"Do you have a grocery list to confirm you bought food?" Rarity asked.

"Right here." Randall said as he lifted the list above his head.

"May I read it?" Rarity asked.

"Go ahead." The Butler said.

Ponyville General Store.
April 1st 10:20 A. M.

Oats - 3 bits per pound. 2 lbs.
Ground Castor Beans. 2. 1 bit.
Lettuce. 2 bits.
Cucumbers. 3 bits.
Rosemary Wine. 10 bits.

"Randall, what is a Castor Bean?" Rarity asked.

"It's just something I use to spice up a few drinks." Randall said.

Rarity was quiet a moment longer. "Can you reapeat your statement?"

Randall nodded.

"Upon returning to the manor I fed the guard, then went out back to garden."

"So you're saying you were at the opposite side of the house the whole time?" Rarity asked.


"But, you had to have seen something!" Rarity exclaimed.

Both Shining and Randall snickered.

"As soon as I was done, I went inside to shower, then I heard a scream and saw the body."

"Where were you when you heard the scream?" Rarity asked.

Randall paused for a moment, "I suppose the scream occurred as I entered the building." Randall answered.

"I'm afraid that's impossible!" Rarity said with a smirk.

"Oh?" Randall asked.

"You see, if what you said is true, then you would have been at the opposite side of the building, and Rich Manor is quite large." Rarity explained.

"And it's impossible because?"

Rarity slammed her hooves down, "How could you hear one small scream from across that house?!"

Randall jumped and his eyes widened. "So then what?!"

Rarity smirked, "Then you were on the crime scene!"

"But the Detective has already confirmed that it was only the three fillies and Mr. Rich on the scene of the crime!" Shining rebutted.

"But that has been bothering me," Rarity said, "Why pay attention to hoofprints that's everywhere in that house, yet not mention the Butlers hoofprints?"

Shining flinched.

"The only explanation why his prints aren't there is because he cleaned the crime scene!" Rarity exclaimed.

Randall's blue face had turned red. "Okay then, say I did it, where's the motive? What would I gain from killing my bosses daughter?"

Rarity fell silent in thought.

"Psst! Rarity!" Applejack whispered.

"What?" Rarity whispered back.

"Read the testimony from Cheerilee and her school-kids!" Applejack said.

Rarity did, and she smiled. "You want a motive?" She asked Randall.

"Yes." Randall said.

"According to this testimony, not only was Diamond a bully, but she mistreated you. Not only embarrassing you, but making you do things that were painful to an old stallion such as yourself. You killed her in anger for the things she's done. In short, revenge!"

The whole courtroom burst into excited chatter!

"ORDER!" The Doctor yelled, slamming his gavel. "Although I had doubts, this seems to make perfect sense!"

Rarity nodded, "Because the guard was drugged, and Silver was delivering a letter to Applebloom, He was the only pony who could have done it!"

"It also explains why he was found all the way in Appaloosa!" The Doctor announced.

"You're forgetting one thing!" Randall said, trying to calm down.

"And that is?" Rarity asked.

"Do you have proof the guard was drugged? Because if you don't, then it could have been him!" Randall explained.

Rarity's mouth opened and closed, but no words came forth.

"I'm afraid he is right, without any proof as to if the guard was drugged, I'm afraid I'm ready to hand down my verdict." The Doctor explained.

Rarity's head fell to the desk. She had nothing.

Shining smirked as he said, "I have no Objections, Your Honor."

The Doctor nodded, "Then I find the defendant, Miss Applebloom. . . ."

Rarity raised her head in surprise, Shining had a scowl and Randall began to sweat. But two orange hooves were planted firmly on the Defense's bench.

"Yall want proof? Well, we're in luck, because Randall himself supplied it!" Applejack explained.

"Miss Applejack, please explain what you mean." The Doctor instructed.

"Ya see, them castor beans has been bothering me, but I remember what they are now. and they ain't no spice!"

The Doctor's eyes widened, "Then what are they?" He asked.

"They are a special plant that can render anypony unconscious." Applejack explained.

"But how do you know I put them in his drink?" Randall asked.

Applejack smirked, "Again, you told us." She said. "You said, "I use it to spice up a few drinks." and that means that ya would've slipped some into Gatewatch's drink."

Randall threw his head back and screamed, the court burst into excited chatter, Rarity gave Applejack the biggest smile she could muster. Shining's jaw was on the floor, and the Doctor was banging his gavel.

"Alright now," The Doctor said as the crowd calmed down, "Thanks to that piece of information, I believe there is no more room for debate."

"I have no objections your honor." Rarity said, still smiling.

"I don't have anything else to say," Shining sighed.

The Doctor nodded, "Then I find the defendant, Applebloom. . ."


"Randall will be taken away for further questioning. court is adjourned!"

April 4th, 2:30 PM
Defendant's Lobby, Ponyville Court House

Applebloom ran up to Rarity and hugged her. "Thank ya so much. . " She whispered.

Putting a hoof on Applebloom's shoulder, Rarity said, "Thank you, but I'm not the one who saved you in the end."

"Huh?" Both AJ and Applebloom said.

"There's two more ponies who deserver your thanks," Rarity explained.

"Who?" Applebloom asked.

"Well, one used to bully you, and the other loves you dearly." Rarity answered with a smirk.

"Oh shoot, I suppose you're right, Rarity." Applejack said, getting the hint.

Applebloom hugged her sister, "Thank you."

Applejack smiled down at her, "Tha's what family is fer."

"Excuse me?" Said a new voice.

The trio turned to face Silver Spoon.

"And what do ya want?" Applebloom asked with a growl.

"I-I know we haven't been on the best of terms." Silver said, to which Applebloom scoffed, "But I wanted you to know that I won't bother you or the other crusaders anymore, and that I'm sorry for bullying you in the past."

Applebloom averted her gaze from Silver, who looked down at her hooves.

"I hope we can be friends some day." She said as she went to turn away. But a blue magic caught her.

"Applebloom," Rarity said, "If Silver hadn't objected yesterday, you would've been found guilty, she saved you."

Applebloom looked towards Silver, who was still looking at her hooves.

"Ya'll are really sorry?" She asked.

Silver nodded.

Then, Applebloom smiled, "Ah think you've already made up for th' teasing." She said.

Silver looked up in time for Applebloom to hug her.

"Apology accepted friend!" Applebloom said. After a moment, Silver hugged her back.

Soon, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash showed up and chattered about the recent events.

Suddenly Pinkie gasped, "! know what this calls for!"

"A party!" the group shouted.

As the ponies bagan to leave, Applebloom looked back at Silver. "Aren't you coming?"

"Me?" Silver asked.

"Yeah you, silly, how else are we gonna tell the crusaders that we have a new honorary member?"

Silver's jaw dropped in surprise, before her lips curved in a smile.

Together, the new friends headed towards Twilgiht's castle, a new adventure waiting for them.

And for the first time in three days, Ponyville was quiet.

The End

Stay tuned for the Epilouge!