• Published 5th Mar 2015
  • 1,343 Views, 26 Comments

Canterlot High School Tales - A Secret Friendship - UnknownCutieMarkCrusader

Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle have formed a very strong secret friendship, but as they enter high school can they keep their friendship a secret as well as keep their other friends?

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Before the storm

“Say that again, I dare you!” Scootaloo yelled her face turning red.

“I said your three are the lamest girls in all of Canterlot High,” Diamond Tiara said smiling rather sinisterly.

Sweetie Belle moved in front of Scootaloo and Applebloom holding them back from what was clearly a fight waiting to happen.

“Come on girls, she isn’t worth it,” Sweetie said trying her best to hold back her two friends.

“But Sweetie Belle...those two are asking for it,” Applebloom said glaring at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon

“The only thing we are asking for is for the world to be rid of losers like you,” Silver Spoon said venomously.

“Oh that’s it!” Scootaloo yelled trying to push past Sweetie Belle but Sweetie Belle held her ground.

“Don’t stoop to their level Scoots,” Sweetie Belle pleaded. “Our first day of high school is tomorrow, we probably won’t even have classes with them.” The idea of this seemed to calm Scootaloo and Applebloom down. For years the three girls had to endure bullying from Diamond and Silver, but at last it seemed a light was at the end of the tunnel. Canterlot High School would hopefully bring an end to this war of words between the two groups by separating them in the classroom. The three friends walked off without another word as the two bullies laughed at their retreat.

“Why do we always run,” Scootaloo said bitterly.

* * *

“Ugh I hate this,” Sweetie Belle said into her cell phone.

“I know, it terrible,” Silver Spoon responded. Unknown to their friends Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon had formed a strong friendship in secret.

“I know we agreed to make sure this rivalry never gets violent but I don’t know how long we can keep it up,” Sweetie Belle laid back on her bed. “I know you don’t mean it but your words hurt you know.”

“I’m so sorry,” Silver sighed “I hate saying those things to you and your friends...I wish I could convince Diamond to lay off you guys.”

“With any luck we won’t need to. If we don’t have any classes together this whole war between us may fizzle out….I hope,” Sweetie looked over at her school uniform that was hanging from her closet door. “Hey Silvy have you tried on your school uniform yet? I bet you look cute in it.”

Silver Spoon giggled “Please, if anyone looks cute in those things it’s you.”

Sweetie frowned “What? You don’t like our school uniforms?”

“I simply don’t understand why we have to wear the same thing everyday. What’s the point in me having a huge wardrobe if I can’t show it off?” Silver huffed.

“Aww does someone need a hug?” Sweetie Belle said in a sing song voice.

“Verry funny,” Silver said trying to hold back a laugh. “Can you imagine what our friends would say if they saw us hugging?”

“I think Scootaloo’s and Applebloom’s mouths would never stop hanging open,” Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon both laughed.

“Sweetie Belle,” Silver Spoon said in a soft voice “I hope….we have a class together….just the two of us, you know...without Diamond and Applebloom and Scootaloo.”

“Me too Silvy,” Sweetie said in an equally soft voice “goodnight Silver Spoon.”

“Goodnight Sweetie.”

Author's Note:

This is more of a short opening chapter but I hope you enjoy