• Published 5th Mar 2015
  • 1,343 Views, 26 Comments

Canterlot High School Tales - A Secret Friendship - UnknownCutieMarkCrusader

Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle have formed a very strong secret friendship, but as they enter high school can they keep their friendship a secret as well as keep their other friends?

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A Night to Remember

Sweetie Belle started to sweat as she ran on the school track. She wasn’t use to this much exercise on a regular basis and envied Scootaloo and Applebloom who seemed to be have no problem running around the track. The only two girls who seemed to make Sweetie look good where Diamond and Silver, who appeared to have ran hardly ever in their life. If nothing else this meant the two warring factions stayed apart. Sweetie Belle stopped momentarily to catch her breath as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came staggering up behind her. Sweetie half expect Daimond to throw an insult her way but it seemed Diamond was too busy trying to not collapse from exhaustion. As Silver pasted Sweetie she grabbed Sweetie’s hand and let go just as quick leaving a small note behind. Sweetie looked at the note and read, meet me at the tree after school ~Silver. Sweetie heart skipped a beat, or maybe she was having a heart attack from overexerting herself, either one wouldn’t have surprised her. Sweetie crumbled up the note and threw it at a nearby trash can. “Two points,” she said as the note flew threw the air hitting the rim of the trash can and falling onto the ground. “OH COME ON!” Sweetie yelled.

After school Silver waited under the tree where she told Sweetie to meet her. She smiled as she looked at the now dry mud that she and Sweetie rolled in that morning. Her heart began to beat faster as she anticipated seeing her secret friend again.

“Silver!” Sweetie Belle called as she made her way towards her.

“Hello Sweetie Belle,” Silver said

“Something wrong?” Sweetie asked looking concerned

“Nothing’s wrong, I just...wanted to ask you something,” Silver said her face turning slightly red. “Would you...like to spend the night at my place?” Sweetie’s face lit up as her heart felt like it would jump out of her chest.

“ I would love too!” Sweetie squeaked.

“Well then, this way my lady,” Silver said in a overly exaggerated classy voice. “I am going to show you the perks of being with a member of high society.” They both laughed as they headed out.

After walking for a while the two reached Silver’s mansion. Sweetie hadn’t seen this place since the day the two became friends. She always wondered what the inside looked like and couldn’t believe she was about to not only see it, but spend the night in it as well.

“Welcome to my humble home,” Silver said as she opened the large double door to her home. “I hope you’re not allergic to heaven.”

Sweetie Belle’s mouth dropped open as she stared into Silver Spoon’s home. The main hall was enormous and filled with the fanciest furniture she had ever seen. The walls and floor shimmered as if they were made of silver themselves. Sweetie slowly stepped forward her mouth still open when suddenly she heard a voice right behind her.

“May I take your bag madam?” the voice said. Sweetie squeaked and twirled around to face a tall old man dressed in a black suit.

“Who?...What?...huh?!” Sweetie panted.

“Thank you, Sebastian,” Silver said handing the man her bag as well as Sweetie Belle’s. “He is my butler.” Silver whispered to Sweetie. Silver then snapped her fingers. “Sebastian this is Sweetie Belle, she is our guest tonight and I trust you and the others will treat her as you would me.”

“Of course,” Sebastian said bowing. “It will be our pleasure to serve you, lady Belle.”

“Um...just Sweetie is fine,” Sweetie said, not sure of what to make of all that was going on around her.

“Come on Sweetie,” Silver said grabbing Sweetie’s hand. “There is something we have to take care of.”

“What’s that?” Sweetie asked as Silver led her upstairs.

“We are still dirty and sweaty from school today so we must make ourselves presentable by taking a shower,” Silver explained. Sweeties face turned beat red.

“A….a shower...we?” she stammered. Silver’s face turned red as well.

“I mean in different bathrooms of course,” she said quickly. Silver led Sweetie to a large door. “This is your bathroom, leave your clothes outside the door. My maids will collect them and wash them for you, feel free to use any soap and shampoo you see. When you are done a new outfit will be waiting for you in the guest bedroom which is located three doors down the hallway. Any questions?” Sweetie felt like she was just briefed on a secret mission or something.

“You...follow a certain regiment here don’t you?” she said trying not to laugh. Silver crossed her arms.

“Beauty, elegance, grace, stature, these are things you don’t get by simply wanting them. It takes discipline,” Silver said proudly. “Now hurry up, my cooks will be getting our dinner started soon.”

Sweetie Belle wrapped a towel around herself after a relaxing and rather long shower as she had a hard time deciding what shampoo to use, and made her way to the guest bedroom wondering what kind of outfit Silver had laid out for her. She entered the bedroom as her eyes laid on a beautiful light purple silk dress. Sweetie gazed upon it, unable to look away. Did Silver really want her to wear this? Was she worthy of wearing something like this? She looked at the other items on the bed. A pair of long white gloves, a pair of high heeled shoes, and even a pair of underwear were laid out for her to put on. With a happy squeal Sweetie threw off her towel and put on her new outfit. She admired herself in a nearby mirror, moving her hips from side to side making the bottom of her dress flow gracefully just above the floor. Sweetie lightly held the side of her dress, lifting it slightly as she said, “Why yes, I am Princess Sweetie Belle, its ever so nice to meet you too. A dance? Well you did ask nicely.” Sweetie held out her hand as if presenting it to someone.

“Glad to see you are enjoying yourself, Princess,” came Silver’s voice from the bedroom doorway. Sweetie Belle squeaked and put her hands behind her back as she turned to face Silver who was grinning at her.

“I...I…um….wow,” Sweetie looked at her friend who was wearing a silver silk dress with matching long gloves. Her hair was not braided as usual, it was instead long,sleek, and shiny. “Silver...you’re...absolutely amazing.” Silver started walking towards her awestruck friend, her movements as graceful as anything Sweetie had seen in her life. Silver reached up and put her hand on Sweetie’s cheek, the soft silky fabric combined with the warmth of Silver’s hand sent shivers down Sweetie’s spine and made her heart race.

“You were absolutely amazing before you put on that dress,” Silver said softly. Sweetie Belle smiled as she looked into Silvers eyes. She had never felt so happy with someone,so comfortable with someone, so...warm. She reached up and pushed a lock of hair out from in front of Silver’s face before putting her hand on Silver’s cheek. Silver closed her eyes and smiled as she leaned slightly into Sweetie’s hand. All Silver felt was pure joy as she felt Sweetie’s touch. She felt her heart beat faster and her body grew warmer as Sweetie moved her hand slowly from her cheek to her shoulder. Silver opened her eyes and stared deeply into Sweetie’s. Both girls started to lean forward slowly, their lips coming closer and closer to contacting.

“Madam Silver, dinner is ready,” Came Sebastian’s voice from the doorway.

OH, COME ON! Sweetie Belle cried in her head. Silver and Sweetie both pulled back quickly and blushed furiously.

“Th..thank you Sebastian,” Silver said. “Shall we?” Silver extended her hand and Sweetie Belle took it. Hand in hand the two made their way down to the dining room where a delicious meal awaited them.
Sweetie staggered a bit in her high heels as she walked down the stairs holding Silver Spoon’s hand. “How do you walk in these things?” she asked. Silver giggled.

“You get use to them,” Silver said as she slowly walked down the stairs with her. The two finally reached the bottom of the stairs and Sweetie let out a sigh of relief.

“Do you...always dress like when you’re at home?” Sweetie asked, already knowing what the answer was.

“Yep,” Silver replied happily.

“How many dresses do you have?”

“Enough to wear a new one everyday of the month,” Silver said as they reached the table where their dinner was waiting. Sweetie Belle tried her best to eat carefully, she didn’t want to soil the dress Silver had so graciously let her wear. She watched Silver eat gracefully. She is so elegant even when eating Sweetie said to herself.

“Um...will your parents be joining us?” Sweetie asked.

“My parents are never around,” Silver said flatly.

“Oh, sorry,” Sweetie said, feeling rather guilty. She could only imagine what it must be like for Silver, being alone in a big mansion. Sweetie shook her head and tried to think about other things, she feared if she thought about it too much her eyes would start to water. After they finished eating Silver lead Sweetie to the back patio of the mansion. Once Sweetie was outside her jaw dropped yet again. Silver’s backyard seemed to stretch for acres, and was comprised almost entirely of a large hedge maze.

“It’s almost time for evening tea,” Silver said as she sat down on a large couch on the patio. Sweetie sat down beside her still unable to take her eyes off the hedge maze. Sebastian came out carrying a tray with a teapot and two teacups, as he poured the tea Silver continued to talk. “Just look at that sunset Sweetie, isn’t it beautiful?” The evening sky was a beautiful mix of color, but Sweetie was only admiring one color,silver.

“Yeah, it’s a gorgeous view,” Sweetie said not taking her eyes off her friend. The pair sat in silence, drinking their tea as the sun slowly set.

“Thank you Sebastian, you may leave us now,” Silver said suddenly. Sebastian bowed and left the girls in silence. “There is something I want to show you.” Silver said as she stood up and extended her hand to Sweetie. Sweetie took Silver’s hand and the two started to walk into the hedge maze.

“We aren’t going to get lost are we?” Sweetie asked nervously. Silver laughed.

“Don’t worry, I have walked this maze so often I have it memorized. Just don’t go wandering off,” Silver winked at Sweetie as Sweetie’s heart skipped a beat. They continued to walk as the sun set making them lose visibility slightly. Sweetie occasionally staggered due to her high heels.

“Is this a good idea?” Sweetie asked. “I can barely see...and walk.”

“It will be ok,” Silver assured her. “We are almost there, quit being a baby.” Silver stuck out her tongue at Sweetie who pouted.

“But I want to be your baby,” Sweetie said in childish voice. They two girls laughed and picked up the pace as they walked. After a while they reached the center of the maze. Before them lied a large, lush garden which seemed to have over one hundred different kinds of flowers. A large fountain was standing in the middle of the garden. “Now you’re just showing off,” Sweetie said nudging Silver. Silver giggled as she walked towards a small tree and kneeled down in front of it. Curious, Sweetie followed and kneeled down beside her. Despite everything in the garden being lush and healthy, the small tree seemed to be struggling to stay green. In front of the tree lay a small plaque which read “Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara - Friends Forever.”

“Silver...is this what you wanted to show me?” Sweetie asked.

“Diamond always had a thing for flowers you know,” Silver said in a soft voice. “We always loved to come here and play.” She reached out and stroked a branch of the tree gently. “We planted this tree as a symbol of our friendship, she said it would last for years even after our lives were over,” Silver’s voice started to tremble. “I promised her I would take care of it, but no matter what I do it keeps wilting. I fear its a sign that me and Diamond are growing apart.”

“Come on, you don’t really mean that,” Sweetie said trying to sound positive. “You and Diamond are best friends, what makes you think that?”

“The tree was doing great...until the day I became friends with you,” Silver said. Sweetie gulped uncomfortably. “Recently the tree has taken a turn for the worst, the same way I feel Diamonds heart is slowly filling with hate. She isn’t the same person who planted this tree with me.” Silver closed her eyes tightly and clenched her fists as tears rolled down her face. “I don’t know why Diamond hates you and your friends so much but I feel if I tell her we are friends it will destroy our friendship. I can’t lose her as a friend, you don’t know how lonely we both were before we found each other, but I don’t want to lose you either.” Silver turned to Sweetie, her face soaked with tears. “What am I to do Sweetie?”

“I...don’t know.” Sweetie said cradling her friend in her arms. Silver sobbed into Sweetie Belle’s shoulder as Sweetie herself fought back tears. It seemed no matter what decision they made Silver was going to suffer. Keeping their friendship a secret seemed to be the only way, but how long could they do it? Anytime they were apart they only longed for each other more and more. It was enough to drive them mad at this point. Silver pulled away from Sweetie and wiped her eyes with her hand.

“Sorry,” she said “I didn’t mean to put a damper on our evening, but I just don’t know what to do. It’s been like this ever since we became friends. Remember that day when when I said I was jealous of your friendship with Scootaloo and Applebloom?”


“I’m jealous because I feel your friends would accept our friendship, maybe not at first but in time. Diamond on the other hand I feel won’t accept our friendship. If only she would tell me why she hates you three so much, maybe I could help.” Silver hung her head. Sweetie couldn’t take much more, her friend was pouring out her heart and soul and she couldn’t help her. Sweetie was full of emotions. Sadness for her dear friend,anger at Diamond, but most of all….fear. She feared what would come at the end of all of this. What would happen when the truth was revealed. The harsh reality seemed to point to someone being hurt. Sweetie decided it was not worth worrying right now, all she wanted now was to cheer her friend up. The sun set completely as Sweetie stood up and held out her hand. Silver looked up and took Sweetie’s hand as she stood. Sweetie reached up and wiped away Silver’s tears as Silver smiled weakly. Sweetie hugged her friend tightly as Silver did the same. For a while the two stood in the darkness.

“Please don’t cry anymore Silvy,” Sweetie said in a soothing voice.

“I...I will try,” Silver sniffed. “Anyway..it’s almost time.”

“Time for what? Sweetie asked. Almost immediately after she said that lights came on in the garden lightly illuminating the plant life in a soft white glow. “Wow!” Sweetie Belle whispered as she looked around at everything. Sweetie turned her eyes back to Silver, her hair and dress where shimmering in the light. She looked down at her dress and saw it too was shimmering in the light.

“So, how about that dance?” Silver said reaching out to Sweetie. Sweetie took her hand and put her other hand on Silver’s waist. Silver did the same and the two girls danced together slowly around the garden, bathed in the light. Sweetie staggered every now and then, still not use to her heels, but Silver was always there to catch her. Sweetie felt like this should be the happiest moment in her life, but she felt...sad. She now know every time Silver smiled, she was smiling through so much pain. The two stopped dancing in front of the fountain and Sweetie pulled away from Silver.

“This isn’t right,” she said softly.

“What isn’t?” Silver asked.

“You smile through the pain, you are forced to bully, you can’t even choose your friends...and it’s all Diamond’s fault,” Sweetie said angrily.

“Sweetie..” Silver started, but Sweetie interrupted.

“No, if she can’t accept our friendship even after you have stood by her all her life, then she does not deserve to be your friend!” Sweetie yelled.

“Don’t say that!” Silver yelled back. “You don’t know Diamond at all!”

“Oh yeah?” Sweetie said. “When was the last time she let you decide what you guys did? When did she let you have an opinion on anything? Did she even listen to you when you suggested to stop bullying us?”

“I...um...she…” Silver stuttered.

“Thats what I thought,” Sweetie said. “I know she is your friend, but you have to face it, she has changed.”

“Stop it!” Silver yelled putting her hands to her ears.

“No, you need to hear this,” Sweetie said grabbing Silvers hands. “How long are you going to let HER control YOUR life?”

“SHUT UP!” Silver yelled pushing Sweetie Belle with all her might. Sweetie bell stumbled backwards on her shaky high heels. She lost her footing and fell backwards into the fountain with a loud splash. Silver gasped as she realized what she had done. “Sweetie, oh my goodness, I’m sorry.” Sweetie glared at Silver as she sat in the cold water.

“If you don’t want to face the truth, fine,” Sweetie growled as she stood up and took off her heels. She threw them at Silver’s feet. “I guess we can never really be friends because Diamond Tiara says so.” Sweetie got out of the fountain and headed back towards the mansion leaving Silver to stand alone in the garden.

Sweetie shivered as she walked through the maze. “Why does this dress get so heavy when its wet?” she muttered to herself. “Where is the stupid exit!” she cried in frustration. She wandered around for what felt like ages but came across nothing but dead ends. She began to shiver more as the air got colder. She could hear Silver calling her name from somewhere in the maze but she continued to avoid it. Sweetie continued to walk until she saw a clearing ahead of her. “Finally,” she said to herself. She emerged from the maze only to realize she was back at the garden. “OH, COME ON!” she yelled. Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her. “Go away Silver,” she said, refusing to turn around. Sweetie felt a towel fall on her head. “What the?” she said in confusion. She turned around and saw Sebastian standing there with a lantern in his hand.

“Madam Belle, the young mistress has been looking everywhere for you,” he said.

“Yeah well, I don’t want to see her right now,” Sweetie said wrapping the towel around herself.

“I can see you and the young mistress had a...disagreement,” Sebastian said as he motioned for Sweetie to follow him. Sweetie begrudgingly followed.

“Its that Diamond Tiara, Silver won’t stop letting her control her life.” Sweetie said bitterly.

“Ah yes,” Sebastian said softly. “Lady Diamond does have a rather great impact on the young mistress’s life, the same way you have had an impact on her life. It seems both of you are trying to control her life in a way.”

“I am not,” Sweetie started.

“Consider this,” Sebastian interrupted. “You are asking her to choose between the two people her world revolves around. Can you imagine what that is like? What if she asked you to choose between your two friends?”

Sweetie fell silent and thought to herself. She couldn’t even begin to think what it would feel like if she had to choose between Applebloom and Scootaloo. They were her best friends since elementary school. “I guess a choice like that isn’t one you can make overnight, huh?” Sweetie said sadly.

“It is a choice with consequences,” Sebastian said. “Devastating consequences. When she is ready to face that she will make her choice. I ask that you stay by her side throughout it all however, as you seem to make her happy in a way I have never seen before.”

“Ok Sebastian, and thanks.”

“My pleasure, madam Belle.”

Sweetie entered Silver’s bedroom and saw her sitting on her bed wearing a silver nightgown. Silver was looking at a book but closed it as she saw Sweetie walk into her room. The two girls felt an awkward silence as they stared at each other.

“Silver…I’m sorry,” Sweetie started but Silver put up her hand.

“No, I’m sorry,” Silver said smiling. “You were right, I needed to hear all that. Diamond has controlled my life, and while I was happy to go along with it when I was young I now realize I should be in control of my life. I have made up my mind, I’m going to tell Diamond we are friends after school tomorrow. If she does not accept it then well….thats her problem.”

“Really?!” Sweetie Squeaked. Silver nodded.

“Now here, put on this nightgown and lets get some sleep”

After she changed Sweetie sat down on the bed next to Silver. “What are you reading?” She asked.

“This is a old photobook actually,” Silver said opening it. Inside were dozens of pictures of Silver and Diamond as kids.

“Aww you were so cute,” Sweetie squeaked. “Things...really were different back then, huh?”

“Yeah,” Silver sighed. “Diamond has changed, but if she can change once, she can change back. Thats what I’m hoping happens tomorrow.” Silver closed the book and put it on her bedside table. The two girls sat on the bed until Sweetie broke the silence.

“Hey, remember what we were doing before dinner?” she asked blushing slightly.

“Yeah…” Silver answered also blushing. “Where were we again?”

“Somewhere around here,” Sweetie said putting her hand on Silver’s shoulder. Silver placed her hand on Sweeties waist as the two girls leaned in closer. Both of their hearts started to beat faster. Sweetie Belle’s body grew hot as she felt Silver’s lips against hers. We are kissing! We are actually kissing! She squealed inside her head. The two girls pulled back slowly and stared deeply into each others eyes.

“I love you, Sweetie Belle,” Silver said putting her hand on Sweetie’s cheek.

“I love you too, Silver Spoon,” Sweetie replied.

They both went in for another kiss. Sweetie belle squeaked softly as she felt Silver’s tongue playfully move around her own. Silver let out a soft moan as they continued to hold their kiss. They wrapped their arms around one another and fell back onto the bed.They wanted nothing more than to stay like this, locked in each others arms, taking in the taste of each other’s lips. It was pure bliss, but sadly it had to end as both girls needed air. Sweetie pulled back from Silver’s lips leaving a thin thread of saliva between them.

“That was amazing,” Sweetie gasped.

“I would like to do more,” Silver said seductively. Both girl giggled as they got into bed and pulled the covers over themselves.

Author's Note:

Whew this took a while, sorry its so long but once I started I couldn't stop :twilightsheepish: I hope you all like it, I really enjoyed writing this chapter, stay tuned for the final chapter