• Published 5th Mar 2015
  • 1,343 Views, 26 Comments

Canterlot High School Tales - A Secret Friendship - UnknownCutieMarkCrusader

Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle have formed a very strong secret friendship, but as they enter high school can they keep their friendship a secret as well as keep their other friends?

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Sweetie Belle paced around her room holding her cell phone in her hand. She had called Silver Spoon many times but she never picked up. Sweetie’s pace quickened as she tried her best to stay calm.

“Silver...please be ok,” She said to herself “If anything were to happen to you….oh why can’t our friends get along?” Sweetie Belle fell face first onto her bed and sighed. She thought back to when she and Silver became friends as she waited to hear from her secret friend.

The rain started coming down as Sweetie Belle ran for shelter. “Where did this rain come from anyway?” She said angrily. She finally made it to a small covered bench near a bus stop. “Not too bad” Sweetie said looking herself over “didn’t get too wet, hopefully this doesn’t last” Thunder boomed in the distance as the drizzle became a downpour. “OH COME ON!” she yelled. Sweetie Belle sat down on the bench and watched the rain fall. Suddenly through the downpour she saw a figure running around. “Silver Spoon?” Silver seemed unaware of Sweetie’s dry sanctuary. “Silver! Over here!” Sweetie yelled. Silver looked over and after hesitating for a moment she ran to Sweetie’s side.

“Thanks,” Silver Spoon panted as she sat down on the bench.Silver was soaked from head to toe, she took of her glasses and tried to dry them off on her wet dress but accomplished nothing.

“Here, let me,” Sweetie said taking Silvers glasses and wiping them off on her shirt. “There, better?” she asked as Silver put her glasses back on and gasped.

“You?!” Silver said her eyes widening.

“What? What’s wrong Silver?”

“If I had know it was you calling me….my glasses were...I couldn’t see,” Silver crossed her arms and turned away from Sweetie Belle.

“So you're saying if you knew it was me you would have stayed in the pouring rain?” Sweetie said raising an eyebrow.

“Maybe,” Silver replied “better than sharing this shelter with you.”

“Well no one is making you stay here, just go!” Sweetie said angrily. Silver stood up and looked out at the pouring rain. She gulped as she started to walk back out into the rain. Before she could go back into the rain she felt a hand grab her own. “I’m sorry,” Sweetie Belle said “ I didn’t mean it,” Silver let out a sigh of relief as she sat back down on the bench next to Sweetie Belle.

“I’m sorry too,” Silver said “I was just….surprised that...you know...you helped me. Even after everything I have said to you over the years.” Sweetie Belle smiled and looked back out at the rain. A few minutes passed as the girls sat in silence.

”Hey, can I ask you something?” Sweetie said after a while.

“Sure,” Silver replied.

“Do you really mean all those things you say to me and my friends?” Sweetie asked not looking in Silver’s direction.

Silver remained quiet for a moment then replied “no...not really,” Sweetie turned to Silver a look of confusion on her face.

“Then...why do you do it?” Sweetie asked. Silver Spoon shrugged. “I just...follow Diamond’s lead...it’s what I have always done,” Silver looked down at the ground. “To be honest I don’t even know why Diamond does it. If it is any consolation...I don’t hate you guys.”

Sweetie Belle inched closer to Silver “To be honest, I don’t hate you either. In fact in a way I have always kind of admired you,” Silver looked at Sweetie as if she had just said a really bad word.

“What? Admired me? How so?”

“You always have this air of grace and confidence about you. You always dress in the most stylish and beautiful clothes and jewelry. To be honest I’m a bit jealous,” Sweetie smiled weakly.

“If anyone should be jealous it should be me,” Silver said “you and your friends have such a strong bond and everyone seems to like you guys.” Silver began to shiver violently.

“Oh no!” Sweetie yelled “we have to get you warm.”

“And h..h..how do we d..d..do that?” Silver said through chattering teeth. Sweetie thought for a moment then wrapped her arms around Silvers cold and wet body. “H..hey!” Silver protested.

“You got a better idea?” Sweetie said.

Silver fell silent as Sweetie’s body started to warm her. Silver couldn’t believe the kindness Sweetie was giving to her after all the torment she and Diamond had given her. The rain started to slowly fade as time went by. “I think we are good to go now” Silver said. Sweetie released Silver from her embrace. The front of Sweetie Belle’s clothes were all soaked but she couldn’t help but smile.

“There now that wasn’t so bad was it?”

Silver blushed “but...your clothes,” Sweetie just laughed.

“It’s just a little water,” she said “now come on let’s get you home, I’ll walk with you.” Sweetie and Silver walked through the rain soaked town blissfully unaware that they were actually holding hands.

“By the way Silver, you look really cute in that dress.” Sweetie said smiling at her still soaked companion.

“It looks better when its dry,” Silver said “I like your um….skirt,” she added awkwardly.

“Thanks,” Sweetie Belle said “made it myself. My sister Rarity makes outfits and I have been learning from her.”

“Wow, cool,” Silver said “so um...do you think we could hang out more after today?” Sweetie Belle stopped in her tracks.

“Really?” she asked.

“Well...yeah, I enjoyed hanging out with you and I think we can be friends.”

“But what about Diamond and the others?” Sweetie asked. Silver bit her lip “Oh yeah forgot about that. How about we keep it a secret?”

“You sure?” Sweetie said hesitantly “Maybe we could convince the others to be friends. Or at the very least keep them from killing each other.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Silver said. The two girls finally reached a large mansion surrounded by a large silver gate. “Well this is my place,” Silver said “Thanks for today Sweetie Belle.”

“Your welcome. See you soon I hope,” The two girls smiled at each other and parted ways.


“But we weren’t able to change our friends minds were we?” Sweetie said to herself as she laid on her bed. “They are just so stubborn.” Sweetie Belle looked at her phone and dialed Silver’s number once again.

Author's Note:

This flashback was not originally supposed to be a part of this story but I added it in last minute, hope you all like it because I had fun writing it :ajsmug: