• Published 10th May 2012
  • 1,168 Views, 21 Comments

Faerie - Eathlome

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Faerie Politica

Up the airy mountain,
Down the rushy glen,
We daren't go a-hunting
For fear of little men;
Wee folk, good folk,
Trooping all together,
Green jacket, red cap,
And white owl's feather!
William Allingham
The Fairies.

Faerie Politica

To whomever is reading this, if you expected some grand insight into the realm of the Fay than I must say, sucks to be you. This isn't a guide to Faerie life, and it certainly doesn't explain much about Faerie lore, well maybe a little. This is a story about a part of my life, if you wish to read and discover than go ahead, else lay this back down wherever you found it so another who may wish to read can uncover it in time.

- Callidus Aurora

So you decided to read this. Great! First off, introductions. My name is Callidus Aurora, and I am a Faerie. A Pixie in fact. Before we go any further I'm going to explain some things about Faeries.

First off there are many kinds of Faeries: Pixies, Nixies, Grigs, Kobolds, Brownies, Sylphs, Hags, Leprechauns, Clurichauns, and Nymphs, just to name a few. Now all of these kinds of Fay are split into two groups, The Fay Diurnal and The Fay Nocturnal, the Day and Night Faeries respectively.

Now the main difference between these two groups is where they draw their magical energies from. The Day Faeries draw power from the Sun, and the Night Faeries draw power from the Moon and Stars. This caused a sort of civil war about one-hundred millenniums ago, don't ask me, as I hadn't been born till long after this ended. Since the war ended the Night and Day Faeries have had an uneasy peace, to say the least. Let's just say that having one of each standing within twenty inches of another, without a shouting match escalating could be considered a miracle.

Now the physical differences between the two are quite obvious. The Day Faeries' complexions range from pale yellows, to greens, to light browns. The Night Faeries are dark red, blue and purple in coloration.

Anyways both of these groups are ruled by a Queen and a Fool. No I don't mean an idiot. The Fool is the title given to the most powerful male Faerie, it was derived from how well they could trick the Big Folk (that's you by the way), or how well they could fool them. It is essentially the Faerie equivalent of a king, but Faeries don't have kings.

Now that that's all out of they way, I can start telling you my story. It begins with my birth, well actually it would begin slightly before that. You see, I'm different from all the other Faeries. Why you may ask? Well the answer is quite simple. I'm a cross. My father was The Fool of the Day Faeries, and my mother was the Queen of the Night Faeries. This left me in a very difficult position, as no matter where I went, the faeries there would scorn me. I couldn't even hide as one or the other, I just looked too different.

Firstly my height, I was just over an inch and a half, an inch being the average height of the Fay, in their natural forms. Next off my wings are quite a bit larger than many others', adding an entire half inch to my height, and pointed, as opposed to rounded, at the tips. Finally, and most obvious, my coloration. My wings are a deep purple, with bright yellow crescents on them. My skin is pale blue, and my eyes are bright red. My hair is a dark red, verging on brown, and is cropped short around my head. This made me really stand out, and made it really hard to make any friends.

In fact, the vast majority of my friends weren't even of The Fay. I used to hang out with one of the Big Folk I met, I heard he's a pretty famous author now. James always made me laugh with how he pictured The Fay. Anyways, hanging out with Big Folk just made it even harder to get friends among The Fay, and I suppose that it was what started me on this journey in the first place. Actually, I suppose that my journey was also started by my magic. As both a Day Faerie and Night Faerie, I could draw on the powers of the heavens at any time, and far more that any other could, it also removed the need for me to sleep, not that I don't sleep, I just don't need to. This lead me to learn more obscure and rare magics when I had nothing better to do, which was normally when everyone else was sleeping. In fact I picked up a large amount of useful skills in my days and night alone.

Now my story starts at a certain time, in the Castle of the Day. I had just arrived to visit my father, and the Queen of the Day wasn't happy about it. I can't really blame her for it, really who wants to see the child of your husband and your most hated rival? But I've dealt with things like this before, so I ignored all the shouting. I unloaded my things and walked into the throne room. That's when it happened.


And then there was silence. Deafening silence. For those of you who don't know Ly Erg was a faerie who had an uncontrollable urge to kill, he would disguise himself as one of the Big Folk, and join soldiers in battles. Joining in a war is forbidden, unless it's a war that's amongst the Fay, or between the Fay and another race. Ly Erg was the first Faerie to ever be Banished, and stripped of his race.

Being compared to such a figure is the worst insult that our kind can give. Even the one who spoke it, the Queen of the Day, had a slight look of horror on her face. As I walked up to the dais, the only sound that could be heard were my footsteps, and then a sharp SLAP, which rang out through the throne room. I was furious, and I did something incredibly stupid and reckless.

"I reject you. I refute you. And I cut ALL bonds with you and all who stand with you."

There was a collective intake of breath as everyone heard what I had said. I had just recited the Severance, an ancient ritual that cuts all ties with a place. Everyone there is to be considered a stranger, and nothing there, asides what you have on you, can be yours.

I pulled out a silver dagger, and stabbed it through my hand, completing the ritual. Then I did something even more reckless. I preformed the Opening.

"I leave this place, this unknown land. To where none have tread before, and where none shall come without my knowlage."

The Opening is the second half of the Severance, and has been preformed even less. It allows the one who has severed to go to a place where no other Faeries have ever been before, and essentially become the steward of that place.

I then thrust the dagger into a nearby wall, causing a sharp SHRIEK, as the now enchanted metal cut deep into the stone. Thrusting down, I brought the dagger to the floor, and then pulled it sideways, along the ground, before finally pulling up again to meet the place where the cut started.

The stone of the wall faded away, replaced with a portal of blazing light. I turned around and looked out across the room.

"Hello, and goodbye, strangers. Such a shame that I haven't had time to get to know you."

Then I walked through the portal, knowing that it would remain, should any wish to follow me, and than everything was gone.


So how was it? Good? Bad? Please give me your honest opinion. If it's bad tell me what can be done to fix it. Also please let me know of any grammatical or spelling errors. Also the Faerie lore in this is made of multiple different sources of folk lore, as well as some things I made up to make the story work. If any of you any Faerie lore that you want to see, or be referenced to in this story, just tell me in the comments.

To readers of my other stories:
Now I know that most of you are probably thinking:
"What are you doing?! You should be working on Young Gods/TGaW. Why are you starting another story?"
Well this is what happened:

[Me] : Alright brain, what should I do for Young Gods?
[Brain] : I'm not telling.
[Me] : ...ok then. Well what should I do for TGaW?
[Brain] : Still not telling.
[Me] : Well than what do you want me to do?
[Brain] : So here's the plan. A story, about faeries.
[Me] : Seriously?
[Brain] : Yep, and I'm not going to help with the other stories untill you get to work on this one.
[Me] : Okay.

True story.