• Published 10th May 2012
  • 1,168 Views, 21 Comments

Faerie - Eathlome

  • ...

Faerie Moenus

Why should we strive, with cynic frown
To knock their fairy castles down?
Eliza Cook

Faerie Moenus

Ugh, I ate too much. Well at least I felt better after the nap. I had woken up a few hours after dawn, and my sleep spell was still holding. I dragged myself out of bed and flew outside, and over to where the yellow pegasus lived. I had remembered there being a small creek there, and I wanted to get washed up. After a nice warm bath (thanks to a small heating spell), I flew over the town, and I noticed something that I probably should have much sooner than I did. It was a sign, on it read:



That was when I learned the name of where I was staying. I mean, it really shouldn't have taken me that long to find out, should it have? ...Oh right, back to me. Well, I was just floating by a very strange building. It looked like someone had taken a merry-go-round and dropped it on top of a house. Even more strange was the fact that, despite the early hour, there was someone ... pony? working inside. I couldn't help myself. I flew up to one of the upper windows and entered. After going downstairs I soon found the source of all the commotion. A white unicorn with a purple mane was working furiously on several dresses. What really impressed me though, was her display of magic. I mean she didn't have the raw power of Twilight, but she certainly had finesse. She was holding up several different objects in the air: spools of thread, several different rolls of cloth, and at least thirty needles. But it was how she was holding them. She was only using the barest amount of her power for each item, just enough to keep it in the air.

It was all very impressive, and I spent some time watching. I hadn't even noticed how much time had passed until she put everything away and looked upon her creations.

"Well Rarity, you have done it again."

I looked the outfits over. They were pretty nice. So I did the thing any self respecting faerie would, I pulled all the thread out and watched the newly unmade dresses fall apart, and onto the ground. I didn't quite get the reaction I was after. Rarity, as she called herself, stood silent for a full five seconds, completely still, then it happened.

Oh, just to make explaining this easier, if whoever you are has ever met a banshee, they ain't got nothing on this unicorn. I swear that you could have heard her shriek from the Everfree. She was absolutely fuming, and I mean literally, her eyes had tiny fires in them, and there was smoke pouring from her ears. I did the sensible thing, I ran. Although, I ran laughing the whole way.

I was in the center of Ponyville, I assumed it to be the town square, when I felt a strange chill. Glancing around I saw Twilight running towards me, my note hovering in front of her, with a determined look in her eyes. I was about to bolt when out of nowhere a pink explosion materialized next to Twilight.


Twilight had shoved a hoof into the pink pony's mouth. I had nearly fallen over laughing during her tirade, and oh, it was just too much! I fell on the ground, laughing, and rolling around until I could control myself. I managed to stop in time to hear part of their conversation.

"...cast a tracing spell on this note I found. I'm following it around, because whoever, or what ever has been messing around with us seems to come and go as they choose. This note is my only lead, and this spell it fairly difficult to maintain."

"Don't be a silly filly Twi, you could have just asked me!"


That was said by both Twilight and myself.

"Didn't I tell you I know everypony in Ponyville?"

"Well yes, but Pinkie I don't think-"

"Of course you think, you're Twilight Sparkle, it's your job to think. Actually it's your job to sign out books at the library, so I guess thinking is more of a hobby than a job."

"Pinkie, back to what you were saying, about knowing where our mysterious ... thing is?"

"Oh right. She's right over there. Hi Cal!"

I was speechless, which might I say is quite a feat. I slowly started to float away until:

"Don't leave Cal, we just want to talk. Well actually I want to throw you a Welcome-to-Ponyville party, but Twilight wants to talk."

Now I knew she could definitely see me, which was bad. This "Pinkie" could see through my invisibility, which meant she was:

a) A wild animal (not likely, since she is talking)

b) Another faerie (also not likely, because I would be able to sense that)

c) The wielder of some ferocious hidden magical ability (this might be the answer)

d) One of the Higher Gods, who couldn't care less for things like the basic laws of nature or base constants of reality (jury's still out on this one)

Given the fact that I didn't really want to spend my time as the prisoner/interrogee of a moderately crazed unicorn I decided to leg it ... or wing it, but not in the traditional sense ... I mean I flew really fast.

"Wait! Come back!"

"PINKIE, FOLLOW THAT ... um ... er ... THING!"

"Okie, dokie, lokie"

Now have you ever been chased by a puffy, bouncing pink pony and a nearly rabid unicorn? Well it's moderately terrifying, to say the least. ...If you're laughing right now, you're getting cursed. Anyways after the chase, which was rather fun, looking back on it, I had managed to lose them after flying into the Everfree. I could see that the ponies really didn't want to follow. Pinkie just waved and shouted goodbye, Twilight lowered her head in disappointment, and the pair slowly walked back to Ponyville.

I decided to follow them back, as stealthily as I could while formulating a plan in my mind. We were nearly into town when I had finished my deliberation. I flew up behind Pinkie and tapped her shoulder(?), she glanced at me, then turned away, and then she did a double take. Her eyes got really wide and she took in a huge breath, I quickly put a finger to my lips. Pinkie just nodded with a knowing look and winked.

"What was that Pinkie?"

"Oh nothing Twi."

Now having solved the problem that was Pinkie (for the moment anyways), I headed off back to my home. I decided that I would finish my fiddle, since most of the day was gone and I had nothing else to do. Flying back to the library I settled into a chair with the piece of wood I had decided to carve. I had most of the body done by the time Twilight got back, she didn't say anything to Spike and went straight to bed. I just chuckled to myself and continue to carve.

Once I had finished the body I decided to take a break. I flew outside, to enjoy the night air. The moon was full and I could feel its light filling me with strength. I glanced up at the stars and noticed a strange dark spot. I was curious, so floated up to it. I was really out of it because I forgot to make myself undetectable. I soon found this out when the dark figure turned to face me.

What I saw was a very dark coated Allicorn. This is when I met Luna. And by met I mean we stared at each other for about two minutes. Then she tried to grab me with her magic, and it all went downhill from there.

Pulling on the Power of the Moon, I negated Luna's grasp on me. She looked shocked, and then her eyes narrowed. I dropped, just in time to avoid the irate night goddess from crushing me in her hooves. This is how most of the battle went. Luna would use magic, I would counter with magic pulled from her domain (which she really didn't like, I thought it was pretty hilarious fighting a goddess with her own power), then she would charge at me, and I would evade. This went on for a good twenty minutes.

After very nearly being squired on her horn, I decided to try to be more diplomatic about this.

"Look if this is because I gave your sister a mustache, and not you, all you have to do is ask."

Luna just growled. ...I probably should have mentioned that diplomacy was never my strong point.

"Wait, no, I meant that just because ponies ask Celestia for help, doesn't mean that they'll just ignore you."

Diplomacy was clearly not working, despite my best efforts, so I decided to do something I really hated doing. I quickly flew up high into the air, and summoned about an eighth of my gold stash. The result was amazing. Luna looked up in surprise, just before being burred in an avalanche of gold. After the dust had settled, I flew down and began collecting all my gold. After I had unburied Luna I decided that now would be the best time to flee. But I didn't.

Luna wasn't looking so good, I was almost positive she was unconscious. I landed just in front of her, and slowly approached. Than faster than the eye could see, Luna lunged forward and grabbed me between her hooves.

"We have captured y..."

Luna trailed off once she realized that I had pulled out my bow, knocked two arrows, and pointed them right at her eyes. There was an awkward moment of silence.


"We ... accept, little one."

Luna released me, and I put away my bow. There was another moment of awkward silence, and I decided to try to start up a conversation.

"Sooo ... Princess ... why were you stalking Twilight?"

As soon as the words had left my mouth I winced. Luna though seemed to know what I was trying to ask.

"Well, little one, we had heard from our sister that something," Luna raised an eyebrow at me, I just whistled innocently, "had attacked Ponyville, and Twilight. We decided to protect Twilight, as we owe her a great debt."

"Hmm, makes sense."

"Now we believe that you should come with us, we have much to talk about, and we do not wish to worry our sister."

It took Luna several more minutes to finally convince me to go with her, but she managed in the end. She's much better at diplomacy than me.

"Well then, little one, you know our name, will you not tell us yours?"

"My name is Callidus, Callidus Aurora."

Luna smirked.

"Is that really your name?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

"Well then, Clever Dawn, please come with us."

I was unhappy that she could translate my name, but at least she was wrong. If she had actually found out my True Name having it spoken aloud would have been quite painful. With these thoughts in my mind I landed on Luna's back, and watched the stars as she flew us to Canterlot.


Hello, one and all! I'm back and writing!

Hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter of Faerie.

I'm not really sure if it went well, and I may be editing it later, so let me know your thoughts on that.

As always let me know if you spot any mistakes, spelling, grammatical or otherwise.

On a different yet related note, how would you feel about me bringing more faeries into the story?

It wouldn't happen for a while, but I want to know if it would be a good idea, or a bad idea.

That's all for now.
