• Published 10th May 2012
  • 1,168 Views, 21 Comments

Faerie - Eathlome

  • ...

Faerie Iocos

This is a work of fiction. All the characters in it, human and otherwise, are imaginary, excepting only certain of the fairy folk, whom it might be unwise to offend by casting doubts on their existence. Or lack thereof.
Neil Gaiman

Faerie Iocos

I was up all night. I finished making the loom with a few hours before dawn. I then spent my time spinning some thread. Once I had finished I went down to see if the dragon had finished reorganizing the library and, much to my surprise, he had. But he had passed out while walking to bed. I figured that he shouldn't sleep on the floor, so I picked him up and placed him in his bed. I used telekinesis, I'm not strong enough to pick up a dragon, he's at least a hundred times larger than me. I even had to draw on the Power of the Stars to help my magic, he was so heavy. What did this dragon eat, rocks?

After I put the dragon to bed I decided to explore the rest of the town, because I really didn't get a chance to before. During my look around I spotted a very strange group of clouds. Upon further investigation I discovered that it was a house! How cool is that? A house, made of clouds. But even better, it offered a huge array of tricks to choose from. Flying around the house I quickly found the bedroom. Sleeping in it was a cyan pegasus, with a very colorful mane. I glanced up to the ceiling, than back down to the sleeper, than back to the ceiling. I started rearranging the furniture, and where the doors opened to (clouds are very easy to move here). After my preparations were complete I flew up to the cloud above the bed and started drifting through it, collecting water droplets. Once I had a pony-head sized ball of water I positioned it over the pegasus.

"Bombs away."



It turns out that that pegasus could sleep through anything. I was a bit disheartened by the fact that my prank didn't work out as planned, but I quickly thought up a new one. Looking over the sleeping pegasus' messy chromatic mane, I decided that a makeover was in order. After spending about thirty minutes combing and than curling her mane, I added the finishing touch. A big pink bow with a sticking charm, it'll come off in about a week. I also made her mane uncutable, so she had to suffer through it.

Deciding that this prank would be best to view the results of later, I went back to the town and floated around some more. After some exploration, and familiarizing myself with the general layout of the town, I flew back to my home for a snack. While eating my meal, a succulent blueberry, I heard an ear-piercing shriek, then after a few minutes, another. Shortly followed by a rather large CRASH, which nearly knocked me over.

Flying out to see what the commotion was, I found myself facing a very hilarious scene. Take one purple unicorn, add one frustrated cyan pegasus, throw them in a pile of about forty books, then smash it into a wall. That's about what I saw, and what happened next, priceless.

"Twi! You gotta help me! I've tried everything! I can't get it off! I even tried cutting it! Do something magic! Anything! I don't care, just get it off!"

At this point the pegasus had grabbed the unicorn by the shoulders(?), and was shaking her back and forth. The unicorn kinda resembled a lavender bobble-head. I was gasping for air, I was laughing so hard.

"Rainbow ... Rainbow ... RAINBOW DASH!!"


"Calm down."

"Oops, heh heh, sorry Twi."

"So, what's wrong?"


I had never before heard any piece of fabric referred to so vehemently.

"The bow?"

"Yes, I tried everything! But I just can't get it off!"


"I mean I tried pulling it off, then untying it. Hay! I even tried cutting it off, but nothing worked."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Can't you just cook up some magic thingy to get it off?"

"Well first I would have to find out what happened to it. Now hold still."

The unicorn's horn started glowing and I managed to stop giggling. I would finally get to see some unicorn magic up close. I had hoped that I might figure out how it worked. No such luck.

"Hmmmm. That's ... odd."

"What is it Twi? Can you get it off?"

"I don't know what happened. This is some sort of magic I've never seen before, and it's far more powerful than mine. The only ones who have this amount of power are the Princesses."

"Are you saying that Princess Celestia or Princess Luna did this? Why would they do that, I'm the Element of Loyalty."

"Well, there is another option ... but..."

"C'mon, out with it Twi! Who do you think did this?"

The pegasus slammed her hooves together rather violently. I was really glad that they couldn't see me.

"Well ... it might ... just might ... be Discord?"

The pagasus was silent for a second, then she burst out laughing.

"Really Twi? You think that Discord did this? He's a statue, he can't do squat."

I decided that now would be an excellent time to practice my ventriloquism. I sent a deep laugh around the room, and both ponies jumped. This caused me to laugh even harder, and the ponies started to glare around the room.

"Discord, show yourself!"

"Yeah, I'll pound you for this!"

"Oh, now why would I do that?" Interesting fact about my ventriloquism, it pulls from the thoughts of the ones who I'm using it on to shape the voice. Basically I sound just like Discord, even though I've never heard him. Also for those of you who don't know, Discord is some God of Chaos and Trickery, and has been sealed in stone multiple times. Other than that, I don't know much about him, so I'm really just winging it.

"You are really no fun at all, don't you like my present? I think it suits you perfectly. A bow for Rainbow."

Rainbow (as I had determined her name to be) rocketed towards where my voice was coming from, and started tearing through the books.

"Nope! Over here!"

I then drew on the Power of the Sun, and used my telekinesis to create a very rough intimation of Discord from the books that were lying around. With a shout Rainbow flew at the construct. Right before she hit, I released the telekinesis, causing the entire pile of books to fall on her. While Rainbow was muttering several profanities, the likes of which I will not repeat ... yet, I glanced around to see where Twilight (the unicorn) had gone. I flew into the next room just in time to see the dragon breath green fire onto a letter, which than vanished.

"Discord! Surrender now! I have just sent a letter to Princess Celestia and she will be here shortly."

I honestly could say that I had not seen that coming. What was I to do? One of the goddess-rulers of this place was coming! So I did the only reasonable thing, I charged up my magical energies, preparing to cast the most sinister spell I could think of. There was a bright flash of light, and the Sun Princess appeared in all her glory. And all her gold, she was wearing a lot of gold. With a bit of cleaning one of her shoes could have made a wonderful bath. Anyways, that's not the point. I let loose my ferocious spell, and the princess was now sporting a very nice wavy mustache, perfectly matching her mane.

What? I panicked, alright? And honestly, I wasn't going to go toe to ... hoof ... with a goddess, I'm not crazy you know. Well, maybe just a little. By the way, her reaction was totally worth it.



I flew as quickly as I could, laughing like a maniac. I have only ever had three opportunities to prank a god, and the other two ended with me spending two centuries stuck in Niflhel. Odin never had much of a sense of humor, and Loki never enjoyed being beaten at his own game. Anyway, I didn't want a repeat of that, so I quickly zipped back to the forest that I arrived in, and settled into a hollow of a tree. It was just in time to, a few minutes later my entire body was wracked with pain, it was terrible, I threw up at least twice. Before I blacked out, I had only one thought.

'It was still totally worth it.'

For those of you that are confused as to what happened, that was probably Celestia breaking my spell on Rainbow. Sometimes these things can have a nasty backlash, but I've put up enough wards throughout my life, that I knew that Celestia wasn't fairing much better. Or maybe she was, you can never really tell with gods, but she definitely felt the same amount of pain that I did.

I had recovered a few days later and returned to the town, so while I didn't get to see events unfold, I certainly heard plenty of stories, straight from the horses mouth (get it?). According to the grape vine, and the local newspaper, "The Princesses assure everypony that all reports of Discord's escape are completely unfounded, and the true culprit has been caught and properly punished."

I flew back over to the library to see how my favorite lavender unicorn was doing. I soon found her amidst a floating collection of books about ancient and rare magics.

"Twilight, don't you think you should stop? You've been searching for two days, and you haven't slept at all."

"I can't Spike. The Princess asked me, ME, to try to figure out who was behind this. I know that the papers say that the culprit was caught, but none of us have any real idea about what happened. I can't stop until I find the answers, they have to be in here somewhere! Now grab me those books from the Era of Magical Development, and the series on Obsquere Magyx, oh and..."

Poor thing, she could hardly think. I did the best thing for her. Just a little sleep spell. I winced slightly as all the books suddenly fell to the floor, along with Twilight. Spike (the dragon) face-palmed and rolled his eyes with a sigh, before dragging her up to her bed. He then came back and started to clean up the books. I hit him with a sleep spell as well, and floated him over to his cot. I quickly tidied up the library and put away all the books. I then grabbed a piece of paper and quickly scrawled a quick Sorry. Aside from the actual apology, it would also confuse both of them, and I was pretty sure that their reactions would be great.

I then flew up to my house. I quickly cleaned up the old blueberry, which had started to rot, and grabbed a fresh one. I quickly finished it, and grabbed another one. Don't judge me, I hadn't eaten for a few days. After my meal I decided to have a snooze. Over my many years, I have found that the best way to regain my strength is to take a nap ... although that may be because those naps had taken a few centuries... oh well, better safe than sorry.


Here we go. The next chapter of Faerie, and the longest one to boot.

I wrote it while listening to this. Did it work?

Anyways continue with the comments, criticism, and corrections.

Thank you one and all.

Also can you tell me how I did for Twilight and RD? I hate it when I make characters ooc, but I'm really bad at recognizing when I do it.
