• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 17,260 Views, 5,068 Comments

The Iron Horse: Everything's Better With Robots! - The Hat Man

A cute robot pony. A mysterious origin. A princess who believes anyone can learn friendship, even a cold, logical machine. A journey begins...

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Love Machine, Part 2

Turing walked through the center of town, her hooves crunching through the snow. She glanced around her, taking in the sight of Ponyville’s residents going about their business.

Analyzing surroundings: though there are more female than male members of Ponyville’s population, the number of potential romantic partners is significant. Now seeking stallions unaccompanied by mares.

She slowly scanned the area, drawing odd stares from some passersby, until she at last spotted a blue unicorn stallion with a wavy white mane sitting alone on a bench, drinking a cup of a steaming hot beverage. She began to make her way toward him.

Target locked.

Pokey Pierce was taking a sip of his cocoa when he heard a strange whirring behind him. He turned in time to see two large, glowing violet eyes staring at him. He gave a start and nearly dropped his cup as the mechanical mare placed her hooves on the back of the bench.

“Hello there, aesthetically pleasing stallion,” Turing said in what she probably thought constituted a breathy voice. “What is your name?”

“Uhhh… hi?” Pokey Pierce asked. He blinked at her before finally saying, “Oh! Uh, my name’s Pokey Pierce.”

“And I am Turing Test. I see you are enjoying a hot drink.”

Pokey nodded, relaxing slightly as he leaned back on the bench. “Yeah,” he replied giving her a small smile, “it’s… it’s kind of cold today.”

“That is correct. Well, if you are feeling cold, then perhaps you need somepony to warm you up.” She swiftly moved next to him, nuzzling her metallic cheek against his.

“Uwah!” he shouted, jerking back. “Y-you’re freezing!”

Turing’s ears twitched. “My apologies. I will increase power to my systems in order to heat myself and then attempt seduction again.”

The soft electrical hum she normally emitted began to grow in intensity, her body began to vibrate and rumble, and her eyes began to shine more brightly.

Pokey Pierce yelped and dashed off in a panic, dropping his cocoa.

Attempt failed. Re-evaluating strategy. Reduce physical closeness and attempt a target with more familiarity. Analyzing… new target designated.


Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac made their way up the path to their home, fresh bags of food and supplies slung over their backs.

“Brr!” Apple Bloom said, shivering. “I can’t wait fer Winter Wrap up! I’m freezin’ my tail off!”

“I hear ya, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “‘Course, we’ll have to get back to plantin’ an’ harvest the winter rye once it’s spring.”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac agreed. He went inside the house first, carrying his bags of oats and potatoes to the kitchen. He walked through the doorway and froze in midstep, his eyes going wide.

Turing Test was lying on her belly on the kitchen table. She held her face in her hooves and glanced up at him when he entered.

“Hii~ii!” she said, drawing out the word.

Big Mac only stared back at her.

“Welcome home, Big McIntosh,” she continued. “I was experiencing a 23% increase in loneliness when I recalled Granny Smith asking my opinion of you. Are you pleased by my presence?”

She began to trace playful circles on the table with one hoof as she brushed the coils of her polymer mane out of her face with the other. As she did, Applejack and Apple Bloom came up behind Big Mac, who was still staring wordlessly at Turing Test.

“Big Mac?” Applejack asked, squeezing by him. “What the hay are ya doin’ just standin’ in the doorway like--” She likewise froze when she saw Turing on the table.

Turing Test waved to Applejack. “Hello, Applejack.”

Neither she nor Big Mac replied. Apple Bloom finally broke the silence. “Turing Test? What’re you doin’ on the table?”

“I am attempting to entice your brother to enter a romantic relationship with me by behaving in a playfully seductive manner. It is not having the desired effect, so I will switch to a different pose.”

She switched from lying on her belly to reclining on her side, resting her head on one hoof as she raised her knee. “Rarity’s book refers this to as the ‘Draw Me Like One of your Prench Girls’ pose. My apologies, but I must now continue enticing your brother.”

Big Mac’s jaw dropped open. Applejack covered her mouth with her hoof, beginning to snicker.

“Big McIntosh, can you not see that I require you? I need an above-average sized stallion who is also sufficiently strong and kind hearted to accept my affections.” She paused, waiting for his response. When none came, she added, “That compliment was intended to increase your confidence and inform you of my receptivity to a romantic relationship. Also, I have taken the liberty of spreading hay across the floor of your barn. For some reason, Rarity’s book indicates that we would enjoy rolling in it.”

Applejack’s snickering now sounded like choking. Apple Bloom tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. As for Big Mac…

“Nope.” He backed up. “Nope. Nope nope nope!” He continued repeating that as he ran back through the living room and out the front door of the house. “Nnnnooope! Nopenopenopenope…”

Turing Test stared after him as he ran up the road, kicking up a cloud of snow behind him as he dashed off over the horizon. Her ears flattened, and she stepped off the kitchen table.

“Attempt failed,” she said.

“Well, I ain’t too sure what’s goin’ on here, Turing,” Apple Bloom said, “but if ya still want to roll around in some hay, I’d be glad to join ya instead!”

“No, no, that’s… that ain’t necessary,” Applejack said quickly, placing a hoof on Apple Bloom’s shoulder. “Look, uh, would ya mind carryin’ some o’ the groceries to the cellar? I think I need to have some ‘grown up’ talk with Turing Test.”

“Aw, why can’t I stay?” she whined. “She ain’t even a year old yet! I’m older’n that, at least!”

“That ain’t the point!”

“Well what is the point?”

“I’ll tell ya when yer older, now git!” Applejack snapped.

Apple Bloom grumbled as she walked off to the cellar, leaving Applejack and Turing Test alone.

“Look, Turing,” she sighed, putting her hooves on Turing’s shoulders, “it ain’t that Big Mac doesn’t like ya, but maybe he ain’t exactly ready fer a relationship yet.”

Turing nodded, rubbing her chin with a metallic scraping sound. “Applejack, many ponies seem uninterested in the prospect of having me as a romantic partner. Am I… unappealing?”

Applejack’s eyes darted left and right. “Uh… well, it ain’t that, exactly, but I think most stallions ain’t quite used to the idea o’ havin’ a robot fer a girlfriend.”

“I anticipated that to be the case, but Big McIntosh is one of the few stallions I have familiarity with.”

Applejack frowned. “Look, sugarcube, I’m sure once he’s recovered he’ll be glad to stay friends. I know fer a fact that he likes ya, but just maybe not that way.” She sighed and offered her a smile. “Ain’t there anypony you know who might be a bit more into, uh… machinery?”

Turing’s ears lifted. “I know of such a pony. I will locate him immediately!”

She turned to go, but Applejack ran ahead of her. “Hold on there, ya thirsty little love machine,” she said, holding up a hoof. “I know yer eager an’ all, but back there with Big Mac, ya came on a little strong. Ya might wanna just cut out all them fancy lines that Rarity’s book gave ya an’ just be upfront about how ya feel. Besides, talkin’ like that ain’t gonna net ya a nice fella that’ll treat ya right; yer more likely to get one that’ll think o’ ya as a piece o’ meat. Metal. Whatever.”

Turing nodded slowly. “I see. Thank you, Applejack. I had not realized my techniques were counterproductive. Perhaps my next attempt will go more smoothly.”


Hearing his doorbell ring, the Doctor trotted over and answered it.

Turing Test stood in the doorway.

“Hello, Doctor,” she said.

“Ah, hello there Turing Test!” the Doctor said, smiling at her. He adjusted his tie, straightening it. “How are you? Ear still working correctly, I trust?”

Turing nodded. “Yes. Thank you.” She twitched her ears as if to prove it to him.

“Well, would you like to come in?” he asked. “Derpy and I were just testing a new invention of mine. It’s a belt that circumvents the normal passage of time for the wearer so that they can move or do other things much faster! I’m thinking of calling it the ‘Hasty Waisty.’”

A gray blur sped by behind him yelling “Weeeeeeee!” It then crashed into a wall, the force knocking several clocks and pictures off a nearby shelf.

“...Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to have improved poor Derpy’s reflexes by much,” he sighed. He walked inside as Turing Test followed. “Derpy, are you all right?”

Derpy sat up, shaking her head. A brown belt with a dial in place of a buckle was around her waist. “Yes,I’mfine,Doc!ThisthingjusttakesalittlewhiletogetusedtobutIthinkI’mgettingthehangofit!” she said, her voice rapid and high-pitched.

“Ah, just a moment,” the Doctor said, turning the dial on the belt. “There. Better?”

“Much better!” she said, standing up and giving him a smile. “Hi, Turing!” she added, waving to her.

“Hello, Derpy. It seems that the Doctor’s new invention is effective.”

“It sure is!” she exclaimed, taking to the air. “When I get used to it, I’ll be the fastest mailmare in Ponyville!”

The Doctor furrowed his brow. “I’m not sure it will save much time if you can’t manage to avoid crashing into things, my friend.” He sighed. “At this rate, you’re likely to knock the mailboxes right off their posts, assuming you don’t go flying right through some poor pony’s wall.”

Derpy pouted. “You don’t have to be mean about it,” she said, giving back the belt.

“Just concerned is all,” he said raising his head indignantly. Then his eyes went wide. “Oh, but yes, of course, where are my manners?” He looked to Turing Test. “Now, um, can I help you, Miss Turing?”

Turing Test nodded. “I have been advised to be more direct with my intentions. I apologize if my explanation is insufficiently subtle, however, as many organics prefer subtlety.”

“Ah ha,” the Doctor said, exchanging a confused look with Derpy.

“You see, Doctor, I am interested in the topic of romantic relationships and am now considering potential romantic partners.”

Derpy stiffened. The Doctor, however, only smiled and said, “A romantic partner, you say? Oh that’s fantastic! Anyone you fancy, then?”

Turing cocked her head. “When you say ‘fancy,’ are you implying attraction or interest? If so, then my answer is affirmative. You see, I have been advised that many stallions would find me unacceptable as a partner due to my status as a machine. Therefore, I should seek a pony with an affinity for machines.”

The Doctor was nodding slowly, when a grin broke out across his face. “Ah ha! Now I understand! Well, my friend, you have certainly come to the right place!”

Derpy’s skewed eyes widened, and she stared at the Doctor, covering her mouth with her hooves. “D-Doc?”

“I know every engineer, mechanic, and repair pony from here to Canterlot!” the Doctor declared, placing a hoof on his chest. “Just a mo’, I’ll see if I can’t find a list of them! Bound to be one of them that would enjoy your company!” He turned around and galloped into the nearby hallway.

“Doctor,” she said, reaching after him, “you misundersta--”

Derpy suddenly rushed forward and clutched her hoof. Turing paused and looked into her eyes, which were trying to focus on her.

“I know what you’re asking,” she whispered, “even if Doc doesn’t.” She swallowed. “But… please don’t. I mean, I… I don’t want you to be unhappy, but…”

She glanced over her shoulder, her cheeks flushing.

Turing’s eyes shifted and she looked from Derpy to the hallway, hearing the sound of the Doctor busily rummaging through supplies in his back room. She turned back to Derpy, who locked eyes with her and looked at her pleadingly.

“I see. You also are pursuing a relationship?”

“Um… I… I’d like to,” she muttered, looking down, chuckling nervously.

Turing tapped her chin. “Can we not share him?”

Derpy gawked at her, turning bright red, but she quickly regained her composure and shook her head. “N-no! I mean, I know that might sound selfish, but… it’s just that…”

She gulped and held her hooves to her chest, smiling.

“Some things are too precious to share.”

Turing bowed her head. “Understood. Out of consideration for our friendship, I will not pursue this relationship.” She heard the Doctor give a shout as something heavy fell on top of him, the assorted contents clattering across the floor. “I will leave now. Please help the Doctor and give him my thanks.”

Derpy let out a sigh of relief and gave Turing Test a quick hug. “Thank you,” she whispered, and flew back to the hallway to help the Doctor find his way out of whatever mess he’d gotten himself into.

Turing quietly let herself out, shutting the door gently behind her.


Bon Bon rubbed her chin as she stared at the snow shovel the vendor had laid on the counter of the outdoor market.

“I don’t know,” she said slowly, narrowing her eyes. “Is that handle going to be all right to use for an earth pony or a unicorn? It might be tough on my teeth.”

The vendor rolled his eyes. “It’ll be fine. Seriously, are you really going to haggle over this? It’s fifteen bits.”



Bon Bon sighed. It was a fair price, she supposed, but she always liked to be thrifty. “All right, fifteen. Lyra, could you give me the purse so we can--” She turned and stopped in mid-sentence when she saw Lyra was no longer there. She made a face.

“Excuse me,” she said to the vendor as she began to search for Lyra.

She glanced around the market but didn’t see her anywhere.

“Lyra!” she called, raising a hoof to her mouth. “Lyra, where are you?”

“Here! I’m here!” Lyra exclaimed, emerging from a nearby aisle and galloping over to her.

Bon Bon smiled, but her smile quickly faded when she saw what Lyra had around her neck: a bright pink scarf.

“Uh, Lyra? Where’d you get that scarf?”

“Oh, I saw it at a vendor we passed on the way to get that snow shovel,” she replied, holding out the end of the scarf and rubbing it against her cheek. “It’s really warm, too! So, did you find a new shovel?”

“Yes, I did,” Bon Bon said, her frown deepening, “but you have our money, remember?”

Lyra grinned sheepishly. “Oh, right.” She levitated the purse out from beneath the scarf and put it in Bon Bon’s hoof.

Bon Bon undid the small coin purse and peered inside. A growl built up in her. “Lyyyraaa!” she groaned. “There are only seven bits in here! You spent our money on that scarf; now we can’t buy the shovel!”

Lyra’s ears flattened. She pouted. “You want me to return the scarf?”

Bon Bon opened her mouth to say something, but then paused, seeing Lyra’s expression.

“Well, I mean,” she stammered, “it’s just that… I mean, you bought a scarf two weeks ago!”

“But it was blue, and you said it didn’t look good on me, so I saw this pink one and the color of it reminded me of that time at the fair last summer--”

“Oh, when we got that cotton candy that tasted a little like bubble gum, and it got all over my face--”

“--and when I said it looked like a beard, you started laughing like you were Santa Hooves--”

“--and that filly came up and asked if I was Mrs. Santa Hooves!”

The two of them burst out laughing. When they finally got control over themselves, Bon Bon heaved a sigh, but she did so with a resigned smile.

“Okay, Lyra,” she said, holding up a hoof, “you can keep the scarf. We’ll just have to borrow Cherry Berry’s or June Bug’s for a while.”

“All right!” Lyra cheered, gleefully kicking her forelegs in the air. She went over and hugged Bon Bon. “Thanks, Bon Bon!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Bon Bon replied, rolling her eyes. “Well, let’s get home. It’s cold out here, and--” She paused, seeing something out of the corner of her eye. She released Lyra, and they both turned to see Turing Test standing nearby, watching them.

“Oh, Turing Test!” Lyra said, smiling warmly. “Sorry, we didn’t see you there!”

“It is all right. I saw you as I was walking around the market. In truth, I have been walking around Ponyville in an attempt to ‘clear my head.’ I have heard that taking a walk is conducive to thinking about one’s problems.”

Lyra and Bon Bon glanced at each other, then back to Turing Test.

“What sort of trouble are you having?” Bon Bon asked. “Is there anything we can do to help?”

“I am uncertain if you can help,” Turing Test replied, “but I am having difficulty with establishing a romantic relationship.”

“Oooh!” Lyra said, leaning in closer. “I think this calls for a conference at Sugarcube Corner!”


Sitting at a table in Sugarcube Corner that afternoon with Bon Bon and Turing Test, Lyra slurped her caramel mochaccino through her straw, then drew it out to lick the excess whipped cream from it. “Oh wow, I love that they sell hot coffee drinks here during the winter!” she exclaimed.

Bon Bon rolled her eyes. “I’m all for helping Turing Test,” she said, gesturing to the robot, “but did we have to come here to do it? Don’t you think we could both stand to eat fewer sweets?”

Lyra chuckled and pointed at Bon Bon’s cupcake. “So you’re saying you don’t want that cupcake?” She took hold of it with her magic and began to pull it toward herself before Bon Bon seized it, yanking it back.

“I didn’t say that!” she snapped.

“My apologies,” Turing Test said, raising a hoof, “but I am still curious how you may be able to help me with my problem.”

“Oh, right, sorry,” Bon Bon said, blushing slightly as Lyra did the same. “Well, why don’t you just tell us what you’ve been doing, and maybe we can help.”

Turing Test told them about her conversation with Cadance, her getting help from Twilight and Rarity, and her attempts with Pokey Pierce, Big Mac, and the Doctor.

“Well,” Bon Bon muttered once Turing had finished, “that explains why Big Mac was running through Ponyville yelling ‘Nope nope nope!’ until he smacked into that wall.”

“Well, don’t be too discouraged, Turing,” Lyra said, patting Turing’s hoof gently. “After all, that’s just three different guys!”

“Perhaps so, but due to strangers finding my approach to be off-putting, I have determined that a more familiar target has a higher probability of success.”

“Pfft, ‘target!’” Lyra giggled.

Bon Bon ignored that but steepled her hooves as she faced Turing. “Look, Turing, I know you’re eager, but Lyra’s right! Like they say, there are plenty of fish in the sea!”

“I do not… oh. You are speaking in metaphor. You are saying that I have other options available to me.”

“Right!” Bon Bon said, giving a satisfied nod. “I mean, if you want, you could always have your friends introduce you to somepony! Like, say… uh, what about Bulk Biceps?”

Turing Test shook her head. “I appreciate him as a friend, but I do not feel we are sufficiently compatible. His method of articulation is far more energetic than mine.”

Lyra reached for a napkin and took a small pencil from the coin purse she’d been carrying. “Okay, somepony with lower energy,” she said, taking a note.

“Good idea, Lyra!” Bon Bon said, smiling enthusiastically. “Keeping a list of good qualities might help us out!”

“That may be an effective strategy,” Turing said. “I also appreciate ponies who are not disturbed by my appearance.”

“Kind of a given, but sure,” Lyra murmured.

Bon Bon closed her eyes. “Let’s see… maybe somepony who shares interests?”

“I enjoy interaction, learning new things, and humor.”

“Hmm… talking, learning, jokes…”

“Due to my difficulty understanding unspoken nuances of organic interaction, I appreciate those who are honest and who speak plainly. Also, I am grateful to ponies who are patient with me when I do not initially comprehend their meaning.”

“...honest, plain-spoken, patient.” Lyra nodded, giving a satisfied smile. “Hm, not bad!”

“Well, does that help, Turing?” Bon Bon asked.

Turing tapped her chin. “I am uncertain. Even if a match is found, what other criteria will inform me of mutual affection?”

“Well, body language, blushing, your heart beating faster,” Lyra replied.

“Plus they just might tell you straight out if they think you’re cute,” Bon Bon said, giving Lyra a sly smile.

“Or give you a nice present,” Lyra added, returning Bon Bon’s smile, gazing into her eyes.

The two were quiet for a moment as they locked eyes, slowly edging closer to one another.

“Do you have further criteria?” Turing Test asked.

Both mares sat up straight, turning to stare at Turing. They blushed, apparently having forgotten that she was still there.

“Er, well, I think that should cover it,” Bon Bon said, giving a nervous smile as she cleared her throat.

“Yeah, I think we’ve got a good list!” However, her smile began to fade. “Unfortunately, I’m not sure if I know too many guys like this. Well, Caramel’s pretty sweet, but he’s dating Sassaflash. Oh, how about that guy with the shamrock cutie mark you know, Bon Bon?”

“Lucky? Pfft!” Bon Bon scoffed. “That guy’s either really dense or just not interested. Berry Punch told me she went to an all-night party trying to get with him, and he didn’t even seem to get the hint.”

“Wow! She was up all night to get Lucky?”

“Apparently so,” Bon Bon sighed. “In any case, I don’t think he’s an option.”

Turing sat up straight. “One moment… searching for known matches… no results found matching criteria.” Her ears lowered. “I do not know of any stallions that fit a sufficient number of criteria. Shall I broaden my search results?”

Bon Bon tapped her chin. “I’d hate to make you compromise too much,” she said. Then, chuckling, she added, “Heh… it’s too bad you’re only interested in stallions.”

Turing cocked her head at that. “The only non-equine males I know are Spike the Dragon and Mr. Cornelius Vanderbull. One is of insufficient age while the other is married.”

Lyra blinked. “Um, Turing, I think she means, um… mares.”

Turing’s ears twitched. “I had not considered that.”

“Well, I mean, if you only like stallions,” Lyra said hurriedly, “then that’s all that matters.”

“My criteria was based on the typical family unit and the majority of relationships depicted in works of fiction. Rarity assumed that I was targeting stallions, thus I adopted her methodologies.”

Bon Bon leaned closer. “Wait, then… well, who are you attracted to?”

“I do not feel physical attraction, Bon Bon,” Turing replied. “I am merely seeking a compatible partner who may appreciate me. I have no biological imperative to seek a partner for breeding.”

Lyra nodded, taking another sip of her mochaccino. “Well, that makes sense, I guess. I mean, you’re a robot, so you’re not really a mare--”

“Incorrect,” Turing said with sudden forcefulness, drawing herself up. “I am designated as Unit 003M, the M designating me as a mare. Furthermore, a crucial part of my development has involved ponies referring to me using feminine pronouns, rather than simply as ‘it.’ I am female.”

“Oh, jeez, Turing, I’m sorry!” Lyra cried, holding up a hoof. “I… I didn’t mean it like that.”

Turing bowed her head. “My apologies, Lyra. I did not wish to chastise you. I simply wish to be treated primarily as a pony. My status as a machine is part of my identity, but it is secondary to that.”

Bon Bon smiled. “Well, if it’s not an issue for you, Turing, then maybe you should think beyond just stallions. After all, love is about what you feel. If you know of somepony that you think might be your special somepony, then you should go get him or her!”

Turing nodded slowly. “Understood. I will accept your advice and reapply my search parameters to both genders.”

She sat back up, her eyes constricting slightly as she broadened her search.

Now matching to search criteria…
-Below average energy
-Undisturbed/appreciative of my appearance
-Enjoys interaction
-Enjoys humor
-Low use of nuanced speech
-Above average patience
-Body language including increased heart rate or blushing in my presence
-Offered a gift to me

Turing’s eyes returned to normal, but her ears stood straight on end. “Search complete,” she said to Lyra and Bon Bon. “One match found with 100% accuracy.”

Bon Bon and Lyra leaned forward excitedly.

“That’s great!” Bon Bon exclaimed.

“Ooh, ooh, who is it, Turing?” Lyra asked.

Then they heard a high-pitched giggle, and both turned and shouted when they saw Pinkie Pie standing right next to their table.

“Oh, I think I know who she means!” Pinkie said, grinning broadly.

“Pinkie?!” Bon Bon shouted. “When did you get here?!”

Turing tilted her head at that. “She has been here for the last three minutes and twenty-two seconds. You did not notice her.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Bon Bon cried. “Either of you?!”

“She did not say ‘hello.’”

“And I just didn’t want to interrupt!” Pinkie added.

Turing leaned closer to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie Pie, I have an inquiry regarding your impressions of--”

Pinkie cut her off, holding up a hoof. “I know what you’re going to ask, and I think you should just go ask her yourself.” Her grin turned sly, and she placed a paper on the table, sliding it over to Turing Test as she wiggled her eyebrows. “Here’s her address. Go and get her, you castiron Casanova.”


Turing Test slowed her jets and descended to the ground below. This area, the Northwestern Badlands, was surrounded by long, flat plains littered with boulders, scarred by deep gorges, and bordered by mountains. Small, scrubby plants grew sporadically, as did occasional trees. The atmosphere there was arid and dusty, but the temperature in late winter was still fairly cold.

Small hiking trails crisscrossed the land and, here and there, one could see small ranger outposts or observation towers. Turing, however, was concerned with a lone cabin at the center of the valley.

She set down, the roar of her jets fading to a low whine before finally cutting off completely. She folded her wings back into herself and returned to neutral mode as she walked toward the cabin, her hooves gently crunching on the gravel-covered earth.

The cabin was small, wooden, with a few unadorned windows. Many rocks were piled outside, organized by type. Next to the small path up to the front door, Turing saw a sign that read:

University of Manehattan - Department of Geology
Research Station #1

Turing saw the name of the researcher on a small placard that had been inserted into a slot below, and she knew that she’d come to the right place.

She went to the door, raising a hoof. For some reason, she hesitated. In part, she wished that she had come with support from Pinkie, but Pinkie had said that she had to stay behind to meet her sister Marble Pie, who was apparently going on a trip around Equestria after making a stop in Ponyville.

Turing decided that she’d come all this way; it was illogical to turn back now. She knocked lightly on the door and stepped back.

The door opened, and a familiar gray earth pony mare with a purple mane and dull greenish-blue frock stepped out. Her eyes widened momentarily when she saw Turing Test standing before her. After a moment of silence between the two, in her usual deadpan voice, she said “Hello, Turing Test.” She blinked. “It’s nice to see you.”

Turing Test’s ears twitched. “Hello, Maud Pie.”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Ship ahoy!

Some notes: two very minor background ponies mentioned in this chapter are Pokey Pierce and Lucky. Pokey is best known for popping balloons at parties, while Lucky is best known for looking like Doctor Whooves.

-The "Draw Me Like One of Your Prench Girls" pose is referencing the meme started by the scene in Titanic where Rose asks Jack to draw her like, well, you know.
-Lyra and Bon Bon's conversation about Berry Punch trying to hook up with Lucky ending with “Wow! She was up all night to get Lucky?” is a pretty blunt reference to the Daft Punk song "Get Lucky," which I'm pretty sure most of you have heard by now.
-Turing Test references getting a gift from Maud. Though it will be addressed in the next chapter, Turing Test received a gift from Maud Pie for Hearth's Warming in my story The Iron Ho-Ho-Horse: Everything's Merrier With Robots! It was a piece of rose quartz shaped like a heart.
-It is also mentioned that Pinkie Pie is staying in Ponyville to greet her sister Marble Pie. That's a reference to another story of mine told from Marble's point of view, Marble's Horizon. It was a nominee in two categories for Everfree Northwest's Scribblefest writing contest, and it is a story I am extremely proud of. If you haven't read it yet, please consider giving it a look. :twilightsmile:

As usual, thanks for reading!

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