• Published 4th Apr 2015
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The Iron Horse: Everything's Better With Robots! - The Hat Man

A cute robot pony. A mysterious origin. A princess who believes anyone can learn friendship, even a cold, logical machine. A journey begins...

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Face to Face

Twilight and Turing Test sat across from the mayor as she sat behind her desk in City Hall. The large room was filled with books, and plaques and pictures hung on the wall. Papers were stacked neatly into boxes on both sides of her desk, with one marked ‘In’ and the other marked ‘Out.’ The drapes were open, and bright morning sunlight streamed in through the windows.

The mayor was checking the papers in front of her, signing her name to a few, before she finally pushed them over to Twilight and Turing, giving them a smile.

“And that should be it!” the mayor said. “If you’ll sign those, Turing Test, you’ll legally and officially be a citizen of Ponyville.”

Turing glanced down at the papers. “May I examine them first?”

“Certainly!” she said. “If you need a little time to examine them, you can even bring them back later--”

Turing flipped through them and set them back down. “There is no need. I have examined them.”

“My goodness!” the mayor said, adjusting her spectacles. “You really are a fast reader!”

“It has been remarked,” Turing said, getting a giggle out of Twilight Sparkle. “These documents are very similar to the ones that I examined with Twilight Sparkle.”

The mayor looked to Twilight, raising an eyebrow.

“I keep some books on local laws in my library,” Twilight explained, holding her head up proudly.

“Ah,” she said, turning back to Turing Test, her smile back in place. “You were saying?”

“I have noticed that these documents are missing some key sections, and others have been edited or marked ‘Other’ or ‘N/A’ in certain areas.”

“Well, yes,” the mayor said, steepling her hooves on the desk as she leaned forward. “Turing Test, we’re all sincere about you being a citizen, but there are certain things that don’t apply to you in the same way. Under ‘species,’ for example, we had to put ‘Other,’ since you don’t fit any of the other categories we usually know. Your age was also problematic, since we don’t really know how old you are. We thought about considering your birthday to be the date you were activated - an event I remember quite well, I might add,” she said, chuckling to herself, “and that would put you at around six and a half months of age, but… well, you aren’t really like any other foal of that age.”

She sighed, closing her eyes before she continued.

“Turing Test, there’s one more thing that I need to discuss with you. Because you’re not really a child, but still not an adult, I personally made the decision to classify you as Princess Twilight’s ward. She’s your guardian and, for tax purposes, you’re her dependent. However… well…”

Twilight blinked. “That all sounds fine to me, Mayor. Is there a problem?”

Mayor Mare cleared her throat. “The problem is that we aren’t really sure about how to classify Turing in terms of her being a minor or an adult.”

“Due to the fact that I am under Twilight Sparkle’s care,” Turing said, “would it not be logical to classify me as a minor?”

She heaved a sigh. “Well, I hate to engage in gossip, but… I’ve heard that you have a… relationship?”

Turing’s ears twitched. “That is correct.”

“If we classify you as a minor, that could have some… ugly legal consequences.”

Twilight’s eyes bulged, and she grimaced. “Oh.”

Turing glanced from Twilight to the mayor. “Consequences? I do not…” She trailed off, her eyes constricting. “Ohhhhhhh.”

“We could classify you as an adult, but that, ah, carries other problems. Questions about taxes, exemptions, voting, etc.”

Turing raised her head. “I may vote?”

“Of course! As a citizen, it is your right to vote in elections! Um, and I hope you’ll remember the way I helped you when that day comes,” she said, flashing a smile.

Twilight cleared her throat, narrowing her eyes.

“Er, what I mean,” the mayor said, adjusting her ascot, “is that as an adult citizen, all the usual things apply. The law says you’d get to vote, serve on jury duty, pay taxes, and so on. But there is one more issue with that, and I’m afraid that I don’t know how to proceed.”

Twilight frowned. “What issues do you mean, Mayor?” she asked.

“I’m willing to accept that Turing Test has the mental maturity to make those kinds of decisions. There’s no problem with her being your ward and still being classified as an adult,” the mayor replied, “but the problem is that, as I understand it, you’re not just her guardian, but her…” she paused, examining a note on her desk, “...’end user’?”

“Correct,” Turing said. “Twilight Sparkle is my end user.”

“So you have to obey her?”


“Regardless of your own opinions or will?”

“Twilight Sparkle respects my opinions and will, but that is correct.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as she understood the mayor’s meaning. “Oh. Oh no…”

“I’m afraid so, Princess Twilight,” the mayor said, shaking her head, “but if she’s an adult, then she needs some independence. If she’s forced to do your bidding, then that means she’s a slave.”

Turing got to her hooves. “I am not a slave.”

“Yes, of course, but under the law, that’s how you appear,” the mayor said, holding up her hooves.

Twilight closed her eyes. “Well… um, what if I…” She paused, taking a deep breath. “What if I relinquished my role as her end user?”


The suddenness of this outburst from Turing nearly startled Twilight right out of her seat. She saw that Turing was staring right at her.

“Twilight Sparkle… I cannot operate without you.”

“Turing, you--”

“I am not ready for that responsibility. I cannot imagine what my existence would be without you as my end user.”

Mayor Mare cleared her throat deliberately, getting their attention. “You can see the problem. I’m willing to work with you on this, and we can bend some rules, like overlooking her physical age, but this really is quite important.”

Turing’s eyes shifted. “If that is the only way I can become a citizen, then I refuse to--”

“Turing, calm down,” Twilight said, her voice calm, but stern.

Turing fell silent. “My apologies, Twilight Sparkle,” she said, taking her seat.

The mayor raised her eyebrow and glanced at Twilight.

Twilight took a deep breath. “Listen, Turing Test isn’t ready for this just yet, but I’m in favor of her being independent. Let me propose a compromise.”

The mayor nodded. “What do you have in mind?”

“Luckily, I happen to be a Princess,” Twilight said, giving a small grin as she stood and raised her head proudly, “so I hereby call for a temporary suspension of the rules. I declare that the issue of me being Turing’s end user is suspended for a period of six months or until she decides that she’s ready to be independent. In the meantime, she should be treated as an adult with all the rights and privileges that go along with that. For my part, I give my word that I will not order her to act against her will except in cases that are for her protection or the protection of others.”

The mayor smiled. “You’re becoming more comfortable with your title, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight blushed and looked away, breaking her composure. “W-well, um… the situation called for it.”

The mayor laughed. “Well, that’s fine with me. I’ll make a note of it on Turing Test’s file, and we’ll address the issue in six months.”

Turing raised a hoof. “Then you are saying that Twilight Sparkle will no longer be my end user in six months?”

“Not necessarily,” the mayor said. “It’s just that we’re choosing to ignore it for now and make a decision later. However, if you object, I’ll honor that. Twilight has no say if you choose not to accept this proposal. If so, though, then we’re back to the issue at hoof.”

Turing tapped her chin, considering the matter before replying. “I accept these circumstances.”

Both Twilight and the mayor breathed a sigh of relief.

“Then you can sign these papers and we’ll make it official, Turing Test,” the mayor said.

Turing signed the papers, taking the quill in her magic and writing her name where the mayor had indicated.

“Excellent!” she said, taking the documents back and stacking them neatly. “Also, you have excellent writing.”

“Thank you. I chose a sans-serif font that Rarity classified as ‘elegant.’”

The mayor chuckled. “Well, you know… since you are legally allowed to work and keep the money you earn, and since you seem very good at scanning documents, could I interest you in a temporary job assisting me with organizing the public record system? Pinkie Pie helped me organize it better, but if you could assist me in chasing down some things, I would be very appreciative.”

Turing looked to Twilight.

“Turing, don’t look at me, it’s your decision!” Twilight laughed.

“It is… my decision,” she echoed. She turned to the mayor. “When do you wish for me to assist you?”

“In one week. Would 10 bits per hour be all right?”

“That is acceptable.”

“Well then,” the mayor said, smiling as she put out her hoof, “I look forward to working with you.”

Turing looked down at the mayor’s hoof for a moment, then shook it. “The feeling is mutual.”


When they stepped outside City Hall, Twilight looked over at Turing Test and smiled. “Turing, I’m so proud of you today.”

Turing paused, looking not at her, but from left to right, taking in the view of Ponyville before her. “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. But, in truth, I am not certain what I have done to deserve such treatment.”

“It’s not what you’ve done so much as who you are, Turing,” Twilight replied, chuckling into her hoof. “You managed to overcome the judgments of just about everypony in town. My friends, the CMCs and all the school ponies, and lots more. We’ve all come to realize that you being a robot doesn’t matter, because you’re just like us at heart. I think Ponyville is better with you in it, Turing.”

“I think so too!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Twilight gave a start and glanced around, trying to locate her. Turing tapped her on the shoulder and pointed to Pinkie, who was floating above them via several balloons tied to her tail.

“Pinkie?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow and shielding her eyes against the sun as she peered upwards. “What are you doing up there?”

“I thought I’d try a new way of dropping party invitations!” she replied, pulling an envelope out of her poofy mane. “This way I can surprise everypony by dropping the invitations from the sky!”

“That is certainly unexpected, Pinkie Pie,” Turing said. “I was unable to detect you until you spoke. Have your efforts been successful?”

“Well, not as much as I hoped,” she admitted, rubbing the back of her neck. “Pegasus ponies make this flying thing look easy, but it’s actually a lot harder than I thou--whoa whoa whoa!” she cried as a gust of wind began to blow her in the wrong direction.

Twilight rolled her eyes and seized Pinkie with her magic, pulling her back to the ground and popping enough of the balloons to prevent her from flying off again.

“Whew! Thanks, Twilight!” Pinkie said. She turned back to Turing Test. “Anyway, Rinny, I think Twilight is right! Ponyville is always lots of fun, but you’ve made it even funner! Now I have another friend to hang out with, Applejack got her harvest in early, and Rarity says she’s working on a whole new clothing line with metallic tones ‘cause she says she was inspired by you! And DJ-Pon3 is doing lots of new music because she got inspired by you! And the Doc’s getting lots more business ever since he fixed you up! All over town, everypony’s talking about you! Not to mention that my sister Maud keeps mentioning you in her letters,” she added, wiggling her eyebrows slyly. “You charmer.”

“Ah. I… am glad to be held in such high esteem. It is so strange after being seen as an oddity for much of my existence. I am still unaccustomed to such acceptance. Do you both believe that my presence has improved things in Ponyville and beyond?”

“I absolutely do, Turing,” Twilight said, giving a decisive nod.

“Totally!” Pinkie cried, giving the mechanical mare a tight hug. “I wish we had more awesome robots like you around! Everything’s better with robots!”

Turing’s eyes shifted. “I… am not certain what to say.”

“Well, you can say that you’ll come to Gummy’s birthday party next week!” She gave her the envelope with the invitation and another to Twilight.

“Sure! It sounds fun!” Twilight said.

“And I will attend as well.”

“Great!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Oh, and let’s have another party for Rinny’s citizenship as soon as we can! And you two are coming to the picnic this afternoon, right?”

“We sure are!” Twilight said.


“Then I’ll see you both there!” Pinkie said, and bounced off to deliver more invitations.

As they watched her go, waving goodbye, Turing turned to Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, before Pinkie Pie interrupted us, there was something else I wished to ask you.”

“Oh? What is it?” she asked, facing her.

“You stated that you are proud of me. I am very glad, but I wonder if you are also disappointed with me.”

Twilight tilted her head. “Disappointed? No, of course not! Why would I be?”

Turing looked down. “I thought that perhaps you were bothered by the fact that I did not wish to remove you as my end user.”

“Oh, I see,” Twilight said. She furrowed her brow and rubbed her chin. “Well, I… no. No, I’m not disappointed. I think you’ll have to face it one day, and I just thought that maybe you were ready, but if you need more time, then you do. I guess I don’t know why it matters to you.”

“In truth, I am not certain either. I do not feel that you would restrain me against my will, nor do I doubt that I could act responsibly in the majority of situations, but many aspects of society and interaction with organics are still puzzling to me. I am not certain that I would be able to make the correct decisions without your guidance.”

“You can have my guidance whenever you want it, Turing, regardless of me being your end user.” She looked away. “And, um, I haven’t always made the right decisions for you, either. That time I made you follow the Three Laws of Automata was a pretty big disaster.”

“That is true. However, you have been extremely helpful to me. If it were not for you, I cannot imagine what sort of being I would be. I cannot imagine what my existence would be like without the friends you helped me make. Thank you for that, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled and gave her a hug, which Turing returned. “You’re welcome, Turing,” Twilight said. “Just know that it wasn’t all one-sided. I learned a lot about friendship by seeing you develop and learn. It’s hard to imagine life without you too.”

Turing nodded, and Twilight released her.

“I am glad to hear that. However, there is one other reason.” She tapped her chin, considering how to articulate what she meant. “It may also be that it is my ‘nature,’ for lack of a better word, that, as a robot, I simply prefer to be commanded what to do. To be without an end user is a concept I find troubling, and I am not certain why.”

“Well, like I said, Turing,” Twilight replied, “we’re putting it all aside for now. Unless it’s something to protect you, I won’t order you to do anything you don’t want to do. As far as I’m concerned, you’re free to be your own pony. When you’re ready to make it official, just let me know, and I’ll honor that. You have my word.”

Turing bowed her head. “I will remember that, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Great!” Twilight said, grinning broadly. “Now, let’s go get some of the things for the picnic! I sure wouldn’t want to be late for it!”


On a grassy hill just outside of Ponyville, a blanket was spread, and various bowls, dishes, and baskets of food were placed upon it. Applejack had brought apple spice muffins, Rarity a platter of radish rosettes, Pinkie her cupcakes, Fluttershy a salad fresh from her garden, and Rainbow Dash a pitcher of fruit punch. They were all chatting, but the food remained untouched.

“Come on, come on,” Rainbow Dash grumbled. Her belly likewise growled as if to echo her sentiment. “What’s taking Twilight so long?”

“Yes, she is uncharacteristically late,” Rarity remarked. “You don’t suppose she forgot, do you?”

Applejack shook her head. “Nah. I’m sure there’s a reason.” Lying next to her on the blanket was Winona, whom she gave a soft pat on the head as the little canine eyed the food hungrily.

Just then, Winona raised her head, getting to her paws and barking excitedly.

“Well, speak o’ the devil,” Applejack chuckled, turning to see Twilight hurrying up the hill. Turing Test and Spike were right behind her.

“Sorry, sorry!” Twilight said, practically skidding to a halt as she arrived. “We got a little delayed!”

“We’re just glad you’re here,” Fluttershy said, smiling warmly. “Um, we were starting to worry, though.”

Pinkie bounced over to Twilight. “Ooh, what kept you? Princess stuff? Magic stuff? Magic princess stuff?”

“Uhh, something more mundane than that,” Twilight said, rolling her eyes.

Turing Test stepped forward, placing a hoof on her chest. “I apologize, but the fault was mine.” It was then that they noticed that she was carrying a basket on her back. Twilight levitated it over to them and placed it on the blanket.

“Ooh, you made something, Rinny?” Pinkie asked. “What is it, what is it?”

“That is actually the reason for our delay. I asked Twilight Sparkle that she allow me to prepare the dish that we would bring to this picnic. I decided to bring a salad, as many ponies seem to enjoy them. However, I was not certain if I should bring a vegetable salad, a fruit salad, a potato salad, or an egg salad. I reasoned that the best way to satisfy everypony’s tastes was to combine them all into one salad.”

All five of the others made faces of disgust.

Rainbow Dash started laughing. “Oh man, only you, Tee!”

“I submitted my dish to Twilight and Spike the Dragon. Twilight informed me that the various tastes together would be unpalatable, though only Spike the Dragon sampled it.”

They all looked to Spike.

He shrugged. “It wasn’t that bad. Uh, it could’ve used less ranch dressing. Or… apricots? Or eggs?”

Rarity nearly gagged. “Spikey Wikey, please! Maybe dragons have stronger tracts than ponies, but just the thought is making me ill!”

“The long and short is that we suggested that Turing try to make something else,” Twilight said. “Since she had to start over, that’s what held us up.”

“Thus, I prepared several tomato and cucumber sandwiches on whole wheat bread.” She pulled back the cloth covering the basket to reveal the sandwiches. “I hope you will enjoy them.”

They all shared a mutual sigh of relief.

“Well, enough yammerin’ about all this food! Let’s dig in!” Applejack declared.

She got no argument from the others.

As the hungry group filled their plates and glasses, chatting between bites, Turing sat by and watched them. Twilight noticed, raising an eyebrow.

“Um, Turing?” she whispered. “You’re staring again.”

“My apologies,” Turing whispered back. “I just enjoy watching you all eat. I wonder what all these foods taste like.”

“It’s just a little awkward,” Twilight muttered, taking a bite of her salad.

“Aw, don’t let it get to ya, Twilight,” Applejack said, waving a hoof. “I’d think you’d be used to it after livin’ with her fer so long.”

Twilight blushed; she hadn’t realized that Applejack had heard her. “W-well, I am, but I didn’t think you all were.”

“Doesn’t seem to be a problem. Besides, I personally got used to it after that time she helped us out on the farm.” She looked over at Turing Test and started to laugh.

“Have I done something amusing?” Turing asked.

“Sorry, sorry!” Applejack said, trying to stifle her chuckles. “It’s just that, well, the way yer lookin’ at everypony eat… it’s almost the same as the way Winona is!”

They all looked and saw that Winona was indeed eyeing them all from her spot near the picnic blanket, panting excitedly in the hopes that someone would drop some food.

Pinkie burst out laughing as well. “Ha ha ha! You’re right, Applejack! It’s the same expression!”

“Ah. I see.” She looked down at Winona. “Should I feed her something?”

“Nah, doubt there’s much here that she’d like anyway,” Applejack replied. “Not that she knows that.”

Winona smacked her lips and whined.

“Not that I’m objecting,” Rarity said, “but why did you bring her?”

“Oh, I just thought it might be fun to play a little catch after lunch,” Applejack replied.

Turing Test tapped her chin. “Since neither Winona nor I can partake in this meal, perhaps I could entertain her for a short time.”

Applejack smiled. “Sounds good to me! She has taken a shine to ya, after all.”

“I enjoy her company as well,” Turing said, stroking Winona’s back, causing the dog to stand up and wag her tail. “Winona, can you identify who is a good dog?”

Winona barked in response.

“Correct. I was referring to you.” She knelt and picked up a small stick. “Come with me, and I will throw this stick. Then you can catch it and return it to me. Then the process will repeat. Does that sound enjoyable?”

Winona barked again excitedly.

“Yes. I also enjoy repetitive tasks.”

She galloped off, Winona chasing behind her.

As Turing Test and Winona played nearby, the other friends chatted idly about recent events in their lives, such as Rarity and Applejack’s trip to Manehattan, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo winning the Sisterhooves Social competition (with Applejack getting peeved at Dash’s teasing of Big Mac’s participation), Discord’s recent antics, talk about Cadance’s upcoming baby shower, and Pinkie Pie working on next month’s Helping Hooves Music Festival.

“I don’t wanna give anything away,” Pinkie said, practically biting her lip, “but I think I might have snagged a pretty big name singer to headline the event!”

“Oh yeah?” Twilight asked. “Who is it?”

“I’ll let you know if it works out,” Pinkie said, though she was obviously brimming with excitement and having trouble keeping her lips sealed.

“Well, um…” Rarity said, changing the subject, lest Pinkie spill the beans unwittingly, “I heard that you took Turing Test to sign her citizenship papers, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled. “That’s right! Turing is now officially a citizen of Ponyville and Equestria as a whole!”

“Awesome!” Rainbow Dash shouted, taking to the air. “Way to go, Tee!” she cried.

Turing Test was nearby, rubbing Winona’s belly. “Thank you,” she called back before trotting over to them once again. “There is no need to shout, however. I have been listening to your conversation. My auditory sensors are very efficient.” Her ears squeaked on their hinges as she twitched them demonstratively.

“She’s not kidding,” Spike laughed. “She hears everything that happens in the castle.”

“Correct. For instance, I once startled Spike the Dragon when I overheard him--”

“Hey hey hey, don’t tell them about that!” Spike cried, his purple cheeks flushing pink.

The others all laughed.

“So, Rinny, what are you going to do next?”

“Next?” She cocked her head to the side. “I will assist you in cleaning up after the picnic ends. Then Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Dragon and I will return home. Then--”

“No no no, not that! I mean now that you’re a citizen!”

Turing stared back at her.

“Um, I think she means,” Fluttershy said, speaking up, “that we all want to know if there’s anything you want to do now that you couldn’t do earlier.”

“I see.” She tapped her chin metallically. “I have not considered that question in much depth. I am aware of my new rights and privileges, but I have no immediate plans to exercise them.”

“Aw, c’mon!” Rainbow Dash groaned. “There’s gotta be something you want to do. Ooh, like buy yourself some hard cider! Or watch an R-rated movie without an adult!”

“But I am incapable of drinking hard cider. Also, most of my friends are adults, so going without them would imply going alone. However, I could accompany one of my younger friends. Perhaps the Crusaders--”

“No,” Applejack and Rarity said in unison.

“Eh, you can take Scootaloo if you want,” Rainbow Dash said, shrugging. “It’s not like I haven’t already, though.”

“Rainbow!” Twilight gasped. “I hope you got permission to do that!”

“Of course! Scootaloo said it was okay.”

“That’s not what I meant!” Twilight shouted, causing the others to chuckle.

“I wrote a script for an action movie once,” Pinkie said, raising her hoof. “I’d be the star! And I’d save a bunch of ponies from a building that were being held hostage by terrorists with funny accents! Gummy would play the villain, Hans Gummer, and the whole thing would take place at Hearth’s Warming! I call it: Pie Hard!”

They all stared at her in stunned silence.

“Sssooo, anyway,” Rainbow Dash continued, “there’s gotta be something else you want to do, Tee.”

“Well, she can vote,” Twilight suggested. “Um, but the next election isn’t for another two years.”

“Ugh, no, I mean something cool!”

“Oh oh oh oh oh!” Pinkie exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. “She could get ma~aried!”

Twilight blushed, and Spike spit out his drink.

Turing Test looked to her friends, who were all staring at her.

“I had not considered that possibility. However, I am not ready for such a commitment. Though, if you are suggesting that I wed your sister, I am happy that you are supportive of such an idea and that you would accept me as a sister-in-law.”

“Shucks,” Pinkie said, her ears drooping. “Oh well! I guess I’ll have to wait a little longer to have a robot-in-law.”

“Too bad,” Rainbow Dash said. “But hey, if you and Maud ever do get hitched, I was wondering: would your kids be earth ponies or robots? Or half-robots, half-ponies?”

The group went dead silent. Fluttershy turned to Rainbow with glacial slowness, her jaw dropping.

“W-what? What’d I say?” Rainbow Dash demanded, looking to each of them.

“Moving on,” Rarity said hurriedly, “I suppose there’s the possibility of a job. Have you considered finding work?”

Turing nodded. “Yes. In fact, I have already agreed to assist the mayor with her records next week.”

“That sounds nice,” Fluttershy said, smiling. “But, um, what will you do with your money?”

“I have not decided,” Turing Test replied. “As a robot, I do not require the things ponies commonly use money for. I do not need food, water, or a bed. Perhaps I could pay rent to compensate Twilight Sparkle for sheltering me.”

Twilight waved a hoof. “No, no, Turing Test. I’m your guardian now, not your landlady. You don’t need to pay me to live in the castle. We have plenty of room, and your room is tiny anyway.”

“Then I suppose I will use any money I earn on necessities and gifts for my friends and save the rest. Since I will not spend my money on food or housing, perhaps I can use some of it for charity. If I can help to care for ponies as I have been cared for, then I believe that would be an appropriate use of my earnings.”

The others nodded approvingly.

“I think that’s a fine idea, darling,” Rarity said, putting her hoof on Turing’s shoulder.

“Likewise,” Applejack said, taking off her hat to scratch her head. “Aw, what the heck. Lemme help you get started, Turing Test. Why don’t you come to the farm tomorrow and help us bring in some of the early harvest? I pay by the bushel, so that ought to add up, as fast as you work.”

Rarity beamed. “What a splendid idea, Applejack!”

Twilight gasped. “Applejack,” she breathed, “you’d really do that?”

“Oh, don’t go lookin’ at me like that,” she said, rolling her eyes as she replaced her hat. “I’m over all that stuff I was dealin’ with last time. I ain’t got no problem with a friend helpin’ me out on the farm, robot or not.” She held out her hoof to Turing Test. “Whaddya say?”

Turing looked at Applejack’s hoof, then over to Twilight.

“Like I said earlier, Turing, it’s up to you!” Twilight said.

“Acknowledged.” She took Applejack’s hoof and shook it. “I accept, Applejack. Thank you very much for your offer. I will not disappoint you.”

“I don’t reckon ya will,” she said, grinning as she tipped her hat.


Once the picnic ended, they all packed up their things, bid each other farewell, and went home.

“Did you have fun today, Turing Test?” Spike asked as they made their way back through Ponyville to the castle.

“Affirmative. It has been some time since I was able to spend time with all of our close friends. Though I wish I was able to enjoy the food, I have developed an appreciation for spending time in idle conversation and sharing details from each other’s lives.”

Twilight chuckled.

“Did I say something amusing, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Oh, no, it’s just,” she paused, smiling, “what you said reminds me a little of how much I’ve changed since coming to Ponyville. Back before I made all my friends, I used to think spending my time just talking about silly, non-important things was mostly a waste of time. Even if it was fun, I felt guilty for not spending my time studying.”

“She’s not kidding,” Spike said with a chuckle. “One time she spent two hours with Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Hearts at the donut shop. That was a record for her, but when she saw how much time had passed, she freaked out and ran off without even paying her share of the bill!”

Twilight gawked at him. “I did?! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Minuette told me about it later on. I took a little bit out of your change jar to pay her back. She said not to tell you, though, because she didn’t want you to feel guilty. But I figure it’s been a long time.”

Twilight blushed. “Well, I guess that’s just how the old me was.”

“And the new you is a better friend. When I visited your Canterlot friends during Hearth’s Warming, they all spoke highly of you. In particular, your friend Moon Dancer was grateful to you for your friendship.” Then, to Twilight’s surprise, Turing actually nuzzled her cheek against her. “And so am I.”

“Aww!” Twilight giggled, both because of the gesture and because Turing’s metal cheek was a little cold to the touch. “Well, let’s get home and check the mail. I want to see if we got a response from Gadget about when she can visit next. Oh, and Dr. Turing says that his article about you will be published in this month’s issue of Scientific Equestrian! Maybe the issue is out already!”

“I look forward to reading both,” Turing said, and eagerly picked up her pace.


That night, under a moon partly obscured by clouds, a train departed. It trundled along through valleys, around mountains, and through forests. The light from the engine cut through the darkness, reflecting back from the eyes of nocturnal creatures. Farmers and villagers stirred in their sleep, hearing the unexpected train roll by so late at night. A select few graveyard shift workers who spotted the train noted the lack of markings, and the fact that it only had a few cars. Some of them ignored it. Some had been paid to ignore it.

The train moved slowly, discreetly, along twisting tracks, slipping in between regularly scheduled trains. Like a phantom, it was there and gone without anypony giving it a second thought, assuming they’d ever had a first thought.

It rolled onward toward its destination. It would be there the next morning. It would slow down to park itself just outside the village.

Just outside Ponyville.


The early spring harvest was decidedly different from when Turing had helped in autumn. Rather than bucking apples, Applejack told her, they’d be harvesting some radishes, lettuce, and peas alongside Big Mac. These fields were much smaller than the long corn fields or expansive acres of apple trees that she’d seen before, and she had to be shown how to properly remove the crops, pack them into bushels, and cart them back to the barn. Applejack had stated that such crops were a great way to pad out their profits before the first apple harvest.

The radishes were easy by any standard, doubly so for a robot. With her magic, Turing pulled up each radish one-by-one, quickly clearing all of her field except for a small portion that Applejack had said was going to be used for seeds. Those would sit in the ground longer.

The lettuce wasn’t much more difficult. Applejack showed her how to gently push back the leaves and use a small knife to cut the heads off at the soil level. With speed and absolute precision, those were soon done too.

The peas took the longest, Turing found, but were still nothing to worry about. She cut the small pods off each plant until she’d filled her basket with them, then carted them back to the barn. Granny Smith and Apple Bloom were back at the house, sorting and boxing the vegetables to get them ready for storage or the market.

By eleven o’clock, the work was done.

“Hoowee, Turing! I didn’t think even you could get all this done so fast!” Applejack said as they packed up the last basket. “When we head back, we’ll take a tally and settle up yer pay.”

“Thank you, Applejack. I am glad that we were able to help each other.”

“Shucks, what’re friends for?” she asked.

“Manual labor,” Turing replied. When Applejack gave her a weird look, she leaned forward, adding, “That was a joke. Ha ha.”

“Heh! Ya got me!”

They packed up their carts one last time and began the trek back to the farm, passing by the rows of apple trees which were just beginning to blossom. Applejack slowed down as she peered down the shady corridor.

“Hey, hold up there, Turing.”

The mechanical mare did so, and glanced over at Applejack.

“Hey, follow me fer a second. I got somethin’ I wanna show ya.”

Turing unhooked herself from the cart and followed Applejack into the trees. They arrived at a small clearing. There didn’t seem to be anything notable about the area. There were no stumps, no old trees, nor anything else that marked the area as special.

“You don’t remember this place, do ya?” Applejack said, watching as Turing looked around.

“Remember it?” She tapped her chin. “I remember everything. And yet, I do not know this place. If you are stating that I have been here, then…” Suddenly, it dawned on her. “This clearing is where Apple Bloom and her friends discovered me. Am I correct?”

“Got it in one!” Applejack chuckled. She tapped a spot on the ground with her hoof. “It was right here. Looks like the old, burnt grass is completely gone. Ya’d never know anything had happened here at all.”

Turing looked down at the grassy spot. It was indeed unremarkable. And yet, this single spot was where she’d been found. That had led to her being recovered and given to Twilight. Had none of those things happened, her life might have been totally different. This point, this spot, was the place where the pony she had once been ceased to be, and the pony she was now had begun her existence.

She crouched and lay down on the grass.

“Hey, uh… this ain’t the time for a nap, ya know,” Applejack said, chuckling nervously. When Turing didn’t respond, she furrowed her brow. “Um… you okay?”

“It is strange,” Turing said. “I feel… something. This place is giving me an emotional response, but I am uncertain how I should define it.”

“Jeez, I… I’m sorry if it bothers ya. Maybe I shouldn’t have shown ya this.”

“No,” Turing said quickly. “I am glad that you did. This feeling… it is not unpleasant. Perhaps later, I will identify it.”

Then her ears twitched, and she looked to her right. She got to her hooves rapidly.

“You ready to go?”

“Applejack, please be quiet.”

“Huh?” She strained her ears but heard nothing. “Something wrong?” she whispered.

Turing stepped forward, tensing up. She held up a hoof. “Applejack, please get behind me.”

“What? What’re you--”

“Now, please.”

Applejack gulped and did as Turing asked. At first, she wondered what could have put Turing Test so on edge. Perhaps a strange animal had wandered in from the Everfree.

But then she heard it. A rhythmic, familiar whirring sound accompanied by a series of thumps. It was getting louder.

Something was coming.

Something that made a mechanical sound, very similar to Turing when she walked.

There was movement behind the trees. It was coming at them at an even pace. The metallic exterior became visible. As it came into view, she caught a glimpse of its face, noting the glowing blue eyes.

It came through the trees and stepped into the clearing at last. The whole world seemed to go silent as Turing and the intruder locked eyes.

It was another robot. This one resembled Turing with its metallic exterior and brass hooves and the black rubber around its joints. But this thing was much larger, enough to even dwarf Big McIntosh. Unlike Turing, who had a rounder face and legs, this machine was angular, with a narrow muzzle that terminated in a grated speaker. Unlike Turing’s big, round purple eyes, the new robot had narrow, rectangular eyes that glowed blue. Its mane and tail were thinner, more bristly. The low electrical hum from it was a lower pitch than Turing’s as well, and in the silence that ensued, only those electric hums could be heard.

It spoke: “You are Unit 003M.” Its voice, while having the same artificial quality as Turing's, was much deeper and more masculine.

Turing nodded slowly. “That is my designation,” she replied. “Please identify yourself.”

“I am designated Unit 004S.”

The words hung in the air. Turing raised her head slightly. And Applejack simply stared on, her throat feeling dry, as she waited to see what happened next.

To be continued…

Author's Note:
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