• Published 4th Apr 2015
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The Iron Horse: Everything's Better With Robots! - The Hat Man

A cute robot pony. A mysterious origin. A princess who believes anyone can learn friendship, even a cold, logical machine. A journey begins...

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Broken, Part 2

The sound of wind gave a low, moaning howl through the ravine. Deaf to it, far below, Turing Test lay there, trapped beneath the rubble. To her, the ravine was utterly silent, and so, she realized, she wouldn’t be able to hear any rescuers calling for her. She could only shout and hope that somepony heard her.

She considered that even as her fear lingered.

Assessing situation: Battery power is at 18%. By conserving power, I will be able to remain operational for 12 hours and 57.6 minutes. During that time, it is likely that I will be missed and others will attempt to locate me. It is now approximately 3:38 pm, meaning that I will be responsive until early tomorrow morning. After that, it is still possible that I may be located through other means, though I will no longer have the power to call for assistance. Therefore, I should focus on two strategies to maximize the likelihood of rescue. First, I will reduce power to all unnecessary systems. Second, I will put a message on a loop, angling the direction of my calls to maximize audible range.

Satisfied, she turned her head up slightly, resting it on the rock to avoid having to hold it up under her own power. According to her calculations, she could achieve the best echo and audible range by aiming her voice at a particular wall of rock 72 degrees up and 27 degrees to her right. She then began the message:

“Attention: Help! This is Turing Test. I am incapacitated at the bottom of this ravine and unable to respond. Please assist me or notify Twilight Sparkle or Spike the Dragon in Ponyville. Repeating…”

Satisfied, she set the message to repeat and shut down any unneeded systems. Since her ears weren’t attached anyway, she disabled her auditory systems. Since she wouldn’t really need more than normal vision, she disabled all but her basic visual functions, even setting them low enough that she could just see to the top of the ravine.

The only things really consuming power now were her eyes, her voice... and her cognitive function.

She considered that. She could conceivably go into very low power mode, essentially sleep mode, and only leave her voice and eyes running. Should a pony enter her field of vision, she could reactivate fully. That might conserve even more power, enabling her to call for help for even longer, though how much longer was difficult to estimate; she’d never done something like this before, after all.

She was about to enact that plan when a thought occurred to her:

If I deactivate now, I will be functionally unconscious. If I deactivate now and am never found… then this will be my last moment of conscious existence. I will never have another thought or emotion or experience. It will be as though I am…

The feeling intensified. She knew the logical thing to do would be to shut off her cognitive function, yet doing so filled her with such terror of it being the last thing she would ever do that she simply couldn’t.

She continued to stare up at the sliver of sky at the top of the ravine without entering sleep mode. She could not sleep knowing she might never awaken.


There was a knock at the door of the cavernous castle library later that afternoon.

“Come in!” Twilight called as she looked up from her book. She smiled when she saw Spike walk into the room.

“Uh, hey, Twilight?” he began, glancing over his shoulder. “I think I need to talk to you.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, frowning at Spike’s obviously nervous demeanor. “What is it, Spike? Did something happen?”

“Maybe,” he said slowly. He heaved a sigh and looked her in the eye. “Listen, um… I knew you were really tired and stressed out this morning, so I talked to Turing Test and we decided to fix you a nice dinner to help you relax.”

Twilight broke into a beaming smile. “Aww, that’s so sweet of you both!” Before Spike could continue, she swept him up in her magic, hugging him. “I can’t wait! What are we having?”

Spike squirmed out of her grasp. “No, no, Twilight, listen!” he said, balling his claws into fists. “The point is that I sent Turing to get a lot of the ingredients, but she couldn’t find any morel mushrooms, so she went to visit Zecora.”

Twilight frowned. “Go on,” she said.

Spike swallowed. “She left a few hours ago. I really thought she’d be back by now.”

“A few hours?!” Twilight exclaimed, leaping to her hooves, wings spread. “And you’re just telling me now?!”

“Hey, I thought maybe she and Zecora went out to find some, so I gave her a little leeway!” he shot back. “It’s not like she can’t handle herself!”

Twilight used Cadance’s breathing technique, placing a hoof to her chest as she inhaled before giving a wave and exhaling.

“All right. You’re right, Spike, there was no need to be worried before. There might not be now. But just the same, I think we should try to find Turing Test.” She trotted for the door and went to the nearest balcony. She gave a gesture of her head, and after Spike climbed onto her back she spread her wings and took off.

“Where should we look?” he said, raising his voice over the sound of wind as they flew toward the Everfree Forest.

“We’ll follow the main path through the forest,” Twilight replied. “If we don’t find her, we’ll head for Zecora’s!”

“Sounds like a good plan!” Spike said, giving her a smile and a thumbs up. “I bet we’ll find her in no time!”

Twilight smiled and gave him a nod. To herself, she said, I sure hope you’re right, Spike.


The sky at the top of the ravine was taking on a different hue, and the shadows had shifted and deepened. It was just after 5 o’clock, which meant that soon it would be evening, and then night.

It may become more difficult for my friends to locate me in the dark, as they lack night vision.

Turing tried to ignore that fact. Organic ponies were very good at ignoring things that were inconvenient or depressing, but she found it impossible to ignore something that she was fully conscious of. Still, that didn’t mean that it was hopeless after dark.

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity know illumination spells. My other friends may utilize flashlights. Furthermore, even if my power depletes, it is probable that they will continue to search for me tomorrow, even though I will no longer be able to call for help. It seems likely that I will be found at some point.

Her fear began to subside.

But then, a question arose: How much time will pass before I am found? A day is possible. A week is possible. Will they continue to search for me for a month? A year?

She considered this as a cloud slowly passed overhead.

As I am currently exposed to the elements, my body may become damaged and inoperable beyond repair. I am uncertain what the upper limit is before such an event occurs. If I am not discovered soon, it is possible that I may still be discovered by chance at a later date and still be repaired. Perhaps even many years from now…


“C’mon, Winona!” Applejack said, galloping after her small dog. “Go find ‘er! Sniff ‘er out!”

Twilight and her other friends all followed Applejack as they trailed Winona. The little dog barked eagerly as she made her way through the twisting, turning path of the Everfree Forest. Bordered on either side by the thick trees, their branches covered in low-hanging Spanish moss, the place always struck Twilight with how deep and endless it seemed. Without knowledge of where they were going, one could wander around for days without getting any closer to an exit.

Twilight shook her head, putting the thought out of mind. Turing was a robot and wasn’t susceptible to getting her directions confused, unlike a normal pony.

Of course, that just meant that, whatever had happened, it wasn’t merely a case of a poor sense of direction. Which meant something worse might have happened.

She might have been attacked. Or there might have been an accident. Or… or perhaps her creators had followed her and ambushed her in the woods, and they’d already taken her away--

There was a tap on her shoulder. She looked to her right and then up to see Rainbow Dash flying just above her. She wore a warm, comforting smile.

“Hey, I see you making those worried faces, Twilight,” she said, raising an eyebrow at her. “Look, just relax. Tee’s one tough pony, and even if she’s in a jam, Winona will find her, no problem!”

“Darn right!” Applejack said, looking over her shoulder. “Once she got a good smell o’ that metal polish, she took right off after ‘er. We’ll find Turing in no time!”

Twilight smiled. “Right. You’re right, I’m sure,” she said, holding her head up a little higher.

When Twilight and Spike had met Zecora, she’d told them that she had indeed seen Turing and sold her some mushrooms, but that had been hours ago. She’d promised to search for her while Twilight enlisted the help of her friends, and Spike had offered to stay behind in case she came back to the castle on her own. A quick sniff of Turing’s metal polish was all Winona needed to pick up Turing’s trail, and considering how well she’d tracked Applejack not so long ago, it seemed like she’d have no problem locating Turing Test.

Suddenly Applejack skidded to a halt, and the others nearly collided with her.

“Oh, what is it, Applejack?” Fluttershy asked. “Did Winona find something?”

“Maybe,” Applejack replied, pointing her hoof at Winona.

The dog had stopped in the middle of the path and had put her nose to the ground. She circled the area several times before looking over to Applejack and giving a few short barks.

“What is it, girl? Ya find somethin’?”

Winona whined and sat down.

“Hmm,” Applejack said, rubbing her chin. “That’s odd.”

“Oh dear,” Rarity said, frowning as she came alongside Applejack. “Don’t tell me that she’s lost the scent!”

“Don’t think so… well, not exactly. Seems like the trail just up and ends here.” She tapped her head, scrunching her eyes shut as she thought of a reasonable explanation. “Don’t suppose she could’ve teleported, Twi?”

Twilight shook her head. “Turing Test has been improving her magic a lot. She’s good with shield spells and can levitate some heavier objects, but she’s a long way from mastering teleportation.”

“Well, I ain’t sure why else the trail would just stop like this. It’s like she disappeared into thin air!”

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie shrieked, hooves flying to the sides of her face as her eyes bulged. All the others looked to her, awaiting her sudden revelation.

“Rinny was abducted by aliens!”

They all heaved a collective sigh.

“Pinkie, really?” Rarity asked, giving her a tired look. “Aliens? Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Hey, until Rinny showed up, we thought mechanical ponies were ridiculous!” Pinkie said, crossing her forelegs indignantly.

“Be that as it may,” Rarity said, “we must stick to more realistic possibilities. Now, if we could just think of why Winona can no longer track Turing Test, then we--”

“Maybe she flew.”

They all looked to Rainbow Dash as soon as she spoke.

“What?” she asked. “I mean, you all remember she can fly, right?”

“O-oh, right,” Twilight said, blushing slightly. “I… forgot, actually.” She cleared her throat. “Okay, Rainbow, why don’t you do a search from the air while the rest of us look around for clues. Fluttershy, talk to Winona in case she can figure something else out that we’re not seeing. Or, uh, smelling. Whatever.”

Their jobs designated, they set to it.

Rainbow soared high above the forest. Nothing but trees in all directions, save for a distant mountain range to the east, the tip of Mount Canter in the north, and the top of Twilight’s castle back in Ponyville to the west. She scanned the area for any signs of her robotic friend. She saw nothing, so she took a deep breath and shouted as loud as she could:


The sound echoed out over the Everfree. Birds flew up at the sound of her voice. But after several moments with no response, she took another breath and tried again.


Another few moments went by. There was no response. She sighed heavily, her ears drooping, and she went back down, landing back where her friends were searching the area.

“Any luck?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow lowered her head. “No,” she said quietly.

Twilight patted her on the shoulder. “It’s okay,” she said. “I’m sure she’ll turn up.”

“Ooh, ooh, I think I found something!” Pinkie exclaimed, bounding out of the woods with something in her hoof.

“Oh thank goodness!” Rarity said, emerging from the woods as well, brushing leaves from her mane and shaking the dirt from her hooves. “I was afraid we’d have to spend hours tromping around this horrid place.”

“What did you find, Pinkie?” Twilight asked, going over to her.

“Ta da!” Pinkie said, and held up the object. There, plain to see, was a morel mushroom.

“You just found that? It was just lying on the ground?”

“Yep!” Pinkie said, nodding. “Rinny must have dropped it! She was here, all right!”

“Nice work, Pinkie!” Applejack said. “Guess that means she went into the woods fer some reason.”

All this while, Fluttershy had been listening to Winona’s barks and yips, nodding solemnly. As the others were congratulating Pinkie on her discovery, she turned and cried “Hang on, everypony!”

They all turned to face her.

“Um, I’m not sure what happened exactly, but Winona says something else was here.”

“Something else?” Twilight asked. “What? Did… did it attack Turing?”

“N-no! There’s no sign of a struggle!” she said. “But, um, Winona doesn’t know what kind of creature it was,” she added quietly, her eyes downcast.

Winona whimpered, lowering her head as well.

“O-oh, but it’s not your fault, Winona!” Fluttershy said, patting Winona on the head. “We can figure out what it is later, now that we have the scent!”

Winona perked up and gave a happy bark.

Rainbow Dash wore a sour look. “Wait, so all we know is that something came through here?”

Fluttershy winced. “Ummm… well, Winona says it was big and hairy. That’s something.” She swallowed. “But, well, she doesn’t recognize the smell.”

“Actually, that might help,” Twilight said. “Fluttershy, if you could have Winona sniff different hair samples or things like that and tell you which one it is, maybe we could identify it.”

“Oh! Oh, yes, that’s a wonderful idea, Twilight!” Fluttershy cheered.

“Well, in the meantime,” Applejack said, “what’re we gonna do to find Turing Test?”

Pinkie stood up straight, a determined look on her face. “We’ll just have to search the whole Everfree!” She paused, furrowing her brow. “Wait… no, that would take a really long time. The Everfree’s ginormous!”

“That’s true, Pinkie,” Twilight said, tapping her chin. “We’re going to need some help to search an area this big. A lot of help.”


”System reactivating. Booting main systems. Mechanical function at 85% capability. Lower cognitive function at 100%. Now loading memory and higher functions… 20 percent… 40 percent… 75 percent… 100 percent. Reactivation complete.”

Her eyes reactivated, and she became aware of her surroundings. She looked around. She was no longer at the bottom of the ravine. She was in a room lined with machinery, much of it adorned with blinking lights, with wires strung along the ceiling.

“Guess it’s operational,” said a voice.

She turned her head to face the speaker, who gave a start and a yelp of surprise as she looked at him.

“V-very operational!” the stallion said.

He was an earth pony with a blonde mane and yellow eyes. A tool belt with several conventional tools and some other devices she’d never seen was around his waist.

“Can’t believe it’s this responsive,” said another voice. A gray pegasus stallion with a dark brown mane flew into view, and she looked up at him. He had a similar tool belt and a flat cap atop his head. She noticed this stallion had blue eyes. When she examined him closer, she saw that within his pupils were circular parts that rotated and constricted.

They were mechanical.

“Well, looks like this one might be good salvage after all. Hopefully we can find a buyer, or else we may have to use it for parts--”

“Excuse me,” Turing said, startling them both. “I cannot allow you to sell me or utilize me for any of my parts. I need my parts.”

“Oh,” said the first stallion, the earth pony. “Guess it has an owner.”

“Or had, at least,” said the other with a roll of his mechanical eyes. He landed and stared at her. “Robot: do you know your owner’s name?”

“I do not have an ‘owner,’” she replied, “but I do have an end user.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, is this thing an independent robot?” the first pony said, practically shoving his winged brother out of the way. He cleared his throat. “Um… robot, who is your end user?”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

They both froze. “Oh, no way,” the earth pony brother breathed. “Sonic, you don’t think…?”

The pegasus brother landed. Sweat formed on his brow. “Easy there, Screwdriver. Let’s… let’s just see.”

Turing looked from one to another. “Forgive me, but it seems that your names are Sonic and Screwdriver?”

They both nodded numbly.

“Then I should introduce myself as well. My name is Turing Test.”

Screwdriver sank to his haunches. “I don’t believe it… bro, it is her! Twilight’s robot! Just like Grandpa and Grandma used to talk about!”

Sonic nodded. “You’re right. I can’t believe we…” He shook his head. “I gotta go tell someone. Just a second. Screwy, just keep an eye on her while I’m gone!”

As he flew off, disappearing into a nearby hallway, Turing looked to Screwdriver, who smiled nervously.

“I… it’s nice to finally meet you,” he said, offering a sheepish grin.

“‘Finally?’ You were anticipating my arrival?” She looked around at the room again. “I do not recognize this place. Where am I?”

“This is our lab. Well, workshop. Wellll, it’s a lab, workshop, and a bit of everything else, really. A dining room, for example. In fact, you’re sort of standing on my muffin.”

Turing looked down and raised her hoof. First of all, she saw that she had indeed stepped on his muffin, probably when she first activated and got to her hooves. Second, more surprisingly, was the fact that the metal on her foreleg and hoof was discolored and had a strange, greenish patina. Such corrosion could only have built up after…


Her eyes constricted as she looked to Screwdriver. “You found me at the bottom of the ravine.”

“Y-yes,” he said nervously, shrinking from her gaze. “You were in bad shape. My brother and I had to do a lot of repair and replacement work on your inner machinery to get you back in working order, since we wanted to see how well you could really function.”

“How long was I there?”

“I… I’m not really sure…”

“Then what year is it currently?”

He told her. She took a step back.

“Does that help?” he squeaked.

“I… I have been inactive for 62 years,” she whispered.

“Oh,” he breathed. Then he offered her a weak smile. “Well, I guess Princess Twilight sure will be happy to see you!”


Town Hall was nearly packed with ponies as the mayor took the stage. The room was still filled with dozens and dozens of voices all gabbing away. Some were merely curious or confused while others were irritated about being called so suddenly for a town meeting.

“Citizens of Ponyville!” the mayor called, raising her hooves as she took to the podium. Several cries went up, and many clamored, demanding to know what was going on. “Everypony, everypony, please, remain calm! I will explain what’s going on in a moment!”

Gradually the townsponies quieted down. When the room had gone still, the mayor cleared her throat.

“Citizens of Ponyville,” she began again, “a matter of grave importance has been brought to my attention. One of our own has gone missing, and we are calling on ponies to mount a rescue!”

The crowd murmured nervously at that.

“To explain the situation better than I could, here is our own Princess Twilight Sparkle!”

As Twilight took the stage, walking up to the podium, a cheer followed by loud stomping filled the hall.

“Thank you, everypony, for coming,” Twilight said to the gathered citizens. “I’m sorry to ask this of you all, but my friend Turing Test has gone missing.”

There was another murmur from the crowd. The word “robot” was audible among the chatter.

Twilight frowned but pressed on. “Turing Test was getting some ingredients from Zecora in the woods. On her way back, we think she encountered some kind of creature. We aren’t sure what happened next, but she should have been back hours ago. I can only assume that… that something has happened to her. My friends and I can’t search the Everfree by ourselves, though; it’s just too big! That’s why we’re calling on anypony who’s willing to help to come search with us!”

A sharp, derisive laugh cut through the air.

“Excuse me,” said a voice, causing the crowd to part slightly, revealing the speaker.

Twilight kept her expression calm, but inwardly she cringed when she saw Spoiled Rich standing there.

“Not that I mean any disrespect, Princess Twilight,” Spoiled Rich said, bowing slightly, wearing her eternally smug grin, “but does this really warrant the whole town’s involvement? If it were a real pony, I could understand. But you wish for us to risk ourselves in the Everfree for a machine?” She scoffed, waving a hoof dismissively. “It’s not like your mechanical pony can get hungry or cold, after all. I’m sure if you and your friends keep searching, you’ll eventually find it on your own.”

A few ponies began to murmur again at that.

Twilight grit her teeth. They agree with her… even after all this time, even after what she’s done--

“Hey now, that’s not fair!” a voice rang out. All eyes turned to see Bon Bon, Lyra right next to her. “Turing Test helped me out, and Twilight and her friends too! She’s a hero!”

“And she came to us for romantic advice,” Lyra added. “That sounds like a real pony to me!” She raised her hoof and looked to Twilight. “I volunteer to help!”

“Me too!” Bon Bon shouted, holding up her hoof as well.

On the other side of the room, Derpy took to the air, rising above the crowd. “Turing Test’s really nice! I know my vision’s not the best, but I can look from the air, Princess Twilight! I volunteer too!”

“Count us in!” said Flitter, who took to the air alongside her sister Cloud Chaser.

“She was a lifesaver at the spa!” Lotus piped up. “Aloe and I will help!”


“The Ponyville Musicians’ Guild has your back, Princess Twilight,” Octavia declared. Vinyl Scratch gave a firm nod just behind her.

“If something has happened,” the Doctor said, raising his hoof, “you’ll no doubt need somepony to repair her. I volunteer as well!”

One by one, dozens of ponies raised their hooves, many who had been helped by Turing Test while she’d assisted the Cutie Mark Crusaders, others who had simply grown accustomed to the idea that Turing was one of their own.

Twilight covered her mouth with her hoof, tears coming to her eyes. Practically every pony in the hall had their hoof raised.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders whispering to Diamond Tiara, who gave them a nod and then spoke up.

“Look how many ponies like Turing Test, Mom and Dad!” she said to her parents. “Doesn’t it make you want to help too?”

Spoiled Rich wore a tight, forced smile, but she gave a small nod.

Filthy Rich wore a more genuine smile and patted Diamond Tiara on the head. “Right you are, Diamond Tiara!” He puffed out his chest and looked to Twilight at the podium. “Princess, Barnyard Bargains will gladly donate lanterns, rope, and other supplies toward these rescue efforts! And since this is a robot we’re discussing here, I have several metal detectors in stock that I’ll donate as well!”

A cheer rose up as the hall applauded.

Twilight wore a beaming smile. “I…” She paused, taking a deep breath. “Everypony… thank you! Thank you so much!”

The mayor took the podium from her. “In an event like this, we’ll need ponies to work in teams for safety, knowing how dangerous the Everfree is. We’ll need pegasi in the air, earth ponies and unicorns on the ground. Please go see Rarity and Applejack if you wish to volunteer to search. We’ll get a map to divide up the search area and search more efficiently. We’ll also need several other ponies to stay behind and provide food, water, and possible medical attention. Any nurses or doctors available, please help us set up first aid stations by the Everfree Forest’s edge. We’ll begin searching as soon as we can! Now, let's go find Turing Test!”

As ponies began to line up to volunteer and Applejack and Rarity took down their names, Rainbow Dash flew through the door and landed right next to Twilight.

“Rainbow Dash! How are things coming with Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

“Well, she’s working with Winona already,” Rainbow Dash replied. “She got some samples from the vet, and she apparently keeps clippings in her cottage for scrapbooking--”

“Scrapbooking?” Twilight repeated, raising an eyebrow.

Rainbow shrugged. “It doesn’t make any sense to me either, but, eh, we’ve all got our hobbies.” She waved a hoof. “Anyway, she’s got a lot to go through. She said she’s also asking her animal friends to spread the word to their friends in the Everfree Forest. Maybe one of them saw something.”

“That’s great, Rainbow! I sure hope one of them did!”

“Same here,” she replied. Then she looked around. “Whoa… we got all these ponies to help look for Tee?”

Twilight grinned broadly. “Yeah,” she said softly. “Who would have guessed?”


Turing Test walked through the door of the castle. They’d been in Ponyville the whole time. Ponyville had looked almost the same as it always had, but there had been small differences. Strange machines flew far overhead. Ponies carried small devices with them with glowing panels. Some had mechanical eyes, like Sonic, and some even had mechanical limbs in place of their original ones.

And, most startling of all, other mechanical ponies walked the streets alongside their organic counterparts.

“Don’t bother them,” Sonic had said when she’d tried to talk to one of them. “That’s a service robot. It’s probably on an errand for its master.”

“Service robot?” she’d asked.

“Yeah,” Screwdriver had said. “There are a few independent units that have fully functional intelligence like you, though. Not many in Ponyville, but a few!”

“I see,” she’d said. “Then there are other robots now. I am no longer the only one.”

She was brought out of these thoughts as she entered the castle. It looked just as it always had. The huge, cavernous hall, the winding staircase, the tall glass windows… it was all familiar. Granted, there were a few changes in the carpet, the decorations, the curtains, and other small details, but it was otherwise the same as the day she’d left it.

The day she’d left it.

She paused, causing Sonic and Screwdriver to look back at her.

“Hey, are you coming?”

“Affirmative,” she replied. “I… I apologize. I am still shocked that so much time has passed.”

“Well, not as shocked as Princess Twilight was when I told her that you were--”

“Twilight Sparkle!” Turing suddenly shouted, bounding forward. “Are you here? It is I, your friend, Turing Test!”

She ran forward when she heard hoofsteps, and a figure appeared at the top of the stairs at the end of the entrance hall.

“Turing? Is… is it really you?”

Turing cast her eyes upwards. Twilight stood there. She looked exactly the same as she had before.

“Twilight Sparkle… affirmative. I am Turing Test.”

Twilight could no longer contain her joy, and she teleported down the stairs, directly in front of Turing Test. She embraced her, laughing and crying at the same time.

“Oh, Turing Test!” she managed to say. “Turing, Turing, Turing… it’s been so long!”

“It… has, apparently.”

“We looked for you for so long… but we could never find you! My friends told me I should stop looking, but I… I didn’t want to…”

Turing patted her on the back gently as she returned the embrace. “Do not worry, Twilight Sparkle. The important thing is that I was found. I am here now.”

“Yes,” Twilight said, heaving a sigh. “Yes, that’s right. You’re here now! You’re finally back! Oh, Turing, I’ve missed you!”

Sonic gave a cough.

“Oh! Ahaha,” Twilight said, releasing Turing. “Boys, thank you so much for finding Turing and fixing her up. I’ll be happy to pay you for your trouble.”

“Oh, no, Princess,” Screwdriver said, waving his hoof, “we couldn’t possibly--”

“I insist!” she said, holding her head up. “And I’ll also need you to help remove any tarnish and corrosion on Turing’s hull.”

“Well, since you insist,” Sonic said with a grin, “my brother and I will be happy to help.”

“Great. Thank you,” she said, giving a small bow to them.

Taking their cue, the brothers turned and left.

“The Doctor and Derpy’s grandchildren,” Twilight said.

“Ah,” Turing replied.

“They’re good kids. They repair robots and other machines, and they also do a little bit of salvage work on the side. That’s how they found you.”

Turing said nothing but looked around the castle, apparently searching for something.

“Something wrong, Turing?” Twilight asked.

“I am wondering where Spike the Dragon is.”

“Oh, Spike’s just on a diplomatic mission to the dragon territories,” Twilight said. “He’ll be back in a few days. And boy will he be happy to see you!”

“I see,” she said. “I have many questions for you, Twilight. But first, I must remark that you seem unaffected by the passage of time. Has technology advanced so well as to counteract aging?”

“No, silly,” Twilight said, waving a hoof. “I’m an alicorn. It… well, it comes with a few benefits. Not aging is one.”

“I see.” Turing nodded. “I am curious to learn more about how robots came to be a normal feature of Equestria, but I would like to see our other friends. May we go see them?”

Twilight’s smile faded for a moment. It returned again a moment later, but it was far more strained.

“Turing,” she sighed. “It’s… it’s been sixty years. We can go visit Pinkie, if you like. She’s as energetic as ever, if a bit slower. But… the others…”

Turing stood there in silence, not understanding what Twilight was saying.

Twilight took a deep breath. “Turing… the others have all passed away.”

Turing took a step back. “You mean they have all died?”

Twilight nodded solemnly. She lowered her head. “Some for a long time. Rarity went just last year. We all talked about you from time to time, though, Turing… we all hoped that eventually you’d come back.”

Turing stared back at Twilight, saying nothing.

“Turing? I know, it’s hard to accept, but that’s the truth. You have to accept that--”

“No.” Turing shook her head, stepping back. “No. No, that is… this is… enough.”



Simulation Ended.

It was dark outside. Stars glimmered above. It was nearly midnight. Deep shadows covered her. Without her nightvision, she could barely glimpse the slight movement of unseen nocturnal insects and lizards in the darkness all around her.

Soon the moon would pass overhead, briefly illuminating her world again.

She paused to consider what had just transpired. She’d considered a number of factors and utilized her visual and auditory memory to construct an elaborate hypothetical situation. A fantasy of sorts.

She’d wondered what the future might be like if she was found far into the future. Of course, there was no telling what would happen for real, but still…

(“Turing… the others have all passed away.”)


(“Some for a long time.”)

No no no.

(“We all talked about you from time to time, though, Turing… we all hoped that eventually you’d come back.”)

“NO!” she shrieked, interrupting her repeated message. She realized what she’d done immediately and began looping her distress signal again.

But still, the awful feeling returned. The fear she felt now was strong, though not as strong as the feeling she’d experienced when she’d first reactivated at the bottom of the ravine. And yet now, it was somehow even more dreadful.

She’d realized something far worse. Something undeniable. Something unavoidable.

I had not realized… I never considered that I, as a robot, would experience this. I…

This train of thought was interrupted by a sudden system message: Warning: Battery power at 3%.

She froze. It was too soon! She should be able to have power for a few more hours. At this rate, she would not last for more than thirty minutes! How had she used up so much power?

Then it hit her: the simulation.

By allowing myself to speculate so vividly in an effort to distract myself from my own fear, I have utilized more power than I realized. How inefficient and foolish… I truly am becoming more like organic ponies. Ha ha.

In any other circumstance, that might make me happy. But now…

She knew what she had to do. If she continued to remain conscious, she would squander her remaining power. Even though she feared never being reactivated, or only being found in the far future, there was only one way to make her power last.

Now entering modified sleep mode. Vocal systems are to remain active until power depletes. System shutdown in 3… 2… 1…

Her eyes darkened, though her voice continued.

“Attention: Help! This is Turing Test. I am incapacitated at the bottom of this ravine and unable to respond. Please assist me or notify Twilight Sparkle or Spike the Dragon in Ponyville. Repeating… Attention: Help! This is Turing Test. I am incapacitated at the bottom of this ravine and unable to respond. Please assist me or notify Twilight Sparkle or Spike the Dragon in Ponyville. Repeating…”

She continued, unconsciously calling for help into the empty air above, her voice echoing out over the cold stone of the ravine. An hour passed, and as it did, the moon also passed overhead, casting a silvery light down into the chasm. The tiniest glint of metal was visible in the moonlight.

But gradually the little power Turing had depleted. Her voice became slower, deeper, quieter, and finally it decayed into a mumble, and then, at last, silence.

Yet, overhead, a soft electronic beeping echoed softly in the darkness. The beeping increased in volume and frequency.

Something moved at the edge of the ravine. Voices called out. Wings flapped. They gathered, voices chatting excitedly. Then one of them looked down.

They called out: “It’s her!”


Rebooting… reboot complete. Warning: multiple errors detected.

Her eyes reactivated. She looked around. She was in a room with a wooden floor. Red curtains were drawn over the window. Twilight Sparkle was…

She paused. Twilight Sparkle was standing right there, smiling at her.

“Twilight Sparkle?” she asked.

“Yes, Turing. It’s me,” she replied with a smile.

Turing leaped forward and embraced her. “Twilight Sparkle! I am so happy to see you again!”

“Same here, Turing,” Twilight said, laughing and returning the hug.

“Hey, don’t hog all the hugs, Twilight!” Pinkie said, bouncing into view with a broad grin on her face.

“Pinkie Pie. You are here as well?”

“Of course I am, Rinny! We all are!”

Turing looked around. It was true. All her friends were there. Fluttershy had tears in her eyes. As did Rainbow Dash, though she was trying to wipe them without Turing noticing. Spike was there as well, though his eyes looked tired and heavy.

“I see,” Turing said. She released Twilight, only to spread her forelegs wide. Group hug initiated.”

They laughed and joined her in a group hug.

“I am so glad that you were able to locate me. Also, it appears that my auditory systems are working again. My ears broke off when I fell into the ravine.”

“Thank the Doc fer that,” Applejack said, looking over to the side of the room.

The Doctor blushed slightly. His coat was stained with oil, and the floor around him was littered with tools and wires as well as some other bits of machinery. Derpy stood next to him.

“You repaired me, Doctor?”

“Yes, well,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “It was nothing!”

“Nothing?!” Derpy exclaimed, taking to the air as she gawked at him. “You were wonderful, Doc!”

“Thank you, Doctor,” she said, going over to him, giving him a hug as well.

“Ah ha, w-well,” he said, “I did my best. S-still!”

He pushed her back and gestured at the machinery at his hooves.

“These components were used in my repair?”

“Some, yes. Others… well…”

He held up a familiar piece of machinery for her to see.

“That is my wing.”

“Yes. While most of the damage you received consisted of some loose wires and a few snapped casings and such, I’m afraid your wing has been smashed quite thoroughly, and your air intake system pipes are dented. I… I am sorry, Turing, but I was unable to repair them. You can no longer fly.”

Turing bowed her head. “That is unfortunate. However, I am confident that either you or my friend Gadget will be able to restore that function eventually. In the meantime, I am still grateful for your assistance, Doctor.”

“You are quite welcome, my friend!” he said, holding his head up proudly. “But there are far more ponies that you owe your thanks to!”

Turing cocked her head to the side at that. “Other than the ponies in this room?”

“Turing Test,” Twilight said, putting her hoof on Turing’s shoulder, “a lot of ponies chipped in today. Applejack and Winona followed your trail to where you took off after the manticore. Fluttershy eventually found out that it was a manticore, and some of her bird friends said they saw a ‘shiny pony’ chasing a manticore. By that time, we already had plenty of ponies searching for you. Pinkie and the Cakes baked some food for everyone to keep their strength up. Doctor Stable and the nurses set up medical stations for the rescuers. Filthy Rich donated metal detectors to help find you, and when a team of ponies finally did find you, Big Mac and Bulk Biceps both helped clear the boulders you were under so a team of pegasi could airlift you back to Ponyville.”

“Yeah, including me and Derpy here!” Rainbow Dash chimed in.

“That’s right!” Derpy said, doing a loop in the air. “Oh, I was so happy when we found you! And then Rainbow Dash and Flitter and Cloud Chaser and Thunderlane and I got you back to Ponyville! It was so exciting, especially when Doc started working on you--”

The Doctor cleared his throat.

“Oh,” Derpy said, landing as her cheeks colored. “Sorry, I guess I’m still excited.”

Turing bowed to her. “Do not be sorry. I am very grateful for your rescue.” Then she paused, tapping her chin in thought. “Twilight Sparkle… it seems you enlisted the aid of many others. How many other ponies were involved in my rescue? I would like to thank them as well.”

Twilight and the others started to chuckle.

“Have I said something amusing?”

“Welllll… it might take you a little time to thank them all, Turing,” Twilight replied.

With her magic, she opened the door and led Turing out into the hallway. They walked along it, and Turing heard the sound of a great many ponies talking. They led her to a stage that was covered with a curtain.

I know this place. We are in Ponyville’s town hall. Why are we here?

Twilight held open the curtain, and Turing Test stepped through.

A voice cried out “There she is! She’s okay!” and the hall erupted with thunderous cheers.

She froze where she stood.

The town hall was filled. Ponies from all around town were there. Almost all of them looked tired. Many of them were dirty and sweaty, with scratches and dirt on their coats. So many ponies that she’d met… Lyra and Bon Bon, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, Big Mac and Granny Smith, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Silver Spanner, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Golden Harvest, Berry Punch, the Spa ponies, Cranky, Flitter, Cloud Chaser, Thunderlane, Blossomforth, Ambrosia, Button Mash, and many more. Ponies she didn’t even know. And of course, Twilight and her friends.

Her eyes shrank to pinpricks. “I… I…”

When the cheers died down, Twilight stood before her, gesturing to the crowd. “Practically the whole town came to help you, Turing! Isn’t it great! Look at all the wonderful friends you’ve made!”

Turing cast her gaze all around. “It… this is…”

“SPEECH!” Bulk Biceps shouted. This got a round of laughter, but also a round of applause. Others joined him in chanting “Speech! Speech! Speech!”

“I think they want you to say something, Turing,” Twilight whispered to her. She gave her a grin and a wink. “If you don’t want to, then…”

“No,” she replied, and stepped forward. “I will speak.”

The crowd fell silent.

Turing raised her head.

“My friends,” she began, “I… I do not know what to say. I was in danger, true, but… the Everfree Forest is filled with many dangerous creatures. You all…”

She paused, lowering her head.

“You put yourselves at risk. I do not understand. I… I am merely a robot. I am only a machine. Why… How? How could you put yourselves at risk to save me? I… I am not worthy of such sacrifice. I am…”

“Horse apples!” Granny Smith shouted.

Several gasps were heard, and Granny Smith covered her mouth with one hoof.

“Oh, er, uh… pardon my language,” she said, chuckling slightly. The crowd laughed with her. “Lookie here, Turing Test!” she continued. “All these here ponies came here because they care about ya! Yer no less a pony than any o’ us!”

“Maybe even more than some of us!” Cranky shouted, getting another round of laughter from the crowd.

“Heh. Darn tootin’! Point is,” she said, “when Twilight an’ the others told us you were in trouble, that was all that mattered! It don’t matter if yer a robot! Yer one o’ us!”

“YEAH!” Bulk Biceps shouted.

“Bravo!” Octavia added.

Dozens more cries of approval rang out.

“You’re the best, Turing!”

“You’re awesome, Turing!”

“You’re our friend, Turing!”


The hall was filled with similar cries and cheers. All of them to support her.

And so, for the first time in her existence, Turing felt no different from any other pony.

“My friends,” she said, once the hall became quiet again. “I… thank you. Thank you so much. This is truly the happiest moment of my… life.”

There was a sound behind her, and she turned. It was Mayor Mare, who had cleared her throat.

“Well, there is one last order of business, then, Turing Test,” she said. She stood before the crowd. “As mayor of this proud village, I have a proclamation to make!”

The crowd fell completely silent.

“The measure of a pony is not in what they are, be they earth pony, pegasus, unicorn, or anything else, including machine! The measure of a pony is in how much they care for others and, in turn, how much they are cared for. Tonight, we have truly seen the measure of this pony whom we call Turing Test. Yes, the value of a pony is not in what they are, but who they are! And so, by the power vested in me by the citizens of Ponyville…”

She raised her head solemnly, placing her hoof over her heart.

“...I hereby declare Turing Test to be a legal citizen of Ponyville, with all the rights and privileges that such a designation entails!”

The ponies gathered all roared in approval, stomping the ground and jumping for joy.

“And I will personally recommend to Her Highness Princess Celestia herself that Turing Test be given citizenship status not only in Ponyville, but all of Equestria!”

Another deafening cheer filled the hall.

Amid all these cheers, Turing Test simply stood there, dumbfounded.


At last, after a long day, Turing Test, Spike, and Twilight returned home. Spike had been so exhausted that Twilight had simply placed him on her back and carried him home. Once they reached Spike’s room, Twilight used her magic to put the little dragon to bed, tucking him in without waking him as she shut the door.

“And now, Turing, I really think we ought to go to bed,” Twilight said with a long yawn.

“Acknowledged. You are clearly fatigued.” She paused. “Twilight Sparkle… perhaps I should stand guard?”

Twilight looked over her shoulder at her. “Stand guard? What for?”

“I… want to ensure your safety.”

“Oh Turing,” Twilight chuckled, “I thought you were past this stage. You haven’t felt the need to guard me while I slept since we first activated you!”

“That is correct, but…”

She lowered her head.

“...my recent experience has made me more cognizant of certain things. For instance, while it is very unlikely that anything will happen to you while you sleep, I still wish to be prepared for any emergency.”

“Turing, I can’t really sleep with you watching me all night,” Twilight said, rubbing her head as she heaved a tired sigh. “Please, just let me rest.”

“As a compromise, I could wait outside your door. That would be an ideal way to monitor your vitals without disturbing you.”

Twilight paused. She rubbed her eyes tiredly before staring back at Turing.

“Okay, Turing, what’s this all about? You wouldn’t be acting this way if something wasn’t wrong.”

Her ears lowered. “Twilight Sparkle… I am afraid.”

Twilight raised her head, her eyes widening. “Afraid? You mean… you’ve experienced fear?”

“Affirmative,” she replied. “Allow me to explain.”

She went to a nearby window, placing her hooves on the sill as she looked out at Ponyville and, beyond it, the Everfree Forest. She was quiet for a moment before she began to speak again.

“When I fell to the bottom of the ravine and realized that I was broken and unable to escape on my own, I became afraid. I feared that I would not see you or my other friends again. I considered my position and realized the possibility that I would run out of power and never be found. To become unconscious and never have another experience or interaction… though I am not alive, it would be analogous to death. And when I thought that I might die, I became afraid. I questioned what would become of me, and I questioned what would become of my soul, or if I indeed have one. That feeling of fear was more terrible and dreadful than I ever would have suspected. I feel as though I understand organic ponies better now, and I have a greater appreciation for the strength they have to deal with such potent emotions.”

Twilight smiled and moved to go to the window as well to comfort her, but then Turing stepped back, turning to face her.

“There is more, Twilight Sparkle. After I considered the possibility that I might ‘die,’ I realized that there was a worse possibility.”

“A-and that is?” Twilight asked, leaning forward.

“That I might not.” She took a step forward, staring Twilight in the eyes. “Twilight Sparkle, my body is mechanical in nature. My components can be repaired or replaced. With proper maintenance, I may continue to exist for an indefinite period of time. The upper limit of time until my cognitive abilities cease to function is unknown. Essentially, as long as my ‘brain’ remains intact, I may continue to exist for a very long time. Because I do not age, it is possible that I may exist for many centuries. For millennia, perhaps.

“However, organic ponies’ lifespans are much shorter than that. A mere hundred years is considered extreme longevity for a pony. I now realize that though I may live for many centuries, my friends will… will not.”

Twilight swallowed. “I see,” she said quietly.

“And it was then that I felt a far worse fear. As time passes, my friends will pass away, and I will not have them in my life any longer. I had never considered the significance of mortality before, and… oh, Twilight Sparkle, how can it be true?!”

The suddenness of this outburst caught Twilight off guard, and she took a step back. “Turing…”

“How will Applejack’s farm go on without her to tend it? Who will celebrate a happy occasion when Pinkie Pie is gone? I… I do not know if I can face a future without them. Without Rainbow Dash. Without Rarity. Without Fluttershy. Without…”

Her eyes constricted suddenly, and she looked up at Twilight as a horrible thought occurred to her.

“Maud,” she whispered. “No… she too will… will one day…”

“Turing, stop!” Twilight cried, reaching for her.

Turing’s eyes refocused on Twilight, as if she’d momentarily forgotten she was there. She had tears streaming down her face.

“You are crying,” Turing observed. “I apologize. I did not mean to make you upset. But of course, you understand this feeling. At least… at least you will always be there.”

Twilight sniffled and gave her a weak smile and a nod. “Yes, Turing. I…” Then she froze. “W-wait. Turing, what do you mean?”

“I mean that you too are ageless, since you are an alicorn. Like me, you will continue to exist for a long time. Therefore, we will not be lonely, because we will be together. We will…”

But she stopped when she saw Twilight shaking her head.

“Turing Test, I… I’m sorry, but that’s not right,” she whispered. “I’m just as mortal as my friends.”

“That… no, that cannot be. You are an alicorn, so like Celestia and Luna, you--”

“Turing, a long time ago, Starswirl the Bearded realized that the task of raising the sun and moon was draining the energy and vitality of the unicorns who were raising it. But he also realized that Celestia and Luna had a special inherent affinity with the sun and moon. He saw that by raising them, Celestia and Luna would be re-energized and regenerated. And that’s why they’ve managed to stay so youthful. It’s that connection that keeps them young, not their being alicorns.

“The truth is that I wondered the same thing when I first became a princess.” Twilight paused, chuckling as she looked back at her own wings. “But Celestia told me that it wouldn’t change anything. My magic might be even stronger, and it’s possible that it might cause me to age slightly slower than my friends, but, just like them, I’ll age, grow old, and… and one day, I’ll die.”

Turing staggered back, as if struck. “I… Twilight Sparkle, no…”

“I’m sorry, Turing,” she said, bowing her head. “But it’s true. And when I worried that I would have to outlive my friends, I was terrified. To tell the truth, I was actually a bit relieved to learn that I was still mortal. But… I understand how you must feel.”

Turing sank to her haunches with a loud clang. She held her hooves up, staring at them. “How… how can you accept such a thing? It is not fair. How can you go on with your life, knowing that one day it will end?”

Twilight sat down in front of her, putting her hoof on Turing’s shoulder. “Turing, listen,” she began. “You might be right. It isn’t fair. It’s a horrible thing to think about, but it’s the nature of reality. I guess organic ponies like me deal with it by… well, I guess first of all by not thinking about it.” She chuckled dryly. “But, more importantly, we deal with it by focusing on our lives now, not our death later. We focus on the fact that we are here and might as well make the best of it while also trying to build the best future we can for those who will come after us.”

“You refer to new generations? Children?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah. Not necessarily ours, but just all beings. Just like you’re the first robot of your kind, there might be more in the future. You care about making sure they have a good world to exist in, don’t you?”

Turing nodded slowly. “I see. I believe that I understand. I… I feel somewhat better, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled as she got to her hooves. Turing did the same.

“A question, Twilight Sparkle. Do you believe you will have foals one day?”

Twilight blinked and then blushed at the question. “Well, Turing, I don’t know… but, I… yes, I think I’d like to, someday. I think I’d like being a mom.”

“Then,” Turing said, placing a hoof to her chest, “in that case, I know what I will do.”

Twilight tilted her head, waiting for Turing to continue.

“I will tell them. I will tell your grandchildren, and their grandchildren, about you. I will tell them about my friend Twilight Sparkle, the pony who sacrificed much for her friends, and who gave me, a mere machine, the chance to have a good life, to learn about friendship, and to value my own existence. I will tell them about my wonderful friend, as I will for the descendants of my other friends, and in that way, through my memories, you will go on. You will live forever through me.”

Twilight broke down, letting a sob escape her as she threw her hooves around Turing. “Oh… oh, Turing… I…”

The two held each other, the sound of Twilight’s crying echoing softly in the vast, empty hallway in her castle.


Celestia stood at the balcony, watching the sun rise in the east over Canterlot. Once it was fully dawn, her horn ceased to glow. Behind her, the whirring of machinery and the metallic hoofsteps of her guest were heard as she came up alongside her.

“A thousand years… more mornings than I can count… but still I find the rising sun to be beautiful.”

“Then you still find joy in your life, even though you have lived for so long.” Turing nodded approvingly. “That is good to know.”

Celestia smiled. “Of course I do, Turing Test. In fact, now that my sister is back with me, I feel more alive than I have in centuries. And though I have had many friends pass on over the years, I still hold their memories in my heart, even as I make new friends. Each one is special and wonderful in their own way.”

She and Turing shared a moment of silence as they looked out over the ivory white buildings of Canterlot as they were bathed in the golden light of the rising sun.

“I am incapable of forgetting anything or anypony,” Turing said as she continued to stare out at the city. “I remember every experience I have had with perfect accuracy. In that way, unlike an organic pony, my memories of my friends will never deteriorate or be forgotten. However, I wish to ensure that I will always carry Twilight Sparkle’s influence. Before visiting you, I received her permission to implement a new Law to replace the ‘Three Laws’ that were previously implemented.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “And what Law is that?”

“In truth, it is not really a law, but a Guideline. It states, simply: ‘Remember Twilight Sparkle.’”

Celestia lowered her head to look at her more clearly. “That is very touching, Turing Test, but do you really think that is wise? The last time you had to deal with any Laws, they limited your ability to act to protect your friends.”

“It is true that I am able to function without any Laws or Guidelines. However, as there may one day come a time that Twilight Sparkle is no longer with me, I believe codifying her influence will enable me to continue being a friend to organic ponies and to Equestria. Furthermore, because it is not a hard rule, I will still retain my autonomy. Having such a procedure hard-coded into my function may act as my conscience, without limiting my action. I have therefore added it to my default programming.”

Celestia smiled. “Thank you for telling me this. If Twilight has no issue with such a Guideline, then I approve as well. I am certain you will do her proud no matter what the future may bring.”

Turing looked up at her. “I realize that you initially held a low opinion of me. I hope you are not displeased at the thought of me continuing to exist alongside you and your sister for a long time into the future.”

But Celestia shook her head. “Not at all. I’ve grown to appreciate you as well, Turing Test. Besides, if I’ve managed to accept sharing the future with Discord, then I think you’ll be an easy challenge.” She chuckled. “I’m glad Twilight Sparkle arranged for us to talk about this. I hope I’ve been of help to you, and you are welcome to seek my counsel whenever you wish. Actually, Turing, there’s one more thing I wanted to do for you.”

She cleared her throat, and her assistant, Raven, came forward holding a scroll with her magic.

“I’ve received Mayor Mare’s letter declaring your citizenship in Ponyville and recommending your citizenship as a member of this nation. In truth, Twilight could have granted it to you as well, but she said she didn’t want to step on my hooves.”

Turing looked down. “They are rather large, now that you mention it.”

Celestia rolled her eyes but smiled regardless. “Well, then, as a Princess of Equestria and by all the powers vested in me,” she said, unfurling the scroll, “I hereby grant you, Turing Test, status as an official citizen of Equestria, with all the rights and privileges that designation entails.”

Turing Test bowed, accepting the scroll as Celestia gave it to her. She then stepped forward and hugged Celestia, who was surprised by the sudden affectionate gesture but ultimately relaxed and returned the embrace.

“I am very grateful, Your Majesty.”

“You’ve earned it, Turing Test.” She raised her head as Turing stepped back. “Go forward, Turing, and live your life.”

Turing nodded once more. "Acknowledged," she said. "That is what I will do."

To be continued…

Author's Note:

This arc, "Broken," was one of the very earliest I had planned. It was directly inspired by a certain song which also influenced the general tone I wanted to achieve in writing this story, as well as influencing how Turing Test sounds in my head. That's a lot for just one song.

For more on this chapter and to find out which song I'm talking about, I've got more to say over on the blog, if you're curious.

Anyway, thanks for reading, as always. See you next time.

"Goodnight. Sleep tight."

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