• Published 19th Apr 2015
  • 7,000 Views, 221 Comments

The Fillies of Canterlot Castle - MrAlterad

The young Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset are taught by Princess Luna in her castle. Exposing the fillies to everything that comes with being the Princess of Equestria.

  • ...

4. A Glass of Water

“There is one thing every pony in Equestria possesses. Magic.”

“For earth ponies, it's the magic to govern the earth. To bring prosperity to the very lands they live on. The earth answers to their care, as they wield their power with pride.”

“A pegasi's magic governs the skies. Their wings rule the clouds, granting the earth the boon of water, and heralding the change of seasons.”

“And the bat ponies' magic grants them the dominion of the beasts. Their magic allowing them to talk with the critters and monsters of the land below ground, and the land of light, bearing their great senses in devotion to the wild.”

“And finally, the unicorns. Their magic has no focus, as their power commands the domain beyond the skies, the heavens, which comprises of the sun, moon, and stars.”

“Without a doubt, magic wielded by the unicorns grants them great versatility, but that power has to be earned. An earth pony, bat pony and pegasi needn't be trained to do what comes naturally to them. But if a unicorn wants to shape the clouds, talk to beasts or till the land like their pony cousins, then they have to invest extra effort into it.”

“And in order to earn that power, granted by versatility, it goes without saying that it requires the understanding of magic. Just as magic is different between the different kinds of ponies, it is also different between individual unicorns.”

“Some spells are easier when that spell is tied to one's natural talents, while for others, ease comes from the spell's affinity matching its caster. Though there is a method for every spell conceived, its execution relies solely on the abilities of the unicorn casting it...”

Twilight's narration ended as she looked up from her small book, a determined look on her face as she looked to the potted plant before her.

That's right. It's up to me, so let's get it right this time! She adamantly thought as she closed her old copy of 'Basic Magic'. Though she knew the book by heart, reading it to herself helped strengthen her resolve when working on a particularly difficult spell.

Her eyes still on the plant, she took several deep breaths before beginning to concentrate. Her horn started to glow in response to her will, gathering the power required to bring about the task before her: making the plant grow.

The balcony was faintly illuminated by her magic, no doubt drawing another curious glance from one of the night guards looking over the castle grounds. The glow brightened as the potted plant was encased in that magical light. To any onlooker who wasn't a unicorn, it would simply appear as though that glow was causing the plant to grow.

For Twilight, that was far from the case. Every new spell was a challenge to execute. A challenge she preferred to face alone. For when she started to learn telekinesis, Twilight came to learn that her magic was different.

Any other unicorn would see telekinesis as picking a item up with their horn. To Twilight, it was like trying to pick something up, while trying to balance on one hoof. Oh, and the thing she was trying to pick up was slippery. Very slippery.

And it was always different with every spell. Some spells were inexplicably easy, while others were not. Despite this, she still pushed forward, always eager to learn, because she loved to learn. And once she mastered the act, the spell was as good as hers.

She smiled as she took in the growing plant, glad to have completed another balancing act. However, that smile was short-lived, as her success momentarily distracted her concentration, causing the plant to instantly shrink to a barely sprouting bud. Twilight let out a frustrated huff before righting the problem, gradually returning the plant to its original state, then letting it grow a little further. But only just a little bit further.

Satisfied that she finally had the spell down, she abandoned her magic, letting out a sigh as the stress of making the spell work was eased upon. A balancing act required physical and mental fortitude. In Twilight's case, it was always the mental part that made her exhausted after learning a spell. Her magical reserves were only rarely taxed, a notion she's never picked up on, simply because she saw her magic as being more difficult to use than the average unicorns.

Looking to the sky, she saw that the moon was now halfway through its journey. I guess that'll have to do. She thought as she let out a wide yawn. Going inside, she placed the potted plant back in its original corner, before quietly slinking back into their bedroom. She then let out another yawn as she got into bed with her friends.

Helping Trixie study over the weekend had been an unplanned time sink for Twilight, and she had wanted to get the growth spell down before they were taught another. Guess it's Tuesday now. Wonder what spell we'll be learning today... She thought as her eyes closed, enjoying what was left of the night. A small, proud fire smoldering inside her chest for successfully adding another spell to her roster.


Twilight let out a comfortable yawn as the warm morning breeze blew past her. The fillies were out in the field for today's lesson, and Luna had just arrived. As she did, Sir Tell Tale handed her the tests he graded yesterday, before wishing the fillies a farewell and departing into the castle. Luna briefly looked over the tests as she approached her students, wearing spectacles Twilight was certain the princess didn't actually need. As Luna came closer, Twilight took a moment to notice that several clouds were hovering in the field, undoubtedly for the lesson concerning pegasi weather physics.

Nodding to herself, Luna started handing back the tests, giving Twilight hers first. Twilight looked over it as Luna returned Sunset and Trixie's copies. Twilight then blinked, rubbing her eyes before appraising the results again. 90/100.

She quickly flipped through her answers, trying to find where the mistake was, troubled, since she couldn't recall the last time she hadn't gotten a perfect score on a knowledge test. What was it? Why are all of these 9/10? Did I do something wrong? Oh my gosh! What if Sunset and Trixie got bad marks too, because of me!? She thought as she almost haphazardly flipped through the pages. Her growing anxiety faltered as she reached the last page, and she blinked again as she saw a small note left behind on her final answer.

'Great work Twilight! Your accuracy was spot on! However, your answers were very textbook-like, as in they were dry and difficult to read for anypony not interested in history. Remember, Twilight, there's always room for improvement, so if you'd like help concerning this, you're free to come to me anytime.' ~Tell Tale

Twilight took that in for a moment, then let out the breath she had been holding in as she adopted a small smile. She had never been one to aim for a top score, it was simply a happenstance of her love of learning. Now that she was assured that her answers weren't technically wrong, she saw the imperfect score, and the note with it, as an opportunity for her to learn something new. With that in mind, she looked to Sunset and Trixie.

Trixie wasn't even looking over her test, but instead, seemed to be avoiding Sunset's gaze, and Twilight could easily understand why. Sunset's brow was furrowed as she glared at her test, and Twilight couldn't help but imagine the paper bursting into flames under that gaze. Considering the note Sir Tell Tale left Twilight, she could easily imagine why Sunset was radiating anger.

“Luna,” Sunset began as she levitated her exam towards the princess, “this test wasn't graded fairly!”

“And why do you think that, Sunset?” Luna asked as she approached the filly.

“I got every answer right! But Tell Tale didn't give top marks!”

“And he didn't specify why?” Luna asked knowingly, causing Sunset to hesitate before glancing to the side.

“He said that my answers were too short and left no room for the imagination. But, that shouldn't matter!”

“Looks like my bookkeeper thinks differently. You still got a 92/100.” Luna then adopted an amused look. “Maybe you should talk to Trixie and Twilight about this before taking your problem up with Sir Tell Tale.” She said, giving Twilight a knowing grin, making Twilight's eyes widen in understanding. Twilight then looked to Sunset, giving her a smile, which Sunset noticed, prompting a confused look from the flustered filly.

“You got higher than I did!” Twilight let out happily, certain that would help dissuade Sunset's mood.

“I- I did?” She asked, looking even more confused as Twilight presented her test results. “I did!” Sunset declared as she adopted a shamelessly prominent smile. She reveled in the sensation for a moment before letting out a happy sigh. She then blinked when she noticed that all eyes were on her, and blushed as she returned Twilight's test. “I thought he'd give you top marks, since you're his favorite.” She let out, glancing to the side, looking like she had just swallowed something bitter.

“I am?” Twilight asked, her ears falling as she recalled how some of the students in Luna's School for Gifted Unicorns teased her, calling her 'teacher's pet'.

“It isn't about favorites,” Luna interjected, “Sir Tell Tale gave an honest and equal assessment of your tests, and pointed out areas of improvement.” Luna then nodded to herself, “If you have any concerns about your score, you should bring it up with him.” She then adopted her typical smile, “Now, shall we move on to today's lesson?” She asked curiously, getting an eager nod from the fillies. And as Luna started, from the corner of Twilight's eye, Twilight noticed Trixie hastily stash her test out of sight with her 'notes'.

Twilight wanted to know if Tell Tale left Trixie a note as well, certain that Trixie had passed, since the filly's been playing with her new spell all morning. That was, Trixie was constantly conjuring miniature versions of things around her. Illusions no bigger than her hoof, with their appearance taking on varying amounts of accuracy. Luna had taught her the spell in her sleep, while Twilight was practicing her own magic very early in the morning. Because of that, Twilight didn't doubt Trixie's success, but was still curious to know Tell Tale's insight on her score.

However, Twilight's curiosity was short-lived as Luna motioned toward the clouds gathered in the field, getting her student's attention. Signaling the beginning of the lesson, the fillies quickly learned that today's class would prove to be something of an unexpected event.


The lesson over, Black Hawk, captain of the Shadowbolts, landed. Of course, after he completed a double-spiral-loopty-turn-of-doom that dispersed what remained of the clouds. Twilight and Trixie let out a small cheer, while Sunset tried to look unimpressed.

“Thank you for that, Black Hawk.” Luna said as she addressed the pegasus, prompting a curt salute from the stallion.

“It was my pleasure, Your Highness.”

“Oh oh! Mr. Hawk, Trixie wants to show you a trick!”

“Show me what you got, little filly!” He replied heartily, and Trixie let out another small cheer. She then hopped in the air, instantly disappearing as she teleported closer to him, letting out a set of fireworks spreading out in a wing-like pattern, the colors matching the Shadowbolt's uniform.

“Ta-dah!” She let out, then adopted an eager look. “Oh! I've also got this!” She let out as her magic brought forth a small illusion of Black Hawk, standing on her outstretched hoof, saluting the real Black Hawk.

“Keep up the good work, soldier!” Black Hawk replied, not missing a beat as he saluted the illusion of himself. The entire exchange made Twilight's cheeks ache, and from the corner of her eye, she could see that Sunset was trying to hide a silly grin.

“Trixie wonders, um. Oh.” Trixie then adopted a contemplative look, “What's the word, where a big important pony signs a thing?” Trixie asked as she looked to Twilight.

“Oh! An autograph.” Twilight replied, adopting Trixie's idea as she looked to Black Hawk. “Mr. Hawk, would it be any trouble if I- we, can have your autograph?”

“I'll pass on that.” Sunset quickly replied as Trixie stood next to Twilight, eager for the Shadowbolt's signature.

“But of course!” Black Hawk replied as he took a pen in his mouth. “Is fiss for you, or fumpony elsph?” He asked, and it took Twilight a moment to put together his question.

“It's for my brother, Shining Armor. He's a really big fan!”

“Sh-Shining Armor's a fan?” Sunset asked, and Twilight nodded in reply. Sunset then coughed into her hoof before looking to Black Hawk. “I wouldn't mind an autograph too, please.”

“Autograffs for all~!” Trixie stated as the Shadowbolt started signing. "Oh!” Trixie let out as the stallion gave her his autograph. “Maybe Trixie should do autograffs too!” she let out excitedly, then fumbled through her things before signing a piece of paper, presenting it to Black Hawk. “You're the first!”

“I am greatly honored!” Black Hawk declared, standing tall as he said it. “I shall treasure it greatly!” His words seemed to be too much for the blue filly, as she couldn't seem to muster anything else to say. All she had in reply for the Shadowbolt was one of her best, biggest, and most honest of smiles. A smile so bright, even Sunset couldn't shy from it.

With the autographs and lesson finished, Black Hawk saluted to Luna. He then departed in a spectacular fashion, giving out a hearty farewell as Twilight appraised Sunset. The filly was eyeing the autograph in her possession with a strange look on her face, which made Twilight start to speculate.

Does Sunset like Shining Armor? Twilight wondered, I mean, she does seem to be friendlier around him. She then nodded to herself. I can't blame her. He is fun to be with. She considered with a smile as Luna spoke up.

“Now girls, let's move on to this week's spell, after which we'll be done for today.” Luna stated, instantly getting her students' attention. Though they each had different reasons, they all looked forward to learning a new spell. Trixie in hopes of adding it to her tricks of entertaining others. Sunset in the desire to have more abilities to rely on. And Twilight loved learning new spells for the same reason as everything else. She loved to learn. And learning a new spell was far more challenging then learning history or weather physics.

However, before Twilight saw Sunset's struggle to learn teleporting, that wasn't the case. It was frustrating for Twilight, having to work harder at getting a spell right compared to other fillies her age. Now, she saw it as a challenge worthy of her effort.

Okay. If she was being honest, there were times where it still frustrated her. But that pride she felt, when she finally got it right, made it worth it. It took seeing her friend's happiness, when she finally got the teleport spell down, for Twilight to appreciate the joys of succeeding after repeated failure.

And now a new spell was being presented before her, as Luna's horn glowed. In a bright flash, a small glass cup filled with water materialized before them. Trixie smiled as Twilight adopted a contemplative look. Trixie's horn then glowed, as she mirrored the feat. Her brow then furrowed as Trixie seemed to realize something.

“Luna, that's not an illusion!” Trixie pointed out, causing Sunset and Twilight to share a knowing look.

“We're going to learn a conjuring spell?” Twilight asked, certain she had guessed right, and she readopted a smile as Luna nodded.

“Conjuring magic is the process of making something from pure magic. Because of this, it's considered one of the harder schools to learn. But since each of you managed teleporting, I think the simplest form of it should prove manageable. Ah, but first, Twilight, would you mind explaining the two main subgroups for conjuring?”

“Huh? Oh, well, there's temporary conjuring, and permanent conjuring.” Twilight explained, “From what I've read, the second takes more magic than the first.”

“That's correct.” Luna replied as she tilted her summoned glass to the side, spilling the water on the grass. “The water I conjured is permanent. The glass, however...” And with that, her horn glowed slightly brighter, causing the glass to crack, before vanishing in a puff of magic. “As you can see, a temporary object, when damaged, returns to being magic. How long it persists is determined by the amount of magic put into it.” She then looked over her students. “Today's spell is two-fold: you'll bring forth real water, in a temporary glass.”

“Like-,” Trixie began, “~This!?” And her horn flashed brightly, summoning above her horn a cup filled with water. Then, to the filly's surprise, the water instantly fell through the cup, causing her to get drenched by the very water she created. “Eh! Huh?” She let out as she appraised her now wet hat and cape.

Twilight quickly moved to Trixie's side, helping her with her drenched clothes as Sunset let out an amused snicker. Luna, while hiding a smile, conjured a towel for Trixie, who quietly took it.

“That was a good first try, Trixie. The water you brought was quite real, but the cup was just an illusion.” Luna then looked to all of her students. “Water is one of the easiest things a pony can create. In order to conjure anything, you need to have a very good understanding of what it is you're trying to make out of magic. It also helps,” She added with a sly grin, “To cut corners, which is easy to do with water.” Her horn then glowed as an amount of water equal to a pony appeared to her side. “Making anything permanent with pure magic can be taxing. Water however, is readily abundant in the very air and earth around you, so when your magic tries to call it forth, it will be naturally drawn to the easier option of pulling the nearby water together.”

My magic will be drawn towards the easier option? Twilight thought skeptically, not trusting her magic to be so accommodating. The water next to Princess Luna then vanished in a poof, having been nothing more than water made of magic.

“Understand?” She asked, and Twilight gave a hesitant nod while Sunset and Trixie were still taking it in.

“So, in order to make a cup,” Twilight began, “you need to be familiar with it?” She asked as she pictured a simple glass cup in her mind, choosing to focus on that part first, before adding water to the mix.

As she did that, she realized that this spell wasn't just one spell, but more like two spells woven together, and her ears dropped slightly at the thought of trying to control something as complex as that. If Trixie was the grand master of multicasting, Twilight was likely the greatest dunce of multicasting. After all, trying two balancing acts at the same time was a daunting proposition. Twilight's brow then furrowed as she adopted a determined look.

I guess I'll just have to spend more time with this one then the other spells, that's all. Nodding to herself, she grabbed onto the mental image of a glass cup. Alright, glass, it's made of melted sediments and given shape through careful working of the material, so... She thought as she focused on her horn, trying to make something from nothing, her mind already bracing for something to knock her magic off balance.

With a small flash, she felt her magic do its thing, but she was hesitant to look at the results. Still, she opened her eyes, and to her surprise, there was now a solid glass cup floating before her. She was so surprised by this, that her magic sputtered out, making the glass fall. She managed to catch it before hitting the ground, letting out a relieved sigh.

“That was splendidly done, Twilight!” Luna let out with a proud grin, prompting Twilight to look to the Princess, pride swelling in her chest.

That- That was just like the teleporting spell! Why was that easier than making a plant grow? She wondered as she eyed the glass, then considered trying to fill it with water, but was distracted when Trixie surprised her with a hug.

“Good one Twily!” Trixie let out, causing Twilight's face to flush from the all the unexpected praise. Trixie then abandoned the hug, adopting a determined look as her own horn glowed. She frowned as she summoned another swath of water, with no cup to accompany it. “This one is tricky!” She admitted as she returned the abandoned towel to Luna, which promptly vanished as the princess looked to Sunset.

Twilight noticed that Sunset was looking to her with mixed feelings, like she wanted to praise her, but also wanted to be praised in her place. Shaking her head, Sunset concentrated for a moment, before summoning a glass of water herself. She smiled as she brought the glass close, then stopped as the glass cracked in her grasp. The cup disappeared, but the water stayed floating, Sunset's magic keeping it from getting her wet. Sunset adopted a determined look as she tried again, but her magic was cut short when somepony else caught her attention.

“Your Highness,” Sir Tell Tale stated, his unexpected arrival catching Twilight and Trixie off guard, pulling Twilight's eyes from Sunset, “There's a matter that needs your immediate attention.” He then adopted a very annoyed look as he added, “Baron Brown Muzzle seems to be inciting an 'incident'. Fancy Pants is humbly requesting your intervention.”

The fillies exchanged looks as Luna let out a very heavy sigh. Is it something bad? Twilight wondered as the princess looked to them.

“I'm sorry girls,” Luna began, “I think you have enough to manage the rest together, so I'll see you tomorrow.” She then adopted a rather determined look, “I'm afraid this is something I need to handle before it becomes something serious.” With that, she started to leave, before adopting a look of realization as she turned back to the fillies. “Girls, do keep this in mind. Permanent water is fine to drink, but avoid drinking temporary water, as it can make you sick. Okay?” She asked, getting a nod from her students. She then nodded to herself, and followed Tell Tale towards whatever problem tore her from the lesson.

“Do you think Luna's gonna be alright?” Twilight asked as she looked to Sunset.

“What, Brown Muzzle? I've heard of him, he's just an entitled jerk that nopony likes.” Sunset replied as she made a dismissive gesture with her hoof, “Luna's gonna be fine.” She assured as Trixie nodded.

“Then, can we learn this trick? Trixie really wants to learn this trick!” She let out heartily as she summoned another batch of water, with an illusion container. Trixie frowned as Sunset and Twilight shared a look, before nodding in agreement.

Twilight eyed her glass, her horn starting to glow as she tried to picture water filling it up. Her horn then flared, and Twilight blinked in confusion as nothing happened. Her confusion was short lived, as a torrent of water immediately fell upon her, soaking her to the bone. She stood there for a moment, before letting out a small sigh. Well, at least the glass is full now...

“You okay?” Sunset asked with concern as she moved to Twilight's side, a small glass of her own, full of water, floating beside her. Twilight parted her wet mane from her eyes as she nodded. “That's good. I'm guessing you didn't mean to make that much-” Sunset began, only to be interrupted by a large amount of water falling upon her.

As she sputtered and collected herself, both her and Twilight's attention shifted to Trixie, who was letting out a hearty cackle.

“That's what you get for laughing at Trixie~!” She then summoned a glob of water, “Water fight~~!!” She declared as she hurled it towards Sunset, who deftly caught it, giving Trixie an annoyed look. A look which was promptly washed away as another volley of water fell on her from above. “Gotcha! Again~!” Trixie let out as she started to run, as Sunset was now returning fire.

“C-Come on Trixie, Sunset,” Twilight began, “let's stop messing around and-” she was cut off when Sunset accidentally caught her in the face with a glob of water. Sunset paused, giving Twilight a very sheepish look as the filly once again moved her mane out of her eyes.

“Twily, let's play~!” Trixie let out as she moved closer to Twilight.

With magic? Twilight thought as she looked to her two friends. Trixie was giving her a very anxious look, while Sunset was reserved, as if waiting to see what Twilight's choice would be. Oohhh. Sure, why not? She thought to herself, her horn briefly flaring. And, to her surprise, Trixie and Sunset were almost immediately drenched by small funnels of water she had conjured. Sunset shook water out of her mane as she readopted an annoyed look.

“So, it's going to be like that!” She stated as her own horn flared, several globs of water appearing at her side as she adopted a smug grin. Seeing the notion of standing still to be unwise, Twilight quickly started to gallop as her horn flared as well.

And so, with a smile on their faces, The Great Water War of Canterlot Castle commenced.


“Tch,” Sunset let out in annoyance, “Tell Tale just had to make us clean that mess up! That was a whole hour we could have spent doing something else!” she let out as they left the field behind them. Twilight appraised the sun as they entered the castle, seeing it being two-thirds through its journey through the sky.

“Well, that was kinda fun too.” Trixie said wistfully as she tried to wring out her cape and hat.

“Speak for yourself.” Sunset mumbled as Twilight appraised her friends.

“I don't know,” Twilight began, the task of fixing the soaked field having sobered her from her fun. “We're starting to make a track record for ruining the palace grounds with our magic. Maybe we can stick to just O&O?” Twilight offered hopefully, getting a small gasp from Trixie.

“Oh, oh! That reminds Trixie! Sunny! There's this place Trixie wants to explore.”

“Oh, right. You wanted to do that now?” Sunset asked, still a little miffed.

“You're not going to do something that'll get you two in trouble, are you?” Twilight asked with a hint of annoyance. Though she did have fun sneaking with Trixie last week, it had been entirely ruined by being caught. It reaffirmed her belief that she wasn't for spying on others, or snooping where she didn't belong.

“Twily~!” Trixie let out as she gave Twilight a hurt look, “Mr. Tale and Luna didn't say we can't go looking for secrets!”

“Couldn't.” Sunset corrected.


Couldn't go looking for secrets.”

“R-Right!” Trixie stammered out, “Trixie knew that!” She declared, making Sunset roll her eyes.

“So, you're fine with this?” Twilight asked Sunset skeptically.

“Well, I did agree.” She reluctantly admitted, “At your insistence, I might add.”

Oh. Right. Twilight thought as Sunset adopted a fiery look.

“That, and Trixie would go on her own anyway.” Sunset stated with a firm nod, “So it's better if one of us goes with her.”

“Trixie would like it if Twily came too...”

“I'm gonna pass.” Twilight quickly replied, a little disappointed with Sunset's compliance, but unable to counter her argument. Her ears then fell as she saw Trixie's ears fall at her reply.

“Well, Okay ... Oh! Can Trixie show you where it is?” She asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. Twilight looked to Sunset, before nodding to Trixie, which prompted a smile from the blue filly.

That should be fine. Right? Twilight thought as they started to follow Trixie down into the first basement level of the castle.

Twilight had to admit that this was her first time in the castle's sub-levels, and from the way Sunset was taking things in, Twilight was under the impression that it was the same for her as well. Not too far into the basement, Trixie stopped as she pointed to a portion of wall that looked no different from the rest.

“Open~!” Trixie began, making a sweeping motion to the wall as her horn weakly flickered to life, “Says me~!” And her magic pulled a hanging lantern, letting out a soft click, before the indicated portion of the wall slid open, making Sunset and Twilight step back in surprise.

“Whoa!” Twilight let out, not having expected the secret passageway to actually be, well, hidden. “How did you find this?” Twilight asked, her curiosity now in full force.

“Trixie saw Mr. Echo open it.” She explained with a proud nod.

“'Mr. Echo'?” Sunset asked as the door started to close, drawing their eyes as the stone wall returned to looking like the rest.

“Uh huh!” She replied, then a look of realization adorned her face as she added, “Um, Windy Echo. He's a bat pony guard, and he's really fast! Trixie saw him come here, he checks this place out every three days.” Trixie explained as she pointed to the wall. "He's so fast, it took Trixie a couple tries to see how he opened this up!"

“I see." Sunset replied as she looked to the wall, "And we're going to look now?” She asked skeptically, and Trixie immediately shook her head.

“Mr. Echo is here today. That, and Trixie is a little tired.” She admitted with a sheepish grin as she looked to her damp cape.

“We should head back then,” Twilight stated as she turned around, not being keen on staying in a part of the castle that she felt was 'off-limits'. As her friends followed behind her, Twilight started counting the hanging lamps, dedicating the door's location to memory.

Just in case...


Trixie lay sprawled on the couch, out cold. Twilight couldn't blame her, as she was the most physically active during their water fight. If simply because Twilight and Sunset did more teleporting than dodging over Trixie.

Twilight herself was a little tired, but since Trixie was asleep and Sunset was looking after Spike, Twilight saw this as a good moment to practice their new spell without bothering her friends. Maybe I should talk to Sir Tell Tale too. She considered as she eyed her test, which was resting on the desk.

Considering how things went out on the field, she came to the notion that practicing the summoning spell over the bathtub would be better than the balcony. Now in the restroom, she began to call on her magic, finding it nearly effortless for her to bring forth a glass cup. A fact which brought a smile to her face. However, that smile that was short-lived, vanishing as she tried to fill it with water.

She let out a sigh as she considered grabbing a towel to dry herself off, then thought better of it, unsure of how many tries it would take to pull this off. Half an hour of attempts later, she could feel that she was making progress, but had to stop in consideration as she looked to the first cup she had summoned.

It was now filled, to the brim, with water. Sort of. Twilight put the glass cup full of ice to the side, feeling it was time to try and conjure the glass and water at the same time. After summoning a cup of water, she let out a sigh as the let go of her grasp, causing the cup shaped mass of water to lose its form and splash into the tub. I need a cup made out of glass, not water! She thought as she tried again, and almost let out a small cheer as she summoned a small foggy cup, filled with water.

The growing fire in her chest, born of success, was drenched as she realized that the cup was made of ice, instead of glass. Letting the ice-cup melt in the tub, Twilight let out another sigh as she began to wonder what time it was.

She considered grabbing her old book and having another go at the spell, then thought better of it. I think that's enough for today. She thought warily as she returned to the main room, noticing that Trixie wasn't there anymore. Did Trixie go to the secret hallway? Twilight then shook her head, No, it'll be dark soon, and she's scared of the dark. Twilight affirmed, guessing she was either in the bedroom or in Spike's room with the others.

Well, in that case... Twilight thought as she left her room, heading towards the library.


Sir Tell Tale seemed to be finished loading up a cart full of books when Twilight entered. When he noticed her, he slid a sheet resting on the cart over the books, before welcoming Twilight. As the filly approached him, she eyed the cart with unabashed curiosity.

“These are books the three of you aren't ready to read just yet,” he began, before Twilight could even ask, “so I'm moving them out of the library in preparation.”

“Preparation?” Twilight asked, failing to hide her disappointment at the fact that books were being kept from her.

“That's right. Once I've gathered all the books of this nature, the three of you will be given free reign over the library. You won't need to check with me first to take books out.” Tell Tale explained, the news catching Twilight off guard. Despite a small number of books being removed, she found herself smiling at the notion as Tell Tale continued, “So I take it you wish to talk about your test?”

“Yeah.” Twilight admitted, “And something else. But first, you said that my answers were dry and difficult to read?” She asked, and he nodded in turn.

“Trixie wrote all of her answers like a story, which made them amusing to read, I must admit. Sunset's answers, however, were closer to yours. She was spot on concerning the details, but she went the extra mile on two questions by telling me how some of those ponies were fools or an inspiration to other ponies.”

“So, I should say more than just the facts?” Twilight asked, and Tell Tale nodded.

“You just have to add a little of yourself to the answers. When history is fun to read, or at least engaging, it's easier for ponies not interested in history to pick it up. That's something you should keep in mind should you pursue the path of teaching others. Follow?”

“I think so.” Twilight replied, picturing all the time spent helping Trixie take in everything they had studied for the exam.

“That's good to hear. I'll be looking forward to seeing how you apply it.” Tell Tale said with a smile. He then adopted a contemplative look, considering something for a moment. “What was the other matter you wanted to discuss?”

“Oh! That. Well, it's about the secrets of the castle. You don't want us snooping around, right?” She asked sheepishly.

“Princess Luna doesn't seem to mind, and it's her castle, after all.”

“Well, what about you?” Twilight asked, getting a considering look from Tell Tale, before giving her a smile.

“I'm happy that the notion bothers you, it shows that you're a good pony, Twilight. Don't let anypony tell you otherwise.” His words made her blush as he continued, “I personally don't like it. Things are secret for a reason. Still, as I said, this is Princess Luna's castle, so it's not really snooping, as she has given you permission. Whether you do or not, is completely up to you.”

“I see.” Twilight replied, a little glad that his outlook paralleled her own. Then, should I go with my friends, or stay out of it? Twilight considered. Tell Tale looked over her for a moment before nodding to himself.

“You know, Twilight, Trixie cares more for fun than rules. And Ms. Shimmer, she follows the rules as long as they're not in her way. So, it's a good thing they have a friend like you to help keep them out of trouble.” Tell Tale said wistfully as he gave Twilight a wink. She looked to him for a moment, her eyes widening in understanding, before giving him a resolute nod. “Now, Twilight, there's another matter I'd like to discuss with you. Her Highness said you managed to summon a glass cup with ease. I take it the spell hasn't given you any trouble?” He asked, and Twilight blinked before glancing to the side. When it concerned her magic, she didn't like troubling others for help. However, after what they had just discussed, she felt that Tell Tale would be more troubled if she didn't go to him for aid, so she shook her head in response to his question.

“So, it is giving you some difficulty. Perhaps the part where you summon water?”

“Yeah.” She replied, gathering herself a moment before looking to him, “The cup is easy, but it's hard for me to manage two spells at once.”

“I see. In that case, I'd recommend practicing summoning water alone. Try to call upon it in the shape of a small tetrahedron. Once you manage that, try casting the whole spell. You may be surprised by the results.”

“Alright, I'll try my best!” Twilight claimed, under the impression that Tell Tale had given her a harder task to accomplish over the original, but not discouraged in the least.

“Oh, I almost forgot.” He stated, wide-eyed as he pulled out a small wooden box. “She would never let me live it down had I forgotten. Twilight, this is for you and the others.” Tell Tale said as presented the box to her. “A gift, from Princess Crystal.”

“From Queen Chrysalis?” Twilight asked in wonder as she considered opening the box right there.

“That's right. She wanted to stay longer and meet Ms. Shimmer, but Crystal happens to be just as busy as Princess Luna.”

“Will we see her again?” Twilight asked, having enjoyed learning more of the changelings from Chrysalis over the weekend.

“Yes. She plans to have an extended visit during the Summer Sun Celebration.” He replied, bringing a smile to Twilight's face.

That's only a couple months away!

“Now, if you don't have any other questions, I have some work to finish up.” He said, and Twilight nodded in understanding, and turned to leave. She then paused as something came to mind.

“Um, is Luna okay?”

“Huh? Oh! She's fine. She took care of the problem before it got out a hoof.”

“That's good!”

“Yes, it certainly is.” Tell Tale said with a slightly relieved expression.


Several minutes after Twilight left the library, Tell Tale finished collecting most of the needed books, and moved the collection to a closed off part of the library. He appraised the more important books as he moved, checking the condition of 'Poetry and Prose', 'Inspiration Manifestation', and 'Baking the Impossible'. His attention then shifted as he reached The Princess, bowing to her as she looked up from her paperwork.

“We may want to keep conjuring spells off the roster for a few years.” Tell Tale stated, prompting a small sigh from the Princess. Her eyes fell to an empty glass cup resting on the desk as she nodded. A cup that had been found by her bookkeeper when the field was being cleaned up.

“She didn't even notice that she created a permanent cup...” Luna said with a troubled look.

“You think it wise to keep the truth about her magic from her? She's gonna find out sooner or later.” Tale Tell stated as he took the last book he needed from the library, which was laying closed next to the pile of paperwork. 'Harmonic and Chaotic Affinities in Magic' read the title, another book the princess didn't want her students reading up on just yet. The very book pertaining to the peculiarities of Twilight's magic.

“It'll be better if she learns it on her own.” Luna affirmed.

“May I ask as to what makes you so certain?”

“Well, Sir Tell Tale, though Twilight is quite bright, she's still a filly. She's still growing, changing, understanding who she is. If she understood why her magic was so difficult right now, I believe she'd try to work towards it, rather than against it.” Luna's eyes then looked to Tell Tale's, “Her magic contradicts her base nature. As long as she doesn't know, her base nature will strengthen, and from that strength, she'll be able to master her magic, despite the difficulty.” She stated, a confidence carried in her words that any pony would acknowledge.

“I still disapprove, Your Highness.” He said as he broke their gaze, glancing to the side as he let out a tired sigh. “When she learns about the details concerning affinities, she'll figure out in short order that we were keeping it from her.”

“I know.” Luna said, a hint of pain in her voice. “I'll have to prepare a generous apology for her when that happens.” She promised, getting a small nod from Tell Tale. After several moments of silence, Tell Tale covered the books in the cart, and prepared to leave.

“Well, I'll make sure these books make it to a secure location.” He then eyed the window, seeing the glow of the coming sunset. “It's getting late, so I shall wish you a good night, Your Highness.”

“You too, Sir Tell Tale.” Luna replied as she looked back to the paperwork tied to the mess Baron Brown Muzzle had made. As Tell Tale made to leave, a thought dawned on him, and he let out a small sigh as he turned back to the Princess.

“Oh, by the way, Windy Echo reported earlier today that Trixie will likely be exploring the Hall of Murals soon.” He pointed out, making Luna blink as she looked to Tell Tale.

“The Hall of Murals...” She said, adopting a sad smile. “I see. Please keep me informed on how that turns out when she does.” Luna replied, a little curious if Trixie would drag both of her friends along. Giving the princess a nod, Tell Tale bowed to her and departed.


Shortly after leaving Chrysalis's gift, still unopened, on the couch, Twilight was surprised to find Trixie doing what she herself had done before leaving for the library. Trixie was so focused on trying to conjure a glass cup, that she didn't notice when Twilight entered. Having failed again, Trixie let out an annoyed sigh as she took a sip from a glass cup filled with a large block of ice and cold water.

Wait, is that the same glass I made earlier-

“The Great and Powerful Trixie can do this!” She declared as her horn glowed, before letting out a few sparks and sputtering out, her magic exhausted. Trixie sat quietly for a moment, before adopting a dejected look.

“Trixie, you okay?” Twilight asked, under the impression that it was more than her drained magic that was upsetting Trixie. Her question caused Trixie to flinch in surprise, before turning around.

“Oh, hi Twily.” She replied, looking to Twilight for a moment before continuing, “Trixie doesn't know. She, well- P-Promise you won't tell Sunny.” She said as she gave Twilight a pleading look.

Tell Sunset what?

“Um, okay, I promise.” Twilight replied, getting a small smile from Trixie.

“Trixie … failed the exam.” She admitted, prompting Twilight to adopt a confused look. Seeing Trixie's somber expression slowly turned that confusion to understanding as Trixie continued. “Trixie talked to Mr. Tale, he said it was okay. but, well … Trixie doesn't know what Great and Powerful is now.” She said as she started to fiddle with the cup in her hooves. “Does Twily know?” She asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.

What it means to be Great and Powerful?

“Well, uh, what does Trixie think it means?” Twilight asked, taking a page from Luna's book, prompting Trixie to immediately frown at her.

“If Trixie knew, she'd not ask, silly.” She said, failing to mask her annoyance.

“R-right! Give me a moment to think about it.”

“'Kay.” Trixie replied, waiting patiently as Twilight's mind raced.

Okay. Being great, means that you do great things. So that's pretty easy. What about being powerful? Is it strong magic? Knowing a lot of things? Being great at casting spells? No, great is great, but being great isn't the same as being powerful! Twilight thought as she adopted a frustrated look. Let's see. Powerful means to have great power or strength. Wait, strength...? Twilight thought, an idea forming as she looked to Trixie.

“I think that being Great means that you can do great things.” Twilight began, “Being powerful means being strong. But being strong can be many things.” She said, seeing that she had Trixie's complete and undivided attention, as the blue filly nodded. “Like, having strong magic, or strong concentration. Maybe even being sturdy or unyielding is the same as being Powerful.”

“So, being Powerful can be a bunch of things?” Trixie asked, tilting her heard in thought.


“Then, Trixie can be Great and Powerful, just like Black Hawk, while still being bad at history?”

“Yes.” Twilight quickly, and resolutely replied, getting a smile from Trixie.

“Thanks Twily.” She stated, adopting a contemplative look. “Trixie needs to think about this. But, Trixie is also tired.” She stated, punctuating the fact with a yawn. “Is it bed time?” She asked, and Twilight considered her question for a moment.

Guess practicing the tetrahedron can wait till tomorrow. Twilight affirmed as she nodded to Trixie. As they went to their bedroom, something came to Twilight's attention.

“Trixie, are you and Sunset going down the secret passageway after class tomorrow?”

“Um, yeah?” Trixie replied, getting a small nod from Twilight, which only confused the blue filly.

Should I go with them? Twilight wondered as they snuggled into bed, If it's safe, then is there any trouble I'd need to keep them out of? She thought, her mind playing through the possibilities as sleep slowly snuck up on her, carrying her into its comforting embrace.

Author's Note:

If you are a mother, who also happens to be reading this chapter the day it was posted, then Happy Mother's Day!
[insert here a picture of filly Sunset and baby Spike hugging]
Terribly sorry for the delay, wanted to hold off till Sunday to set down a schedule thing. I'm not really use to setting myself to a schedule, so this will probably only last a week or three. The idea is that I'll post a new chapter to the Trioverse on Sunday afternoons from here on. So we'll see how that turns out. :twilightblush:
There were parts of this chapter that were hard to write. There were also parts that were a lot of fun to write. Can you figure out which is which?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hoped I succeeded in this being a Twilight central chapter, just as the previous two were central to Sunset and Trixie.
Next chapter won't have a set perspective, flipping from PoV to PoV where it's needed.
Wanna thank you for reading my story, mostly because you're awesome.
Also wanna thank my best friend for his input on certain parts of this chapter.
Finally, here's a pic to leave you with:

Short mane / tied up mane is best mane.