• Published 19th Apr 2015
  • 6,988 Views, 221 Comments

The Fillies of Canterlot Castle - MrAlterad

The young Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset are taught by Princess Luna in her castle. Exposing the fillies to everything that comes with being the Princess of Equestria.

  • ...

6. The Best Day of the Week!

Luna slowly opened her eyes, letting out a pleasant sigh as she stretched, before slowly crawling out of bed. Keeping the bed covers wrapped around her, she dragged her hooves to the window, and gathered her magic. After a minute of concentrating, and effort that almost made her sweat, the moon had set, and the dawn was summoned. Nodding happily to herself, she slinkered back towards her large bed, unceremoniously falling into it as she curled up into ball.

She lay there for several moments, contently thankful that today was her day off, the only day in the week where she got some proper rest. The only day of the week where she didn't have to worry about tackling all of Equestria's problems. And in the warm comforts of her bed, it wasn't long before she fall back to sleep. A dreamless sleep, free of worry...


Sir Tell Tale paused as he reached the castle's garden. It was that day again. The day of the week where everypony needed to be on high alert. Well, everypony but Princess Luna. She looked after and led Equestria for six days and seven nights of the week. It was the least they could do to ensure she was undisturbed on her days off.

Tell Tale then glanced to the flowers, a small frown on his face. His nose itched slightly, before he felt a small tingle run down his spine. He knew that feeling all too well. Something was going to happen today. He just knew it.

Then again, he always had that feeling on Luna's days off. Unfortunately, he was more often right than wrong.


Sunset rubbed her eyes as she looked out the window, seeing the sun low in the sky, a thoughtful look on her face. She let out a tired yawn, having had trouble sleeping in an unfamiliar home, Trixie's home. Looking to the two sleeping fillies in the room with her, she adopted a small smile, before looking to the castle with a determined look on her face.

It's Luna's day off, so she isn't gonna be busy! It'll be my best chance to talk to her alone about that dragon I saw in that secret passageway! She thought as she started to gather her magic, It shouldn't be a problem, since I'm just asking a personal question. And after briefly glancing to her sleeping friends, Sunset was gone in a flash of emerald light.


Sir Tell Tale stood before Black Hawk, and Sour Night, an earth pony mare who was Captain of the Guard. The three of them were assembled at the castle's front door, a small dispatch of soldiers standing to the side, waiting for their captain's command.

“After having to deal with the incident in Baltimare,” Tell Tale began, “for the last three days, by herself, I feel we owe Princess Luna some extra attentiveness for her efforts. She simply asks for one day a week to herself, and we're going to make sure she gets it.” He said with a determined nod, “We all know what we need to do, so let's stay on top of it.” He finished as he hit the ground in emphasis.

“That's it? Over already!?” Black Hawk let out in mock disappointment, his grin as big as ever, “You know, I never get enough of our little morning talks!” He added as Tell Tale looked to him, seeing an honest smile, eyes alight with concern, a hint of teasing seriousness to his voice, and above all a desire for loud fun. “Seriously, Tale, you don't need to be so uptight about it! Why not enjoy it?” The stallion let out, prompting a sigh from Tell Tale.

“Easy for you ta say, flyboy.” Sour interjected, before letting out a disgruntled sigh. “It's been hard ta stay ontop a things now that we have three fillies who are free ta roam as they please!” She said it in a bitter tone, but Tell Tale could see in her eyes that she was more concerned for the fillies safety over any inconvenience they were to her job. “Tale, you pay this bird-brain no mind.”

“I never do.” Tell Tale replied as he hid a smile, earning a harrumph from the pegasus. Tale then gave his companions a determined look, “Stay vigilant, everypony.”

“You don't have ta tell me that, sir!” Sour replied, before turning to her soldiers, addressing them as Black Hawk shook his head.

“'Stay vigilant', he says, I'm always vigilant!” Black Hawk let out heartily, before soaring into the sky, the rest of the Shadowbolts departing from their cloud perch to join his side.

Does Princess Luna intend to stay in the castle? He thought as he reflected on the events that took place last week. The fillies should be returning sometime tonight, so we shouldn't have to worry about them. So that just leaves the nobility- He thought as he looked to the castle gates, his eyes narrowing as he spotted a flash of emerald light.


Sunset let out a sigh as she rubbed her horn. Looking out the window of their room into the garden below, her brow furrowed as she saw Tell Tale trotting over to where she had been just a moment before.

She'd once tried talking to Luna on this day of the week before, and he had stood as a wall that she couldn't get past. She had no intention of letting him get in her way again. As she watched him, the stallion adopt a contemplative look, before turning back and entering the castle.

Oh great! Did he see me!? She briefly wondered, before considering teleporting to the observation tower, which was the closest place she knew to Luna's room. As she gathered her magic, she winced in pain, her horn letting out sparks, prompting her to stop. She rubbed her horn, a pained look on her face. I guess I should have expected that. I did teleport all they way from Trixie's after all. She thought with a grin.

Indeed, she was quite proud at the distance she accomplished, as Trixie's home was further from the castle than Twilight's. I almost made it to our room in a single hop! I bet the only pony that could teleport farther is Luna! She thought before walking away from the window. Since my magic's spent, I'll just walk the rest of the way. She thought with a nod as she quickly left her room, surprising the mare guarding it. Since Tell Tale's downstairs, I can reach Luna before he can get in the way! And with a determined smile, she headed off to Luna's chambers.


Luna let out a pleasant groan as she stretched her legs. She then tossed the blankets off as she got on her hooves, stretching out her wings with a smile before letting out a sigh. That was the best! She thought to herself, having enjoyed a commoner's luxury, sleeping in. She then headed to the restroom, eyeing her wing feathers as she did. What to do... what to do... She wondered as she straightened her mane.

After taking care of herself, she eyed her crown and started fiddling with it in her magic as she returned to her bedchamber. Should I give my staff a hard time? Or maybe take a trip to the beach? She considered as she opened a nearby window, feeling the cool spring breeze. Might be a little early for that, and I'd be spending more time traveling than relaxing... I wonder how well it'd go over if I asked for a beach to be made at the mountain's base. She considered as she rubbed her chin with a devious smile.

Her ears then flickered as she caught the sound of two ponies, arguing quite verbally, from outside her chambers. She adopted an annoyed look, before it shifted to intrigue. Wait, that's Tell Tale and Sunset, isn't it? Quietly fluttering to the door, she smiled as her suspicions were confirmed. Oooooh~~ It would be so much fun to make those two hang out with each other for the entire day! Her eyes then widened as another idea struck her, prompting her to open the doors.

“-dealing with those parasprites. So she's to be left-” Tell Tale paused when he and Sunset noticed that the door was open, and he immediately bowed before the princess, getting a small chuckle from Luna.

“Tell Tale, you don't need to do that today.” Luna said as she motioned the bookkeeper to stop bowing. She then glanced to Sunset, “Sunset, did you leave Trixie and Twilight to themselves?” She asked curiously, getting a nod from Sunset. “Well, that just won't do!” She declared, feigning shock as she looked to her bookkeeper, “Tell Tale, I'll be going out today,” She then glanced to Sunset, “I'd like it if you accompanied me."

“You're going out? To Canterlot?” Sunset asked, clearly confused.

“That would be going out, yes.” Luna said with a sly smile, getting a quick nod from the filly.

“Yeah, I'll go with you." She stated, then her eyes widened as she recalled her reason for coming here. "Um, Luna, there's something I wanted to talk about-”

“If it's about a lesson, it'll have to wait till tomorrow,” Luna stated as she motioned Sunset within. The filly hesitated for a moment, before entering Luna's room, and as she did, Luna gave Tell Tale a small nod, which he quickly returned, before closing the doors.

“In the hall we explored the other day-”

“The Hall of Murals?” Luna asked, getting a surprised looked from Sunset.

“R-Right, there was a portrait of a purple and green dragon there. Stella. Is she Spike's ... mother?” She asked as she rubbed her hoof on the floor, then looked to Luna, a concerned look in her eyes. Luna took a considering pose, before she started rummaging through her wardrobe, glancing to Sunset over her shoulder.

“Pretty sure I saw you hatch his egg with my own eyes. Though, to answer your question, Stella did lay his egg, so she's his mother by blood.” She said as she pulled out clothes more suited for a commoner. She then turned around, giving Sunset a concerned look, “Does that bother you?”

“A little...”

“Weelll, would you like to talk to her about it sometime?”

“I can do that?” Sunset asked in surprise.

“She's hard to reach right now, but it's possible to talk to her. I know a spell that lets us stay in contact over long distances.” Luna then gave Sunset a warm smile, “She's quite happy with what she's heard about you.”

“Really?” Sunset replied, not sure how to take that.

“That's right.” Luna replied as she pulled out a small amount of bits from a small treasure chest. “Don't worry too much about it right now, Sunset. Stella won't be taking Spike from you, I can promise that. You were the one that hatched him, and you took the initiative to look after him. That means a lot to Stella, understand?” She asked, and Sunset considered it for a moment before adopting a determined look.

“I think so. But, I'd like to talk to her sometime.”

“I'll arrange a meeting when it's most convenient for her. She'd also like to meet you, but the dragon lands are a ways away.” Luna explained, “But don't worry, it'll happen.”

“Thanks, Luna.” Sunset replied with a small smile.

“You're quite welcome.” Luna replied, before giving Sunset an appraising look.

“Didn't fancy your odds against 'mama' dragon before coming here?”

“Well, I read that they could grow as big as the castle, so I was, uh, slightly worried about my 'odds'.” She replied with a sheepish grin.

“Heh, I don't need a friend of mine fighting a student of mine. I don't think Canterlot would survive the fallout!” Luna replied in exaggerated tones. She then levitated all of the things she'd gathered, and slid into her clothes, covering her wings and cutiemark.

“Luna?” Sunset asked as the princess tied her mane into a ponytail.


“You covered your wings?”

“A small price to pay to mingle outside the castle without drawing too much attention.” She said as she cast a small spell, deglamouring her mane and tail. “Now then, let's go pick up Trixie and Twilight, then the fun can begin!” Luna let out excitedly, getting a skeptical look from Sunset.

Now, where did I put those- Luna thought, letting out a happy gasp as she found her prize, sliding on the spectacles she wore during a certain interview. “Well? How do I look?” Luna asked as she spun on her hooves in front of Sunset, leaving the filly speechless for a moment at Luna's playfulness. The princess's look and demeanor were so different that for a moment, Sunset wasn't sure if the unicorn in front of her was actually Luna.

“Y-You look great! Just like when we became your students!” Sunset replied.

“Excellent! Now, shall we?” Luna replied as she offered Sunset her hoof.

“...Can I bring Spike?”

A baby dragon in Canterlot? Luna thought, hesitating for a moment at the complications that could arise from that. However, Sunset noticed her pause.

“Actually, nevermind. He'll … be fine with Cadance. I shouldn't take him out and about till he's older.” Sunset finished, nodding to herself, before offering her hoof to Luna.

She's almost a different pony when it concerns Spike. Luna thought to herself as she took Sunset's hoof. Luna's horn then glowed, and in a flash, they were both outside the castle grounds, at the front gate. Luna gave a wink to the surprised guards, before she started moving down the road. Sunset was barely a step behind her, still trying to process everything that was happening, as this was the first time she's been with Luna as anypony other than a mentor, or Princess.

“Luna, are you always like this on-”

“Sunset, I'm always like this!” Luna quickly replied, “It's just that I have to hold it in during the rest of the week.” She then nodded to herself, “You probably don't remember this, but I visited your dreams... about three years ago as I am now, I think.” Luna replied as she adopted a contemplative look.

“Extra cheery and playful?” Sunset asked, and Luna could practically imagine the filly comparing her to Trixie at that moment.

“Yes. Exactly.” Luna affirmed as they continued their brisk stroll to Trixie's home.


It's barely noon, and the Shadowbolts already have their hooves full! Tell Tale thought in annoyance as he paced back and forth in the library. A dragon just had to move into that old mountain, today! Of all days it could have chosen! He thought as he glared at nothing in particular. No matter! Princess Luna intends to enjoy herself with the fillies, and nothing's going to get in their way! He affirmed to himself as he left the library. I'll have Windy Echo tail them, make sure the Princess doesn't have to worry about what's going on-

“Tale! We have an incident in the city!” Sour Night exclaimed as she galloped down the hall with a small entourage of soldiers, making Tell Tale roll his eyes.

“Of course we have an incident in the city!” He let out as he looked to the mare, “What is it this time? A spell gone terribly wrong? An infestation? Did somepony manage to drag the parasprites from Baltimare here!?”

“Hey now, don'tcha be givin' me that tone! I'm the one that's gotta deal with it!” Sour rebutted with a glare. Tell Tale appraised her for a moment before he took in a deep breath, nodding to her.

“Sorry, just, handle it as discretely as possible. And be sure to leave an extra pair of guards to aid Ms. Care's watch over Cadance and Spike.”

“You don't have ta tell me twice!” She replied as she galloped past him, out to the castle's gates.

Always on the Princess's day off, without fail! Tell Tale thought as he let out a long sigh. And the day's barely half done...


Twilight had an impressed look on her face as Trixie placed the last glass on top of her pile, completing the three layer high triangle of glassware. Trixie was smiling as she considered the pile for a moment, before taking a deep breath. Her horn briefly glowed as she blew on the glasses, making them fragment and scatter in the breeze as the magic that conjured them vanished. Trixie's brow then furrowed in concentration as she tried to gather the scattering magic, attempting to swirl it into a new shape. Before the shape could solidify, the magic dispersed, getting a disappointed sigh from the blue filly.

“It's hard to change it...” Trixie declared as she looked to Twilight, a little surprised by Twilight's smile.

“That was amazing Trixie! Even if you couldn't bring it all together, it was still amazing!” Twilight proclaimed, getting a grin from her friend, “I don't think I'd ever be able to conjure six glasses like that!”

“Sure you can, you just gotta do it!” Trixie said with an amazing amount of certainty. “Just like Trixie did! Buuuuut, Trixie couldn't have done it without Twily's help. Thanks!” She then took up a considering look, “Trixie didn't know that glass was made of sand!” she let out heartily as Twilight nodded.

“It's true, but it's not just any kind of sand, you need-” Twilight began as she adopted a slightly scholarly pose.

“Hey Twily, you think Sunny'll be coming back?” Trixie interrupted, making Twilight blink before she let out a small sigh.

“Probably not. I knew she wanted to go to the castle today, but I didn't think she'd leave so early. I'm guessing she'd wanna stay with Spike once she reached the castle.”

“Awww~, Trixie wanted to have Sunny meet Trixie's other friends.” She let out in disappointment.

“Other friends?” Twilight asked in surprise. Right, Trixie had friends before coming to the castle, unlike Sunset, or me... Twilight thought, a little regretfully.

“Yeah! Flimmy and Flammy live right down the road! Oh, but they don't like it when you call them that, but Trixie calls them that anyway~!” She let out with a smile as Twilight nodded.

“I kinda know of those two. Sure, I'd like to meet them!” Twilight replied, Being friends with colts could be fun too! She thought as Trixie nodded in excitement. The blue filly then put on her hat and cape, and as she left her room, Twilight quickly followed after her. She then paused as she saw Trixie giving her mother a big hug.

“Later mama! Gonna play with friends then go to the castle~!”

“Already?” The mare replied, sounding a little hurt as she adopted a pouting look. “Oh sweetie, all right!” She let out as she returned the hug, “You have fun now. I'll see you Friday.” She then let go, giving Trixie a silly smile, “Who's my little filly?”

“Trixie is! The Great and Powerful Trixie!” She replied, getting another hug from her mother before letting go, she then looked to Twilight, catching the filly off guard.

“You take care too Twilight, and thanks for always looking after Trixie.”

“N-No problem Mrs. Lulamoon!” Twilight replied, before following Trixie out the door. As they reached the street, Trixie headed off to the left, while something to the right caught Twilight's attention.

“Trixie!” Twilight let out as she stared in confusion, seeing Sunset coming down the road with a tall dark blue unicorn at her side. Wait, is that Luna!?

“Well met, Twilight.” The Princess said with a small wave.

“Luna!?” Trixie let out is surprise, getting a scowl from Sunset in return.

“Not so loud! She's in disguise!”

“You don't gotta shout about it,” Trixie replied with a frown as she joined the rest of them. Sunset's face reddened in a mix of anger and embarrassment, making her glare at the ground as if it was at fault.

“Princess, why are you here?” Twilight asked.

“To pick you two up,” Luna stated, “I thought it'd be fun if the three of you showed me around Canterlot!”

“But, don't you know this city like the back of your hoof?” Sunset asked, prompting Trixie to appraise her hoof in confusion.

“Not entirely. Canterlot is always changing, it's never the same today as it was yesterday. And, besides that, I want to know what you girls like about Canterlot.”

“Is this another lesson?” Twilight asked, making Luna let out a small giggle.

“Not this time, not today. This is just some good old fashion fun!” She let out, “So, mind showing me your favorite parts of town?”

“Trixie'd like to! Canterlot Commons! It's the best~! There's ponies all over the place and music and food and it's sooo busy there!” She fired off, almost bouncing on the spot as Luna nodded. The princess then looked to Twilight, whose eyes widened for a moment.

“W-Well, I really like the library, even if the castle's has more books in it.” Twilight then hesitated, “Well, more non-fiction books, that is.” She added, and Luna nodded again as she turned to Sunset, who hesitated a moment as she considered something.

“I guess I like the park.” Sunset stated, not sounding completely sure. An idea then came to the filly, and she nodded to herself before looking to the others. “Yeah, there's this one place I like, but, we can't go there till the end of the day.”

“Why not?” Trixie asked.

“Because.” Sunset replied as she glanced to the side.

“Well,” Luna began, “if Sunset says we can't go till later, than I guess our little trip through Canterlot will simply come to a close there. The library isn't too far from the commons, so how about we go there first!” She declared, indicating Twilight to lead the way, which the filly did after a moment's pause.

We get to show Luna around Canterlot!? Twilight thought in surprise as she looked over her shoulder, We are showing the Princess of Equestria around Canterlot!! I never imagined something like this happening! She considered with a smile.

As her student, she'd gotten used to Luna's presence and a part of her life in the castle. Now that Luna wasn't acting like a princess, the oddity of it reminded Twilight that she was one of the lucky few that got to spend time with her on a regular basis.

I wonder what her favorite stories are? She thought as she slowed so she could walk more to Luna's side, confident they'd make it to the library without incident.


The castle smelled of smoke.

Tell Tale was at Spike's room, his mouth hanging open at the scorched mess that was everything inside. Cadance was covered in soot while the baby dragon played with some toys without a care in the world. The pegasus gave Tell Tale a sheepish grin as he looked over her. Despite being only a few years older than Luna's students, she carried an air of maturity and devotion about her that the stallion found admirable.

“He uh, started breathing fire again.” She explained with a small laugh as she got on her hooves, “It was, difficult, to coax him out of it.”

“Yes, I can see that. Perhaps it would be best if you looked after him outside for a few hours.” Tell Tale suggested as he gestured to the scorched room in exasperation, “The cleaning staff will need the room if we're to get it straightened up before The Princess returns.

“I think he'd like it outside.” She replied with a hint of excitement. Her ears then fell as she looked to the stallion. “Sorry for the mess...”

“There's no need to apologize, Cadance. In fact, I want to thank you for all the hard work you've done. The Princess doesn't want Ms. Shimmer too distracted from her studies, and your aid in that regard is quite appreciated.” Tell Tale said, getting a surprised look from the filly, prompting her to adopt a proud smile.


“Think nothing of it.” Tell Tale then nodded to himself, “The staff will get you when the room's ready again.”

“Gotcha!” Cadance replied as she scrounged up some of Spike's toys, before putting him on her back. The dragon let out a happy cry as she glided out of their room, outside towards the training field. Tell Tale had to resist chuckling as the extra guards left to look over them dashed out the door to catch up to the young pegasus.

Well, at least this problem's already taken care of. Tell Tale thought as he eyed the charred room, For the most part...


The Grand Equestrian Library, or the Canterlot Library to those that live on the mountain, is considered the largest library in all of Equestria. While the library wasn't anywhere near the same size of the castle, it did sport the same kind of architecture, and indeed, had a larger collection of books. This being for the fact that Luna's collection had very few works of fiction. Maybe it was because of that fact that Luna picked up on the smell of books when they entered. It was slightly different from her own library, and the scent brought a small smile to her face.

“How long we gonna stay?” Trixie asked, looking a little disinterested.

“How about we stay till dinner, and head to the commons to eat?” Luna suggested, making Trixie's brow furrow. “I often forget how small my collection is compared to this place,” Luna added as she looked to Trixie, “I can only imagine how many books about a certain magician there are in here.” She added, getting a brief look of confusion from the blue filly, before her eyes lit up. “Find what you want to read, and we'll meet up at that table in the corner, sound good?” Luna then asked of all of them.

“Sure!” Trixie let out, getting an annoyed look from Sunset, as well as several other ponies in the library.

“Trixie, it's a library, so try not to be so loud.” Sunset offered as she showed some patience.

“Huh, oh. 'Kay~.” Trixie replied before she started to look around, splitting off from their group. While Trixie wandered towards a nearby librarian, Sunset went off, a destination clearly in mind, leaving Twilight and Luna alone. Luna stood there a moment, expecting Twilight to head off on her own as well, then gave the filly a curious look when she continued to stay at her side.

“Something wrong, Twilight?”

“What? No, I just wanted to know what it was you liked to read, Lu-” She almost finished, but cut herself off to avoid breaking Luna's cover.

What I like to read? I think she may be a bit young to appreciate a number of the novels I read. Ah, I know!

“I'm quite fond of romance novels,” Luna began, “but I also get a real kick out of mysteries. I especially love to piece together the mystery before the reveal!” Luna stated as she started towards the section of stories she had in mind, nodding Twilight to follow. “I think you might enjoy that.”

“Mystery? I thought you'd like fantasy novels, or science fiction.” Twilight replied, looking a little down that she had guessed wrong.

“The latter has its moments. Fantasy however... Let's just say that I've seen a little too much of that in the Realm of Dreams.” Luna stated as they reached the wall of books she'd been eyeing. “Here we are! A great place to start for the genre~” Luna affirmed as she pointed to a shelf devoted to the Betsy Drew series.

“Whoa!” Twilight let out as she eyed the large number of books telling of mysteries Betsy took on. She then adopted a sheepish look as she realized she'd practically shouted her amazement. “All of these were written by one pony? There's over a hundred of them!” She let out in a loud whisper.

“That they are.” Luna replied with a smile as she grabbed her favorite, as well as the first two books in the series, presenting them to Twilight. “Interested?” She asked, and Twilight nodded eagerly, taking the books.

With their prizes in hoof, they returned to the lobby, and in short order, the four of them reunited. Trixie had a book called 'Magic Tricks for All Kinds of Ponies!', while Sunset had one called 'Useful Spells When Dealing With Dragons, vol. 1.'. Seeing their choices made the princess shake her head in amusement.

While the fillies were reading, Luna pretended to do the same, her eyes looking over her students, and the ponies around them. She occasionally saw somepony look to her, a look on their faces practically screaming that they were wondering if that was the Princess of Equestria sitting the middle of the lobby. It always ended with them convincing themselves that couldn't be the case. Hiding in out in the open is always the best. Luna thought as she fiddled with her glasses. Though reading in the library wasn't as involved or exciting as their walk had been, Luna loved quiet moments like this, and she was content to simply observe as the time ticked away.


Tell Tale once read that long ago, before the founding of Equestria, duels were held between unicorns, placing everything they possessed on the line in a bout of skill. The stallion couldn't help but wish that was still prevalent, as Brown Muzzle wished for an audience with Princess Luna, on today of all days.

No. He wants an audience with her. Today. To flaunt his status! That foul stallion! Tell Tale thought as he considered a number of ways of approaching the problem. He mentally scratched off the dueling option in annoyance as he glanced down to the city resting in the castle's shadow. I could tell him that the Princess is out... He thought before letting out a sigh. Which he will no doubt make me regret by running my ears off by how important he is. Well, let's get this hassle over with. With that, Tell Tale left to suffer in Luna's place.


Luna's horn died down as she adopted a small smile. So, Windy Echo's keeping an eye out for us? I'll need to thank him before we leave. She thought to herself before pushing her dinner plate to the side.

She, as well as Twilight and Sunset, were sitting at a small table outside a diner at Canterlot Commons; a section of Canterlot where five roads intersected, bringing many of Canterlot's citizens, from nobles to the common pony, together. Restaurants, stores, and many popular venues were here, crowded and busy. Though today was Luna's day of rest, Canterlot itself didn't know anything about taking a day off.

There were several ponies displaying their practices here, each of them gaining the attention of several passersby, from mimes to musicians. And even a certain filly magician, who was putting on a show of her own not several paces from Luna's table. With the energy and joy Trixie was giving off, it was no wonder that Canterlot Commons was her favorite part of the city.

“Now for this next trick, The Great and Powerful Trixie will need her Smart and Helpful friend!” Trixie let out as she pointed to Twilight, who looked up from her Betsy Drew book, before she shrank into her seat when she saw the crowd's attention fall to her. “Come on Twily, Trixie needs you for this one.” Trixie added as she gave her friend a reassuring look. Twilight sat there for a moment, before she was given a small push by Luna's magic. Twilight looked to the princess' smile, causing a small fire to lite in Twilight's eyes. Looking to Trixie, Twilight gave her a small nod as she moved to her side.

“Thank you Twily- erm,” Trixie thought for a brief moment before correcting herself, “Twilight!” Now for this next act, I'm going to make my assistant disappear!” Trixie declared as she took off her cape, moving it around Twilight to block the filly from the onlookers' eyes. Trixie then gave Twilight a subtle wink, “Now! Three, two, one! Behold~!” She let out as a puff of smoke appeared around both of them, and when the smoke cleared, it revealed one filly standing there, Twilight.

Trixie vanished? Luna thought as her eyes widened, But, I didn't hear her teleport-

“Uhh, oopsie!” Trixie's voice let out bashfully from where she once stood, to the onlooker's surprise. “Looks like Trixie made the wrong pony disappear! Uhh, Twilight, mind bringing Trixie back? Just do what Trixie did!” Trixie let out as Luna's eyes started to explore her surroundings.

“Um, okay!” Twilight let out, hesitating again as she lifted up Trixie's cape, covering herself from the crowd. “Three, two, one! Behold...?” Twilight said, with far less enthusiasm that Trixie had. Twilight then blinked as nothing happened.

“Say it like Trixie, silly!” Trixie said, prompting Luna to smile as she realized where Trixie was.

That clever filly! She's hiding behind me! She made everpony's eyes fall to Twilight, and she ran out of there when she summoned the smoke! The rest is simple sound manipulation. Luna thought as she made a subtle glance over her shoulder, seeing a blue filly, her horn glowing in preparation.

“R-Right! Sorry!” Twilight replied as her face turned red, getting a few chuckles from the crowd as Twilight repeated the line. “Behold~!” She shouted out, in a very Trixie fashion, causing a puff of smoke and a small yelp from the filly. The smoke quickly dispersed, in its place were several fireworks as Trixie stood there, hugging Twilight.

“Thanks Twily! Trixie didn't think she'd ever come back!” Trixie then let go of Twilight, before bowing to her audience, “Trixie's friend, Twilight!” She let out as she motioned to Twilight, getting an applause from their audience. “Thank you thank you! That's all for today everypony, but Trixie promises she'll be back later~!” And with that, the crowd started to disperse, a small number of the attendants giving Trixie a bit or two for the performance, which Trixie shared with Twilight.

Heh, Luna thought, Since everypony's eyes were on where Trixie was going to reappear, she couldn't risk running in, so she teleported instead, muffling the pop at the same time. If she had a stage and some clever pyrotechnics, she could pull all that off without magic. She considered before her ears perked, and her focus shifted to listening to some of the gossip the audience was saying as the remaining ponies left.

They were commenting on the possibility of Trixie being one of the students the Princess had recently taken up. Luna smiled to herself as the two of them returned to the table, seeing traces of fatigue in Trixie's eyes, suspecting she spent the rest her magic on that last performance.

“Sorry for not disappearing.” Twilight said as she sat down.

“It's okay Twily, you did just fine! Trixie had it covered!” Trixie said as she nodded to herself, then looked to Luna and Sunset. “You two like it?”

“Of course!” Luna honestly replied.

“Watching other ponies performing isn't really something I like.” Sunset stated, before glancing to the side, “But, you had fun, so it was alright.” She added, getting a beaming smile from Trixie. The little magician then turned to Twilight.

“Hey Twily, wanna help Trixie with future shows?”

“You want help?”

“It's easier to trick the audience when there are two ponies.” She stated confidently, to Twilight's surprise, making Luna hold back a small chuckle.

“That, and it's more fun with a friend,” Luna interjected, “Right?”

“Right~!” Trixie replied, getting a nod from Luna.

“Now girls, there's somepony I need to talk to for a moment. Afterwards, shall we go to your favorite place, Sunset?”

“Uh, sure.” Sunset replied, and Luna got on her hooves, heading into the diner they had eaten outside of.

She spotted the pony she was looking for, who was trying hard to avoid notice. The second her eyes met his, he slumped in his seat before fluttering out of it. Windy Echo then landed in front of the princess, and almost saluted her, but fought the habit down to aid Luna's cover.

“Anything you need to tell me?” Luna asked curiously.

“Nothing at all, everything is under control. Though, I did work to keep certain individuals from spotting you.”

“Thank you for that Windy.” Luna sincerely replied, turning to leave, but she paused for a moment, “And do thank the others for me, I know days like these are never easy for you all. Don't be afraid to ask for help if things get out of hoof.”

“Trust me, Your High- Erm, Trust me, if we need to, we will.” Windy Echo replied with a subtle salute, before flying out the door. Luna then left the diner, reuniting with the fillies.

“Was that Mr. Echo?” Trixie asked as Sunset got up.

“Indeed it was.”

“That was Windy Echo?” Sunset asked, before shrugging her shoulders, “That aside, my favorite place is in the park,” she stated, having grown accustomed to Luna's openness as she indicated towards the park's direction. “We'll wanna be there before sundown.” She then paused, adopting a small smile, “Which should be pretty easy.” She added as she gave Luna a small smile.

“I'd rather not put off sundown, but, I guess it can't be helped if we lose track of time.” Luna replied with a sly smile. Not that I don't have a perfectly wired internal clock. She thought as she let Sunset lead the way.

As they followed Sunset to the park, it quickly became less noisy and crowded around them, to the point where Twilight was comfortable to speak Luna's name without drawing attention.

“Luna, do you always do stuff like this on your day off?” Twilight asked.

“Not entirely. It's been several months since I've wandered through the city like this. I more often spend my time visiting close towns, or reading.” Or pulling pranks on certain ponies. Luna thought as she briefly adopted a dark smile.

“I always thought you did it to catch up on sleep.” Sunset replied as she let out a small yawn.

“Not entirely, I do sleep in, yes, but it's not like I'd sleep through the whole day. That'd just be terrible!”

“How do you do it Luna?” Trixie asked, “Isn't it hard, helping everypony's dreams too?”

“I'm asleep too when I do that, so my body gets some proper rest. It can be mentally draining though, that's why I look forward to the little moments. Yes, today's my day off, but there are small pauses through the rest of the week where I can relax.” Luna then nodded to herself, “I've been doing this for so long that I've learned to make due with those moments.”

“But, isn't it still hard?” Twilight asked.

“At times it can be, but I still manage all the same. I give my best for Equestria, and its not just me. Since I'm off today, that means others need to work harder in my absence. We all work hard to keep Equestria running, and safe.”

“So what about the others?” Sunset asked curiously.

“Well, they get two days off.” Luna replied with a sly grin, getting a small laugh from Sunset.

“You sure?” Trixie asked, “Mr. Tale always seems to be at the castle.”

“He likes to works on his days off. He's just that kind of pony.” Luna replied with a small smile. “He doesn't like to just sit around and do nothing, right?” She stated as she gave Sunset a knowing grin.

“It looks like we're just about there.” Sunset replied in an attempt to ignore the implications behind Luna's words. Sunset pointed ahead of them, revealing their destination at the end of the road. As it was getting late in the day, the park was less crowded than it normally was. Stone paths lined with flowers, and many clearings dotted the place, as well as trees that managed to keep most of the park shaded.

“It's empty.” Trixie pointed out as they arrived, sounding a little disappointed.

“Right now it is, but in a couple months it'll be packed for the Summer Sun Celebration!” Twilight let out excitedly, her eyes looking to a platform near the edge of the park, free of tree cover. A platform left in the park specifically for big events such as that.

“You like the Summer Sun Celebration?” Luna asked, her curiosity piqued by Twilight's open enthusiasm on the subject.

“Yep! It's my favorite, along with Hearth's Warming.” She then blushed as she looked to Luna, “Last year, I saw you raise the sun, and it was amazing. I don't really know why, but I felt something about it that made my chest warm. I really felt,” She paused as she looked for the best word, “Driven. Even though my magic's been hard to use, I really wanted to be good with it, and seeing you raise the sun inspired me.” Twilight explained, surprising Luna with how earnest she was in her words. Twilight then blinked as she realized something. “Though, I mean, uh, I guess it's not your favorite holiday, since you get less sleep during that half of the year.”

“That's okay Twilight.” Luna quickly assured, “So, I inspired you? That makes me happy to hear!” She let out, turning Twilight's doubt into a smile, “Personally, I love the Summer Sun Celebration, but my favorite is Nightmare Night.”

“Oh! Nightmare Night!? That's Trixie's favorite too!”

“I'm sure it is.” Sunset said sarcastically.

“What, it is!” Trixie replied.

“I bet you're saying that to make Luna happy.”

“Well, Trixie bets you went to the castle this morning for the same thing!” Trixie stated accusingly.

“That's not it! I wanted to talk to Luna about … something I saw in that hall we explored last week.” Sunset replied with an irritated look.

“The hall? Oh! That reminds me!” Twilight let out loudly, breaking Sunset and Trixie from their argument, “Luna, that mare on the wall behind your desk in the library, the white alicorn; who is she?” She asked, prompting Luna to briefly glance at the sun, which was starting to sink below the tree line.

“I'll let you know in a little bit, the day's almost over, and I don't think Sunset's shown us her favorite place yet.” Luna said, prompting Twilight and Trixie to look to Sunset.

“R-Right, it's just this way.” Sunset stated, leading them towards the edge of the park, which was lined by a tall wall of shrubs.

“Sunny, there's nothing but bushes here.” Trixie pointed out.

“Over here.” Sunset bid as she pointed to a part of the bush wall that looked no different from the rest. Her horn then glowed, pushing aside several branches to reveal what lay on the other side.

“Wow!” Trixie let out as she passed through, followed by Twilight and, at Luna's insistence, Sunset. The path still held open, it was a bit small for Luna, but she managed to get through the gap, revealing a view not too different from the one she'd shown the fillies on their first day at the castle. It was a small pocket of the park, smaller than a small home, a patch of unmanaged grass that ended with a metal fence, followed by a ledge to a long drop into the valley below.

“Sunset, this is amazing!” Twilight added as Luna took in the familiar view. Equestria spread out before them, the sun coming low in the sky.

“I've never really liked much of Canterlot, besides the park. I really like this spot, it's sort of like my secret base. I used to study here after class, or practice my spells.” Sunset said with a fond smile, “I haven't been here since I moved to the castle.” She added as she ran her hooves through the grass with a content look on her face. “I didn't realize how much I missed it...”

“Well, it's a really beautiful place, and, it's about to get better.” Luna stated as she sat down, “I can see why you wanted to wait till now to show us.” She added as her horn started to glow. The day's over, but I think I'll draw this out a little, for them. And with some effort, the sun started to slowly descend into the horizon, taking on its brilliant hues of orange and reds as it did, bringing a glow to Sunset's eyes as she watched.

And though it was a bit bright for Trixie and Twilight, they enjoyed the sunset all the same, and seeing their three smiles while lowering the sun struck Luna, making her chest ache slightly as she spoke out with her heart. Can you see us, Tia? Did you see all the fun we had today? Were you jealous? I really hope not. But don't worry, I'm certain these three will save you one day. I know it, so just wait a little longer, dear sister. Then, we can all watch the sunset, together. She concluded with a smile, bidding the sun goodnight as she started raising the moon. The four of them sat quietly for a few moments as the moon rose, and the afterglow of the sun's light started to fade into twilight.

“Alright girls, it's time for us to head back.” Luna said as she finished bringing the moon out. Getting on her hooves, she let out a sigh as she started to remove her disguise, exposing her wings to the air as she let them stretch out.

“Already?” Sunset asked, a little disappointed, before letting out a long yawn, which Trixie mirrored.

“That's right. The day's over, it's back to work for me, and it's time for bed for the three of you. Come on, I'll tell you a little story on the way back.”

“A story?” Twilight asked, a little glow in her eyes.

“That's right, it's about a pony very important to me. She's the white alicorn, and her name is Celestia." Luna began as they left the hidden spot behind them the three of them walking close to the Princess. "And she's the reason I chose this day of the week to take off.”

“You could choose?” Twilight asked.

“Well, I am a princess after all.” Luna said with a grin, “Now, let me tell you about my dear sister, and why today is called Sunday...”


Having gotten word of her return by a certain bat-pony, Tell Tale, Sour Night and Black Hawk were standing at the ready in front of the castle's doors.

Luna took them in as she arrived, Sunset and Trixie asleep on her back, both fatigued from having spent their magic in the day and walking through Canterlot. Twilight was still standing, but she wasn't too far from falling asleep herself. She was so tired, that she failed to notice the state of her current company.

Tell Tale's mane was frazzled, and he had a look that suggested that he had lost several years of his life this day. Sour Night's hair and tail were standing on end, her armor scorched in parts. And Black Hawk, sporting a triumphant grin, smelled of ash, and had some smoke still whifting off of him.

“If I were a guessing Princess, I'd say that you all had to tackle nobles, twittermites, and a dragon. Correct?” Luna asked, getting a nod from each of them.

“Nothing we couldn't handle, Your Highness.” Tell Tale replied with a bow.

“Yes, Princess, twittermites, and that's all that needs to be said.” Sour stated, looking like she had more colorful things to say, but she kept it to herself.

“Sooner or later the dragons are gonna learn that we don't want any of them sleeping in the lonely mountain!” Black Hawk replied as he bowed as well.

“You do know that just because I'm off, doesn't mean I wouldn't help save Equestria from its blights, right?” Luna asked, prompting Tell Tale to quickly shake his head.

“If we can't manage a single day of the week without Her Highness, then that doesn't speak well of our nation. As you often say, we're all children of Equestria, and everypony needs a break every so often. After all, you're the only one of us that works both days and nights.”

“Well, thank you as always, now go get some rest,” Luna then adopted a sly smile, “And that's an order.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” They responded in unison, being mindful of Luna's sleeping charges. They then dispersed, though, Tell Tale paused, looking to the fillies, then Luna with a 'need help' look in his eyes. Luna shook her head, and he got the message, leaving with a subtle bow.

“Come on Twilight, we're almost there.” Luna said, helping the filly along, as she returned her students to their room. It smells extra clean around here, I wonder why... She thought as she put her students to bed, wishing them a quiet good night, before returning to her own room.

I really should have done something like that weeks ago! She thought to herself, before plopping into her bed, the rest of her affects left to the side. Maybe I should surprised them with a trip to the beach while we're all asleep! She thought as she closed her eyes, a small smile on her face.

Author's Note:

So, does that mean the second day of the week is Moonday?
I had the 'Luna's day off' idea floating in my head for almost a month, and felt it would make a better end to the first arc than chapter five.
So, next chapter is most certainly the start of the next arc, taking place around the SSC.
Hope you enjoyed this one as much as the previous, and thanks again for reading!
Also putting a quick thank you to my friend OCisbestpony because I can do that.
Now then, back to work on Shadow's Flare! :twilightblush: