• Published 19th Apr 2015
  • 7,001 Views, 221 Comments

The Fillies of Canterlot Castle - MrAlterad

The young Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset are taught by Princess Luna in her castle. Exposing the fillies to everything that comes with being the Princess of Equestria.

  • ...

5. Echoing Steps

Sunset was resting in the main room, a little put off that her friends were already in bed. Not quite willing to admit that she was tired herself, she looked through her things, her eyes pausing as they fell on two new items she got from today's class. The autographed note, and her exam results. Her brow immediately furrowed as she looked to the exam.

It should have been Luna who graded this! Sunset thought to herself, resisting the urge to crumble the test in her grasp. Tell Tale is a bookkeeper, not a teacher! A real teacher would have given me and Twilight perfect marks!

The fact she had scored higher than Twilight was now at the back of her mind, her dislike for the stallion pushing aside any mitigating factors. We don't even need him! She then hesitated a moment, Okay, maybe Trixie needs him, but Twilight and I can manage just fine without him! All Luna'd have to do is tell us what to study, and be there for spell instruction. Easy as that! Her line of thinking then wavered as she recalled her former position towards Cadance.

She needed Cadance, because Spike needed somepony to look after him while Sunset was busy learning. She may not need Tell Tale, but Sunset was certain that Twilight looked up to him. That, and Princess Luna counted on him.

Sunset kicked a wayward pillow in frustration. Even though she didn't need, or counted on the false teacher, she couldn't deny that she was stuck with him for however long she was going to be Luna's student, which was likely to be a good number of years.

Her face still glowering, she flipped to the last page of her test, rereading the note that put her off in the first place.

'Adding your two bits gave you full points on several questions, but, Ms. Shimmer, you also lost points for your cold words on problem three and seven. You're free to have your opinion on the past, but keep in mind that speaking ill of it as you did is improper etiquette. Especially for one of Luna's students. Be sure to keep this in mind in the future. -Tell Tale.'

Sunset let out an annoyed sigh as she put the test away. Tell Tale was right. That's what was truly aggravating her. Feeling like she's given more thought to this matter than the stallion deserved, she decided to bring her attention to the other article in her possession. The autograph.

As she eyed Black Hawk's signature, she recalled when he had given it to her, and found herself still a little at a loss to how it came about.

...Why did I even ask for this? She wondered as she tried to comprehend her actions. I mean, Twilight got an autograph for Shining, so it's not like me giving him an extra would mean anything. Yet, despite this observation, she found herself unwilling to dispose of the autograph. She still intended to give it to Shining Armor, and it frustrated her that she didn't understand why.

Taking the offending piece of paper with her, she planted her flank onto the couch with a small hop. She then let out an indignant yelp as she immediately fell right off of it. Looking to the couch, she saw a small wooden box, resting dead center, as if it owned the piece of furniture. She had thoughtlessly sat on it, and was now appraising the unfamiliar object.

“Tch.” She let out as she grabbed the box. Why does Trixie always leave her junk lying around! She thought, her brow furrowed, That little filly. Trixie this and Trixie that. Why doesn't she talk like a normal pony? Sunset wondered with a sigh as she opened the box, catching a small note as it fell out of the container.

Her annoyance shifted to curiosity as she pulled a strange object from the box. It was a wooden circle with lines of string wrapped though its center in a pattern. The pattern itself drew one's gaze towards the circle's center, and a number of smaller circles were hanging from the primary circle. It felt completely mundane, but had the appearance of something magical. Moving the strange artifact to the side, Sunset looked over the letter.

For Luna's little students.

To us changelings, there is no lunar princess to watch over our dreams. Where we reside is in the land of nightmares, and I do not care to welcome such darkness on my children. Just as I protect my children, I suppose I feel a little obligated to extend that protection to you three.

This gift here, is a dream catcher. Hang it over your bed, and you'll never have to fear nightmares again.

You may be wondering, "Why do I need this? I have Luna to look after me, after all." Well, just think of it as lightening the load. From what she's told me, the dream realm is a big place, and she can't be everywhere at once. So, my gift to you will surely be of use. Though, if you don't really care, go ahead and smash it. After all, what good is a useless gift?

That aside. It was amusing to meet you, Trixie. I wouldn't mind seeing just how Great and Powerful you intend to become.

Twilight, your unabashed curiosity was a complete bother. It was, however, refreshing to talk to another pony about my kind, and not seeing fear in their eyes.

And Sunset Shimmer. We didn't even meet, so I don't really have anything to say. Maybe next time, if either of us can be bothered to put the effort into it.


It's a gift from the changeling queen? Why? Sunset wondered as her eyes fell back to the dream catcher. Did Luna tell her that Trixie has trouble sleeping alone? Unfortunately, all Sunset had was questions, and no readily apparent answers. ...Does this mean I need to give her a gift as well? Do I owe her? Sunset considered as she put the gift back in its box. As she did, she noticed her autographed paper again, and was hit with a moment of insight.

I got the autograph for Shining, because I wanted to give it to him. It's not like I'm expecting anything in return, right? She thought, certain of that much, So, Chrysalis must have done the same. Twilight said that the changeling is friends with Luna, so as her friend, she felt like helping her out by helping her students! Thinking this, she looked over the dream catcher again, in a new light.

Well, darn. Now I feel like I missed out by not meeting her. She thought in annoyance as she closed the box, the dream catcher back in her grasp. Putting her autograph away, she went to their bedroom and quietly switched out a painting of Canterlot hung over the bed for the dream catcher. She was a little caught off guard by the painting's weight, but smiled to herself as she made the switch. And, having nothing better to do as she let out a yawn, she hopped into bed, and called it a night.


Sleep's embrace came to an unexpected end for Twilight, who was startled awake when somepony's horn poked the side of her head. Shifting slightly, she saw that the culprit was Sunset, who was sleeping soundly next to her.

Now thoroughly awake, Twilight's mind started to wander, and after several minutes, she came to the conclusion that she wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep just yet. With practiced ease that she found a little disheartening, Twilight quietly got out of bed without waking her friends. Trotting out of their room, she made for the restroom with the intention of practicing their latest spell. As her horn started to glow, a trickle of worry greeted the filly.

...Luna or Sir Tell Tale would be worried if they saw me being up this late. She thought as she placed an easily summoned glass cup on the tub's rim. But here I am, out of bed, again. I wish mom or dad could read me a story right now...

Twilight then let out a sigh, pulling herself towards her earlier thoughts to distract herself. Her brow then furrowed in consideration. Alright, it's okay for us to go snooping, because Luna didn't say we couldn't... She considered as she played with the cup in her hooves, Then, it's okay for me to go with them? She couldn't deny, she was a little curious as to what was hidden in the secret hall Trixie found.

There's no chance of getting in trouble, and it's safe. So, why not go with them? Twilight wondered, before briefly pausing to look at the small glob of water she had conjured in the air. Yeah, I should go with them. I mean, they want me to go with them, so there's no harm, right? She considered, then nodded to herself. I mean, it could even be fun! And there could even be something incredible down there! She affirmed, a small smile appearing on her face, which shifted to surprise when she saw the results of her spell.

Oh come on! That was supposed to be harder! Twilight thought in annoyance, a perfect tetrahedron spinning slowing in her grasp.


Trixie had a bounce in her step as she followed Tell Tale back to her friends. Today's class was just finished, and since it had been a history lesson, Trixie now knew how to make a bit disappear without magic. The entire lesson concerning Hat Trick and his performances was still bouncing in her head as she pictured the disappearing bit trick. She couldn't copy the trick just yet, but she wasn't discouraged. Reaching the others, she gave Twilight and Sunset a big grin. Before she could join them, Sunset looked to Tell Tale, an inquisitive look in her eyes.

“Tell Tale,” Sunset began, “Why did Trixie have a different lesson from us?” She asked. And just like that, Trixie's smile faded.

No! Sunny's gonna find out! She realized as she took a hesitant step back, and from the corner of her eye she spotted Tell Tale looking to her. She looked to him with pleading eyes, Please don't tell Sunny! She thought to him, prompting a sigh as he shook his head, making Trixie's ears fall.

“You should have told her yourself, Trixie.” Tell Tale said as he looked to the others. “Trixie had a separate lesson because she failed her history exam.”

There was a brief pause as that fact settled on Sunset. She's gonna be mad, Trixie just knows it! Pleeaase don't be mad. Trixie thought as she avoided Sunset's eyes, She's gonna say no to going to the super secret tunnel now! Trixie assumed, briefly considering hiding behind Tell Tale as Sunset's eyes widened.

“You failed!?” Sunset asked as she glared at Trixie.

“T-Trixie is sorry! She didn't mean to. Please don't be mad!” Trixie quickly spat out, from behind Tell Tale, to the stallion's surprise.

Sunset.” Twilight said in an almost exasperated tone, quickly moving in front of Sunset, which confused the angry filly for a moment.

“W-What?” Sunset asked, her glare hesitating as her attention was drawn away from Trixie.

“She tried her best.” Twilight said sternly, causing Sunset to pause in consideration.

“Right...” Sunset replied, “I know that.” She admitted as she glanced to the side, “I- well,” Sunset looked back to Trixie, who was wearing a very somber look, “I suppose she did,” Sunset stated. Trixie noticed Sunset let out a small sigh as she shook her head, trying to wash her hooves of her disappointment as she looked back to Tell Tale. “What was she learning instead?”

“About one of Luna's former assistants.”

“Really? I see, alright then.” Sunset said as she rubbed the back of her head, mumbling something under her breath as she started to leave the library. Trixie hesitated for a moment, then followed after her.

Twilight was about to follow as well, but was caught by Tell Tale, who wished to talk to her about something. What it was, Trixie wasn't certain, as her attention was on the filly she was pursuing. Now outside the library, Sunset paused and turned to Trixie as the doors closed.

“Trixie. Why didn't you tell me?” Sunset asked, prompting Trixie to pause and think on it for a moment before looking to Sunset.

“Because, Trixie knew you'd be mad.” She replied as she nodded her head, “You're scary when mad,” she then gave Sunset a side glance, “And you were.” Trixie's ears then fell as she started off, in the direction of their room.

“Wait. Where are you going?” Sunset asked, sounding a little conflicted.

“Um, to our room?” Trixie asked in a confused tone.

“Aren't we going to explore that secret hallway?” Sunset asked, making Trixie blink and stand silent for a moment.

“Huh? But, Trixie thought you were mad-”

“And I'm still mad.” Sunset quickly replied, “But I also said I'd go with you, and I'm not somepony that breaks her word.” Sunset then winced, realizing how condescending that sounded, “I just, yeah. I'm mad. But, you tried your hardest, right?” Trixie quickly nodded, “And Luna has you learning something else instead of history. So, I guess the whole thing's already behind us. I'm just upset that you didn't tell me sooner.” Sunset then hesitated a moment before pressing on, “And, that it's because you were scared of me.”

“Y-You did blow up the front garden when we fought.” Trixie pointed out.

“Only half of it!” Sunset quickly replied, before adopting an apologetic look. “But, yeah. So, how about that secret hallway?” Sunset asked, and Trixie didn't even need to consider it, nodding her head as she gave Sunset a thankful smile.

“Thanks Sunny!” Trixie replied as she looked to the direction of the secret passageway. Before she could get her hooves moving, however, Twilight left the library in a rush. She almost ran into Trixie and Sunset, to their surprise, and sliding to a stop, Twilight looked to Trixie.

“Trixie,” Twilight began, a little hesitantly, “Is it okay if I come too?” She asked, making Trixie pause for a moment.

What? Twily too?

“Really?” Trixie asked, not sure she heard her friend right.


“Like, really really!?” Trixie said, her confusion quickly shifting to excitement.

“Really really.” Twilight replied with a nod, getting a happy hug from Trixie.

“What made you change your mind?” Sunset asked after Trixie's hug ended.

“Well, I talked to Sir Tell Tale, and he said that I should make sure the two of you don't end up getting in trouble. I don't like snooping where we don't belong, but, you two do...”

“That doesn't matter, Twily's going with us!” Trixie said resolutely.

“And you're sure about this?” Sunset pressed, adopting a sly grin as she continued to the secret hall, “There could be monsters or traps, or even ghosts!”

“W-What?” Trixie asked, hesitating briefly as she began to follow Sunset, with Twilight at her side.

“Well, those are the kind of things you find in hidden passageways.” Sunset replied matter-of-factly.

“Sunset, stop that.” Twilight stated, “We both know that there's no such thing as ghosts. And besides, if any of that were true, Luna wouldn't let us snoop around.”

“I was just having a little fun." Sunset replied as she let out a sigh, "Though, I suppose you're right about the ghosts.”

“So, there's no monsters?” Trixie asked hesitantly.

“No, so there's no need to worry.” Twilight replied, making Trixie blush.

“Trixie wasn't worried! She was just, uh, curious!”

“Yeah, sure.” Sunset replied sarcastically while grinning, getting an annoyed look from Trixie.

“Any idea how long the hall is?” Twilight quickly asked, getting between Trixie and Sunset before something happened.

“Huh?” Trixie replied, “Oh. Trixie doesn't know, this is her first time going in.”

“First time?” Twilight asked worriedly, getting a nod from Trixie. “Then, what if we get lost?”

“If we do, somepony's bound to notice and send the guards to find us-” Sunset replied nonchalantly.

“We won't get lost~!” Trixie declared adamantly.

“-And if things look bad, I can teleport back to our room and get help.” Sunset added, getting a surprised look from Trixie.

“You can go that far?”

“Yep.” Sunset replied, though, there was some doubt on her face as she said it.

“How about we just go in, look around for a bit, and turn back.” Twilight asked, “You know, and not get lost or end up needing help.”

“We won't need help. We'll be just fine.” Trixie assured. “So let's have fun!” she added, pausing as they reached their destination. The three of them stared blankly at the wall for a moment, and Sunset, unsure as to why they were hesitating, pulled the hanging lantern.

“Let's go, it doesn't stay open for long.” Sunset said as she trotted through the open doorway. Trixie and Twilight shared a brief look, before following after her. Looking back the way they came, they saw the wall slide shut, a small lever next to it shifting upright and making a small click when it did. Sunset's eyes fell to the lever as she smiled. “See, we won't need to teleport out of here.” She affirmed as they all looked ahead.

The hall before them was lit by small hanging lamps that were dimmer than the ones in the hall they entered from. While it was dark, it wasn't dark enough to create an uncomfortable atmosphere. The hall seemed to curve slightly at a decline, making Sunset and Twilight assume that the hall led into a long downward spiral. The air had an old smell to it, like the smell of stone building that's been left empty for several weeks. It was also clean.

“Where are the cobwebs?” Sunset asked, sounding a little disappointed.

“Maybe Windy Echo cleans up the place?” Twilight offered as they started going down the hall.

“Well, Trixie likes this! It smells like a place nopony's been in for forever. But, it's not scary at all!” She declared with relief, then quickly added, “Not that Trixie was scared.” She stated, seeing Sunset give her a slightly unamused look, lifting a hoof to her face as she sighed.

“'Trixie Trixie Trixie. It's I,” Sunset corrected, “I wasn't that scared'.” She said, getting a confused look from Trixie.

“Trixie said that.”

“'I said that.'” Sunset replied, making Trixie adopt an annoyed expression, which brought a small smile to Sunset's face.

“That's what Trixie said!”

“Trixie, isn't it about time you talked like a filly your age?”

“Sunset-” Twilight began.

“Trixie talks just fine!” She confidently interjected, getting another small sigh from Sunset.

“If you say 'I'm sorry', then I'll let go of this whole you-failed-the-test-we-worked-so-hard-for-you-not-to-fail thing.”

“Really? Okay! Trixie is sorry~!”

“No, Trixie, you have to say 'I'm sorry.'” Sunset replied patiently as she adopted a slightly smug grin.

'I'm sorry?' Why does she want Trixie to say 'I'? Trixie wondered as she looked to Sunset.

“Okay?” Trixie replied, “I'm sorry?” She repeated, her words coming off awkwardly as her face adopted a confused look. “Trixie doesn't get it, but that's good, right?” Trixie asked, and at hearing Trixie refer to herself in third person again, Sunset let out a defeated sigh.

“Yeah, that's fine.”

“Trixie,” Twilight began with a reassuring smile, “don't mind Sunset, just talk the way you always do.” Twilight then looked to Sunset, “Why does it bother you?” She asked, “It doesn't bother me.”

“Well,” Sunset began, adopting a fiery look, “She's Luna's student, just like us. Shouldn't she be talking like a normal pony, instead of talking like a foal?”

“If Trixie wants to talk that way, then we should let her. Besides, Luna seems to like it.” Twilight pointed out, and Sunset was about to reply, but her frown melted when she saw Trixie smile from Twilight's words.

“Sunny wants to help Trixie be better.” Trixie declared, “That makes her happy. She doesn't always gets it, but she tries, because, you're Trixie's friend. Sunny is scary sometimes, but Trixie likes Sunny. Oh! Twily helps Trixie too. Twily knows so much that Trixie doesn't know, and sometimes it's boring, but Trixie likes Twily too!”

“W-Where's this coming from?” Sunset asked as she blushed lightly.

“Well, Trixie's known about this place for a while.” Trixie admitted as she motioned to the hall, “But, she didn't want to go in alone.” She then nodded to herself, “Twily and Sunny are here, so that's why Trixie is happy.” She stated matter-of-factly, assuming that was more than enough for her friends to understand.

“Well, uh, I'm happy that you're happy.” Twilight replied as the hall's end came into view, revealing a closed wooden door. “I don't know what's down here, and I don't think I'd ever figure it out, if it wasn't for the two of you.” She admitted as she eyed the stone floor.

“I'm sure Tell Tale would show you if asked.” Sunset stated as they reached the door.


“I'm certain of it.” Sunset replied as she looked to the others. She then looked to the door, and opened it.


“Sir Tell Tale,” Windy Echo began as he saluted the bookkeeper, “Princess Luna's students have entered the Hall of Murals. Shall I follow them?”

“No, that won't be needed.” Tell Tale assured as he looked over his current workload, “Inform the princess if you haven't already.” A thought then came to the stallion as he added, “Let Cadance know as well, so she doesn't get worried if the fillies come back late.”

“Sir!” Windy Echo replied, with a salute, and quickly dashed off to carry out those orders. Left alone, Sir Tell Tale looked over his work, his thoughts partially distracted as he tried to pin down how the three would react to the hall. Nodding to himself, he grabbed a small pile of papers, and proceeded down towards a certain hallway.


As the door opened, a small breeze blew past the fillies, and the old smell in the air thickened as they saw beyond the doorway another hall. Separating both halls was a large arch, with words written on a gold plaque adorning it. Taking a closer look, Sunset found herself reading the words out loud, her voice breaking the silence that fell over them.

“Though separated by time and space, you are always close. All I need to do, is look inside, and find you there, smiling. Regardless of the era, the many faces, the smiles, and the tears, you will always be close. And though I can no longer be by your side, I'm eternally happy that you were by mine, my dearest friends.”

Those words caused the three to pause, neither willing to step beyond the arch as the weight of those words fell over them. This place, was it made by Luna? Sunset wondered as she looked to her friends, who also seemed lost in thought. It had to be, it's her castle, after all. She affirmed as she looked forward. Luna didn't say they couldn't go here, yet, the words she spoke carried an intimate weight behind them. Sunset couldn't help but feel like she was an intruder, and she suspected that her friends felt the same.

And that is why she took a step forward. We're here, so we should move forward. She didn't doubt, that if she didn't move forward, neither would her friends. And though this place felt intimate, it didn't feel like they weren't welcome. As she passed the arch, she felt nothing really change as she entered the hall beyond, and letting out a small sigh, she looked to Trixie and Twilight.

Trixie hesitated a moment, before quickly passing the arch, and Twilight followed after her in short order. In unison, the three of them looked forward, seeing that both sides of the hall were adorned with well framed and cared for portraits. Twilight stepped forward, looking as if she was about to suggest leaving, when her eyes fell to the first portrait on the right side of the wall. Sunset noticed Twilight's eyes widened in awe, drawing Sunset's gaze to follow hers.

It was a portrait of a young mare with a white coat and green mane. She was smiling, and Sunset instantly recognized the figure as Clover the Clever. The portrait had a small plaque under it with words, and another plaque above it, with Clover's cutie-mark.

“S-She looks so young!” Twilight let out excitedly as she quickly approached the portrait.

“Trixie knows this pony! It's Clover~!”

“Don't be afraid,” Twilight began as she read the plaque, “of making the future your own. -Clover the Clever, Royal Mentor.”

Mentor?” Sunset asked in surprise, affirming for herself that was what the plaque read. Looking to the next portrait, she saw it was somepony she didn't know. This portrait also had a smiling pony, its cutie-mark, a motto, and the pony's title. Slowly proceeding down the hall, with Trixie right behind her, Sunset saw more and more such portraits.

Bookkeeper. Aide. Military Adviser. Royal Jester. And many more titles were carried by ponies of different races and noteworthiness. As Sunset moved further down the hall, Twilight galloped back to their side, having been left behind in her infatuation with the first portrait.

“Do you think they're Luna's friends?” Twilight asked as she paused to take a closer look at a portrait of a griffon.

“I suppose, if the arch at the beginning wasn't a give-away.” Sunset replied, getting an embarrassed cough from Twilight.


“Luna has a lot of friends!” Trixie pointed out, “Oh! Trixie found Tally~!” she let out heartily, running ahead of the others for a little bit before pointing to a portrait. Moving to Trixie's side, Sunset appraised the portrait, before adopting a slightly disgusted look.

That's what Chrysalis looks like? That is not a pony! She affirmed, looking at a portrait of Chrysalis when she was younger. She had a slightly enchanting smile, and in place of her cutie-mark was a blank plaque. Out of curiosity, Sunset's eyes fell to the motto, and she blinked as she took in the words.

“A child doesn't carry the sins of their parents.” Twilight read out loud as she reached Sunset's side, adopting a slightly concerned look. “Is she referring to her mother?” Twilight asked to nopony in particular.

“Trixie doesn't get it, but it's great that Tally's here! Oh! And there's Hat Trick!” Trixie let out as she went over to another portrait down the hall.

Sunset turned from Chrysalis's picture before the motto started making her thoughts wander towards a particular stallion she didn't want to think about right now. Fortunately, she didn't have to go far, as her eyes fell to a picture of a dragon.

The dragon had a feminine smile, and very familiar looking scales and spikes. In place of the cutie-mark was a purple scale as big as Sunset herself, which gave the filly more reason to pause. Sunset stood there for a moment, taking the portrait in, before looking to the dragon's name.

Stella? Is she Spike's … mother? She wondered, feeling a little conflicted, recalling that dragons lived very long lives. Does Luna know? She then shook her head, Of course Luna knows. So why didn't she tell me? Sunset wondered as her friends caught up to her.

“Wow! Luna's friends with a dragon too!?” Twilight asked in awe, then noticed the similarities between Stella and another dragon she knew.

“Spike's mama?” Trixie asked as she looked between the portrait and Sunset.

“T-that doesn't matter, I was the one that hatched him, after all.” Sunset stated, not sounding completely convinced as she moved on. “Why is all this all a secret anyway?” Sunset asked in a clear attempt to change the subject, no longer looking to the portraits. “All Luna has to do is hide Chrysalis' picture. Then she could leave the other pictures hanging where everypony could see them.”

“Well, maybe she doesn't want the portraits to be damaged?” Twilight asked as she followed Sunset, looking to the walls as they went.

“Maybe Luna just wanted to make sure this looong hall had something special in it!” Trixie offered as they got closer to another archway that separated this hall from another.

“Sir Tell Tale's here too.” Twilight pointed out as they reached the arch, his portrait on the adjacent wall.

Sunset's curiosity overpowered her dislike for him, drawing her eyes to the portrait. He looked a little younger, just like all the portraits in the hall, and he was wearing a smile that Sunset felt didn't suit him. 'Nopony's perfect', she read, feeling as if the stallion cheated by having such a short motto.

“Why's he here too?” Sunset asked.

“Because he helps Luna~!” Trixie quickly replied.

He helps Luna... Sunset thought as she looked back the way they came, her eyes taking in the portraits they'd passed. They all did. Luna counted on each of them? She wondered as she looked back to Tell Tale's picture. As she did, a strange thought started to surface. A focus. A goal.

Luna is teaching us. We're her students, and she must be guiding us towards something great. She counted on everyone in here, and I want her to count on me, too! She declared to herself, her eyes adopting a fiery look. And if I want to do that, I need to be better than him! She concluded, adopting a small smile.

When she had applied to become Tell Tale's apprentice, and in the end becoming Luna's student, she applied with the intent of leaving her old life behind her. Now, she found herself grabbing at something close to what becoming the stallion's apprentice would result in. Becoming somepony that Princess Luna relied on.

“Wouldn't it be great,” Sunset began, as she continued on, through the arch, “If we had our own portraits here someday?”

“That would be amazing~!” Trixie let out.

“Is it possible?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, just you wait, I'll make it happen.” Sunset declared as her friends followed after her across the archway.


I can see Sunset pulling that off. Twilight thought to herself as she followed after her friends. She then paused a moment, glancing back to the portrait of Tell Tale. Nopony's perfect... So I guess even Sir Tell Tale, maybe even Luna, have problems like I do? She considered, reflecting on how unpredictable her magic could be at times as she passed through the archway.

Twilight's eyes then widened as she entered the new hall, her thoughts scattering at what she saw. This hall was taller than the previous, and instead of portraits, there were stained glass murals on either sides of the wall. An enchanted light was placed behind the murals to illuminate them, and each mural was crafted with a level of detail not dissimilar to the mural of the white alicorn behind Luna's desk in the library.

The first mural that caught her eye was one of a silver tree. Its roots deeply entrenched into the earth, weaving through the rock and caverns beneath, while its trunk climbed up through the sky. Its branches were touching the celestial bodies, its very leaves becoming stars. Connecting the earth, sky, and heavens, the tree had five large branches, each with a colored crystal embedded within. Her eyes fell to the purple crystal for several moments before she continued on to take in other features.

Unlike the previous room, these displays didn't have a plaque to accompany it. Taking in the mural again, Twilight made a mental note to ask Luna about it later. I've never read about such a tree. Is it a real thing, or just a pretty picture? She wondered as she moved on, oblivious to what her friends were doing as her eyes fell to the next mural.

The founding of Equestria! She thought with a smile as she saw a mural of Clover, Smart Cookie, and Private Pansy huddled together under the Fire of Friendship. What a time that must have been. She thought to herself as she looked to the other side of the hall, seeing several more events, ones she wasn't familiar with.

Luna and the white alicorn summoning a rainbow from six crystals down upon a draconequus.

A dark crystalline heart suspended high over a battle between the two alicorns against a sinister looking unicorn.

The Moon, wreathed in purple fire. Luna sleeping under it, a dark shadow being cast by the Moon's light.

The Sun, radiating a harsh light, and the white alicorn standing tall, her mane on fire as a dark shadow was also cast under her.

Are these the secrets that Sir Tell Tale was referring too? Twilight wondered as she looked between the murals. I've just gotta ask Luna about all these! She thought, finding the prospect of learning more about what these events were referring to exciting.

As she slowly moved on, a number of paces behind her friends, she took in more of the hall, seeing events she could place, and others she couldn't. She stopped again as she spotted a mural devoted to an event she'd just recently learned about.

Luna was standing tall, a pair of heroic figures to her sides, as well as Chrysalis. They were standing on a lower field, being looked down upon by a figure that resembled Chrysalis, only with a more orange color to her features. The orange queen had a sinister look on her face, and an army of changelings behind her.

Amber, Chrysalis's mother... Twilight thought, recalling the words below Chrysalis's portrait. Luna wanted to keep the changelings a secret. What about the other murals? Are they secrets too, or have I just not learned those events yet? She wondered as she paused, looking back to the murals with the white alicorn. And who's she? There wasn't a portrait of her in the other hall, but she must be important to Luna. Thinking this, she added it to the growing list of questions she had for the Princess, hoping she'd get some answers when asked.


Seeing the murals of Luna fighting some mean looking pony, or an orange Tally, put Trixie in a questioning mood herself. Only, she had just one question. Okay, maybe two, but the more pressing question was one she hadn't asked Sunset yet.

“Hey, Sunny,” Trixie began, “Do you know what it means to be Great and Powerful?” She asked, and Sunset paused for a moment in surprise, before continuing down the hall, adopting a contemplating look as she thought on it.

“Great and Powerful? Well, I guess it's about being strong. You can't let anyone push you around, you gotta be the pusher. You have to do your best at what you set yourself to doing.” She then nodded to herself, “Being Great and Powerful is about being better than others.” Sunset said with a level of confidence that left Trixie in awe.

Being better than others? Trixie thought, shaking her head slightly, Trixie doesn't want to be better, she just wants to show everypony her magic! So, if Trixie wants to be Great and Powerful, then, Trixie's magic needs to be better? Trixie's brow furrowed as she glanced to the murals around them, Sunny broke the rock, Twily knew the rock's name, and Trixie put it back together. Sunny and Twily couldn't fix the rock, because it was hard. Being Great and Powerful, means being able to do the hard things, right?

“So, if a pony can do really hard things that nopony else can, then they're Great and Powerful?” She asked Sunset, who quickly nodded.

“That's right.”

Then, if Trixie is gonna be Great and Powerful, she needs to learn more hard things! Luna said illusions are hard, but they aren't that hard for Trixie. Thinking this, Trixie's frown turned to a smile, That's it! Trixie knows how to be Great and Powerful now! Trixie has to try hard to do what other ponies can't. Show ponies all kinds of tricks, make them smile and be happy!

“Thanks Sunny! Trixie gets it now!”

“Uh, sure.” Sunset hesitantly replied, “Glad I could help.”

Oh! Wait, Twily is super smart, and Sunny's magic is really strong. So, they're both Great and Powerful too. She then nodded to herself, Having two friends that are Great and Powerful is great! Twily and Sunny are both different kinds of Powerful, and they're Trixie's friends! She affirmed to herself as she looked back the way they came, seeing Twilight looking to the mural with Tally and Luna standing against a bunch of changelings.

Remembering her second pressing question, she turned around, to Sunset's surprise, and joined Twilight. “Hey, Twily, you know this story?” Trixie asked as she pointed to the mural, and Twilight nodded.

“A little.”

“Oh! Can you tell Trixie the story?” She asked as Sunset joined them, looking between the two fillies and the glass mural.

“Um, I can try. Let's see, a long time ago...”


What Twilight saw in the hall was floating in her head as she followed the others out of passageway, particularly the half of the hall with the murals. Her thoughts were then abandoned when she realized that Sir Tell Tale was waiting for the three of them on the other side of the secret door.

“Sir Tell Tale-” Twilight quickly let out as her heart threatened to jump out of her chest.

“It's alright Twilight, I just wanted to know what you three thought of the Hall of Murals, nothing more.” He quickly assured with a small smile, which got a small sigh from Twilight.

So, we're not in trouble-

“Trixie saw a lot of ponies and colorful windows. Those were Luna's friends, right?”

“That's right, old friends.” Tell Tale replied. He then looked to Sunset, who was looking at him with a fierce look in her eyes. He kept her gaze for several moments, before she looked away.

Is Sunset still bothered about the portrait of the dragon? Twilight wondered as Sunset spoke up.

“Tell Tale, how'd you become Luna's bookkeeper?”

Huh? Where'd that come from? Twilight wondered as she looked to Tell Tale curiously.

“Oh, that?” He asked, blushing lightly as he coughed into a hoof, “Let's just say that I called a noble out for being a liar while the Princess was nearby, and leave it at that.” His short answer made Sunset's brow furrow.

“I'm not a little filly, Tell Tale. Tell me what happened.” Sunset insisted.

“Very well then, Ms. Shimmer.” Tell Tale replied, his brow slightly furrowed, “If you want to hear the whole story, then you'll need to earn it.” He then made a dismissive gesture, “And that'll have to wait till later. It's late, the three of you should return to your room.

“It's late!?” Twilight repeated in surprise.

“How late?” Sunset asked, another concern separating her from her former inquiry.

“Late enough for you to have missed putting Spike to bed, I'm afraid.”

“It's that late!?” Twilight asked, her ears falling as she looked to the side. “We lost track of time down there.”

“Indeed, which means you must have enjoyed it. So was it worth looking into?” Tell Tale asked, and the fillies paused a moment, looking between each other.

“I think so?” Twilight replied, “But, now I have a lot of questions I wanna ask Luna.”

“I can assure you,” Tell Tale began, “Luna will give you answers, in time.”

“Really?” Twilight asked, and the stallion nodded, getting a smile from the filly.

“Oh! For Trixie, it was fun!” Trixie threw in, “She didn't think she'd see some old pictures and windows, but it was still fun!”

“It was alright, I guess.” Sunset added as she glanced to the side, looking a little upset that she had missed putting Spike to bed. Tell Tale appraised the fillies, before nodding to himself.

“In that case, I'm glad to hear it. Now, off with you. You still have class tomorrow, after all.” He pointed out, and with that, the three fillies left him alone as they headed to their room.

“So, Twily,” Trixie began, “Was it fun?”

“Huh? Oh! There were a lot of very interesting things in there, I just can't stop thinking about them! I'm hoping I won't have to wait too long for Luna to tell me all about what we saw!”

“Sooo, that's a yes?” Trixie asked with a really big grin.

“Yeah! It was fun!” Twilight affirmed with a smile of her own. Princess Luna trusted us enough to see something that was very important to her. So I guess I was worrying a little too much about this. She thought to herself, letting her mind wander as she started to picture what other amazing things were hidden in the castle.


“Twilight, Trixie, I'm gonna spend the night with Spike.” Sunset stated as they reached their room.

“You are? Can we come too?” Trixie asked, prompting Sunset to shake her head.

“Not tonight. I just, well, no.” She stated as she started to look flustered. “I don't want to share him tonight.” She admitted as she avoided their gaze. “You two have a good night.” She stated as she went into Spike's room.

I was the pony that hatched him, he's my responsibility, and I didn't tuck him to bed tonight! Sunset thought as she moved to his crib, giving Cadance a small greeting as she absentmindedly pulled the couch closer.

Looking into the crib, she saw him sleeping snugly, and adopted a small smile that washed away the doubts seeing a particular portrait had stirred up. I'm here for him, not some old picture in a hidden hall. So, I really have nothing to worry about. She thought with a smile on her face as she curled onto the couch, wishing her baby dragon sweet dreams, as she fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay on this chapter, and thank you for your patience!
The next chapter will be taking place several months later, and will be taking place mostly outside of the castle, in Canterlot proper.
But before that chapter can come out, I've got to work on another addition to the Trio-verse! So, there's that to look forward too. It's been on my head a lot lately, and I'm pretty excited to get started on it.
Anyways, I hope this chapter was a fitting stopping point between now and the next chapter, which is probably a month away.
I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks as always for reading!