• Published 25th Jul 2015
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Turnabout Time - Paradox Theory

Twilight is put on trial for an unusual crime.

  • ...

Day 3: Trial.

April 7, 9:50 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Defendant's Lobby No. 1

"Did you guys find anything?" Twilight asked with hope in her voice.

"Not much." Malum admitted. "We'd have more, but Rarity took a couple of pieces to the Criminal Affairs Department, and now we have to wait for Circa to present it to use it."

"I already told you Malum, we can and will do this." Rarity argued, "All we need to do is find the truth."

"But that's what's bothering me. I have no clue as to what could've happened." Malum sighed, "At least, not until we get the results on the crystal."

"Hey pal!" A familiar voice barked.

"Oh, hello Silver." Malum said in surprise as the detective came trotting up to them.

"Circa said that the evidence you gave me is to be kept with him until he decides to present it." Silver explained.

"I figured as much." Malum sighed.

"But, I have the results on the feather for you." Silver whispered. "Don't tell Circa."

"And? Was the feather from a griffon?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. And we have her in custody." Silver replied.

"Wait, her?" Malum asked.

"I suppose you'll find out soon enough." Silver said as on of the guards cleared their throats.

"The defense and it's co-council are to make their way to the courtroom." The guard announced.

"This is it." Rarity said, stepping in line with Malum, "Time to find the truth."

April 7, 10:00 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Court Room No. 2

The courtroom was abuzz with chatter before the Doctor slammed his gavel down.

"Court is now back in session for the case of Ms. Twilight Sparkle." The Doctor announced. "Defense, are you ready?"

"The Defense is ready, Your Honor." Rarity answered.

"Prosecution, are you ready?" The Doctor asked.

"Of course." Circa answered, his face calm and happy.

"Then will the prosecution please give their opening statement?" The Doctor asked.

"Yesterday, the Defense showed the possibility of a break in. Today, I have evidence and a witness who will clear up any doubts." Circa announced.

"Adelaide." Rarity whispered, "It just has to be. . ."

"So you're saying you have a witness who can tell us whether or not there was a break in?" The Doctor asked.

"Indeed I am." Circa answered, "and I call them to the stand."

With that, a female griffon approached the stand.

"Witness, name and Occupation." Circa stated.

"Hello all! I'm Adelaide, and I'm just a housewife to my husband Aldo." Adelaide chirped with a smile.

Why is she always so happy? Rarity thought to herself.

"Ms. Adelaide, can you testify to the court about what you saw?" The Doctor asked.

"Why sure, Mr. Judge." Adelaide chuckled.

"I like the sound of that." The Doctor mumbled to himself.


--What I Saw--

I'm not sure if I saw anything suspicious outside the palace.

But, I wasn't watching the skies.

I suppose I stood under the balcony long enough for a feather to drop.

But I'm certain nopony or griffon broke into the palace.


"Heh." Circa chuckled, "Do you yet see? It's impossible for a pony to break in!"

"We'll just have to see if that's the case after my Cross-Examination!" Rarity rebutted.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Circa said slyly.


--What I Saw--

I'm not sure if I saw anything suspicious outside the palace.

"What do you mean by 'not sure'?" Rarity asked.

"Well, I don't normally look to the skies." Adelaide answered, her voice going quiet and her smile fading.

"Is something wrong miss?" The Doctor asked.

"Nothing at all!" Adelaide said with a wink.

But, I wasn't watching the skies.

"Why?" Rarity asked.

"Because, I was looking for something else." Adelaide answered.

"What were you looking for?" Rarity pressed.

"My husband." Adelaide calmly replied.

"Your. . .husband. . " Rarity repeated, a sick feeling starting to grow in her gut.

"Miss Adelaide, is there any particular reason you went in search of your husband?" The Doctor asked.

"That's none of your business." Adelaide shot back.

"A-all right then. . . no need to shout. . . " The Doctor stammered. "Rarity, was any of this important?"

Rarity pondered for a bit before nodding, "Actually, it is."

"Really? Then Miss Adelaide, could you add that last statement to your testimony?" The Doctor asked.

"I guess. ., ." Adelaide replied.

I was looking for my husband.

"Are you absolutely sure?" Rarity asked.

"W-what do you mean? Of course I was sure!" Adelaide shouted.

"I find that hard to believe." Rarity replied.

"Oh? How so?" Adelaide asked.

"You told me." Rarity answered calmly, "Yesterday, you said that Aldo was in a meeting with Blueblood!"

Adelaide roared in shock as the court burst into excited chatter.

"Order! Order! ORDEER!" The Doctor shouted while banging his gavel. "Miss Rarity, are you saying that this griffon was knowingly lying?"

"I am, Your Honor! And I request a proper testimony be given!" Rarity replied, unable to keep a smile off her face.

"I think that is best." The Doctor agreed.

"Getting ahead of yourself?" Circa asked Rarity, "Do you have proof she said that? Or proof that Aldo was at a meeting?"

"I. . .I don't. . " Rarity admitted.

"Then a new testimony is not needed. In fact, I think this whole trial is ready to be closed." Circa replied with a smirk.

"I have to admit the Prosecution has a point. I am ready to give a verdict." The Doctor announced.

"Your Honor, before you do, I present the results of the crystals test." Circa announced.

"Oh! Right! I almost forgot!" The Doctor said, "What is it's purpose?"

"It's as the defense assumed, it's a teleportation device." Circa replied. "Currently, it's only been used once, and the pony who used it was identified through a magic scan. This crystal belongs to Blueblood. Additionally, there's a few scratches on the crystal."

"WHAAT?!" Rarity shouted.

"Blueblood?!" The Doctor asked in shock.

"Indeed." Circa answered, "Blueblood approached me and told me it was stolen from him. Around the same day that Twilight casted that time spell."

Now what do I do? Rarity asked herself.

"Well, it seems that the Prosecution has proven that Twilight not only casted a spell, but that she is also guilty of theft." The Doctor announced, still surprised. "I believe I can give a proper verdict now."

Circa nodded, "I think that is best your honor."

The Doctor nodded, "Then, this court finds the defendant, Ms. Twilight Sparkle. . . "

"Now who's getting ahead of himself?" Malum asked with a smile.

"Malum, what are you doing?" Rarity asked.

"Just trust me." Malum whispered to her.

Meanwhile, Circa's eyes grew incredibly wide, and his nostrils flared as he took deep breaths from them. "What is the meaning of this?!"

"You overlooked a tiny detail," Malum explained, "The scratches in this crystal, they match the ones on the balcony perfectly."

With that, the court burst into excitement again.

The Doctor began slamming his gavel again. "ORRRRRRDEEEEEEEEEEERRRRR!" He bellowed.

"So, Malum, if you think the scratches match, then who made them?" Circa asked.

"Isn't it obvious? It was Adelaide!" Malum replied, pointing at the griffon.

"W-what?!" Adelaide shouted.

"Then. . . you're saying the witness was the one to break in?" The Doctor asked.

"I am, your Honor." Malum replied.

"This is ludicrous!" Adelaide shouted, "It couldn't have possibly been me!"

"How so Adelaide? Unless you're saying your husband was the one to do it?" Malum retorted.

"I'll tell you why! I'll testify again!" Adelaide stated.

"Alright then, Miss Adelaide, please testify to the court of the reason why it couldn't be you." The Doctor asked.


--It Can't Be Me--

You see, I was out there looking for my husband.

He was late.

But, the reason I couldn't have done it was. . . I can't fly.

So, unless you can prove another way I could have got inside of the room, It couldn't have been me.

"So. . . you. . . can't fly?" The Doctor asked.

"No, I get too much pain in my wing, at most all I could do is hover." Adelaide explained.

"Th-that's a blatant lie!" Malum objected.

"Prove it!" Circa hissed.

". . ." Malum paused. He couldn't prove it.

"Malum, another outburst like that and I will be forced to end this trial." The Doctor warned. "Now, on with the Cross Examination."


--It Can't Be Me--

You see, I was out there looking for my husband.

"Why though?" Malum asked.

"Hold your horses, I was about to say." Adelaide barked.

Circa chuckled as Malum gulped.

He was late.

"What do you mean by that?" Malum asked.

"I mean, he was supposed to be back at the hotel by 12:00. But he never showed up." Adelaide explained.

"But isn't that suspicious?" Malum pressed.

"Well. . .I suppose it may be a little suspicious. . ." Adelaide admitted.

"Unless you can tie him to the crime, this is pointless." Circa stated.

"I have to agree, unless you have evidence, this line of questioning is pointless." The Doctor agreed.

"I- I don't have any evidence at this point. . ." Malum said with a gulp.

"Then, witness, you were getting to the reason why you could not have done it." Circa said with a desk slam.

But, the reason I couldn't have done it was. . . I can't fly.

"You- you're serious?" Malum asked in surprise.

"I- I'm not lying." Adelaide said, the smile leaving her beak, "I had an accident that caused permanent damage to the wing joint."

"I can confirm that she does indeed have permanent damage to her wing." Circa assured.

"Then, I-" Malum went to say, but he fell silent. "Continue."

So, unless you can prove another way I could have got inside of the room, It couldn't have been me.

"So all that you're saying is. . . all I need to do is provide proof that you did get to the scene of the crime?" Malum asked while pressing a hoof to his forehead.

"That's right." Adelaide confirmed.

"Well, do you have it?" Circa asked, "Proof that she could have done it?"

"I. . . I don't have any proof." Malum admitted.

"Then I think it's time for me to hand down my verdict." The Doctor announced. "I find Twilight Sparkle-"

"Let me finish!" Malum shouted. "I don't have it. . . .because Circa does!"

"WHAT?!" Circa bellowed.

"I believe the Criminal Affairs department gave you a special piece of evidence before this trial started today." Malum said with a smirk.

"Is this true?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes. . . I have a rope that was found near the feather that put Adelaide on the crime scene." Circa admitted.

"And this rope, what about it makes it a piece of evidence?" The Doctor asked.

"Well. . . that's the thing, it looks as if part of it was cut off." Circa answered.

"And what exactly does this prove?" The Doctor asked.

"It. . . it proves. . ." Malum stuttered before going silent.

"Nothing." Circa answered. "It proves nothing."

"If we search her house, we could find the other part to the rope!" Malum suggested.

Adelaide began to hyperventilate.

"And we already have. We found nothing." Circa answered. "So unless you know of another hiding spot, this is over."

Malum grit his teeth. Where could the other half have gone?

"If the Defense is done, I'd like to pass my verdict in peace." The Doctor commented.

"Of course your honor. The Prosecution rests." Circa assured the Doctor.

"Then, if there are no more Objections, I find the defendant, Ms. Twilight Sparkle. . ."

"You want to know where the rest of the rope is?" Rarity asked the court. "It's right here, in this very room!"

With that, the court room burst into chaos.

The Doctor frantically banged his gavel to calm everypony down. "Order in the court! If I find anypony still talking I'll hold them in contempt."

"You mean to tell me this witness is holding the other half of the rope? Why?" Circa asked.

"Because, she would have been caught yesterday if she didn't keep it with herself." Rarity explained, "After all, she was watching the trial yesterday when she realized that we were on to her."

"Well witness, what do you have to say to this?" The Doctor asked Adelaide.

"Grr. . .ugh. . . NOOOOOOOOOO!" Adelaide roared.

As the Doctor got the court under control, Rarity looked back to Adelaide.

"Are you ready to tell us the truth?" Rarity asked.

"Y-yes. I am. . " Adelaide whispered.

"Then please Ms. Adelaide, the truth." The Doctor said.

"Your Honor, before we hear the confession, may this be treated as testimony?" Malum asked.

"If Adelaide is alright with this, I see no problem with it." The Doctor answered.

"A-all right. I'll do it."


--What really happened--

All right, you caught me.

I was the one to sneak that crystal into Twilight's room.

But I thought that this case wasn't even related to that.

And, truth be told, I had no choice.

So, now that you know who did it, what next?

"That is a good point. . . where does this confession leave us?" The Doctor asked.

"Your Honor, please, look at the facts: Blueblood said that this crystal was stolen from him. Most likely by this Griffon." Circa answered.

"So, while the princess is not a thief, it doesn't change the fact that she casted that spell?" The Doctor finished.

"Exactly, Your Honor." Circa assured.

"Then I see no reason to prolong this trial." The Doctor answered.

"Your Honor! You have to let the defense cross examine this witness!" Rarity pleaded, "It's required with every testimony!"

"So, you think you can find something new?" Circa asked, "Then, here's what I'll say, you get one chance."

"To what?" Malum asked.

"To find a case breaking contradiction and prove that there still is a chance for this princess." Circa explained.

"Yes, that seems fair." The Doctor agreed.

Malum slammed his hooves down. "Alright. One chance. I agree to the terms."

"Then, the moment of truth awaits." Circa chuckled.

. . . To be continued.

Author's Note:

Rarity: Twilight's friend and the main defense attorney for this case.
Twilight: The defendant. Accused of misusing time magic.
Young Twilight: Somehow appeared in Twilight's room.
Princess Celestia: The monarch and ruler of Equestria. Twilight's mentor.
Silver Wing: A detective. Is the head detective for this case.
Malum Prohibitum: A rookie defense attorney. Is Rarity's assistant for this case.
Blueblood: Celestia's 'nephew'. Supposedly the first pony on scene.
Durum Circa: An undefeated Prosecuting Attorney.
Aldo Callisto: A griffon who was called to Canterlot by Blueblood.
Adelaide: Aldo's wife.
Frizzy: An eccentric mare who has lost her daughter.

Attorney's badge: Proof that Rarity is a defense attorney.
Balcony window: Was open at the crime scene.
Crystal: An enchanted, well, crystal found above Twilight's bed. Is used to teleport objects. Has scratches that were caused by Adelaide.
Scratch marks: Found on the balcony, unknown origin.
Feather: A large brown feather that belongs to Adelaide.
Rope: Found near the feather. Was used be Adelaide.

Okay guys, before I post the finale chapter, one question will be asked:

Which statement should be pressed?

If you think you know the correct statement, leave it in the comments below. The one with the most votes will be pressed. Should it be wrong, then this question will be asked in the next chapter.

Or, I could just give it to you guys?

. . .

Nah, this is more fun.