• Published 25th Jul 2015
  • 974 Views, 12 Comments

Turnabout Time - Paradox Theory

Twilight is put on trial for an unusual crime.

  • ...

Finale part 2.

The Courtroom fell silent as Blueblood began his testimony.


--The Filly--

You really think I did it?

True, I had Adelaide unlock the door for me.

But, can you prove that the crystal teleported a filly away from her mother?

I mean, how could we tell the filly belonged to Frizzy anyways?

"A rather good point." The Doctor commented, "Defense, can you prove that the crystal teleported the filly?"

Malum smiled, "I think the witness already did that for me, so I'll just ask to skip straight to the Cross Examination."

"We'll see how confident you are afterwards." Circa chuckled.


--The Filly--

You really think I did it?

"Yes, I did." Malum agreed.

". . ." Circa paused, "Defense, stop being so cocky."

"Oh. . .right. . ." Malum gulped.

True, I had Adelaide unlock the door for me.

"So you're admitting to breaking into Twilight's room?" Malum asked.

"Yes. It's a less serious crime then something like Foal-napping." Blueblood explained.

"That is rather true. At most, trespassing is an annoyance. And I do it all the time." The Doctor commented.

I'm glad I don't have to defend you. . . Malum thought to himself as Circa just glared.

"Ahem, anyways, continue witness."

But, can you prove that the crystal teleported a filly away from her mother?

"We're. . . kinda waiting the results to that actually. . . " Malum admitted.

"Hmph." Blueblood huffed, "Such a disgrace to this noble courtroom."

"I agree." The Doctor added with a nod.

Hey! I'm not the one who didn't do a complete check up! Malum thought glumly.

I mean, how could we tell the filly belonged to Frizzy anyways?

"I never mentioned anypony named Frizzy." Malum told Blueblood, "In fact, I'm curious as to how you know her."

"W-what do you mean?" Blueblood stammered.

"Well, Frizzy didn't look like she lived in Canterlot. And if I had to wager a guess, I'd say you don't interact with commoners." Malum explained.

"You're making me seem like a monster!" Blueblood protested.

"Regardless, this raises a question," Malum paused for dramatic effect, "HOW DO YOU KNOW HER?!"

"Guh. . . AAAAAAAAAGH!" Blueblood roared.

"Order! Order! Order in the Court!" The Doctor roared over the crowd. "Well Prince Blueblood? Care to explain?"

Blueblood now looked frantic, he shakily answered, "W-well. . . . you still didn't answer my question: How can you prove the filly is connected to Frizzy?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Malum chided, "And here I thought you could've weaseled your way out of it. . "

"W-what do you mean?" Blueblood stammered.

"Care to guess when Frizzy's daughter disappeared?" Malum asked Blueblood.

Blueblood glared at Malum. "You. . . "

"As it so happens, Frizzy's daughter went missing at the same time the crime happened." Malum explained to the court.

The Doctor looked at Blueblood. "Well, can you tell us how you know the mare?"

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!" Blueblood roared in defeat before falling over.

After a short break, the Doctor turned to Circa. "Prosecution, what happened to the witness?"

"He was taken away for questioning." Circa answered with anger in his voice.

"Sir!" The Bailiff called.

"What is it?" The Doctor asked.

"We got the tests back." The Bailiff explained, "Sorry I'm late, I had to find the filly's mother."

"So, she really wasn't Twilight?" The Doctor asked the Bailiff.

"No, she was simply enchanted to take Twilight's appearance." The Bailiff confirmed.

"Then, I think that that just about wraps up this case." The Doctor sighed. "Defense, any last objections?"

"No, Your Honor. The Defense rests." Malum answered.

"Prosecution? Any last words?" The Doctor asked Circa.

"N-none, your honor." Circa stammered.

"Then, I find the defendant, Twilight Sparkle. . ."


The courtroom burst into cheers as confetti rained from the ceiling.

"Goshdarnit Pinkie! Not in the courtroom!" A southern country voice rang out.

Some chuckles were heard as the Doctor continued to speak, "And with that, Court is Adjourned!"

And so it was with one last slam of the gavel.

April 7, 3:45 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Defendant Lobby No. 2

"You did it Malum! Thank you so much!" Twilight said with tears in her eyes.

"It was nothing." Malum told her, "I'm just glad I was able to hold on long enough to end it."

"My dear Malum, that was a spectacular finish!" Rarity commented, giving Malum a hug, "And I thank you for generously helping my friend.

"Again, it's nothing." Malum replied with a blush.

"It's party time!" Yelled a pink mare with a wild mane and tail.

"Pinkie, Ah told ya, we can wait." An orange earth pony told her, then pony then looked at Malum. "You got that prissy prince and shifty griffon to tell the truth, and with it saved my friend. Thank ya."

"As I've already said before. . . it's nothing." Malum told her.

"I think I would say otherwise," A regal voice said from behind Malum, "And if it pleases you, I'll be paying your fee."

"F-fee?" Malum repeated.

"Well, I sure hope that the new personal defense attorney for the royal family would take payment." Celestia chuckled, "After all, I think you'll be needing a new office building after this."

"P-personal. . . defense. . . for. . . " Malum tried to form a sentence, but he couldn't think. It was a big bag of bits after all. . .

"Speaking of which, you'll need a badge." Celestia mentioned.

"He'll have mine." Rarity replied, "I was only an attorney to help a friend in Ponyville. And I won't take no for an answer! You are the perfect replacement!"

"I-I don't know what to say. . .thank you. . ." Malum spoke in shock.

Pinkie bounced next to Malum, "I know! We should take a picture to commemorate this!"

The group all unanimously agreed.

"Wait a minute. . ." Pinkie paused, "Where's Fluttershy and Rainbow?"

"Right here!" A blue pegasus said, coming into view. Behind her, a yellow pegasus followed.

"Well girls, gather round Malum." Twilight instructed.

"Mind if I join?" Celestia asked her student.

"Not at all!" Twilight beamed.

"Now. . .what should we say?" Pinkie asked, "Cheese is too cheesy. . "

Malum smiled as he looked at Rarity, "I know something. . . "

"Oh, you are absolutely right! It's perfect!" Rarity agreed.

"Well, what is it?" Rainbow asked.

Malum motioned the girls to huddle closer as he whispered the word to them.

"On three?" Twilight asked.

"On three." Malum agreed.

"1. . . 2. . .3!"

???, ???

"Well? Did it go according to plan?" Asked a stallion.

"Yessir, brother of mine! Now, both the royal family and the council looks weak." A second stallion replied.

"So, that means it's time for our next step?" The first one asked.

"Yep. And then, we will rule Equestria!" The second one laughed.

"And I know the first thing I'm gonna buy!" The first one said.

"The perfect revenge against those smelly Apples!"

. . . To be continued in. . .

Malum Prohibitum:
Ace Equestrian Attorney

Author's Note:

Welp, I suppose that is a wrap on Turnabout Time. I hope you guys enjoyed reading. It'll will be some time before the third case is out, so, I hope you are all patient.

And if you have any questions. . . . now is the time to ask!

Comments ( 2 )

no comments here? odd.

7597734 The Doc only appeared in the first first case. But yeah, itchy finger.

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