• Published 25th Jul 2015
  • 974 Views, 12 Comments

Turnabout Time - Paradox Theory

Twilight is put on trial for an unusual crime.

  • ...

Finale part 1

"Well Malum," The Doctor said, "You may now start your cross examination."

"And should we get even the slightest hint that this goes nowhere, I get that guilty verdict." Circa reminded Malum.

"Right, I'm ready." Malum replied.


--What really Happened--

Malum slammed his hooves on his desk. "Seeing as I get one chance, I'm gonna go straight to the point here!"

"Oh?" Adelaide asked.

"I want to hear the fourth statement again." Malum said, "Please."

And, truth be told, I had no choice.

"So, the question I have is this: Who put you up to this?" Malum asked.

"Can you prove this will go nowhere?" Circa asked.

"Only if you let the witness speak." Malum answered.

"We've come this far, and I gave the defense one question." The Doctor commented.

"Adelaide, who put you up to this?" Malum asked.

"I-it was. . . " Adelaide spoke quietly.

Malum looked at Circa, who was hunched over his desk like he just had a heart attack. The Doctor sat in surprise, his eyes wide. And, instead of a griffon at the witness stand, it was a blonde mane-d white unicorn.

"Excuse me your honor." The pony asked with a have Canterlot accent.

"Y-yes?" The Doctor asked.

"I have come to confess." He said.

"Confess what?" Malum wondered.

"I was the one who put Adelaide up to this." He announced.

"WHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!" Circa exclaimed before falling out of sight behind his desk.

"Um. . Witness, please state your name." The Doctor asked.

"I'm Prince Blueblood," Blueblood explained, "And that Crystal was a present for Twilight."

"But-but y-you told m-me. . ." Circa stammered.

"I wasn't expecting anypony to find out that I had it placed there." Blueblood answered for Circa.

"So, you admit to this. . " The Doctor muttered to himself, "I find myself asking one question: What does that change?"

"Nothing." Blueblood answered coolly.

"Why do this though?" The Doctor asked.

"It was supposed to be a surprise." Blueblood answered.

"Your Honor," Circa spoke, his breathing calm again, "I believe there is no more to say about this case."

The Doctor nodded, "I agree. But, is there any last objections before I give the verdict?"

"None here, your honor." Circa answered with a smirk.

". . . "Malum paused.

"Then I find the defendant, Twilight Sparkle-"

"Wait your honor!" Malum protested.

"What is it now?" The Doctor asked.

"It's just that, Blueblood was the first on the crime scene. I think he should testify." Malum explained.

"And what could this change? Nothing!" Circa hissed.

"It could very well change this entire case! I demand to cross examine Blueblood!" Malum stated with a slam of his hooves.

"Hmm. . . Prince Blueblood?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes?" Blueblood asked.

"Would you be willing to testify?" The Doctor asked him quietly.

"Yes, your honor. I have nothing to hide." Blueblood answered.

"Your Honor, before we begin the testimony, I request a 20 minute recess." Circa asked.

"Granted. Court will now go into recess. After which, we will hear from Prince Blueblood." The Doctor announced before slamming down his gavel.

April 7, 12:45 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Defendant's Lobby No 1

"That was close!" Malum shouted as soon as the courtroom doors closed.

"It still is dear." Rarity reminded him.

"I don't understand," Twilight sighed, "Blueblood has never done anything nice to me, why start now?"

"I don't think he was being honest." Malum told her, "He's still hiding something."

"Hiding what?" Rarity asked.

"I'd tell you my guess, but I need more concrete proof." Malum sighed in defeat.

"So, what do we do now? We're backed to a wall!" Rarity exclaimed, "Without knowing how to pin the crime to Blueblood, we have no way to win!"

Malum grabbed Rarity's shoulders, "I think I know of a way, but we have to tread carefully."

"Speaking of which Malum," Rarity hesitated, "I am not on good terms with that spoiled prince. You'll have to finish this case alone."

Upon hearing these words Malum gulped in fear, then, the courtroom doors opened.

"The Defense and it's co-counsel are to make its way to the court room." A guard announced.

April 7, 1:05 PM
Canterlot Courthouse
Courtroom No 2

A gavel sounded as everypony took their seats.

"Court is now back in session for the case of Ms. Twilight." The Doctor announced, "When the witness is ready, he may bear his testimony."

"At once." Blueblood answered.


--What I Witnessed--

So, you want to know what I saw, hm?

Well, I suppose I didn't see much, as it wasn't quite dawn yet.

But, when I knocked on her door, I didn't get an answer.

After hearing a click, I walked in to see Twilight and a younger version of herself fast asleep on her bed.

So I reported it to my Auntie.

"Well, aside from a few minor things, it's word for word what Celestia had said." The Doctor commented.

"I would still like to cross examine him, if it's okay?" Malum asked.

"I wouldn't have let him testify if I didn't think for a minute you weren't going to cross examine him." The Doctor answered.

"Thank you." Malum said.


So, you want to know what I saw, hm?

"Yes, I do!" Malum said.

"Then let him speak." Circa chuckled.

"Right. . ." Malum sighed, "Continue."

Well, I suppose I didn't see much, as it wasn't quite dawn yet.

"Why were you at Twilight's room so early?" Malum wondered.

"I was going to ask her about my crystal." Blueblood replied, "You see, I did say it was missing from me."

"Yes, but you just admitted to having Adelaide place it in Twilight's room!" Malum argued.

Blueblood flinched, "So I did."

"So, why were you really there?" Malum asked.

". . ." Blueblood paused. "I was there to check Adelaide's work."

"See?" Circa hissed, "There's no way he could have done it."

"Witness, continue please." Malum said in an exasperated voice.

After hearing a click, I walked in to see Twilight and a younger version of herself fast asleep on her bed.

"A click?" Malum asked.

"Yes, as if somepony unlocked the door for me." Blueblood.

"The door was locked?" Malum wondered.

"Twilight always locks her door." Blueblood confirmed.

". . . " Malum paused to think for a bit.

"I see that the defense has no more questions, witness, please continue." Circa asked, a smile on his face.

So I reported it to my Auntie.

"By 'Auntie' you mean 'Celestia', right?" Malum asked.

"Yes, Auntie Tia." Blueblood confirmed.

". . . " Malum paused once more.

"Well, I think that wraps this up. Your Honor, your verdict please." Circa asked.

"Of course," The Doctor agreed, "I find Ms. Twilight Sparkle-"

"Could you at least let me say something first?" Malum all but shouted.

"What is it, Malum?" The Doctor asked.

"There's something that didn't seem to make any sense. . ." Malum explained.

"And what was that?" Circa wondered.

"The crystal, it teleports. But what did it teleport?" Malum asked, before standing up straight and smiling, "Or, who did it teleport, to be exact!"

Circa slammed his desk as the Doctor tried to get the court back in order.

"Malum, are you saying that the crystal is the thing that casted the time spell?" The Doctor asked.

Malum shook his head, "No, I'm saying it teleported the filly."

"Then one would assume that this filly is not Twilight Sparkle!" Circa argued, "And we can all see that she is!"

"And that is your case breaking contradiction!" Malum shouted.

"What's going on?!" The Doctor wondered.

"It's simple your honor." Malum explained, "This filly only has Twilight's appearance, but it isn't Twilight."

"How do you know?" Circa hissed, "Where's your proof?"

Malum just smirked, "And where's your proof that she is Twilight?"

Circa slammed his hoof on his desk again. "Gah!"

"Order!" The Doctor barked. "Malum! If this filly isn't Twilight, the just who is she?"

"I-I don't know, your honor." Malum admitted.

"Heh." Circa chuckled.

"I don't know, because her mother never told me her name!" Malum exclaimed.

"W-what?!" Circa hollered.

"Yesterday, I ran into a mother who was frantic, her daughter has been missing since the night of the fourth." Malum explained.

"I-I don't know what to say. . ." The Doctor said in a stunned voice. "Twilight is a kidnapper?!"

Malum then introduced his face to his desk.

"Ahem." The Doctor cleared his throat, "Bailiff! Have the filly examined, determine her true identity!"

"At once!" The Bailiff replied before leaving.

"Malum, tell me," Circa asked, "If this filly really isn't Twilight, then who activated the crystal?"

"Easy." Malum replied, "It was Blueblood."

"So. . . you're accusing Blueblood?" The Doctor asked.

"That I am, your honor." Malum confirmed. "And I have a theory as to how!"

"Then tell us, what do you think happened?" Circa asked.

"It went like this: Adelaide snuck the crystal into the room, then, she unlocked the door for Blueblood, who activated the crystal. And then, a young filly was brought to the room." Malum explained.

"Now Malum, tell me, what was his motive?" Circa asked.

"Simple: Jealousy." Malum answered, "You see, everypony knows Blueblood has been a prince for years. But then a random pony ascends to Alicornhood and suddenly has more power then him."

"How do you know he was jealous?" Circa asked in a worried voice.

"Yesterday, I talked to a griffin called Aldo." Malum explained, "He told me that Blueblood was always angry when Twilight was mentioned."

"Gah!" Circa exclaimed.

"Blueblood, what say you to these accusations?" The Doctor wondered.

"Ha! As if I would stoop as low as framing a fellow Royal." Blueblood scoffed.

"I bet you'd have no problem with it, jerk." Rarity whispered to herself.

"So, you're saying it wasn't you?" The Doctor wondered.

"If your honor will allow me, I'll even testify as to why." Blueblood answered.

"Then please, be my guest." The Doctor said.

This is it, Malum thought to himself, The final testimony, it all comes down to this!

. . . To be continued

Author's Note:

Rarity: Twilight's friend and the main defense attorney for this case.
Twilight: The defendant. Accused of misusing time magic.
Young Twilight: Somehow appeared in Twilight's room.
Princess Celestia: The monarch and ruler of Equestria. Twilight's mentor.
Silver Wing: A detective. Is the head detective for this case.
Malum Prohibitum: A rookie defense attorney. Is Rarity's assistant for this case.
Blueblood: Celestia's 'nephew'. Supposedly the first pony on scene.
Durum Circa: An undefeated Prosecuting Attorney.
Aldo Callisto: A griffon who was called to Canterlot by Blueblood.
Adelaide: Aldo's wife.
Frizzy: An eccentric mare who has lost her daughter.

Attorney's badge: Proof that Rarity is a defense attorney.
Balcony window: Was open at the crime scene.
Crystal: An enchanted, well, crystal found above Twilight's bed. Is used to teleport objects. Has scratches that were caused by Adelaide.
Scratch marks: Found on the balcony, unknown origin.
Feather: A large brown feather that belongs to Adelaide.
Rope: Found near the feather. Was used by Adelaide.