• Published 9th Jul 2015
  • 266 Views, 6 Comments

Zero 30 - Dreagknight-LostWriter

Aurora and Volt are tasked with a job to infiltrate the Royal Palace and steal a secret Tome. Unbeknownst to them, they will uncover darker secrets than they sign up for.

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Comance Opertaion

It was late in the day as Aurora Glow and her companion Volt Altage, or Sparky she liked to call him, was waiting outside of Ponyville. Aurora is a unicorn with a dark mint color coat and a soft jaded mane. Volt is a unicorn, but with a dark gray coat and a black mane with a few golden streaks through it. They have been waiting in Ponyville for a couple of days, collecting materials and planning their escape route. Their leader had them waiting in Ponyville, while the rest of the group was planning their assault on Princess Celestia and Princess Luna Palace in Canterlot. Tonight they was going to put their plan into action.

“Where are they, they said they will be here twenty five minutes ago?” Volt rumble on to himself, tossing his black golden mane side to side.

“Dont worry, they’ll be here. This is too big of a job just to not show up.” Aurora said, watching the stallion pace back and forth from where she was sitting down.

“Worry ha, I’m not worry,” Volt scoffed.

“Yes you are. Look at you, you have been pacing back and forth for the last ten minutes.” Aurora said, watching him as he continue to pace.

“No this is not me being worried, this is me being nervous. Once we're up there,” Volt pointed at the Palace. “Is when I start to become worried.”

Aurora only huff as she blew her jaded mane. Hoofing at the ground, she only wonder if what they was about to do will be worth it. Using her magic, she created a mini aurora light that glowed and dance in front of her.

“That’s a nice glow you have there, but let’s hoped that won’t get you caught by the guards.” Came a stern voice.

“Captain!” Aurora jumped, dispelling her little light show.

Aurora look at the Captain who was a light gray earth pony of Celestia’s royal guards. Following behind him was three more ponies, two pegasus stallion and another earth pony mare. They were all part of a hidden group of royal guard ponies, there are twelve members and all or so it was to believe. Captain Flint was not Captain of the royal guards, but Captain of this unnamed group of specialize undercover ponies.

“Finally you guys are here, what took you so long?” Volt asked, coming over.

“We had some last minute things we had to do,” Captain Flint said. “But don’t worry, we’re still proceeding with the plan tonight.”

“See I told you, nothing to worry about Sparky.” Aurora joked.

“I told you, I wasn't worried.” Volt scoffed again.

“Sure you wasn’t.” Aurora chuckle to herself.

“Glad to hear that.” Flint said, motioning them to follow him. He then turn away from the train station and started to trot.

“Wait, are we not taking the train.” Volt asked, catching up to their Captain.

“No, we want to stay as hidden as possible, so we will be heading to Canterlot by hoofs.” Flint said.

As they trotted up the mountain to Canterlot, Aurora was starting to get nervous as she looked up to the Palace. She had to keep telling herself that everything will go as plan, nothing will go wrong, and what they was doing was the right thing. Flint looked at her and notice how nervous she was getting, as well as Volt. Flint knew both Aurora and Volt was top infiltrators, even if they wasn't part of the royal guards. It was the fact that they are rookies in his group that he had recruited. From the previous mission they had been on, he knew these two was his best choice, which is why he assign this mission over to them.

“Aurora, Volt, let’s go over one more time what you guys are suppose to do.” Flint said, trying to distract Aurora from her thoughts and Volt from his self rumbling, to make sure they still knew what needed to be done.

“Okay, umm we are suppose to break into the Palace from the back.” Aurora said.

“Make our way past any guards in front of us.” Volt added in.

“Don't kill them, just knock them out if you have to.” Flint said, locking eyes with the both of them.

“We don't plan on killing anypony.” Aurora quickly added.

“You never planned to kill anypony, until you're left with no other option.” The earth mare who name was Cherry Blossom, said just loud enough for Aurora and Volt to hear her.

“That’s true, I may be a royal guard who’s sworn to protect the princesses with my life, but that doesn’t mean I plan to kill anypony during so, just only when I'm needed to do so,” Flint said, giving a dismissal wave with his hoof. “Anyways continue.”

“Oh, umm, right. Getting past the guards, we make our way towards the library wing.” Aurora said.

“And using the map you gave us, we make our way to the forbidden library wing.” Volt finish off.

“Good, now here is the object you will be retrieving.” Flint reach over in his saddlebag and brought out a parchment scroll. “You will be taking a magical Tome, the Tome itself is a fairly large book that's gem encrusted-

One of the pegasus trotted up closer to the captain, he was a dark red pegasus with a black and red mane. “What type of gems are we talking about, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, opals, diamonds.”

“Jet,” Flint growled at the pegasus. “Enough, this isnt a robbery for jewels.”

“Kay sorry, just trying to lighten things up.” Jet said, falling back behind.

That got a few chuckles out of everyone else, the captain only sighed.

“Anyways, it's a topaz and amethyst encrusted book with a golden marigold on the front and back. Happy now?” The captain finish off, glancing back at Jet who only laugh to himself.

“Okay, so we take the book, replace it with a enchanted fake one, then teleport out.” Volt concluded.

“Thats correct. Remember, the spell on the fake book will only last three minutes, so you have to work fast. Once the spell wears off, the case holding the book will sound an alarm and the Princesses and guards will be hot on your tails, understand.”

“Yes sir.” replied both Volt and Aurora.

“Good, then let’s continue on.” Flint said, trotting up the mountains to the Royal Palace.

Author's Note:

Ok here my attempt at a complete solo story, no editor or proofreader. Dear Celestia, help me:fluttercry:
Anyways, hope you guys like it, leave a comment down below.:twilightsmile: