• Published 9th Jul 2015
  • 267 Views, 6 Comments

Zero 30 - Dreagknight-LostWriter

Aurora and Volt are tasked with a job to infiltrate the Royal Palace and steal a secret Tome. Unbeknownst to them, they will uncover darker secrets than they sign up for.

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Brief Encounter

Aurora and Volt stayed hidden while they watched the guards leave. The news they heard unsettled them both, neither one knew what to do. After waiting in the dark room for a few minutes, Aurora spoke up.

“Do you think it's safe to leave?” Aurora whispered.

“Think so, nopony came back around here.” Volt whispered backed.

Slowly opening the door, Aurora stuck her head out and looked around. Seeing that the corridor was clear she stepped out of the room. Volt walked out behind her, dropping his saddlebag and started digging in…

“Aurora, here,” Volt murmured.

Aurora looked at Volt and saw that he had the Tome clenched in his teeth. “How come?” She asked, though she turned to her side so that Volt can put it in her bag.

“Because I’m more combat wise. If anything goes down, you are more likely to escape with ease,” Volt said, dropping the Tome in Aurora’s saddlebag.

“Well yeah, but how would you escape?” Aurora asked, concern clearly shown on her face.

“Have you ever doubted me before?” Volt said, small static sparks lining his horn.


“Then there’s no need to start now. Come on, let's go, and refrain from using your magic until we are out of here.” Volt said, putting back on his saddlebag. “If we make our timing right, we should be able to get out before the guards finish their search in the arcane wing.”

“Okay.” Aurora said, placing her trust in her friend.

Volt and Aurora made their way down the hall, being mindful of their surroundings. Keeping to the shadows, the duo crept in and out of rooms, making sure no guards were within would be able to catch them from behind.

Coming up to their point of exit, Aurora turned to Volt. “You know, if the Princesses are searching for us, they might have a shield over the palace, preventing us from leaving?”

“Yeah, but we can still teleport out.”

“And they can follow us,” Aurora pointed out.

Volt went quiet, looking around the last room. As the duo went to the back entrance, they found that the Princesses did indeed brought down a shield over the palace.

“Ugg. Okay, here’s what we will do. Since one of those elites can follow us when we teleport, lets split up.”

“Split up, why?”

“We are still inside the palace. If we teleport from here now, they will follow us, but if we split up and teleport from two different location, then they will have to pick which one to follow.”

“Oh, I understand.”

“Good, lets hope they choose me, but if they choose you, do your thing and evade them. Okay, I’m heading off, wait ten minutes then teleport out.”

“Okay, be safe.”

“As always and back to you.” Volt said, leaving Aurora behind.

Aurora watched Volt leave before looking for a spot to hold out. Going back into the last room they had checked, Aurora found it to be a small chamber that looked like it belong to a student. Looking around, Aurora couldn't find anything useful so she opted to stay in there.
After waiting five minutes, Aurora step back into the halls, not feeling safe within the confined walls of the room. The halls were quiet, and not a hoof step could be heard. Aurora was tempted to entertain herself with her magic, but decided against it knowing she would be found out.

“I’m so bored, just three more minutes, then I could leave from here,” Aurora murmured to herself.

“Really? I don't think your going anywhere, but maybe I can entertain you.” A voice said behind her.

Aurora froze where she stood, her heart racing within her chest.

“So, you're the intruder I detected? Why don't you come with me, I’m sure the Princesses would love to have a word with you.”

With those words along, Aurora bolted down the hall, praying to Celestia it wasn't an elite guard. Sadly, her hopes was crush as a dark disc slash through the air and into the ground in front of her, causing her to skid to a hault.

“Next time, I won’t miss if you run again,” the voice said, coming closer to her.

The disc that slash into the floor was a black sun with a image of a dark moon on the middle. Soon the disc started to spin within a purple aura, which Aurora knew was the elite guard’s magic. The disc was now spinning in front of her face, inching forwards.

“Now, turn around slowly. If you try anything, I might just lose control over my magic.”

Slowly, Aurora turn to face the guard, she was glad she had her hood on at this time, as she kept her head down.

“So, what did you came here for?” The guard questioned.

Aurora didn’t answer. She just stood there, waiting for a chance to escape.

The guard eyed Aurora’s saddlebag. “Hoof over the saddlebag,” the elitist demanded.

Aurora stepped back, knowing she had to make her escape now. The guard discerned this, prepared for the intruder to teleport. Right on cue, Aurora teleported out, followed by the guard.

They were right outside the Princess's shield. “Did you think you could escape from me just like that?” The guard said, blasting her with an energy bolt.

Aurora ducked, as the bolt flew above her head, missing her by a few good inches. The guard came over and ripped the saddlebag right off her. The guard turn the bag upside down and empty the contents, the book came tumbling out. The guard picked the book up in his magic and looked over it.

“This is what you stole?” He said in disbelief.

Aurora didn't answer him. She just watched him, waiting for a moment to strike and run. She just needed an opening.

“Do you know what you have here? Do you know what this book is?” The guard question, walking up to Aurora.

Aurora didn’t know what she had, since she and Volt was never told about it. None the less, they had a job to do, and the job required that book.

“And this?” The guard asked, picking up the dreamcatcher. “Well it doesn't matter now,” the guard said, taking out a silver ring.

Aurora knew what that was. She needed to get that book and the dreamcatcher then leave. Getting the dreamcatcher would be easy, but it was the Tome that would give her trouble.

The guard took one step and stopped. He looked off into the distance, beyond where Aurora was lying. Aurora picked herself up slowly and side step the guard. The guard wasn't even looking at her at this point. Using that to her advantage, Aurora created a medium aurora light around the guard, blinding him in the light. But the guard walk out of it, unfazed. The guard then slowly drifted the Tome over to Aurora.

The guard started to laugh as the book linger in the air. “Its seems you have gotten your hoof on something very dangerous, something that you can not escape from. Tell me, did you looked in the book?”

Aurora just stared at the guard, surprised in the change of attitude.

The guard then looked back to her stuff and, using his magic, picked up everything that was dropped and put it back in her bag. “Here, you will need this. Now get out of here before I change my mind.”

“W-what?” Aurora stuttered, shocked.

“I said get out of here before I change my mind. Oh, but you might want to look in that book, you will find something very, shocking.” The guard said, placing the Tome in her bag and dropping it in front of her.

Aurora tentatively took the bag, checking it for any sign of hexes or locater spells on it, but there was none.

“W-why are you letting me go?” Aurora asked, putting on her bag.

“Because, you and your partner just started a chain of events, and now you both have to play your part.”

“Event, our part? What does that suppose to mean?”

“Enough, you have ten seconds to leave.”

Not wanting to waste this chance, Aurora teleported out, but she got a last glimpse at the last thing that was said before she was out of view.

“I will be seeing you again, very soon.” The guard body turn into black mist and disappeared from sight.

Author's Note:

Not much to say about this chapter on my part, maybe you ponies have something to say.

Leave a comment down below as I do enjoy reading them, and I hope you enjoy this chapter.:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 2 )

Great now we got Sombra loose, could this get any worse for these thieves?

6318718 Yes, yes it can. But Sombra isn't part of this story, at least I hadn't plan on making him part of this story, but I might now I think about it.

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