• Published 9th Jul 2015
  • 263 Views, 6 Comments

Zero 30 - Dreagknight-LostWriter

Aurora and Volt are tasked with a job to infiltrate the Royal Palace and steal a secret Tome. Unbeknownst to them, they will uncover darker secrets than they sign up for.

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Late Infomation

Author's Note:

Here's the second chapter, I had it on stand-by, but I felt I may have ended the first chapter a bit early with little details.:twilightblush: So, hope this chapter help with things.

Leave a comment below, it helps me more then you ponies think. Enjoy the chapter.:twilightsmile:

The back route to Canterlot took a extra thirty minutes then it would have by pony express. Jet and the other pegasus who name was swift breeze, decided to fly ahead to make sure the area was clear. Aurora and Volt offer to teleport Flint and Cherry to Canterlot to help save time, Flint decline at first saying that they will need the energy, but shortly agree to it, since he noted that time was against them. Teleporting to Canterlot, Aurora and the group quickly and quietly made their way through the city. Meeting up with Jet and Swift, they made their way around to the back of the Royal Palace.

“Okay Cherry, bring the items over here.” Flint said, laying down just on the outskirt of the Royal Palace.

Cherry drop the saddlebag she has been carrying since they came. Inside the bag was two of everything, cloaks, hoof padding, spark gems, smoke bombs, and a dream catcher. Then there was the enchanted book they would be using as a replacement.

“What is this?” Aurora asked, lifting the dreamcatcher in her magic.

“Its a dreamcatcher.” Cherry said, putting the now empty saddlebag back on.

“The dreamcatcher should prevent Princess Luna from discovering you at night and while you are sleeping.” Flint inform.

“Where did you get it.”Aurora asked, looking at the dreamcatcher all over.

“From that zebra mare in ponyville, umm whats her name?” Flint thought, hastily remembering the name. “Ah yes, Zecora.”

“So it’s a zebra enchanted item?” Volt asked.

“Yes, now for more pressing matters before you all go in.” Flint said, looking at Aurora and Volt. “Do you guys remember the attack on the royal wedding back at the Crystal Kingdom.”

“Yeah, I heard about that.” Volt said.

“Suppose to have been really bad, with the changeling attack and all.” Aurora said, sitting down. “What about it?”

“Bad was the least of it, all the guards was in a tight spot trying to hold off all those changeling as they swarmed in.” Jet said.

“Thats right, if it wasn't for Spike the Dragon, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, the kingdom would have been under full control of the changeling queen.” Cherry said.

“And we would have lost both Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor.” Swift added.

“Well after that attack Prince Shining Armor, who is also captain of the royal guards, wanted to prevent something like that from happening again.” Flint said, laying down. “And to do so, he created a small group of elite royal guards. The group consist of four ponies, one from Princess Luna’s royal bat pony guards, one from Princess Celestia’s royal unicorn guards, one from the Crystal Empire’s royal earth pony guards and himself.”

“So, what so dangerous about the four elites?” Volt asked, putting the cloak on.

“They are highly trained guards, who themselves exceed that of any royal guards,” Cherry added. “And remember what I said about no pony ever plans to kill anypony, well that is true, but these elite are ready to kill at the given motion.”

Volt swallow loudly as he sat down, now doubting to continue on with the mission.

“And unlike the royal guards, who are mainly train to suppress and detain, the elites are train to suppress and kill. Though both are different in what we have been train for, detain or kill, given we are a specialized hidden group for Princess Celestia.” Cherry finish, eyeing both Volt and Aurora expression.

“Now don’t worry, I got Princess Celestia word that you will not be kill during this mission. But that saying, the Princess can only do so much and that means only telling the elites not to kill you, but nothing else.” Flint said, eyeing the worry looks on the two faces.

“I know the princess want to keep the mission as closed as possible and that only she knows about this, but why do she want to go through so much trouble to hide this Tome.” Aurora asked.

“Well first, the Princess don’t know much about the mission itself, she only order it. That means right now, she has no idea whats about to happen,” Cherry said, looking at both of them. “So for a quick run down on the Princess involvement, she issue the order, gave her word the none of you will be killed and has not inform the other princesses about this mission nor any guards.”

“So that means if we get caught by Princess Luna, it’s all over, but if we get caught by Princess Celestia, she would let us go?” Aurora asked, with a small bit of hoped.

“No, if you get caught by anypony, including Princess Celestia, it's all over.” Flint said.

“So all and all, we are actually about to steal from the Royal Palace.” Volt said, now catching on to the reality of this.

“Correct, and the Princess doesn't know who you are or any of us, but Captain Flint.” Swift added.

“Now back to the the elites,” Flint said, wanting to get through this. “Nopony knows what type of training they endure, it was kept under tight secrecy. But what we do know is that they had some training under Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends”

“Why did they train under them?” Jet asked, surprised about this information.

“Well once you help to defeat the Lord of Chaos twice, Nightmare Moon, help to bring King Sombra down with Princess Cadance, help defend against the swarm of changeling and stop their queen from ruling over the kingdom. Then I think you earn the right to be entitled an elite guard trainer.” Flint said, with a hint of humor in his voice.

“Oh, that would make a pony want to learn from you.” Jet mutter. “Point taken.”

“But that was the passive training, they also underwent deadly combat training, and are lieutenants under Captain Armor. So when you do go in, be careful not to cross path with those elite guards.”

Aurora looked over at the rest of the group, Jet and Swift hadn't looked too worry about the mission, Volt looked like he was regretting his decision to join this mission and Flint and Cherry was waiting for their answer.

“W-well I’m still willing to do this. How about you Volt, still up for it?” Aurora said nervously.

“Y-yeah, I’m still in.” Volt said, as he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Aurora look back at Flint, “Alright, so what do we do once we get the book and leave?”

“Well, you will cut all ties with me, Cherry and Swift. Once you go into the Palace, we will not be able to help you further on.”

“Wait a minute, what are we suppose to do with the book while we hide?” Volt snapped. “How are we suppose to know when it safe to come out of hiding or when the search die down.”

“Well first, we will not be able to help you from beyond this point. We will do what we can from here, but that's all. Second, Jet here will be your informer, he will relay any message to you and act as a messenger between us.”Flint said calmly.

Aurora looked between Swift and Jet. “Will there be any other ponies who we can trust, not that I don't trust your judgment, just.. will we have more than one contact?”.

“Only Jet will be your trusted ally, no other ponies. If the message don't come from Jet’s mouth, then it’s not to be trusted. Swift will be working with Jet as a helper, but that's that, a helper.” Cherry said.

“And another thing, because me and Cherry are guards, we will be forced into joining in on the search for you once the alarm goes off. Needless to say, if we see you two during the search, we will be force to capture you or risk the other guards getting suspicious.” Flint said.

Both Aurora and Volt was now uneasy as the news settle in.

“Come on you guys, you knew what would happen once you agreed to do this, mostly. You guys even had chances to back out. Even though we all but Jet can't help you, if you follow the plan through, this should all go down without a problem.” Swift said with reassurance.

“Yeah, what’s the worst that could happen.” Jet said, laughing.

“Just be carefull, move quietly and don’t get caught.” Flint said with a stern voice, but a smile on his face. “Oh, and one last important thing. The unicorn elite guard can follow you when you teleport, so by all means if you are being chase by him do not teleport unless you know how to lose him, and do not for any reason teleport to your hideout, ever.”

With that the duo gather their gear and made their way into the Palace. Aurora took one last look back, only to notice the group was gone and out of sight. The whole weight of this mission came crashing down, they only get one chance at this.