• Published 27th May 2015
  • 17,011 Views, 895 Comments

Foal Necromancer: Soul's Rebirth - Bold Promise

Madness. Bitterness. Cold, unwavering cruelty. Could love and acceptance truly wipe these stains away, or will they only offer the chance for the creation of a new foe, far worse than any Equestria had ever seen before?

  • ...

Quite the pickle indeed.

We never stopped feeling the cool, winter night air within the cavern. When we left the nameless necromancer’s mental realm, we merely shifted our main focus back to the physical realm. As the world returned to our surroundings, the first thing that we were greeted with was a small colt clutching himself for warmth on the stone floor. Alone, in an alien world, afraid.

I picked him up and held him close. I could feel Tia wrapping around us both. I could only picture the warm smile on her face as she stroked my hair.

”What are we going to do?” I asked. I've had enough of being wrong for one night. Tonight had been just so... exhausting.

”Let’s get him into a bed for now. I can’t imagine sleeping in this cold is doing him any favors.”

It would appear that I will have to rely on her to take the lead for the rest of the night. Not like I thought she minded that much.

I nodded and dried my tears. I had no intention of letting our subjects see me upset. I needed to be stronger than this if I was ever going to surpass being considered the lesser of the royal sisters. I was grateful that Tia waited for me to finish. Then, with a flash of light, she brought us in the castle infirmary’s reception area.

There were a couple of ponies there, recovering from the surprise of having us appear without warning out of nowhere, most likely with no small amount of noise. From the bandage around one’s head, and the pale look on the other’s, they seemed to be patients waiting in line. Hopefully they didn’t mind having a child cut ahead of them. Hopefully no patients inside were woken up by our crackling entrance either.

”Your Highness! Is there something wrong?” A voice behind us sounded.

We turned around, and were happy to find one of the staff, already approaching from down the hall.

”Doctor Seam,” Tia started. ”Sorry to drop in like this. We’d like to bring someone in for recovery.”

As the good doctor came close enough, he appeared to have noticed our charge. His eyes widened in shock and he turned his head away to shout ”Sweet Heart! Plaster! Prep a bed in one of the pediatric areas stat!”, then he hurried over to us pulling out a crystal-point light pen.

”You said recovery? What happened to him?” he asked us carefully, to which my sister answered patiently in kind.

”It’s a long story. I’m afraid the light pen won’t be of any use to anyone.”

Once she finished, the good doctor let out a long, drawn-out breath, put a hoof over the colt’s forehead and pulled the eyelids back. He only offered us a short, harsh, expectant look as he then placed his pen back and pulled off his stethoscope.

”Fortunately, he doesn’t seem to be missing a heart as well. His beating is only a bit fast, but nothing abnormal. Let’s just get him in a bed, and you can tell me your long story.”

Doctor Seamless was a very respected medical sage in Canterlot. If I were capable of illness, or wounded, I wouldn’t ask for anypony better to depend on. I’m certain Celestia shared that sentiment, judging by the relief apparent on her face.

He had a dark green coat with maroon hair, going gray with age. Under his uniform was a needle and thread, a red drop of blood on the needle’s tip.

We followed him through the clinic. I took to appeasing his worries, considering it on the safe side to offer him at least half of the truth.

”The foal we’ve brought is actually a traveler from a different world. There have been complications during transit. He shouldn’t be in any mortal danger, however we’d still like to be certain that there's nothing we'd missed.”

”Another world?" he asked, eying me with no small share of skepticism. "All right, another world. It's not the wildest revelation. What about the eyes, though?”

”We’re hoping he’ll be able to tell us himself soon enough.”

We entered one of the recovery quarters. Its walls had dragons and teddy bears drawn on them. Inside were four beds, each presenting a chair on one side and a table attached on the other, noticeably bigger than your average nightstand.

Next to one of the beds and facing its respective... table, was a pink maned, tan unicorn mare. Her horn was glowing a taffy pink as she was working on a tri-pronged crystal contraption encased within a glass dome, placed on said table. The tri-pronged crystal presented two smaller crystals at its base, inserted into conspicuous slots.

Another nurse, this one a brown earth stallion with muddy yellow hair, came in after us carrying a saddlebag with multiple serums inside. He offered a short bow, but didn't slow down much at all on his way to joining his candy-colored colleague and gently pulling his bags off.

Dr. Seam beckoned us to lay the colt in the bed they were preparing. Once we did, his horn started glowing, emanating a muddy green glow that surrounded the colt.

”There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with him, besides the obvious lack of eyes. No unseen injuries, no sickness or magically induced impairment... There does seem to be an enchantment focused on his mind, but it doesn't seem to be either hurting or hindering him in any way. However, it seems to be quite..." He trailed off, eyes widening and face going pale. That couldn't be good.

"Quite what?" I asked.

"Well," the doctor responded, his voice trembling nervously. "It's not harming him... it's actually made up of several defensive seals against unwanted intrusion or magical assault. But that doesn't mean it's harmless. Far from it. One command in question would appear to be an... inactive kill-switch."

The two nurses stopped their work to stare incredulously. They most likely thought they probably just misheard that last part. Celestia and I, however, knew better.

"What are its parameters?" I asked. The doctor seemed faint, but he obliged.

"It would appear to have two, actually. First one being a direct trigger, apparently this colt could, technically, do it any time he'd..." he choked.

"The second one?"

"...It would seem that the second parameter is a failsafe against any kind of magical tampering that would affect his mind(*). For whatever reason, someone decided they'd rather have this boy die than lose his senses.”

It sounded a bit... much, but I sympathized. I could understand the train of thought the nec... our guest was following. Celestia seemed to share my supposition as well. Doctor Seam, on the other hoof, had no idea what was going on. What's more, for all that he knew, he was essentially waving a candle around in an ammunitions room.

"Perhaps it would be best if you only administered a rest and recovery serum to him. Through the gems. And nothing else."

He nodded, then gestured for the nurses to start working on the concoction while he sat down and tried convincing his heart to stop trying to burst out of his chest.

The male nurse chose and picked out certain bottles out of his bags, which his unicorn colleague would take up and measure carefully as she mixed them into a larger, runed jug.

Once the two nurses were done mixing their... whatever it was, they sealed the container, pulled out one of the smaller gems from the larger tri-pronged crystal and placed it into an aperture on the jug. Doctor Seam then took the second one of the two smaller gems and strapped it to the unconscious newcomer’s foreleg. The tri-pronged intermediary then started to glow, together with the other smaller gems, signaling the process of transfusing the substance into the foal’s bloodstream.

I can’t say I remembered such a contraption being used before I was exiled. Apparently it was something that our own ponies figured out during my time away, that they could manufacture crystals which could be used in a wide variety of ways, though imports from the Crystal Empire were far more sought after. Once the kingdom returned, of course.

It was well known that crystals could be enhanced with many different types of magic. With this discovery, the crystal ponies found themselves in the centerlight of not only many business propositions, but also many political demands as well.

It was surprising how many nations took offense to our helping them establish their presence again. So many sour over not being able to bully the kingdom into submission, so many faking indignation and pretending to be threatened, making us out as aggressive invaders annexing them. The nerve!

Leaving the exciting matters of politics aside(**), there wasn’t much left to do for us. We brought our guest to safety, the doctor and his helpers did all they could to make him as comfortable as possible, then they left to tend to the other patients. Leaving us to wait for him to wake up. And from the looks of the complexity of the spell still affecting him, one could only assume how long it was going to take.

My sister seemed fascinated by the intricacies of the spell. ”It would appear he was quite thorough when he designed this spell. It’s not leaving any loose ends at all.”

”How do you mean?” I asked.

”You do remember, an alicorn mind is built quite differently from that of any other kind of pony, let alone from an alien creature.”

I blinked in surprise. I studied the spell in further detail, and surely enough, I found its commands to back up Tia’s claims. His mind was, indeed, being changed into that of an immortal alicorn. It was being recreated to withstand the tides of eternity, as well as becoming connected to the magical aethers and spiritual realms in ways one could only fail to describe with simple words.

Celestia had all the reason in the world to be impressed. To say that what we were seeing was amazing would be an understatement. We were witnessing nothing short of a miracle.

”...So he’s truly becoming one of our own?”

”I know. Quite the pickle, isn’t it?”

”Celestia, he’s becoming an alicorn! There’s four of us now!”

”A male alicorn, to boot.”


I stared back at the sleeping colt.

'Quite the pickle indeed.'

”Let’s just put a pin in this matter and leave it for later discussion... Preferably never.”

I only received a mischievous smile in response. I took a few steps forward and snapped at her, ”No! You are not plotting anything this time, Celestia! I mean it!”

She gestured with her hoof in a placating manner, continuing her smiling like she always does in order to get her way. It was infuriating as always, mainly because it keeps working, this time being to exception.

”Let’s just deal with the matters at hoof for now,” she answered, her smile dissolving into concern. ”I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you.”

”I’m fine. I was just caught a bit off-guard was all,” I said, taking a few steps to the side, before continuing. ”I was actually rather concerned with you myself.”

”I wasn’t the one who started crying.”

”Was that how you felt when you lost me?” I ignored her and asked simply, enjoying the sight of discomfort taking up her features instead of mine for once.

In all seriousness, however. Back in the newcomer’s mental realm, I could only imagine what was going through her head when she saw those children’s corpses. I even got a sample, from the distant, buried recollections being resurfaced and drifting through.

Celestia asked me, ”...Was I really that transparent?”

”You looked as if you were about to lose your lunch. I’d have said something then and there, but you started speaking first, surprised that his world really was as cruel as it was.”

She sighed. ”There were a couple things going through my head at the time.” She looked away to the doorway. I closed it with my magic and walked her over to one of the empty beds where I sat at its edge. She chuckled and sat next to me before going on. ”I can’t remember us ever being so close before things went apart.”

”We’ve talked about what happened back then over a hundred times. None of it was your fault!”

”It was. I should’ve seen what was happening to you.”

I huffed. ”If you didn’t see it, then that was my fault. I should’ve been more open back then.” I brushed my head against her chest. She returned the gesture, locking her head over mine. ”I know better now.”

She sighed. It would seem we didn’t quite cover everything in our over a hundred or so talks. I couldn’t blame her.
All our lives, we only had each other. Why was she so upset? I was the one who abandoned her for a thousand years.

”I thought I lost you forever,” she whispered.

Little known fact, I was originally intended to be bound into the moon for eternity. From what I heard, it took her no small amount of effort to shorten my sentence.

”What’s ailing you?” I pushed further, then jested. ”I’d rather not have you turn into a Nightmare as well. Even if maybe I deserve at least that much...”

”Hush now. I’m not going to hear it.”

”Then start talking already.”

My insistence paid off.

”I suppose there’s not much chance for you to not have a solid idea of what went through my head when I saw our guest’s memories. Of the desolate feelings emanating from his recollecting himself finding his family lost forever. Of knowing that he was essentially responsible for what happened.” I was about to speak again, but she cut me off with a hoof on my lips. ”Before you start, I’m sorry, but it’s just how I feel. I was the one who used the Elements against you. I was the one who failed to take meaningful measures to protect you. The same way, he was the one who angered his king, and he was the one who failed to arrive home in time to protect his family. Taking that into consideration, we both have something in common with him. Unlike our cases, however, he didn’t have anyone to help him.”

”Neither did you, back then...” I added.

”...That may be true, but I at least had hope to hold on to. And I eventually succeeded in gaining a second chance. Him, on the other hoof...”

”...Not so much.”

Tia let out a tired breath. ”To make matters worse, it would seem that his relatives no longer even remember his name from beyond the grave. I can only imagine how it might’ve been for his parents to suddenly forget their own child’s face.”

”We have more than enough strings to pull in order to find a solution to that. We'll figure something out. I’m also certain his family will be overjoyed to see him again. Furthermore," I drew away and gave her a stern glare, "enough of that! You remember the name and face of every pony in our kingdom. I’m certain you can afford yourself to forget some of them after a few centuries.”

”Well, I do have to remember for the both of us," she chided playfully. "It just so happens that somepony can’t be helped to even remember the names of those in her own night guard.”

”Oh, bother. You’ve met one, you’ve met them all.”

Her crystal clear laughter always did warm my heart. I had half a mind to try denying my sanity and stop the moon in the sky again, only this time to just freeze time, and keep us here forever. Unfortunately, I actually had all of my faculties this time around.

We just made due with holding each other tight and trying to forget that this moment would have to end eventually.

Tia was the first to break the silence of the moment. ”...He will figure out sooner or later, you know.”

How truly poetic. It’s as they say, nothing good ever lasts forever.

I got up and regarded her evenly. ”About our seal? Not likely.”

”Are you willing to risk it?”

”He’s been alone his entire life. If we’re going to build up his trust in us, we will have to do it now. He doesn’t need to know, he needs to re-learn how to use magic anyway. We can guide him to abandon his former lifestyle. This is a good thing!”

”Withholding the truth is never a good thing,” she offered in rebuke.

”Neither is letting untruths plague your mind. He needs to stop seeing threats in every corner. He needs to trust us. And I need to trust you to not tell him until he’s ready.”

”Very well,” my sister sighed in defeat. ”I only pray he doesn’t find out before he’s ready, on his own.”

I honestly didn’t need her insisting so. I was fully aware of the risk I was taking. I decided to move on to the next subject rather than dwell any further. ”...You were especially smug and all-knowing when I returned in Canterlot. Pray tell, how much did you really know from the beginning?”

”Much less than you’d think, actually,” Tia answered absentmindedly.

I only glared in response to her answer. Tia smiled and held me tight. Oh well, I suppose I could let her off this time...

She didn't wait too long to continue, though. ”To be fair, I wasn’t going on much more than a hunch. From his behavior, his magical imprint and spiritual make-up, it was all just so out of the ordinary. Nothing was adding up. I was having a few ideas, but more than anything I realized that there had to be so much to this strange being, that we couldn’t possibly just disregard him. That maybe we could afford to at least hear him out first.”

”We were going to do it anyway,” I offered quickly.

”Were we now?” She eyed me critically, with a raised eyebrow and the crack of a smile.


More staring.

"...Okay, fine. Probably."

Still staring.


She'd yet to relent. ”Truthfully now,” she finally asked, in her ever warm and gentle voice. No wonder our subjects like you more...

I only rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat. ”Truthfully, while we were approaching his location, all I could think about was how to vanquish him as quickly and efficiently as possible, before he could resort to any kind of trickery.”

She let off halfway, and remained at that. It seemed that she was not letting off entirely until I emptied the cup.

Not much for me to do but to just get it over with. This was getting ridiculous. ”...I also might’ve been looking forward to trying out some of my new, occult battle spells. But only because I never get to summon creatures from the abstract planes,” I half-whined.

”On a not entirely unrelated note," she chimed in ,"I think he might’ve visited one of the abstract planes... at least one, anyway. There was quite a distinguishable amount of residual energy specific to those places that he dragged here with him.”

”Oh dear... As if he hadn’t been through enough already. Like one last insult to injury.”

”And to think that you were going to assault him earlier tonight.”

”You can’t rightly blame me! His spiritual energy screamed evildoer!”

”And it still does.” Her tone had turned strict, she let me move away to stand at better attention ”You’ve seen it as well. He shows great promise, but also great potential for evil. You've seen as much as I did within his mind. Perhaps you've seen even more. He’s nothing like the other enemies we’ve faced before. He’s hardened, cold and relentless. He went through hell and did unspeakable things. He’s every bit as cruel as Sombra, as ruthless as Tirek and as unpredictable as Discord. He has the potential to become worse than any enemy we’ve ever faced before... or greater than both of us combined.”

”Your words ring true as always, sister. Rest assured, however. I’m not likely to lose sight of any of this any time soon.”

She nodded reassured, then lay in bed. I lay beside her, after checking on the colt’s physical and magical states. Surely enough, he was still sleeping, and his magical binds were undisturbed as of yet.

I continued, "I choose to think of this less as a gamble, and more as a win-win situation. Either we help him become better, or we become forced to use the Elements to imprison him. He’ll still be alive, which will be more than what he could say about what his fellow humans would’ve wished for him...” I sighed. ”Can you truly believe what they’ve done to him?”

”I’ve studied humans, Luna. We both have. But until tonight, I was never aware of the extent of the cruelty they’re capable of.”

”Indeed. No wonder they’re so wide-spread through reality. They’re more versatile than any creature, more... stubborn.”

”Not just that," Tia offered. "They’re capable of incredible cruelties, as well as mind-boggling kindness. But that’s not what drove me to wanting to help him.

”Humans can be cruel, but they’re not the only ones. All creatures are capable of cruelty. Even in our ponies, I’ve seen it. The potential.” All this time she continued to watch the colt warily, almost nervously.

She trailed off. I moved to better see her in the eye. ”Is that the other thing that made you almost lose your dinner?”

”You’re still dwelling on that?” my sister offered, smiling tiredly.

”It’s not every day I see you finally drop your holier-than-thou attitude.” I brushed against her, eliciting a tired chuckle.

”I suppose I might’ve been caught a little off-guard as well. I always wondered what our ponies would be capable of. I was just not ready to finally see it tonight.”

”Why do you want to know so much?”

”Why else, but to learn from it.”

”...So you wish to learn from our guest?” I figured.

”I want to understand cruelty, true cruelty. I want to be able to know how anyone would ever be able to simply disconnect themselves to such a degree.”

”I’m not certain I want you to, sister.”

”It’s not out of no good reason. I want to understand it, so I can better counter it. So I can prevent it. I want to make sure what happened a thousand years ago never happens again. But also, I want to prove that even the darkest heart can be redeemed. That no matter how bleak it all seems, there’s a way to help others see the light.”

”You want to learn how to cure me of my Nightmare should I turn again?” I smirked.

”Or you me.” She brushed against me. ”Who knows? Eternity is a long time. Anything could happen.”

”Eternity is a long time...” I agreed, letting the moment stretch on.

Of course, Tia had to break the silence again. ”Perhaps we could afford extending our family.”

Her tone was rather suspect, I found. ”What’s that supposed to mean?” I eyed her carefully.

”Oh, nothing. I just thought you might be interested in guiding him more than anypony. After all, who else in all of Equestria knows what he’s been through better than you?”

I held down a shudder. ”I sense you’re getting at something, and I’m not sure I like it.”

She didn't miss a beat before answering. ”He’s a child now, Luna. He has the potential to change for the better, and he needs someone like you to build upon his miseries. Someone to nurture him.”

”...You want me to adopt him?” I raised an eyebrow.

”Do you not?” Her smile never fading.

The matter actually caught me by surprise. ”I... don’t know. I don’t know if I can, I...”

”Luna. Sweet sister. Trust me on this. If there ever was anypony who could help him, that pony couldn’t hold a candle to you.”

I got up on my haunches, as did Tia. Truth be told, this wasn’t the first time I was a mother. And during my exile, Celestia had time to add a couple more relationships under her belt as well. But this was different. He was not really a child, technically. Then again...

”What about his psyche? His physical body and mind are turning into those of a child. What would happen to the rest of him?”

”I think we both can put two and two together. His soul and memories will remain mostly the same, but his physiology will correspond to that of a normal alicorn colt.”

”This is all just unbelievable. It’s...”

”...Overwhelming?” Tia chimed in.

”...I need to get adoption papers. Give him a name... Rework my schedule! I can’t take care of a child if I’m too busy working nights! I need to reorganize the night guard, reschedule night court, make a public introduction...”

”We can both work on all of that tomorrow. For now, I think you’ll agree that his own introduction to his new world would hold more priority.”

I then noticed that she was looking persistently towards where our guest was in his bed. I followed where she was looking, and found him awake and up, trying to look our way despite having neither eyes nor active magic.

He looked aggravated, and sounded the same in his next words, ”Var abver ninua, sze?”(***)

Author's Note:

(*) 'Actually, it's designed less to kick in if, say, a magical fly farted the wrong way near my head, and more to kick in right before my very last defensive measure were to collapse.
'And no, I didn't forget to deactivate that little failsafe before leaving my last world. I had no idea where I was going, and I'd rather just die already than become some sort of mindless slave, or mad ghoul, or whatever. Or worse, have someone gain access to my knowledge of dark magic.
'Yes, I designed that. How else was I going to save my memories if my own mind was compromised? Oh, don't be like that. It actually saved my... well... not my life, but my senses, on more than a few occasions.'

'The political game certainly hadn’t changed since its establishment. Greedy, self-important bastards always claiming they deserved more than they could ever make use of.
'You’d think they’d have more sense than to try to bully someone who could leave the sun out a few hours too many over their territories or evaporate them in solar plasma rays, or who could control the tides and deny them of their sleep should they be pushed too far. You’d be amazed at the brass the Prench ambassador had, let alone the representatives of the Griphon Kingdoms.
'Of course, one can always count on a politician to either spin the facts, or insist that they deserve the shirt on your back, or bark up a storm in order to use some obscure leeway to skin you alive if possible. Also, if possible, literally. But in the end, we all agree to settle our differences within the meeting.
'Which, surprisingly enough, usually leads to entertainment and catharsis for everyone involved. And a few black eyes and impromptu relationships.
'The political game hasn't changed one bit.'

Translation within the next chapter.

Before you accuse misanthropy, what I was going for in Celestia's speech about us having all that potential, "He’s every bit as cruel as Sombra, as ruthless as Tirek and as unpredictable as Discord." Here's a thing. We had Hitler, Attila the Hun and, I dunno, let's say George Carlin respectively. Carlin was unpredictable, wasn't he? As for the other side of the spectrum, for the people who are capable of "mind-boggling kindness"(as well as nobility, I couldn't quite fit that in), us humans also have not only the many people who did the few dozen attempts on Hitler's life (apparently the bastard had the devil's luck), but also Nobel, Anne Frank, Buddha, etc. So, we cool? Or do I need to elaborate further?
To further my point, watch "Valkyrie" and "The imitation game". Not because they’re some awesomely enlightening cultural products, but because they’re just pretty damn cool, as well as pretty darn inspiring. Peeps be comin' in all shapes n' sizes.

Anyway. As a general idea, Necky would normally pronounce the j's sharper, and roll his r's. Ponies tend to talk more "h"-oriented. "Hje" becomes "hie" and they even go as far as making their r's more guttural.