• Published 27th May 2015
  • 17,011 Views, 895 Comments

Foal Necromancer: Soul's Rebirth - Bold Promise

Madness. Bitterness. Cold, unwavering cruelty. Could love and acceptance truly wipe these stains away, or will they only offer the chance for the creation of a new foe, far worse than any Equestria had ever seen before?

  • ...

You're kidding me, right?

I couldn’t think during my synching. If I wanted my spell to run its course, I’d need to finally give in and let myself fade into complete unconsciousness. It might’ve left me vulnerable, but at least it seemed that somehow, I didn’t understand how, but somehow, I was safe from harm. Those two sovereigns wanted something from me. I didn’t know what, but I was going to find out soon enough.

Coincidentally, my mental seals were capable of keeping my mind from succumbing to any kind of unwanted changes of any physical, chemical, physiological or magical nature, including the particular way in which I’ve been physically changed. My physical mind was that of a naive, curious, vulnerable child, but my soul was still my own. Over the course of decades, I’ve inscribed defenses to protect the latter, as well as the former. They carried over, given specifications. If it weren’t for my precautions, not only would it have taken me the whole night to synch, but I would’ve also ended up sharing the mentality of what body I now had. I’ve gone through the process of growing up once, I had absolutely no intention of living through it again.

I focused on what mattered. My body felt healthy, no injuries were apparent. It appeared that they had no intention of causing me physical harm while I was unconscious. It also appeared that I was, indeed, no longer human. Which was something I had initially planned at from the beginning. What I did not take into consideration, however, was that my spell would do what it did. Being told that I’d turned into a child took me by shock.

I could sense the sheets pressing against my skin, only that it felt different. There was something in the way. I was covered entirely by a soft material wrapped tightly, but without any pressure, around me. I then figured that was how having fur had to feel like. I could also feel a number of other things. I could smell something odd in the air. Something synthetic, chemical. It was not an unpleasant smell, but I just couldn’t place what it was.(*)

I was resting comfortably on my back, apparently. I could also feel a source of magical energy wrapped around one of my... limbs. Pumping some sort of soothing concoction into my blood. My necromantic wards kicked in, but apparently I wasn’t poisoned yet. Only sedated. Also, it seemed that I was going to have to get used to human-equine dichotomy.

Before I could feel the energy around my... foreleg, I guessed? Before that, I could feel two marginally more massive sources of power. They were the same as those of the princesses from earlier that night, only this time I couldn’t... feel their spiritual energies. That was disconcerting.

I forced myself heavily upon my haunches, noting the differences in my new range of motion and the grogginess I was feeling. I supposed that whatever was running through my veins was some pretty solid stuff.

I conjured my vision spell, but it felt different. Like a glove I couldn’t fit anymore. As opposed to the previous times I reanimated, this time I didn’t have a hand at all to pull and stretch the glove around... metaphorically, not literally. Literally I had no hands to begin with. I tried again, and again it was to no avail. Apparently I would have to relearn everything all over again. Bloody new body...

I removed most of the spell’s parameters, only leaving its barebone photographic component. The image would barely have any clarity either.

I focused. Nothing happened. I focused harder. I didn’t care if I was going to blow a fuse, I was going to see where I was. I poked around. I pushed in all directions, then pulled, then stretched. Eventually, something happened. The spell worked!... But the resulting information I received was pathetic. Just two vaguely equine shapes to my right. I couldn’t even make heads or tails of the bed I felt under me. It seemed there were quite a few differences in fuel type which I would need to learn to compensate for.(**)

All the while I was listening to what they were saying. It sounded... ridiculous.

It was unique. The best way to describe it, however, would be kind of what one would imagine a horse trying to speak Elvish would sound like. Honestly, even hobgoblins sounded more respectable. Even centaurs would speak their nomadic languages in a semblance to humanoid pronunciation. Theirs was just too silly. Too... horsey. Too seely. Then again, upon considering it better, it did make sense. Their race developed their own specialized language, with their own physiologies and traditions taken into consideration. I honestly had no place to expect anything else.

”...Hoenje gahihrae bo’doho, gahenje nir’doho, hein bvriri ne...”

...But I still didn’t like it.

I didn’t bother trying to figure out what Celestia (judging by voice) said next. I just stared in their general direction, trying to project my disapproval. And considering the fact that neither of them exploded... oh well. Suppose forcing them into silence will have to suffice.
Once they stopped talking, I decided to give them a bit of my own language.

”You’re kidding me, right?”

Surely enough, the voice that came out was similar to that of a child. I’ll complain about it as soon as I don’t have any more important things to do. Also surely enough, some of the letters failed to roll off the same, even though the teeth didn’t seem that different. My canines weren’t as sharp, but they were still most definitely there.

I was not looking forward to having horse teeth. Finding myself to have evaded such a fate made me feel immensely relieved.

The silence was driving me up the walls. What were they thinking? What were they planning? I tried to re-activate my spiritual senses, and failed. It seemed as though I was right in my earlier supposition... although I had no idea how right I really was. This new body was built to accumulate a completely different type of primal arcana, and to use what it did have at its disposal as effectively as possible. I could actually feel the energy coursing through my whole body, but I simply didn’t know what to do with it.

...It made me wonder. If I were to try manufacturing a new reanimation gem, how likely was I to blow myself up in the process?
Answer: Not very likely. I would’ve probably just wounded myself lethally in a far less dramatic fashion, or misshapen myself painfully to the point of being unfit to survive any longer than a few minutes...

I shuddered at the thought of being turned inside out and torn sideways. Again. It was not pleasant the first time around, nor was it any better the last time around.

I felt energy being focused by one of the two sources of power, namely the one which appeared to share Luna’s voice. Then there was an enchantment trying to breach through to my mind, this time actually activating and being halted by my seals, non-violently. I let it through.
It appeared my mental seals still held. I suppose they counted enough towards being part of my spirit that they carried over.

"I am thankful that you allowed me enough leeway for a language spell. By the way, my sister and I were hoping that you didn’t intend on killing yourself any time soon.”

’Huh. So they found out about that.’ I mused to myself, thankful that they could no longer hear my thoughts anymore. I quickly got my head in the game and returned the younger sister's snide attitude. ”Hello again to you too. Thanks for not killing me yet. I appreciate it. Regarding my kill-switch, though, to be completely honest, it saved my sanity more than a few dozen times. Also, you’d be surprised how many times I needed to either discard my body after sufficient non-lethal trauma was inflicted, or to use it as a decoy to keep my new body safe. In a more important order of business, however, please tell me I’m not currently speaking in your language.”

Luna was surprised. I was actually surprised myself at how taken aback she was. ”...What’s that supposed to mean? What do you have against our language?”

”A few things, actually. Three to be precise. Seems to be a theme of threes going on. Oh well.

”First issue, no offense, but your language sounded like a horse was trying to speak Elvish, which is ridiculous in and of itself. Second, I hate elves. Third, why aren’t you speaking in my language instead? What makes you so special?”

”But... How does that even...” her confused stuttering was cut short when she saw me smirking and heard her sister chuckling.

She let out a frustrated huff as she walked around the side of the bed and seated herself onto a chair on my left, recovering her composure as she rounded me, ”Be that as it may, you’ve yet to answer my question.”

”I just did. I told you I don’t have anything against your language, though perhaps you were expecting a different type of answer?”

”Not that! Abo-”

”I don’t know,” I interrupted her. Simply. Calmly. No cause for alarm. It’s just that, she meant well, I could tell. But I honestly didn’t know the answer to that question, which scared me.

”I can't enchant a gem. I can’t engage the incantation for my Reanimation spell just before dying either. I can’t use magic here... But what I can do is make sure that none of this dark knowledge lands in the wrong hands,” I said, tapping the side of my head. They remained silent for long enough for me to decide to continue.

”It’s mine. I’ve shed my veins dry far too many times for the sake of understanding the workings of life and death. Having some random idiot use them to terrorize the countryside would not only be a gross misuse, but also an indignity to the point I was trying to prove.”

”...And what point might that be?” Luna asked, and I smiled.

'How should I go about having as much fun with this as possible,' I asked myself. I would certainly love to conflict with their undoubtedly shallow ideals of right and wrong. Good and evil... Or, I could be more subtle, see their own views first. Force them to realize the errors of their ways on their own, and see if they had the courage to admit their lesson.

At this point, I was running 17982 to 63 times, where the latter ones numbered admitted that perhaps they didn't know as much as they thought they did, whereas the former didn't give a toss and condemned me and my craft anyway, because they were not able to comprehend that there was more to the world than what little amount of self-serving philosophies they fashioned for themselves.

Let’s take it slow at first. I’m quite curious regarding my new... keepers, after all.

”Tell me. What are your views on my powers?”

”What is there to say? Necromancy is generally used to control dead bodies, or inflict pain or death on the living. What else is there?”

”Is that honestly all that you know of it?”

”If you’re referring to its crude, painful abilities to mend flesh and bone, there are many other schools of magic that do that less excruciatingly. Its schools of pain control are no better either. You could either cause it or mitigate it, and the latter is only done superficially. The mind no longer registers the discomfort, but the body and soul still do. You might’ve changed your body, but your soul retains its scars.

”Necromancy can further be used in order to establish contact with the spirits of the dearly departed, but it’s never worth the endeavor. The spirit experiences pain when they get ripped out of their due rest, and the caster often loses a part of themselves in the process.

”Finally, it’s a form of the dark arts, and our kind can’t use it without repercussion. Anypony who does risks their life, their mind and their soul.”

”Seems you’ve done your homework," I finally spoke. "I imagine you know everything there is to know about necromancy.”

”Please, don’t play games with me. I’m not in the mood. What are you getting at?”

’Touchy.’ ”Very well, I’ll cut to the chase. You seem very self assured of these side effects. Are there any documented cases of your people actually dying, or going insane, or losing their soul...”

”Yes,” she cut in.

”...caused as an unexpected side effect of the spell, rather than what the spell had as an initial, well defined condition? Or if it was something they could’ve avoided, but failed to for some petty reason or another?” I finished.

”Petty? Ponies are in Hell for using these spells!”

”Have you checked?” I responded.

That appeared to take the wind out of her sails. ”I... well, no.”

Saying that as if it's within their abilities? Interesting. ”Then how can you be so sure? You’re insisting that necromancy has nothing redeemable to it. You’ve studied it extensively and found how destructive it can be, but only skimmed over its practical applications through responsible usage?”

”Maybe I did. I doubt there was anything important either way.”

...To quote a dwarven friend I once had, 'The lass be lookin’ fer trouble.' The context might not be the same, but I still think it’s fitting enough.

”It offered me the possibility to not only preserve my soul, but also build a new body. Is being able to come back from the dead not important enough? I could use it to strengthen the bone structure, regenerate wounds quicker and more seamlessly than any other restoration spell and counter any illness, poison or toxin. Does that count towards nothing as well? It might’ve been painful, but it saved me from permanent death for a century and a half! And that’s not even covering the usefulness through cross-referencing other schools of magic!”(***)

I was on a roll. I didn’t even wait for them to ask me to continue, I couldn’t care what further detestable dribble she might wish to spew out. I was not stopping until either I stopped breathing or was done talking. Whichever came first.

”Necromancy, as with all magical fields of study, opens up countless applications! If a necromancer and a druid were to sit down and compare notes, odds are one of them would learn how to heal a burnt forest, while the other would be able to learn how to turn into a werewolf, at least.

”Even destructive fields of study offer positive gains. Crossing into pyromancy could, theoretically, teach how to render flesh resistant to both extreme heat and cold. It could even teach how to control and combat djinn. Similarly, any of the other schools of elementalism would allow to better combat semi-elemental spirits from the respective orientation.

”Mephits being partly made up of whatever elemental state they’re in at the time, they’re incredibly hard to deal with by a master of either school. But once I figured out how to create a mere spark, dealing with their fire form was made immensely easier! Tempests are exclusively air spirits, and although they’re made up almost entirely as elemental and I could barely create a gust strong enough to blow out a candle, the bastard didn’t stand a chance! Even wendigos, who would usually require a specific method of exorcism, who would otherwise just use you as its new host even if you defeated it, even their ridiculous immunities no longer mattered worth scabs once I relied on my knowledge of both air and water elementalism. The list goes on, these were only a few examples.

”I could cross it with scrying in order to not only detect the spirits of the living or the dead, but make out the signs of emotional pain, then later any other emotion. I could eventually distinguish their personality and composure if I were to focus enough.” (1)

”Necromancy could even be crossed with schools that aren’t entirely magical. It offers insight into alchemy, leading to many poisons, but also many more cures. I once used spider venom to create an acid that could eat through lead, and another time I created a cure for rabies.

”The possibilities are endless, just imagine what someone could achieve through decent, encouraged, well-funded cross-study into restoration spells!

”Now tell me, princess, does none of that seem important to you at all? Does even one of those things I listed seem like a waste of time? Do you still believe that my craft, to which I’ve dedicated my entire life, was POINTLESS?!”

There was only the sound of my heavy breathing for a while. All I could gather was that I may have taken them by surprise with my... conviction. I took a calming breath, "All I want, the point I wish to make, is that the craft which I've dedicated my life to, the one which I've been condemned for, is valid. That is all."

The break in speech stretched for a while longer. Eventually, the younger royal deemed the break long enough.

”Perhaps I was out of line. I’m sorry.”

’How surprising. The dignified royal deemed to lower herself off her self-important high shelf. I'd call this a miracle, but I know better. This is actually a bit of a turn-off though, we had a perfectly usable conflict set up! This is just disappointing...

’Oh well. Fair's fair. 64.’

Renewed silence followed, this time of a more awkward variety. It took Celestia to break it. ”...So were your seals a product of your cross-studies?”

”Yes,” I sighed, ”and no. The seals were of my own design, but nothing else was. Turns out there was one school of magic that happened to reach into the spiritual aspects of necromancy without the need for prior knowledge in the field. Shamanism has a branch called Spiritism, which deals with the spiritual realm only slightly differently from mine. I only happened upon a nomadic tribe once, who didn’t know who I was. Their elder was more than happy to share his knowledge with someone willing to listen.”

”Something happened, didn’t it?” the older royal asked.

Funny. I could’ve sworn I didn’t give anything away. It appeared that the sun princess was more insightful than one might think.
I slumped my head a bit. I don’t like dwelling.

”They were good people. They did nothing wrong. Their only mistake was finding me wounded and dying in the forest, then taking me in. Apparently that was more than enough excuse for the king’s men to have them all slaughtered.”
More silence. I just took to talking about anything that came to mind.

”From my newfound knowledge of spiritism, and with no small help from the shaman who continued to teach me from beyond the grave, I then managed to come up with ways to detect spiritual energy even more efficiently than I would magical energy. In a meditative state, I could technically find anyone on the planet. Later, I learned how to leave my body and speak to said people, continents away, then later still how to possess other beings. It took me no small amount of studying the Lich’s Pact spell to reverse engineer it, then cross my findings with my knowledge from spiritism to finally arrive with my Reanimation spell. Where I got the Lich’s Pact, well, that’s a tale and a half.”

After I finished, Celestia apparently allowed herself to escape a hearty, charming yawn. ”A tale which I look forward to hearing at another time. For now, I’ll be going back to bed.”

She took a few steps towards the door before her sister questioned her in surprise, ”Are you serious? Someone tells you about the time he inadvertently led to the death of an entire clan, and you’re worried about your sleeping schedule?”

”Everything he told us this far has been either one form of tragedy or another. It doesn’t make any of it any less tragic, but if that’s all that we’ll be doing tonight, then I’m certain you can handle it on your own. At least one of us needs to oversee tomorrow’s meetings, and I’m not doing it half asleep.”

This actually drew a bit of laughter out of me. ”Good to see at least one of you has her priorities straight.”

”...What?!” Luna practically shrieked. ”I don’t understand! How can you be so callous?”

”Because it’s as your sister said. Throughout my life I've gone through tragedies abound, difficulties that required a certain outlook to survive. Either I grew a thicker skin, or I would've died, or I would’ve gone even more insane than I already have, which would've also, in turn, hindered my efforts to survive.”

”You can’t be serious...” She resigned herself.

”No, I could not. I just finished explaining that,” I added to the fire, furthering my point and eliciting a satisfyingly exasperated groan.

”All jokes aside,” Celestia eventually spoke in, ”I just wanted to ask a few things before leaving. You don’t have to answer them immediately, I just want you to consider them.”

I delayed only for a few moments. ”Fair enough. Ask away.”

She walked back to the foot of my bed. ”You’re in a different world. You do realize that, right? Anything could be possible here. I guarantee that if you look around, you will be surprised by what you find. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find that you don’t even need that awful spell looming around your neck? Maybe you’ll find that you can even afford the use of your own eyes again?”

Her words took a while to settle in my head. By the time I worked up enough sense to ask her how she knew about my eyes, she was already halfway through the doorway. ”Goodnight, Luna. I’m certain you two have much to discuss.”

There’s only so far insightfulness can reasonably go. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought she was reading my mind. But she couldn’t have, because there are only so many possible ley commands a spell like that could be made of, and her magic didn’t even activate the entire time, save for when she opened and closed the door.

I shook my head and groaned. I wasn’t one to be outdone. She’s trying to get under my skin? Very well. A challenge it is then.

May the best human non-royalty win.

”So,” I heard Luna say. ”What did she mean regarding your eyes?”

At least the younger sibling didn’t figure it out. I let out a sigh of relief. It would’ve been distressing to find I’d lost the ability to school my facial features.

Focusing again, I argued, ”She was referring to the matter of why I didn’t simply regrow my eyes by now.”

”I thought you just couldn’t.”

”Ha! I can regrow limbs and major organs. I can conjure skeletal constructs from thin air. I’ve experimented with corpses and sewn together abominations. What makes you think I can’t regrow a measly couple of eyes?”

”...Perhaps the fact that I didn’t know you could do any of those things until now?”

”...Oh. My mistake.”

”Don’t worry about it. Though I would’ve preferred it if I didn’t find out about your talents...” She sighed. ”Okay then. Why didn’t you just grow them back?”

”Because they’re a liability.” I could tell she was only more confused now. I set to explaining, ”You know the saying, the eyes are the window to the soul? What knowledge does a ruler of this land have on the matter?"

"I don't follow."

'No, it would seem you don't.' "Necromancy does tend to have a hazardous effect on the user's health, and the eyes are sensitive little gelatinous organs. But with the proper protections and rerouting of ley fields, I could reasonably preserve them healthy as can be. The only problem was the one of the eventual soul-eating beast(2), or Mana Overload curse, or any manner of other advanced illegal magic that could affect you on a spiritual or mental level, using said organs as intermediaries. Windows to the soul."


'She certainly seems to follow now, going by her now-further-tired tone of voice.'

It did seem however that she did have the monumental willpower to, oh, talk at the same time of being sad. How valiant. 'Playing it a little thick, aren't we? Honestly, this may be a different world, but what kind of fanciful realm is she pretending to be a - wait. She and her sister presented themselves as protectors of this land. They also said their titles were that of princesses... what's their job then? Telepathy magic tends to be iffy on certain commonalities across cultures... This is going to gnaw at me forever. Oh wait, she was talking.' "Sorry, could you repeat that? My mind wandered a little further than usual."

She sighed and valiantly repeated herself despite being sad at the same time, "I was asking for more clarification as to why you would still choose to use your magic when it involved mutilating you in such a way, but in retrospect I figure you would merely offer more mean-spirited tangents in answer."

"That I would, yes."

She remained silent for a little while afterwards, though I could sort of distinguish motion and pressure around the edge of the bed. My guess would be that she was rubbing her temples, which made me smile...

”Either way, I’m sorry to hear you had to go through that. Both from others and... yourself.”

”Are you really?” I questioned.

”Yes,” she answered without a second's thought. ”Honestly, I’m sorry for everything that happened to you, and everything that you needed to do to survive. No one deserved to go through what you did.”

”Huh...” was all I could manage out. I had a number of things to say, but nothing quite fitting at the time. Either she was wrong, or lying. I didn’t know, and it was really starting to get me frustrated.

”You can grow your eyes back, you know. We’ve told you already, it’s safe here.”

Yes, they did. I wasn’t believing them any more, though.

I could only shift in my place. ”How about we leave this matter for later, for when I’m not still trying to place your motives. You’ve yet to answer the rest of my three questions, after all.”

Just then, there was a curt set of knocking at the door.

”Come in,” Luna offered, and in came... someone who I couldn’t see. Because I was blind. Duh.

”Your Highness, your sister sent for a chess table?” a girl asked. My guess was, a servant.

”She did?” Luna asked. I could feel her magic activating, taking hold of something in the air and floating it over to us. ”Thank you, servant. You may go.”

'Servant! Called it!... Ugh, I'm so bored.'

Author's Note:

(*) He’d never been to a sanitized medical clinic. Back in his old world, the best he could find was the smell of freshly scraped gore coming from the floor of a church. The fact that he couldn’t hear moaning in pain or smell the infuriating smell of incense threw him off further.

(**) He was trying to say that where before he’d run on Diesel, now he only had Petrol and a Petrol engine at his disposal. Also, he did take into consideration the small, localized spell on his arm... or foreleg, as well as whatever was coursing through his veins. The magical energies he was actually referring to were resonating with him far more subtly, more profoundly (namely, it was spicing up his spiritual energies, sort of).
(***) Got that idea from Heroes of Might and Magic 5. Always loved how you could use skills from one school to improve those from others.
(1) In another order of ideas, alicorns can see even more of these spiritual and magical intricacies than Necky can. That’s why they could see all of that stuff about him when he first arrived, even though they had zero necromantic knowledge.
(2) Think of the Ghost Rider’s Penance Stare. It's like that in certain cases, thought more often than not the beastie cuts out the middleman and just eats its prey whole. Or maybe it sucks the soul out through some alternative means, like the heart, or the blood. Also, succubi and kappas are a thing. Also, magic in general is a thing. Like the Soul Eater enchantment on the knives that one rogue threw at the protagonist in chapter one.

An eventual question that I've covered and one might pose. Why are his seals still active? Well, to answer that question one would have to ask a better question. How were they going to remain active through the many magical interferences imaginable on the battlefield, or whilst on the torturer’s table?
He designed those enchantments to work independently, and to withstand Hell itself without any risk of malfunction. As long as they had some kind of magical fuel available, they would keep going.

Regarding the Princesses' runes, they didn't block out all of his magic. Only the harmful stuff.
Like I said in one of the comments. Don't think of it as a spell to counter spells. Consider it as a plug on his fuel hole. Or, snake venom, or more specifically the paralytic neurotoxins typically contained in their venom which they use for hunting. The way neurotoxins in general work is by inhibiting "inter-neuron communication", i.e. blocking out specific neural pathways, i.e. sometimes snakes like to eat stuff alive so their venom only stops their prey from moving their limbs, not their heart or lung muscles.
It's kind of like that. Only you know, instead of enzymes and neurons we have magical spells blocking magical outlets via magical magic bullshit complex principles pertaining to their universe's unique fundamental laws of physics. That's right, I'm going there. I just got my driver's license and I decided to head straight into the night at 80 mph. What's that? Headlights? What're those? Must've skimmed over that part of the manual.

Back to Necky's seals. Although saying they ”count enough towards being part of his soul” is a good explanation, it’s not entirely accurate. Those spells were nothing more than magical information, same way this message is an electrical array of ones and zeros. Once his spiritual defenses got inscribed, they stuck there like binary ink on digital paper. They don’t need magic to exist, but they do need it in order to function. Same way letters don’t need light to exist, but you do need it to reflect the letters back at your retina in order for you to be able to read them.

He didn't really need to let the princesses into a meeting within his mental realm in the first chapters. He actually wanted to find out what was happening either way.
Regarding the reason why the princesses could talk to him in the first place, that was because parley isn't an offensive mind-altering spell. He only designed his soul seals to protect him against either mind control, illusions, memory wiping or any other kind of mind-altering spell he could think of. Maybe there are a few things he didn't encounter yet?
Parley was an exception. He left that open primarily because he really, really likes conversation, but also because he often gets useful information from his gloating adversaries.

Luna has a medium-large freak-out moment reserved for later, shouting and demanding that Necky would drop his kill-switch. It's not happening during the next chapter, because there's something else scheduled there as well. It would require a bit more dedication and build-up. Said discussion should take half of an upcoming chapter's focus, so I gotta set it up right.