• Published 27th May 2015
  • 17,011 Views, 895 Comments

Foal Necromancer: Soul's Rebirth - Bold Promise

Madness. Bitterness. Cold, unwavering cruelty. Could love and acceptance truly wipe these stains away, or will they only offer the chance for the creation of a new foe, far worse than any Equestria had ever seen before?

  • ...

That nose is going to need resetting.

You’d be surprised by how clarifying dying can be. It puts everything into perspective.

I’m not going to say it makes you realize just how trivial any other grievances become, or how I’d learned to live life at its fullest because ‘you never know when you’d die’, or any other such pretentious excretions... Of course, you would have to actually come back from the dead yourself in order to realize just how full of it I would have needed to be in order to say such things.

A less enlightened man might want to spew out some self-satisfied dribble, thinking they believe that they’re actually enlightening you. Everyone knows they might die tomorrow, and that they need to live life at its fullest. But there are multiple ways of knowing this fact. Multiple facets to this matter.

Me? I will just keep things simple. I will highlight the core of the matter, and let you decide what to make of it.

What I learned was very simple. Dying hurts. It hurts a lot. No amount of times telling that to anyone could ever possibly suffice, and trying would be idiotic. It is only something you can comprehend if you've experienced it beforehand. Because after you did, you might realize that it transcends every meaning that you ever associated with the word ‘pain’.

Death is meant to be the kind of thing that purges your soul before it can move on to the next realm (as a bonus, however, it does wonders for your sanity… or lack thereof). And through the simply horrifying, mind-numbing pain of dying, the type that makes you clench your teeth until they crack, which makes you want to writhe, and twist, and thrash until you break your bones trying to bring whatever killed you down with you, which forced you to feel so completely, utterly, fundamentally… alone…

It’s not fun.

As for perspective? Life became extremely simplified. Either you live, or you die. There’s no “good way to die”, nothing worth dying over, no reason to risk your life or waste it. I’m not saying those who gave their lives to save loved ones were idiots, but the fact that someone would be left with no other option would still essentially be an ultimate loss. You saved those loved ones, but you were still fallen like prey to whatever predator had claimed you.

Animals have the best idea, since they face death on a daily basis and their fear is unspoiled by petty hopes and delusions. There’s a life beyond this one, but right now, you’re here. This isn’t a test, you’re not meant to fulfill some higher purpose, you’re not meant to die for someone else’s benefit or teachings. You’re meant to live this life, because every single moment matters. It doesn’t matter how you live it, just live it true to yourself.

I lived my life true to myself. I pursued my studies, traveled the world, went on adventures. I had fun, loved, hated… I had a full life, and a very long one at that. I made mistakes, I learned, I made friends, I had relationships, I loved and lost love, I made and lost friends. I did both well and wrong by others, I've tried to help more than I hurt, but in the end I did still harm and scar, as well as kill. Either intentionally, inadvertently, or in states of bloody rage and murder-high…

There was a substantial part of my life when I enjoyed the taking of lives. I liked it simply because I got to make my would-be murderers realize just what they were going to do to me. Make them realize that upon deciding to take a life, they relinquished their own to the laws of nature. Kill or be killed.

They admitted that fate could decide whether or not someone’s life could be taken away from them. And in doing so, they entered the food chain. Little did they know, however, just how much of a mouthful I really was.

How many adopted preconceptions such where they believed unfaulting gods were personally invested in their well-being. The look of shock on their faces upon their realizing otherwise, my celebration of being the one who survived, the predator instead of the prey… You have no idea how fundamentally fulfilling it felt. At least, while it lasted

As with all things however, that particular part of my life came to a close eventually. When the subject matter no longer had the same rush to it, and I was growing progressively bored with the monotony of a life lived too long. The repetition inherent in a century and a half... Bah, I'm ranting again.

It was just, this entire development was queer to me. After so long, if I hadn't rationalized what happened on a step-by-step of how I arrived in this outlandish new world- wait, that's a tautology. Argh, this is what I'm talking about! This is all so confusing...


So, it seemed that I somehow came across a couple of benevolent demigod rulers of a peaceful race, emphasis on peaceful. So peaceful, in fact, that rather than do the sensible thing and just kill the homicidal psychopath, they decided that just because he didn’t really have the chance to live peacefully before, then he deserved to at least be offered that chance.

I certainly wouldn’t have taken that chance. Still, I wasn’t about to refuse a gift hor… darn. I’ll have to figure out new metaphors.

One of the princesses apparently knows how it feels to lose a loved one, and what it can bring out of you. The other one knows what it feels like to be portrayed as a monster, and forced into becoming one. They both seem to be under the impression that there’s still something left of me worth saving. Personally, I’m not so certain of that.

I suppose we’ll find out. I’ve never actually had the chance to try being tame again.

It didn’t take much to wake me up. There was someone silently chatting outside the chamber I was in. Apparently Luna deactivated the language spell, because I couldn’t tell what they were saying anymore.

‘Great. This isn’t going to get annoying anytime soon…’

With a sigh, I focused on trying to replicate the language spell. I paid attention to the formula when the princess cast it, so now all I had to do was to stop being so horrible at every single school of magic besides necromancy for just a few minutes.

The ley commands came together unbelievably easily. Apparently this body worked quite differently, and far better than a human’s body at managing the foundation of magical commands. However, actually activating the nodes themselves proved far too difficult. I wasn’t even a quarter way through before a spot on my forehead (probably that horn that Luna let me see) started hurting like it was going to split. I supposed that this body was still too underdeveloped to cast anything too strong.

I had nothing better to do than to keep going, however I found out another unexpected detail. I fatigued. I could ignore the pain in my horn (damned new pain receivers…) but my performance only succeeded in diminishing. I stopped as soon as I figured I didn't find much appeal in the prospect of never being able to use magic again. I had plenty of other things to consider anyway.

'I should make a diagram.' I thought, resting my head under my hooves. 'Get a decent impression of just how outlandish these events are. I didn’t even consider the chances of actually coming across non-hostile creatures...' I looked around with my lack of eyes, trying to see my stubs where my hands used to be. 'No use trying to write. I could’ve tried writing with my blood on the walls, but that doesn’t seem like an option.'

My necromancy should’ve kept me from running out of blood any time soon. It did seem capable of halting the tranquilizer currently being pumped into me (to which I promptly tore off the band around my arm). Managing lesser pain, as well as more serious bodily harm, however, were going to be an issue, since I wouldn’t dare try modifying or reinforcing the respective wards. At least not yet.

“I’m bored.” I voiced out to no one in particular.

I got out of bed and became only slightly disoriented by my new range of motion. I was quadruped now. I always wondered how it would feel like. It was kind of weird…

For one thing, my head was bigger. For another, my back legs were all twisted at odd angles. Luckily this body came with a brand new pony brain as well, so it didn’t take too long to figure out the gist of its movement capabilities. After the initial getting used to, I started practicing my strides.

I couldn’t use magic, couldn’t see and couldn’t speak the local language. Fortunately, I could at least walk on my own.

I supposed the guards heard me clopping around on the marble floor because I heard the door opening.

”Var aehe! Jorho di avi?” One of the guards spoke as he and his colleague entered. I sighed and slumped my head.

“Sorry, boys. I have no idea what you’re saying.”

My speaking in my own odd language seemed to have given them the right idea…

“Jorho. Di. Avi. Dina?”

I palmed my face… Correction. Hoofed my face.

“No, saying it slower does not help.”

They just stood there.

“Luna did tell you I speak a different language, didn’t she?”

They finally seemed to have gotten the idea. One of them addressed the other, my guess would be, something within the lines of either “this guy seems to be talking a different language” or ”this kid must’ve hit his head or something”.

“Me awake. Tell boss.” I tried gesturing to get the idea across as well as I could. First laying on my arse in order to lift my front limbs off the ground and gesturing to the bed tentatively, opening my eye sockets. Then pointing a hoof at them then imitating a salute.

I wish I could see their reactions, because from the sounds of it, they did not like the sight of my empty eye sockets. One of them said a few quick words before rushing out of the room. He might’ve gone to find someone who can use a language spell, but it was more likely that he went to find someone with a tranquilizer syringe handy. The fact that the remaining guard was now situated in front of the doorway gave me reason to believe the latter.

Yeah, their plan wasn’t going to work for me. I decided I’d rather go look for Luna myself.

I walked over to the remaining guard and offered him a few moments of intense scrutiny, enjoying the nervousness I could smell off of him even though my eyes weren't even opened. I admit that the concept of an eyeless, malnourished child staring at me would be rather unsettling for me as well. When I rushed in through his legs, he barely had the presence of mind to stop me.

I managed to notice the opposite wall before I collided with it, having gotten accustomed to the noise of hooves on marble and the echoes of produced on the stone walls. Going by the draft, I guessed I was in a hallway, so either direction could turn out to be a dead end. I chose right, the guard’s shouting behind me actually helped me orientate.

I chanced another sight spell stump, and received a general idea of what was around me. As well as a further increase to my headache. There were a couple of closed doors at the end of the hallway ahead of me, evident by the odd distortion of their windows. From experience, I quickly figure that they might or might not have been locked. Behind me, the regular pony guard was gaining on me. I’d have to do something to lose him.

Distances were not easy to make out, nor anything too far away, but I did manage to make out an open door coming up to my left. The sound of talking and smell of some bitter aroma (which I would later understand to belong to coffee) coming from inside supported that realization.

I strafed in through the open doorway, then quickly slammed it closed and looked for a lock. None to be had. Luckily, I still had my necromantic wards offering a strength boost, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to hold the door closed on my own.

Yes, I had a strength boost. How did you expect I stopped that blade from slicing me in half, as well as afforded myself banter with Sir Buckethead? Any necromantic boost I could find, I enchanted myself with it. I was in the body of a malnourished child, but it was still better than a malnourished, half dried up adult. It wasn’t like I could focus on the dozens upon dozens of enchantments I had active on me at once, constantly, consistently, that were keeping my vital bodily functions going, beside my sight spell, poison resist, spirit sense, my control over however many minions I might have at any one time, as well as whatever death coil or focused bone reinforcement I might be activating.

There is such a difference between passive spells (wards) and active spells. I can’t have more than two active spells running at the same time, but I can hold any amount of passive enchantments that my mana pool can afford. There’s also the difference between my necromantic wards and my soul seals. Soul seals don’t need activating, and I could use those to activate my necromantic wards. I didn’t even need to bother actively refreshing the latter, or converting my mana into necromantic energy to feed said wards with. I kept them active for so long, it wasn’t hard figuring out how to keep them active even during my being unconscious, or (silenced) magically impaired.

Now that that critical piece of information is out of the way, let us use our stubby sight spell to study our surroundings.
I chose to ignore the throbbing pain I was feeling now, instead deciding to focus on the fact that I started to get the hang of this spell. I noted an infinitesimal improvement on it’s quality. It was still something, though.

There were five equines in the room, four in white robes and one oddly similar to the guard following me. This must be where the second guard went.

“Ner heika?” I heard him say, bewildered. I assumed it was their version of saying ‘The hell?’.

I offered my best disarming smile over the yelling of the other guard, and spoke casually, “Oh, don’t mind me. I was just passing through.”

Unfortunately, there wasn’t any other way out of the room. There was a window, but considering how impossibly tall this castle was, I wasn’t about to barter that I could survive the fall. I prefer erring on the safe side. Plus, the last time I had wings didn’t end well for me. I ended up with a really nasty rash… and a broken spine.(*)

I was working under pressure, trying to figure something out, as the guard inside the room finally gathered his thoughts and came forward to get me. I was cornered, I couldn’t use my magic and I couldn’t talk my way out of this. The only option I could think of was the window… No, I needed a different out. Let’s see…


Direct confrontation wouldn’t be very advantageous for me, I figured. Perhaps I could use their numbers against them?


I was already smiling, but stifled any changes to my composure. ‘This is going to be good.’

I listened carefully, tracing one guard’s position and the other’s rhythm.


‘Just a little closer…’



Right before the first guard was about to slam against the door again, I got out of the way, surprising the other one with my sudden movements. Moments later, the first slammed the door open, only for it to stop suddenly as it impacted with the second’s head.


Oddly enough, I started hearing chirping sounds coming from the fallen guard, for whatever reason.

I couldn’t resist working through the pain and managing a sight spell. It was all worth it.

‘Ouch. That nose is going to need resetting.’

As an added bonus, I found an opening. As quickly as possible, I hopped off of the dazed guard’s head, making sure to put as much weight into his nose as possible, and jumped to where I saw the other surprised guard’s face, kindly offering him a haymaker.

Such a nice thing when you’re able to take your enemies by surprise. I imagine if the latter guard knew I was a lot stronger than I looked, he wouldn’t be unconscious right now.

I would have liked to regard my handywork, but I didn’t feel like straining my horn further, lest it fall off. It certainly felt like it was about to do just that.

As soon as I opened the doors at the end of the hallway, however, I ran straight into a pair of legs, and was again surprised to hear my head squeak upon impact.

I rubbed my forehead and regarded whoever decided to be in my way when I ran into them. Unsuccessfully, understandably. I really wished I could see again… Unfortunately, I never bothered to automate that particular type of passive spell because I always tended to adapt my sight spell in various ways, either situationally or with regards to general quality. I never expected a situation in which I could no longer be able to activate my scrying once it wore off.

...Much to my infinite regret.

“So, you must be the new prince.” I heard the figure in front of me say. It was male, that was all I could tell.

I didn’t take long to recover from my ensued confusion. “Nice language link. I see you decided to speak in my tongue instead of the other way around.”

“Yeah, well, I supposed I could afford the courtesy. What’s going on here?” he asked before addressing my pursuing guards, who had recovered by now.

I assumed what this new character said to the pursuers next was something within the same lines as what he asked me just now, and what followed afterwards were the guards’ one-sided retorts of what trouble I’ve been giving them. I only glared in their general direction, eye sockets opened, until the two shut up.

“I woke up and wanted to see the princess. One of them barred my way out of the room, so I slipped past. I suppose what happened next could be considered ‘resisting arrest’, as I ran away.”

“That so?” the figure in front of me asked. “Did resisting arrest include assault as well?”

“Only if you can call being clobbered by a child assault. The broken nose was the colleague’s doing. Otherwise, I haven’t touched them.”

A chuckle emanated from the new character, which I assumed by now was some sort of superior officer. Then, he turned to my keepers and spoke, calmly. “Beszinjhe.”

My guess was, that meant “Dismissed.”, because my guard only barely started objecting when the new guy repeated himself a bit more forcefully. That appeared to have done the trick.

So, this really was a superior officer. I found it odd, considering he sounded a bit young for a higher position in the army.

“You’ve got brass, kid. I’ll give you that. Come on, let’s get you that audience.” the helpful officer spoke as he levitated me onto his back.

“I can walk, you know.” I snapped back almost by reflex.

“But can you see where you’re going?” he humored me as we started walking.

“No, but I can follow the sound of your steps quite easily.”

“Tell you what. How about you let me avoid cross looks for letting a disabled kid risk hurting himself, and just enjoy the ride instead?”

“Fine.” I relented forlornly. “But only because I like piggy back rides.”

A few chuckles and further steps later, my mount decided to ask me, “What’s your name?”

“I’ll tell you as soon as I get one. Yours?”

“Shining Armor.” was his no-nonsense answer before continuing. ”You don’t have a name? Seriously?” he asked, befuddled.

I resisted the urge to call him out on his ridiculous name. Partly because I was still grateful for him being nice enough to get those guards off my back; partly for deciding to side with the malnourished kid rather than his own men; partly because it would’ve been petty and childish to make fun of his name, even for me; partly because I most certainly was not one to talk, not having a name to begin with; and finally, because for all I knew, Shining Armor was a completely acceptable and common name around these parts.

All that considered, I was now at odds with myself. On one hand, I wanted to make as many friends here as possible. On the other, however, I was not what you would generally describe as a ‘nice guy’.

I decided on pursuing the middle ground. Pragmatic abrasiveness.

“Nope,” was the beginning of my answer, deciding to forego explaining why I don’t have a name. I merely resorted to explaining that: ”I never bothered giving myself one until now. Though I’d rather not have a name at all, than have a name like Shining Armor.”

The poke was met with surprising lenience. “Yeah, it is a bit on the silly side, isn’t it? Oh well, what’re you gonna do.”

‘…Huh. He seems like a pretty decent guy.’

Shining hummed thoughtfully. “Not having a name isn’t something to just leave hanging. We should probably have the Princesses fix that once we find them. How ‘bout you think of a name you’d like for yourself?”

“You know, you’re a pretty nice guy,” I offered.

“Thanks,” was his earnest answer.

“When things do inevitably go south, I’ll try to kill you last,” I finished.

“…Wait, what?”

I thought about it. I did think about it before, make no mistake. There were plenty of names I’d thought to give myself. But I was still a bit cautious about offering myself that chance, even now. Still, I supposed that I could discuss my options with him, even if I specifically asked Shining Armor to not use any of them.

“Bal’goth the Destroyer?”

“Too violent.”

“Epsilon the Unmaker?”

“Too overkill.”

“Pirion Bloodmourne?”

“That just sounds gross.”

“And that’s all my ideas.”

“What a shame,” Shining answered sadly, although I felt a bit suspicious of his sincerity… “Where did you get those ideas, anyway?” he followed.

“…I had plenty of free time,” was my answer. I think I might’ve sounded a bit too somber that time.

“…Huh. Anyway,” he nervously redirected the conversation, ”why didn’t you want to have a name anyway?”

“I’d rather not say. Honestly, it’s a long story that you really wouldn’t like to hear anyway.” Not because I was concerned for him. I just didn't feel like wasting my breath.

“Okay then,” he relented, “fair enough. You don’t want to explain, that’s fine. What am I going to call you, then? I can’t exactly keep calling you ‘Kid’, now can I?”

“Why not?” I asked him honestly. He frowned awkwardly in response. Don’t ask me how. I just knew it.

“You sure you wouldn’t rather I called you Spider-Stallion or Cyberguard?” (**)

“As tempting as that may be, I’m afraid not,” I sighed, a gesture which Shining reciprocated.

We arrived at the end of another long hallway. This was the fourth one. Shining spoke something to someone, which then proceeded to open another set of doors. I managed to activate my scrying again, to find two gold-white meshes each at the side of a wide doorway. Beyond those doors, I could not make out a single. Bloody. Thing.

'Blasted Gods, I miss being able to see.'

It was only because of my being able to sense the two massive sources of magic beyond the doors that I could easily tell we’ve finally found the sisters. In comparison, at first I didn’t even notice Shining until I bumped into him, but after a while, I started being able to make out traces of quite the respectable amount of power being insulated under his outfit. (***)

He was twice as strong as I ever was, when it came to sheer power. And yet, he fell into the background as we approached the princesses. We were both very much like bugs. Like specks of dust. How were they so powerful now?!

'It seems Celestia is substantially stronger now. On a guess, it may be because it's currently daytime. It also seems that her power is amplified somehow through a synergy with her sister. Day and night, balancing one another in harmony... They really are demigods, aren't they?'

I did not like the feeling of such power close to me in the least. This was worse than anything I've ever felt. The elder dragon I faced that one time was nothing to this!

“How do you stand it?” I asked Shining.

“You get used to it,” was his aloof answer. He caught me off-guard, surprising me that he supposedly knew what I was talking about.

I eventually sensed a familiar pair of spells trying to get through my seals. I let them through, and found me approaching myself, riding on top of a white unicorn stallion with two-toned blue hair, dressed in light blue and purple armor.

So that was Shining Armor. I was rather disappointed by how un-shiny his armor was.

Luna and Celestia were each seated on either end of a long table. I seemed to have entered a Banqueting Area, most likely of the Royal variety, judging by the golden vase with rare-looking orchids in the middle of the table and the insanely large diamond chandelier overhead. The unreasonable decorations, coupled with the fact that the only thing in the room was the large table set in the middle, left little room for doubt.

“You’re awake early,” I could hear the younger royal sister say. “The doctors told us your sedatives were supposed to last you until later in the afternoon.”

“I’m not the type to let chemicals tell me what to do… Unless I take them on purpose. Anyway, what time is it now?” I inquired.

“We were just about to have lunch. Well, Celestia was about to have lunch. I was going to have a sandwich and a jug of coffee.”
She did not sound very happy.

“Why don’t you two join us?” the elder sibling inquired.

Shining Armor deposited me a seat away from Luna, then started backing away, denying the invitation. “Thanks, but I should probably get back to my post.”

Celestia didn’t seem intent on having any of that. “Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure the guards will be able to handle themselves well enough for a few minutes. Besides, you’re part of the family now. This concerns you as well.”

A part of the family? Is he related to them somehow? Oh well. Shining Armor decided to relent, and took a seat next to me. As he sat down, a servant approached with a couple of solid papers, bound together at one edge. She offered one to Shining then paused awkwardly in front of me.

I didn’t know what those paper objects represented , but the fact that the servant thought I didn’t want one when she offered them to everyone else made me want it.

I snatched away the elusive object of unknown make or purpose (it was called a menu) and blew a raspberry at the girl. To my surprise, I seemed to have succeeded in eliciting a giggle from Luna with that, and a playful, if somewhat reserved smile from the servant.
I was rather surprised, and frankly uncertain of what to make of the reactions. That is, until I recalled that the massively powerful diarchs were not, in fact, a danger to me…

I cleared my head before it went reeling too quickly, lest it unwind and get all tangled. I wasn’t ready to comprehend the concept quite yet. The best relationship I ever had with royalty was with the Sultan of Quel’Dir, which was only because I cured their bloody kingdom from a particularly virulent strain of plague… Of course, they decided to blame me for the plague’s creation a few days afterwards. (1)

To the other side of the table, Celestia cleared her throat tentatively and waved a hoof at the servant girl for her to come over. Once she obliged, the princess proceeded to whisper something in her ear suspiciously.

‘Conspiracy!’ I thought to myself indignantly before Luna offered to start conversation.

“So, how was your sleep?”

The sun princess finished ordering my undoubtedly treasonous ambush (conspiracy, I say!). Afterwards the servant went over and took Shining’s order, who had meanwhile taken my menu away and offered it back as well.

“Fine,” was my simple answer, as I was too busy regarding Celestia suspiciously through Luna’s eyes. She seemed to have noticed, and smiled at her younger sibling a little more warmly. Almost suspiciously warmly. ‘You know what you did…’

Luna merely did her best to move past my distracted answer, “I’m glad to hear it. I was worried because I noticed your dreams seemed a bit troubled, and I couldn’t get past your seals.”

“I allowed for conversations, not for others to invade my dreams. Besides the fact that I can’t exactly control what my mind generates subconsciously, which is usually of a personal nature, I can’t guarantee the safety of the invader.”

“Don’t worry. I know how to make my way around dreams.”

“Again, that is nothing short of invading one’s privacy,” I threw back, also throwing my arms in the air. “People can’t control what they dream.”

“Ponies,” Luna cut me off.


“You’re correct in your statement, but the common term used is ponies, not people. It’s a matter of etiquette which you’ll need to learn. Either way, I agree with you, but that doesn’t change the fact that…”

“Wait a moment. Ponies? What’s that supposed to mean? You can’t go replacing people with ponies! That’s like presuming that only ponies are people!”

“No it’s not, it-” the lunar princess attempted, only to be interrupted again. Unfortunately for her, I was not letting this one slide.

I got right back into the fray, “Yes it is! 'People' is meant to describe any individual, not just one species! Saying otherwise would be fundamentally wrong!”

“You’re being unreasonable!”

”Who’s being unreasonable? I’m not the one saying only humans are people! What are you, some kind of racist for species? A specist? You do realize I’m not actually a pony, right?”

“Come again?” Shining Armor asked from beside me.

“Not really a pony, also not really a child. Anyway,” I answered quickly before getting back on track, “I honestly have no idea what you were on about, correcting me like that. People dream. Even animals dream. I suppose that makes me sound a bit specist against animals too, but that’s not the point! You made it sound like you were trying to impose on me that you consider ponies, which are only one race, to be people exclusively!”

“That’s not what I meant! I… just...”

I waited patiently with a raised eyebrow. Celestia and Shining were apparently trying to find a balance between looking anxious, mirthful and surprised.

“I’m waiting,” I offered, further increasing the shifting I could hear coming from the other seat.

“Well, I… what I meant to say was… ugh… a little help, Tia?”

The alabaster alicorn seemed to have gone a bit paler, if it was at all possible. Apparently she didn’t anticipate this turn of events. Good.

“Well, I do suppose it does sound a bit racist...”

“You’re darn right it’s racist!”

She took my interruption patiently in stride. ”…I also imagine it can’t be very fair for the other species living within our border either. Spike, for instance.”

That actually made matters worse. I didn’t know why she was giving me more ammunition, but I was more than happy to be outraged as I was rightly supposed to be.

“What?! That’s incredibly unfair! It’s segregating minorities!”

“Calm down already!” Luna shouted.

I didn’t calm down.

“I will never calm down until this injustice is rectified! You can not squelch the voice of reason! You cannot expect such an outrage to go unpunished!”

They eventually gave up on trying to calm me down, as Luna decided to carry me out of the room. “Send our meals to my chambers,” she asked her older sibling as she walked out, sounding rather bored.

”I will gather the people! I will start a revolution if I have to march through every city in your kingdom and preach of equality, of freedom, of tolerance and most importantly, of the right to arm bears!”

“Don’t you mean bear arms?”

“Why would I want that? They’re already at a disadvantage! I can’t just spar against a poor, defenseless bear unless it's armed, let alone if I were armed instead! That would be just cruel!”

“Of course…”

Author's Note:

(*) Necky mentioned in the beginning that he doesn’t like dwelling on touchy moments from his past. This particular memory, however, was not a bad one.
"I freaking flew! How could a memory of flying be anything but an amazing one?!"
Right... Anyway. The rash bit was a reference. Anyone recognizing it wins an internet cookie.

(**) I didn’t say Batman because Batstallion sounds like But Stallion, another famous pony. And I didn’t want to risk crossing copyright.
Instead, we have Spiderstallion, who happens to be romantically involved with Batmare. Cyberguard is this world’s version of Robocop.

(***) Kind of like how you can hear the voltage running through power lines.

(1) He's the kind of person that people love to hate. Kind of like Spider-man. It took Deadpool swapping outfits with him for Jameson to change his outlook on him.

Next chapter, I think I can finally go into the “Remove your death seal!” conversation. Luna was already trying to steer into that, in case anyone noticed. She was trying to ask Necky to drop his guard so she can visit his dreams.
Needless to say, it didn’t go so well. Don’t worry, though. Luna has ways to discipline ill-mannered little colts.