• Published 18th May 2012
  • 4,859 Views, 200 Comments

Violet Fire - Nagagon

Spike hits a deadend on his love for Rarity. And who might this strange scarred unicorn be?

  • ...

Chapter 1: A turbulent storm


The storm outside was mercilessly striking the houses in Ponyville. Trees shook violently on the verge of being ripped from the ground. The hail pieces were so big, every window faced the prospect of shattering into pieces. The only reason benches were glued to the ground was because they were ACTUALLY glued to the ground.

But across the howling wind and the cracking thunder, a few voices could be made out from the chaos. Inside a huge tree, six friends were having the time of their lives, despite the ugly weather outside. The six of them were playing games, chatting and munching away on delicious snacks. Muffins, cupcakes, cookies, hot cocoa. All of those treats provided their nourishment and made everything all better.

However, a face, a rather common face, is not seen amidst the fun and games. While all of them were having a great time, this one was busy as could be. After all, somepony had to provide all of the food. And that was this one’s task. Down below, in the kitchen, a purple figure wearing a pink apron with a heart stitched in the center was busy with a bowl, mixing some batter.

The little baby dragon was covered in chocolate and vanilla cream, muffin dough and all-purpose flour. His cheeks were flushed from placing his face in front of the oven to retrieve old trays of baked goods and placing new ones to prepare for the next round. While he mixed the batter he heard a sudden burst of giggling from upstairs. He chuckled a little. Twilight wasn’t one to plan slumber parties. Actually, before moving to Ponyville, she wasn’t keen on common entertainment at all.

“Guess we got Pinkie to thank for that, huh?” Spike said as he added some milk to the batter.

When the storm was announced, everything happened really fast. The girls went off each to do their own tasks, cancelling the picnic that was planned earlier, which was then changed into a small party, and then it became a slumber party. Lucky for Twilight, she had her number one assistant on the job. As soon as he heard about the storm, he was already mixing the batter to make his world famous homemade triple decorated coconut, vanilla and cream cookies. He knew Pinkie wouldn’t let a party simply be cancelled, so he foresaw all of that was going to happen. And he expected the party to be extended. After all, who would want to go back home in this weather?

But as tiring as his work was, he wasn’t the least bit exhausted. He felt as if he had all the energy in Equestria. After all, when motivated, even a tiny baby dragon could move mountains. And the reason behind all of his hard work is only one:


Was there really any need for another motivational subject? Having the one you lov-like, being there and doing some small, but nice things for her, that was his true bliss. Every moment he could spare to spend with her was joy like none other he had felt before. Those few minutes were priceless. And what else could he even ask for?

A date, for starters, Spike thought. Surprised with himself, he shook his head and resumed to beating the batter furiously. Don’t be greedy Spike, you know what happened last time you acted like that. Just be happy you get to cook for her today.

“Now then, just need some chocolate chips... where did I put them?”

A sudden beat of wings was heard and a small owl flew in front of Spike, holding a bag of chocolate chips with its claws.

“Oh, thanks Owlowiscious,” Spike grabbed the bag and poured its contents into the bowl.


Spike turned his head with glowing eyes to that sound. The sharp ring from the alarm clock was everything he had been waiting for. It meant his latest batch of cookies was finally done and that he could take them up to everypony upstairs. He rushed to the oven and opened it, grabbing the tray with his bare hands. Being a dragon gave him hard scales that could sustain a great amount of heat. If he could jump into a pool of hot lava, a hot tray of cookies wasn’t much of challenge.

He quickly put all of the cookies on a plate and poured the hot cocoa in six cups. Then, he placed three marshmallows in each of the cups. However, the baby dragon looked at one of the cups and started scratching his chin, pondering for a moment. He decided to add a couple extra marshmallows to one of them.

“It’s the small details that stand out, as Rarity said. Well, her definition of ‘small’ is a little different from the rest,” he chuckled a little at his joke. He noticed Owlowiscious looking straight at him

Spike narrowed his eyes as he looked to the small owl and pointed a claw at him. “This joke stays between us, okay buddy?”

“Whoo,” Owlowiscious said

“Us, of course!”

“Whoo,” repeated the pet owl.

“Riiiiight...,” Spike said while he picked up a platter and placed the plate with cookies and cups on it. Even if they had made up after the incident with the Dragon, Owlowiscious was still hard to understand. After all, what did he mean by “who”? That was just weird. Just as he was picking up the platter, he heard the door opening behind him.

“But really Twilight, you MUST consider going to the Spa more often! Aloe and Lotus are simply the best in the business. Their massages are simply divine!”

“Maybe some other time. I’m always so busy with my studies.”

“You always say that, dear, but you never stop studying!”

Spike nearly dropped his items in shock. He wasn’t expecting RARITY to simply waltz into the kitchen. He wasn’t prepared, but he had to talk with them. He placed the platter on the counter and turned around, trying to put a smile on his face that did not show his nervousness.

“He-hey there Twilight, Rarity,” his whole body shook when he looked at the white colored unicorn. Her gorgeous blue eyes looked at him, her eyelashes batting slowly. Spike was lost, sinking into those deep, deep eyes…

“SPIKE!” screamed Twilight.

Pain ran throughout his body when he felt the hard floor hit his chin as he fell. In his daze he had been leaning towards them, but he forgot he was on a stool. Nice going genius, you were gawking at her.

“Spike are you alright?” asked Twilight.

Blushing slightly, the baby dragon picked himself up from the ground. “Hehehe, I’m alright now.”

“You simply must be careful Spike. Whatever would we do without you?” said Rarity as she walked to see if he hadn’t hurt himself. Needless to say, Spike’s face turned even redder. Through the corner of his eye he could swear he saw Twilight letting out a sigh, but when he looked she was simply staring at the platter of cookies.

“Oh right, I was about to bring that last batch up. I even prepared some hot cocoa with marshmallows, since it’s getting chilly.”

“Why, thank you Spike, you are a gem.”

“Yes, thank you, but we came down to tell you that we don’t need any more snacks for now,” said Twilight.

Spike looked at her, surprised. Did they not enjoy his cooking? No, that wasn’t it. He gave up on guessing. It’s always faster to ask anyway. “But why? I thought Pinkie was stuffing herself with the food.”

“Well, she still is, and she will be more than happy with these cookies, but the rest of us have eaten our fill and are quite tired. Also, it’s rather late now.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. Late? How late could it be? That was only his... Well, he lost track of time as he cooked, so he couldn’t remember what number that batch of cookies was, but he was sure it hasn’t been THAT long. He looked up to check the clock hanging on the wall, his eyes popping out when he saw the time.

2:40 AM? He completely lost track of time. He looked down, disappointed. That meant he would not have any more opportunities to strike up conversation with Rarity. As that thought struck home, he suddenly became aware that the other two ponies were looking worriedly at him. He raised his head, trying to not look disheartened.

“Really? Well, guess I’ll just put everything away. After I wash the dishes, that is.”

“Would you like any help?” asked Rarity.

Spike felt excited with the idea. That way he could spent a few more minutes with her. Alone, to boot. And it wouldn’t seem rude, she was offering help after all. But as he was about to accept her offer, Twilight intervened.

“Oh don’t worry Rarity, I’ll help him. Why don’t you go ahead and help the girls get ready to sleep? You are better at preparing the beds than I am,” Twilight smiled as she spoke, but it was a disturbing smile. Too many teeth, and her eyes were too wide. But Rarity didn’t seem to notice any of that.

“Well, if you insist. Then, goodnight, my little Spikey-Wikey,” she put a hoof on top of his head and patted it a little as she levitated the platter with the cookies and cocoa with her magic. But before turning to head out, she looked at him and gave a quick kiss on his cheek. She blushed ever so slightly. At least, Spike thought she did. He was too busy trying to keep his whole face from turning into a bright red color.

When the door closed, Spike was still a little flushed. He also noticed he was grinning like a complete idiot. Twilight looked at him, a serious look on her face. Was he doing something to upset her?

Oh, right, the dishes! He suddenly remembered. “Well, I’m gonna start cleaning now. So, I wash and you dry, or do you want to switch?”

“Spike, we need to talk.”

“Well, okay, but I don’t see why do you need to talk about dishes. It’s not that hard, really.”

Twilight lightly facehoofed herself. “It’s not about the dishes Spike. It’s about Rarity. More specifically, about Rarity AND you.”

Spike grimaced and looked at his adoptive sister. He had been hoping they could avoid that again. The Talk. Ignoring her, he grabbed a dirty bowl with some utensils in it and started walking towards the sink on the far left, close to the windows.

“Look Twilight. I know what you’re gonna say: I’m not her type, I don’t have a shot, you don’t want to see me hurt and all that, but who I lov-like, is none of your--”

“I support you, Spike.”

The baby dragon came to a halt, halfway across the room. He turned back to look at the pony, surprised at her answer. She was always against him going after Rarity, saying he had a better chance of wooing Luna than their fashionista friend.

“Sorry, what did you say?”

“That I support you. Spike, you are a brother to me. Your happiness is mine as well.”

“I don’t get it. You were always trying to make me give up.”

“Because of... your birthday....” said Twilight, as softly as she could.

Spike looked away, biting his lower lip and clenching his fists. He HATED being reminded of that event. The day he turned into a huge, monstrous, greedy dragon. The day he rampaged around Ponyville, trying to take everything and anything he could get his scaly hands on. But worst of all, the day he put Rarity in danger and hurt her with his greed.

“I noticed that your feelings for Rarity were far greater than I expected. I mean, I knew you had a crush on her, but I didn’t know you actually lov--”

“Liked.” Spike interrupted her.

“Ahn, yes. Liked her that much. So, I thought it was only proper that I helped you, any way I can.”

Spike was happy his sister decided to support him, but something was amiss. “Well, why did you say we needed to talk? This is good, right?”

“I’m getting there. As I said, I decided to help any way I can, and that’s what I’ve been doing ever since.”

Spike looked at her blankly, waiting for her to continue. Twilight looked at him, unsure if he understood what she was saying. After a while, she let out a sigh.

“Spike, what am I good at?”

“Magic?” he guessed as he walked the rest of the way to the sink.

“Yes, but that doesn’t help you.”

“Ahm... making lists?” he said as he placed the bowl inside the sink to be washed.

“No,” Twilight said with an angered tone.

“Lecturing others?” Spike tried as he turned around to look at the unicorn.


“Writing letters?”

“NO! RESEARCHING!” yelled the purple unicorn standing on her hind legs and shaking the fore legs in the air.

“Ohhhh, right.” He bumped his fist on his palm on an act of realization.

“Anyway, I started researching about dragons and ponies. I’ve been doing so ever since that day, as I have told you, but only recently have I decided to tell you about it,” she walked towards him, getting closer. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh, before looking straight in Spike’s eyes and saying with a serious tone. “Spike, you have no chance with her.”

Spike raised and eyebrow. “I don’t get it, you JUST said you were supporting me. Why are you telling me to give up?”

“Because of my research, Spike. I was trying to find any information on dragons and ponies ever being together as a couple. I read everything, from ancient and obscure history up to literature and pony folklore. No mention of dragon-pony couples anywhere, not even in fictions. Then, I decided to study biology and anatomy to see if... Well, if this was even PHYSIOLOGICALLY possible,” the purple unicorn turned slightly red with the confession. “I researched using the books in this library, Fluttershy’s house, Zecora’s, our old quarters in Canterlot, even the royal archives! Nopony has ever heard of, seen or registered anything about dragons and ponies as a couple.”

Spike heard everything Twilight said, trying to deny it all. It couldn’t be true, it just couldn’t. He sat on his stool and braced his knees, the color on his face turning pale.

“And... Well...,” Twilight said nervously, as she scratched the back of her hind leg with the other one. “I thought I needed some field research, so I asked the Princesses and Zecora about it and--”

“You did WHAT?!” Spike rose from the stool and grabbed her front legs. Twilight gossiped about his secret to the Princesses and Zecora?

“Spike, relax: I doubt the Princesses are interested in gossiping about your love life, and Zecora lives far away from the village, so you can rest at ease that she will not go blabbering about it in broad daylight. Besides, their advice helped to reinforce my fears: They don’t have any knowledge of dragons and ponies being together as a couple.” Twilight looked at the her adoptive brother, as his arms went limp and he stared at her, disheartened “They did say sometimes, a rare couple would appear,” she said, as a way to cheer him up, but then she remembered “But, ahn... those didn’t last too long.”


“I know this hurts Spike. I don’t enjoy being the bearer of bad news. But, if you keep going after Rarity, it’s not going to end well. For either of you.”

Spike felt his eyes filled with water. Just perfect, now he was about to cry in front of Twilight. But he kept it cool. He was sad, but he would hold it in. If he knew Twilight, she would feel guilty for making him cry. But she still noticed something, because she sat on her hind legs and wrapped her front hooves around him, embracing her baby brother, trying to comfort him.

“Don’t worry Spike. No matter what, I’m here for you. Always.”

Spike felt a little embarrassed, but her hug was really comforting. The smell of lavender coming from her mane was something he was quite used to, but it always soothed him. However, he felt his heart tighten when he thought how would Rarity smell like if she ever hugged him like this.

Suddenly realizing that she might be a little too close, Twilight let got of Spike, blushing slightly as she did so.

“Well, I guess I should help you with these dishes, right?” she said as she turned to see the mess the kitchen was. It wasn’t going to be easy.

“Don’t worry, I got this. You can go upstairs to stay with the girls.” Spike’s voice sounded shallow and lifeless. Twilight turned to see him looking down. She couldn’t exactly see his eyes, but she knew they weren’t sparkling with joy.

“Are... are you sure? With me, this could go a lot--”

“Just... go....” he said while pointing to the door. Twilight was perhaps one of the most brilliant ponies to have ever lived, but she sure could be thick as a brick when it came to others’ feelings. Specially in the matters of the heart.

“Ahn... ri-right. Call me if you need help, okay?” and she dashed towards the door, leaving Spike to his thoughts.

As the door closed, Spike felt the tears rolling down his cheeks. Finally. He wasn’t sure if he could hold it in for much longer. He wanted to scream, shout out to the world his sorrow and sadness. He wanted to claw and gnaw something, set the whole kitchen on fire, let out his frustration. But he couldn’t do any of that, not without alarming everypony else and having to explain WHY he was causing such a turmoil. So, he did what he could. He knelt on the floor and put his hands on his shoulders, shuddering as he cried his eyes out.


What would he do now? It’s not like his life was completely over, but Rarity had been his one true lov-crush. What was left to do?


Well, he had to do the dishes before anything else. Maybe putting his brain to work on something simple that required him to do manual labor would make him forget. Perhaps Big Mac needed some help in the farm? That’s the last place he would see Rarity, so no risk of bumping into her.

“Whooo!” screamed Owlowiscious as he pulled Spike by the green scales on the back of his head.

“OUCH! What the hay are you doing?! Can’t you see I’m busy feeling sorry for myself?!” Spike tried to punch the pet owl, but he escaped his attack, heading for the door that led outside. Owlowiscious started scratching the window panel. Irritated, Spike stood up from his corner of self-pity and walked to the door, dragging his stool with him as he did. He placed the stool in front of the door and climbed to look through the window.

The storm was severely punishing the town outside. Leaves, twigs and branches could be seen passing by as the harsh wind dragged them away. But aside from the heavy hail falling outside and the ugly weather, there was nothing strange. Besides, Owlowiscious had been with him since the beginning of the storm and just now was he making a fuss about it. Did he see something outside? But there’s nothing there, thought Spike to himself. Even so, Owlowiscious kept scratching the window in panic. Spike let out an angered groan.

“Of all the... Ok, ok! I’ll go outside and check, just calm down! Geez!” Spike removed the stool from the door and opened it. He was nearly sent flying back by the wind. This was one of the problems of being small, but still he walked a bit more towards the dirt road. He stopped by a tree on the side, pressing his eyes to see better, only to find the darkness and the occasional branch. He turned around towards the windows, where Owlowiscious rested, looking at him. Was he playing a prank? Spike wasn’t even sure the owl was capable of such humor. Then again, he barely understood him at all.

“SEE?! THERE IS NOTHING HERE!” Spike yelled as loud as he could, to make sure his voice reached Owlowiscious. I’m talking to a bird. I’ve gone bonkers. Spike thought it was better to head back indoors before he caught a col--


Spike heard the thunder at the same time the white flash of the lightning blinded him. He felt a sudden burst of heat and looked to the right, to its source. He found the tree beside him to be burning with red hot flames. The lighting had struck it, and it was getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Wait, it was growing? Spike’s eyes grew wide at his sudden realization.

The tree wasn’t getting bigger.

The tree was falling towards him. That’s why it seemed like it was growing.

Spike felt helpless. The tree was going to hit a very large area and his legs were too short for any escape to be possible. Maybe he could try burning it? Not likely. He felt as if he was running out of options and running out of time.

So this is it? It’s cliche, but I’m too young to die! Fate was really evil. In less than an hour, Spike had his hopes and heart crushed and now HE was going to be crushed. He decided to brace himself for impact, by crouching and looking down. Spike felt something rubbing on his knees and looked down. He was still wearing his apron. Great. Squashed by a tree and my body will be found wearing a pink apron with a heart stitched on it. Talk about tough luck.

As he thought that, incredible pain ran through his body, shocking his muscles. He thought he heard something snap, which was likely a bone. His mouth met the mud on the ground, as did his whole being. It tasted really bad, so he stood on his four limbs and started spitting--

Wait, he was spitting? He stood on his four limbs? How can somepony stand when they are squashed by a tree a million times your weight? He decided to open his eyes, and that’s when it hit him.

He was alive.

As he finally decided to stand on his feet, he felt his back ache and some sore muscles, but in all, alive and well. He looked back at the tree. The fire was subsiding due to the rain, but some flames still lived on. But more surprisingly, the tree was tilted, forming an angle caused by a blur underneath it that Spike couldn’t quite make out what it was. Suddenly, he heard trotting from the library. He turned his head and saw that all six of his friends were just outside.

“What in da hay?!” said a southerner accent.

“Oh my! This is... Terrible!” exclaimed a caring voice.

“Did I miss something AWESOME?!” questioned somepony with a raunchy tone.

“More importantly, is anypony hurt?” Twilight’s voice sounded out of the group.

“Hey girls, isn’t that Spike?” said a cheerful voice, coming from the pink pony closest to Spike. Pinkie Pie raised a hoof pointing in his direction.

He raised his hand, his shoulder aching as he did. “Hi there everypo--” he was interrupted by a worried Twilight’s hug.

“Oh Spike, I’m so glad you’re okay!”

“Hey, I’m fine!” Somehow, he was still having a hard time understanding how he was alive.

“Spike! Look at yourself! You are anything BUT fine, my dear! You have cuts all over your body! You need proper care, right away.” Spike suddenly took notice of an itchy sensation from different spots on his body. He looked down to see that not only was he covered in mud, but he had cuts and scratches all over his body, and they were beginning to burn. Some even bled slightly.

“What in tarnation happened here Spike? We heard a mighty loud noise and came rushin’ down ta check it out.” Applejack said, as loud as she could, while holding her hat down with her hoof.

Spike looked at everyone as he spoke. “Well, a tree was hit by lightning and it nearly fell on me.”

“And what, may I ask, were you doing out here in this awful storm?” nice. Rarity was scolding him.

“Yeah, didn’t I tell everypony to stay indoors?” said Rainbow Dash, referencing the talk the whole group had just a few hours earlier.

“Well...” and it came back to him. Owlowiscious was making a ruckus about something outside, but he didn’t find anything, except for a tree trying to kill him.

No, wait. He had found something. How else did he survive?

Suddenly, a very loud thump was heard as the deadly tree fell to the ground. Everypony turned around to look at it. Something was moving in the shadows. They could see its silhouette but couldn't make out what it was. The six ponies assumed a defensive position, between them and the shadow. Twilight in the front, started a magical spell that glowed dangerously at whatever that thing was. Spike had a feeling that the spell wasn’t going to grow a moustache on its target.

The shadow started wobbling towards them. It was massive, bigger than anypony present. If it wanted a fight, it would be a tough opponent to face, but maybe the combined strength of the Elements of Harmony could even the odds. When it approached, the glow from Twilight’s horn shed some light on the creature. They all gasped as they looked at it.

It was a stallion. A unicorn, to be precise.

The ponies shivered with fear as they looked at the stranger. His body was covered in scars, many of them tiny, but some were massive, especially one extending across his chest, from the right side of his neck going down, crossing his chest to the left. His coat was blue, but a dark, gloomy blue, unlike Rainbow Dash’s cheerful cyan. He looked at them menacingly, his eyes sending off an evil glare as he gazed down at them. As everypony else waited for their opponent’s first move, Spike heard a soft voice beside him.


Rainbow Dash opened her wings, ready to fly towards him and strike him down. Applejack tilted her hat forward as she readied herself to spin and give that big stallion a taste of the famous Apple family buck. Pinkie Pie was already set with her party cannon and Rarity was standing on her hind legs, front hooves raised in front of her face, ready to brawl.


The strange stallion blinked slowly. The glow in Twilight’s horn grew even more as if signalizing everypony else to launch their attack. As they charged at their mysterious foe, Fluttershy yelled.


All five of her friends stopped in their tracks, startled by her sudden outburst. They all turned around to look at her with the same expression on their faces: What in the name of Celestia was that for?

Fluttershy pointed towards the strange pony. “Look at him.”

They did as she told them, but this time Twilight increased the light of her spell. The dark-blue pony was covered with cuts and bruises, some twigs and branches poking out of his mane. Tree bark clung to his coat. A long trail of blood came from his back and ran across his stomach. He was, without a doubt, badly hurt. Suddenly, his eyes changed targets, as he looked past the ponies and stared at what was behind them.

He was looking at Spike.

The purple dragon felt his immense eyes looking at him, as if trying to see his whole being, not only his outer self. Worst of all, he felt as if the assailant was SUCCEEDING. But why was he looking at him? Maybe, he wasn’t interested in mares? He felt a cold shiver running down his spine. Nothing against it, but he didn’t play for that team. Another flash from the lightning drew Spike’s eyes to the tree and he finally understood.

And for the first time since they saw the strange pony creeping up on them, they heard him speak.

“Take care... of those cuts.”

And the stallion collapsed to the ground.

Author’s Notes

What to say...

Well, first off credits where credit is deserved.

To Cheezesauce Pony: Your proofreading and advices shaped this bad boy up. Your help with my punctuation was priceless.

To Preston Watts: Heil Watts! You're Grammar Nazi skills were all I needed. You helped me on my worst side, which is grammar (and I bet you'll find 2 or 3 errors along this note, but I can live with that).

To RavensDagger: Your stories, advice and encouragement were my kick-off. Without you, I wouldn't be here on this website or even had the strength to revive this story. Basically, thanks for everything, mate, you earned yourself a die-hard fan.

And to you, the reader of course. After all, it's our duty as writers to come up with good stories for you to read. If you enjoyed Violet Fire so far, I'll tell you this: It's far from over!

Oh, before I forget, shameless advertisement time!

Need help with your fic? English is not your native language even though you were born in the US, UK, Canada, Australia or some other english-speaking country? No problem! Just go to the guys at SALT for help! Hey, worked for me =D


There's the link. Be warned though: they are good, but tough. Very tough. Not gonna lie to you. They tore my story up so badly, I thought my PC was gonna start bleeding at any moment. But you can't go wrong with them, that's for sure!