• Published 18th May 2012
  • 4,860 Views, 200 Comments

Violet Fire - Nagagon

Spike hits a deadend on his love for Rarity. And who might this strange scarred unicorn be?

  • ...

Chapter 9: Shelter and freaks

The birds chirped happily under the warm afternoon sun. A gentle breeze blew, softly brushing the coats and manes of the many ponies around the park. It was an ideal time for a picnic, to gather all of your friends and relatives and merely lie upon the grass, eating a couple of pastries and basking under the warmth of the rays of the sun.


However, to Violet Fire, the yawning unicorn, it was the epitome of boredom.

The stallion was laying on his back, attempting to enjoy the sunbathing like everypony else, but no matter how much he shifted and squirmed, he was unable to find a comfortable position in which to relax. Under normal circumstances, Violet would have fallen asleep the moment his body touched the grass and would have napped throughout the rest of the day, rejoicing in the rare moment of peace and tranquility. However, considering what he had been through the last couple of days, a bit of restlessness was to be expected.

So much had happened in so little time: the transformation, the posters, Rarity's scolding, the gems. It had been one strong emotion after the other, situations that demanded quick wits and delicate approaches, subjects which he had no experience with. So the sudden peace was somewhat foreign to his active mind.

And the fact he couldn't stop thinking about Rarity's hoof and their meeting the next day had absolutely nothing to do with it, of course.

Violet Fire accepted the fact that sleep would not come to such a bustling mind and decided to open his eyes as to observe his surroundings. There was a group of children not far from him, playing under the watchful eye of a magenta mare. His gaze fell upon two colts who were playing with a big, bouncy ball: a chubby, short unicorn and a skinny, tall one, who was also a unicorn. Snips and Snails had been his friends in his past form. They were so slow and completely oblivious to their surroundings, which often caused more trouble than needed, but were ponies of good heart, regardless of their shortcomings. Suddenly, Snips, who he assumed was playing the role of goalkeeper, failed to block the ball and it rolled towards Violet. The stallion stopped the ball with a hoof and stood up, just before the two colts reached him.

"Thanks for getting the ball for us, mister!" Snips said in hoarse, childish tone.

"Yeah... thanks a lot" Snails added in his usual slow way.

"Not a problem guys, but you should be careful; this ball could've hit somepony. You have a mean buck, Sna-- buddy," Violet answered, warning them in a playful, yet responsible tone.

"Keep going like that and you might become the next hoofball king!" Violet said, giving the colts their ball back. Snails eyes began sparkling.

"Like Neighmar?" he queried.

"Um..." Violet winced; although skilled, Neighmar was still far from the title of 'king'. Suddenly, Snips interjected.

"Neighmar isn’t the hoofball king, you slowpoke!" he exclaimed.

"He's not?" Snails asked, crossing his eyes in confusion.

"Of course not." Violet nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. "That title goes to Dogba," the chubby colt proudly said. Violet shook his head, startled at Snips' claim.

"That diamond dog full of fleas is nothing compared to Neighmar!" Snails retorted in an angry tone.

"Oh yeah? Well, Dogba scored the winning goal in the Champions League final!" Snips growled, moving his head towards Snails as if challenging him.

"Well, Neighmar comes from the country where hoofball was created, so, HA!" the skinny one yelled, accepting his friend's challenge by glueing his face to his.

That's not really true... Violet thought to himself, but dared not saying anything; their eyes were locked together in anger, sparks nearly flying from the daggers they glared at each other.

"Yeah? Well, Neighmar's got an ugly haircut!"

"Oh yeah? Well, Dogba's just as ugly!"

That's not a very good argument and you're not even talking about hoofball anymore!

“Oh yeah? Well--”

“Enough!” Violet Fire exclaimed, interrupting the colt. The two children turned their heads at him. “You two are best friends, so stop fighting.”

“But…” Snips began.

“‘But’ nothing! You too are friends, you like the same stuff, you’re always together, so why are you two fighting?” he asked, looking at them with a serious glare. The two friends looked at each other for a few moments and looked down, ashamed.

“We’re sorry…” they answered in unison. The stallion smiled kindly as he patted their heads.

“It’s okay. Now, go back to your group, your teacher will get worried.”

“Sure thing mister!” Snips said excitedly before running back to the other children.

“Yeah, thanks a lot…” Snails added as he hurried after his friend. Violet Fire remained in his place, his lips forming one of the most satisfied smiles since he transformed. It was good to know his lecture…

Lecture? Did he just... Lecture somepony? The reality of the situation hit him. He was the same age as those two colts just now, yet they saw him as an older and wiser stallion. A respectable grown-up. He had felt those changes before: the way he faced his problems, how he accept responsibilities without hesitating. In one word, he had become...

Mature, he thought. Yes, that was the word. The old Spike was a baby, one who lied to cover up his messes and depended on his foster sister to do everything for him. But this new one... no, he wasn't the new Spike. He was Violet Fire, gem treater and employee of Carousel Boutique. He liked the sound of that, but one question remained: he was different, but just how much had he changed? Suddenly, Violet felt an intense glare on him. He began looking around for its source when he noticed the magenta mare from before staring at him.

Why is she looking at my tail? he thought. She was biting her bottom lip and had her eyes half-closed, staring intently when she noticed the object of her admiration was looking back. Unsure of what to do, Violet smiled politely at her. The mare responded by blowing a seductive kiss in his direction. The stallion backpedaled a bit, startled by her strange response. The mare smiled playfully and gave him a wink, before walking away.

Okay, I did not see that coming, he thought, cocking an eyebrow as he tried to process what had just happened. He heard some giggling from behind him and turned his head to find two pegasi twins not so far from him. One was a medium blue mare with a spiked royal blue and white mane, while her sister had a combed hair held together by a pink bow on her head. As the mares noticed Violet’s inquiring eyes, their wings sprung open as they blushed a bright red. They covered their mouths and resumed their giggling, but this time without breaking eye contact with the stallion.

I said it once and it still counts: mares are crazy, Violet thought as a shiver ran down his spine. He turned around and began to walk away, while keeping his gaze on the twins for a moment longer. I better get outta here before-- whatever he was about to say was completely forgotten as his muzzle painfully collided something ticklish and a slightly soft surface as well. The surprise from the impact caused him to backpedal a little as he closed his watering eyes.

"Ow! What the..." Violet sad as he rubbed his nose with a hoof, in an attempt to ease the stinging pain. The stallion opened an eye to get a better look at the object of his discomfort. His jaw dropped as he realized that in front of him was a pony's tail; a purple one with magenta highlights, to be exact. Violet’s face paled. He traced the tail's roots back to a slim lavender body, which was followed by a head with a tail-matching mane and two big violet eyes, a pair he was awfully familiar with and that he had hoped not to encounter again so soon. Yet again, however, fate seemed to have other, more awkward interests in mind. It was clear the situation required a delicate approach in order to be resolved in a mature and responsible way by both ponies. So Violet responded in the only manner befitting a stallion like himself in such an awkward situation:

He took off in the opposite direction.

"WAIT!" he heard Twilight scream behind him, but the plea did nothing but increase his speed.

There's no way I'm dealing with her after... After that! I'm bigger than her now, so she'll never catch up. But his hopes were short-lived, as a purple ball of light burst brightly a few meters in front of him, revealing a shaken Twilight at its core. The stallion pressed his hooves on the ground and screeched to a halt. He stopped right in front of the mare and they both stared at each other.

"Good, now we can--" Twilight began, but was cut off by Violet trying to dodge around her. However, the mare quickly caught on to his plan and stepped to the right, trapping him. Violet bit his lower lip in frustration while his frightened green eyes darted from side to side, looking for a way out.

"If you're done, I--" Violet tried once more, this time to the left, only to have his plans thwarted by the young librarian. For a bookworm, she was proving to be quite agile.

I need a better evasive maneuver. Maybe if I feint to the right I could--

"If you lift that hoof as much as one inch from the ground, I swear I'll bury you neck-deep and zip your mouth shut so you won't be able to cry for help," Twilight said in a low, threatening tone. Violet's eyes widened in terror, his brow drenched in cold sweat. Years of living under the same roof as the mare taught him a valuable lesson: if Twilight goes the extra mile and starts threatening, you better listen to her. The stallion obediently sat down.

"Good boy," she answered, harrumphing proudly. Twilight sat down herself, but avoided making eye contact with the pony before her. Clearly she found the situation as awkward as Violet himself, but he held his tongue; saying anything that might upset a walking magical powerhouse was not the wisest of plans.

"Why were you looking for me?" he asked. In response, the mare lifted her head and looked at him.

"I wasn't looking for you! Well, not at the moment, that is."

"Oh really? You just happened to be walking around where I was resting?" he asked sarcastically.

"Hey, I didn't want to see you this soon either! You were the one who rubbed your muzzle on my... my..." she trailed off, blushing at the memory. She lowered her head slightly before timidly continuing in a whisper. "My flank."

Violet eyed her skeptically. When had he done that? Suddenly, his attention was caught by the flickering of Twilight's tail and that's when he figured it out; her tail was the tickling sensation from before. But if that was her tail, then that means the soft object that was located underneath it was...

Violet felt the bitter taste of his digested brunch rising from his throat, but heroically managed to stop the flow of spew from reaching its destination. He shook his head to clear it of the unwanted image of Twilight’s flank.

"But... we need to talk," Twilight said. Violet felt a chunk of ice slide down his back with those words. This can't be happening... he whined as his ears splayed back in fear. He was done for; Twilight was going to force him to date her or to openly assume his fault for being too damn nice and allowing her to kiss him. What if she wanted marriage? He couldn't get married, he wasn't even old enough yet! Well, technically he was, but that wasn’t the point! What if--

"Sorry," she said. Her apology brought Violet's wandering mind to a screeching halt. The stallion looked at the mare with an expression of complete shock on his face.

“Excuse me?” he wondered. Twilight lowered her head while shifting awkwardly in her place.

“I’m sorry for what I did last night,” she said. “I... I wasn’t quite myself at the time.”

That much I figured out, Violet thought.

“You see, when Spike disappeared I... I lost my mind. It was so sudden that I had no time to get ready, mentally that is. I felt lonely, abandoned even, and I just wanted to... to forget,” she explained. Violet bit his tongue to distract himself from the rising guilt. “I asked Applejack if she had any cider left from the last time and she brought me a bottle. It was unsightly of me to do that; I was running away from my own problems, seeking the easy way out.” Twilight lifted her head and looked at the stallion, her eyes glistening with tears. “And then you came along, being so nice and sweet with me, so in the heat of the moment I... I...” She sighed. “I was wrong to force myself on you. I was just really lonely and really drunk at the time. Can... can you forgive me?” the mare asked at the end.

Violet blinked for a few moments, processing the informations the unicorn had just provided him. She felt sorry for she had done to him? He had realized before that she was not acting normally the day they ‘met’, but now he knew the extent of his harm; it had driven his former-foster sister to drinking to avoid the pain. Given she did not drink that much, but she wasn’t used to it. Violet felt disgusted at himself. It was the first time he wished he could buck himself in the face out of pure hatred. He looked at Twilight, who merely sat there, waiting for his reply.

“No problem, Twilight,” he answered. The mare’s eyes grew as wide as her smile, happiness overflowing her, but Violet cut it short with a raised hoof. “There’s a catch, though.” Twilight tilted her head to the side.

“Catch? What would it be?” she asked. Violet smiled kindly at her, something that made the cheeks of the librarian burn intensively.

“You have to let me be your friend.” Twilight was taken back, startled by the unexpected request, but happily nodded.

“Sure, I’d love to!” she said, clopping her hooves together. “Oh, that reminds me: I have someone you have to meet! You’re gonna love him!” she said as she stood up and began to walk.

“Really? Who is that? I might have met him somewhere,” Violet said as he went after her, following just by her side.

“His name is Caramel. He’s an earth pony that helps Big Mac and the Apple family from time to time. Nice, gentle, sweet, caring, good-looking too, if you don’t mind me saying.” She gave Violet a light nudge on the shoulder. “I’m sure you two will be great together,” she explained excitedly.

“Um... sure, I like to have nice friends,” Violet said, but couldn’t exactly understand what part Caramel’s looks had in this conversation.

“Oh, and the best part?” She turned around to look at Violet. She glanced left and right to make sure nopony was nearby before whispering. “I heard he just left a bad relationship, meaning he’s single.”

“Um... good for him?” Violet said in a tone of question. Twilight was being even weirder than the day before.

“Come on, Violet, you could at least try to sound happy!” the mare said, frowning at her friend’s lack of excitement, only confusing the stallion even more.

“I’m sorry Twilight, but I don’t see how Caramel being single should be reason for me to throw confetti in the air.” Twilight suddenly stopped and looked at Violet with a raised eyebrow.

“Maybe because I’m trying to set you two up as an apology for what I did yesterday?” Violet kept staring at the mare, processing the question in the gears of his mind.

Cleck, cleck, cleck, cleck, cleck, cleck, cleck... TING!

“I’M NOT GAY!!!” he shouted at the top of his lungs, much to the surprise of the park’s residents. His ‘coming out’, so to speak, caught the attention of the ponies around them, as well as creating a few reactions: some stallions sighed, while mares whispered ‘yes!’ to themselves, obviously glad of the good news. There was even a stallion who burst into tears while his female friend patted his shoulder, consoling him while failing to hide her huge grin. Twilight was just as shocked as the other ponies.

“You’re not?” she asked, tilting her head to side as she looked at the stallion skeptically.

“YEAH! I MEAN, NO! I’M NOT GAY!” he yelled, his intense blush only making Twilight even more suspicious.

“You sure?”

“I think I’d know if I wanted to get it on with a guy!” he declared. The bawling stallion’s crying increased tenfold as he ran away. What in Celestia’s name made her think I was gay?!

“Well, if you’re not into stallions, then why did you run away last night?” Twilight asked. She blinked, slowly coming to realization. “You didn’t like my kiss? I never got any complaints from the others!”

“No! It wasn’t-- wait, what others?” he asked. Twilight began twirling her hooves around awkwardly. The stallion sighed. “Forget it, I don’t think I wanna know. As for the reason I ran, well, you did sorta jump on me. Plus...” he looked around. Since he had stopped shouting, ponies were not staring so much, except for a few mares who eyed him hungrily. He lowered his voice until it became a whisper, forcing Twilight to lean over to listen better “I... have a crush on somepony else.” The mare threw her hooves over her mouth as her eyes widened in surprise.

“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry! If I had known, I wouldn’t...”

“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault.” Well, technically it was, but let’s keep that to ourselves, right? “I was in hot waters with her before either way, but now things are cool between us.”

“That’s good to hear,” Twilight said. “Well, there goes my plan to get on your good side by hooking you up. Guess I’ll go for the rest of the plan, then.”

“Plan? What plan?” Violet wondered.

“Well, I was thinking, you’re stranded in Ponyville right? As in, you have no place to stay.” Violet nodded; he was thinking of going back to his nest in the bench near the fountain, but he wasn’t sure how long that improvised shelter would last.

“So, here’s my idea: I have an extra bed at the library and a big need of another pair of hooves. You help me run the place and in exchange, you get food, water, shelter and maybe a few extra bits. How does that sound?” she asked. Violet’s jaw dropped.

“Me? Be your roommate? For real?” the stallion incredulously inquired.

“Of course. It would be really helpful to have you there. I mean, I did just lose an assistant and...” she lowered her head sadly. “The tree feels a little... empty.” There was no need for any more; Violet knew what he had to do.

“I’ll do it.” Twilight lifted her head hopeful.


“Of course! I mean, it’s either that or going back to sleeping on a bench in the open air using newspapers as blankets. A warm bed sounds much better, if you ask me.” Twilight giggled at the comparison. “Just have to warn you, though.”

“What is it? You snore?” she asked playfully.

“A little, but that’s not it. Just earlier I had a talk with Rarity and she offered me a job at the boutique and I took it. So if I’m gonna be your assistant and hers, we’re gonna have to work a schedule out.”

“Oh, no worries, scheduling is right up my alley,” said the mare, pointing a hoof at her chest proudly. “Besides, I don’t need you there all the time, just for cleaning, re-shelving and on my days off. I’m sure we can work something out.”

“Great!” Violet exclaimed gladly; he had been able to solve all of his problems and needs in one day. He really was turning into a mature, dependable stallion. Twilight levitated a bunch of keys from her tail and magically removed a silver key from the group.

“I have to get some things from Quills and Sofas. I won’t take long so you can go ahead and take a shower; you look like you could use one.” Violet sniffed his hoof and realized she was right; he smelled like something had crawled up into a skunk’s hole and died there. He looked at the key levitating in front of him and grabbed it with his mouth.

“Got it,” Violet said cheerfully. Twilight, on the other hand, looked at him oddly. He tilted his head to the side. “What? Is there something on my teeth?”

“Oh, no it’s not, it’s just... why didn’t you use your magic?” she asked him.


“Yeah. You’re a unicorn, right?” Twilight said, pointing a hoof at Violet’s horn. The stallion looked up and that’s when he realized: he was a unicorn. He had a horn. Ergo...

I can use magic! he thought. Why hadn’t that possibility occurred to him before? He had been transformed for quite a while now, he should have thought about levitating things around. Perhaps the lack of such powers for most of his life had something to do with it. He then thought how ridiculous he must have looked; a perfectly healthy unicorn running around carrying a jar in his mouth and hooves. Violet noticed that Twilight kept looking at him, as if he were some sort of weird creature. He had to think of something, and fast.

“It’s, um... a habit! I was taught not to use magic for something unless you have to. You know, moving rocks, fixing broken glasses, that sorta thing,” he lied as he smiled sheepishly, hoping the ruse would work.

“That does sound logical...” Twilight said, tapping a hoof against her chin. “Well, I’ll see you later, then. You can find towels and shampoo in the bathroom if you need them,” she said as she walked away.

“Alright. See you later!” Violet said, waving goodbye. The mare replied in the same manner and off she went, leaving the stallion to his own accord. He spun around and made a beeline towards the huge oak tree that contained the public library, wanting to get there as fast as possible. Not because of the shower, although he really wanted to clean himself, but because he had something he wanted to try:


So focused Violet was on getting to the library that he failed to notice the pegasi couple he passed by. The mare, a blue pony with a two-toned cyan mane, sprung her wings as soon as she saw the unicorn dashing by. The white, well-built pony next to her frowned at the stiff limbs of his companion.

“Fancy going for a little ‘wrestling’ with him, huh?” he asked.

“Oh, come on, you bumbling idiot, you know my eyes are only for you,” she responded in a sultry voice, eyeing the stallion with her pink pupils. However, the bright color turned into an eerie green for a split second, which would have caused the stallion to recoil, if not for the fact he had grown used to that.

“And your punches, don’t forget your punches.” As if putting on a demonstration, the mare gave him a playful hit on the face.

Meanwhile, Violet’s fast-paced gallop quickly brought him to his destination. Holding the key with his mouth, he inserted it in the keyhole and gave it a twist, unlocking the door with a click. After he had closed the door, Violet began searching the books on the shelves.

“Where is it... where did she put it...” he muttered to himself as he went from shelf to shelf. “Oh, COME ON!” he yelled, frustrated. “I was gone for two days and she already re-shelved the place? Jeez, talk about OCD.” There was no time to waste; Violet had searched the most obvious places, but to no avail. It was time to think like Twilight.

“Let’s see...” Violet said as he looked up and tapped his chin in thought. “I’m Twilight. I’m a bookworm and very smart. I love studying, it’s basically what I do all the time. I’ve done it since I was just yay high. Where would I put Introduction to Basic Unicorn Magic Volume 1?” Violet turned his head to the section on the shelves with the plate ‘Classics’ written on it. Lo and behold, the purple book was there, the aforementioned title engraved on its spine. He sighed.

“When Twilight gets back, I’m gonna have a talk with her about the meaning of classic.” He went to the shelf and grabbed the book, along with a random one that was next to it, and layed down on the floor. He opened Introduction to Basic Unicorn Magic on the first chapter and began his study:

“Welp, here goes.”

Welcome, young unicorn, to the very first chapter of ‘Introduction to Basic Unicorn Magic’. We are very excited that you are very excited about learning incredible magic, such as teleporting and conjuring objects, but let’s not hurry ourselves. Lesson #1: a troubled mind will only brew trouble.

“What is this? Mare Wars?”

All our lessons are not the product of any sci-fi or fantasy blockbuster movie.

“Wow, that’s a very specific disclaimer...” Violet commented. He shook the distraction away. “Focus, Fire!” Violet scanned the pages of the book, looking for anything related to the most basic of all unicorn magic: telekinesis. If he was going to act like a normal unicorn he had to use magic and the first step was being able to move objects with his mind.

“AH-HA!” he shouted in triumph. “Here it is!”

Now that you went through Lesson #502 of the magic, you are ready for your first spell: telekinesis! First, find an object to practice with, something small, light and, preferably, of no monetary or emotional value. Place the object just out of your reach.

He looked at the random book he had picked up and stretched a hoof to try and touch it, confirming that it was just a few inches away from his touch.

Now, telekinesis is a very simple and helpful spell, but it requires a cool temper and creativity. Imagine a tiny string attached from the end of your horn all the way to your object. The tighter you imagine it, the better the hold you will have over the object. Now, the string is an extension of you. Feel the string, see the string, smell the string, lick the string, be the string.

If you can do all of those, then congratulations! All you have to do now is imagine the string moving the object in any desirable direction and presto! You are levitating things. Next, we will learn how to properly set things on fire with your horn and remember Lesson #354: never set something ablaze that you cannot easily fix, replace or blame on somepony else.

Violet recoiled. “Okay... that last bit was weird,” he commented as he closed the book, slightly disturbed by the instructions. He gave his target a look.

“Well, here goes nothing...” He closed his eyes, bringing darkness to his world. He still remembered where the book was, so he made a mental image of it. Then, he proceeded as instructed: he imagined a string connecting the end of his horn and the book. He could practically see the string there. It was small, thin, but it was there, in his mind that is.

The book was a little strange, but the instructions were spot on! He was ready. The string was tightly wrapped around both horn and target and the time had come for him to perform his first act of magic as a unicorn. He could feel a burst of excitement flowing through his body, but managed to keep it at bay; he couldn’t afford to lose his concentration. Violet opened his eyes, a fierce look of determination burning in his irises. He focused on the book and imagined the string pulling it up. He watched in awe as the book...

… remained exactly where it was.

Violet looked at the object, confused. He had followed the instructions exactly as written. He could almost feel the string wrapped around his horn. So, why hadn’t the book budged an inch? Violet tried again. Eyes closed, the string, the book, pull. He opened his eyes once more and still nothing had changed. Panic started to grow.

“No... i-it’s the book! It’s too heavy! I mean, Twilight only could barely move a page when she first tried it,” he murmured to himself. Violet got up and ran to kitchen. He grabbed a wooden spoon and returned to his spot on the floor. “Eyes, string, pull... check!” he exclaimed as he opened his eyes once more. Yet, the result was the same. He touched his horn with his hoof and discovered that his brow was drenched with sweat, but chose to ignore it. “Lighter... I need something lighter...” He saw a quill sitting on a desk from the corner of his eye. With a quick motion, he jumped from the floor and positioned himself in front of the feather, a maniacal expression on his face.

“Eyes... string... pull... check!”

Nothing happened.

“Eyes... string... pull... check!”



At that point Violet wasn’t even bothering with closing his eyes, imagining the string or pulling the object. Now the words were not instructions, but a mantra he sang in the hopes that, if he wished really hard, the quill would be engulfed by a cloud of magic and levitate. However, no matter how much he wished, how many times he repeated the sentence, how much he screamed and ordered the quill to move, it might as well have been a boulder he was trying to push with his bare hooves. Time went by as Violet lost himself in his yelling and shouting at the feathered object, frustration rising as his throat became sore and the quill remained unmoved. The stallion let his sweaty body slide down to floor, panting and gasping for air. Yet he did not feel the heat of exercise overcoming him, but rather the cold blanket of reality wrapping itself around his very heart and soul. Maybe he knew it all along and his subconscious was trying to spare him the pain and suffering knowing the truth would bring. Maybe he had chosen to be oblivious to his condition, after all, ‘ignorance is bliss’ as they say. But there was no denying it; no matter how much he swore, he kicked, he cried, reality was one rock solid fact:

“I... I can’t use magic...” Violet whispered to himself. He shuddered; saying it was the final blow. It was like he was acknowledging the fact that he was not a normal unicorn, as he had thought he was. He was a freak. He had always been one, even before his transformation. He was a dragon raised by ponies and now that he was one himself, he couldn’t even do something as simple as levitate a quill. He could never run away from that; it did not matter what he did, fate would always find a way to bring his happiness down, to crush his hopes by giving him some sort of problem or disability. It was the shame of his life: Violet Fire, the unicorn who could not use magic. If the others found out about this, what would they think? What Twilight think? Even worse...

What would Rarity think?


Credits, as always, goes to my good friend Frederick the Saiyan and TheWattsMan. We have loads of fun while editing chapters..

Finally! I got to the conflict part! Hurray! Ladies and gentlemen, this is where chapter 8 would have ended if not for my tardiness. My apologies, once more. Also, you might notice that this chapter did not get released on schedule. Well, that’s because I was very busy writing something else. I had an idea for another story and began typing it, which resulted in 5k words in less than a day. Then, a friend of mine got sick and I wrote him a little ‘get well soon’ story. Turns out the ‘little’ part got overwhelmed when the rest of our little group wanted in on the action. The result of my 2 days sprint writing was almost 10k worth. I’m getting better at this. Now, if only I could spend this 10k on writing Violet Fire, I’d be pretty much set for writing anything.

Game: can anybody tell me from where was that pegasi couple? Post it in the comments!

Also, Ravensdagger has inspired me to do a little begging something with you guys. If you're talented with a pen, pencil, quill, charcoal, paint, ink, blood or some other form of drawing, here's a request: draw a picture of Violet Fire wearing the most dashing suit or vest. He needs to look handsome, but slightly timid too. Message me the links and the best one gets posted on the story.

Comments ( 22 )

I laughed so hard when it took Spike so long to figure out Twilight's plan for him and Carmel!:rainbowlaugh:

“You didn’t like my kiss? I never got any complaints from the others!”

:facehoof:Dusk, take a note. Never let Twilight drink. Poor Violet, he can't perform magic. Luckily for him, he's living with the greatest mage alive.:twilightsmile: Can't wait for the next chapter!

Great job with this chapter. Love the whole Twilight and Violet interaction and how she wanted to get him together with Carmel. I am also very interested in the fact that it does not seam Violet can do magic since he was not a unicorn to begin with. So I am very interested in what direction you take that plot point in and how Twilight and Rarity will react to that situation.

As always keep up the great work and I can not wait to read the next chapter.

I will take that plot...

"Cleck, cleck, cleck, cleck, cleck, cleck, cleck... TING!"

IT really took that many clecks?

Wow how bad is he going to down himself? That whole analysis of himself as a baby dragon was bs lol. Does spike really not know his own strengths and how he's grown? Oh wait he became a unicorn never mind he doesn't.

Give him time...


Or give me 5 minutes with him!

Lulz to Twilight trying to play matchmaker with Caramel and poor Violet cant use magic. As for the couple, I have no freaking idea except that one of them is a changeling.

Spike was being selfish and the made his close friends to be worried sick. I think deserves more punishment than "Oh man, I can't use magic! What will the girls, whom I've abandoned and now lying to them, think of me?".
:ajbemused:No. It's your story but Spike must pay some consequences.

That SOCCER Reference.
My Favorite Story Now.

The beating is yet to come :trollestia:

The biggest problem for me in this fanfic is Spike's apparent inability to adapt. At least twice in every chapter, he cringes in expectation of a pony's criticism, only to be surprised by a much more reasonable reaction. And when that particular thought process isn't taking place, he is continuously being caught off guard by something a pony says and does, and reacts completely shocked by it.

This is the same problem Shadow Raikou seemed to have with Trixie in "Trixie's Gettin' Back On Her Hooves" with Trixie having the exact same reaction of surprise, followed by gratitude, every single time someone helped her or shared something with her.

Both that story and this one are good, but Trixie's inability to adapt got on my nerves, and giving Spike the same melodramatic reaction every single time is doing the same. It's also giving me the impression that he doesn't even know these ponies. Let him adapt and see the reasoning behind their thought processes. He's always been more wry and mellowed-out than this.

Oh come on! Now that he's a unicorn he can use less magic than as a dragon? Huh?

Twilight, you whore. Did you poor Spike to have a scale boner for you? I think that only one little more and we would have a clopping over here.


Well, maybe he just can't levitate something. Maybe he can still burn stuff...

Go on Violet, turn to the next lesson.

And, worse comes to worse, he can tell Twilight he just lied because he's embarrassed about not being able to use magic

I love it, a unicorn that can't use magic. It's gonna be a good laugh if/when Twi finds out. I hope that you can channel those new massive word outputs into this story I'd love to see more of it. Thanks for the update! :twilightsmile:

So... 'Violet' works for Rarity and lives with Twilight... JUST like what Spike had before (though 'Violet' is actually paid with money as opposed to Spike's voluntary assistance).

When's the next chapter!?

I wish they had continued this story! I want to know if Violet Fire wins over Rarity

OH NO I READ THE COMMENTS!!!!:raritydespair:

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