• Published 18th May 2012
  • 4,860 Views, 200 Comments

Violet Fire - Nagagon

Spike hits a deadend on his love for Rarity. And who might this strange scarred unicorn be?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Names and First Impressions

Numbing. Excruciating. Hellish. Devastating. Agonizing.

Spike had spent the last half hour (he had counted) trying to find a way to describe the level of pain he felt at the moment, which was no easy task, considering his latest endeavours had turned his brain into a mush, slowing his processing capabilities. After searching every corner of his mind for every adjective he knew, the result of his efforts proved that one simple word could not describe what he was feeling. The pain was far too great to be explained so simply. His whole body ached and his muscles burned as if he had pulled all of them at once. And they all felt weird and misplaced, like they weren’t in their proper place or as if they belonged to somepony else. His body was sore and felt like it was made of lead. Overall, not the best way to wake up in the morning.

Looking at the bright side..., thought Spike. It’s not as bad as the pain I felt last night.

Spike felt his empty stomach grumbling. I know I can’t stay here pretending to be asleep forever and that I’ll have to get up some time. The question is: can I get up?

A sweet and delicious smell invaded Spike’s nostrils, causing his ears to stand in attention. The fragrance was familiar, but foreign to him. Curious (and famished), he decided to open his eyes slightly. The morning sun flooded his pupils, burning his retinas with the sudden brightness. He raised his forelimb to block out the blinding light.

“At last, he awakens,” said a husky voice not too far from him. Argent’s voice was unusually cheerful and playful that morning. “How did you find your beauty sleep, young Spike? Reinvigorating, I presume?”

“I feel like I was used as target dummy for the royal guards’ combat training,” Spike replied in a hoarse voice. He grunted. “Why does it hurt so much? And last night too, it was terrible! Like I was being pulled apart or something...”

“Might as well,” Argent walked up to Spike, blocking the sunlight with his massive body. Spike noticed the dirty bandages the unicorn had been wearing until the day before had been replaced by fresh ones. “Yesterday’s procedure required that I pull your muscles, crush and reshape your bones, stretch your tendons, rearrange your internal organs. In other words, I molded your entire self from the lump of flesh and scales you were. It is actually more of a wonder you awoke so fast. I was expecting you to be asleep for countless more hours,” he said, staring at Spike with his grey eyes.

Spike narrowed his eyes at the dark blue unicorn. “You never told me it was going to hurt,” he said in an accusing tone.

“You never asked,” replied Argent, a mocking smile on his face.

“I’ll keep that in mind next time I ask a stranger to magically change my body...” Spike sarcastically said, rolling his eyes.

“Indeed you should. Would you care for some breakfast?” asked Argent, pointing a hoof to a wooden bowl of steaming food and a metal spoon. “However, I am afraid I am running on a very strict schedule. If you would kindly eat quickly, I would appreciate it,” said the unicorn, walking away to a rucksack on the ground.

“Thank Celestia, I’m starving!” Spike exclaimed, rolling on the floor and standing on his legs. “I’ll get right on--aaaaah!!!” suddenly, he started wobbling and lost his balance, falling head first on the ground, which resulted in his first bite of the morning to be a mouthful of dirt. Spitting the disgusting earth from his mouth, his eyes widened at the realization. “Ar-Argent... What did you do to me?!”

The scarred stallion curiously raised his eyebrow. “Whatever do you mean?”

“I CAN’T WALK!!!” yelled Spike desperately.

“Well, of course. In your current state, it is advised that you have all four hooves on the ground to walk. Using only your hind legs is a technique far too advanced for beginners like yourself,” mocked Argent.

“My... hooves?” Spike wondered, raising his hand to scratch his back. However, instead of the usual sharp, cold claws he felt a blunt object touching his skull. Surprised, he brought his hands to his eyes to examine what was happening.

His hands weren’t there. Instead, a pair of violet-colored hooves had taken their place.

Bewildered, he raised his now-transformed hooves to his face and started frantically touching it. His old round head had been elongated and his nose was gone, with a long, slightly square muzzle in its place. Now that he looked properly, he could actually see the snout beneath his eyes. Instead of his usual hard, sharp scales, Spike found that a violet coat had taken their place. The fur was soft and tickled at the touch. It was well-trimmed, like he had just recently cut it. But his violet scales weren’t the only changes. Spike noticed some green strands of mane poking out from the upper part of his eyes. He grabbed them and stroke down on it. A long, spiked and rather messy mane flowed down his neck. It had a medium length and was green as emeralds. He found that his ears were rotating on the spot due to his confusion, something his former anatomy could not perform. As he felt around his mane, his hoof touched long and pointy object on his forehead. Spike touched it and confirmed his suspicions: it was a horn. A unicorn’s horn. On his forehead.

The violet unicorn rose to his hooves with difficulty, but after a few wobbles, he balanced himself. He stood on his four limbs, the grass crushed beneath his hooves and his eyes widened in shock. Spike raised his head and looked at Argent who simply stood there, staring at him.

“I’m a... I’m a...” mumbled the stallion-Spike.

“Yes, you are,” said the Argent, a smile on his face.

The young stallion that was Spike stood still, processing the words. It took a few moments before the truth settled in. He was a unicorn now. A real pony unicorn. Not a fire-breathing baby dragon with scales and claws, but a full-fledged violet unicorn with a mane and hooves. It had worked.

“YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” cheered Spike, bouncing around the place in a state of overflowing joy. “I’M A UNICORN! I’M A UNICORN!”

“As I have stated before, yes you are,” Argent calmly said.

“Just look at me! I’m a unicorn pony! Hooves, mane, horn and all!” he started wagging his tail around. “Look, look! I even have a tail! It’s green! Like my mane! I have a green mane! This is AWESOME!” He said, screaming to the skies in pure happiness. Spike started trotting around the place, his hooves producing wet sounds as they hammered the moist earth. He was running way faster than his old short legs could ever have hoped to. So fast that his legs tumbled upon themselves, sending the transformed Spike flying through the air and falling down to the ground, causing a loud thud. He grunted in pain, but didn’t cease smiling.

“I see you that you are pleased with the results of my work,” commented Argent, walking closer to the fallen unicorn.

“Pleased? Argent, you’re a freaking miracle worker! I’m a unicorn! I’m a stallion!” exclaimed Spike, throwing his hooves in the air.

“Marvelous. Now, if you could kindly have your meal, we should discuss a few details whilst you feed,” said the big stallion, the bowl full of food from before levitating beside him, shrouded in a dark blue aura.

“Got it,” said Spike in a husky voice. He sat on his haunches and grabbed the wooden bowl with his hoof. The unicorn struggled to keep the item from falling and struggled even more to hold the spoon with his other hoof. After a few failed attempts, he shrugged and poured the contents of the dish down his throat. It was a lukewarm, sweet stew with chunks of apples in them. Spike felt his teeth crushing the food and was amazed to discover that his usual sharp fangs were replaced by flattened molars, apart from two canines. Guess I’m all pony now, huh? he thought. Spike cleared his throat before speaking again.

“Hey Argent...” he said in a husky voice. Surprised at his tone, he cleared it again and resumed. “So, now...” Spike continued, but his voice did not change. Clearing it once more, he tried another time. “You have-- Alright, this is getting annoying!

“I beg your pardon?” asked Argent, raising his eyebrow.

“My voice sounds weird. Was it supposed to be like this?” wondered the violet unicorn, clearing his throat for a third time.

“Oh yes, your voice. My apologies, I forgot to mention it,” he answered with a bow. “You see, it came over me yesterday that we had completely overlooked a humongous flaw in our plan.”

“What flaw?” asked Spike as he raised the bowl to his mouth once more.

“You see, we were so focused on the changing you into a unicorn that we forgot about one detail: your age,” answered the scarred pony, walking to a bucket on the ground.

“Sorry, you lost me there.” said Spike, scratching the back of his head with his hoof. The bowl on his other hoof was surrounded by a magical blue aura and levitated towards Argent, who placed it inside the bucket causing a splash. As he washed the bowl, the stallion continued.

“Well, you were raised by miss Sparkle. Assuming miss Rarity is just as old as your foster sister, that would make you eight to nine years younger than her,” he explained. After he finished washing the bowl, Argent magically opened his rucksack and levitated a white cotton cloth towards him. He kept on explaining as he dried the bowl. “The transformation spell I used on you yesterday would, under normal circumstances, turn you into a pony of the same age as you are. In other words, you would become a colt. A pre-adolescent colt, yes, but a colt nonetheless and not a stallion, which should be more to miss Rarity’s taste, I presume. On that thought, I took the liberty of altering the spell ever so slightly and aged you,” Argent placed the bowl inside his bag and turned to Spike, a cunning smile on his face. “Your current pony body is that of a unicorn stallion two years older than miss Rarity.”

“Well, I guess that explains why voice sounds so... stallionly. But why did you make me older than Rarity?”

“Well...” Argent strapped the leather belt of his rucksack around his shoulders and placed his saddlebags on his back, over the white bandage. He let out a small grunt, but continued talking. “The mares do tend to fancy the older stallions, after all,” He gave Spike a sly smile, moving his eyebrows up and down. “Consider it a boost to your chances with miss Rarity.”

Spike blushed slightly at the comment. Somehow, he felt that Argent wasn’t talking about dates.

“However, I could not help but notice something peculiar about your transformation, young Spike,” said the scarred stallion, walking around Spike. He pointed a dark blue hoof to his violet flank. “Would you care to explain this to me? I must say I have absolutely no idea about its meaning.”

Spike turned his head and looked at the place Argent was talking about. He widened his eyes at the unexpected sight. On both sides of his flank was the picture of a bright red Fire Ruby in the shape of a heart, surrounded by emerald flames. The red and green colours contrasted with his violet coat and, to his surprise, were engraved to it. The pictures were not drawn or glued to his hide, but rather were part of it. He tried to think of a possible explanation to the image, but every evidence pointed to the answer.

That’s a cutie mark, no doubt about it, Spike thought to himself. But... how?

Spike gave Argent a questioning look. “Did you make this?” he asked, pointed his hoof to the heart-shaped Fire Ruby.

“I did not, that is precisely why I am asking you for its meaning. I suppose it should have something gem related, but having a Fire Ruby is quite peculiar...” answered Argent, rubbing his chin with his hoof.

“That’s not the problem, Argent! What I want to know is how did I get a cutie mark? I mean, only ponies are supposed to have one and that’s only when they find their special talent. How can I have one after being a pony for fifteen minutes?”

“Do not be daft, young Spike,” said Prose with a wave of his hoof. “Every sentient creature in Equestria has a special talent or two, that is not exclusive to ponies. It just so happens that we are the only ones who develop a mark to prove it.”


“Yes, now, care to explain to me the meaning behind your mysterious Fire Ruby cutie mark?”

Spike gave his cutie mark a second look. The Fire Ruby was exactly the same as the one from his birthday. The one he had given Rarity, the one she wore as a necklace and... the one that had stopped his rampage around town. He shook away the memory and resumed his studying of the mark. The fire was of the same emerald color as his fire breath from his time as a dragon, but apart from those remarks, he couldn’t make out what did his cutie mark mean. Was it something to do with gems because of his former draconic nature? But why would it be the Fire Ruby from that day specifically? Spike noticed Argent’s eyes gazing at him, expecting an answer.

“Sorry, I got nothing on it,” answered the young unicorn, shrugging.

“I see... very well then, we shall leave the analysis of your special trait for another time. For now, I need to depart immediately,” said Argent as he turned and started walking away. Spike rose to his hooves and trotted until he was beside the big unicorn. As he slowed to a normal pace, the violet unicorn noted for the first time that he was bigger now, since he could look at Argent’s shoulder without having to lift his head. He still felt small beside the dark cerulean pony’s massive body, but at least he wasn’t a dwarf anymore. Even walking was faster now. Argent pulled the leather straps of his rucksack to tighten the knot and that’s when Spike caught up.

“Wait, where are we going?”

“To the train station. I have a ticket that is about to be rendered useless in one hour, lest I board.”

“Hang on a sec, you’re leaving?!” exclaimed Spike as he halted. Argent stopped as well and turned his head to look at the gasping unicorn. After a few moments, the scarred stallion laughed and shook his head.

“Oh no, my apologies. I did not make myself clear. I am not departing permanently. I merely have business to attend to up north. I do not know when I shall return, but you do not have to worry yourself, for return I shall. I still have... pending issues in Ponyville,” he said, smiling cunningly. Spike had already lost count of how many times Argent had caused shivers to run down his spine. Noticing that the stallion had resumed his walk, the violet unicorn ran to his side once more.

“But what am I supposed to do while you’re gone?”

“Why not return to Ponyville and seek out miss Rarity yourself?”

“Se-se-seek out? You mean, find her?” stuttered Spike, his cheeks turning a bright magenta due to his blushing.

“Not simply ‘find her’. ‘Engage in conversation and attempt to become her acquaintance’ is what I had in mind.”

“Bu-but how? I mean, I never had the guts to do it before and I’m not sure what I’d say and--”

“I shall interrupt you right there, to avoid any further extension of this conversation,” said Argent as he gave the other unicorn a cold, piercing glare. Spike closed his mouth and stayed quiet. “Now, I have executed my end of the bargain. I have, rather successfully, transmuted you into a unicorn. You have a different body, voice and identity, just as I had promised. Now it is your turn. You are going to walk into town, track miss Rarity down and engage in a lovely tète-à-tète with her, do I make myself clear?” He asked, emphasizing the last word with an accusatory glare toward Spike. Cowed, the violet unicorn simply gulped and nodded, incapable of doing anything else.

The sound of a train’s whistle rang through the air as the two stallions approached the station near the entrance of the town.

“This is where we part ways. For the time being, that is,” Argent said.

“Yeah...” Spike replied. He lowered his head and started lightly kicking up the dust from the ground. “Um, Argent?” He asked.


“Thank you. For everything.”

“That is what I am here for, my good friend,” the grey-eyed unicorn replied.

“Come on, you say it like you had to cast that spell on me!”

Argent remained quiet to that remark. He simply raised his head and walked towards the platform. Suddenly, he stopped midway and turned around to look at Spike.

“Oh yes, there is another thing we must to discuss before I depart.”

“What is it?”

“How should I address you from this moment forward? We can’t very well have me referring to you by your former name now, can we?”

“Oh, right,” Spike looked down in thought. He suddenly lifted his head, excited with his idea. “What about Purple Ruby?!”

“Rubies are red.”

“Oh yeah, forgot that. How about Purple Dragon?”

“Last time I checked, you were a unicorn.”

“Aw, nuts! Oh, what about Jewel?”

“Are you a stallion or a mare?”

“Right. How about ‘The Poniator’? Pretty cool, right?”

“By saying I shall not comment on that idea, I hope to make my point clear.”

“The Unibat?”


“Great and Powerful Super Draconic Unicorn?”

“Just... no.”

“Goddess, you’re picky! Let’s see...” Spike started walking in back and forth, deep in thought. Argent stood on his spot, following the pacing of the violet unicorn with his eyes.

His name needed to sound cool. Something easy to pronounce and remember. Also, somehow everypony seemed to have a name that matched their physical description, special talents and cutie marks. Spike looked at himself once more. If he had one word to describe him, it would be violet. Sure, his green mane and tail contrasted with the rest of the body, but he was mostly colored in that tone of light purple. What about his talents? He wasn’t even sure if he had any and if he did it was probably hidden away in some deep, dark part of his brain. Lastly, Spike looked at his cutie mark. The Fire Ruby adorning his flank brought back the unwanted memories of his past form, from the day his greed had led him into nearly destroying the whole town and everypony he loved in it.

His past form. He used to be a dragon not too long ago. Even if he was a unicorn now, he could never deny that part of him. It was engraved in his memories, days of being Spike the baby dragon. It felt only right that he should relate to that in some way. But how?

Suddenly, the violet unicorn felt his stomach grumbling and something going up his throat.

“Buuuuuurp!” he belched, but unlike before, no parchment magically appeared in front of him. Nor did emerald flames came flowing out of his mouth. He blinked when something finally came over him. Of course, it was so simple. That was perfect. Spike turned around, a wide smile on his face. With his head held up high, he walked over to where Argent stood and gave him a confident look, while the other stallion remained unfazed by the younger unicorn’s sudden approach.

“Call me... Violet Fire.”

Slowly, a smile creeped up on the dark cerulean pony’s face and he bowed slightly. “A fitting name. Well chosen, mister Fire.”

A second whistle sounded from the train and bells rang from the platform, accompanied by the voice of one of the station’s employees. “ALL THE PASSENGERS OF TRAIN TO THE OUTSKIRTS OF STALLIONGRAD! DEPARTURE IN TEN MINUTES!”

“It appears we have run out of time,” Argent said, turning around and walking towards the platform a second time. “I bid you farewell, mister Fire, and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours.”

“Thanks! To you too!” replied Violet Fire, waving his hoof.

“Oh, and mister Fire?”


“Do be careful with how you present yourself. First impressions have quite the power over mares. It is vital that you do not make a fool of yourself or say anything insensitive, or it could turn all our hard work into naught.”

“Don’t worry Argent! Violet Fire is on the case!” saying that, the young stallion turned around and looked at the entrance to Ponyville. He felt great. He was confident, happy and completely sure he could make things work out this time. He wouldn’t mess it up. He couldn’t mess it up. There’s no way he could mess it up.

Right? thought Violet Fire as he placed his hoof forward.

Ponyville was a town filled with humble and rustic houses, raised with wood and concrete, some with wooden roofs, others with straw ones. The rural air gave it the pleasant and calm feeling that caused so many ponies to move in after just one quick visit and the constant chatter and liveliness of the town’s residents made everypony love the place. So it was to Violet Fire’s immense surprise to see the usual clean and proper village filled from top to bottom with posters and pamphlets as the citizens ran all over the place, saddlebags in tow, slamming the pieces of paper everywhere that was still bare.

“What the... what’s going on?” asked Violet Fire as he walked down the dirt path, looking at the ponies scrambling around, a multitude of colorful blurs darting in every direction before his very eyes. A very fast and worried Cheerilee rushed by him, nearly knocking the violet unicorn to the ground.

“SORRY!” yelled the mare over her shoulder without stopping.

Has everypony gone bonkers?! wondered Violet Fire. He hadn’t been gone for long, but the town seemed to have become completely mad overnight. Fire remembered the day when he and Twilight had arrived a year ago her comment that all the ponies were crazy. Maybe her words at the time were a prediction?

The mayor is gonna throw a fit when she sees the town like this, thought the stallion. He noticed a beige blot dashing by from the corner of his eye and looked towards it. Violet Fire’s eyes widened when he saw Ponyville’s mayor running and stamping the posters onto a particularly large house nearby.

“Okay... this is officially weird!” he said, walking away. The unicorn saw a grey pegasus with a mailmare’s hat glueing the poster upside down on a tree. “I’m gonna find somepony who can explain to me--Oof!” Suddenly, he was hit by a something large and white. Albeit soft, the object was going at a speed high enough to send both the violet stallion and the unidentified mass to the ground.

Ouch, what was that?! Wincing in pain, Violet Fire rubbed his muzzle and rose to his hooves. He rotated on the spot to look at whatever it was that had knocked him down. His jaw dropped at the sight. In front of him, rubbing her nose, with weeping eyes, was a white unicorn with a dazzling purple mane. Before his very eyes was the one he had been longing for. It was...

“Rarity!” exclaimed Violet Fire. I got the best luck ever! Finding her so quickly like that, this must be my day! mentally celebrated the stallion. The fashionista looked up at the stranger and lifted a delicate eyebrow at him.

“Excuse me sir, but do we know each other?” she asked him.

Violet Fire eyes widened in horror. In his bliss of finding the mare he had been looking for, he had forgotten about his disguise and made a huge faux pas. Quick, thinkthinkthinkTHINK! thought the stallion in panic as he looked around and cold sweat ran through his brow. An idea came to mind. It’s a long shot, but here goes!

“Um... your designs! Who hasn’t heard of Ponyville’s Rarity’s dress designs? Hahahaha!” Violet Fire said, lying through his teeth and giving his best fake smile. It wasn’t very effective.

“Reeeeeally?” asked Rarity in a doubtful tone.

“Ye-yeah! You’re all the rage in Canterlot!” Facts, work with facts! “Made clothes for Hoity Toity, designed the dresses for the Elements of Harmony for the Grand Galloping Gala last year and Princess Cadance’s wedding gown!” He continued, smiling as much as possible. Did that do it? he hoped. To his immense relief, Rarity’s eyes sparkled at the honorable mentions and she smiled back at him. His heart melted like butter and his tense muscles relaxed.

“Why, thank you most kindly, good sir,” she said, extending a hoof towards the violet stallion. Fire looked at the ivory hoof and back at its owner before realizing what she was doing. He grabbed the limb and helped the mare to her hooves, her saddlebags rustling as she rose. He felt a small pain in his gut for lying to her, but the happiness of being able to hold her hoof banished all bad feelings away.

“I do apologize for bumping into you like that. I was in a hurry.”

“Yeah, so is everypony else. What’s up with them?” asked Violet Fire as he pointed a hoof to a particularly cheerful trio of fillies climbing on each other’s back. They placed a poster on a rather high area that had miraculously survived the onslaught of pamphlet posting.

Before Rarity could respond, a hoarse, powerful voice sounded out from a group of pegasi that hovered above town a few meters away. Its owner, a cyan pegasus with a multi-colored mane, was pacing back and forth in front of the battalion, wearing a green soldier helmet.

“ALRIGHT EVERYPONY, FINAL ORDERS!” She yelled with a great passion and a very loud tone. The mare pointed her hooves at couple at the front of the crowd as she spoke. “Thunderlane, Blossom Forth, you’ve got G sector. NO HORSING AROUND, YOU TWO! I MEAN IT!” Roared the pegasus, glaring at the couple. The grey stallion gave her a yellow smile and laughed awkwardly while his marefriend whistled and avoided eye contact. The polychromed captain continued on. “Flitter, Cloudchaser, you’re in charge of sectors A and B.”

“Who takes care of which?” asked the lilac pegasus with the spiked mane.

“I don’t know, just check those sections, okay?!” She said, placing her hoof on her face in frustration. She turned to the grey mailmare Violet Fire saw earlier. “Derpy!” The cross-eyed mare smiled, eagerly awaiting her assignment. The cyan pegasus started scratching the back of her head, unsure of what to say. “Um...why don’t you... I mean you could... oh, I know! We need muffins! Can you get us muffins from that weird-talking pal of yours?”

“Sure thing, Rainbow Dash! I’ll get right to it!” She said, saluting to the cyan mare and flying away. As she turned the corner, they heard a loud crashing noise, followed by cats screaming in anger and some glass shattering. “Oops... my bad!” shouted the clumsy mare from a distance. Rainbow Dash winced a bit before turning back to the crowd.

“Alright, lastly... ROID RAGE!!!” She yelled. A bulky white pegasus with tiny wings and humongous muscles lifted a hoof.

“YEAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” he howled.

“You got sectors C, D and E. Think you can handle it?”

“YEAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” was his answer.

“That’s the spirit!” Said Rainbow Dash, pointing a hoof towards him and winking with a huge grin on her face. She turned to the rest of the group and flew higher than them. “Everypony knows their assignment! NOW SCRAMBLE, PRONTO!” At her last order, the flock of pegasi flew off in every direction.

“Rainboooooow! Over here, darling!” shouted Rarity, waving a hoof to get the pegasus’ attention. As the cyan mare noticed her friend’s call, she dashed towards her and Violet Fire, who stood there, dumbfounded at the spectacle he had just witnessed.

“‘Sup Rarity,” the polychromed noticed the stallion at the white unicorn’s side. “How’s it hanging, stranger?”

“It’s cool, Dash...” Violet Fire began, but suddenly noticed his imminent slip of tongue once more. “...ing mare?” He said in a clumsy attempt to hide the fact he already knew the tomboy pegasus.

“HEY!” said Rainbow Dash in an angry voice as she narrowed her eyes. Suddenly, she widened them and gave Rarity a glance. “Wait, dashing means ‘awesome’, right?”

“In a way, yes,” answered the white unicorn.

“Then yes, I am!” Exclaimed the pegasus, puffing her chest and placing her hooves on her hips in a proud stance.

“Anyway, how are things on your end, Rainbow Dash? Any news?” Asked Rarity in a pleading tone. Violet Fire couldn’t help but notice her misty eyes full of hope as she waited for her friend’s answer. The pegasus merely sighed and shook her head negatively.

“So far nothing...” she said solemnly, but soon raised her head with a confident expression. “But we got eyes in every inch of the sky. If he’s still around, we’ll know. As for me, I’m off to Cloudsdale.”

“Cloudsdale?” Inquired Rarity. “How in Equestria would he be able to get there?”

“He wouldn’t,” answered Rainbow Dash. “But Cloudsdale’s a city filled with pegasi from all over Equestria. There’s bound to be somepony who saw or heard something, anything that we can use.”

“I see... great plan Rainbow.”

“Thanks,” she said, grinning with pride. Her green military helmet slid over her eyes and she pushed it back. “And how about your friend here? Have you asked him?”

“Oh my, I completely forgot. I was going to, but we got distracted by your little performance,” said the white unicorn.

“Ask me what?” wondered Violet Fire, tilting his head slightly.

“We’re looking for a friend of ours,” said Rarity.

“Yeah, he disappeared and we have no idea of where he is or why he even left!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, throwing her hooves in the air. “Can you lend us a hoof?”

Violet Fire rejoiced inside. This is my chance! If I help them find this friend of theirs, I’ll be able to spend time with Rarity and maybe get on her good side! “Sure, I’ll help,” he answered. “Do you have a picture of this friend or something?”

“We do,” said the blue eyed unicorn. She unstrapped her saddlebag and magically opened one of the poster Violet Fire had seen around town. “We’ve been placing this all over Ponyville since yesterday. It has his picture.”

Violet Fire fell to his haunches, his jaw dropping and eyes widening in shock at the sight before him. On the piece of paper his eyes met two similar emerald eyes. His own eyes. His dragon eyes. The poster had a picture of him as Spike, the baby dragon, waving his hand at the camera. He stood in the library’s first floor, surrounded by paper wrapping and covered in colorful confetti. Violet Fire remembered that day. It was his birthday party. Above the picture, in bold, capital letters was the word ‘LOST’ printed in black ink on the paper. Violet Fire read the message right below the dragon:

Have you seen this baby dragon? He goes by the name ‘Spike’ and has gone missing. Possibly a runaway. Any information should be directed to Ponyville’s Library located at the treehouse. His family and friends miss him very much. Twilight misses him very much. Please, come home.

Violet Fire read the message as many times as he could. He held the poster just a few inches from his nose, his eyes so wide it felt like they would pop out at any moment. He blinked multiple times, hoping that it was all a dream and that he would wake up soon. To his discontent, he remained awake.

Had he dealt such a blow to Twilight? He thought his letter had made it clear he had no choice. And Twilight was a reasonable, practical mare. But then, what was this? ‘Lost’? ‘Gone missing’? It was clear she was being everything but reasonable and practical. This was unlike her. Did he really mean that much to her? Violet Fire’s chest tightened and he fought back the urge to cry. What had he done? In his pursuit of happiness he had hurt one of the most important ponies in his life. The one responsible for his life, for his upbringing. His sister and best friend. And he had just abandoned her.

You didn’t learn anything at all. In the end, you still hurt somepony important to you. Spike... you’re a monster, thought the stallion. He felt a strong urge to run away at that moment, to hide and cry until his eyes dried out. But he couldn’t return now, not after putting everypony through so much sorrow and grief. His sacrifice needed to mean something. He would go to the end of it.

“Sir, are you alright?” asked a sweet, delicate voice.

Violet Fire quickly lifted his head, startled by the sudden question. The two mares were looking at him, their faces curious and worried at the same time. How long had he been looking at the poster? He noticed he was crumbling the pamphlet in his shaking hooves and that he was drenched in sweat. Oh no, they’re onto me! Quick, poker face! Come on, Spi--Violet, you can do it!

“I-I-I’m fine! Really!” exclaimed the stallion, grinning from ear to ear in an attempt to dodge their worry. “Sorry, but I’ve never seen this guy before. No ma’am, I haven’t. Not me, no. Never before in my entire, normal pony life. Looks a lot like somepony I saw some years ago, but that’s all. Definitely not somepony I saw recently, because I haven’t seen anypony new recently, really. I’m quite a lonely guy. Yep, that’s me.” Did they buy it? Please tell me they did!

“Okaaaay, if you say so,” said Rainbow Dash. The pegasus turned to Rarity. “I’m off then. I should be able to fly to Cloudsdale and back by tonight. Meet you at Twilight’s?”

“Yes, of course, dear. I shall continue asking around. Too bad Pinkie isn’t here to lend us a hoof, though,” commented the white unicorn.

“Yeah, Pinks is great at finding somepony that doesn’t want to be found,” said the cyan mare, shivering at some creepy far-off memory. “Helluva time for her to go visit her parents,” she said, crossing her forehooves and narrowing her eyes in frustration.

“This is Pinkie we’re talking about, sweetie. I’m sure there’s an explanation,” said the unicorn, trying to convince her heated friend.

“Yeah, it probably involves parties and extreme amounts of sugar. Anyway, gotta go. Later Rarity, strange guy!” And with that the rainbow mare dashed through the air, turning into a tiny dot in the distance in a matter of seconds.

Rarity and Violet Fire stood in front of each other in silence. Unsure of what to do, Fire kept observing the surroundings. He watched as the mare that Rainbow called Derpy trotted back, drifting around the corner of the street, followed closely behind by a chestnut-colored stallion. The two carried beige saddlebags strapped to their backs, as well as huge rucksacks. As they dashed past him and Rarity with incredible speed, Violet Fire and the chestnut stallion exchanged looks. The stranger’s eyes widened for a moment with sudden realization and his mouth turned into a wide grin. Violet Fire shot his head back in surprise at the unexpected smile. Who the hay is he? he wondered.

“I’m terribly sorry, but I don’t recall asking your name, mister...?” Rarity began. Violet Fire snapped of his thoughts at her sudden words.

“Oh, I’m called Fire. Violet Fire,” he answered, bearing a huge grin on his face. Saying those words brought him unexplainable joy, as if they were the first steps towards his new life.

“Well, mister Fire, thank you so much for your help.”

“No problem. I’m sorry I couldn’t be... of much help,” said the stallion, looking away in shame. This is going to be harder than I imagined.

“Why, it’s no problem at all,” she answered with a smile. Violet Fire blushed slightly at the mare’s beauty, but felt something was off. Her usual perfectly applied eyeshadow was blurred and he noticed small bags under her eyes. Suddenly he noticed that her pupils were faintly red. Has she been... crying? thought the unicorn. Guilt struck his heart like a piercing arrow.

“You look worried...” said Violet Fire.

Rarity shot her head back in shock at his remark, but didn’t deny it. She simply turned her head away.

“It’s just... Spike is a very good friend of ours. He might be a dragon, but he is the sweetest, most caring and gentle dragon I’ve had the pleasure to meet,” said the mare. Violet Fire gave a quick embarrassed smile at his beloved’s words. “But he is so weak, helpless and chubby.”

Hey! I’m not chubby! Violet Fire protested mentally. He lowered his head and gave his stomach a quick check. I think...

“That’s why I weep for him,” she said, walking over to one of the posters on a nearby wall. She gently placed a hoof over Spike’s picture. “What if he came across a manticore on his way? Or some awful, evil dragon? Or what if some strange stallion tries to take advantage of him! Oh, my sweet Spiky-wikey!” lamented Rarity, her tears beginning to welling up. She blinked a few times to shake away the sadness and lowered her head, a tear running down her cheek.

Violet Fire felt that whatever little of his sanity and self-control was left was dangerously crumbling to bits. Rarity cares that much about me? Everypony does? What... what have I done? he thought, fighting back the lump on the back of his throat. Fire remembered Argent’s words from the day before.

Many have found themselves in a position akin to yours and I can assure you: rash decisions led them to terrible outcomes.

He tried to ignore the thoughts, but it was futile; they were overwhelming. He had caused panic and sorrow to his dearest friends for what? A fool’s hope. Perhaps if he talked with them, explained why he had done it...

No, you can’t, thought the stallion. Remember: you’re starting from scratch here. Coming clean won’t help. It’d probably just make things worse. He looked at the grieving mare, who had remained still and silent for awhile now. And here’s where you start. Spike can’t come back, but Violet Fire can fix his mistakes!

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you cared for him so much,” he said, walking closer to Rarity.

“We’re just so worried... and I don’t know what to do,” she said, sobbing slightly.

“I think... it’d be better if you try to calm down. You know, clear your head, think of something else,” suggested the stallion as he attempted to give her a comforting smile. It worked, to some degree.

“Perhaps so...”

“Yeah, so...,” he said scratching the back of his head. Come on, Spi--Fire! You can do it! “Um, I know I just met you, and this is gonna sound a little crazy, but... would you like to have some tea? Maybe?”

Rarity snapped her head towards the stallion, looking deeply into his eyes. Fire felt a little embarrassed at the mare’s intense glare and only smiled, hopeful. I think I did it!

“Are you... asking me out?”

“Um... yes?” he asked.

Suddenly, Rarity’s sapphire eyes narrowed menacingly, her glare filled with intense hatred as she formed the words in her lips.

“How DARE you?!” she yelled, gritting her teeth in anger.

“Huh?!” exclaimed the stallion, eyes widening in surprise at the mare’s sudden outburst.

“Here I am, grieving for my lost friend, pouring my feelings out and you have the GALL to take advantage of me?!” shouted the enraged unicorn, stomping her hoof on the ground loudly. Their argument had already began drawing the attention of passersby.

“But I... I mean, it wasn’t... I was just...” stuttered Fire, cold sweat running through his brow.

Rarity did not stop her assault of accusations. The mare glared at the violet unicorn with disgust and anger as she marched towards him, hammering her hooves with each step. Fire backpedaled in fear of the angered pony.

“You, sir, are the most horrible, uncouth, disgusting stallion I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet!” As she reached the end of her sentence, Violet Fire found himself pressed against a wall, her face as close as possible to his. Her eyes shot daggers at him, burning with a rage beyond anything he had seen. He had never seen her so... offended.

“I don’t want to see your outrageous face ever again, so do not bother to even say ‘hello’ to me in this, or any lifetime!” Rarity shouted, before violently slapping his cheek, knocking the stallion to the ground. Surprised, Violet Fire raised a hoof to his face and felt it sting with pain.

“GOOD. DAY!” yelled the mare, turning and walking away with her head held up high. The circle of curious ponies that had gathered around them gave passage to the puffing white menace and turned their puzzled eyes to the target of her hatred.

The violet unicorn laid on the ground, rubbing his aching cheek. He was perplexed at what had just happened. Had he done something wrong? He had only wanted to cheer her up. Maybe he said it wrong? Or maybe... maybe she really hated him. But why would she? They had just met. No matter how much he tried to understand the situation, only one answer came to mind.

“Mares are crazy,” he concluded to himself.


Howdy, mates! First off, thank you for reading the chapter all the way to the end. This time around my awesome team of editors was greatly reduced, since most of them were too busy to work my humble fiction. Even so, I still would like to thank Frederick the Saiyan for his assistance, both in editing and proofreading. You were the lone soldier this time, mate! Give yourself a cookie, you deserve it.

I’m really sorry the chapter was delayed. I had a small slump at the beginning of Violet Fire’s scene in Ponyville. I just had no idea what to write down. It took me a while, but I found a solution. It was a pretty good one too, at least I think so.

Not much happening this chapter. It’s very light emotion wise. So, to even it out I decided to add more ponies to Ponyville. It felt like it was rather empty, without our usual cast of background characters. So, I increased it a bit. Writing Derpy was a true delight and I had to add Roid Rage. I love his style and I see he doesn’t get a lot of attention. So, two-in-one.

Lastly, Violet Fire’s cutie mark! Any thoughts on its meaning? What do you think it is? Write down in the comments section your thoughts and theories. I’ll use the same trollestia/moustache Spike system from last time’s game. And once again, I emphasize the fact that I read all your comments. Because I love you all.

Edit: TheWattsMan is back and better than ever! Mates, you have no idea how much good this guy does to Violet Fire. Seriously, it’s like his special talent is find my grammar mistakes or something. A round of applause to this wonderful person, if you’d be so kind!