• Published 14th Jun 2015
  • 3,034 Views, 30 Comments

Broken Armor - TheUnknownPerson

Shining Armor has been injured in a recent attack by Queen Chrysalis and her changelings. Due to this attack, he is unable to make the simplest of spells. He now feels that he is... inadequate and undeserving of Princess Cadance.

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The cold... my hooves are numbing, coat's standing up on the back of my neck... no pony is in here except for me... why? Why did they have to take them away?

I've been sitting in the corner of the cell for so long. A day? No-- doesn't matter. Just stay quiet and hope they don't come back and take me back to that... th-that horrid room.

C'mon, wimp. Get off your lazy flank and go get them back if you're so scared.

I-I can't. I'm too scared to move; afraid that the changelings my come in here and take me away like Lance and Rocky. Are they in that room I was in?

Ah-- my cheek. Still bruised from that punch.

So cold! I crossed my fore-hooves over my chest, trying to warm myself up. Lance'd usually be asleep beside me now, keeping me warm.

Lance! Oh no... what do I do?! How can I help them?! I'm only a filly-- what can I do?!

No, you have to step it up now, Blooming. Be a mare. I need to get up and find them.


Wait, hoofsteps? Is that Lance and Rocky?! Are they back?!

I rushed up to the cell bars. Please let that be Lance or Rocky...

Ugh-- too dark! Can't see anypony!

"S'va, prisoner!" A changeling approaching the cell said. It was pushing somepony towards my empty cell with a spear.

"Lance?! Is that you?!"

"Sorry, filly..." A deep, masculine voice said. Oh no...

W-what if it's somepony who wants to hurt me?!

I rushed over to the corner of the cell and hid as best I could. Please be somepony nice, please be somepony nice...

The changeling opened up the door and pushed in the pony. His helmet slipped off his head, crashing to the cell floor and rolling to my side. I looked over to object and cautiously grabbed it. I ran my hoof over it for a moment and noted that it had large, white bristles on the top that tickled my coat.

"You won't win this. Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance won't allow your queen to take anypony else." The stallion said as he looked back up at the changeling with an angry look in his face. His short blue mane had been dirtied up and was messy; his black coat was in the same condition. I saw that he had some sort of clothing or armor covering most of his body that had cracks and holes in it all over his armor(mainly near the middle). I also noticed that he had two black eyes, red and purple bruises all over his face, hooves, and where the armor had holes. He had a blood trailing down from the left side of his lip down his neck and stopped at the top of his armor.

He must've been really hurt. He looks almost as bad a Lance once she got in that flight accident.

The changeling walked away from cell, leaving me and the unknown stallion. I looked over to the stallion, seeing him staring back at me. O-oh... I-I averted my gaze away from him. Wh-why is he staring at me?

He looks so hurt...

"So, how long have you been in here?"

My cheeks became hot as he asked me the question. I wasn't too keen about talking to a stranger(especially one who looked as intimidating as he did). But, my kind nature wouldn't allow me to be rude to him, so I reluctantly spoke up.

"A-a few d-days"

"Ah. Are you alone or were you with a group like I was?"

"I-I was with my s-sister and a m-miner, but the changelings came in and took t-them away..."

"Sorry to hear that. I can understand." The stallion wiped the blood off of his lip, staring down at his hoof afterwords. I feel so bad for him...

"Could you pass me my helm?" The stallion asked. I gently rolled the helmet over to him, giving it enough force for it to make it to him.

"Thanks." The stallion said. He picked up the helmet and put it on his head.

Well, at least I'm not alone anymore.

"W-what happened to you?"

"Well, I was in a search party sent by Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor looking for people who had been foalnapped in the attack by Queen Chrysalis and the changelings. We were unknowingly getting close to the Changeling Kingdom when we were ambushed. They foalnapped the citizens that we brought along. The fellow soldiers and I tried to defend him, but they nearly kill-- they hurt us really bad."

"Oh... that was mean." I said. My inhibitions were beginning to finally calm, feeling comfortable. He guarded a search group looking for lost ponies. How back could he be?

Hold on... if he's a soldier, then he'll know how to protect me like Lance and help me find her and Rocky!

"Yeah. Really." The soldier said as he snickered at me. He and I became quiet(which I didn't mind). I looked around my- our dimly lit cell and noticed that there was a small piece of bread lying beside her.

Some food wouldn't hurt him...

"D-do you want some bread? I've a-already ate some."

"Huh- oh, sure foal. Toss it over here." The soldier said as he extended his hoof towards me. I picked up the bread and gently tossed it to him.


"Y-you're welcome."


"S'va! You won't get away with this! Queen Chrysalis'll send changelings after me!"

Shining Armor and the guard trotted down into the dungeon, ignoring the changelings false words. The dungeon had ten cells, each of which were exactly the same; eight hard, thick crystal bars covering their exit, a crystal door with three crystal bars, and the insides of them were completely made of stone.

The guard opened a cell and Shining Armor sat them inside. They had managed to capture one, throwing it in the cell. It spat back at them, narrowly missing Shining.

"We'll interrogate it tomorrow. Go get some rest." Shining said as he shut the door and locked it with the set of keys he had on his uniform.

"Of course, your highness. Thank you." The guard said as he stepped out, leaving the door open for Shining. looked down at the changelings.

"You're lucky I didn't just put you in town square and let the citizens decide for me... not that my decision wouldn't of been very different." Shining said as he squeezed the bar in anger.

"... but, I need you. I won't be able to find where Queen Chrysalis is exactly. And you two are going to take me to her, whether you like it or not." Shining said as he trotted away from the cell and out of the dungeon.

"You won't get anything out of me!"

"Not yet, at least." He mumbled, stepping out of the dungeon.

The supplies'll be here anytime now. I need to get Cadance and we'll meet them outside.


"No... no... not that... where the hay is it? I should've left it out..."

Twilight searched through the shelves of books. After a moment more of searching, she found the book on theoretical magic she had been reading earlier.

There's got to be instructions- something.

Twilight flipped the book open, rereading over the warning.

I need to help Shining!

She flipped through the pages of the book, trying to find the section on the transformation spell again.


"Twi', you in here?"

Cadance stepped into library. Twilight turned, with a small grin.

"Ah, thought you'd still be resting. You feeling better?"

"Much better. Thank you."

"I'm glad to hear it. Already up with your snout in another book. Just like when you were filly." Cadance giggled.

"Yeah. I remember you insisted on reading me books when I was sick, but I wouldn't let you." Twilight chuckled under her breath. "You'd use Smarty Pants to reenact what the characters were doing in the books."

"Ooooh yes. Those were simpler times." Cadance smiled, reminiscent of the old memories. "Here I am rambling on past days while you're researching-- excuse me, Twilight. I'm glad that you're feeling better. I'll be in the throne room if you need me."

"Okay. Thank you." Twilight said, turning back to the book. She smiled, glad to see Cadance cared for her so much.


"So, what's your name?" The soldier asked me in a calmed tone. He turned to me with a warm, hearty smile.

"I-I'm Blooming Lily."

"Nice to meet you, Blooming Lily. Frigid Spark." Frigid Spark said to me in a kind tone. He extended his right fore-hoof to me. My cheeks burned as I shook his fore-hoof. Curse my shyness...

"Uh... d-did you see somepony white a coat and a purple mane? O-or a pony with a black coat and a brown mane?" I asked. Please dear Celestia, let them be okay.

Frigid looked down at the ground for a moment.

"No. Sorry, Blooming."


I'm so scared... what are they doing to them?

"Was that your group?"

"Y-yes sir. They took c-care of me until the changelings came in here and took them away..."

"I can understand. Three fellow members were with me. I don't know if they're still even alive."

W... what if they aren't alive anymore? My only sister and best friend could be gone... no...

Fear rushed through me like a wildfire. Tears immediately flood my eyes as I begin to quietly cry. The soldier turned to her, before his eyes widened, realizing his mistake.

"Oh, but that couldn't of happened to your sister and friend! I'm sure they're all right!" Frigid quickly tried to correct his mistake It's too late.

"B-but what if they aren't?" I managed to choke out between my tears.


"P-please... you have to help me. I wanna see my sister again. Please!"

The soldier remained silent for a moment, before sighing.

"Fine... hold on." Frigid stood and trotted over beside me. He grabbed the bars, but moved in front of me, so I couldn't see what he was doing.

"Let me see if I can muster up any magic..." Frigid grunted. After a moment, the dark cell filled with light. My eyes hurt for a moment. What is causing that strong of light?


"Okay... whew... got through it."

"W... what?"

The soldier stepped aside. Wha-- the bars were bent?! How?!

"How did you-" "I know a spell or two that can soften usually hard materials. After I cast the spell, I was able to bend the bars. You can trot through now."

"But, w-what do I do once I'm out there?"


I looked over his shoulder, seeing two changeling coming towards our cell.

"Listen, I've got to make this quick, so I won't say it again; once you're out there, don't attract attention. Think of it as a huge game of hide and seek. No matter what you have to do, remain hidden. Do not get caught. You'll-" "Out, crystal soldier."

The changelings were standing as the cell door. One of them was holding a spear.

"Queen Chrysalis wishes to see you, 'brave' soldier." The changeling opened the door and trotted towards Frigid.

"Wait, please don't take him! I don't wanna be alone again!"

"Quiet, foal. Or you'll join him" The changeling grabbed Frigid and began to pull him out of the cell.

"You'll be fine without me! Just remember what I said!"

"Wait! Please don't go!"

The changeling and Frigid left the cell, the other changeling shutting the door behind them.

"Don't worry about me! Good luck!"

"No... please... d-don't go..." I plead as I let out more tears.

I'm alone... again...


Princess Cadance and Shining Armor trotted outside the gate and was greeted by six of Canterlot's royal guard carrying boxes upon boxes of supplies.

"Hello, Cadance"

Shining turned his head away away from the guards and saw that Princess Celestia was standing in front of them. Behind her, there was a huge carriage filled to the brim with boxes that Shining presumed to be food and building supplies.

"Oh, hello Auntie Celestia. Nice to see you again."

"Nice to see that you and Shining have things under control now. So, Shining, how is your horn? Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt as bad as it did. It's only a dull throb every now and again. Nothing to be worried about."

"That's good to hear. At least you won't have to worry about that." Princess Celestia scanned around the area, looking for somepony. "I was expecting to see Twilight. Something a matter with her?

"Nothing at all, your highness. We had a bit of a scare with some changelings, but everything's under control now. She's researching the spell on my horn in the archives now."

"Perhaps I could see her soon? After this, I mean. It cannot hurt to see if I could help her."

"Of course."

"I honestly didn't expect to see you here. Thought you'd be too busy to make a trip to the Crystal Empire."

"I can always make time for my favorite niece and nephew-in-laws."

"Thank you, princess."

"It's no trouble. I'm going to be staying for a day and then I'll have to go back to Canterlot. Luna can tie things over for a night."

"All right. Lets go ahead and pass out these supplies to the citizens." Shining trotted towards the carriage and grabbed two boxes stacked up on top of each other. He followed the rows of guards as he listened in on Celestia and Cadance's conversation.

"All right. There should be enough food for everyone, and there's plenty of building supplies to get a few properly made shelters."

"Thank you again, princess. I'm sure that these citizens will greatly appreciate it."

"Yes. Now, let's follow your husband before he leaves us." Princess Celestia said jokingly as she trotted behind Shining. Princess Cadance followed behind.


I need to get out of here... b-but I'm too scared...

My hooves quiver in fear as I look at the opening that guard had made before the changelings took him away. What if a changeling sees me and takes me back to that place? Wh-what if they do what they did to that guard to me?!

But I can't just sit here. I've got to help Lance and Rocky!

What do I do?!

It felt like there was two of me, one telling me to go, and the other telling me to stay. But I don't which one to believe is right!

Come on Blooming! What would Lance do in this?

"Come on, Blooming! You'll be fine. I believe you'll get through this whole kingdom unnoticed-- maybe even out of it. Now, are you ready to go kick some flank?"


I timidly took a step forward, the excitement from the prep-talk suddenly disappearing.

"All right, Blooming Lily. You can do this. J-just do what that guard said to and you'll be fine..." I tried to convince my body to move forward. For Lance.

Slowly, yet surely, my hoof found it's way out of the cell. Okay... I can do this...

I stepped out, having my eyelids shut tight over my eyes. One of my eyes cautiously opened, and surprisingly, there were no changeling standing around me to hurt me or take me away.

Okay... I got out of that cell... that's an achievement. Now, I-I just need to find Lance and Rocky and they'll be able to help me.

I'd take a step forward, making sure to make it as gentle and soundless as possible. Then another. And soon enough, I was far away from the cell and hiding behind a large crate.

"Okay, you're doing fine, Blooming. Just stay in the shadows and away from the changelings and you'll be with me and Rocky soon enough."

Or at least, I hope so...
