• Published 14th Jun 2015
  • 3,032 Views, 30 Comments

Broken Armor - TheUnknownPerson

Shining Armor has been injured in a recent attack by Queen Chrysalis and her changelings. Due to this attack, he is unable to make the simplest of spells. He now feels that he is... inadequate and undeserving of Princess Cadance.

  • ...

Rising Hope

Shining Armor trotted down the small alleyway in the village in the chilled, nippy air. Unlike most of the village, this one was barely damaged or scuffed up. Two crystal ponies were sitting in at the end of the alley, the one on the right being a stallion and the other on the left a mare. Both of them covered in a small blanket that barely fit over one of them, let alone two. The stallion shot an angry look at Shining, clearly frustrated with the situation.

"Hello sir, miss. Do you any of you need any help?"

"No. I mean, we're only freezing to death while you're sitting in your warm castle. Please, do move along, 'your highness'." A stallion at the end of the blanket. He was a pegasus and had his wings wrapped around himself(they both were covered in snow and sleet). His coat was a light gray and his hair was royal blue; his mane was parted down the middle and nearly covered his ears. He wasn't too happy with the situation he was in. Shining wasn't surprised by his react; he could understand completely why he was a bit angry.

"Bolt! I'm so sorry, your highness. He's just a bit... angry" The mare bowed. Her coat was purple and her mane was white and had been braided at the end and ended at her shoulder. Both of them had scuffs and dirt marks on their faces and coats.

"It's fine, really. I understand. What do you all need? Princess Celestia is sending supplies in and I, the Crystal Guard, and Cadance will be handing the supplies out personally."

"Well, all I'd like right now is a bigger, your highness." The stallion said. He didn't wasn't as frustrated as before.

"And some food please, your highness." The mare added.

"We'll hand them out as soon as possible. Please just bare with the cold for a few more hours and you'll get everything you'll need."

"Thank you, your highness."

"..." The stallion remained silent, much to the mare's dismay. She nudged his shoulder with her left fore-hoof which caused the stallion looked up at Shining with an annoyed glare.

"Thanks, your royal highness" The stallion said, his voice taking on a sarcastic tone. His mare counterpart punched him in the shoulder, which he proceeded to shrug off.

"It's my pleasure to help. I apologize for the conditions you're in right now, but I promise we'll build more houses as soon as we can. Just try to stay warm." Shining began to slowly trot out of the alley.

"Okay. Thank you again, your highness." The mare said. Shining bowed as he stepped out of the alley. He turned and trotted down the street, standing up straight.


Twilight Sparkle trotted through the empty halls of the Canterlot Castle. The only thing to keep her company was her scarf and a cold draft passing through. Strangely, she hadn't seen Cadance yet.

It's unusual for her not to be up by now. Maybe I should go check in on her? She glanced to her hooves momentarily, turning as she passed a pony.

"Good morning Twilight."

Twilight looked up, recognizing the voice. Cadance had stopped at her side. Her voice was hoarse, almost sickly. Strands of her mane stuck out of place, her coat was noticeably darker, and she had dark circles around her eyes.

"Are you all right? You're not looking too hot right now."

"Oh, yeah. I just feel a bit under the weather right now. Probably from the stress from everything that's happened in the past few days. It'd be just our luck after this week" She giggled, although disingenuously. It was apparent she was lying as to not worry Twilight.

There were two bite marks near the crease of Cadance's neck, just as Shining had described. Deep, circular, and near her collar bone.

Ouch. That can't feel good. I wonder if he really did do it.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Not your fault. I'll just have to push through it."

"Hopefully it's just a head cold. You'll be fine." Twilight said. "Oh-- I almost forgot." Her raspberry aura leaked out from her horn as her right saddlebag opened, and her notebook opened, levitating in front of Cadance.

"I found a ton about what's going on with Shining. It could help." She flipped through the pages, giving Cadance a few moments to read over each page, before going onto the next. Cadance's face brightened as a large smile spread across her face.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Cadance hugged Twilight, delighted that she had found something about the mysterious spell.

"Well, there's one thing that may be a problem..."

"What?" Cadance released Twilight and stared at her, confused.

"You see, I've narrowed it down to two spells; one being a transformation spell and the other being a magical transfer spell. Shining seems to have symptoms of both of them."


"Doesn't end there. The transformation spell doesn't have a counter-spell, and the transfer spell has to be taken away by another unicorn or the unicorn who gave them the magic in the first place."

"Oh-- I know he isn't going to like that."

"Yeah. He's not going to let us help him, is he?" Twilight knew her brother well enough to know he wouldn't allow her to sacrifice her magical abilities for his horn.

"Probably not. But it couldn't hurt to tell him and see what he wants though."

"True. I'll go see if I can find him and tell him about it."

"All right. I've got to go arrange the supply runs coming from Canterlot."

"Okay. Hope you feel better!" She began to walk away.

"I'll see you later Twi'. Thanks."

"You're welcome, Cadance. It's the least I can do." Twilight said as she trotted away from her.


I pulled my head up, forcing my eyes open. Horseapples-- I fell asleep on guard.

I looked around the cell, and thankfully, everything was left as it was and everypony was accounted for. Blooming Lily had fallen asleep to my left, resting her head on my left hind-hoof, while Lance Force had fallen asleep to my right, with her head on my shoulder and her left fore-hoof resting on my right hind-hoof.

"Whew... thank goodness." I whispered, resting my head against the cold, concrete cell wall.

I should try to stay awake. Lance'll kill me if she sees I fell asleep on watch. A groan slipped through my lips, my eyelids heavy. Maybe about the escape plan? Or mine, if things don't get better.

I wiped over my eyes, trying to keep myself awake. Maybe we could try to get some spears and fight our way out?

No-- Blooming can't fight and there's too many. There was 10 times us and that was just in the throne room.

"Maybe we could sneak our way out?" I pondered.

No. I can't even see the other side of the cell from here and we don't even know where the hay we'd be going.

I groaned. I'm too tired to think right now. I'll just fight my way out if I have to-- done. Finally.

I rested my chin atop my chest and shut my eyes, trying to get some needed sleep.


Something rubbed against my right shoulder, nuzzling me. I opened my eyes, seeing Lance rubbing her left cheek and chin into my shoulder gently. She had a small, content smile across her peaceful face. Even when she's sleeping, she keeps annoying me.

Although, she does look cute with that grin...

What the hay was that-- focus Rocky. You're in the middle of an enemy bucking dungeon, you have no idea where you are, and you're worried about the mare who slapped and disrespected you a couple hours ago? Focus!


Twilight Sparkle stepped outside into the cold Crystal Empire atmosphere, greeted with the chilled air and crisp snowflakes resting upon her mane. In the rush getting to the Crystal Empire, she had forgotten to pack any winter clothes to protect her from the cold elements, aside from a small maroon blanket wrapped over her shoulders tightly. She straightened her scarf before trotting into town.

Good thing I had this tucked away in my bag after last Winter-Wrap Up. Forgot it was in there. Twilight trotted over the bridge, the stream below frozen. She traced over the crowded sidewalks, looking for Shining Armor.

Still hard to believe this much damage was done. So much rubble... Twilight took a breath, still shocked by the damage done by the group of changelings.

He'll be around here somewhere. Did mention he wanted to help--

"Twilight! Wait up!"

Her ears perked as she heard the familiar voice. She turned around and saw Spike, sprinting after her.

"Spike? What're you doing out here? You're going to freeze!" Twilight said. Spike slowed to a stop in front of her.

"I wanna come with you to see the town. It's boring being in that room by myself."

"It's too cold out here for you."

"Please, Twi', I promise I won't get in your way. I'll just stay back and follow you. It'll be like I'm not even there." Spike pleaded. Twilight put her right fore-hoof up to her chin.

"All right... but you're taking this." She unraveled her scarf, wrapping it around Spike's shoulder. "Too cold out here for you not to have it."

"No-- I don't need it." He pushed it back up to her, clamping his mouth shut to hide his quivering teeth. She shook her head.

"I'm fine. You need it more than me anyways. Now come on." Twilight's horn glowed with her magical aura as Spike floated up to her back, resting on her back and sitting behind her mane.

"Okay. Thank you. Where're we going?"

"We're looking for Shining, so keep an eye open." Twilight trotted into the village.


Shining trotted out into the open street, leaving one of the various make-shift shelters. He sighed, frustrated to see the empire fall so far, and saddened to see so many ponies in dire need. We've got to get those supplies Celestia's sending out here as soon as we can. This isn't good.

Shining turned the corner.

Lets see... the next one should be somewhere around here... He scanned the area, looking for the building. He didn't see the building, but he did see a familiar face.


Twilight was trotting down the opposite side of the street, with Spike on her back, trotting in the opposite direction. Shining stepped across the street, stepping to her side. She quickened her pace as she saw him.


"Hey. Finally found you."

"Is something wrong?"

"No. I've been looking for you for an hour now. Had some things to tell you."

"Sorry Twi'. Just been helping out around here, trying to make sure everypony is okay until we can get those supplies out here." Shining said, glancing to the shelter in the distance before glancing back to Twilight. "I guess it makes me feel like less a burden."

"You aren't a burden. It could've been much worse if you and Cadance hadn't been here." Twilight held her brother's shoulder, trying to cheer him up.

"I guess you're right. I still don't feel good about it, though."

"There was nothing you could do about it. You did what mattered."

"Yes, I guess so." Shining said, although disingenuously.

"Sorry-- what is it you needed to tell me?"

"Oh-- I found some things about what could be wrong with your horn. The spells, you know." Twilight's demeanor became serious and her voice took a flat tone.

"Okay. Tell me, please." Shining said as he braced himself for whatever news Twilight had.

"Well, the good news is I've found two spells that could be the ones that you're afflicted with."

"Okay. That's great. But what's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that--" Twilight stopped in the middle of her sentence and looked around, checking for anypony around. There was a group of ponies heading towards them.

"We shouldn't discuss this out here. I'll tell you later, when we're back in the castle."

"Okay. Thanks anyway, Twi'." Shining gave his sister a sincere smile.

"You're welcome Shining. Mind if we come with you? Couldn't hurt to step out for an hour or so."

"Of course not. Follow me." Shining turned and trotted down the street, with Twilight and Spike following close behind.


Ugh... why the hay can't I fall asleep?

Sunlight beamed through the boards at the top of the cell brightening the otherwise dim cell. I shut my eyes one last time, trying to get some sleep while I can. Because when Lance wakes up--

"Hm..." Lance rubbed against my shoulder, bringing her left fore-hoof up to her right eye, rubbing it for a moment. She opened the eye, staring at me. "Huh... what the-?!"


Lance's hastily pushed away from me, nearly falling back and hitting her head on the floor.


"What the hay were you trying to do to me?" She stared at me with an angry glare. Was she blushing? Why?

"Nothing. You were just asleep beside me."

"I just got comfortable and... fell asleep beside you. And my head must've just slid down the wall and rested onto your shoulder." Lance yawned, stretching her wings.

"Yeah, sure."

"You wish."

"So, anything happen while I was asleep." She sounded groggy.

"Nothing, really. It's been pretty quiet."

"Guess it's better than it being loud." Lance sat back up straight, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah." I yawned.

"Tired? I can take over."

"What happened to me being a jackass?" I questioned. Lance groaned.

"Don't be bitter--" "Bitter? You slapped the hay out of me. Kinda have a right to be angry."

"Ugh... look-- I'm sorry. Being around Chrysalis made me angry again, you were already mad, tensions were high, and it happened. I'm sorry, now will you please let me take over so you can get some sleep? You'll need it if we want to get out of here." Lance said. I sighed.

"It's fine. I shouldn't have snapped on you." I extended my right fore-hoof for a hoofshake. She took a moment before shaking.

"Now go get some sleep."

"Thank you." Lance stood, trotting to the other side of the cell. I nodded with a grin.
