• Published 14th Jun 2015
  • 3,032 Views, 30 Comments

Broken Armor - TheUnknownPerson

Shining Armor has been injured in a recent attack by Queen Chrysalis and her changelings. Due to this attack, he is unable to make the simplest of spells. He now feels that he is... inadequate and undeserving of Princess Cadance.

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Author's Note:

Ello. Before you read today's chapter, I'd like to inform you all that, due to a suggestion from another FiMFiction user, I am in need of an proof-reader and/or a editor. I was going to use the actual group, and I still will if I don't get any replies, but I thought it'd be better if I asked someone who was already invested into the story and would be willing to do so. I'll list and link your username in the description of the story and would greatly appreciate it. By the next chapter, if I've gotten some or any answers, I'll choose.

Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia, and Shining Armor trotted down into town square, the nippy air of the Crystal Empire violently attacking their coats. The guards from Canterlot had stacked them up in the middle of the town square. Starving and homeless citizens looked on from the streets in confusion.

Shining sat the two boxes on top of the second stack of boxed supplies. Two crystal guards approached them and bowed.

"Your highness, we are ready to begin handing out the supplies to the citizens. Would you like us to do so?"

"Of course. As quickly as you can."

With Princess Celestia's order, the guards nodded and trotted towards the supplies, picking up a box with their magic.

"Pardon me princess, Cadance, but if you don't mind, but I'm going to help them out." Shining picked up a box of supplies. He turned back to Cadance and Princess Celestia, box in hooves.

"Not at all."

"Go ahead, darling."

"Thank you. Excuse me."


I can barely see anything-- how do the changelings see?! There's no torches in the halls or anything. Not to mention I'm about to freeze my flank off.

I sat beside a large box. I've not even gotten down the hallway.

I=I should just go back to the cell. This was a bad idea and I knew it. I'm too weak to try and help her...

I stood, turning into the hallway.


Oh no! Somepony's coming?! Now?!

I rushed back behind the box, looking for someplace-- anyplace.

"Quit complaining. Queen Chrysalis requested the prisoners in this block be taken to her. Now, get to it."

"Ya. Lets- the crystal pony is gone!"


They're going to find me and hurt me!

"Find her! Now!"

Come on-- there! A hole in the wall!

I forced myself into the hole, but my lower body was stuck outside. Come on!

The hoofsteps came closer. I pushed myself up from the wall, pulling my hind-hooves through and stumbling behind the wall.

No! Calm down Blooming! I covered my mouth, trying to muffle my racing breath. You have to calm down!

"Did you hear that?"

No! They noticed!

I stumbled away from the hole, laying on my back and trying to remain as still as I possibly can.

Hoofsteps passed in front of the hole, stopping in front of the hole. It stood there for a moment

"Forget it-- we have to find the crystal pony. Come on."

The hoofsteps slowly moved away from the hole, echoes of the changelings talking in the distance. Thank you Celestia... now, where am I?

I turned, seeing a long hall. Why behind a wall?

I trotted down it, being careful not to make too much sound. There was some light shining onto the left wall.

"You, where are those trespassers? I'm supposed to have a session with them today."

Q... Queen Chrysalis?

I got to an opening in the wall, just enough space to see her. It confirmed my fears.

A group of five changelings led somepony in front of her, kicking them down.

"Ah. Good. Begone, but prepare for our... well, I'm sure you know. Those guards do not need to know what we're going to be doing."

"Here, your highness."

What is she talking about?


The ponies rose, as requested.

"So, explain why you have came into my kingdom without my permission?"

"Because, you have hurt our kingdom."

"It was simply in retaliation. You and your leaders were forcing I and my subjects into starvation. But no longer shall I stand around idly by as my kingdom is starved."

"You killed innocent crystal ponies... kidnapped countless others and tortured them... you're a monster." A deep, hate filled voice said.

That voice... it sounds familiar... oh! It's Frigid!

"Why, thank you. And you all will join them. But first, to make sure you don't escape."


The buzzing of changeling wings filled the room and bounced around. The blue objects moved towards the middle of the room and disappeared.

Two big blue objects in the middle of the room began to(what looked like to me) float down.

"Get ready to meet the same fate as your prince. He's just lucky that I couldn't summon enough magic to get it done quickly. His'll be long and painful. But your's will be quick, and very painful."

A large green light glowed in the middle of the room. I saw Queen Chrysalis' face. The cold expression on her face sent a shiver up my spine.

Queen Chrysalis tapped her horn against Frigid. He groaned, before wailing in pain. Queen Chrysalis slapped him, allowing him to fall to the ground. He writhed in pain. What's going on?

Oh-- he's in so much pain. What did she just do?!

"What have you done to him, you witch!"

"You'll see soon enough. Take them to their cell. And don't open it until the guard has completed his task."

"Yes, your highness."


I ducked behind the wall, shocked and confused by what had just happened.


Shining Armor whipped over his forehead. He looked over the near empty street, previously filled with crystal ponies.

Thank goodness we got the supplies when we did. Don't think we could've lasted another couple days without them. Shining turned, trotting to Cadance and Princess Celestia.

"Ah, glad to see that everything's been unloaded."

"Thank you, princess. Couldn't have done it without your help."

"It wasn't any trouble. So long as nothing goes to waste."

Shining nodded with a smile. He turned to Cadance.

"How're you feeling darling?"

"I'm fine. No pain or anything."

"Good. Just making sure." Cadance said. Her face brightened for a moment, before turning to Princess Celestia.

"Oh-- I almost forgot, I need to show you to your room. We'll stop by the library and see if Twilight's still in there." Cadance turned, trotting back towards the palace. "If you'll follow me, Aunt Celestia." Princess Celestia nodded with a smile, trotting behind her. Shining trotted in the opposite direction, towards the hospital.

Couldn't hurt to get my horn checked out again. To see if I can create spells.


Twilight's eyelids felt as heavy as boulders. Although she had gotten some sleep, she had barely been asleep for an hour.

Although we have permission from the creators of the spells to list instructions to all spells in this book, the authors of this book feels that it would neither be safe for the reader nor the ponies in the reader's life if we listed these spell.

Twilight let out a quiet snarl as she read the words.

I wasted all that time... for nothing! She slammed her fore-hooves against the desk, slamming the book shut.

"What am I going to do?" Twilight asked as she rested her head on her hooves, discouraged. "How am I going to help him?"


Twilight lifted her head up from the book and looked over to the library entrance. She got up from her chair, trotted up to the door; once she opened the door, she was immediately greeted with a white-coated alicorn with a familiar flowing green, blue, and pink mane.

"Princess Celestia?"

"Hello, Twilight."

"I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"How are you doing?"

"I'm... I've been better, princess."

"I think we all have been, Twilight."

"I suppose so... so, what are you doing here, princess? I thought--" "You thought I'd be too busy to come?" Princess Celestia chuckled.

"Actually, yes."

"You and Cadance think alike. I'm only spending the night here and then I'll head back to Canterlot tomorrow."


"So, what have you found?"

"I narrowed it down to two spells, one of which I think you know."

"Hm... okay. Tell me what they are."

"It's either a transformation spell or a magic transfer spell. Or both."

"The transformation spell? How would she... Star Swirl surely wouldn't have..."

"Do you know a counter-spell?"

"Sadly, no. Star Swirl did not share any counter-spells with me; we thought there'd be no need for one. Since Luna and I are the only ones who know the spell that are still living, and we'd never voluntarily use it."

"Oh..." Twilight sighed as she felt more doubt come to her. Was there really no way to help Shining Armor?

"Don't worry, Twilight. Shining's going to be fine. And, remember, it could've been worse. Just be thankful that Queen Chrysalis decided to leave when she did." Princess Celestia said as she rested one of her hooves on her student's shoulder.

"I guess so..."

"Oh, I almost forgot. Rarity sent a letter to Canterlot for you, but you had already left. I thought I might as well come deliver it to you in person while we bring these supplies." Princess Celestia's horn emitted a golden magical aura. Her saddlebags opened, pulling out a rolled up piece of paper. She handed it to Twilight.

"Thank you, Princess Celestia."

"You're welcome, my friend. I'll leave you to your studies." Princess Celestia said as she opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, shutting the door behind her.

Twilight trotted over to the table and sat down in the chair. She unraveled the letter and began to read.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Darling, are you well?! I just received your letter, and I am very concerned. What has happened to Shining Armor? Who hurt him? I am so confused... please, do respond soon! I'm simply dying to know if you and your brother are you safe and well! Do I and the other mares need to meet you in Canterlot?! Do you need our help?! I've told them about it already, and everypony is ready to come to the Crystal Empire whenever you might need us. So please, let us know if you need us!

Your(concerned) friend, Rarity

Knowing Rarity, she's probably been sitting on the edge of her seat ever since she sent the letter, waiting for me to return her letter. Twilight giggled. She trotted over to her table and sat in the chair. She dipped her quill into the ink and began to write in the notebook.

Dear Rarity,

I'm saddened, and worried, but everything and everypony is fine. Thank you for your concern. I'm sorry that it took me so long to respond, but I rushed to the Crystal Empire in the nearest carriage. I am sure you understand.

I have so much to tell you...

Okay... how do I explain this to her?

You... you see, Shining was hurt by Queen Chrysalis. She attacked the Crystal Empire and her changelings foalnapped lot of crystal ponies. Queen Chrysalis has cast some sort of spell on him. It blackened his horn, and he can't even create spells anymore. I've been researching day and night since I got here, but I've barely come up with anything that'd help. I narrowed it down to the spells two spells, but one of them doesn't even have a counter-spell, and the other would take away another pony's magic(which Shining wouldn't agree with me or Princess Cadance even attempting to do). The worse part is that he blames himself for the whole attack and it's effects-- ponies being taken, for the homeless and hungry-- everything. I can't stand to see him like it anymore. One day, he and I were going to a small makeshift shelter. For some reason, he left me alone out in the snow. I was trying to find him when this colt came up to me and said that his mother was hurt. I followed him, but when we got there, he and his mother began acting strange.

Twilight let out a deep sigh and steadied her nerves. Keep a cool, level head Twi'. Only way you're going to get through this and help Shining.

He said that his mother was really sick, but besides her coughing, I couldn't see any other illness. I wanted to get out of there quickly, so I tried to say that I'd go to the infirmary, but they'd always stop me. Then, I finally realized something.

They were changelings.

Cool, level-head Twilight. Level-head.

I realized it too late. I tried to get away, but the changeling who was disguised as a colt wrapped his hooves around my neck and started to choke me. The other changeling began to punch me in my stomach. I was terrified. I nearly passed out. They nearly foalnapped me... but, thankfully, Spike had followed me(despite me telling him not to) and bit the changeling's hind-hooves, forcing him off of me. As you could imagine, I grabbed Spike and we immediately ran out of there.

Please, I know you all want to help, but do not come here. It's too dangerous, and I'd never be able to forgive myself if one of you got hurt.

Twilight sat the quill down beside the paper. She stood, rolling the paper and putting it in her right saddlebag. She trotted out of the library, towards her bedroom, and entered. Spike was up and was nibbling on a ruby.

"Oh, hey Twilight. I was wondering where you went." He sat the ruby beside him.

"Hey Spike. I need you to send a letter to Rarity."

"Oh, all right. Why?"

"She sent me a letter back in Canterlot. I'm responding to it."

"All right Twilight." Spike blew onto it, his magical breath enveloping it.

"And... there we go."

"Thanks Spike. I'm going to go back to researching."

"Can I come with you?"

"Sure Spike."

"Okay. I'm right behind you." Spike said as he swallowed the ruby in one bite and jumped down to the ground. He followed behind Twilight.
