• Published 2nd Jun 2015
  • 4,460 Views, 51 Comments

Flutter Wolf - GildaTheGriffon

All of our characters decided to camp on Everfree Forest and started to tell eachother some scary stories, unaware of what will happen something tomorrow mysterious.

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Chapter One: Campfire

It was another peaceful and bright day in Ponyville. The birds were singing, the sun was shining and most importantly ponies were happy! Pinkie Pie was walking on this bright day to Twilight's tree house. She was jumping, instead of walking and she was so excited for tonight's camping at Everfree Forest. She arrived to Twilight's house and knocked the door again and again, impatiently untill Twilight wakes up. Soon, the door opened and there was Spike saying "Hello, Pinkie Pie." while rubbing his eyes.

Pinkie Pie started talking again with an impatient and exciting way of hers' and said "Hi Spike! Where is Twilight? She 'Pinkie' promised me yesterday for having a breakfast. Where is she?". Spike blinked. He was probably shocked about that energy that Pinkie had.

"She is upstairs, Pinkie. Still sleeping. It is seven o' clock in the morning. What do you expect? I will be heading to my bed, because this baby dragon needs his beauty sleep." Spike replied and yawned. He went upstairs. Pinkie was about to head upstairs but than she stopped. She had another idea... Why would not she prepare the breakfast instead of Twilight? That would be the kindest and most amazing thing in all over Equestria.

After an hour, everything was done. Jam and bread, pancakes with syrup and most importantly cereals and omelettes. She was proud of herself and know she had a strong reason to wake up Twilight and she did. With a sudden party cannon sound Twilight was awake. She yelled instead of yawning and she fell from the bed from that high sound of cannon. She blinked twice and notices Pinkie Pie's smiling face. "Pinkie, oh, I did not expect you on this time of the day." she said with a fake and a little scared face. Pinkie was jumping on Twilight's bed and she replied "You Pinkie promised me a breakfast, remember? And guess what? I prepared all the things! Let's head downstairs and have... FUN!". Twilight stood up and smiled at her and started to walk downstairs and saw all the things that Pinkie prepared.

She was shocked and amazed. "It... It looks wonderful and delicious, thanks Pinkie! I could have prepared you too... You shouldn' t have, Pinkie. Thank you...". She turned back and hugged Pinkie Pie. Maybe that was the sweetest thing that Twilight ever came across in her life. They had a wonderful breakfast and had enough time to pack their things and needs in a suitcase of theirs. Pinkie Pie was asking and Twilight was controlling. "Teeth brush?" asked Pinkie Pie. "Check." replied Twilight Sparkle. Another question came by Pinkie "Blankets?" and than Twilight and Pinkie heard a knocking door. Pinkie Pie rushed to door and said "COMING!".

Rarity and Applejack appeared on the outside of the house. "Howdy Pinkie? Howdy Twi?". asked Applejack while entering inside the house of Twilight's with Rarity.

"Welcome." said Twiilight. "Me and Pinkie Pie was checking all the materials we need to bring for camping." Rarity gasped. She was looking inside the suitcase and levitated our a little old-fashioned blankets from the suitcase with her horn.

"Oh dear." she said. "You two will bring these to camping? Oh no no. Thanks Rarity later because she brought extra blankets with sparkle and glitter!".

She smiled while throwing our blankets away which probably headed to Spike because he yelled "Hey! I am sleeping here, alright?". Rarity smiled and apologized Spike and kissed him on cheek which made Spike's day. "So what are we waiting?" said Twilight. "Let's go!".

While she was heading to the door, about to leave she bumped to Applejack who was about to say something. "We can't, sugarcube... Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy still did not come.". Twilight Sparkle stopped and nodded. That would be so rude heading to Everfree Forest without them.

So they all decided to wait those two pegasus ponies. Pinkie Pie had another idea for an amazing activity while camping at night. She screamed suddenly and yelled happily "WHY DONT WE BRING SOME SCARY GHOST STORIES FROM TWILIGHT'S LIBRARY?" and than she stopped. She giggled and than she sneaked to Twilight and whispered her ear. "Do we have any?".

Twilight smiled and she nodded. "Yes, indeed, yesterday while i was clearing my library i noticed that i haven't looked at my library enough. Because I found out many books that I bought and haven't read in my life. Instead of letting them getting ancient there we can use them in one of our activities while camping. Great idea Pinkie! ". Then the door was getting knocked again.

This time Rarity opened it and said "At last, our last two has arrived too... We can go now.". Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash smiled to the rest and they started their walking to Everfree Forest.

"What happened to your hoof Fluttershy?" asked Twilight with a little shocked voice. Fluttershy stopped and said

"Oh, it is just a scratch..."."While in Everfree Forest, there are many uncommon plants and animals. They can be poisonous so we might need some antidotes. Why don't we visit Zecora and take some? She must have some potions for these.". Fluttershy continued.

Twilight Sparkle looked at Fluttershy and showed the potions she made. "So you don't trust your friends potions?" Twilight said and giggled. Fluttershy laughed too.

"You are faster than I expected, egghead." said Rainbow Dash while watching Twilight putting the potions in her case back.

While the bright sun of Ponyville has become less visable and can be seen, the ponies understood that they were close to Everfree Forest. The number of trees were increasing too. After some search, Apple Jack was the one who found a perfect spot for camping. With everyone's agreement they started setting tents up and organizing inside them. Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy was building the tents, while Rarity and Pinkie Pie was setting the beds. Rarity of course did not forget her sparkly blankets to on the sleeping bags. Twilight Sparkle, on the other hand, was about to finish the campfire place. She put the cut woods and prepared sticks and marshmallows. The only thing she strugged was making the fire. She tried her best and lit a little flame on a stick, than watched that fire grow bigger. After all the things they had done, finally the camp was all settled up and was ready for fun... Suprisingly, while working Pinkie did not sing nor speak. That was maybe the luckiest day of the other ponies. The sun was lowered, and moon rised. It was dark and perfect time for campfire.

Everyone was chilling and eating their melted marshmallows. "So, sugarcube... You said you had a ghost book?". asked Apple Jack looking to Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle nodded and with her magic she opened her suitcase and levitated the book. It was certainly a different book from all. They have never seen or faced with a book like this.

"Clearly, not a comic book. I bet it has nothing to compare with Daring Do's Adventures. Nah, I would not read that." said Rainbow Dash and laid on the floor. She was blowing on to a feather and was waiting it to return back to her. Twilight and the others did not suprise. Neither the other ponies. They knew Rainbow Dash is not a good reader.

With a shrug Twilight continued. "Who wants to begin reading?".

As expected, Pinkie volunteered reading the book. "The Mysterious Moon." she beginned the reading.

"What a dazzling name for a book!" Rarity said behind with an excited voice.

Apple Jack frowned and said "It would be more dazzling and exciting if somepony stops talking and criticizing. Rarity frowned and rolled her eyes.

Pinkie Pie continued, when silence has occured. "It was a dark night. Nothing was left in the fridge. Mike was 15, and Jake his little brother filly was 13. They were having a night, without their parents. Their parents were on a road trip which made them stay home alone. Jake was about to sleep. From his life to today, always his brother was locked to another room on nights. Which was strange and unusual to him. He thought his brother was always on detention so he was kept locked in the room at nights when he was a little kid. Soon, however he understood that his parents was hiding something from him. After his parents departure from home, he started to sleep less and less. Than, he reached enough time to hear some creepy noises from the house. It was coming from his brothers room. He did not still find out what was going on but he decided to figure that mystery out today. Suprisingly his brother did not know why did they lock him too... Since, he had been always locked, he decided to lock again. Jake waited and waited. Finally, the creepy sounds started to occur. Suddenly, he heard a crash! He jumped down from the bed and started to walk to his brother's room. The door was broken and it had claw marks on it. Young filly, was so scared and he was shaking. With a deep breath, he dared to take a step in and than-".

"ROAR!" screamed Rainbow Dash. She made all of her pony friends terrified. Especially Fluttershy, she rushed in to the tent.

Twilight frowned "Not funny Rainbow Dash!" she said while Applejack returned with Fluttershy and calming her Pinkie Pie laughed and continued the story.

"With a deep breath, he dared to take a step in and than a shadow attacked and growled to him. He was laying on the floor waiting to die. Than he looked closer to the shadow. It was his brother. His brother was a wolf! He gave his last breath and laid on the bloody floor. THE END!".

After this story, all the ponies noticed that it had been late so all of them decided to sleep. Though that was a scary story everyone sleeped well. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes. She was sleeping with Fluttershy in her tent but she noticed that she was gone. Maybe she was too scared so she decided to head back home... Alone? That was weird too. Rainbow Dash also noticed that Fluttershy left all of her belongings in the tent too. That was weird... Without telling or waking anyone Rainbow Dash was walking on her side. She hated walking but she had to. A week ago she hurt her left wing and she was lucky, like the previous one, no bone fracture. Unfortunately, she had no new Daring Do comics to read neither. So she decided to visit Fluttershy, after that camp she seemed a little freaked out and scared... At last, with a little running included, she achieved to arrive. Rainbow Dash suddenly stopped. Something was different...

The door of Fluttershy had some claw marks and the door was open. She rushed inside the house and asked "Fluttershy, are you there?". No reply came. Rainbow Dash decided to look around. Than she heard a little creepy and a little roary voice... "Leave Rainbow Dash! Please!". Rainbow Dash totally got scared and flew away. Than she stopped herself and returned back... With slow and uncertain hoof steps she entered the house again. "Fluttershy, is that you?". Rainbow Dash lit a candle inside the house and tried to come closer but shadow screamed "NO!" and punched her and left the house. It flied away. What was going on? Who was that shadow? Was Fluttershy ok?