• Published 2nd Jun 2015
  • 4,451 Views, 51 Comments

Flutter Wolf - GildaTheGriffon

All of our characters decided to camp on Everfree Forest and started to tell eachother some scary stories, unaware of what will happen something tomorrow mysterious.

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Chapter Four: Potion of Regeneration

"We are here girls. Canterlot!"...

Pinkie Pie jumped out of train though it did not really stop and waited for other two to come. They walked through the castle and they came across with Royal Guards.

"Hello gentleman, please tell Princess Celestia that her faithful student came and wants to visit her... Thanks!". said Twilight Sparkle. One guard looked another and said "Please enter Twilight Sparkle, our Princess was waiting for you too. Thanks for coming that fast!" and opened the door. All three ponies started to walk the long empty hall with red carpet landed only and they entered to the Princess' room. Twilight Sparkle immediately recognized Princess Celestia who was not alone, she was with Princess Luna and Princess Cadance was there too. Twilight immediately rushed and hugged to Cadance and started to sing their song. "Sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!". Though it did not give that much joy anymore she just wanted to do it. She and the rest two bowed in front of all three ponies.

"Twilight Sparkle! I was waiting for you... Glad you bring your friends with you... Where are the rest? I mean Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack?". asked Princess Celestia.

Twilight looked down and a tear come from an eye. "They could not make it... All because of my fault. I just tried to find Fluttershy and I just lost two of my friends.".

"What do you mean?" asked Luna. "How did they die?".

"Rarity and Applejack, they both got bitten..." continued Rainbow Dash.

All three princesses gasped and Cadance asked "Who or what did that?"

"A wolf." continued Rainbow Dash, "Flutterwolf!".

"What she means is, from an unknown reason Fluttershy turned into a werewolf. And we can't stop her and we came here for your help". said Twilight Sparkle.

Princess Celestia turned to Luna and said "That must be the gossip about the huge yellow creature in Ponyville.". She looked back to Twilight Sparkle "I wanted you and your friends to recall the elements of harmony so that you can stop any curse you want... But since we don't have genorosity or honesty..." said Celestia...

"Believe me Princess, it would not work, we also do not have kindness... Well we do, but she is not an allie." said Pinkie Pie.

"We can have..." said Princess Luna.

"It is too risky Luna, we can't. It is still not tried on any pony!" said Princess Celestia with a little warning.

"The potion of revive! We can save them. We need the rest of elemts of harmony sis, it is a good reason to risk!" said Princess Luna and saw Princess Cadance nodding.

"Ok! Hurry! After twelve hours dead it is not effective... It will be almost sunset! Pinkie Pie please fly with Luna and show the place of the dead buddies and you two, come with me... We have a curse to fix." said Princess Celestia.

"I can bring Shining Armor, he is best at attacking and confusing spells..." said Princess Cadence.

Princess Celestia nodded and saw Princess Cadence, Princess Luna and Pinkie Pie leaving the castle. She turned back to Twilight and Rainbow Dash and said "Come to my library... Twilight, you know i donated many books to your library right?" asked Celestia and continued after seeing Twilight agreeing. "I gave you many books, Star Swirl The Bearded, magic, history, spells, classes, biologic existence of ponies and many other books. However I hid some of them. I keep them in a place called "Lock". Follow me please..." said Celestia and with her horn she opened a secret room beind the thrones.

There were lots of books... Thousand shelves maybe more... "Can I puke right now?" said Rainbow Dash.

"I heard you like Daring Do Adventures and we have the brand new one here..." said Princess Celestia.

"Nah thanks, I already read it." replied Rainbow Dash and got a hit from Twilight Sparkle to her stomach. "What?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Be respectful to Princess." whispered Twilight to her ear.

"I would not want to tell to anyone but yesterday Fluttershy visited me.". said Princess Celestia.

Both of them gasped and Rainbow Dash came forward and asked "What!? Where , when? What did she say?".

"Not much... Only two words actually... Help me.... And when Luna started to raise the moon she just changed in front of me... Into a wolf." said Princess Celestia.

"You mean she had consciousness?" asked Twilight and saw Celestia nodding.

Rainbow Dash started to blast off from the ground and aimed to go back to Ponyville but Twilight held her and Rainbow Dash said "Leave it Twilight! I need to see her! She is my childhood friend and I need some answers." and with a stronger push Twilight lost Rainbow Dash and watched her dashing away.

"She needs some time Twilight, let's go..." said Princess Celestia.

"What if she harms her too? Like she did on my friends... Zecora, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and now Rainbow Dash? I can't let her go Princess..." said Twilight and started to leave but Princess stopped her.

"Stop! Twilight! Listen to me! We need to make a plan to fix it... She turns into a full-wolf in nights only! We still have bunch of time to think. Ponyville is a little safe for a while... So now we need to get the cure."

"Wait... Full-wolf?" asked Twilight.

"She is also now a wolf too but it gets wilder and more dangerous in nights especially in full-moon. The bigger moons show up the bigger problem we have." continued Celestia.

"Let's talk to Luna so that she can't raise the moon than..." offered Twilight in a curious way?

"We can't. It is a life process. We can't change the system of Equestria, system of life... But we can use this." raised Celestia by casting magic a green bottle with her horn...

"An antidote?" asked Twilight.

"Not a simple one. This is Antidote of Regeneration. With one sip she can be back to normal again. High percentage." claimed Celestia and she opened Twilight's backpack and put the potion in it. "Keep it and make her drink it. We with my sister will attack her and when she is stuck we will tie her and than you will be the one next to make her drink it." continued Celestia.

"I can't believe it... Is this the potion that Star Swirl Bearded made? Are you sure you want me to use this? He only did this once and we do not know what future holds? Do you want me to use it on her?." asked Twilight.

"This is the thing Twilight... I was not that much scared of the previous problems because we had elements of harmony. But now we do not. We lost two of them. This is the time Twilight, let's go. " And with Celestia carrying Twilight they left the castle to Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash nearly in only five minutes searched for Fluttershy and she was again like she did before was about to give up but she found something as a clue. There was a yellow silhouette of a creature and started to land down.

Flutterwolf opened her eye and woke up and started to slowly walk away but Rainbow Dash catched her. She with a sudden move hugged her and suddenly old memories started to come up.

"Stop Rainbow Dash! she said with a tired and painful voice. "It gives me headache, I am dangerous, you can't be here." said Fluttershy.

"I need some answers. Before killing Pinkie, Rarity and Zecora where were you? Were you the one who I saw in your house? And were you the one who did all these to the animals of yours?" asked Rainbow Dash and saw Fluttershy started to cry.

"I am a monster! I will always be! Go Rainbow Dash please! I do not want to hurt you... You are too valuable to me. With a sudden move suddenly Flutterwolf kissed Rainbow Dash. And they kissed again and again. Both of their bodies were warmed and were touching each other. Flutterwolf was still a Fluttershy for her only claws and a bigger nose which did not change the love she had for her. They continued kissing each other.

"I am sorry, Fluttershy, I should not let you alone. How did you become like this Fluttershy? Tell me please than I promise i will leave you..." said Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy looked down and cried a little. Maybe more than a little and she continued "Things changed a lot Rainbow Dash. That night I woke up because i heard something. Not that loud but it was clear that something or someone was coming towards me. I did not know but suprisingly i dared to look. I saw the animals that i brought with me were screaming and asking for my help in between trees. It was a little far from camping and than I saw a timber wolf who was about to attack the animals and I jumped on him and we fought. It bit me... It hurt a lot but I kicked it and suddenly I got in front of my friends and gazed at it... Suddenly my eyes glew with an unknown reason and after that my nose grew up and my claws appeared and I do not remember the rest. Angel told me in that whole night I followed the animals that i protected to eat them and he claimed I followed them to my house. I killed them all... When I am a wolf, I am always hungry. I am never full." said Fluttershy.

Meanwhile "Why?" asked Twilight talking to Princess Celestia . "Why are we waiting the night? She is safe and more easy to handle right now. She can want to drink now? Why we make the things harder?".

"It won't work else. We need to make her drink the antidote when the transformation of hers into wolf when it is in the highest and most dominant level. Than it can provide fully recoverance. She will get well. Let's find her." said Celestia.

"I am sorry Fluttershy but I can't leave you here." said Rainbow Dash and with a sudden move she used her own party confetti that Pinkie Pie gave to her.

Fluttershy gasped and asked "How could you?".

Everybody saw the firework that appeared after the blowing of the party confetti. "My party confetti, Princess Luna, this must be Rainbow Dash. She is the only one who did not use her party confetti. Let's go!" said Pinkie Pie on top of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia and Twilight saw the firework and ran their too.

"There she is! Luna glad you are here sister... Get those ivies. Let's tie her. Sorry Fluttershy, this is for you to get well. You need to get rid of the virus you have inside your body!"

"What virus?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Timberius wolverisis. Wolf virus and only thing that can make a pony turn into a wolf with a virus of Timber wolf." continued Twilight Sparkle.

"Ok, we know a timber wolf bit her while she was trying to protect her animal friends. Please do not hurt or harm her!" said Rainbow Dash.

"We will not." continued Luna. "Guess who are back with us... Girls?" asked Luna. "Now allow me to raise the moon."

"Rarity! Applejack! You are alive! I knew it would work!" said Rainbow Dash and with Twilight she hugged both of them.

"Of course dahling, you did not expect me to die in a muddy place did you? I will die in diamond with beauty. Rarity deserves prosperity and beauty." continued Rarity.

"Yea, yea we understand can you please just stop? What are they doing? Are they going to tie Fluttershy? Let me help Princess!" continued Applejack.

"Move back everypony!" said Princess Luna. "The transformation of Flutterwolf starts."

"Ugh, the headache... It started again... I can't fight with it. Arggh!" screamed Fluttershy and fainted. When she opened her eyes back, it was blood red. She was trying to move and get rid of the ivies.

"Now Twilight! Pour it to her mouth! said Princess Celestia. Twilight Sparkle nodded and started to run towards Flutterwolf and with magic she achieved to open her mouth and started to pour but than with a leg attack she got kicked from Flutterwolf. Flutterwolf tore the ivies and ran away.

The potion was not luckily broken or spilled on to the ground. But Twilight was bleeding. The claws scratched her tummy. The cuts were not deep but it needed medical care.

"We needed to use ropes. Let us take her hospital..." continued Rainbow Dash and they all walked to the hospital.