• Published 2nd Jun 2015
  • 4,461 Views, 51 Comments

Flutter Wolf - GildaTheGriffon

All of our characters decided to camp on Everfree Forest and started to tell eachother some scary stories, unaware of what will happen something tomorrow mysterious.

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Chapter Five: The Paws

"What happened? That wolf again? Take the patient to room 121, Nurse Redheart bring narcosis needle! Now!" said Doctor Horse with a little worried voice.

"You mean?" asked Nurse Redheart.

"Yes, general anesthesia! Hurry! These wound can carry rabies virus. Prepare the stitches. I am coming!" rushed Doctor getting his eyeglasses from his room and rushed to the surgery room 121.

All the friends of Twilight's were waiting in anxiety. Rarity was knitting, scared and crying and Applejack was playing with her hat. Rainbow Dash fell asleep and Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were talking to each other. Pinkie Pie brought some coffee to her friends and when she gave one to Luna she asked "When I was waiting you, in outside the woods did you find Zecora? Because I did not see her, did she return back to her hutt?". Princess Luna nodded and claimed that Zecora safely returned way back to her hutt.

Rainbow Dash screamed "NOOO! Fluttershy careful!". and woke up.

"Bad nightmare?" asked Applejack and after she saw Rainbow Dash nodding she said "It will increase, unfortunately. When those type of bad things happen, I can barely sleep too and when I sleep I see nothing but nightmares. Do not worry sugarcube, you will pass over it. Time is a medicine for everything. Do not distress your pretty mind too... Fluttershy may seem weak or shy, but you know how her inside is so pretty and strong. She will get over this. Let us now hope that Twilight will make it through... Because Luna said that the potion of regenaration, after using for three people it finished. So we do not have any other chances. Let us hope." continued Applejack.

"Do not worry Rainbow Dash, Twilight is strong too she will get well." said Rarity.

"I will never attend to any other parties or make one if she does not make it." Pinkie Pie claimed and started to cry.

"There there..." said Rainbow Dash and hugged Pinkie Pie.

"Is she ok? IS MY SISTER OK?" asked and yelled Shining Armor when he appeared suddenly.

"Shining! Wait for me! Calm down!" said Princess Cadance and came from her back.

"Glad to see you here, we are still waiting for her. She is still in surgery. Let's hope she will get well. I need to go now. I have a sun to raise. Luna you need a rest too. Go back to Canterlot. I will be outside and will return when I raise the sun." continued Princess Celestia.

"Isn't it a little early for that?" asked Princess Cadance.

"It is. But we need to shorten night when Flutterwolf is outside, maybe in Ponyville. I need to go now. Luna come..." continued Princess Celestia and she left the building with her sister.

After couple of minutes door of the 121 opened and Twilight on a bed came out and they put her in another room. They started to give her serum. Everybody waited Twilight and watched her from the window of the room. With tears coming Shining Armor tried and forced himself to get in but the doctors did not let him to.

"What is the result, Doctor Horse?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"The scratches, they are not too deep. None of her organs got hurt. However she lost blood a lot. We need to have the same blood type of her. Does anyone has the blood type D?" asked Doctor Horse.

"I do." said Princess Cadance.

"Let me take you Princess to the blood-making process. Please follow me." said Doctor Horse and entered another room with Princess Cadance.

"I will go with her, so that she won't feel alone." said Rarity and entered to the room and held Cadance's hoof to support her.

Pinkie Pie said "It was all because of us! If we used stronger things to tie. For example ropes. It would not result in this way.".

"No Pinkie, nothing would change. It would only stop the wolf to get away. Twilight would get hurt if it was not ivies and it was ropes and in that panic we could also forgot the wolf so that she could escape. So no need to get more sad. We need to tolerate each other. We need to get Twilight out of here. See we have Rarity and Applejack now. They are alive. Isn't this a miracle? We can party or sleepover like we used to." said Rainbow Dash.

"We can't if she dies." said Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie! Never talk like that again, sugarcube, everything will just be alright." said Applejack.

"I am sorry, I just can't sit here and wait by doing nothing." said Pinkie Pie.

"Me neither... So, I am leaving." said Rainbow Dash.

"Hold on sugarcubes. Where are you going?" asked Applejack.

"I am going to search for Fluttershy and I guess Pinkie Pie is coming with me." said Rainbow Dash.

"I am coming too, than!" said Applejack.

"No.. No... No... It is best if someone is here to look after Twilight. Two ponies are enough. Believe me." said Rainbow Dash and left with Pinkie Pie after she got approval from Applejack. They also told their leaving to Princess Celestia who was coming back from raising the sun .

The weather was colder today. Though it was summer, both of them shivered when they first faced with coldness after leaving from a warm building. They decided to start looking from Sweet Apple Acres because Rainbow Dash found her sleeping over there. "Isn't it kind of weird that Fluttershy is a morning sleeper? And also why did not Rarity, Applejack and Zecora did not turn into a wolf when they were bitten?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"It is not that weird at all. She likes moons. She hunts at nights. I think Applejack and Zecora and Rarity got rid of the virus by drinking the potion. Let's go now, I think I am pretty sure we are close to the place that I saw her five hours ago." said Rainbow Dash and saw Pinkie Pie yawning.

"I need sleep. Haven't been sleeping for a day." said Pinkie Pie.

"Oh, please not now Pinkie. Please do not give me the responsibility to carry you back to the hospital. Just after finding Fluttershy, I promise I will let you sleep, even you can hibernate if you want. But now we have a friend to find. Look! Those paw marks! They are fresh! She must be passed through here. Let's follow it." said Rainbow Dash and after Pinkie Pie nodding she looked at her and took her blue hoof to her mouth and whispered "Shhh... No more talking from now on." and they started to follow the paws. Then they heard a bush sound and Pinkie Pie got scared and hid back to Rainbow Dash and hugged her.

"What was that?" asked Pinkie Pie and got a "Shhh!!" answer from Rainbow Dash. They continued to walk but Pinkie Pie got tired and mentioned it to Rainbow Dash and they decided to take a break. Pinkie Pie sat on a ground and leaned against a mossy rock and closed her eyes for a while.

"It must be right here Pinkie Pie, don't move... The snoring is loud enough." and Pinkie shook her head and said "Yea, yea, go catch her Rainbow!" she said and she fell asleep.

"Really Pinkie? Thanks for being a good and strong campanion." she said and rolled her eyes. Suddenly she recognized something. The thing that Pinkie Pie was leaning on wasn't a stone. It was a pony or maybe a wolf. Flutterwolf! She was behind Fluttershy! I need to wake her up. Rainbow Dash carried Pinkie Pie and took her to behind the trees but still Flutterwolf could be seen from there and achieved to wake Pinkie Pie up and told everything. When she looked back she immediately noticed that Flutterwolf was not there. The paw marks appeared in front of them. It was coming to their way. Where was she? Suddenly a growl came and "Rainbow Dash! Pinkie!" said Fluttershy and hugged both of her friends. "Glad to see you guys. It did not work... The potion. Did you give it to me? What happened?" asked Fluttershy.

"It did not work because you kicked Twilight and she now has scratches on her tummy. She had surgery and we still do not know her current condition. She is resting now. We came here to look for you. You need to come with us. You can't stay here, they will help you over there. We have the potion." said Rainbow Dash.

"I can't." said Fluttershy. "The potion, that you mentioned... I am so glad that you did not give it to me yesterday... It's just I can not drink it.". continued Fluttershy.

"Why?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"I was in close to the hospital building today, I found myself waking up behind the bushes in hospital and when I woke up I heard Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, talking about me.They talked about the potion they wanted to give it to me. It had a side affect." said Fluttershy.

"Side affect? Side affect of what?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Ok guys... I really want to get rid of this wolf issue, i really do but what I am trying to say is, when they are trying to kill the wolf inside me they will also kill the pony that is inside me. I can die. I am too scared. But if you insist i promise, i will for Ponyville's safety drink it and will accept my death." said Fluttershy and started to cry.

"Never!" said Rainbow Dash. "I will never let that happen! If Princess Celestia thinks that she can trick us, just let her try. I will not let this happen!" continued Rainbow Dash.

"No! We will get her to hospital. We are not a hundred percent sure that she will die. Look at her Rainbow Dash, she gets worse and more dangerous. She gets bigger, and she grows up! This has to stop! I am going to hospital. With her!" said Pinkie Pie and held Fluttershy's hoof and pushed her to the way to hospital but Rainbow Dash blocked "Sorry, Pinkie Pie, I can not let her die. I love her!" and took her back and flew away with her. " I will never let you die, I will protect you forever." said Rainbow Dash and kissed Fluttershy who were in her arms.

"No Rainbow Dash... This was not the part of the plan. You need to stay away from me. I love you too but I am dangerous and you are the last person that I want to harm! Please leave me alone!" said Fluttershy.

"Do you remember the time when you hurt your wrist?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Do you know how worried was I? And immediately found a bandage to make you well? Never Fluttershy, I will never leave you alone..." said Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie got shocked and immediately rushed to the other ponies in the hospital. It was almost noon and she achieved to find her way back to the hospital and when she got in she was suprised. Twilight she was practising to walk and Applejack and Rarity were holding her. Pinkie Pie hugged her and cried and looked down.

"Where were you and Rainbow Dash? Where is Rainbow Dash?" asked Twilight.

"Gone...." Pinkie cried out. "With Flutterwolf they flew away."