• Published 16th Feb 2016
  • 1,663 Views, 42 Comments

The Legend of Alicorns - Amereep

Twilight goes back in time to find a 'Legend of Zelda' theme like world that follows a few months after the first Hearth's Warmth. History is not what it seems to be as the tribes still despise each other.

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Chapter 2

Since becoming an alicorn, I've had my share of hassles with owning wings. I've had trouble controlling them, flying with them, and even preening them. Throughout all of the troubles I've had with them, I never considered them to be a curse. Over the course of the last hour though, I began to think differently about my wings. Not only does it seem that society views a unicorn having wings to be a deformed outcast, but having to keep your wings underneath your clothing can give you really terrible itches.

"Are you sure I have to wear this?"

"I really think you should, deary." Glory answers who I'm more than certain is Rarity's ancestor. "Unicorns around here have a deep dislike towards other ponies and I doubt a charming......... Unipeg such as yourself will be accepted so easily. They're hostility is restrained enough that they won't act upon their emotions, but they do have a cold stare towards others." I gave an uneasy look at her, and she reads my thoughts, "I'm a business mare, dear. A customer is a customer no matter the appearance. Besides, this meeting has been quite beneficial for me. An up-close model of a pony with wings can help me get the upper-hoof on my competition. I could sell Pegasi dresses that no Unicorn could make. Although, I doubt any Pegasi would buy a dress from a Unicorn. Maybe an alias?" she wonders aloud.

I scratch my wings again through my new clothes, or perhaps I should say my restitched clothes. An hour ago, Glory insisted that I needed to hide my wings and suggested on making a tunic. Being short on material, I let her use my green blanket to make a green tunic for me to wear, really wish she did something about my night cap though. She definitely never made clothing for a Pegasus as she had to rework on the wings a few times; ultimately, leaving some patches that blends in with the suit. It was free, but my wings are pinned against me from this garment and it just won't stop bothering me. "Going back to what you said earlier about Princess Platinum," I try getting my mind off the irritation in my wings with a question, "you said she's sharing the land?"

"Yes, her, Chancellor Puddinghead, and Commander Hurricane all signed a treaty declaring that they will all share this land together in order to stop the fighting that kept the Windigos around."

"Then what's with all this unfriendly talk about each race?"

"Old habits die hard, dear. Many ponies still have their grudges that keep them from accepting one another. With the treaty signed, ponies have to hold back on their regular tendency so they won't get in trouble with the monarchs"

So not only am I in the past, but the past is different from what's been told to everypony for thousands of years?

I.... I gotta get outta here. I shouldn't be in the past, it'll only change the present, er, future. Whatever is happening now will be solved over the years that will follow.

I need to return to my own time. Let's see, I got here by walking through a portal in a giant stone and with luck, I should be able to return by using it again. Unfortunately, the stone seems to react in a unique way that won't allow just anypony to use it. Which means that I'll need to find out what conditions need to be met before it'll allow me to use it.

"Say, Glory," I should start by getting as much information I can about the stone, and sense technology is limited here for me to get a hooves-on approach at studying the mineral, I should try the next best thing, "is there a library nearby?"

Standing at the only source I had at getting information about rocks, I silently cursed myself for not listening to Maud more often than I did.

It's the Unicornia Library, later to be known as the Canterlot Library. The light on the building cast by the sun gave me comfort that it was a library I knew, but the rays on the structure cast by the moon gave me displeasure that it wasn't the size I remember, and when stepping into the young library, I knew I was in trouble. Instead of the large rooms with hundreds of stocked shelves with a few dozen amounts of ponies reading, it was just one small room with about fifteen or so amounts of semi-occupied bookshelves guarded by the only pony in the place, the librarian.

Well, if I'm going to find anything, I better ask the expert. Trotting up to the mare, I begin examining her. I couldn't get a good look at her face, but she was wearing a tan cloak with her snout buried in a book and had on a saddle brown colored hood separated from her cloak, using rope as laces for it.

"Excuse me," I tried to interrupt her reading, "is there a book on petrology?"

She points a white hoof towards an aisle, not so much as lifting her eyes off the book she was reading.

She could've been a little bit more friendlier, but I march to the pointed aisle anyways. The passage has quite a selection of the books I was looking for. Finding a specific mineral will definitely be a challenge to find, so I better get started.

I pick up the first book that looks promising. Opening it up, I begin reading about one of the aggregates. 'Sirloin. This delicacy is a tasty treat that many recommend eating at a hot spring' ......did I just pick up a book about food? I move onto the next book, 'Stone Head. A rock shaped like a head that is uncommonly found in nature at many obscure places. Unlike the Spectacle Rock formation, this giant boulder was not made naturally and was sculpted by somepony. The name of the sculpture that made these is still unknown to this day.' Artists, never could understand them, but I'm looking for rocks, not sculptures. I press on and continue searching through the books, there must be something about that rock.

Nothing. After reading information about Howling Stones, I've reached the end of what I can look through and the only unnatural rock I could find about was one that gossips. Perhaps there's another way. Maybe I could travel through time with a spell? I doubt there will be any though, but it's at least worth a look.

I return to the entrance to find that mare from before. I begin speaking to her "Sorry to bother you again," she didn't seem to mind though, her eyes were still in that book she had, "but where could I find magic spells?"

She points a hoof in another direction for me to follow, and I question how she gets any visitors with that assistance.

Arriving at an assortment of scrolls, I begin feeling very distraught from finding out that none of the scrolls were labeled for easy convenience. I pick up the closest one with my magic and begin reading it. 'Chant the following words to make balloons and confetti appear' .........this looks like it doesn't belong here. I take another scroll, this spell makes it rain by performing some actions? 'A ▼ ▲ A ▼ ▲'!? What does that mean!?!? There's one that makes an electric barrier, another that turns you into a fairy. I cup my face into my hooves, none of these were remotely helpful. I give another look at the pile of coiled papers in front of me and something stood out. Brushing the papers aside reveals it to be a book called 'Magic of the Gods'.

Why not, I could really use a miracle right about now.


This book isn't quite that bad. There's no spells in it, but some solid theories on some unreachable magic. Controlling colossal masses. Millennium sealing. Many of these spells do seem possible given that the pony was strong enough. .....who made this?

I scan the cover and my eyes practically pop out of my head when I read the author's name.

Star Swirl! He made this!!! Hmm... maybe there's something on time traveling in here.

I speed-read through the pages, but only resulted with it barely skimming upon the subject by stating that 'they can create time'. Still, seeing the name Star Swirl does give me another idea.

Returning once more to the entrance with the book in aura, I walk up to 'little miss chatterbox' with another question. "I hate to interrupt you again," she responds the same as before with keeping her eyes pinned to the book. Just what was she reading anyways? .....'Koridai'? Sounds like a pretty bad book, "but are there any more books made by Star Swirl?"

"No." she sways her head, "He said that he wants to study the world more before writing any more books."

So this is another dead en......... "HE'S ALIVE!!!"

The mare finally looks at me, brushing her flowing pink mane aside revealing a young mare with annoyed magenta eyes, "I know he's old, but that doesn't mean he's going to kick the bucket any time soon."

I can't believe my luck. Thee Star Swirl. The most important conjurer of the pre-classical era, is alive! This is no spell, but a pony that can make the most incredible of feats possible. If there was anypony that could possibly help me get back to the future, it's him.

The chance of meeting him simply enthralls me. "Where is he? May I meet him? How's my mane look?"

"Away. Doubt it. Lose the hat, then you'll be fine."

"Is he going to be back soon?"

She gives me a 'peh' sound, "Knowing his busy schedule, it'll take days or even months before he returns."

"Where can I find him?"

"If you want to see him, it'll be better if you wait for him. When he's onto something, his inquisitive nature never lets him get sidetrack for anything else," she then returns to her book, "Not even for his students." spoken under her breath.

So I'll have to wait for possibly a few months? Nuh-uh! "Please," placing my forehooves together, "I must see him." She peers over her book, "I need his help on something very important that only he can solve."

The mare raises an eyebrow in a questionable look. She gazed at me like that for some time until it slowly began to shift. I couldn't quite grasp her thoughts solely by her eyes, but I'm sensing some mischief coming from that sly look. "Alright," she finally replies along with the snapping of her book closing, "I'll take you to him."

"You'll.... take me?"

"Yes, I believe you'll be the perfect excu-" she covers her mouth and gives a pathetic sounding cough, "reason for me to see him."

"Why can't you go see him yourself?"

"Because he punished me the last time I neglected my studies without a cause."

"Wait, wait, wait. We're getting ahead of ourselves. How do you know him?"

"He's my teacher."

"And he assigned you to study while he's gone?"

"Just like study hall."

"But you're deciding to 'take me to him' as an excuse to avoid studying?"

"A 'reason'."

I'm dealing with one of those students, aren't I? "I couldn't ask you to do that. You'd be disobeying your teacher and wouldn't heading toward your teacher be like diving into the lion's den?"

"I've read all of these books from cover to synopsis at least four times," she over exaggerated her frustration by sliding her hooves down her face, "I'm bored and I'll do anything to get outta here. Besides," she looks away, crossing her forelegs, "I have my reasons."

That doesn't really explain much, and judging by that defensive posture, that will be the only answer I'll get from her. Just what kind of career is she hoping to get if she skips her studies? I hate to be the excuse for her, but meeting Star Swirl seems like the only chance I've got at returning to my own time. "Alright," I begin saying resentfully. "Will you please show me to him."

She lit up, "I knew you wouldn't have any problems with this."

Is that how she sees it, or is she trying to push my buttons? She gathers her stuff and we head outside for her to lock-up. I might as well get acquainted with the pony I'll be following for awhile, "My name is Twilight Sparkle."

She turns around smiling after locking up the library, "Call me Cici."

Cici? Was she initializing her name? I take another look at her overall appearance while reviewing the name.

I wonder.

Author's Note:

Deleted Lines

*Twilight in the library*

As I head towards the shelf the mare pointed to, a book catches my attention. It was on display for recommendation to anypony looking for something to read, but it was the title that I was focused on.

Seeing the foreign language gave me a bad feeling.