• Published 16th Feb 2016
  • 1,664 Views, 42 Comments

The Legend of Alicorns - Amereep

Twilight goes back in time to find a 'Legend of Zelda' theme like world that follows a few months after the first Hearth's Warmth. History is not what it seems to be as the tribes still despise each other.

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Chapter 4

When traveling to faraway places, ponies tend to get a bit bored by the lack of entertainment on the road. They remedy this by doing something to spend the time with. Some may talk about their lives with other traveling companions, others may decide to play games like 'Who am I' or 'I spy', but as me and Cici walk through a forest brimming with gigantic plants, she decided she would spend the time by singing.

"♪Twenty-six piles of hay in the barn. Twenty-six piles of hay.♫"

And I want to strangle her.

Is she doing this just to annoy me? I hate to imagine what Star Swirl has to go through. Come to think of it, "Hey Cici," she stops her song, turning her head towards me "how did you get to be Star Swirl's pupil?"

"He asked me to." She simply states.

"That's it?"

"Mm-hmm, he said that he saw something special in me."

Well, it certainly wasn't your singing.

"He has a funny way of showing it though." Her eyes trail off as she remembers, "He never really teaches me very much of anything. He's always too busy for me and tells me to study until he returns. Whenever he does return, he has to get going again for another reason. I ask him if I could come along, but he says stuff like 'You'll learn more if you stay here' or 'It's too dangerous to come along'. He even said it the last time he left me in that library. I never get to spend any time with him."

I stare at her as we walk, feeling an empathetic and familiar emotion.

I never would've thought she would actually make a relatable connection to me. The relationship with her teacher really reminds me of the relationship with my own. Being a princess, she always was on the move and never really spent much time with me either. I always did what I was told and studied until she returned, but at times, I wished I could've been with her more. I think I see why Cici is willing to help me now. She's hoping to use me as an excuse to get out of her studying and by showing me to him a reason for her to be with her teacher. I kinda feel as though we're both kindred spirits in this way.

"Now where was I...... oh yes. ♫Ninety-nine piles of hay in the barn. Ninety-nine pile o-♪"


After about seventy-eight piles later, we finally passed the edge of the forest and found ourselves standing under the floating city itself, Pegasopolis. I wish I could say that it was a sight to behold, but looking at the bottom of it from a mile away didn't leave any impression on me. "So how are we going to get up there?" I asked Cici, giving another scratch at my wings.

"We'll use the 'Treading Lightly' spell," I'm guessing that's the cloud walking spell, "and that." She points to a hole dug into the ground the size of an elephant.

.....what? Is something supposed to fly us up there?

I peered inside and there was nothing but a cavern hole that seemed like nature created it, not an animal's doing. "I'm not follo-" a strong gust of wind suddenly blasts right into my face, launching me a couple of hooves back on the ground.

While I was getting up in a shock-surprised state, Cici was in a laughing-teasing state. "You really are the type that would stick her nose into things." she says between laughs.

Pushing her mocking aside, it appears that this hole is a geyser that spurts out gusts of wind. "So you're suggesting that we use this air geyser to reach Pegasopolis."

"Yep," She begins to untie the string around her hood, "we'll parachute ourselves up there." and removes the fabric from her head.

The sunlight on her pink mane kinda makes it look like it's shining now that I look at it more clearly.

Cici grabs onto her hood with her teeth "Shee yo ats ta toph." The air geyser gives off another blow of air and she runs at it to be flung high into the sky through the clouds in a manner of seconds.

I have to do that? Dear Princess, that looked intense.

I gulped nervously at this challenge and slowly took my hat off.

Hmm... I can't use this. Connecting both ends of the cap would be too small at catching any air into it. I need to find a different solution.

I planted my hat back on while looking around and found something that might work. Tracing back, I plucked a giant leaf from the forest I just passed and clamped my teeth on the tip and petiole. I took a deep breath and when the geyser sends out another gust, I ran into it. Catching the air in the leaf practically shot me at speeds that made me feel like my teeth would be pulled out. I couldn't see where I was going, but I did know I was inside a cloud. My vision became clear once more as I made it out and saw I was in the middle of a colony. The leaf slowly began to stop elevating and I gently landed on the cushy surface.

Upon touchdown, I collapse upon my temporary new ground and let the leaf blow away.

That sudden rush really made me feel light-headed.

"What took ya so long?" I weakly turned to see Cici, "Come on, let's start looking." She pushes me up and we begin our search.

The village, if you can call it that, hardly had any structures. Instead, there are tents scattered everywhere for a couple of ponies to take shelter in. I would've thought that giving the freedom of flying and the easy working material of clouds would give them an advantage at making a vibrant colony faster than the other nations. This place looks more like a training camp and the Pegasi help prove that point with their appearance. All of them seem to be wearing the colors of sienna and tan on their bodies, giving them the impression that they're all in uniform. My thoughts of this place are further proven by the Pegasi flying by us and giving scrolls to one another followed by solutes.

Just like the earth ponies, the Pegasi also have a strong difference in physical appearance than the ones I'm used to seeing. Their feathers seem to be untamed as they're not restricted to the wings alone, but their entire body. The muzzles they have were more smoother and rounder than their descendants, kinda making them look like they have beaks.

"Wait." Cici places a hoof on me, "Watch, you'll love this." and begins to slowly walk towards a direction. Viewing her approach, she seems to be heading for a yellow mare with a very long pink mane tied up to match her tail. She wears a simple grayish-black dress with a white scarf and a red caparison across her back. The mare seems to be focused on a light blue bird with a white belly and face on her hoof, she's not even noticing Cici sneaking up behind her. The unicorn halts her advance and stands firm. She take in a big silent breath and-

"Hi, Cici."

Lets out the air she just inhaled with frustration at the pegasi's amused 'nice try' tone. "How'd you know?"

The pegasus turns holding a perch bird out "Zeffa told me."

The little bird flitters over and lands on the tip of Cici's horn "Killjoy"

A yellow pegasus that can talk to animals. Hmm...

The unicorn shakes Zeffa off her horn "Anyways, we heard that Master Star Swirl came to Pegasopolis. Do you know where he is, Pan?"

"I didn't know he came by." Pan said, sounding surprised.

"Really? But I'm certain a pony such as Master Star Swirl coming by here would've at least made some form of ruckus amongst everypony."

She shyly looks away twirling her mane "Well, I could ask the commander if any reports on Star Swirl came by. If that's okay with you."

Pan took us to a large cube-like tent with a pointed top and a small porch that led inside. Entering the dome showed a few pots in the back, some rugs on the floor, and a seated armored pony looking over a desk. The pony seems to be purely focused on the piece of parchment displayed on the table. It appeared to be a map of a structure with rooms holding words like supply, cafeteria, and quarters in them, along with a bunch of 'O's pointing to an 'X'.

"E-excuse me, Commander Hurricane." the timid mare said quite enough that it would make a pin drop sound like a blow horn.

The armored soldier tilts its head up at us, "........care to explain why there are unicorns in my presence, Private." The commander is wearing full body armor, complete with a helmet that fully covers the face. The armor has a color scheme that is based around copper, from the bottom of the hooves to the tip of the two horns on the helm. It kinda made Hurricane appear to be made fully out of metal.

Pan lifts a hoof at us, "This is Cici and... um..."

I never gave her my name before, did I? "Twi-"

"Twinkle!" Cici burst in saying. I gave her an annoyed expression and she replied with a victorious smile.

"They're here asking if there have been any reports about Star Swirl recently." Pan continued her explanation to the commander.

Hurricane was just staring at the private.

"....the bearded." Pan added.

Hurricane was still silent.

"....the unicorn." Pan expanded upon.

"You do realize they all look the same, right?" the commander finally responded.

It appears that the books I've read were right about Hurricane being very cold and blunt. They also seemed to be right on that other issue of Cane's. Throughout all the books I've read, some have called him a stallion, but others have called her a mare. Staring at the pony in question, I'm having a hard time deciding one or the other. The voice sounds a bit raspy that could fit either gender and the armor makes it hard to determine the features.

"I know," Cici whispers to me, "With all of that armor on, the commander looks kinda like a goht."

I take a double take at her and she begins coughing.

"Sorry. High altitude, little air. I meant goat, like a goat."

The sound of clanking armor gets our attention as we see Hurricane getting up "As far as I'm aware, I have not heard or received any reports about a Star Swirl, let alone a Unicorn, entering our base." Cane looks at us "You got your answer, now leave our skies."

Pan leads us out as Cane returns looking at the parchment. I have a hard time believing that a famous pony like Star Swirl would just be overlooked as if he wasn't here. Come to think of it, none of the Pegasi have really made any form of acknowledgment towards us outside of Pan. I guess it's nice that I'm not getting any hated looks at me like the Earth ponies were doing, but it feels like I'm purposely being ignored by Pegasi out of simple disrespect.

......are they acting like this because I'm a Unicorn?

"Please excuse Hurricane's rudeness," Pan bows her head, "the commander has been under alot of stress and hasn't really gotten any sleep lately."

"Paperwork can't be that stressful." said Cici.

It's obvious that you're not a princess.

"It's because we've been invaded by a giant bird some time ago. None of us have really gotten very much sleep because of it."

"It won't stop squawking, right?" the white mare guessed.

She shakes her head "Because it took over our headquarters. It's using our headquarters as a nest, keeping us away from our weapons, armory and beds. All of us are in a tussle because we're unprepared on how to handle the situation."

"A trained army can't even take down a large bird?" I asked.

"That's the thing, we don't have the type of training for combat."

Pan begins explaining, "This is a new land and many of our trained soldiers are back home. We scouts gain intel and deliver massages while maintaining things here as an outsourced headquarter."

So they're basically a bunch of Mailmares.

"They don't have any units back home they can spare, so we have to try and handle things on our own. I've tried myself and talked to it about reconsidering on leaving, but it has a vicious temper and wont listen to anything I say. I don't even think Levias the whale can talk any sense into him."

I began to have that tearing feeling again. That feeling of wanting to help and the ripple I would cause upon history if I did. Should I help them this time as well?

"I have a deal for you, Pan." Cici offered, "You go get what information you can find about where Master Star Swirl is heading," she then wraps a hoof around me and pulls me closer, nearly making me fall over, "and we'll get rid of that bird for you."

Pan looked terrified at the offer, "You'll be teared you to shreds if you go!"

"We'll be fine, right Twink?"

"Twilight." I remind her, struggling to get free from her grip.

"See! She said she's delighted!"

Pan's expression seems to be that of an uneasy one "I'll go see what info I can gather, but if you want to help, then please be careful." She takes a bow, "May the Wind Fish be at your back." then flies off to gather info.

The what fish?

As Cici and I arrived at the Pegasopolis' headquarters, I had a sense of nostalgia when staring at the structure. It didn't feel like I was about to go into a military base, but it felt like I was going back to school. A flagpole, a bell, and windows showing the many different rooms inside, all within a yard surrounded by a fence. The layout just rang academy. Too bad they don't train knights, otherwise we wouldn't be here.

"So why did you volunteer at helping out?" I questioned Cici, "In Earth, you only decided to help when I went it alone. But this time, you offered to help and dragged me along. So why the change?"

"Because you were going to help anyway." she said surprising me. "Agitated, uneasy. You were making the same expression as you did back in Earth. I just decided that it would help if Pan would do something for us in the meantime."

She certainly has a sharp eye for noticing habits. I began reaching behind me, but withdrew my hoof back. I better not scratch my wings anymore when she's present.

Crossing underneath the arches, we enter the front door into HQ. The main hall consists of two hallways on the left and right side going around to form a courtyard in front of us. The interior didn't put much effort into this place as there were rugs laying on the floor and banners hanging to the walls in a quite spacious corridor in both width and height, leaving the impression that flying was optional and giving freedom for a giant bird to fly through with ease.

"Well, let's start searching the rooms for it." I suggested, apathetically pushing open a cloud door to my left.

Walking inside, the room displayed beds in rows along the walls with trunks close by each one of them. A few of the cots were messy, sheets ruffled, blankets tossed and..... eww, does that one have boxer shorts?

"I guess we found the Quarters." said Cici, stating the obvious.

Quarters.... hmm.

"You should really be more cautious entering a room, Twink." she continued "You never know if Wall Master is in one."

"Wall Master?" I said nonchalantly.

"It's a creature that hangs from the ceiling, taking it's time positioning itself above you." She says, trying to make it sound spooky. "When it's ready, it drops down and grabs you with its grotesque claw and takes you away."

She's toying with me, there's no such thing....... right? "Wh-where does it take you?"

"Nopony can really say for sure," giving an ominous feel to the sentence. "Some say it wishes to be left alone, so it throws you out of its room," telling it in a threatening tone. "Others say that it takes you to a giant shelf to keep you there, only removing you when it decides it wants to brush your mane," saying it with a disturbing chill in the air. "But I think it takes you back home to its little Floor Masters to latch onto you forever, draining you for all the life you have left to live," her statement gave off a terrible vibe!

N-n-no, she's pulling a fast one one me. Th-there's nothing specifying such a creature ever existing in any study of animals I've read about. In my time or the past.

But this past is very different from what I've read. I-it's incorrect on many issues like pony appearances, acceptance of others, and incorrect reasons for celebrating holidays. Wh-wh-which means that a creature like a Wall Master could be possible!!!

Cici suddenly looks past me in shock. "Look out!" her horn lights up.

I quickly turn around grasping my sword with magic. I jolt my eyes to find any monsters but nothing looked out of the norm.

I suddenly felt a heavy weight fall upon me and it felt like time froze for me. Whatever it was, it was wrapped around my entire back and waist. I could feel it having prickly hair all over its body as it gripped my tighter.

I bolt forward screaming and manage to slip right through its clutches. Spinning around taking my sword out, I view the beast before me.

The horrifying beast was a really itchy looking blanket being held by a golden aura coming from a chuckling white unicorn. "Careful," she says between laughs, waving the carpet around "Wall Master can take you to a whole new world!"

Urgh, that mare!! Leading me on like that only to practically make me jump out of my fur, that was a real mean trick. I began taking deep breaths to calm my heart and frustration down. Easy, Twilight, don't let her get to you. She's the best connection you've got at meeting Star Swirl, just tolerate her company till then.

"Well, it looks like that bird isn't here." spoke Cici, "Let's head to the next room before the Wall Master grabs another victim."


Pushing open a soft cloud door, we walked into another room. This time it's a large cold room presenting aisles of random assortment of items, from boots with wings on them to empty bottles and back to full body armor are being housed here.

It's the supply room.... I swear these rooms are trying to tell me something.

"Alright," the white unicorn announced, "Go check the aisles to the left, Twink. I'll see what's on the right."

We went our separate ways and I searched through the rows I was assigned. I might as well indulge her. Judging by the perfectly arranged selves, I doubt a giant bird would've gone through these narrow aisles without causing some kind of mess.

As I walk through this crispy cold room, something catches my attention. A giant brown chest with gold metal rims on it was sitting in the back of one of the rows. I gaze at the large container, causing my curious nature to get the better of me.

Just what could they possibly put in there? No, I shouldn't be getting into other pony's stuff. .....but, maybe .......maybe just a peek.

Walking up to it, I cautiously grabbed hold of the lid with my magic and cracked it open just slightly. I peered inside and questioned what this object was. I push open the chest to get a better look. I gently grab this thing with my magic and slowly, but carefully, lift it out of the che-

"WHATCHA GOT?" Cici suddenly surprised my concentration and caused me to involuntarily lob the item into the air,

I quickly looked up to see the object reaching the peak of its toss. Thinking fast, I stand on my hind legs to extend my forelegs up to catch it and I began to panic as it fell towards me. I'm terrible at catching things and too afraid to see if I would be successful or not. I closed my eyes and waited for the result.


I'm not hearing a crash..... I'm also not feeling an object in my hooves. Slowly opening my eyes, I see a white jar with two handles spinning in the air above my hooves with a light golden aura around it.

"Are you going to take it or are you just going to keep standing there praising it?" I look over at Cici to see she was the one holding the jar in her magic.

Grabbing the jug with my magic, I took a moment to review it. Pots usually may have interesting designs on them, but this pot is simple with one row of spirals symbols going horizontally around the base and light blue stripes above and below this pattern. The only thing that stands out as unique for this jar is that it has two bizarre looking hooks at the rim of the opening.

Why would somepony put a pottery jar in the supply room meant for soldiers?

I shake my head wondering and hear a noise. It sounded like it was a jingle. I turned my head and heard it again, where is it coming from? I spin around to find it and it sounds off once more. It sounds like it’s close to me, but the only thing close to me is Cici. It seems like she was holding in something while she had her head turned with a hoof over her mouth. She was giggling.

Giving a deadpan look, I reach behind myself and feel something round. Pulling it towards my face revealed it to be a jingle bell attached to the tip of my cap. I look back at her, "What? I just added a little enhancement for you. You are going for the fairy look, right?"

"Will you cut it out already!" I snapped at her, ripping the bell off my hat. "Ever since we met, you've been intentionally trying to get under my fur through attempts of calling me 'Twinkle', pulling pranks on me, and purposely singing off key." I sternly approached her through my scolding "Will you grow up and start acting your own age already?"

I'm keeping my eyes locked on Cici's face, hoping to see her take in my words. However, she didn't seem sorry for her actions, she actually seemed pretty proud at watching my frustrations "Got everything off your chest, Twinkle Bell?"

I'm really starting to hate her. She'll just keep on enjoying the tantrum I'm giving caused by her teasing. My best option is to just ignore her attempts at her goading, "Come on," I return the jar back into the chest, "let's go. I'm starting to get cold in here."

We went back to the door and I grabbed the handle with my magic and tried to open it, but the door was apparently stuck. Pulling harder, it didn't even budge. I laid on the cold solid door, coping with another bothering component that makes up my day, "For Pete's sake! Why isn't this door opening?"

"Here, let me try." Cici volunteered and began trying to open the door

Somethings wrong, this door is made up of clouds, so why is it cold and solid as ice?

I suddenly felt a cold chill go down my spine as if the room suddenly got colder. I wrapped my forelegs around myself for warmth and sat down to keep support of my balance, but quickly jumped up from the cold floor.

The clouds on the floor are made of ice too? So this entire room of water vapor is turning into ice and getting colder. This is definitely unnatural, it's as if this is someponies doing.

I watch the white mare beginning to rub forelegs together before trying to open the door again.

It's not Cici's doing, judging by how she's getting cold as well.

Pondering over the cause, I kept on hearing a clanking sound coming from somewhere. I scan the room for the sound, and upon looking up, I saw a ghastly spirit swirling above us.

"A WINDIGO!" I yelled which made the ghost stare soullessly into my eyes. Staring back at the creature, it looks on at me with those glowing pale cyan eyes shining from within the hood it was wearing. Rattling in its jaw was a swaying lantern it held by the rim of its handle as it flew through the air.

"Don't panic." Cici reassures me, tightening her hood, "I know how to get rid of it. Just keep it busy for a while." she then runs back into the aisles.

Is she really going to help, or is she just going to pull another fast one on me? ......I won't hold my breath.

"Hey, get out of here!" I yelled at it, taking my sword out and swinging a few warning shots at it, but it just went faster around me and made the room colder.

The sound of my chattering teeth informed me to do something more drastic. I focused on the specter's path, and with all my might, I swing a magical bullet from my sword. My shot is heading towards the Windigo's path for a collision, and just when it makes contact, it goes right through the spirit.

.....just what did I think was going to happen?

My horn was starting to go numb and I began to lose the grip on my sword. Curling up to keep as much body heat as possible, I began thinking of a way out of this jeopardizing situation.

I wasn't able to think of anything before I started to hear hoofsteps galloping towards me. I look up to see Cici sliding around the corner repeating the word 'Okay' while holding in her aura the jar I found a few minutes ago.

The pot? She went back to get that harden-clay decoration AT A TIME LIKE THIS?!?!?

I began to reflect over the terrible fate I've met (better known as Cici) as she points the opening of the jar up at the Windigo.

The hooks on the rim of the jug suddenly begin to spin. It starts to make a humming sound and I feel a little tug. Small chunks of clouds began spinning in the air around the equine wraith. It seems like the spirit is trying to go the opposite direction the clouds are going, but it's slowly being pulled along with the tiny dust particles to the final destination.... the jar! I can't explain it, but that jar seems to be some kind of vacuum and it has the Windigo inside it's vortex.

The struggle continued on until the inedible outcome finally happened when the specter lost it's holdings and fell into the pot.

Wind begins to settle within the room and the temperature starts warming up. Cici gives out a sigh of relief, "You okay Twink?"

She helps and pulls me back up on my hooves as I nodded, surprised at how quickly she took control of the situation. Despite her teasing, she's a pony you can really count on during critical moments. I rub the back of my head, feeling guilty for doubting her.

"We should really take this along," the white unicorn lifts up the jar. "We might find another one of those things here."

"....alright," I guess I can be a little bit lenient on her despite the toying she's been doing to me, "but be careful with it."

I turn around, proceeding back to the door and suddenly feel a gust of wind hit the back of my head, flipping the flap of my hat over my face. I gave her a peeve look and she was trying to act innocent despite her smile, "My magic slipped."

At least, for a little while.

Creaking the door open, we peer into the next room. It held long rectangle tables that formed alleyways in a criss-cross pattern. On the far left side, there's a wide hole in the wall showing what appears to be a kitchen.

"Pretty dull for a cafeteria." commented the white unicorn who I agree with.

Cafeteria. Now I know I'm seeing a pattern here. The names of these rooms, I came across these recently.....

....I conk my head "Now I remember!" Cici looked at me and I began explaining my discovery. "The quarters, supply room, cafeteria. All of these rooms were on the map Hurricane had on the desk, Cane was viewing the layout of this building."

She gave me a confused look, the type of look that said 'You are error.'

"Don't you get it? Hurricane was planning an assault on that bird."

"That still doesn't explain why it's important."

"It's important because it tells us where we can find him!" I gesture her to follow me and gallop down the halls.

If I remember correctly, taking this right followed by the next left should take us to where all those 'O's were pointing to.

"Around the corner and we'll meet the bird... here!" We both stop in front of the door that should have this canary inside, and I find it ironic that the room is the 'conference room.'

"Okay," I whisper to Cici, "If it is in there, it might strike at us the moment we enter. Are you ready?" I take out my sword and she lifts up the gust jar. We slowly open the door to the conference room.

The first thing I saw was that there was debris everywhere, like it was pushed or thrown on the floor. Pushing the door further open shows that there's a giant straw nest, seems like the bird made itself at home here. I gave Cici one more look, she nods, and I swung open the door for us to find... an empty nest in an open-air room. The entire ceiling is missing and the majority of the back wall is gone, showing a field made out of a cloud.

We both look at each other, questioning the bird's absences, then slowly venture in. I walk around the gigantic aerie and look around with Cici beyond the broken wall. Outside felt eerie, nothing but the flat plain of clouds with the sun and moon leering down at us.

"Hey," Cici utters, "listen."

I flap my ears around and start to hear something. It sounds like a pulse, a beating of some sort. The rhythm was coming from somewhere, but I can't find it anywhere in the sky. I began to feel the cushy floor of the clouds shake beneath my hoof as a hill starts to form in front of us. The floor of clouds suddenly burst upwards with a dark gray blur shooting out. It was spinning around in a dazzling fashion, looking like it was a frilly dress with a golden trimmed end. It stops it's spiraling and reveals its appearance in a hefty amount of scattered feathers and a piercing screech. It floats there with heavy flaps of its wings and with every flap, we could see more and more of it through the storm of feathers in the sky.

Four long golden tail feathers with a lime green pattern going along them were waving in sync with the flaps. Going up shows talon feet, large enough to carry both of us, and a dark gray, feathered bird with a wingspan of about thirty-three hooves wide. Its head is made up of dark scarlet feathers with a helmet covering whatever's left above the beak. The headgear looks like a crown, but it also gives the impression that it's a visor given by the fact that solid yellow eyes were focusing on us.

I thought we were looking for some kind of condor, but this is much bigger than I imagined, no wonder this thing was a problem for the Pegasi. Just how are we supposed to get rid of this thing? "Mr. Bird." I gulp as I try the subtle approach, "The place you decided to nest at belongs to the Pegasi nation and they wish to have it back. I don't want to be rude, but..." I really hope this persuades it, "Would you kindly find another place to nest?"

It gives out a loud screech and heavily flaps its wings, causing a strong current to hit us. The clouds beneath our hooves begin to throw us all over, it felt like I was in an earthquake. It dives at us and I lit up my horn, ready to teleport, when it decides to glide right over us. A strong gust of wind hit me, nearly blowing my hat off as I watched the feather tails flapping over my head.

Why does the calm approach never seem to work?

It begins to take a U-turn back towards us. I try to shoot at it with my sword, hopefully trying to scare it away. The gigantic buzzard closes its wings and spirals at us like a drill. I quickly teleport Cici and I out of the way as it skims the cloud floor before going back up. My magic shots didn't seem to irritate it at all.

I watch as the giant bird begins to fly around overhead, biding its time when it's ready to strike. "Have any ideas, Cici?"

"How about," she lifts up the jar, "we blow it off course."

Well, it's worth a shot.

I get behind Cici as she aims the jar. The bird begins to dive towards us.

She shoots at it and it didn't seem fazed.

She takes another shot and it extends its legs!

She hits it once more and it flexes its talons at us!!!

I quickly teleport both of us from another close call. We watch from afar as it ascends up again, and I notice another hazard starting to arise. The impacts the bird makes on the cloud is making holes in them. If we don't stop it soon, the holes it keeps making increases the chances of either of us accidentally falling through one of them. Just what will it take to keep this bird out of the skies?

I stare as it circles us, watching the golden tail feathers moving with the turns it makes.

"I got it!" I bring Cici in closer and begin to tell her my plan.

My eyes kept darting between her and the bird as I told her.

"Okay?" she nods at my suggestion and we went to set it in motion by splitting up.

She gallops to the right while I run to the left and shoot magic shots at the overgrown pigeon.

The bullets hit the bird, but it only jerks its head to see me throwing them. Stiffening its wings, the dark grey bird takes a sharp turn and begins gliding towards me.

The size of it starts giving me second thoughts of volunteering to be the bait. My instincts alone is probably the toughest conflict I'm dealing with as I slowly begin to walk backwards from fear. My mind blanked out as the beak that's heading towards me begins to open. The bird begins to slow its course towards me. It started flapping its large wings, but it only kept slowing down. The wings flapped faster as it began to fly backwards.

I completely forgot to breathe from that experience and deeply took in fresh air, relieved to see Cici pulling the bird back by the feather tails with the gust jar. The wind of the jar is perfect for catching those long wavy feathers and I watch it struggle from becoming a prisoner to the vortex.

The avian flaps harder but it just achieves nothing other than lost feathers.... uh oh.

I gulp at the sight of molting, realizing that trouble was about to bite back. Feathers were being plucked from various places on the bird's body; the wings, the torso, and now a tail feather.

With a snap, the tail feather flies into the jar and the buzzard begins to slowly escape the vacuum. Another tail feather follows, then another, and finally the last one. The bird escapes the cyclone and starts flapping its wings at a steady pace, but it falls onto the clouded-field chest first.

I think it lost so many feathers that now it can't fly anymore.

I guard myself with my sword as it scrambles to its feet. Cici starts to capture it again with the gust jar, but the bird only jerks its head to various tilts then scratches its neck with its foot. It rises its wings, giving out a war cry, and begins stepping towards me.

Swinging my sword, I send out beams of my magic at it to no avail. The fowl towers over me and leans back. It jolts its beak at me, piercing the floor and nearly me along with it. It immediately lifts its head back up and tries another stab at me. I teleport away, now knowing how it plans to deal with me, and see it break open another hole in the cloud.

Now what do I do? My magic doesn't seem to bother it, it has no problems with strong winds, and now it's making openings in the floor for us to plummet through.

The grounded bird jumps over the large hole it made and stands before me. Spreading its wings wide open, it pulls its head back.

I'm all out of ideas!

I light up my horn, anticipating its strike. It just stands there, jerking its head forward, as if it was stuck on something. The pulls its wings back and I take into account that it has a golden aura around them.

There's no way she could...

I whip my head around and see a pink-mane unicorn using her magic to pull back the bird's wings. It looks like her entire forehead is shining gold.

She can hold back such a large creature like that! I would have trouble pinning just one of its wings.

Her horn starts flickering, she won't be able to hold it for long. I need to do something now!

The bird's leg sifts at the struggle and I notice a convenient part missing behind it. It's a silly idea, but I quickly take out my hammer and give the fowl a quick tap on the knee. The leg reflexes with a kick and the bird loses its balance, falling backward through the hole it jumped over moments ago. Cici and I watch as it plummets towards the ground, flapping its wings in desperation, losing feathers along the way and shouting a long screech loud enough for the entire camp to hear. There's a deep booming sound when it hits the ground and the sight only shows a large black cloud bursting from the impact. I fall on my rear to catch my breath from that experience. Looking over to see how Cici is doing, she seems completely exhausted.

I think I'm starting to understand what she meant when Star Swirl said 'he saw something special in her'. Cici seems to have a lot of potential in magic, but lacks the discipline of using it. I wonder just what kind of spells she could pull off if she masters them.

I gave it some thought, and regretted the idea when I took into account her mischievous nature.

Cici and I appear at the doors to the headquarters through teleportation. Now that the bird is gone, we can get some info on Star Swirl's location. We gallop across the yard and through the front gate. My hooves screech to a halt as we turn the corner to find not only Pan sitting there for us but also Hurricane resting on the wall.

"I take it that your mission was successful." said Cane, getting up to stand at attention.

"What are you doing here?" I curiously asked.

"I'm here to tell you about what we've learned about Star Swirl."

I look over to the yellow pegasus who mimics her commander's stance "I thought Pan was going to do that."

"I got word about her attempts at getting info on Star Swirl. Upon hearing her reasons, I demanded taking this investigation upon myself."

"What made you decide to do that? I honestly thought you wouldn't want anything to do with us."

"As commander, it is my duty to protect these skies. I despise the idea of owing others any favors for something that is my responsibility and refuse to allow the pride of the Pegasi to be tarnished for the dependence of others, but considering the state we're all in, this trade of each other's services seems to be the best option we had. Given the influence I have due to my rank, I decided to lead the investigation believing that giving the best results from our side would keep some form of our reputation intact, if not a little sullen. But in any case," Cane grabs onto its helmet and lifts it up to let out a prismatic mane fall from her head. She reveals her cyan face having a daze look in her rosy eyes with dark rings under them. It didn't look like she had any sleep in days. "Thank you for keeping up your end of the deal." she bows her head with the helmet at her side. "As for our end, we have gathered that Star Swirl is currently back in Unicornia."

He's back there, ugh. For such an old pony, he can certainly get around.

"When you see Star Swirl, please give him this as well as our apologies." She hands me a small wooden box with a single feather imprinted on the side with a unique border around it. I take a look inside to see a pile of white feathers, there must be a hundred of them.


"They're quills." Cane corrects me, "Unicorns use up a lot of quills, right?"

.......I can't decide if that was insulting or true if you consider in my habits.

"My stallions were very aware of a unicorn entering camp. He was trying to deliver a message but my stallions decided not to report it, claiming that the appearance was unimportant and the message came from a," she gives a cough and shows a sign of disappointment in her expression, "useless source."

That actually stung a little, "What was the message?"

"From the information I've gathered, Star Swirl was trying to warn us about a mistake the Earth ponies were making. He was asking us for military support from a possible threat heading our way. We didn't have the ponypower or the evidence that a threat was coming, so we... may have been... we sorta were...."

"Insolent." I pitch in to help her along with the foreign mannerisms she's trying to express.

"......I later got reports from everypony about how a gigantic bird suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was attacking headquarters. We bravely fought against it, but ultimately lost in the end."

Something doesn't sound right "Everypony here are scouts, they're the first to know about what's coming or not. How can that colossal bird get the drop on you from nowhere?"

"A few ponies did mention how it appeared, but it seemed very far-fetched to even be considered as accurate."

"What were they?"

She scratches the back of her head while she recalls "Well they said it came from a black cloud. Some reports stated that the cloud was on fire, a few said it moved unnaturally, and there was even one that-" she's giving off an awkward expression, "Well..... it said... that it snorted."

This story really does sound strange, it doesn't sound like any description of that other creature we heard from the Earth tribe. Are the two incidents even connected at all?

I shrink the box of quills down and place them in my hat. "Unicornia, huh? At this rate, we'll be one step behind. We better hurry before we miss him again."

"We'll accommodate you with this issue." stated Cane, "Private."

Pan jolts at being called and scrambles around. She cups her hooves around her mouth and sings out a soothing melody.

Cane puts on her helmet, "They'll be escorting you to Unicornia."

"Really, who?"

I squint to see two images in the sky getting closer.


I ask again. but still didn't get an answer. It was pointless to ask again, because now I can clearly see these giant creatures landing in front of us are. The impact of the fall vibrates all of us to unintentionally jump. This creature stares at me with big round eyes and tilts its neck.


Author's Note:

Deleted Lines

*Twi describing Pegasi.*

The muzzles they have were more smoother and rounder than their descendants, kinda making them look like they have beaks.

A few of them flew over by me and I took note at how they flew.  They appear to fly differently than my time's Pegasi, it's as if they swim through the air instead of fly.  It makes me wonder if they're descendants of the sea.

Peh.  Seaponies, as if.

*Cici warning about Wall Master.*

"It's a creature that hangs from the ceiling, taking it's time positioning itself above you." She says, trying to make it sound spooky.  "When it's ready, it drops down and grabs you with its grotesque claw and takes you away."

"Oh, please.  Next thing you'll be telling me is that you went sledding with a Yeti."

"Uh-huh. and his wife too."

*Helmaroc King's defeat.*

There's a deep booming sound when it hits the ground and the sight only shows a large black cloud bursting from the impact.

Relieved that it's over, I stagger over to a worn out Cici and join her by collapsing. "That thing was relentless."

"Just be glad it wasn't a chicken," she said between breaths, "they attack in swarms."