• Published 16th Feb 2016
  • 1,663 Views, 42 Comments

The Legend of Alicorns - Amereep

Twilight goes back in time to find a 'Legend of Zelda' theme like world that follows a few months after the first Hearth's Warmth. History is not what it seems to be as the tribes still despise each other.

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Chapter 6

Magic is one of the basic building blocks of life. Everything creates, emits, and absorbs magic on a molecular level, from a single blade of grass to the clouds that fly over us. The majority of creatures (including ponies) have a more unique relationship with magic in this way as it’s integrated into our DNA. This means that depending on the magic we absorb, our genetic structure could possibly be altered.

For example, when I was given Alicorn magic, my body sprouted wings in order to compensate with this new magic. Of course the magic I was given was in its purest form and at a large amount. It usually takes generations to make a more permanent and physical change. This could explain why so many ponies here look so different from the ones in my time. They've been living in a foreign land before they came to Equestria, which means different environments and magic.

I still can't believe how the tribes are still so prejudiced towards one another, but each leader did seem like they were trying to make an effort to change that before I left. They even gave me a bag of silver chunks, a box of feathers, and a crystal that houses a form of light magic as a sign of good faith.

I've learned many things here in the past; certain rocks can repel magic, breaking magic armor requires a strong force, how a tunic could be considered a torture device for winged creatures, but soon I'll be back in my own time period...... I hope.

"It's this way, Twinkle."

"You said that sixty-four times already. Why don't we ask for direction from those foals with the flutes?"

"We're not going to ask for their help. They're nothing but mischief makers."

"Like you're any better."

According to what Cici said, there was a note left by Star Swirl at the library. It stated that he wants her to study on transfiguration, but he also said he was going to be at 'the walls'. Cici says that she knows what he's talking about and is leading me through the forest to get there. It goes without saying that we're currently lost in these woods.

Cici has got to be one of the most difficult ponies I've ever had to deal with. She teases, plays pranks and has a way of getting under your fur. She's a pain, but you know, I think I'm going to miss her the most. She's been watchful, dependable, and helpful all along the way.

I'm not sure if I'd call her a friend, but she's definitely grown on me.

"Just admit it, Cici. We're lost."

"We're not lost. I know where I'm going."

"No you don't, we've past this tree five times already."

"Are you kidding? That's a completely different tree."


The white unicorn ignores me, looking where to go next, "It's just over there."

I roll my eyes as she leads us through a large hollow log. As we get closer to the other side, I see a grove basking in the sunlight. The padding sounds my hooves made on the dirt turn to sounds of clacking as I walk on the stone floor. On the few crumbled walls that still stand, there's moss that covers up a majority of the murals imprinted of the fragile structure. Flowers that blow silently with the wind are being praised like a princess from the sunlight that shines over the roofless ceiling. Trees have started to claim this vacant lot as a few have already taken over this resident.

I spin around, looking at the big area I'm in. The moon light keeps this place hidden, but the sunlight reveals that I've stumbled upon an ancient ruin.

"Master Star Swirl should be somewhere around here," announced Cici, "I'll search over here."

"Y-yeah, I'll look........ there." I state, not even looking where 'there' was. My attention is more focused on these walls, there's something strange about this. This land has only recently been inhabited, but these ruins are at least a few thousand years old, so why are they here?

My ears twitch, hearing something that sounds like a small bell being rung in a rhythm. I start tracing the source as it takes me to the more darker side of these ruins. It was light enough for me to see where I'm going, but it made the walls harder for me to see. There is however an orb floating in the air, illuminating a small aqua-blue light against one of the walls.

I scan down along the surface and see that there's a stallion casting the glowing orb from their light grey horn. He sits there looking up while he flicks one of the bells on his wizard hat and robe combo with a stitched pattern of stars and moons in a blue night sky. As I walk around him, the first thing I see is his long white beard that dangles down to his chest. He stares up with an intense gaze from his wrinkled face at the wall in front of him.

Can it really be! The father of the amniomorphic spell himself!!! "St-st-Star Swirl?" I ask, trying to hold back the excitement of meeting a legend.

He doesn't respond to me, doesn't seem aware of my presence at all.

"Star Swirl?" I ask again with more concern this time.

I step in front of him and wave a hoof, but he's not responding.

I begin to walk backwards in panic, "CICI!" The sound of her galloping hoofsteps begins approaching, "He's not replying!"

The mare brushes her pink flowing mane out of her eyes. "He's in a deep thought," she replies like it's nothing, "He usually likes to ring one of his bells when he's in one. I told you before," her magenta eyes peer back at me, "'his inquisitive nature never lets him get sidetrack for anything else.' You'll have to know how to break him out of it." She approaches her teacher from behind one of his shoulders.

"This news has just filled my heart with rainbows!"

He immediately jumps up looking pale as a ghost and scans the area with a panic expression on his face. What was it about those words that didn't agree with him? They don't seem that threatening, it sounded like something a feminist would say.

He eventually starts to settle down and finally notices his pupil standing there, "Cici, what are you doing here?" he spoke in an old and wise voice, "You should be reading up on transfiguration, young mare."

"I know Master and I'm sorry," she bows towards her teacher. Her entire demeanor changes to one that's respectful and polite. Something about this scene kinda looks familiar, it reminds me of my own relationship with my own teacher. .....have I always been such a teacher's pet? "A friend of mine has been wanting to see you for awhile, Master."

"This isn't a good time for meeting new faces."

"Please Master, she came all this way to ask for your help."

His stern gaze stares at Cici's pleading face, "...this better not be another one of your attempts at getting out of your assignment." His face turns towards me, "Yes, what may I help you with?".

My mind is completely blank and I'm holding back from making the highest pitched squee of my life. "Hi.... St-star Swirl, my.... my name... name is.... is....."

Cici leans up next to me and whispers something, "Twinkle."

"Y-yeah..... I-I'm.. Twinkle........ wait, no, NO!" I take a moment to suppress my fangirling for another time. I take a deep breath and start again, "My name is Twilight Sparkle and I... um... how can I say this...." If I don't convince him, he would never help me then, all of the searching for him will be in vain, "You see I accidentally got myself stuck...... 'here' and I um.... need your help on possibly... making a spell to get me back... 'there'."

Cici begins to sink with regret from ever helping me and Star Swirl looks at me unamused, "You came all this way just to have me send you someplace?"

"Well that's just it; it's not someplace, it's more....... sometime." I begin tapping my hooves together, nervous at how this may sound, "I need your help at getting me back to..... ahem...... the future."

He stares at Cici and she pulls over her hood, trying to avoid any eye contact from her strict teacher. "Your punishment is an essay on the concept of levitation. I want it no less than one thousand words, have neat penmanship, and be in my hooves b-"

My chances are slipping away!!! "No, I'm serious, I am from the future."

"I'm sorry Ms... Sparkle was it? But, I'm not amused by this joke of yours. The achievement at successfully fabricating with time is strictly impossible."

"Says the pony who has time spells in his own wing!" I instinctively respond in a sore tone. I slap my mouth after my outburst.

He gives me a stern look, "What's this about a wing?"

"Nothing." I say sheepishly. Telling somepony too much detail about themselves specifically might alter their future.

"Hmm..." his gaze keeps analyzing me, ".....well if you really are from the future, then you should have no problem proving it."

That might be a little difficult to do since I didn't bring anything with me to the past other than these clothes. "Well..... oh!" I flash out of his sight and the old stallion looks stunned by my absence. "In this time period," I call out and they both turn to see me up in a tree, "nopony has ever heard of a pony that could use magic to teleport, but in my time," I flash back to where I previously stood, "A hoofful of ponies have pretty much mastered it."

"Remarkable," the old stallion said, stroking his beard, "That's quite a unique spell, but I'm still not convinced that you're from the future." My jaw drops as I give a disappointing look, "I'll admit that I can't rap my brain around that spell and the fact that you appear to have knowledge of my future, but for all I know you could be a talented pony that's making up fake fortunes about me."

"What more proof do you need?" I'm starting to become desperate, "Ah! The world! I can tell you about the world and it won't jeopardize the future! Ponies aren't prejudiced against each other, they're very accepting of one another. Earth ponies don't look like rock creatures and Pegasi are more equine than birds. The princess isn't a Unicorn, they're ponies that consist traits of all three nations."

"An Alicorn!" Star Swirl says in astonishment.

"That's right. There's two of them, they control the sun and moon respectively, they've been ruling for..... hey, how'd you know what Alicorns are?"

He looks back at the wall again with an uncertain and amazed look, "Is it possible?"

"Master?" Cici says with concern.

".......I believe you're aware of where we stand. These are the ruins of an ancient civilization that lived here long before us. All the walls here depict various tales, tales of strength, knowledge, and valor the natives had to endure to protect this land. Their efforts couldn't have been achieved alone though, they constantly relied on the help of that." He illuminates an aura sphere up to the top of the wall to reveal a carving. A carving that displays what looks like a creature with wings and a triangle made up of three smaller triangles above it. "An omnipotent sacred relic called, The Triforce. Supposedly, it's something given by the gods for the natives to use in times of crises. It's said that one piece can grant the holder an immense amount of magic that's limitless, and if you have all three of them, you could get any wish granted and reshape the world to how you see fit."

"There's an old metaphor that unicorn conjurers would use to define this form of enlightenment , they'd call it 'Alicorn'."

That didn't quite answer my question, "Well that explains how you know the word, but it doesn't explain how you associate it with a pony possessing traits from the three tribes."

"It was when I noticed a similarity we have with this culture," he continues.

"Look up there, the triangle on the top, that represents Power. The one on the bottom right, Courage. The last one on the bottom left is Wisdom. They're just like the three tribes; the strength of the Earth ponies that farm the land, the valor of the Pegasi flying into battle, the knowledge of Unicorns casting magical spells. It was then I considered the possibility of a pony that contains all of these traits to exist, much like how all three Triforce pieces come together to form something more powerful. All of us are not that different from one another, which suggests we have a common ancestor, so why can't there be one. I named them Alicorns because I thought it would be befitting, but I never told anypony that or given the hypothesis of one ever existing."

"I'm starting to believe you really are from the future, Twilight." he says turning towards me, "You know, I've been considering the possibilities of how an Alicorn would come into existence. I've considered that they could be born one, or become one with a certain type of magic they're exposed to. They both seem possible, so I can't settle on one. Tell me, how did your princesses come to be?"

I open my mouth and pause as I realize something, I don't have an answer.

Two powerful entities that have watched over the land, protecting everypony before I was born, but I never stopped to consider how the two sisters have come to be. I've been living off the idea that they have and will be for all of time, but now.... I don't know why I've never stopped and questioned my own beliefs.

"You're probably right," Star Swirl spoke up, "Maybe it's better if I don't know about their origins."

"We should focus more on the matter at hoof," the conjurer changes the subject, "How did you arrive in this era?"

I begin telling him about the events that led me up to arriving at the past. About my prior intentions, the discovery of finding a giant glowing rock with chiseled text carved into it, and the rash decision of entering the portal it formed. "And I've been traveling all across the land to find you, because your skills and knowledge with magic might help me return back to the future."

The wizard rubs a hoof to his chin, thinking my words over.

"Please, you're my only chance at returning me back to my own time."

".........I believe I may have an idea on how to return you to your own time."

"You... YOU DO!!!!"

He nods, "Could you show me the rock you came out from, we could find something out by stu-................" Star Swirl is taking an awfully long time finishing that sentence. He seems to be distracted from something behind me.

I turn to see what he's staring at. There's fresh green plants blooming with life in the sun and a large being covered in tattered red cloth is standing silently under the tree shades. At first, I thought it was wearing a robe, but it looks more like it wrapped itself in a large piece of cloth. The hood it made for itself is covering up the majority of its face, but two bone-like structures are coming out in a curl upwards. One last thing to note is that I can see hooves underneath the robe, however, I'm only seeing two hooves.

A cold breeze blows by, "Stay behind me," the old unicorn says as he steps up front to shield me and Cici.

"What's wrong?"

The wind softly shakes the bells on the conjurer's hat, "Remember what I said about the Triforce granting wishes? Well there were those with wicked intentions that wanted this power for their own. The last tale on these walls told of a creature that was such a threat that it forced the natives to leave their land after they sealed it within a mountain of rocks that could repel magic."

A mountain that repels magic! Then this thing must be....

"I didn't believe in such a mineral, but after reading a few geology books, I found that it indeed existed. After a little bit more investigation, I realized the location of where you could find this mineral, the Earth kingdom. I believe the creature in front of us is the very same creature that caused the natives to leave this land."

"My reputation perceives me."

The creature startled us as it spoke in a deep strong tone suited for a male. "I'm also aware of who you are as well, Star Swirl." He begins circling us like a predator, swinging behind him a lizard tail, "The creatures of this land have been acknowledging your name. Declaring that you were right and should've been listened to. It was never my intention at seeing you, but now that I've met you, I must admit that you spike my interest." a glowing green sphere shines for a brief moment from inside his hood.

"You show promise while all others have been showing nothing but disappointment. The Cobs are all bark that waste their strength at toiling the land, the Pegasi's tactics are childish and laughable, and Unicorns have such commendable magic that could easily conquer over the other nations you callous so much, but what do you use your skills for? You squander it for luxury, It's downright pitiful, not even your princess has what is needed to rule."

"A land should not be divided, it should be ruled under one iron fist." he expresses by making a tight fist with his hand.

"And I suppose you think you're suited for that role," the bearded unicorn indulges him.

"That's what I find amusing about you Star Swirl, that keen intellect of yours. You understood these ruins, found my prison, informed all of these mounts on my return, and can even identify me without ever seeing me prior. You're always one step ahead, why I even believe you have the foresight of what's about to transpire here." Star Swirl simply stands there glaring at the beast, refusing to acknowledge with a response.

I'm not liking this. This creature is bent on power and has a wicked way of going about it as it sounds like he'll do it through conflict and war. His use of words gives the impression that he's been in more than enough fights, so he knows what it takes to win. But the fact that he's so calm and collective is what's really making me feel nervous. He's a strategist, judging by the fact that he went to each tribe and tested out our strengths with the creatures he summons. I wouldn't put it past him that he would even care at the losses on either side of the fight.

"Master Star Swirl," Cici whispers, "What does it want?"

"Yes, tell us Master Star Swirl," the beast mocks, "after all, you're the one with all the wisdom."

The conjuring unicorn looks at us, "Get out of here!"

Cici takes a few steps back, hesitant on following her teachers orders, but I stand firm.

"Not satisfied until you get an answer? Then allow me." The creature lifts up his hand, "I came here," and points a claw right at the old unicorn, "To take what is mine."

He begins marching towards Star Swirl and the conjurer looks at us, "Do as I say!" You mean you want me to leave an old pony like you, the only pony that could possibly get me home, alone to face a sinisterly strong monster that's been causing nothing but havoc everywhere in this land?

NO! I've come too far to just let some hot shot bully take the only chance I have away from me!

I kick off the ground and run in front of the wizard, pulling out my sword out to imply that I'm staying put. The creature continues to approach, not even acknowledging my threat. I swing a shot at him and it hits a dark purple wisp armor covering him magically, dispersing the bullet and continues to proceed like nothing happened.

The monster gets closer, pulling back a huge muscled arm and swinging a fist at my side.

It feels like time is slowing down for me as my brain takes in this intense moment. I recoil my wooden sword to the side and block his fist. A cracking sound is heard and then I only hear the sound of my beating heart as I watch my sword shattering into pieces.

His fist bursts right through and slugs me aside. I go flying and slam into a tree, causing my vision to go black as I fall to the ground.

Oooh..... that wasn't very smart of me.

"Go back to the shadow!"

I'm...... hearing them fighting.

"Is this the extent of 'The Great Star Swirl?'"

My body........ feels so sore.

"Leave him alone, you dork!"

I..... need to get up! I need to help!


I open my eyes and my world spins before me. I can make out my fallen hat to the right and a blurry image up ahead. My vision slowly recovers and witnesses the beast's hoof pinning Cici to the ground while his hand holds Star Swirl in the air by his torso. "You're feeble age is showing." He snorts to Star Swirl, "I was expecting more of a fight from you." He looks at the back of his hand and I believe I'm seeing something there. He gives a snicker and starts looking over the old unicorn within his grip.

I lean up against the tree, holding onto my sides in pain from the wind that was knocked out of me. Glancing over to my hat, I see the gifts the three tribe leaders had given me; silver, feathers, and light magic. These are no good, I need something that's fast and strong if I want to get through that armor. I grab on a nearby branch for support as I get back up. It breaks and I fall back to the floor. I hazily look at the branch laying next to the contents in my hat.

............Wait! I might just pull something off with all of these. I begin to stand up again and magically break apart the branch into a straight narrow cylinder. I pull out the three items in my hat and jam a sharp piece of silver at one end of the stick, three feathers on the other end, and transfer a little bit of light magic into the now constructed arrow.

I wobble as I finally make it to my hooves, I just need to get something to shoot this with. I see plenty of sticks that could work, but I'm going to need a string to tie it together.

"Where is it?" the monster said in a pretty irked tone. "WHERE ARE YOU HIDING IT?" he roars at the grey unicorn that's writhing in his grip.

"Leave him alone!" Cici cries out as she tries to push his hoof off her.

The monster looks down at her outburst and his eyes begin to widen. I follow his gaze and my eyes start to get bigger at what I'm seeing. "So.... it's been you." He tosses Star Swirl aside and grips onto Cici, lifting her up high for the whole world to see that right at the base of her horn, shining bright as the sun, is a golden triangle.

"You have the Triforce of Wisdom!"

My jaw suddenly becomes heavy from hearing this news. That ancient relic that's supposed to enhance magic, she has one of them!?!?!

"Let... go!" the pink maned unicorn struggles and shoots a magic bullet.

It disperses as it hits the monster's armor. "How pathetic," he snorts, "You can't even wield it. This toy is wasted on you," he lifts his other hand towards the white mare, "I'll put it to much better use." An electric current leaves his hand towards the triangle on Cici's head and she screams in pain.

This is bad, I need to stop this and save her! I frantically look around for something to use for a string, but all I'm seeing are leaves, trees, and stones. I need to hurry, I need to think, and concentrating would be so much easier if my wings weren't SO. DARN. ITCHY!!!!! Just what did Glory use when she sewed this sadistic garment together, barb wires? ...............THAT'S IT!!!!!!

I whip my neck and spot the patches that Glory was having a hard time with. I pull out the thread that binds my wings inside and the patch flies off giving my feathers a cool breeze to the outside world. I tie the bow up and as I pull the arrow back, my wings flare out to embrace the fresh air to its fullest.

I line my shot up at the beast that's slowly pulling the Triforce piece out of Cici, struggling to gain dominance over it. I squint and let go, it flies leaving a trail of pure light and pierces into the monster's wrist, making it give a mighty cry that could shatter glass into fragments. He loses his hold on the Triforce and Cici, dropping her and the holy relic into her.

The beast vibrates in stasis, it appears that the magic in the arrow has paralyzed it. I take this opportunity to levitate Cici over to the sidelines and quickly begin to make as many arrows as possible.

The monster kneels down with his hand over the arrow, trying to cope with this pain. The magic from my aura crystal begins to fade as I transfer the last bit of it into the final arrow. The beast glares at me as I pull one of three arrows back. He studies my appearance, and he's not the only one. I notice that Star Swirl looks thrilled that his hypothesis is true and Cici is second guessing herself by rubbing her eyes.

"You're pretty audacious for striking me, girl." the monster grunts, "If you value your life, you best stay out of this matter."

I pull the arrow back further to prove my point.

He gives a deep slow chuckle as he stands up, "That conviction blinds you from reality. It masks the severe strength between the both of us." The breeze suddenly feels like it's pulling me closer to him. The dirt around his hooves begin to dance with the wind as it circles around the beast.

"Just because you've been blessed by a god..." the red cloth of his is caught by the wind and I see the creatures true form. A bulky looking creature with cyprus color skin that transitions to fur and scales across its body. It wears sandy grey fabric with a pattern of sharp straight lines over his hips, shoulders, and wrist, revealing the rest of his body as pure muscle, befitting for his minotaur figure. He begins to straighten his back and continues to get taller. He's gripping two humongous swords in each hand like they weighed no heavier than feathers. My chance to see his face is gone as his head eclipses the sun, leaving me a silhouette of a creature with large piercing horns. The only thing I can make of his face are green tapetum lucidum eyes, burning like lanterns inside a dark cavern. I walk back a few steps in response to the frightening height he has over me, he must be fifteen hooves tall. He holds his right hand towards me and I see imprinted on the back the symbol of the Triforce with the top triangle glowing, "...doesn't mean you possess the source of one."

I'm starting to feel very timid as my legs begin to tremble at seeing this Goliath.

He pulls back an arm and the blade starts to glow. I duck screaming as a giant magic bullet rockets out of his sword from a swing. The sound of timber cracking comes from behind and I look to see a tree falling. Taking him head on would be suicidal, I need to approach this another way. I run into the green forest on the moon side and sneak around to find a good opening, my green tunic and lavender fur will help camouflage me in the moonlit fauna.

"What's wrong girl?" the horned monster taunts, "Where did that fire in your eyes go?"

Without notice, the beast suddenly glows yellow with auras shaped like chains coming out from him. He's frozen, I look for the cause and see Star Swirl struggling with a glowing horn. He loosens the connection from exhaustion and the creature moves again, he eyes the wizard. I get my arrow ready and the monster raises a sword at him. Quickly, I shoot the powerfully magic arrow at the sword and it shatters.

The growling beast looks at his blade and tosses it to the ground, peering towards my direction. I take for the air, he raises his other sword at me and begins to shoot red orbs in my path that explode at various distances. I speed up and down doing various acrobatic moves like a fly refusing to be swatted. My next arrow is ready, I just need a moment to aim. Almost on cue, Cici tries to shoot bullets at him, he doesn't even notice. "Come'on," she tries provoking him, "It's me that you want, right?" The beast glances over and flicks his wrist, Cici suddenly becomes imprisoned in a pink crystal. The little distraction gave me time to discipline his actions by shooting the arrow and hitting his tail.

The minotaur bellows in pain from the impact and becomes paralyzed once more, giving me time to go save Cici. I land and begin to channel mana through the clear mineral in order to shatter it. It starts to crack, but it takes almost all of my magic just to do it. The crystal breaks and the white unicorn could move once more, the minotaur soon follows.

I fly back to the sky, and notice him just staring at me. He flashes and disappears, I hover in place to look for him. Spotting something that big should be easy, but I'm seeing nothing that might depict him, just a giant looking shadow following a straight path towards mine. I gasp and look above to see a gigantic minotaur fall at me with an open hand. He snatches me and tightens his grip as we both plummet towards the ground. His fist is extended to impact the land first, which would impale me into the dirt floor that awaits us. I give the beast with a little surprise of my own and do a teleporting spell as well. I appear back in the air and watch him drive his fist deep into the earth.

The horned beast stands up shaking his hand like it was nothing and looks at me, roaring loud enough to shake the trees around him. Suddenly, black clouds begin to form with the sound of rumbling coming from them. I know better from his last summoned monster and fly back to the ground, the place he intended me to go. The minotaur drives his sword deep into the floor and a magical glow begins to form around his arm. With a loud grunt, he turns his body, dragging the sword in the dirt. His turn gets faster and the sword flies out with a giant tidal wave of earth heading towards me. I form a barrier and the dirt glides around me with his broken sword from earlier bouncing off the barrier.

It growls, lifting his sword up to the storm and I get my last arrow ready. Lightning strikes his sword and gives it an electric current flowing through it. I feel a deep pit in my gut and look at the broken sword next to me. He swings his sword and lightning comes out, while I levitate the broken one and magnetize it. The lightning strikes the broken blade and I shoot the last arrow at the one he holds to make it a matching set.

The impact pushes the minotaur back and he begins to kick his feet wildly as he slips on a ice covered surface, falling flat on his back. On the sidelines, the white unicorn is laughing up a storm, "Ha-ha-ha that was priceless." while the grey unicorn turns down his magic while stroking his beard, "Well it was your idea."

The monster rolls over with his eyes glowing topaz yellow at the two unicorns and each of them become encased within their own crystal prison. Both of them shifted their eyes at each other as the minotaur walks over laughing. "Oh no you don't," I reach for another arrow....... but I'm all out!

The beast takes the imprisoned unicorns in each hand and displays his trophies to me, lowering down his magic armor. "This appears to be quite a troublesome situation for you, time traveler." How does he.... he listened to the conversation earlier! "If I heard correctly, you said to Star Swirl that he's your only chance at returning you to your own time."

The minotaur gives a small chuckle.

"A nightmare, isn't it?" he said sounding surprisingly solemn, "Stuck forever in a land that has fragments of home, but never truly is. A place that looks so familiar, yet it's nothing more than a mirage. The reality you lived with forever, is now just a memory found only in dreams. Being stuck in a different time period, is utter torment."

"It can only be called fate, that our paths should cross. Though I hail from the past while you come from the future, and yet we share the same purgatory that is the present." It makes me feel uncomfortable, but I can really sympathize with him. I feel like we're two sides of the same coin on this matter, struggling to adapt with this new way of life, alone in this world where everypony you've known is now gone.

"......we would do anything to return from where we came from." My gaze looks away, admitting that it's true.

".............then choose."

I look back at him and he shows that wicked glare of his. He throws Star Swirl far to his right, and does the same with Cici to his left. "Go and save one of your friends. Make it count, because the one you don't pick..." he gives me a repulsive grin, "...is the one I'll dispose of."

You monster....... you CRUEL HEARTLESS MONSTER!!!

The minotaur crosses his arms, chuckling at his own offer.

He's won, and he knows it. He's doing this to see just how low I'll go to get back to my time. If I save Star Swirl, then I can return to the future, but he'll get Cici along with the Triforce piece. If I save Cici, then my chances of returning home are gone and he'll definitely try to capture her again.

The beast banters out a horrific laugh from the hold he has over me.

He wants me to pick Star Swirl, he knows I'm going to pick Star Swirl. That's the only scenario where I'll win something out of it, where I can finally return home, but.... at the cost of............

My teeth began to clench tighter, my eyes became watery, my body shakes erratically, all because of the sacrifice I'll have to make. I teleport to the pony of my choice and the minotaur patiently watches me use my magic on the crystal. I begin to struggle with the spell, trying to crack this quartz apart. I put all the magic I can muster and the captive falls to the ground from their shattering prison, they look up at me with astonishment, "Why did you save me? Why didn't you save-"

I'm completely spent, but I stop them and extend a hoof, "Because, I know you would do the same for me, Cici."

The minotaur watches me pull Cici to her hooves, "You're either shrewd or loyal for making that choice. Nevertheless, that act of sacrifice took courage to perform, girl." He gently raised his hand and Star Swirl's prison carries him up into the air, "It's a shame that it'll go to waste."

We watch with fear as the wizard continues to go up, "Rest assure, he'll be safe for the time being. It's only fitting for a master to be present for their student's conflicts, no matter how short they may be." his assent slows down to a halt to give him an overview of the battlefield.

I return my sights on the minotaur, panting from exhaustion, "You're in no condition to continue, girl. Yield, while you still hold breath." I plant my hooves in the ground, my legs shaking just to keep me up. The beast shakes his head, disappointed from just how stubborn I am, "Very well, then allow me to have the honor of tucking you in..."

"...for your eternal slumber."

He starts levitating and begins to form a sphere that's glowing like a sun.

I walk backwards, breathing heavily. "Get out of here!" I ordered Cici.

The magical orb he's making is starting to form static when it becomes twice his size.

My hind right leg gives way and I struggle on my front left one.

The sphere is now quintuple his size. He floats over it and gives out an ear-splitting cry as he spikes it at me.

I lift my bow to block it, knowing full well that it wasn't even going to slow it down.

The ground tremors with the orb heading at me like a meteor. I stare into the glowing light of destruction and a white and pink blur blocks my image.

My pupils dilate at the sight of Cici standing with her back towards me. Her horn glows a golden aura and the sphere hits her. Her body is pushed back, but her hooves stay planted while she begins to slow down the ball. She halts it and stands there struggling with it. Her horn starts to shine brighter...... no, her Triforce begins to shine brighter! Her pink mane begins to sparkle as it gets brighter. I block her from my sight, she's shining so bright that it's hurting my eyes. I'm hearing her grunt from the pressure the sphere is putting on her. She yells and the ball bounces back at the minotaur with blistering speeds.

The monster eyes widen in disbelief as the destructive sphere approaches. He pulls back an arm as if he's going to hit it back. The ball engulfs him before he could swing and a thunderous roar comes from him as the molecules from his body is blown apart until there wasn't a trace of the minotaur anywhere.

Cici begins to dim down and she pants from that tiring event. She looks over to me, "You okay?"



"..............those colors........"

She stares at me confused and looks over her body, soon spotting at what I'm talking about. Her wavy pink mane has changed colors; the mane changed to a light cerulean, light turquoise, very light cobalt blue, and a pale heliotrope streaks.

Cici seems amazed and spins around looking at her new appearance, and I notice something inside her cloak that also looks new. "What.... are those?" I point to her side.

The white mare looks inside and flips her cloak. It suddenly springs out from one side of her as well as another jumping from the other side. They display themselves proudly for the both of us looking in astonishment. I can't explain why, but she's showing off to me a pair of white feathery wings.

"Oh..... my......." Cici says, trying to find the words on this new change to her.

This new appearance of hers, she looks..... almost like.......


No, there's no way she could possibly be....

"Oh sweet voltfruit, THEY'RE ATTACHED!!!!!!!"

As she's running around in a panic, I see Star Swirl slowly descend down to the ground within his crystal prison. It taps on the ground and shatters, freeing the unicorn. "MASTER!" Cici yells, "What's going on? Why has my mane changed? Where did these wings come from?"

The wizard examines his student; viewing her wings, watching her multi-colored mane wave in the air, and he brushes it aside to see the Triforce mark on her forehead. "This must be the result of the Triforce's magic. When you were stopping that sphere, you must've succeeded at activating its powers and it bestowed you with its magic, altering your appearance into an Alicorn to compensate with this new form of magic."

He steps back, "That's what I can arrive at for you, but the real question we should be asking," the stallion looks at me, "Why are you an Alicorn."

I give a sheepish laugh, wondering how I should answer that. I looked around for an answer and something caught my eye. "Hey, what's that?" I point at a hovering object.

We walk up to a golden triangle spinning in the air as it slowly bops in place, "It's the Triforce of Power!"

All of us stare at it having the same thought, "We can't leave it here."

"I agree, somepony could use it just like that minotaur did. But the question is, what should we do with it."

"Somepony should be the bearer of it, but it should go to somepony who shares the trait of Power."

"I know somepony." spoke the new Alicorn, "She's sweet, kind, and the strongest pony I know."

I suddenly start blushing from her words.

She grabs the relic with her aura and turns towards us, "This'll be perfect for my sister."

I nearly fall over. O-of course I knew she was talking about her sister.

"Perhaps in time she'll earn the right to wield it," Star Swirl said as he took it into his aura, "but for now, why don't we keep this as well as the events of what transpired here a secret to everypony." He pulls out a pouch from his hat to place the relic in before he puts the bag back.

I look back at the contents in my own hat. Great minds think alike, I guess.

"Now then," he looks at me, "about that rock you were going to show me."

I lead the both of them through the forest with Star Swirl next to me and Cici trailing behind, trying to learn how to fly as she follows. For a pony who's afraid of flying, she's certainly trying hard to learn how.

"While we were searching for you," I said to Star Swirl, "Cici told me that you took her as your pupil because as she states it 'you saw something special in her.' It wouldn't have been the Triforce you saw, was it?"

"When I first met Cici, I never heard about the Triforce. I wanted her as my student because I've never came across a unicorn with such raw abilities like hers at the early age she was in. She showed a lot of potential with her usage in magic, I was completely unaware that it was the cause of an ancient relic. Over time, I saw her pull some incredible feats and each time that she was pushed far enough, she would have a brighter horn then usual. I later noticed that her forehead glowed a golden triangle from those experiences. When I asked her about the glowing shape, she didn't realize she even had it. I didn't know she had a Triforce at that time either and thought maybe it was a birthmark, but after I found out about the ancient culture in this land, I started to believe she must've had one."

"Any idea how she came about it?"

"Coming across an ancient relic like that by normal means is unfathomable, I can only speculate that she must've inherited it somehow."

I look back at the mare as she crashes to the ground. Her appearance just keeps haunting me at the thought that maybe......

"So is this the place?" I look back to what Star Swirl was talking about and the giant boulder that caused all this mess is there. Nodding, he walks up to it and views the carvings on it. "........these are the same symbols the old culture used back at the ruins."

The wizard silently reads the carvings as I wait for what he's learned, ".......................................... this is called 'The Gate of Time.' It doesn't state anything else other than a passage."

"The sea of time shines clear in the light of the gods."

The old stallion brushes his beard as he stares at the giant mineral. He cast an 'illumination' spell for some reason, the rock didn't respond, "You said that you were following your nocturnal assistant through the forest at night when you met this rock?" I confirmed and the wizard starts flicking a bell on his hat as he thought it over. He suddenly chuckles, "Care to give a reenactment for me?"

Well, I suppose, "Like I said, I was following my owl assistant through the forest at night." I walk while looking up at an imaginary owl, "It was dark so I was casting an illumination spell." I lit my horn up to emphasize and the boulder lit up. I shake my head in disbelief and cancel the spell, the rock dims down.

"Apparently," Star Swirl begins stating, "the gate only opens when an alicorn is using the 'illumination' spell."

You mean I could've returned home anytime I wanted to? .............................for a brief moment, I lost control of my lower left eyelid.

I slam a hoof into my face, "I feel like such an idiot for not realizing that."

"Twilight," Star Swirl pulls me out of my self-deprecation, "I want to ask you for a favor when you get back." I agree and he tells me.
........................................................................ my face becomes pale.

"Promise me, you'll do that for me."

I look away, regretfully nodding to his wish.

"So all this time I've been helping an alicorn from the future." Cici grabs my attention with a bittersweet smile, "I always knew you were weird, but this takes the cake."

"Thank you, Cici." I give her a nod, "I probably would never have found a way back home if you didn't help me. Our trip together has been quiet.... unforgettable. It's been fun having you as a guide through this land, even if at times you weren't the most tolerable traveling companion."

"Well you're no better," she retorts, "Constantly getting yourself into dangerous situations, making others frantically worried about your safety, pulling out surprises to make others constantly stay on guard, you're enough to give anypony a heart attack. Your brother must be a knight just to keep you protected from yourself.

"Captain of a royal guard, actually."

"Captain! Why are all the good ones already taken?"

"There was one back in Unicornia that runs a game stand that might be up your alley."

"A game stand owner, just what kind of mare do you take me for?"

"The mischievous kind."

"How dare you insinuate that."

"Would you consider impish?"

"I'd prefer mischievous over that."

"Then mischievous it is."

We both laugh at our bantering, trying to avoid the inedible, but it eventually dies down and we have to face the truth.

"................So this is where you and I part ways, isn't it?"

"...........I guess so." She then gives me a soft smile, "Always remember," Her hooves suddenly wrap around me and she pulls me in for a tight hug, "You're my most faithful friend."

"I.... I am?"

"Mm-hmm. I've never had a friend more gullible than you before."

.........I hate it when she's right.

"Drop by and see me when you get back to the future, Twilight." I suddenly feel an emotional thread pulled. She properly addressed me by my name for the first time. My tear ducts start to loosen up from this small act of courtesy.

She lets me go and I stare at her, uncertain of what I should do next. I thought this was going to be easy, just thanking her and head back home, but I just can't turn away from her.

"Shouldn't you be getting home now?" she suggests, "When we met in the library, we were bound to part at some point. It may be forever for me and it's just a short while for you... but we'll meet again."

But... my time is far in the future.... by then you'd be......

She gently pushes me to the rock, I light up my horn and the boulder shines like before. Placing a hoof on the wall forms the tunnel of gears that led me here. I step inside and take another look back at Star Swirl and Cici looking at me. It feels like an eternity has passed over these few seconds. Every second I stand here just keeps getting harder and harder for me to support the tears forming in my eyes. I want to engrave as much detail on this situation in my mind, never wanting the moment here in this time period to end.

........................I gallop into the portal, restraining myself from looking back anymore.

I make it to the other side of the portal and I relish at my surroundings. The forest may not look that different from the forest I was in a few moments ago, but the sky was different with the sun hanging above me and only the sun.

The environment looks the same way I remember but I still have to ask myself, "Did I make it back?"


I look up and see Owlowiscious perched right where I told him to wait. "It feels like ages since I last met you." I smile at him as he swoops down onto my back. "Thanks for waiting," I scratch his feathery head, "There's a few things I need to take care of. Why don't you head back to the castle." Owlowiscious flies up into the sunny sky and I watch him head back home.

My smile quickly fades as I turn back towards the Gate of Time. Star Swirl asked me to do something for him, and frankly, I agree completely. I begin to feel regret as I light up my horn. The pain of guilt begins to get heavier for the act I'm about to commit. Tears begin to swell as I plant my stance. I close my eyes and shoot a magic shot at the gateway and the sound of shattering rubble confirms my success.

It had to be done, the gateway had to be destroyed. Ponies shouldn't be able to travel through time and change history to their benefit. We can't use it for good intentions, evil schemes, or even just to see...........

I fall back and tears begin to drop from my face. I feel miserable, I feel like I just executed a friend by destroying the time portal.

..............I'm never going to see her again...............

I stare up at the sun as I wipe away my tears.

..................There's still one more thing I need to do.

*Knock knock*

"Come In."

I open the door to the Boudoir in Canterlot. There, I see laying on a rug with a pillow and a book, the one pony I look up to, my role-model and teacher, Princess Celestia.

"Twilight Sparkle what a surprise." She greets me warmly, "Did you just come back from an olden time fair?"

"You could say that." I look at the green tunic I have on, "That's part of the reason I came here."

"Princess," I begin calmly, "For a while now, I've been asking myself questions about our history. Questions that surround 'Hearth's Warming'. The three nations were fought amongst each other for years prior to Equeastria. When the nation decided to form it....... they still didn't get along, did they?" She nods to confirm my question. "Then why do we even celebrate it? What's the purpose of coming together and strengthening the bonds if the day in question never learned anything from it. They worked together to fend off the windigos and started a nation. Why didn't they get along?"

"Twilight, you of all ponies should know the answer to that." she shakes her head smiling, "It's not the sharing of a common threat that forms friendship, it's the first act of sympathy that does."

"We celebrate the day because it's a day of acceptance. A day where we are given a chance at making a lasting friendship with somepony. The nations may have accepted each other to share the land together, but this course of action made it possible for one pony to give up a bit of herself for another, starting a chain of friendships to follow."

I look away from her feeling embarrassed. All those times where I was worried about messing up the future were nothing more than fears. I helped Puddinghead and Hurricane as a unicorn and Platinum was aware that I wasn't a unicorn at all. Each time I was a pony that wasn't part of their tribe, which helped form a friendship with other races. I guess I didn't really change history at all, but more likely started it.

I suppose even Cici accomplished at gaining my friendship as well when she decided to help me find Star Swirl during my lowest moment. "................Princess........may I ask a personal question?" She agrees and I take a deep breath before I ask, "How did you become an Alicorn?"

She looks surprised by that question. She puts a hoof to her chin and begins taping it as she tilts her head up. Her eyes dart about as she searches her memories. A small smile begins to form on her as she reminisces on an event in her life. "You know," she finally responds, "It's been such a long time. I can't even remember how it happened."

"I... I see." it was ridiculous to think it was possible anyways. I look at my tattered clothing that desperately needs to be washed, "Well, I should be going now." I bow towards her, "Thank you for your time, Princess Celestia."

"Feel free to come back anytime, Twinkle."

I tread towards the door and she returns to her book. The very first thing I'm going to do when I get back is to take a nice long hot ba-

My pacing stops as I notice something. I look back at her, did...... did she just call me? She looks up from her book and gives me a soft smile that reminds me of a friend I once had, a long long time ago.

"Is there anything else you need, my most faithful student?"

Author's Note:

Deleted Lines

*Ganon's hold on Cici.*

.....that ancient relic that's supposed to enhance magic, she has one!!!!! 

The monster chuckles, "Meeting at these old ruins, its fate that brings us under these predicaments."  Cici struggles at his grip, "She made that same expression.  Tell me, do you know about your heritage?"

"N... n..."

"No?  Then you're probably unaware what you possess."

"G... g..."

He loosens his grip, "Care to repeat that."

"Go to Tartarus!"

She yelps as he tightens his grip, "That comment isn't befitting for royal blood to use, and that language displayed nothing but a lack of intellect.  It's obvious that you're unable to wield this toy." he lifts his other hand towards his captive, "I'll put it to much better use."

*Twi's last chance.*

"You're in no condition to continue, girl.  Yield, while you still hold breath."  I plant my hooves in the ground, my legs shaking to keep me up.  The beast gives us an intense gaze, "This scene reminds me of that moment, the few moments I had left before I was buried underground by the unicorn princess and that loyal wolf."

"This time, I'll make sure that I'm the one who will be doing the burying."

*Confronting Cici's new look.*

"Oh..... my......." Cici says, trying to find the words on this new change to her.

This new appearance of hers, she looks..... almost like....... "Celestia?"

She looks at me with a shocked look before she recoils in pain, "Oooohhh, don't call me that!  That name makes me sound so old."  The mare marches up to me with a stern look, "Who told you my real name anyways?  It was Lulu, wasn't it?"

Cast and who they resembled

Twilight Sparkle as Link
Unicorns as Hylians
Glory as Rarity

Cici/Celestia as Clover the Clever/the traveling companion (ex. Navi, Tatl, Midna, ect.)

Earth Ponies as Gorons
Smart Cookie as Applejack/Traveling Merchant Goron (WW)
Chancellor Puddinghead as Pinkie Pie/Darunia (OOT)
Diamond Dog as Moblin (OOT)
Cavern Monster in Earth Kingdom's mountain as Helmasaur King (ALttP)

Pegasi as Ritos
Private Pansy as Fluttershy/Medli (WW)
Zeffa the bird as Zeffa the transporting bird (MC)
Commander Hurricane as Rainbow Dash/her armor is designed to look like Goht (MM)
Wendigo as Poe (TP)
Giant Bird of Pegasopolis' Headquarters as Helmaroc King (WW)

Kaepora the Owl as Kaepora (Owl form) (OOT)
Pony with Turban as Street Merchant (ALttP)
Stallion with untrustworthy face as Sakon (MM)
Little filly in green dress chasing butterflies as Agitha (TP)
Mare wearing a witch's hat as Irene (ALBW)
Stallion with organ grinder as Guru-guru (OOT)
Mare with compass around her neck as Linkle (HWL)
POT game stand owner as Purlo, owner of the STAR game stand (TP)
Little colt wearing red bandanna and white shirt with number one on back as Jim, leader of the Bombers (MM)
Big black stuffed pig as Link the Pig (WW)
Guard wearing helmet with a red ostrich plume as Captain Viscen (MM)
Bald stallion with white mustache and blue jacket as Mutoh (MM)
Dark Twilight Sparkle as Dark Link
Unicorn Dragon of Canterlot castle as Aquamentus (LoZ)
Princess Platinum as Trixie

Foals with flutes as Skull Kids (OOT)
Tree with mustache as Great Deku Tree (OOT)
Minotaur beast as Ganon (OOT)

Comments ( 16 )

This is one of THE best stories I've ever had the pleasure of reading. I wish I could like it repeatedly. I will be coming back later to reread it though.


When you do reread it, keep an eye out for sentences that are directed towards Cici, you'll be delighted to catch the references I made when wording some of them.

And, a satisfying story to end the night with, how nice of fimfiction to show me this, and you sir or madam, have written an amazing story

This was deeply enjoyable, I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to this someday.

Maybe not a sequel, but I have been thinking of a oneshot prequel that would explain a few things about the ancient civilization and the events leading up to the moment Cici met Twilight.


That would be cool as well I rather liked the blended world you had crafted for this story and the idea of there maybe being some sort of sequel only came to mind because when I was thinking of Zelda final bosses I was thinking of their tendency to return well barring the nightmare from Link's Awakening.

"You said that sixty-four times already. Why don't we ask for direction from those foals with the flutes?"

"We're not going to ask for their help. They're nothing but mischief makers."

Skull kids... don’t get me started. :facehoof:

"Feel free to come back anytime, Twinkle."

That troll!!! :trollestia:


I'm aware, but if you notice a comment I replied to in chapter three, I accidentally hit the 'u' key instead of the 'i' key.

I really meant 'Ritos', but was kinda conflicted on fixing the typo or not. It would've made Makkusueru's comment a misconjection because of the missing proof and felt like a jerky move at the time, but now that I'm looking at it from a much older point of view, it seems kinda silly to not fix it.

Oooooh okay that makes a lot more sense! I was really confused for a bit. XD

"This news has just filled my heart with rainbows!"

He immediately jumps up looking pale as a ghost and scans the area with a panic expression on his face. What was it about those words that didn't agree with him? They don't seem that threatening, it sounded like something a feminist would say.

What's the story on his fear of that particular phrase?

It was a popular line Ghirahim once said and I wanted to give some hint to the reader of the connection, but I couldn't figure out how.

The line 'This news has just filled my heart with rainbows!' sounds pretty girlish, and as I reflect upon Ghirahim, he kept coming across as being feminine. The makeup, the earring, the poses, the attire. He may act creepy and is just being flamboyant, but he just kept coming off as a drag queen. It also didn't help that he appeared to be hitting on Link at times (which lead me to use this as Star Swirl's 'wake up call' because if a gay guy hit on a straight fella like me, I'd be uncomfortable much like Link appeared to be).

I don't quite recall, but I believe at the time I wrote 'it sounded like something a feminist would say.', I kept thinking 'feminist' is something you call a feminine person. Maybe I could've worded it differently and have 'a feminine pony would say' instead.


It was a popular line Ghirahim once said

Yeah, I know that, I remember bursting out laughing and falling over when it was said in the game. XD I was just wondering why Star Swirl would freak out about now, but now I get it.

This story was absolutely amazing. I literally..........have no words.
I may sound like I'm just getting overdramatic, but I would not hesitate to call this a masterpiece.
It's an incredible blend of all the games, and I love how you portray Equestria's past with all of the Hyrulean tribes. The dialogue was so enjoyable, the characters were spot on, and the references........okay, I could rave about the references for hours alone. XD The writing was so crisp and clean, and it was just an absolute delight to read.
Maybe I'm biased cause it's LoZ, but I think this is hands down the best fic I have ever read on this site.

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