• Published 10th Jul 2015
  • 614 Views, 20 Comments

The Revenge of the Shadows - YangSoulSplitted

An oath to take revenge on Celestia, Sombra, Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon against Twilight, Sunset Shimmer and the Mane Six, who will win?

  • ...

Here Comes the Sunset!

Even after Twilight appeared in her palace the sirens' song could be heard all around Ponyville, meaning everypony was mesmerized by them.

"Where is it?" Twilight ran to her thorne and grabbed the book where she normally wrote to Sunset Shimmer and took a quill, but suddenly, Sombra poofed in the room.

"Stay still and nothing bad will happen to you" he smirked "or at least nothing painful" he summoned a blast of crystals and aimed at Twilight, but with a spark from her horn the crystals teleported and hit Sombra instead.

Twilight rapidly summoned a wall that separated Sombra from her and wrote as fast as she could.

Sunset, I need your help, the Dazzlings have returned to Equestria, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis and Sombra joined forces, Equestria is in danger, use the mirror in Canterlot to come back, please hurry. Twilight Twilight did another spell and all the letters and everything that was written dissappeared from every page, in that moment, Sombra made the wall explode, Twilight launched the quill at him, it missed by little but it whistled when it passed near Sombra's ear.

"Now, now Princess, you're doing this too hard" he growled, but Twilight kept casting spells, he had no option but to take the easy way, at least two spells, a bursting and a burning spell hit him and it surley hurt, so he summoned a crystal that dug into Twilight's heart turning her into a crystal herself, fortunately, the message was already sent.


"Shining?" Sunset asked raising an eyebrow "Rarity, all that glitter is already affecting you" Rarity giggled and shook her head denying it.

"au contraire! Dashie, you saw it, right?" Rainbow growled but nodded.

"I already told you I'm Rainbow Dash! Or just Rainbow! Stop calling me Dashie! It makes me 30% less cool!" Rarity just giggled again and looked at Fluttershy.

"Actually Shimmer, it did shine, maybe is Twilight?" Sunset took out her book and checked the las page she wrote on and read the new message that appeared, and she read it again, and again, and again her face becoming paler every time she re-read it.

"Is everything alright sugar cube?" asked Applejack a little worried, Sunset started shaking after some minutes and her eyes opened way too wide.

"Hey look! She put face paint on! now she's almost white!" shouted Pinkie Pie in a tone that showed she was impressed "Now we can make her look like a clown!" Rainbow Dash gasped and put a finger near her nosetrils, she wasn't breathing.

"Alright, make way!" suddenly, all the cafeteria could hear a great slap, and a girl falling with her chair to the ground.

"Tres bien, chere, you killed her" Rarity sighed while shaking softly Sunset's shoulder "I wonder if she is even conscious" after some seconds Sunset woke up and sighed relieved.

"Oh, dear, I had the worst nightmare! I was dreaming of you girls!" she said giggling "We were sitting in the cafeteria and my backpack shone and the book I use to contact Twilight had the worst message ever" she got up still giggling and looked at them, trying to ignore the stinging on her cheek "it... it wasn't a dream right?" the other girls shook her head, after that she went out running followed by the other five girls.

"Whoa! What's the matter Sunset?" Rainbow was the only one that could actually keep her pace, she was smiling, but she had to accept that this was a little awkward, everyone kept staring at them.

After getting to the statue where the portal was located Sunset looked at Rainbow, the others were far behind.

"Listen, Rainbow, I need you girls to cover me, Equestria is in danger, Twilight herself asked my help!" she sighed but Rainbow only put a hand on her shoulder and nodded "thanks, see you!" Sunset jumped thorugh the portal and fel over her hooves.

Sunset looked around and nodded to herself, she made her horn shine and made some simple defensive spells.

"Perfect, this should do for now..." she thought for a moment but a voice in the air froze her blood.

"King Sombra talking here, those who want to resist to our ruling should be careful" you could say he was on a twisted good humor "After our little show here in Canterlot, the other 5 elements of harmony were arrested and their magic nullified, so if you still want to resist is okay" Sunset raised an eyebrow, that didn't sound villanous at all "You can decorate your homwtown's park, your house or something else with your statue that I will gladly make by sticking my horn deep into your heart, so it's up to you" Sunset was shaking, she was going to need more spells that was for sure... and of course a new set of elements of harmony...

"Girls... let's do this" she went back to the mirror, thinking what to do next.


"So tu sum it up" Rainbow said now as a pegasus "We are here to fight an oppresive king, a maniac Queen and what should be Vice Principal Luna, but with her "evil mode" on?" everypony turned to Sunset who was smiling a little ashamed.

"Uh... yeah, but you forgot about the Dazzlings, they're here too..." Applejack got near Sunset and sighed.

"Sugarcube, Ah don't want to be tha rain on yahr parade" she took a deep breath "but we did all that 'cause Twilight was 'round!" Sunset felt a pinch on her heart.

"I was Celestia's number one before Twilight!" she said excited and trying to hide that she was actually hurt "We only need a plan, first, we get to Canterlot" she looked thorugh the window to Ponyville, posing her eyes on the train station.

"But they are supposed to be in jail!" shouted Rarity really worried "My hair will rot in jail!" Fluttershy got near her and raised a hoof.

"That won't happen, we could be crystal statues by that moment" Sunset facehooved and sighed.

"We'll need cover then, Rarity can you make something with the curtains? Some traveling capes?" Rarity looked at the Palace's curtains and nodded.

"It won't be haute couture but sure... only one thing darling" she looked down at her hooves and then at Shimmer "How am I supposed to do it?"

Sunset growled, this was going to be a lot harder than she thought, but she had to do it, for Twilight, for Celestia and for Equestria.