• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 22,908 Views, 651 Comments

We're...Twins...yes...twins... - Questionable Brony

Emerald was just another human, just another pegasister. Now she's been turned into an OC pony called Twivine. Problem is, she has no idea who Twivine is.

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Beware, for I am...Twivine? Who's Twivine?!

Everyone who says school sucks has no idea about real life. Hi, my name is Emerald Garrison. A twenty two year young woman, who six months ago finally got her own job and apartment. I was never bright enough to study something properly. There was a will, but eh, we can't all be geniuses. So, instead of trying to repeat a year, I took what I had and started my own life as a secretary for some lawyer. I was lucky getting the job actually, being inexperienced and all that. But then again, I think he chose me so his clients, and he for that matter, had something nice to look at.

I swear every third male customer, and even one female, tried to hit on me like I was some girl from the street. That certainly wasn't in the job description. But aside from that, the job itself wasn't that bad. Doing paperwork, keeping up a polite tone while talking through the phone, bringing my boss coffee, it could be worse. No, the thing that stressed me out wasn't my job It was living on my own. I know my generation is spoiled; but damn, I had no idea how hard it is to get a decent living arrangement. Taking care of the household alone, grocery shopping, do I have enough money on my bank account in case something happens, insurance, paying the rent, regulate money, money, money, money! It was always the money!

Yeah, life sucks when you have to do all of this alone. Sure it living alone had its advantages; but once I had some work experience I hoped to get a job that would get me more money, and maybe even some free time. Okay, chances of the latter happening were slim, but one can dream, right?

Anyways, it was Saturday evening. I had just arrived home from grocery shopping and was stashing everything away. Sucks when your workplace is even open on weekends; well, except Sunday, because it meant I could either shove cleaning my apartment to my day off and ruin part of that day, or I could do it now in my completely exhausted state. Obviously I did it now, since I at least wanted to be lazy one day of the week. To make things a little more bearable, I turned on the TV and increased the volume. So far the neighbors hadn’t complained about it.

At the end of the day I was totally exhausted. I didn't even bother changing my clothes, I just slumped into the bed and passed out immediately

My dream was messed up. Like usual. Only instead of seeing pictures that didn't make any sense together, I mostly heard noises. There were people talking amongst each other. I think I also heard a little bit stone crumbling and the sound of hooves hitting stone. ‘What a messed up dream,’ I thought to myself. Oh if only I knew at the time. Well I would know in a couple of moments. It came literally down my head.

“OW!” (My voice sounded somewhat like that of a little girl, yet with a dark undertone along the lines of Darth Vader). I jerked upright, opening my eyes only to raise my arm in order to shield them from the incoming sunlight. I was torn between rubbing my head, since something hard hit it, and shielding my eyes from the light. In the end I waited for my eyes to adjust before rubbing my head. The thing was, my hand didn't feel right. It felt hard and I couldn't move my fingers even a tiny bit.

Stopping in my motions I brought my arm down in front of my face. Turned out there wasn't an arm anymore. There was a leg. A horse leg. A horse leg with purple fur. As if that wasn't strange enough, a movement caught my vision. I held down my arm/leg and focused on the movement. Right in front of me stood a filly Twilight Sparkle, complete with cutie mark and over the top cute curiosity. Seriously there's gotta be a law for being too cute.

Looking around, I found her parents, some ponies I didn't recognize and Princess Celestia. All of them were looking at me with shock and awe. Looking around I found myself in the destroyed room of where Twilight took her entrance exam. Heck I even noticed Spike sitting on a pillow and sucking his own tail. I looked back at Twilight who simply looked back with that overpowered adorable expression, blinking every now and then.

‘That's it. No more marshmallows before bed,’ I thought to myself. I've heard of lucid dreaming from one of my friends and thought I was just doing that. Figuring I might as well try some stuff out, I tentatively raised a hoof and moved it forward. Twilight mimicked my action until our hooves collided with a small *clunk*. Me and Twilight looked down at our hooves and then back into eachothers face. She started smiling and I couldn't help but smile back.

All of a sudden, I felt a small tingling sensation on top of my head and before I knew it, a small black vine, the same one Discord planted out as a Plan B came out of the stone ground. Curiously, we both watched as it wrapped itself first around my leg and then around Twilight's. It was kinda creepy and I wondered how to get rid of it, when all of the sudden my felt something pulling on my.... back lower regions.

“AHH!” I exclaimed, surprising Twilight. The vine disappeared back into the ground. Looking back, I found out that I had a full pony body and that a certain purple dragon was pulling and chewing on my black tail, which had a violet and a turquoise streak going through it. I glared down at the dragon, who looked up innocently. In the back, I heard Twilight giggling. I was about to glare at her when I realized something. I just experienced pain, the second time in the span of five minutes. I could feel the cold stone I was sitting on, I could hear Twilight's giggling and Spike's chewing way too clear and finally, my head was clear and focused. You know in a dream, at least for me I don't really focus. Sure some general stuff is happening, but then a tortoise appears in the house you're in, you ran across the street and are in a town, which you know is at least thirty miles away from the place you're in.

None of this was happening and then there were the details: the air, a soft breeze hitting my coat, the smell of the dust which probably settled just a few moments ago.
I couldn't deny it anymore. This shit was real. I was in Ponyland. I froze up in the place I was sitting in, not even caring anymore that Spike was about to rip my tail apart from my body. Luckily, Princess Celestia came by and gently levitated the lizard away from me; gently opening his mouth with her magic. I looked up to her with a pretty dumb expression on my face. From the corner of my eye I could see Twilight walking up next to me. Celestia looked at the both of us for some time before she spoke to Twilight's parents. I just noticed that they had walked up as well.

“Well, Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle. Your daughter has certainly shown some extraordinary potential.”

“She wrecked the room,” I muttered to myself, although I think everyone around ended up hearing me. I didn't mean to say it in the first place, it just slipped out. It especially had an effect on Twilight, as her ears folded against her skull and she let held her head low. Feeling guilty, I touched her shoulder with my hoof, hoping it would cheer her up.

I'll be honest. I completely forgot about the fact that I was seemingly in another world at that moment. Or gone nuts. Because the FEELS! It was Twilight adorkable Sparkle for fuck's sake. Everyone who doesn't forget her or his own problems when she is sad, is a cold blooded monster!

“Sorry.” I told her. Thankfully she smiled again, silently accepting my apology.

“As I said,” Celestia got our attention again “Your filly has shown some rather extraordinary skills in the arts of magic today.” For some reason everybody was looking at me. Oh, I get it. It's one of these stories. Can you say Deus Ex Machina?

“Therefore, I would like to take Twilight in as my personal student.”

The effect was immediate. The adult's jaws hit the floor and Twilight's face froze up. Only for it to melt a second later and turning into a wide grin that Pinkie Pie would be proud of. Speaking of Pinkie Pie, Twilight also started bouncing around, making the same freaking noise you hear on TV every time Pinkie Pie jumps.

While Twilight's parents tried to calm their little girl, excuse me, filly down; Celestia approached and bent down a little, probably to look less intimidating.

“I'm sorry, you must be very confused.” she nuzzled me gently and daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. That was simply amazing. I wished I had always been a pony at this very moment. “I am Princess Celestia.” She said. “Who are you?”

Welp, here it was. I wished I would have gotten time to, I don't know, cope with the freaking fact that I was in a fictional world, filled with candy colored equines and I was seemingly one of them? Now that Twilight was out of my mind, (I did my best to ignore the “YES” shouts coming from behind me) I became nervous.

Swallowing hard, I gave my answer: "I'm Twivine."

Wait, what?

I didn't mean to say that! I wanted to tell her my human name Emerald Morrison. I thought about quickly making up an OC name, but decided against it the last moment and went straight up with my real name. Only it wasn't my real name that came out, but...

“Twivine?” Celestia repeated a little confused.

Okay brain. Don't fail me now. Emerald Morrison. You can do that at least, right? “Y-yes, Twivine Sparkle.” WHAT THE FUCK?!

I swear I would have screamed if it wouldn't have been for Twilight tackle-hugging me, which only let me let out a small exclamation. I swear that voice I had now was starting to give me the creeps.

“I have a sister!” Twilight exclaimed.”Did you see that Mommy? Daddy? I made myself a twin sister!” she exclaimed while hugging me tightly. I thought that was it for my brain. I could almost feel it freeze up, like when you eat too much ice cream at once.

“Twin...sister?” I repeated stupefied. I looked down at my body once more, this time checking out every detail. I was about the same height as Twilight, and we had the same fur color. I looked back on me. Well, the tail had the same… “tailstyle” as Twilight's, but the color was different. My cutie mark was the same as hers, only it was a turquoise colored starburst over a black star and five black six pointed stars around it.

I looked back at Twilight who was beaming at me excitedly. I looked at her parents, who were just as dumbfounded as me. And the Princess, she had her trademark smile on her face. I was pretty sure she was just as confused as the rest of us, but she had a pretty good poker face.

“Sure… Twins. Why not?”