• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 22,907 Views, 651 Comments

We're...Twins...yes...twins... - Questionable Brony

Emerald was just another human, just another pegasister. Now she's been turned into an OC pony called Twivine. Problem is, she has no idea who Twivine is.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Author's Note:

I was still half suffering from writers block and slight discouragement, because my newest story isn't doing as good as I wished it would. I had a lot of fun writing it, but after receiving the backlash, with only one person giving me constructive criticism as to why she didn't like the story.

Still, I made a promise and here you guys go. My mood is better now and I think I did a fairly good set up for next chapter. Cadance was much easier to write this time, but I think Twilight is just a little too smart.

Oh my gosh! A shiny wild Noble appeared!

That sounded way funnier in my head. Gotta ask Pinkie Pie for some good jokes. Gah, I hate it when my magic writes down what I think.

Ever seen a noble pegasus? I did. The first thing a pegasister or brony thinks about, when she/he hears the word "noble" is Blueblood or any other snobbish unicorn from Canterlot. Certainly not a pegasus or an earth pony. Well, turns out nobles are NOT racists in the slightest. Probably has something to do with them being smarter than the fandom makes them out to be, I mean they KNOW about the wendigos.

Anyways, some green pegasus noble, wearing a simply wrong red dress happened to trot down the street along with a group of friends. All of them wore something that was basically an eyesore. I mean, the things looked straight out of the 1880-ies!

"Oh my gosh, you're right." One of the other ponies said aghast, putting her hoof in front of her mouth. The scary thing was, she sounded genuine.

"Dear Celestia, what is she doing, eating at this....dumpster place?"

"You belong in a dumpster." I muttered, causing Cadance to glare at me. Huh, apparently she heard me.

"The foalish mare must have realized by now that this is inappropriate for a princess to be." another one continued.

At that point Twilight had her ears folded back and looked to the ground. Knowing her personality traits, she most likely felt guilty, because she thought that she brought Cadance into this situation. I looked over to Cadance who tried to keep a neutral expression and was failing miserably.

"Cadance...?" Twilight spoke carefully. Since the princess of love had actual personal experience with Twilight, she of course too could see what was going through the unicorn's head and immediate took measures against it. She nuzzled Twilight and then: "If you want, we can get you another burger. It IS your special day after all." She offered Twilight another burger. Of course I didn't want to be left out and quickly munched down my burger and wiped the ketchup away from my muzzle. It was easier than I thought getting this stuff out of my fur, seeing as to how ketchup stains were a little hard to get away from clothes.

Cadance looked at me and I shrugged, grinning.

"Alright you two, let me just-"

"How can she eat such rubbish with those filthy fillies?"

THAT'S IT! The second those thoughts entered my mind, two plunder vines came out of a small green patch, where a tree had been planted. Everypony, including Twilight, initially screamed as the two black plants came down next to my face. I must have been looking pretty terrifying. Wish there was some way I could actually tell myself, when the smoke was coming out of my eyes. What's the deal with that anyway? Am I burning calories through them, to keep a slender, evil appearance?

"Twivine!" Cadance shout out brought my ranging mind back to reality. I turned my head towards the left vine and thought to myself: Holy shit! I'm about to kill that bitch!!

I panicked a little bit there. I tried to mentally tell the vines: "Don't kill her, don't kill her, don't kill her!" Over and over again. Seeing the plants doing nothing didn't help, as controversial as it sounds. I brainstormed, like really brainstormed, checking tidbits of memories going through ideas in a matter of seconds. Everyone can do it, you just tend to overlook a lot. Anyways, one of my brainstorming ideas came pretty quickly and sounds really ridiculous, when I look back at it now, but it turned out to be right.

"Clean the table." I told the plants. "Bring the garbage to the garbage can."

Guess what? It worked. I don't know why, but hey? Who am I to complain?

Somewhat awkward, the plants assembled the plastic bags, the burgers had been in and put them on a tray. Next they carried the tray to the nearest trash can and let the trash fall of the tray. And although I didn't give an order of the sorts, the plants put the tray away in one of those carts, you see at every restaurant. Job done, the vines disappeared back into the ground.

I don't get it. They won't listen to my thoughts, but my commands? But wait, what about yesterday, when I managed to use them as makeshift hands? Oh, right. I am being stared on. So...uh...hiding under the table or pretending to not get what's up?

"So, about those burgers? Can I have one too, please??? See, I even cleaned everything up!" I pointed out with my hoof.

Must. Resist. Laughing.

"Oh, you just wanted to clean up!" Twilight nodded and then giggled. "You scared me sis. It looked like you were going to hurt those ponies."

"Where did they come from?!" I exclaimed.

Must resist, must resist. I bit my bottom lip, hard, in order to not laugh out loud. "Why is everybody staring at me?" I was getting so embarrassed, that I didn't need to tell myself to not laugh. I have some weird priorities, when it comes to my emotions.

"Nothing, nothing." Cadance managed to catch herself. "C-come on, girls. Let's get some take-outs and go to the park."

"Yay!" Twilight exclaimed, already running into the building.

I slowly got up from my chair and jumped towards the ground, my legs wobbling a little for a lag of better words. Cadance and I were walking side by side, trying to ignore the stares we were getting. Inside we found a very impatient Twilight waiting in front of the doors.

"Come on, come on." she jumped up and down.

The ponies inside, well I can say for sure that those sitting at the windows had seen my little out of control outburst and were now watching us, warily. The rest was still chatting, the cashiers shouted to the guys in the kitchen, a few kids played in a ball bath in the child area, all in all, typical fast food atmosphere.

We waited for a good amount of time in the queue, until we got our additional orders. I looked carefully, but didn't see any pockets from which Cadance produced the money from. It was really bothering me and was about to ask, when I got a real headache, along with a few pictures.

"Practical Magic: Chapter 6: Pocket Dimensions." I said automatically, rubbing my forehead.

"What was that, Twivine?" my foalsitter asked me.

I shook my head. "Nothing much. Just...one of Twilight's memories decided to show up and explain something to me. My head hurts a little."

"Oh dear, should we go home?" she bend down to my level, worried.

"No, I'm fine. I don't want to ruin Twilight's day."

"If you say so." she got back up. "But I don't want you to get sick, okay?"


Twilight had been completely oblivious to the exchange, looking at some toys in a small showcase. One of those toy characters was reading a book and Twilight being Twilight showed great interest into getting her tiny hooves on that thing. Our foalsitter must have been feeling very generous that day, since she got both of us that silly little thing.

Canterlot park was simply beautiful. It was a nice contrast to the stone houses you see everywhere else. A river, which came out of the mountain itself was going through the middle of the park, colts were playing football, sorry, hoofball on a field, a family was having a picnic, some ponies walked their dogs through it. A sign earlier said they needed to be on the leash the entire time, though almost everypony broke that rule and let the human's best friend ran around freely.

Twilight and I ran a little ahead, doing all kinds of stuff that doesn't make any sense, but is better then walking. I mean stuff from kicking a tiny stone and trying to prevent the other from kicking it, to throwing a stick at each other and trying to catch it. We abandoned this one quickly, since I failed to catch the thing with my mouth. I actively avoided it, to be honest.

No one stared at me this time, maybe because I moved too fast for others to see my eyes. I also refrained from using magic, even though I had a couple of opportunities to have some fun and inventively give myself a really bad reputation.

We found a wooden table and benches to sit on and literally devoured our food there. Well, Twilight and I did, Cadance ate her share normal.

"Hey Cadance, can I ask a question?"

"Anything Twivine." she smiled.

"Just call me Vi [spoken like "why"]. It's easier." Do you know how tempting it is to ask about sex, when you're in the body of a child and an adult asks you that question?

"How is Princess Celestia?" was my simple question. It might seem unnecessary, but the show didn't really establish any kind of character she might have, except from being the not so perfect, kind ruler.

"Oh, auntie is a really nice pony." the pink pony smiled. "She's always so patient with everypony and listens to their problems, no matter how minor, I mean, small they're."

"I know what minor means. Twilight gave me her genius brain after all."

Twilight blushed at my praise and hit behind the big paper back, Cadance had carried our food earlier. Said alicorn laughed and grabbed the thing with her magic, causing Twilight to "eep". After giving my sister some reassuring nuzzling, she continued.

"Aunt Celestia also loves cakes. That's why she made sure, to always be a judge at the yearly dessert contest." the princess winked, causing me and Twilight to fall victim to a fit of giggles.

"I wish I could be a princess." Twilight said with a dreaming gaze. "Then I could build a castle, filled with every book in the world."

Cadance laughed even harder and wrapped a wing around the filly. "Of course you would, Twilight. And you Twivine? What would you do, if you were a princess?"

I was taken aback a little by the question, but gave it some serious thought. "Arrest that woman, who said those things about you and have her work on a rock farm." Yes, those things are real in Equestria. Over the years I would learn that Equestria defies a couple of the laws of physics. Such as the law in which energy is never lost. Magic has its own rules, guys.

Cadance blinked at me, shocked either from the harshness of my punishment or the fact that I would do this for her. Probably both.

"Th-that's...It's sweet of you that you care about me, but Twivine, violence is never the answer." she looked down at me sternly, yet understanding. "I know some ponies can be really mean, belief me, there are a lot of nobles who tell me that I'm not behaving like a proper princess, but you know what? I just ignore them. Let them talk, they'll stop eventually."

Another flash of memories went through my head. The back of my mind registered that certain words, triggered certain memories. I flinched, as my brain worked over time, to sort the new information over.

"Twivine!" both Twilight and Cadance exclaimed.

"It's alright!" I held out my front hooves. "Just new memories from Twilight." I clutched my head. This time it was more than a single picture, but a complete film that was moving in front of my eyes. No, not in front of my eyes, I was part of it.

I didn't notice the two at my side, until it stopped. "Maybe we really should go home."

"I'm fine!" And now I sounded a little bitchy. "I'm fine." I repeated, more calm and collected. "Look Cadance, you said if you ignore the bullies, they will eventually stop, right?"

Cadance for her part still looked concerned, but nodded. "Yes, it worked in Twilight's case and most of the nobles have stopped bothering me already."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow. "Then how come-" I stopped myself, looking around. In a much lower tone, I started anew: "Then how come Twilight is still forced to do the "diaper dance" by Silver Lining and his friends?!" I asked in a hiss-tone.

Twilight gasped and took a few steps away from me. "H-How do you know?"

And we have the confirmation.

Twilight herself seemed to have realized what she just said. She looked over to our soon to be sister-in-law and wanted to say something, but didn't get the words out. I for my part walked to Twilight until we were face to face.

"I have all of your memories, Twilight. I know you better than anypony else." I put my hoof on the back of her head and pulled her forehead against mine, making it impossible for her to look away. "And I won't let anything like this happen to you again. Even if the adults can't help, I'll be there for you. That's a promise."

What I saw...I won't even explain it to you. This is my story not Twilight's. But if you're unfamiliar with the diaper dance, the name says it all. You put someone into a diaper or a makeshift one and force him to dance. In the show it was always shown that Twilight was afraid of going back to magic kindergarten because of the colts and fillies or at least it was hinted at. Whether this was an alternate universe or the the actual one, I didn't know, but my Twilight's reason was much more traumatic than simple bullying.

"Twilight..." Cadance stood above us. I could see her shadow. She wrapped her wings around us and pulled us into a tight hug. None of us said something. All of us just wanted to be there in this moment. Sadly a certain pony had to ruin this and make the day AND my mood, really sour.

And a sour mood isn't good for magic control.