• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 22,908 Views, 651 Comments

We're...Twins...yes...twins... - Questionable Brony

Emerald was just another human, just another pegasister. Now she's been turned into an OC pony called Twivine. Problem is, she has no idea who Twivine is.

  • ...

I'm your new sister, brah!

Let me tell you one thing about being a pony. Walking is easier and at the same time harder than it sounds. Why is that? Well for starters, it's like walking on all fours as a human, which is a little hard, when you're a human at least. As a pony it should be easier, since the body is actually balanced out for that kind of thing. But when you add a human consciousness in a pony body, yeah...good luck getting your muscle memory sorted out. The lack of fingers is very distracting to start off. I mean, I constantly want to stretch my non-existing fingers, which pretty got me on edge already. Then there is the tail. Faust, that thing is distracting. (On a side note, every time I try to say Faust, I say Faust. Hell still works for some reason).

Back on topic, muscle memory. Even though my body is fully capable of handling...itself (man, I need to work on my wording) but my mind wasn't. It's like...how do I best describe it? Say you have a car. As we all know each car drives differently from another. Now let's say you're used to that one car you payed a large sum of money. It drives fast, it goes smoothly around curves and in general is comfortable to drive around with.

Now, let's say you need to borrow a car from a friend, which is a little older, it takes a while for it to get to speed, you really need to hit the breaks in order for them to work and maybe it feels a little clunky to drive around.

Meh, it still doesn't describe the situation I was in, but you have an idea. The biggest issue was, when to move which leg. Getting up was solved easily, even if it felt weird to have a pony body at first. When it came to moving, I straight up hit the ground with my face. I gasped in shock, when Celestia pulled me up with her magic the first time. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah." I replied meekly to those caring eyes. I tried walking again, carefully lifting my front left hoof and placing it to the ground. In slow motion I followed with my hind left and lost balanced. So...the other leg. I thought to myself. This time I managed to lift up myself. I shook my head clear, looking determined at my legs, while at the same time trying to ignore the funny looks everyone was giving me.
So I followed with the procedure:

Front left: Check.
Hind right: Check.
Front right: Ch-ch-ch-CHECK!
Hind left: Check!

There we go! Now I only need to-


-increase my pace....or not.

"Sis? Are you alright?" Twilight asked, looking down at me. I rolled over on all fours and slowly got up. "Not...really..." was my reply. I know I shouldn't be ashamed of what I said next, but I really was. "I uh...I can't walk and I need someone to pick me up." I said as quickly as possible. It must have still been understandable, since I was once again picked up by Celestia's magic, surprising me once again, as I felt the warm tingling sensation around my body. Before too long I was lifted up from the ground and put on Celestia's back, who looked at me a little worried. "Are you alright, dear?"

"...Please don't call me 'dear'." I deadpanned. "I...guess there isn't a fast learning how to walking spell or something?" I asked. You never know.

Celestia giggled, shaking her head. "No, I'm sorry. Let's get you examined by the doctors first, okay?"

"Alright." I nodded.

"Aw, I wanna have a ride too." Twilight complained, looking up at her mother. (Our mother? So confusing.)

To be honest, neither Velvet nor Night Light looked like they fully grasped the situation. As a result, Velvet simply levitated her filly onto her back, her gaze, however, still fixated on me. I in the meantime focused on Twilight. Because "daww". Adorkable Twilight. Seeing her so happy riding her mother's back, caused me to smile. Though for some reason this in return caused Nightlight to narrow his eyes, as he looked at me, like I was some kind of stalker. Was there something on my face?

Let me say one thing: Canterlot looks fucking awesome. I was only seeing a part of the city, the hospital was surprisingly nearby the school, but man, this city was beautiful- It had a distinguish style, with most of the buildings being white and their roofs being purple, but aside from that, each of the building had an individual touch.

It could be small things like a gold star hanging above the door, to the houses looking completely insane. I mean a windmill from where soap bubbles came out, with a poster advertising soap bubble production? What da fuck, son?!

On another note, the ponies on the streets, who were all just passing by, of course watched our little group passing by, especially me, since I was riding on the princess' back. It was pretty comfortable by the way and it easily overshadowed the fact that I wasn't able to walk anymore.

The ponies all bowed to Celestia and I could hear faint whispers coming from the crowd, no doubt talking about me. Twilight was completely oblivious to that kind of thing and as for the rest, they ignored the crowd as best as possible.

When we entered the hospital, Velvet brought Twilight down. At this time, she and her husband looked a little better from before.
"Aw, but mom! Sis is still riding on the princess' back." Twilight complained. I think I saw Velvet cringe upon hearing Twilight calling me "sis". And to be honest, I didn't know what to think of it myself. I mean, I kind of accepted it, but...uh...yeah. Imagine you go asleep, wake up as a pony and you're Twilight's sister. Just go with it? Haha, of course you'd say that, you're not the one in this position. What? Is Pinkie Pie the only one allowed to break the fourth wall?

Ok. ok, I'll stop. (for now)
In any event, the mare at the reception dropped all her paperwork as she saw the princess of all people...eh, I mean ponies approaching the counter. That would have taken her some time to pick up, if Celestia wouldn't have helped her, by doing it in a matter of 3 seconds.
"Y-your highness." she gave a really quick bow. "How can I help you?" she asked, getting her composure back.

"I need a complete medical and magical checkup for two fillies. There has been...an incident at the School for Gifted Unicorns."

"I-I see. I'll call the doctor the doctor immediately. In the meantime, I can get the fillies into a room."

"Actually, could you possibly bring them into separate rooms. For the time being at least."

I looked at the back of Celestia's head curiously and a little anxious. But I calmed myself down, after all, it was reasonable. I think. I mean, have you seen my face? I sure haven't. Twilight's head dropped down after hearing this. Celestia didn't see it, as she levitated me of her back and held me in front of herself. "Don't worry, it's only for a short time. You'll be reunited with your sister in no time."

"Alright...?" I answered carefully. Celestia shifted her focus to the adult mare again. "She can't walk on her own right now because of the incident. Would you mind carrying her to her room?"

"Of course not, your highness." the mare replied. Immediately Celestia put me onto her back. Aside from having less space to move around, her fur didn't feel as comfortable as Celestia's. "This is annoying." I muttered. The nurse gave me a wary grin, causing me to raise another eyebrow.

"Sis!" I looked over to Twilight. "You will come back, won't you?" she asked. I couldn't help but giggle. "Of course, Twilight."


"Pinkie Promise!" Whoops, that might bite me in the future. I even did the motion already. It had been a gag between me and my brony friends to do the Pinkie Promise. Well, what's done is done. And until Twilight meets Pinkie Pie, she'll probably have forgotten about this.
Nevertheless, the nurse started walking through a pair of double doors. She walked down the hallway, not speaking a word the entire time, which I found odd to say the least. Plus on the way to my room, everyone and I mean everyone we met gave me a strange look. I was about to make a rather rude comment, when the nurse suddenly announced. "We're here." She opened the door to the right and stepped inside.

Now there was nothing extraordinaire about the room, just a simple examining room like back on earth. The only difference was the pony skeleton and a poster identifying every single bone of a pony. The nurse placed me on the bed and said: "Now you wait here, sweetie. The doctor will be with you in a minute."

"Okay." was my short reply. Apparently satisfied, the nurse left me alone in the room, which I very much welcomed, because it finally gave me a chance to gather my thoughts.



Now that I had gathered my thoughts, I could finally process what was happening around me. I was your typical human in Equestria, stuffed inside a body that was similar to Twilight Sparkle's. So far everyone assumed Twilight created me out of thin air or something, while hatching Spike, turning her parents into potted plants and taking off half of the tower. Although, I think we can easily blame Spike for that one. And now here I am.

Applause, applause, you won the lottery of the universe. I mean what were the chances? You don't only need to calculate the number of humans on earth the very second Twilight activated the spell, but also the sheer infinite number of universes, unless the nether waves transported the magic stream directly into our universe. Then you would only have to calculate the magic resistance of our world, which according to what I know is 0, meaning the waves would flow faster than light and...

"...the fuck?" Just where did THAT came from. I mean, nether waves? Magic stream? Where did these thoughts came from? and why was I so certain that the "magical resistance barrier" (simplified name) on the north pole was 0.537 points, while around Canterlot it varied a little from 0.985 to 1.007? To calculate a "barrier" or the general magic resistance of your environment you cast a spell, a simple one preferably, measure the speed of the nether waves, divide it through the product of the magical stream and the magical power you put behind the spell.

"Brain. Just stop." I rubbed my temples. Then I looked around for something to distract myself and found a mirror. It was hanging on the other side of the wall, just at the right place. I simply needed to go at the downer end of the bed and-

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, jumping backwards, accidentally hitting my back on the wall. My eyes! The hell? My eye skin was freaking turquoise, my irises were a dark purple or lavender and my pupils were serpent like, almost like those of Spike or Nightmare Moon. No wonder everyone was giving me a weird look. All it missed was black smoke coming out......like King Sombra!

"What the-?!" I exclaimed, just noticing my horn glowing. Subconsciously I wanted to have the mirror close to me, in order to get a better look. Somehow I must have activated my magic, since my horn had been glowing as well as well as the mirror. And let's not forget the purple smoke coming out of my eyes. Something must have happened, maybe my concentration was broken, but my horn stopped glowing and my eyes stopped smoking.

"What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?" I whimpered, hugging myself. I was showing all signs in becoming an evil overlord in Equestria. But I didn't want to become the overlord of Equestria! Twilight was the only one allowed to become overlord of Equestria. (Now you know who my favorite pony is.)

The doctor and Princess Celestia found me in this state, hugging myself and my eyes widened in panic. Celestia immediately walked over to me and nuzzled me with her snout. "There, there. We're here. We won't leave you alone again." Wrong words, but I felt better none the less. Hey, I was being comforted by Princess Celestia, you're not allowed to be afraid anymore if she does that, as well as you're not allowed to frown, when Pinkie Pie is next to you. These are the brony rules! Obey or die!

I didn't notice the faint green glow until two seconds before the doctor stopped. Apparently that had been the first test. Moving right along, Celestia introduced me to the doctor. "This is Dr. Lulamoon."

Wait, WHAT?!?! I took another good look at the stallion. He didn't look anything like Trixie! Green coat, red hair, bright green eyes, a red cross with a syringe in front of it as a cutie mark and a little thin built. His mane and tail were kept short.

"He will make sure that you're all healthy. You need to excuse him, he can't speak at the moment, because of an operation."

"Uh...shouldn't he...? Sorry. Shouldn't you be at home in that case?" I asked the doctor. "I mean, you can't really talk to your patients or anything."

The doctor gave me a curious glance before forcing a smile, it was so obvious and waving off.

"My you're smart for a filly at your age." the princess commented. "Actually, he was just supposed to do some boring paperwork, but then you needed a doctor and he is the only one who has time at the moment."

"Oh, thanks doctor." I smiled to him, but it didn't have the effect I wanted it to have. The doctor just scribbled something down on a note-block and looked up when he was finished.

"Now then Twili- excuse me, Twivine, was it?" I nodded. "Would you mind focusing your magic for a bit in your horn?"

"Uh...I guess there isn't a manual available, is there?"

Turned out we could forget about the tests, at least the easy way. Whatever I did early, I couldn't do it again. Oh and remember that spasm of knowledge about magic I had earlier? When Celestia tried to explain magic to me in children terms, I was just staring at her blankly. The most I could do was saying: "Laws of physics be damned."

In the end they brought in some kind of machine, similar to those they use on earth for ECG. They clasped a ring around my horn and started the machine. I immediately groaned at the headache I was getting and needed to be supported by Celestia in order to not slump over.

"Owe...next time we'll do the tickle torture." Yeah, not only a headache but blathering nonsense was another side effect of the machine. Plus afterwards I really felt like shit for like five minutes. Celestia cast some kind of spell, which eased up the pain. "Thank you." I told her, as I was leaning against her.

"You're welcome little one. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah~...I think. More or less."

"Don't worry." she reassured me. "The worst is over. Now all we need to do are a few simple things. Oh and...taking a bit of your blood. I forgot to mention that.

I groaned, getting up on my feet, I mean hooves. "Fine."

From here on out it was like your typical full physical. They checked my reflexes, quick look into both ears, mouth, taking a blood sample, hurt a little and even taking an x-ray. Of course I wasn't a little girl or something, so I endured everything with keeping my mouth shut, but damn, it got really annoying, especially with that doctor. I knew he couldn't talk, but it was almost like he was trying to ignore me completely. I didn't know if Celestia noticed it or not, but if she did she hid her own annoyance from me and the doc.

Last, but not least, they wanted to see if I could take a few steps, maybe with a little help here and there. The end result being:

"You just need a little practice. Your family should be able to help you with that." Celestia explained.

"And if I don't?" I asked back.

"Then you'll get help from a special doctor. Don't worry."


"Shiny!" The two siblings ran up and embraced each other in a hug. Celestia just brought me back from examination, as this happened. Shining Armor didn't look quite like an adult as of yet. Middle to high school was my estamination. Twilight's...our older brother broke the hug with his sister and looked at Twilight from top to bottom. "Are you hurt anywhere? Did the doctors say anything's wrong with you?"
"Shiny, I'm fine." Twilight giggled.

"She is alright dear." Velvet walked up and wrapped one of her forelegs around Twilight. "Our little Twily just passed the entrance exam!"
"Really? That's great!" Shining exclaimed. "So what did you do? Is the rumor about the dragon egg true?"

Oh, this was too good to pass up. "Not only the dragon egg, but another part was creating a whole new family member." I got everyone's attention with that. "Sup, brah? Guess I'm your new sister, huh?"

Shining Armor's eyes widened at seeing me.

"Wah-? I mean, how-? I mean who-?"

"I'm Twilight's evil twin and together we will take over Equestria." My stomach growled. "After lunch, that is." I added.

"What?!" Shining Armor and Twilight exclaimed at the same time, looking absolutely mortified. I couldn't help myself, but laugh my ass off, especially with Velvet and Night Light looking at me like I'm some kind of devil spawn. I think Celestia was the only one who caught that it was a joke. In the process of laughing, I accidentally fell off her back and hit the ground, but the pain was well worth the looks they gave me.
"Oh man." I gasped for air. "Oh man, oh man. This is too good. Even you two believe me?" I laughed, pointing at Nightlight and Velvet. From above me, I could hear Celestia giggle. "Well, aren't you a mischievous one." she said, looking me directly into the eyes. "Sis, that wasn't funny!" Twilight exclaimed. "I'm sorry princess! I'm, so, so, so, so sorry!" she was literally rubbing the floor with her face, while walking up in a bow kind of position.
"Please look up Twilight. There's no need to apologize for anything. It was just a simple joke. I don't mind it at all." she said and nuzzled Twilight's back. "Well then is everypony here? There are some things I wish to discuss with you and it would be best if we did this at your home? Hmm? Where is the little dragon?"
"Found him." I deadpanned.
On the way back, Spike was lying on Velevet's back, I, of course on Celestia's, Twilight was excitingly telling Shining Armor about the entrance exam, who with his father was keeping a close eye on me. This whole eyeing the suspicious, little, evil twin sister was really getting to me, especially with the stares I was getting from passing foals and fillies, no doubt jealous I got to ride the princess.
I was so glad, when we finally arrived at the Sparkle household. They had a rather huge three story house. There was a little cabinet at the entrance and vase with a flower I didn't recognize. Just a few steps later, we came into a living room, filled with a sofa, a couch, a table with biscuits inside a little bowl.

"P-please take a seat your highness. Let me just fetch some cushions and can I offer you some tea, perhaps?" Velvet asked.

"Tea would be nice, but I would like to speak with you and Night Light alone first."

"Of course your highness." Night Light replied. He took me over with his magic. "Shining Armor? Would you please watch the two, while we talk to her majesty?"

"Of course, dad." he saluted like a true soldier. Night Light brought us upstairs, without Spike mind you, and into Twilight's room.
"...Did someone brake into a library?" I asked, looking around Twilight's room. A bed, a nightstand, a toy-box, a desk and lots and lots of bookshelves. "Are these all yours, Twilight?"

"Uh huh!" she nodded enthusiastically. "Do you like it? Oh, we should read a book!" From the corner of my eye I could see Shining and Nightlight rolling theirs. The little filly ran over to the one shelf and picked up a rather huge book for a filly.

"Magic 101? The basics about magic and magical theory." I read aloud. "Sure, why not?" I was curious about magic anyways.

"Well, I'll leave you three to it." Nightlight left the room.

"Oh, I really need to use the bathroom! I'll be right back!" Twilight exclaimed before zooming out of the room, leaving me and Shining Armor behind.


"Hey." I tried, but Shining looked at me suspiciously. "Look, I'm sorry about the bad joke from before. It wasn't really nice of me."
Shining took a few steps closer and looked me directly into the eyes. "Just who do you think you are?" he asked me and he was not in the mood for jokes.

I straightened myself, hoping he wouldn't start to beat me to a punch. "Well, for starters, my name is Twivine."

"Twivine?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess it's because I have this weird ability. You see something went wrong, when Twilight cast the spell on the egg and somehow...I don't know, I was just there! I'm just as confused as everyone else, I mean I know things, although I never learned them, I know you, Twilight, a little bit about Celestia, Velvet, Night...Princess Cadance." Shining Armor stiffened visibly. "And then there is my magic! I don't know how to use it, only did it accidentally so far," I took a few deep breaths, noticing that I raised my voice without me knowing. "I...somehow summoned this black vine out of the ground...I think it's my special ability and there's where Twivine comes from."
At this point, Shining Armor was more curious than suspicious about me. "And what about your eyes and your voice? It's just...weird."
"Hell, if I know. You're asking the filly who just popped into existance and got looked at like she's a bad girl, because she has different eyes and a different voice."

At this Shining Armor looked guiltily down to the ground. I wasn't sure about his age, but he seemed pretty mature in my book. "Sorry." he muttered. "It's just that Twilight gets laughed at because she is more interested in books, than playing with others. I actually got my cutie mark by protecting her from a bunch of bullies and...well, mom and dad think I'm a little overprotective. Guess they're right."
I couldn't help but smile at his explanation. Now I understood why Cadance fell in love with him. "It's all right." I gave him what I like to call a brony hug. Actually, I only called it that because I'm a pegasister and hug other people more than "normal people". I'm just weird this way.

"Let's just get to know each other, 'kay? No need to call me sister or anything."

"Hmm, I dunno if Twilight will approve this. She can be a little stubborn, when she gets an idea into her head." We broke up from the hug and Shining levitated the book over. "This is one of Twilight's favorites. She read it through probably a million times."

"Actually, only 20 times." Twilight came through the half opened door and closed it completely with her magic. Shining whistled. "Wow LSBFF, you really got better with your magic."

"Really?" she opened and closed the door again. "Wow I didn't notice! Did you see this BBBFF, LSBFF?!" Wait, did she talk to me too? Apparently she did.

"Sure did...BSBFF."