• Published 19th Aug 2016
  • 6,677 Views, 315 Comments

The Undesirables - I Caboose

Princess Luna assembles a team of Equestria's most undesirable inhabitants in order to deal with the problems too dangerous to risk the lives of the Elements of Harmony.

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11. Three To Go, One To Show

Sonata’s seat rattled every time the train carriage jerked one way and then the other. One time it felt as if the entire thing was about to topple on its side, prompting Sonata to fearfully grip her chair until the rocking subsided. Sonata never did like trains. Trains were big, heavy and dangerous. She'd heard stories in the Human World of people playing chicken with trains and losing, having even been tempted to try it out herself once. She asked Adagio if she could, but she just told her no.

And while Adagio wasn't here to say no now, Sonata didn't really feel like playing with a train was a smart idea, now that she thought about it.

Across from her sat Princess Luna, not at all disturbed by the rumbling of the train or the continual churning of its wheels. Luna simply sat staring intently out the window, gazing on as the lush green grass gradually became concealed beneath the persistently falling snow, indicating that their passage towards the settlements of the Frozen North was coming along quite nicely.

The only other pony present in Luna's personal and rather luxurious cabin was a batpony guard, his purple and black amour blending in with his dark stringy and patchy coat and the silver embroidered walls of the carriage. He gradually walked up and down the aisle while Sonata and Luna stayed sat facing one another, one content, the other on the verge of imploding from utter boredom.

“Luna,” Sonata whined, yanking on her own mane. “I know you told me not to say it again, but are we there yet?”

Luna groaned, her breath clouding against the glass. “For the very last time, Sonata, no. No, we are not there yet!” She banged her head against the window. “Though we cannot arrive soon enough…” she drolly finished, mainly speaking to herself.

Sonata threw her head back with an exaggerated sigh. “But it's been sooo long!” she said with a pout, crossing her arms in defiance of Luna’s claims. “How come we’re taking this train anyway? I thought you had your own really fast one?”

It didn't take long for Luna to recognise what Sonata was asking about. Her and Celestia’s private train had been commandeered by Twilight Sparkle, her friends and her parents with Celestia and Luna’s approval, scheduling it to embark from Canterlot towards Ponyville then back up to The Crystal Empire at its earliest convenience. After news broke of a concerning incident having occurred that morning in The Crystal Empire involving Shining Armor and a trio of guards, Twilight had been distraught, wanting to be on her way to see him as soon as possible. Celestia chose to accompany her former student while Luna remained behind in Canterlot for the time being to get their affairs in order.

Having completed that task, Luna debarked for the Empire with Sonata in tow, and the Siren earth pony was hardly too happy about it.

Not that Luna was in the mood to care about what Sonata felt, her thoughts plagued by the consequences of Shining Armor's attack.


“Not again, Sonata!” Luna barked, at her wits end with Sonata’s constant questioning.

The instant Sonata shied away was enough for Luna to regret her outburst immensely. Her judgement was admittedly impaired by the accumulated stress of running the country in Celestia’s stead and from her general ignorance of the ongoing situation in the Empire. She knew nothing of Shining’s condition, if it had improved or worsened. Nothing at all, not even a letter. Cadance was most likely just as much a mess as Twilight. Even Celestia had been somewhat compromised upon first hearing the news.

Whatever Luna’s feelings were on the matter though, she knew it was unfair to take it out on Sonata, regardless of her continual irritation. “Forgive me, Sonata, I did not mean to snap at you. I'm not exactly in the best of moods at the moment.”

“Because your nephew guard in-law unicorn friend almost got eaten by a wolf?” Sonata automatically responded, perking up the instant Luna apologised. The warning glare Sonata was met with caused those feelings to simmer down somewhat. “Just saying… But that is the reason right?” she finished timidly but assured in herself.

Luna simply sighed and nodded grimly. “Unfortunately yes, word of Shining Armor’s attack was quite unsettling.” Luna looked out the window once more, silently pleading for the crystal castle to become visible over the looming snowy mountains lying ahead. “I am also worried that this incident may not be a unique occurrence.”

Sonata knew what unique meant, remembering all the times Aria had frowned when she said Sonata was unique herself. Being unique must not have been a very good thing which was probably why Luna was so worried about all this. “You think the wolves might come back?” Sonata asked with an excited smile, the whole story of valiant royal guards fighting a bunch of wild ferocious wolves seeming rather cool to her.

Another grim nod was the only reply Sonata received, Luna choosing to remain sat in silence once more.

The batpony guard accompanying them had appeared to have fallen asleep at some point, lounging at the back on the carriage on a row of cushions and snoring softly. Sonata thought that he mustn't have been a very good guard if he was sleeping on the job, which only made her wonder why Luna was lugging him about in the first place.

Maybe he was just bored like Sonata?

Sonata violently groaned, her neck veering back with an audible click. She found Equestria to be so boring, especially Canterlot, Canterlot was so dull. Sonata was never really allowed out on her own, or at least she was never really allowed to wander outside the castle grounds. Luna was always keeping an eye on her, but at the same time she was always saying that she would be allowed back home to the Human World eventually. Back to Adagio and Aria. Luna had yet to keep up her end of the bargain, despite Sonata having done everything she had asked so far.

Sit in friendship lessons? Check.

Be a good teenage pony-girl thing? Check.

Stop trying to take over the world? Double check.

Stop defacing Starswirl’s statue… Unchecked.

Other than that last part, Sonata had basically been a model citizen. The model citizen. Repentant was the word she thought it was called. Sonata was repentant for all she had done. Yet she was still here, still stuck in Equestria.

Sonata wanted to go home.

Sonata didn't want to be bored anymore.

Sonata didn't want to be alone.

“Luna, when can I go home?” Sonata abruptly burst out, her words direct and tone swift. “You keep saying I can go back through some portal somewhere but you won't let me, even though I've done everything you've asked!”

The sudden bout of questions was certainly unexpected, jolting Luna out of her self induced daze. She looked down towards the earth pony unsurely, appearing somewhat unwilling to reply. Luna forced herself to speak however, though her tone was evidently hesitant. “Not yet, Sonata. But one day soon, I promise.”

That was not the answer Sonata wanted, she had heard it so many times before. “Yeah, but when,” she asked sharply. “When will you let me go back?”

It was a conversation Luna had admittedly been avoiding, but it was one she knew needed to be said, however much she didn't want to and however much Sonata wouldn't like what she heard. Luna broadened her shoulders and veiled herself in a stoic facade, knowing full well the mood was about to be dampened even further. “I cannot allow you to return to the Human World, Sonata, because I don't think you're ready yet.”

Sonata gawked. “But I am ready! I'm being a better pony just like you wanted! I’m nice, I don't cause that much trouble, I do all your stupid friendship lessons-”

“But you don't take those lessons to heart, Sonata,” Luna interrupted with reluctance, prompting Sonata to pause. “You are attentive in your lessons, enthusiastic even, but you don't show it, not to anypony except myself. You haven't commited yourself to your rehabilitation.”

“That's not true!” Sonata shot back distraught. “I want everyone to be my friend!”

“And there lies the problem,” Luna said with a sad smile, hoping her words would not fall on deaf ears. “You want everypony to be your friend, but you don't want to be their friend in return. I'm sorry that I have to say this, Sonata, but I can't allow you to go back because you don't know yet how to be a friend towards others. All you know to do is create conflict and chaos, but that is okay.” Luna’s smile grew warm. “It was your nature as a Siren to cause trouble and drive others towards negativity so that you could feed yourself, but you no longer need to do that, you are simply having difficulty breaking away from that conditioning.”

Sonata said nothing, contemplating Luna’s words thoroughly. She didn't like what Luna was saying. She didn't like her saying that Sonata didn't know how to be a friend. Her, Adagio and Aria were basically sisters, or maybe they really were sisters Sonata couldn't remember, but they were also friends, together for over a thousand plus years. Sonata had tried to replicate that friendship with other ponies here but for some reason it just never really worked out. No one ever liked having Sonata as their friend.

So perhaps Luna wasn't exaggerating all that much when she said Sonata just didn't know how to be a friend. Maybe she didn't even know how to be good.

But Sonata was trying. She would never stop trying.

Sonata looked up as a shadow loomed over her, finding Luna standing very close. Sonata often wondered if she and Luna were friends. They were around each other a lot and Luna seemed to like her. Sonata kind of liked Luna too but it was weird, you weren't really friends with teachers right? That's what Luna essentially was to Sonata. Were they even capable of being friends, or were they just two ponies who knew each other and talked a lot?

Luna laid a reassuring hoof upon Sonata’s shoulder, a gesture she knew Sonata always appreciated. “Your progress so far has been immaculate, Sonata, and in time I'm sure you'll learn your lesson fully. It is simply a matter of overcoming your basic Siren nature, a feat difficult for anypony. I have faith you'll succeed however, because I know you want to.”

Luna's hoof slackened somewhat, for she had only told Sonata one of several of her reasons why she was still in Equestria. Luna would never dissuade Sonata with her own internal thoughts on the subject.

The second reason she had not allowed for Sonata to return home yet was simply because she did not consider Sonata capable. Sonata was simply not independent enough to survive on her own. Sonata would probably never admit it, perhaps she didn't even realise it herself, but she craved guidance, instinctively following an influencing source at every opportunity. Luna suspected it was why Sonata gravitated towards her in the first place and generally listened to whatever she said without question. Sonata was a follower, latching onto whatever she could that would provide her with a fulfilling purpose in life.

It was one of the reasons Luna often left Sonata to her own devices and allowed her to roam the castle unbound in the pursuit of her own friends, though she always kept a close eye on things. Luna had hoped leaving Sonata to fend for herself somewhat would prompt some individual reasoning and decision making on her part, allowing Sonata to determine her own path for a change and break free of her need to depend upon others. But that road so far had been rocky at best and her general progress slow.

Luna considered it understandable given Sonata’s upbringing; always having been at the mercy of two older, wiser and far more feral Sirens. Dictating Sonata's every action and making all her choices for her. Once she had been cut off from the other two, Sonata had shown signs of change almost instantaneously, even attempting to emulate Luna’s actions at one point like a curious foal seeing the world for the first time in her life. Luna feared that releasing Sonata back into the other world too early would damage all the progress they had made thus far.

Which was the logic behind the third and final reason Luna would not allow for Sonata to travel home yet. Returning Sonata to her two Siren sisters might undo everything she had accomplished and achieved so far, poisoning her in the negativity of her former compatriots and dooming her rehabilitation to fail.

But Sonata wanted to go home, so Luna would one day allow it.

But only when Sonata was ready, beyond any and all doubt.

“You will get home one day, Sonata. I assure you. But only when you're ready and only when you want to,” Luna said with emphasis in her words, urging Sonata not to take what she was saying lightly.

Sonata thought long and hard. She knew full well what she wanted; a way home and a few new friends along the way. To make Luna proud of her and pay her back for everything she had ever done for her. Sonata didn't always show it but she appreciated Luna for helping her the first time she had crossed over into this world, and the only way she knew how to repay Luna was to do right by her wishes.

Though Sonata had thought about getting Luna a present once. She heard she likes cake.

Regardless, Sonata knew what she had to do; make friends and show Luna she could be trusted. Easy enough.

Sonata even had a way to achieve that. She had heard that Luna was meeting with ponies from all over Equestria for some reason and that they may all meet up for a get together or something someday ‘when Luna called for them.’ Maybe they would like to be friends with Sonata! After all, a friend of Luna’s was probably someone worth getting to know. That would be a great way to show Luna just how much better she was getting!

Reinvigorated with that thought, Sonata attempted to crush Luna in a friendly hug, something Sonata knew Luna loved because she would always start jumping about, the suprise taking her breath away to the point she'd even say that she couldn't breath. That just meant the hug was working, Aria always used to do the same thing!

Sonata grew even more excited upon finally spotting the gleaming crystal castle sparkle upon the horizon, practically glowing against the sky. Releasing Luna, Sonata shot up against the window to get a better look, with Luna veering away and soothing her injured throat, astounded at Sonata's manic nature.

Hearing a low bout of laughter from her side, Luna turned to find the batpony guard awoken and leaning on his spear with a small grin on his face, enamoured at Luna’s failing compourse. Luna ruffled her wings and shot him a glare. “And you better be on your best behaviour. You are not here on vacation, you are here for me to examine your willingness to comply.” Luna was then the one smiling as she saw the guards face drop. “Although, if you behave appropriately for once, I'll allow for a pit stop on the way back to wherever you please, within reason of course.”

His eyes flashed green and Therapsid looked up at Luna with a timid and hopeful smile as the train decelerated into the The Crystal Empire’s train station.

Author's Note:

Image source


I now possess (An admittedly barren) TvTropes page! Should you be into that sort of thing, feel free to add whatever you want. I've always been somewhat addicted to Tropes so I'm just happy that I finally have a page for myself, even if it does need a lot of work.

So yeah, not really anything else to say seeing as this chapter was a bit quiet. Thoughts?