• Published 19th Aug 2016
  • 6,677 Views, 315 Comments

The Undesirables - I Caboose

Princess Luna assembles a team of Equestria's most undesirable inhabitants in order to deal with the problems too dangerous to risk the lives of the Elements of Harmony.

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5. The Tricksy Magician

“To my lovely audience, Trixie wishes you adieu. She can safety safe without a doubt that Fillydelphia is on her holiday list. Thank you ever so much and goodnight!”

The rampant and excessive cheering drowned out the last of Trixie’s speech, her voice struggling to carry over the incessant whooping, clapping, stomping and screaming. Not that Trixie was at all bothered by this of course, in fact she relished in it, jumping out onto the stage several times more and bowing in sequence, much to the delight and standing ovation of the crowd.

Soon however the curtains closed one final time and Trixie found herself staring at red velvet, refusing to move so that she may listen to the dying appreciation concealed in front of her. She stood until the last cheer sounded out, the former noises making way for general chatter and trotting hooves upon carpet as ponies made their way out the theatre doors and into the late night city street.

Trixie had yet to move, her smile holding firm.

But with time it faltered, and Trixie found herself standing in utter silence, the theatre deserted of all.

It had taken so much effort for her to get this far. She had the Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive to thank for that, as well as her assistant and very best friend Starlight Glimmer; the mare who made all this possible in the first place. The Humble and Penitent Trixie's Equestrian Apology Tour, not a working title, had so far been a rousing success, with new venues opening up everyday from Manehatten to Las Pegasus, all clambering for the reinvigorated and very marketable image of The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon.

And through it all Trixie felt so… Adequate.

She had it all and more. She had her life back, her fame, her glory. Everything she had been striving for since it had all been stripped away from her.

Yet, to finally have it all back… It just wasn't what Trixie was expecting.

It was so routine. The show was always the same because that was the show in demand; the show being advertised. Improvisation would only cause chaos amongst her customers so Trixie gave them what they paid for. She gave them the show that they wanted. The same show every time.

The problem was that Trixie had been apart of that show countless times now. She was tired of it.

It was murky waters for certain. Capitalizing on her newly esteemed image that debuted in Ponyville had done her career wonders, yet at the same time it was the very thing deterring her. It was confusing and conflicting and Trixie hated feeling this way.

She was living the dream, the least she should be doing is enjoying it.

But the whole joy of magic and illusion was the mystery, the prestige, the eventual reveal and the look of surprise on their faces when they saw the trick for themselves… But the looks were the same, every time.

It was boring.

Trixie heard an audible ‘pop’ as she raised her foreleg high, a side effect of having been out on her hooves for around three hours now. Once the show stopped being free Trixie needed to extend its runtime by a fair amount, something else she had trouble adjusting to lately. Having been working out of a convertible wagon for most of her life made the whole idea of staying in a set place for a set amount of time to perform a standard show on a static stage so alien to her.

But Trixie persevered, because that's what Trixie did.

The hour was late and Trixie needed to clean up, tomorrow was her last show in Fillydelphia and the day after she would be off to the skylines of Manehattan to perform at the prestigious Carneighie Hall. Another sold out booking for The Humble and Penitent Trixie's Equestrian Apology Tour. “Yay.” Resigning to sweep the stage clean in the morning, Trixie made her way to her on-site bedroom, too exhausted to bother travelling out into the cold night to her nearby wagon parked around back.

Her room possessed everything she needed for the time being; bed, food, clothes and makeup, everything any aspiring celebrity needed in order to make it through the day. Upon stepping through the door, Trixie shed herself of her hat and cape, throwing them onto a clothing stand. Trixie then approached the desk that accompanied the room and grasped a piece of parchment in her hoof, her magic too drained for her to even attempt using her horn. Sitting herself upon the stool, Trixie reluctantly expelled the last of her magic reserves to grasp a quill, dipping it in the nearby ink pot and laying it upon the paper.

Dear Starlight Glimmer she wrote with a smile.

How are things, good? I sure hope so. In your last letter you said something about your friend opening a boutique in Manehattan, I'd like to hear more about that if I could. I'm performing in the city for a few days so if you're in the area for whatever reason, you want to meet up? Tea? Cider? Something stronger?


Jolting up from the desk, Trixie swivelled her head back to the door she had walked through, her ears perking up as a result of the noisy sound of metal upon wood that had just rang out. She chalked it up to a faulty piece of performance equipment or a malfunction amongst the stage props, but if that was the case it would be best she discovered the source of the problem now rather than later, should she forget or further problems arise as a result of negligence.

Clicking her neck, Trixie sprung herself up from the stool and reluctantly left her unfinished letter behind. The hallway lights had been shut off at some point, leaving Trixie alone in a disorienting blackness, the shadows shifting along the walls and the sights before her seeming surreal. As she neared the stage, Trixie noticed with great confusion that the curtains had been opened once more, displaying an empty theatre of hundreds of seats. That was unorthodox as well as quite concerning since Trixie was, to her knowledge, the only pony in the theatre at this time permitted to be upon the stage.

Trotting out to the centre of the stage, Trixie looked up into the rafters, still intent on spotting the source of the earlier noise. Her search did not take long however for another sound soon range out, the sound of doors creaking open on their hinges.

Trixie's eyes bolted into the stands, up the aisles and into the dark. A beam of light shined in from outside the theatre hall through a set of now opened double doors, illuminating Trixie like a shining spotlight. The light was then blocked somewhat when something new came into view; the undeniable image of a pony, their wings opened wide and the head held high.

While she was admittedly somewhat intimidated by the sight, Trixie held herself steady and projected an aura of strength and stolidness. The pony at the door didn't seem to care, standing as still as statue, the slight fluttering of their wings being the only indication that they were even breathing.

Trixie did not intend to show weakness, choosing to confront this pony with zest. “And just who are you?” Trixie shouted theatrically into the stands.

The pony giggled darkly, in a tone Trixie distinctly recognised from somewhere. “I'd have thought that would be obvious, Trixie,” the pony sung out as it began to approach, it's features growing more defined every second.

Trixie veered away the second the ponies voice was heard, shock overpowering her prior feelings of concern and disposition of grace. Her jaw fell open as the pony took flight towards the stage, landing upon her hooves regally. The wings, the horn, the tiara, the violet eyes, the purple coat, there was not a doubt in Trixie's mind as to whom this was.

“Princess Twilight?” Trixie hushed out with a gasp.

Twilight Sparkle held an uncharacteristically smug smirk, her eyelids barely holding themselves open, looking so bored it was as if she would fall off her hooves at any moment into a deep sleep.

Trixie attempted to recover her composure, running a hoof along her mane to tidy herself up. Twilight Sparkle was certainly not a pony she was expecting to see anytime soon. They were on better terms now of course but Twilight being a Princess didn't exactly leave her schedule free for social calls. Regardless, Twilight was here within Trixie's abode, where she intended to play the role of a good host for her apparent new friend.

“Well, Twilight, this is certainly unexpected! Had I known you were coming I would have-”

“Like I need to tell you anything!” Twilight interrupted with a dismissive wave of her hoof.

Trixie felt her eye twitch. Well that was rude she thought to herself with a grimace. Now that she thought about it Twilight had been excessively impudent so far, having yet to actually greet Trixie like the friends they were supposed to be. Trixie was not a doormat, but she would also not allow for Twilight to rile her up, intentionally or not. Perhaps something was going on? Maybe she was under stress? Perhaps that was why she was here in the first place, an emerging problem might be plaguing her! Trixie intended to find out either way.

“Why are you here, Princess? Aren't you busy with princess things?” A smile then broke out upon her muzzle and Trixie’s expression turned hopeful. “Did Starlight come with you?”

Twilight chuckled pitifully, as if she intended to mock, holding a hoof to her head as if she'd just heard a hilarious joke. “Starlight? Starlight’s made new friends. I asked if she wanted to come but she didn't even remember your name!” Twilight’s wings flared with eager excitement.

Trixie backed away, startled by Twilight’s words to the point her facade of stoicism shattered entirely. Starlight would not forget Trixie, they were the best of friends, they exchanged letters, Hearth's Warming presents. They had a real connection!

And Twilight, this Twilight. Angry, rude, mocking, not at all like she is prone to be. Trixie and the Princess may have only known each other briefly but it was long enough even for Trixie to realise that Twilight Sparkle would never talk down to another pony in such a way, and given her and Trixie's rekindled relationship only gave Trixie more reason to suspect something else was at play here.

As if aware of Trixie's thoughts, Twilight arched her back, her horn glowing purple and a frown of rage overcoming her features. “As for why I'm here, I'm here to finish what you started, Trixie!” The Alicorn shouted out, releasing a flaming ball of magic in Trixie's direction.

The magician jumped out of the way, nimbly dodging several further spells as she jumped from the stage and ran for cover behind a row of chairs. Twilight trotted after her, slow and steady.

Terrified by Twilight’s sudden hostility, Trixie did not know what to do. The mare was an Alicorn and far beyond Trixie's ability, attacking would be fruitless and resistance was futile. Whatever was wrong with Twilight was something Trixie was unprepared to deal with and Twilight was clearly not in her right state of mind and unlikely to care for negotiations. Trixie chose the only other option available to her, something she knew she was the very best at above all others.

Her horn ignited with a spark and the area was clouded by dark smoke. Trixie then ran up and through the doors Twilight had left open, all while Twilight remained behind roaring and firing fiery spells off at random into the fog.

Trixie slammed the doors shut behind her but didn't let up for a moment, soon the smoke would dissipate and Twilight would be on the hunt. Trixie had to do something, she had to get help, and the best place to find the help she needed was the place filled with the ponies who knew Twilight best: Ponyville.

Rearing up her forelegs, Trixie shot out through the theatre lobby, bursting through the entrance doors into the main street of Fillydelphia.

Or at least… That was what Trixie expected to find upon opening the doors. Instead Trixie found herself blinded by a wave of whiteness, surrounding and enveloping everything including herself. Closing her eyes made no difference, it was just as bright as it was when she had them opened. Her patience paid off however as the light began to slowly dim, allowing Trixie to widen her eyes and take a look around, shying away at what she was met with.

Everything was no longer white, instead having taken on a strange bluish tint. Balls of light were floating around in the air all around Trixie, above and below where she was stood… Stood upon nothing; an invisible floor in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing. Trixie was not fearful of any of it however, she didn't understand why but this place felt, soothing, safe. Trixie imagined that this was what the bottom of the ocean must be like; a sea of wonder and magic in its purest form.

“Trixie Lulamoon.” An echoey voice spoke from above.

Trixie turned towards the ‘sky’, her surprise heightening upon being met but the form of none other than Princess Luna, floating down and materialising out of the very air. Trixie backed away slightly, too in awe to even think about bowing or doing anything else other than letting out a wondrous gasp of recognition. “Princess Luna?”

Luna landed upon the ‘ground’ and looked to Trixie like a mother to her foal, her expression of proudness melding with her gleaming eyes of mischief. “Do not be alarmed, though you have every reason to be. In time, all will become clear,” Luna voice echoed proclaimed. “I trust you have questions?”

Whatever passive thoughts possessing Trixie at that time left her once she realised just what was going on and the hand Luna had had in all of this. “This is a dream isn't it!” Trixie factually announced, well aware of Princess Luna’s dream walking capabilities. Suddenly that Twilight Sparkle she had encountered made a lot more sense. “That Twilight wasn't really Twilight! Which means Starlight isn't… Princess Luna what the heck is going on!”

Luna warmly chuckled, the balls of light suddenly surrounding her to form an almost cloud like cushion for her to sit herself on. A similar form appeared below Trixie, who relaxed into it wholeheartedly, utterly amazed by how unworldly comfortable it was.

As the two floated there in the void, Luna looked to Trixie with a sudden stoic look, speaking through a mouth that was neither smiling nor frowning. “I must ask for your forgiveness, that Twilight Sparkle who attacked you was merely a projection of my own creation, the real Twilight is currently in Ponyville attempting to lecture Starlight Glimmer.”

Soaking in Luna’s explanation, Trixie’s brow tightened with minor betrayal. “That was you? Why would you-”

“It was a test,” Luna interrupted with a sudden grin. “One which you passed with flying colours.” Luna could not say that she had anticipated what Trixie's reaction to all this would be, but Trixie's continued silence accompanied by an ever deepening frown ensured that her progress would not be impeded. “I wished to assess your reaction to a hostile Twilight Sparkle, given your history together I could think of nothing better. I must say I am proud you did not take the bait! You responded to the situation just as I hoped you would.”

“You mean by running away?” Trixie interjected with a sigh. “By throwing down a smoke bomb and bolting?”

“For knowing when best not to fight. For not allowing your emotions to dictate your actions. Other ponies would have responded to the projection's provocations with force, you however knew you were outmatched but didn't escalate the situation further, instead relying on your own devices to retreat and discover a better solution. You intended to find help in Ponyville am I correct? A solid strategy.”

Widening her eyes to the fact that Luna knew what Trixie had been thinking, Trixie could not help but become flustered at the prospect that Luna might have taken a... Peak around so to speak.

As if on instinct, Luna flustered in turn. “I assure you I only observed what was necessary and I am only capable of such actions while within dreams. It's the first question ponies tend to ask,” Luna finished dejectedly.

Shaking the thought away, Trixie looked up to Luna inquisitively, this whole scenario confounding her to no end. “So let's get this straight; this is a dream, I was attacked by a dream Twilight, as a test, in a dream, by you, for what?”

Laughing at Trixie's confused tone, Luna replied with grace while her mane flowed free. “You were a unique case, Ms. Lulamoon. You see, over the past few months I have been observing and approaching individuals for an initiative I am constructing. The ponies I have selected so far have their abilities referenced by reliable sources whereas you were an enigma.” Luna looked away as she reminisced. “You are aware of Princess Twilight’s friendship reports are you not? You two have quite the history together; Ursa Minors, poverty, dark magic, general pettiness on both sides.”

Trixie recoiled, the nonchalant listing of her less prouder moments stinging her. She didn't witness Luna smile grow at her reaction, which only assured Luna that Trixie was everything she had hoped she'd be. “But from those experiences bloomed humility, exceptionalism and friendship in the form of Starlight Glimmer. The pony Twilight had described had apparently ceased to be, I simply wished to determine that for myself and I am quite frankly pleased by the results.”

Looking away from her hooves, Trixie tilted her head at Luna. “So that's it? You tested me to see if I had really changed?”

Luna nodded with affirmation. “Yes, and now I would like to offer you a place amongst my initiative also.”

“Wait what?” Trixie interjected, her neck bolting up. “Initiative? You mean like a job?”

Luna’s smile twitched. “Not exactly,” she replied hesitantly. Upon seeing Trixie befuddlement only grow prompted Luna to clarify herself, her stance turning proud as a result. “I believe that you would be a fine and resourceful mare to rely upon should the time come that Equestria faces peril. You have strived against imposing odds before and have proved your resourcefulness many times. I sincerely doubt all those ponies would line up and pay to see you if you were anything but!”

While she relished praise, Trixie knew now when to admit when it was unfounded, even if it was the view of a Princess of Equestria. “Look, Princess Luna, while I appreciate the… Appreciation, don't you think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself? I mean… I'm just a showmare.”

“The Element of Honesty is just a farmer, The Element of Generosity is just a seamstress, The Element of Magic was just a librarian and has grown to be so much more than that.” Luna looked down to Trixie with a triumphant smirk. “I fail to see your point.”

Nervously laughing at Luna’s rebuttal, Trixie still found herself stammering in denial. She couldn't lie to a Princess, not after lying for so long. “But my magic is not real magic. Ponies line up to see the greatest show in Equestria but it's all an illusion! They think they're witnessing something truly special but it's not!”

“Whereas you are, Trixie Lulamoon.” Luna said with a twinkle in her eye. “I was under the impression you were Great and Powerful?” she finished with a gleaming stare.

Trixie had no retort because she knew Luna was right, she was great and powerful, The Great and Powerful, and now Luna was giving her a chance to prove it, to finally be the pony she had claimed she was for so long. Any and all who still doubted her would see her for who she truly was and everything she regretted could finally be put to rest. This was a chance she would never get again, a chance she would not throw away based solely on hesitation and doubt.

But what about her show? Her life? Her career? She had it all back, so why risk it all for a chance in the limelight that might crumble beneath her? “Luna, but I have so much to lose. It's dangerous, I have responsibilities! A public image to maintain!”

“Which I will not compromise, in fact I will help you to maintain it. Tell me…” Luna leaned in close. “Since securing performance venues for yourself is hardly a problem for you, and you can acquire all the riches and pleasures you would ever want. What is it that I can provide for you, Trixie Lulamoon? What is it you desire?”

To make them all proud.

“To prove that I am The Great and Powerful Trixie I claim to be! To be the mare Equestria will not soon forget!”

Luna found her opening. “So surely working under the wing of Princess Luna will be the best way to achieve that, am I correct?”

Oh mare is she correct, Trixie thought with a slowly forming grin, her weighing insecurities melting away under the prospects of Luna’s offer. The Great and Powerful Trixie, certified defender of Equestria, Guardian of Harmony.

Here she comes.

“Where does Trixie sign, Princess!” Trixie proclaimed with a shout, falling off of her stool in the process, finding herself rolling upon the floor of her dressing room.

Swiftly on her hooves, Trixie almost began to weep at the idea that everything that had just transpired was simply a deeply sort after dream. But her fears were quickly quenched when her eyes fell upon her desk where a strongly worded note sat.

When the time comes I will call for you. Was all it read, but it was enough to cause Trixie to shoot off fireworks.

Author's Note:

Image source

This one was pretty simple, I feel like Trixie's motivation is pretty self explanatory.

Into early season 6 now, with three more squadies to go! And even then I've got to introduce the threat.