• Published 19th Aug 2016
  • 6,677 Views, 315 Comments

The Undesirables - I Caboose

Princess Luna assembles a team of Equestria's most undesirable inhabitants in order to deal with the problems too dangerous to risk the lives of the Elements of Harmony.

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8. The Tenacious Student

Starlight didn't know where she was. The matte bag that had been hastily shoved over her head made it impossible to see and almost equally impossible to breathe. The felt covered her mouth and nose, constricting her lungs whenever she took in a much desired intake of air.

Wherever she was and wherever she was going, it was a long way off from her former abode of Ponyville. She had been on a train for several hours now, roughly shoved to the floor and forced to sit cross legged by the hardened threats of a gruff, but at the same time, pleasantly prompting male voice. She could not place his accent but there was a noticeable, if minuscule, aspect of professionalism to his otherwise demanding tone. He had ordered her to sit still and 'shut up,' and even despite her current predicament she could not help but wonder if his rambunctious treatment of her was at all necessary, especially considering that she didn't have any other options except to comply.

The bagged headed mare listened as closely as she could to her immediate environment; hoping to scrounge up some information that may be of use to her, maybe even help her to identify where she was going or who had taken her. The rugged voice of the stallion accompanying her made it clear that he would not tolerate questions, and Starlight did not wish to test the boundaries for her sake.

From what she could gather from her position on the floor; the train had been on a steady incline for almost an hour now and Starlight deduced that the only location within immediate distance of her that would require such a climb was Canterlot; they had been going up for too long for it to be anyway else, and considering the less than stellar reputation of Canterlot's underbelly, the mare had no doubt that at least one of its dwellers would take the challenge of nabbing the Princess of Friendship's prized pupil.

Was Starlight scared? Of course, in these circumstances who wouldn't be? Now was not the time for fear however, panic and worry would get her nowhere and nothing in return and besides, she'd been through worse before. Starlight did however need to get out of this, or at least get herself in a position where it wasn't worth disposing of her. To the mare's relief however, her abduction so far would suggest that harm was not to come to her, at least not yet, which gave her somewhat of an advantage or at least time to plan an effective escape or means of rescue.

The shriek of a whistle blowing several times forced the mare's bagged head up. The train was beginning its halt, jerkily slowing down and knocking Starlight off balance when it finally stopped completely. She had little time to ponder the situation as a side door to the train cart she was in flew open almost the moment the train was stationary, the light of the evening moon outside visible even behind the bag on her head, shining up what little of her vision remained. The mare thought about screaming for help, but the rough hooves of the stallion lifting her from the floor crushed those hopes. It was a shame her horn had been restrained like she was a common prisoner, otherwise Starlight would ensure that this pony who had taken her was the one with his head in a bag, preferably not attached to the rest of his body.

Starlight was led from the carriage to the dirt outside, grunting upon impact. Within seconds she was forced up and ordered to walk, which she did with guidance and reluctance. The sudden embrace of magic around her prompted her to squeal, but it was short-lived when all that happened was she was placed within another carriage; not a train, but a regular four wheeled one made for the road.

The instant she was inside the new vehicle, Starlight took note of the padded and cushy interior; soft and welcoming which she would have been sure to enjoy if she had been here any other circumstances. Starlight leaned into the seat she had been placed in, but jumped up upon a voice sounding out, a rather perplexed voice laced with poignant authority which Starlight had heard before.

“Why is there a bag on her head?” The voice to her front said, her tone laden with confusion.

Starlight responded immediately. “Princess Luna? Is that you? It sounds like you. It had better be you because if it isn't I'm going to be very annoyed.”

The bag was gently slipped off her head, as was her horn restraint, and Starlight found herself temporarily blinded by whiteness. As it gently subsided she came to realise that the carriage she had been placed in was one of utter luxury; silver embroidered and regal. Princess Luna was sat in front of her, her neck twitching up and down as she took in the sight of Starlight’s disheveled appearance; her mane ruffled and her coat ungroomed.

Luna stared for a few moments more before jerkily exiting the carriage with flustered cheeks and evident embarrassment. “Could you just excuse me for a moment? I'll just be a second. Help yourself to tea, wine, whatever I have in the cupboards, I'm sure it's drinkable.” Luna said as she hastily shut the door.

Starlight took Luna up on that offer immediately, delicately pouring herself a cup of tea as she listened to whatever it was that was going on outside. She was able to hear whispers of a hushed conversation, its tone gradually increasing in volume as Luna grew more agitated with the stallion who had brought Starlight here. Starlight just listened on in relaxation, easing herself against her cushioned seat.

“Why did she have a bag on her head?”

“You wanted me to be discreet, it wouldn't be very discreet if I knocked on the door and asked for her personally.”

“So you kidnapped her?”

“Well I was careful, Princess Twilight doesn't know anything just like you wanted, as far as she's concerned Starlight took an early nap.”

“You kidnapped her from her bedroom.”

“I did drug her if that's what you're wondering, it would have gotten complicated otherwise.”

“... I really think you overestimated just how much effort was required for this.”

Starlight ignored the rest of the conversation, mainly because she was sure Luna would tell her what was going on in a moments notice but also because the rest of the conversation just consisted of Luna shouting, and as amusing as it was to hear her captor get his comeuppance so soon Starlight grew tired of it quickly, just as she grew tired in general. Starlight had woken up on the train soon after it had departed if she assumed correctly, now it was late into the night, and to say Starlight was growing exhausted would be an understatement.

She wondered if Luna had coffee in here somewhere.

And with that thought everything suddenly came rushing back to Starlight, her current situation becoming rather apparent. She had been abducted, from her bed, by somepony who works for Princess Luna, for some reason. What reason? Why her? Why not Twilight? Twilight literally slept a few doors over from her! And quite frankly was a letter too difficult? What made it such a necessity that Luna have Starlight kidnapped in the dead of night and transported to the outskirts of Canterlot against her will?

The door to her left flew open and Luna grumbly made her way back to her seat, downing the last of her now cooled tea before looking to Starlight sheepishly. “We apologise for your… Abduction. It seems Agent Coltson interpreted my instructions to discreetly escort you to Canterlot incorrectly. He's use to other assignments you see, I wouldn't take it personally. He's a really nice guy once you get to know him, very charming! I think you would like him.”

Luna’s long and rambling explanation and excuses were more than enough to cause Starlight’s anger to bubble. Her house, her bed, all had been violated by this pony in front of her. Luna had best have a fantastic reason for all this, or Starlight would not hesitate to voice herself according, not even the risk of banishment would deter her.

“Princess Luna, pardon my Prench but what the hell is going on!” Starlight erupted. Unable to think of something else appropriate to say, she just repeated herself with a roar. “What? Tell me!”

Despite Starlight’s evidently less than pleased attitude, Luna held herself steady, her mane flowing lazily as she spoke tender and true. “Unfortunately, circumstances beyond my control have disallowed me to meet with you under more convenient conditions, and I'm afraid I have a matter of great importance to discuss with you and have delayed myself from conferring with you for too long now. Actions were taken.” Luna arched herself back. “And further actions are soon to be required.”

“What actions?” Starlight asked with a raised brow and piercing tone. “What ‘circumstances’? You're a Princess, you make circumstances.”

Luna scoffed, looking towards the ceiling dourly. “You think too highly of us, Ms. Glimmer. My duties over Equestria take up much of my time and an ongoing situation has left me deeply troubled, requiring much of my attention, hence why I outsourced your uh… Attendance arrangements to one of my sister’s agents. Once again I apologise.” Luna finished meekly.

Starlight barely cared about that now, the harrowing tone in Luna’s voice as she explained herself distracting her immensely from her prior feelings of lingering rage. Curious to Luna’s troubles, Starlight turned her attention towards questioning. “Is something bad happening?” Starlight asked with a worried squint. “Is Equestria in trouble again? Is Chrysalis back!" She bolted upright, gripping her mane, uncomfortably remiscising on the haunting nightmares she'd had of being slowly dismembered by hungry changelings.

Luna simply frowned. “Uncertain, but unlikely. Chrysalis wouldn't dare resurface so soon, she's too cowardly to try.” Luna slowly began before her brows knitted together. “You're aware of the Crystal Trail?”

With a relieved sigh, Starlight returned to her seat. “Of course, its the longest road in Equestria, runs straight up into The Crystal Empire through the Crystal Mountain range.”

Luna's frown deepened, Starlight’s confirmation prompting her to continue. “The road is often desolate, the train line fitting travelers’ needs far more effectively to the point many parts of the road lie in disrepair, even the Empire's return has not had an impact. The road is simply barren.” Luna looked down to Starlight blankly, her expression chilling Starlight. “That is not the sole reason the road is not dwelled upon however; many have come to fear it, many legends from multiple generations have been passed down over the decades concerning the road.”

“I've heard a few,” Starlight interrupted, her own frown showing. “They say the road is cursed, that some ponies who've traveled down it never returned. But that's all nonsense!” Starlight stated with a laugh. “One pony said it was dragons stealing ponies to breed the mythical Longma. My favourite though is the one where it's said that ponies that venture too far north are cursed with the same magic that made The Crystal Empire disappear, but obviously that was before the Empire came back and everypony in it. Heck, since the royal wedding I've heard some ponies have started blaming the changelings! It ridiculous, especially now they're on our side.” Starlight finished with a snort, looking up to Luna with a hopeful grin.

Luna's frown held firm.

Starlight’s own smile downturned in growing fear. “Right? It's not the changelings right?" Was all she could will herself to say.

A pot of tea floated over and Luna gently filled up the cups of both ponies, neither willing to speak for the moment. Starlight sat in anticipation while Luna carefully chose her words.

“I suspect another force is at play.” Luna eventually said stolidly. “I once held the same opinion, during my research into the progress of the last thousand years I took an interest in folklore, growing curious to the legends of the Crystal Trail. Versions and accounts vary but the core element remains the same; ponies that travel the road alone are said to vanish off the face of Equestria by some unknown means.” Luna took a sip of tea. “The line between fact and fiction is now not as blurred as it once was.”

Starlight remained quiet, hanging on Luna’s every word as she spoke again in the same hollow tone. “Ever since The Crystal Empire returned, the stories of the Crystal Trail’s curse have gained some credibility, considering that we now possess evidence of actual ponies having vanished, now.”

Starlight gasped in understanding and growing discomfort. “You mean, ponies are actually disappearing? Something is really up with the Crystal Trail?”

Luna held herself high and firm, her stoic aura unwavering. “That is what I'm trying to find out, and as a consequence I've had to accelerate an ongoing plan of mine I have been developing for many months now, a plan which involves yourself, Starlight Glimmer, hence why I've met you tonight.”

Starlight’s neck retreated beneath her shoulders, all this talk of curses, disappearances and the general atmosphere of dread having stamped out her prior feelings of anger towards Luna entirely, replacing it with fear enough to cause Starlight to tremble her words. “You planned this? You have a plan that involves me?”

Luna nodded with vigor, an uneasy smile adorning her features. “Precisely, and this was not a decision I've made lightly, Starlight. I've greatly considered your possible apprehensions but I hope we are able to reach an agreement.” Leaning forward, Luna met Starlight’s befuddled gaze. “Equestria is at constant risk, Starlight. Monsters in the Everfree, the Badlands, West and East and North. They surround us, they are fighting and if we don't fight back, they will win eventually. I do what I can with the tools that I have but alone I am vulnerable, less efficient. However, I can do more, but to do so I've decided to recruit those of a similar disposition. Ponies I know can do good for Equestria. Ponies that can help us fight.”

Starlight saw where Luna was going with this immediately, and she did not like it. Her prior anger resurfaced in force. “I get it, you want me to help you right? You want me to help you protect Equestria!”

Somewhat pleased at Starlight’s quick deduction, Luna nodded with close eyes. “Exactly. You're magic is beyond remarkable, Starlight. You and your friends performance during the changeling crises was exemplary! You would be a valuable asset and-”

“Not gonna happen.” Icily interrupted Starlight’s voice, cutting Luna off. “I am not doing it, not again!”

Luna looked up, staring back at Starlight’s seething glare. A lesser pony would've shied away, but Luna was nothing if not resilient meeting the glare with one of her own. “I must insist,” Luna goaded. “Twilight trusts you, so by extension, so do I. You consider yourself on the side of harmony now do you not, Starlight? What better way to demonstrate that then to assist in the protection of your home and your friends? Equestria needs you.”

Starlight was not a foal, she recognised what Luna was trying to do. Manipulation, goading Starlight to her cause, binding her to her will. Luna had already implied that she would tempt her, having taken into account Starlight’s ‘apprehensions.’ Influencing Starlight with the promise of reward, the promise of value. But Starlight would not take the bait, Starlight could not.

Starlight would never condone a course of action she once practiced. Lying. Manipulation.

And jumping into another scenario were she would have to battle an opposing force to save the land was not something Starlight would choose to do. Not again.

“I won't.” Starlight defied. “I will not risk myself like that, I'm not as brave or as strong as you think!”

Luna frowned, not having anticipated that Starlight would be as dismissive as she was, disappointing her immensely. Luna had honestly expected more. “Does it ever occur to you what might happen if the Elements of Harmony, your friends, don't return one day? If they venture out to combat a threat and end up failing?” Luna veered upwards, looming over Starlight like a growing shadow. “You stepped up before, when Equestria was on the brink of doom, why not now?”

Starlight, despite how determined she was to denounce Luna's words, refused to bring up the fact that she was simply too afraid to abide her. Starlight had a life now, she had friends, best friends, friends who cared for her and friends Starlight cared for. The Elements of Harmony, Princess Twilight Sparkle; they were Equestria’s protectors, they were the ones to stop the evils, reform them, build a better tomorrow.

Luna and Starlight were evidence of that.

The Elements were all Equestria needed so how dare Luna imply anything else. How dare she suggest that the Elements were not dependable. That they would one day fail. That another course of action was even necessary.

What exactly had Luna done for the betterment of Equestria anyway?

“I'd like to go home now.” Starlight drolly said, rising from her seat.

The display of impertinence angered Luna, whose mane blocked Starlight’s way. “You did not answer me, Starlight.” Luna stated with a growl. “What will you do if we lose the Elements of Harmony? You are Twilight’s pupil, you hold a responsibility, whether you like it or-”

“I am not responsible for anything!” Starlight roared turning away from the door she was prepared to exit out of, standing up before Luna. “I'm just a mare! I did a lot of bad things but I'm sorry for all of it! Twilight and her friends… They are everything Equestria needs! And I will never stop believing that. It doesn't need me and it definitely doesn't need you!”

Starlight realised she had been rather disrespectful, and while later she would come to regret some of it, in that moment of time she truly didn't care. Starlight was not a protector, she was not the best thing for Equestria, she never was and as far as she was concerned she never will be. Twilight had saved the land so many times now. Everything Luna wanted, Twilight was.

Starlight had destroyed Equestria several times over.

And now she led a good life. A life she could not just abandon on a whim. A life she refused to lose. A life that was worth more than Equestria as a whole.

Why risk it all for a Princess she barely knew?

It may have been a selfish decision, it may have even been a detrimental decision, but it was Starlight’s decision. It was her decision to refuse Luna’s offer, it was her decision to leave the carriage behind, it was her decision to get the late night train back down to Ponyville and it was her decision to never reveal to Twilight what had occurred over the last few hours out of fear of her disapproval.

It was Luna’s decision to deem Starlight as yet another lost opportunity.

Her journey back to her castle home was lonely that night, plagued by the apparent curse of the Crystal Trail and her failure to sway Starlight Glimmer to her cause. Time for Luna was wearing thin, and the time to execute her plan for Equestria were seemingly growing ever nearer.

But when that time comes, Starlight Glimmer would not be stood by her side, and perhaps she was never meant to.

Author's Note:

Image source

BE AWARE: Extra long author's note.

Done! Yes! Finally!

Must admit though, not entirely satisfied with this chapter, it was difficult to find the right balance of 'No I don't want to do this' and not make Starlight seem bratty. But what's done is done.

Now just to establish the plot, team, antagonist(s), setting, character development, conflict... It's a long way to go.

Future chapters are going to be shorter though, mainly because I'm not going to have much time to write and 6000 - 8000 words per chapter (like I'm used to doing) really eats into my free time. Chapters are going to go like scenes in a movies, with the major ones being longer than others.

You may have also noticed that I changed Bon Bon to Lightning Dust in the character tag, mainly because Lightning's role is slightly more prominent then Bon Bon's, but only just.

Now, since the main introductions are done, where does the story go from here? What do you think the threat will be? Seriously say anything and everything you want, no matter how unlikely it sounds. Comments give me ideas which I try to implement if appropriate enough, plus I just like general speculation and answering questions. What I have planned though I don't think anyone will anticipate!

That doesn't necessarily mean it'll be good, just that you won't see it coming.

And finally, can I just say how grateful I am too? I mean seriously, over 100 likes and just as many comments in just over 20'000 words? For a story inspired by the premise of a crappy movie? People are actually reading this thing? Holy hell does that make me happy! To those of you who've read this far, I assume you're in it for the long haul, and I don't intend to disappoint.

And so begins a tale of spoilery things that give stuff away.