• Published 29th Jul 2015
  • 16,137 Views, 2,846 Comments

Her Knight in Faded Armor - Doccular42

Princess Luna still feels alone, nineteen years after her return to Equestria. When she finds a friend in an online game, everything seems better. But not all is well in Equestria, and a sinister plot threatens everything that Luna holds dear...

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Paperwork, Waffles, and Tapestries

“Lemme see if I’ve got this right. You were wandering around in your hotel in the middle of the night and you just happened to walk past a room that included two changelings in the middle of a covert mission?” The detective’s eyes narrowed as he looked over his desk at Button. The two sat in the middle of a bustling police station. The early morning sun shone through the untinted windows, and Button squinted to keep the glare out of his eyes.

“Yes, sir. That’s exactly what happened. I don’t know what they were doing, but I know that they were changelings. They traded some kind of briefcase or something and then left the room.” Button leaned onto the desk. “I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true.”

The officer sighed. “Kid, I believe that you think it’s true. But you’ve gotta understand… the city is crazy right now. We’ve got protesters in the streets saying that the griffons are war criminals who need to be banned from Equestria. We’ve made more arrests in the last twenty-four hours than we have in weeks. Our officers are busting their flanks just to keep up with the disturbance calls that we’re receiving.” He ran a hoof through his purple mane. “I know that you think there are changelings, but I don’t think we have anypony to spare right now.”

Button shook his head. “I understand, but can’t you at least do something? These are changelings! Who knows what they’re planning? I know I don’t. And last time they were here, they almost took over Canterlot.”

“Look, I get it. You’re new here, and you were up late. It’s a big city, you’re having a hard time sleeping, and things aren’t like what you’re used to. I’ve been there! But you’re just bringing accusations to me. I can’t do anything. My hooves are tied,” the officer said. He leaned back in his chair.

“I know what I saw…” Button glared at the officer. “I’m not an idiot, sir. I have a master’s degree in history. My area of study is ancient Equestrian history. Do you know anything about that time period?”

“I… I can’t say I’m particularly familiar with it, no.”

“Well, let me tell you something. Changelings have been around for a very long time. They’ve invaded Equestria over and over and over again. Every time, they start by infiltrating. The pre-Discordian invasion started off with only four drones. By the time they attacked, they’d taken control of the military, the agricultural community, and several major trading centers. This is how they operate. A single changeling can signal an invasion of an unimaginable scale.” Button shook his head again. “This is not something to just ignore!”

“Sir,” the officer began, “I understand that you feel this way. You may be a historian, but you aren’t a detective. I cannot do anything right now. The best that I can do is pass this information up the chain of command.”


“Detective! We need you over here!” a voice interrupted Button, and the officer turned to face its source.

“Okay, kid. I’ve gotta go. I’ll let my superiors know what you told me. I might be able to get a black and white to do a pass through this evening, but I’m not making any promises. Excuse me.” With that, the officer stood up and walked away.

“Please, come with me,” another officer said after walking over to Button. “I’ll get you the paperwork so you can write out what you told the detective.”

Button stood with a sigh. “Okay. Lead the way.”

The two ponies strode through the precinct back toward the entrance. The new officer levitated a clipboard and a few sheets of paper to Button. “Here you go,” he said.

“Thanks,” Button muttered. He grabbed a pen off a table and started to write.

Describe the event as you perceived it.

Button closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “This is going to be a long day…”


Luna tapped a hoof gently on the floor. The wonderful smells of Waffle Hut filled her nostrils while ponies moving to and fro added to the din emanating from the kitchen. Luna used her hoof to adjust her currently gray mane. She glanced at the clock up on the far wall. Button had promised to meet her at nine, but the hour hand had just reached the midway point in between the nine and ten.


The princess sighed. She’d arrived ten minutes early because she’d been so nervous. The butterflies in her stomach kept growing as the time passed, but had been somewhat tempered by annoyance as her patience was worn thin by the passage of time. Luna sipped at her water and watched the second hand make its journey around the clock face.

Her waiter walked over to her table. “Do you need anything, miss?” he asked.

“I’m fine, thanks,” Luna replied. “Just waiting for somepony.”

The unicorn stallion smiled and nodded. “Okay! Just wave me over if something comes up!” He winked to her and turned away. He gave her a sideways grin over his shoulder as he went back to the kitchen.

Luna raised an eyebrow and then shrugged. “Weird.”

She turned to look out the window. The elegant cityscape of Canterlot made a stark contrast against the bold blue of the open sky. Pegasi flew through the clouds, and Luna could hear the bustle of crowds moving down the packed streets.

She blinked rested her head on a hoof. “I wonder what’s keeping him…” she muttered.

Just then, a familiar looking earth pony ran into view. His mane flapped in the wind as he cantered down the street. A grin split Luna’s face as she recognized her friend.

A moment later, Button opened the door to the restaurant. He glanced around and met her gaze. Flashing a smile, he walked toward her and sat down in the chair opposite her.

“Hi,” he said. He wiped his mane out of his eyes and panted lightly. “Sorry I’m so late. You wouldn’t believe what happened last night and this morning.”

Luna smiled back at him. “Oh, it’s okay! What happened?”

“Well, I couldn’t sleep last night. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t.” Button shrugged. “Anyways, I decided to get a drink, but there wasn’t any ice in the room. I went outside to get some from the machine, but that one was broken. I took the elevator to another floor. Once I got there, I heard two ponies talking. I was kinda curious, so I listened for a bit…”

Luna leaned forward and grinned. “Button, that’s not nice!”

“I know! I know!” Button rolled his eyes. “I felt really bad at first, but then they started saying some weird stuff.” Button clenched his jaw. “They talked about being followed, and then one of them hoofed a briefcase over to the other. Then…” Button stopped for a second. “Starry…”

“Yes, Button?” Luna answered.

“Are you familiar with changelings?”

A chill ran down Luna’s spine. Her smile disappeared and her eyes widened. After a moment she replied, “Yes, of course.”

“Well, that’s what they were.” He crossed his hooves. “I saw them transform. They traded clothes and the briefcase. I was barely able to get away from the door before they walked out.”

“Changelings…” Luna whispered.

“Yeah. I don’t know why they were there! They just…”

“Did you report this?” she asked quickly.

He nodded. “Yeah. That’s why I was late. I went down to the police station and filled out some forms. I got to talk to an officer, but he basically said that they couldn’t do anything because of all the mess with the griffons being in town.”

Luna’s mind raced through the implications. “Griffons, changelings, spies…” she muttered.

“I’m sorry? I didn’t quite catch that,” Button said.

“Oh!” Luna shook her head. “Sorry, just talking to myself again.”

Button laughed. “Ah, I do that too. At least it’s good conversation, yeah?”

“Sometimes,” Luna replied and giggled.

The waiter returned with a grin on his face. “Ah, your friend made it! Great! Can I get you two started with something to drink? Maybe coffee?”

Button turned to face the pony. “Uh, lemme look…” He picked up his menu and looked for the list of beverages.

Luna nodded. “I’ll have an orange juice, please.”

“Um, I’ll just have a water,” Button said.

“Cool! I’ll have that right out for you guys,” the waiter replied. He nodded to them and flashed Luna another smile. She grinned back sheepishly as he walked away.

Button squinted at the unicorn’s back and grunted.

“Something wrong?” Luna asked.

Button shook his head. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

“Okay!” Luna said. “But what else happened at the police station? Surely they didn’t just send you away, did they?”

“Pretty much.” Button sighed. “The officer said that they might be able to check it out in the evening, but that was the best he could do. I don’t know… It’s like he didn’t believe me, like I was some kind of liar or attention seeker.” Button hung his his head.

“Hey…” Luna reached across the table and grabbed one of his hooves. “I believe you.”

Button looked up and met her eyes with his own. He gave her a lopsided smile and cleared his throat. “Well, thanks, Starry. I appreciate it.”

Luna held eye contact for a moment longer. His orange eyes glimmered in the soft sunlight, and small smile wrinkles formed in the corner of his eyes. A second later, he looked away and smiled even more broadly.

“Ahem,” he said as he tried to clear his throat again. “Anyways… how was your evening?”

“Eh, it was okay,” Luna said. “I got home rather late and went for an evening flight. I talked to my sister for a little bit and then went to bed. Nothing really special.”

“Oh, cool! You know, I always wished that I could fly at least once. It looks like a lot of fun.”

Luna nodded. “It is. The feeling of the wind under your wings… the ground passing you in a blur, the sky behind you, above you, all around you… nopony around for miles, just you and the open air. There’s really nothing like it.” She smiled.

“You make it sound amazing.” Button let out a slow whistle. “Wow. Now I want to try it even more, haha.”

“Well, there are spells that can give ponies wings for a little while. Have you ever considered trying one of those?” Luna asked.

“I’ve actually never thought of that!” He grinned. “That’s a great idea!”

“Thanks.” Luna chuckled at his enthusiasm.

“Ya know, that gives me an idea…” Button rubbed his chin with a hoof. “We should totally try flying together while I’m out here! Do you know a unicorn who could cast the spell?”

She smiled. “Actually, I think I know a few. We should do that.”

“Yeah! I—”

“Here we go!” The waiter interrupted Button as he stepped over to the table while levitating a tray with their drinks. “Did you get a chance to look at the menu yet?”

Luna nodded. “I did earlier, but I don’t know if he did yet.”

“Yeah, I’m not sure… What do you like, Starry?” Button asked.

“I’ve gotten the blueberry and strawberry waffles a few times. They’re really good, and that’s what I’m getting today.”

“Okay!” Button said. “I’ll have those too!”

“Sweet. We’ll get those right out.” The waiter took their menus and smiled at Luna once again.

Button huffed lightly at the other stallion again.

“All right, that’s the second time. What’s wrong?” Luna asked. She raised an eyebrow.

“Eh, it’s nothing. He just reminds me of somepony… or somedragon…” Button shook his head. “Really, it’s nothing. It’s just bringing up bad memories.”

“I understand,” Luna replied. “I won’t push you.”

“Thanks, Starry.”

The two smiled at each other for a moment, but then Luna broke the silence. “So, did you want to do something after this? I don’t have to work until the evening, so I have some free time!”

“Sure,” Button said. “You said something about an art museum last night. I was wondering if you wanted to go visit it together.”

“That’s actually what I was thinking!” Luna exclaimed. “I love the museum!”

“Great!” Button said. “Seriously, you have no idea how much I’ve wanted to visit a museum with a friend without having to blackmail them into coming. Most of my friends back at home wouldn’t go near anything that looks like school even if it had a sign saying ‘Free Food!’ outside of it. Well, maybe one of them likes food that much…” He chuckled.

Luna’s laugh joined his. “I understand. I haven’t been able to visit the museum in ages, and I usually have to go alone. I don’t have many friends, actually. So it’s mostly just the paintings and me when I go to visit.”

“Yeah, I understand that feeling. But, hey!” Button sat straight up and flashed a big smile. “We won’t be alone this time, at least!”

Luna responded with her own grin. “No, we won’t. I think I’ll enjoy going there with somepony else.”

“Me too, Starry. Me too.”


Button held open the museum’s door so that Starry could step inside. He smiled and bowed comically. “M’lady,” he said jokingly as she walked past.

Starry snorted and shoved him lightly. “Oh, you.”

Button chuckled and the two walked into the magnificent building. Soaring marble columns lined the walls and the intricately decorated ceiling reflected the lights from a half dozen chandeliers. At the far end of the hallway was a desk manned by a mare wearing a white uniform.

“Wow,” Button said appreciatively. “This… this is nice.”

“Is it your first time here?” Starry asked.

“Yep! I’ve been to a bunch of other museums in Manehattan and the one that is in Ponyville, but I’ve never been to this one. It’s amazing!” Button’s jaw fell as he looked around the room. Everything from the floor to the arches up on the massive ceiling shone, polished to a resplendent sheen.

“Well, I’m glad I’ll be here for this,” Starry said. “They have some of the best pieces of art from all of Equus here. One of the wings is actually filled with part of Princess Celestia’s personal collection. She keeps most of it on public display, although she has some in the castle.”

“That’s nice of her.” Button led the way to the front desk. “I guess that she wants to share the art with everypony instead of locking it away, right?”

“Exactly.” Starry nodded.

Button smiled. “You know, I like the princesses more and more each time I learn new things about them. That’s exactly what I would do if I had a collection like this. Beauty shouldn’t be locked away. It should be displayed proudly.”

The pair arrived at the desk. The mare in the uniform smiled. “Hi there! Two tickets?”

“Yes, please!” Button said. He took out ten bits and put them on the counter.

Starry tapped him on the shoulder. “Oh, I can’t let you pay for this! You already bought my breakfast. This is too much.”

Button shook his head. “No, no, I’ve got it. It’s okay!”

“Are you sure?” Starry asked. “I don’t want to impose.”

“Starry, I haven’t been able to spend any money on anypony else in months. I wanted you to come with me, so I’ve got you!” Button nodded to the mare. She took them and hoofed him two red tickets.

“Okay then…” Starry seemed hesitant, but she smiled at him. “To be honest, nopony has really done anything like this for me in a long time. Thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure. And I don’t know why you haven’t had anypony to do something like this with! You’re great.” Button passed one of the tickets to the mare.

“Thanks.” Starry grinned sheepishly. “But really, it’s been a long time.”

“Well, let’s fix that then.” Button winked, and both ponies walked through the large wooden doors conveniently marked ‘Entrance!’

The room hidden behind the doors was revealed, and Button gasped.

Paintings. Sculptures. Woven tapestries. Photographs. Flowing displays of magnificent fabrics and streaming strands of ribbons. The room held it all. Art from every corner of the world and every era of time. A conglomerate of some of the greatest work ever done by a being who lived on Equus.

“Wow!” Button said. He practically pranced over to the first display. “This… this is a Dali! Wow…” he repeated.

“I love this picture,” Starry said. “The contrast between the rose and the small ponies below… wonderful.”

Button nodded quickly. He grinned as he trotted over to the next display. “And this! Van Gogh! So interesting… He was quite a character, you know. Cut off half of his beard and then his ear… It’s too bad he lived back before modern medicine. He could have had a much easier life.”

Starry eyed the brightly colored canvas. “This one is very nice… I do love this interpretation of the night sky.” Button felt her walk very close beside him. Their front legs almost touched, and a shiver that had nothing to do with the cool air of the museum shot through Button’s body.

“I love the nighttime,” Button said. “And he just brings out the elegance of the stars… I swear, he’s almost as good at this as Princess Luna.”

Starry chuckled lightly, and Button turned to see her smiling at him.

“What?” he asked.

“Oh, nothing…” Starry muttered. She kept smiling as she walked toward another exhibit.

Button stood still for a moment. “Every time… jeez, mares.”

“Oh, this is a good one!” Starry said. She stood in front of a tapestry that depicted the founders of Equestria and their assistants standing around a fire in a cave. The six of them smiled at one another, and Button could barely make out a few shadows hiding in the background. “It’s amazing how well it’s been preserved. It dates back to before the reign of Discord, but the spell wards stayed intact even through the chaos!”

“Well, the spell was cast by Starswirl the Bearded, or so the story goes,” Button said. “He wanted to preserve the tapestry since it was decaying, so he actually invented a new spell that still hasn’t been improved upon. It was a wonderful time for magic.”

Starry raised an eyebrow. “You seem to know a lot about this stuff.”

“History major, remember?” He smiled. “I always loved art, especially old Equestrian art. My main field of study was pre-Discordian history. You know, the Founding, the first Changeling invasions, the war with the Crystal Empire. All that fun stuff. I’ve always wanted to see this tapestry in person…”

“I’m glad I was here for it,” Starry said warmly. “So, how did a video game loving colt with a shield cutie mark decide to pursue a future in history, of all things?” She walked toward another display, a blue and gold vase decorated by ancient etchings.

“Well, it was actually video games that got me into history… and my cutie mark, for that matter.” Button followed her. “Oh, nice. This one is ancient Saddle Arabian, I believe!”

She nodded in reply. “It is. How would video games lead to that?”

“Okay. So it all started with this game called ‘Warlords III: Darklords Rising.’ It’s a really cool turn based strategy game where you make armies and get heroes and fight other players or the AI.” Button and Starry sauntered over to another display, this one a small Prench statue. “The gameplay was pretty smooth, but my favorite part of the game was the pictures included with every character. Each unit had its own image, and they were amazing. Very intricate drawings, all of them. I like them all, but my favorite was the one on the ‘Knight Lord’ unit. The unit was pretty weak, but I liked the picture so much that I used it anyways.”

“How old were you?” Starry asked.

“Eh, I was like eight or nine. I was still easily entertained by colorful pictures. Oooh, a Picasso!” Button happily moved to the next piece of artwork.

“I see that hasn’t changed,” Starry said with a laugh. She grinned and followed him.

Button shrugged. “Yeah, I guess it hasn’t. Anyways, I asked my dad about the image, and he said that it was actually a real drawing of a knight from back in Old Equestria. He showed me one of his history books, and I was amazed. I’d never been interested in school things until that day. Suddenly, it felt real to me. I was hooked.” He grinned. “A few days later, I was finishing up the book, and I had a sudden thought. I knew what I really wanted to be when I grew up. I wanted to be a knight, like in the old stories. A big light flashed, and I got my cutie mark, right there in my bedroom.”

“Just from reading a book?” Starry asked.

“Yep. Just from a book.” Button nodded. “Of course, I decided that my future was in the Royal Guard. But then, I learned how different the Guard is from the ancient knights, and my dreams were kinda dashed against the wall. I was pretty upset, so I went back to the history books and immersed myself in the old stories. I was reading one of them at school during recess one day when my teacher walked over to talk to me.”

Starry tsked. “Reading during recess? What were you thinking, Button?”

“I know,” Button replied. He laughed softly. They continued to stroll from exhibit to exhibit. “So, she comes over to me and says that she’s noticed that I’m reading a lot more lately. I tell her how I got my cutie mark, and we get to talking about history. One thing led to another, and she told me that I could try to follow a career as a historian if I loved the old times so much. I hadn’t really considered that, so I went home and talked to my parents about it. You can guess how the story ends.”

“I think so,” Starry said. “Oh, look over t— Whoa!”

Starry turned abruptly and tripped over her own hooves. She toppled sideways, falling down past the railing toward a piece of priceless Zebran artwork and—

—was immediately caught in Button’s strong forelegs. The stallion had rushed over and grabbed her just before she hit the ground and the statue. Starry gasped as he held her. Her face turned to look up into his. He looked down at her, inches away from him. She smiled nervously, and he responded in kind. Their lips were so close…

“Th-thanks,” Starry said airily. “That was almost bad.”

“Yeah,” he replied throatily. “Umm…”

“You can probably let me go now,” she whispered.

He blinked rapidly and smirked. “Oh, yeah. That could happen.” He slowly released her, and she returned to her hooves.

“Good save,” she whispered again.

“Why are we whispering?” Button asked.

“I don’t know…”

Button paused for a moment and looked into her deep aqua eyes. She looked back at him. A second later, they both chuckled softly.

“C’mon,” Starry said. “The next room is my favorite.”

“Oh, good,” Button replied. She walked off and he watched as she did.

Waaaaaaay better than going to the museum alone…”

Author's Note:

This chapter was written LIVE! Special shoutout to all the readers who stuck with me for hours and hours! You may be seeing characters from a few of them popping up soon...

I'll try to do another live writing on the upcoming Sunday!

Today's music was Moves Like Jagger! I also ate lots and lots of Taco Bell. Lots.

Also, my hooves are ties. If you don't get it, you weren't there :rainbowkiss:

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