• Published 29th Jul 2015
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Her Knight in Faded Armor - Doccular42

Princess Luna still feels alone, nineteen years after her return to Equestria. When she finds a friend in an online game, everything seems better. But not all is well in Equestria, and a sinister plot threatens everything that Luna holds dear...

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Greetings, Labyrinths, and Truth

Ponies, griffons, zebras, and creatures of all shapes and sizes quietly made their way out of the night and into the castle’s entranceway. Celestia smiled as she watched them pass by. From the nobles of Canterlot to the minotaur ambassador from Crete, the visitors all wore fine clothing and enormous smiles. They whispered quietly to one another as they slowly made their way past the princess’ podium on the side of the room.

Celestia stood in between her sister and Princess Cadence. She nodded serenely to her guests, thanking them for attending.

The orchestra in the great hall played its first note, and Celestia smiled. Chaput would undoubtedly recognize one of his country’s greatest composers, as would his underlings.

“Ooh, Tchaikovsky! I like this piece!” Princess Twilight exclaimed. She stood on the other side of Luna, greeting the visiting delegates. “Is this the Frederick Horseshoepin with the Royal Symphony?”

“It is,” Luna commented. “Only the best for our visitors, of course.”

“Indeed,” an new voice said. Celestia turned to see a familiar black and white griffon. General Chaput was not dressed in his military uniform today. Instead, he wore an immaculately tailored white suit. The entire outfit practically gleamed in the moonlight and the glowing illumination from the chandeliers. Over the top of the suit, he once again wore his blood-red cloak.

“Good evening, General,” Celestia said cordially. “I take it that you appreciate the music?”

“I do, very much. I have always adored Tchaikovsky, and your orchestra has a reputation for excellence. I simply cannot wait to hear it up close.” He gave a polite bow before turning to Cadence. “Ah, Princess Cadence! It is simply lovely to see you! You look delightful! How is motherhood treating you?”

“Thank you, General,” the princess replied. “It’s interesting right now. The teenage years are coming to a close soon, and she’ll be going off to university not too long from now.”

“Excellent! Have you considered any universities in Prance, even for just a semester? The opportunity to study abroad can do wonders for one’s education!” Chaput said smoothly. The line continued to move around him as he stayed to chat.

“Perhaps… that is an interesting idea. I’ll discuss it with Shining,” Cadence replied.

“Ah, good! Please, give my regards to the family.” He turned once more and smiled at Twilight. “Princess Twilight, It is an honor to see you again. Our brief talk at dinner the other day was simply fascinating, and I hope that we can continue the discussion soon! I feel that we could become excellent friends.

“Well, thank you, General,” Twilight replied. “Your thoughts on the nature of magic are very interesting. I would enjoy a continuation of our discussion.”

Chaput gave another charming smile. “I will take you up on that, Princess.” Once more, he turned away, this time to look at Luna. “And Princess Luna. I must say, your Highness, this particular evening is magnificent. A crown jewel among the treasure of all the nights that you have so carefully crafted. Wonderful. Simply wonderful.”

“My thanks, General Chaput,” Luna responded formally. “It is a pleasant thing to remember that the same sun and moon shine down upon both Griffonia and Equestria. It really puts our disagreements into perspective.”

“Indeed.” Chaput nodded solemnly. “Very well spoken, Princess. You have a way with words as well as celestial bodies. Perhaps we could speak later as well, if you would so desire?”

“Perhaps,” Luna replied.

Chaput nodded and turned back to Celestia. “Well, your Majesty, I suppose that I shall adjourn to your great hall to bask in the beautiful music. Maybe we shall speak again soon?”

“Oh, of course, General. And I must say, your cloak looks quite dashing when you pair it with your suit.” Celestia’s eyes twinkled.

“And I have you to thank for it, Princess.” Chaput nodded respectfully.

“You’re most welcome, General. It really does become you.” Celestia returned the nod.

Chaput beamed at her. “I’m very grateful. Well, I won't take up any more of your time. Princesses, it was a pleasure.” He bowed to them and slowly sauntered off in the direction of the hall. Three griffons in the black uniform of the Griffonian Special Service followed closely behind him.

“I don’t trust him at all,” Luna whispered to Celestia. “He’s a snake.”

“Yes, but that means that we must be snake-charmers,” Celestia replied in a hushed tone. She then turned back to nodding at the crowd as they trotted past.

The four princesses stayed on their platform for another half an hour. They exchanged pleasantries with all who passed, but Celestia barely paid attention to those whom she greeted. Her eyes continuously glanced down the hallway through which Chaput had walked. The music continued, and she lost herself in thought.


Celestia turned around to see Prime Minister Apollo Rector standing behind her. The older stallion smiled kindly at her.

“Hello, Apollo. Is it that time?” Celestia asked.

“Indeed it is!” the prime minister replied. “Most of our guests have arrived, the orchestra is finishing with their first set, and dinner is nearly ready to be served. I think it is my turn for door duty.” He winked at her.

“Thank the stars,” Luna grunted. “Please, you may have this job. I would much rather be listening to the music. Or eating. Or anything else than this…”

“Aw, it’s not so bad!” Cadence chirped. “We get to talk to everypony! And everyone too!”

“Well, you may enjoy this abysmal task, but I certainly do not,” Luna growled.

Apollo’s eyes twinkled. “I don’t suppose that you’d like to keep an old stallion company, would you, Princess Cadence?”

“Staying with you? Of course!” Cadence beamed.

“Good, good…” Luna stepped down from the platform. “I think that I am off to the great hall. Dinner sounds lovely, and I am famished.”

“I’ll join you, Luna,” Celestia said. “I think that I could use a change of pace as well.”

“Does anypony know where Fluttershy went?” Twilight asked. “We were going to go out to the gardens together. She loves the animals and wanted to show me some of her friends out there.”

Cadence shook her head. “I have no idea, although I think that I saw Rarity heading out to the gardens earlier.”

“Ah, okay! Maybe she’ll be out there with us too!” Twilight grinned. “I’ll be back inside soon.”

“Very well, Twilight,” Celestia replied. “We’ll be waiting.”

With that, the two sisters walked out toward the sound of music, and Princess Twilight went in the opposite direction. Celestia could hear Cadence and Apollo chatting cheerfully up on the platform as she and Luna passed through the magnificent archways that led to the hall.

“How do you do it, Tia?” Luna asked. “The endless tides of nobles… the platitudes, the simpering well-wishers, the scheming manipulators. All vying for your attention, pledging a devotion that only exists if you give them something in return. It sickens me.”

“It’s not all like that,” Celestia responded. “Most of the ponies genuinely care about us. There are a few who desire power, but not as many as you seem to think.”

Luna scoffed and shook her head. “The problem is that we can’t really tell the difference, can we? The good and the rotten smell the same.”

“Well, you probably can’t tell the difference if you’re smelling the nobles.” Celestia chuckled. “You should try to watch their actions instead.”

“Oh, you know what I mean…” Luna nudged Celestia with a wing. “Anyway… Ooh, dancing!”

Celestia saw Luna’s eyes light up as the duo entered the great hall. Ponies, griffons, zebras, and others waltzed about on the wide open floor, swaying in time to the music. Celestia grinned as she watched Luna’s reaction. Her sister had always enjoyed music, and dancing was one of her oldest loves.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Celestia asked teasingly. “Go on out there!”

Luna shook her head. “I’ll need a partner. Maybe I’ll ask one of the nobles…”

“Or perhaps I might be of assistance?”

Celestia and her sister turned to see Chaput standing beside them. He smiled pleasantly and extended his wing.

“Your Highness, will you do me the honor of allowing me to escort you upon the dance floor?” he asked cordially.

“I…” Luna glanced over at her sister nervously. Celestia gave a small, encouraging nod. Luna returned the motion and put on a large smile. “It would be my pleasure, General.”

The griffon beamed. “Perfect!” He extended a wing, and Luna grasped it with her own. The two slowly walked out onto the floor and danced.

Celestia watched them as they slowly moved around the ponies and griffons who were already on the floor. She could see Chaput’s beak moving, but she was unable to hear to words. Luna said something in reply, her face a mask. Celestia nodded and strode over to the refreshments table.

The Princess of the Sun smiled as she levitated a small plate with a single piece of cake toward her. She sat down at an unmarked table to watch the dancers, and took a deep breath. Luna said something to Chaput, and the general shook his head in response. A chill ran down her spine as she saw Chaput’s grin as he watched her sister.

It was very nearly predatory.


Prince Blueblood stood alone in the dark gardens of Canterlot Castle. The sound of the orchestra within the massive stone building filled his ears, but he paid it no mind. Parties like this had been his entire life, so many years ago, but he found himself less and less amused by them every passing year.

He sighed and leaned up against a large fountain. The stars and galaxies were like splashes of color upon the beautiful night sky, and the moon illuminated the labyrinth around him, painting the world into shades of grey.

The stallion gazed up into the night and smiled. The wind tousled his mane, and he enjoyed the sensation of simply being, instead of worrying about yet another project. The only thing he had to worry about was—

“Oh, excuse me…” a soft, cultured voice said from behind him.

Blueblood turned around to see… her.

Lady Rarity stood before him, blushing slightly with her front legs crossed. “I’m sorry, my Prince. I didn’t know that anypony was out here…”

Blueblood smiled sadly. “Oh, it’s quite all right. I don’t own the labyrinth, after all.”

The mare slowly walked up to him and stood by his side. The two ponies waited in the silence for a few moments. Blueblood glanced over at his companion a few times. Her mane was still the same vibrant shade of purple that it had been the first time he’d laid eyes upon her. Her face was more wrinkled now, but they were born of laughter, not sorrow. Time had been kind to her, and she still appeared as youthful and full of life as ever. Her simple, by her standards, silver dress glistened in the moonlight.

“So, how—”

“I was wond—”

Blueblood cleared his throat after the two had started talking at the same time.

“Oh, I do apologize,” Rarity said. “Please, you go first.”

“I was just going to ask how your husband has been? I heard that he was sick. Is he doing any better?” Blueblood asked, barely glancing at the other pony.

“He’s doing better now, but he’s still being treated by the doctors.” She smiled sadly. “They gave him six months to live a year ago, so there is that.”

“I’m sorry,” Blueblood said.

“Well, it’s not your fault. Cancer isn’t the most pleasant experience, but that doesn’t mean that we have to keep being sorry about it. He wouldn’t want us to do that,” she said. “Besides, if he continues to improve, he may beat it again!”

“Well, good! I’m glad,” he responded as he leaned back up against the fountain. “Did you have something you were meaning to ask?”

“I was merely going to point out that you are missing quite the party inside,” Rarity replied. She chuckled lightly. “I think I saw Pinkie dancing with the captain of the griffon airship. He looked confused and amused at the same time.” She snorted. “Pinkie referred to it as ‘camused.’ She certainly does bring up the energy level of a party.”

“That she does,” Blueblood muttered. He shook his head. “As interesting as that sounds, I do not think that I will be returning to the party tonight.”

“Oh? Why not?” Rarity stepped closer.

He shrugged. “I don’t find these events as enjoyable as I used to. The constant reminder of who I used to be can be rather jarring. Plus, I will most likely have to return to work at a moment’s notice.”

“Ah, yes. The duties of a secretary never end, do they?” Rarity’s voice contained a hint of amusement. As one of Princess Twilight’s most trusted friends, Rarity knew what his real duty was.

“Mmm. Indeed.” Blueblood nodded, and the two stood in silence for a while longer. He allowed his eyes to wander to the sky once more. The moon was a vivid contrast against the nebula that Luna had placed behind it. White contrasted against dark purple… much like Rarity’s coat and mane…

“You know,” he said. “I don’t know if I ever thanked you.”

“Whatever for, Prince?” Rarity asked, surprise evident in her tone.

“For forgiving me,” he said simply. “That first evening, at the gala… I was so horrible to you. I—”

“Blueblood,” Rarity interrupted. “It was nearly twenty years ago. You were a different pony back then, and so was I. But you changed, so there is no reason to thank me. That old Blueblood is long gone. I am proud to call the new one friend.”

Blueblood smiled and lowered his eyes. “If only I hadn’t been that way, so long ago… things might have been different between us.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” Rarity said as she placed a hoof upon his shoulder. “You are a kind stallion. Maybe in another life…”

He gazed deeply into her purple eyes. She smiled sadly, and he turned away.

“I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “I think that I—”

His words were interrupted by giggling from across the labyrinth. The two of them turned in time to see a yellow pegasus mare and a purple alicorn fly after a large brown owl. The owl hooted once and dove to the ground. The ponies followed suit, and they all landed in a large pile. The mares laughed as the owl nuzzled against them.

“Ah, Fluttershy…” Rarity shook her head. “Always with her animals.”

“Some ponies never change,” Blueblood commented.

The owl slipped out of the ponies’ grasp once more, and Fluttershy and Twilight raced after him again.

“Some ponies don’t need to, not any more, at least.” She looked at the stallion pointedly. “Blueblood, I already told you that you have nothing to apologize for. The past is the past, and what is done is done.”

Blueblood considered her words and then nodded solemnly. “Very well. I guess that we—”

“Prince Blueblood!” A red coated mare burst around the corner and moved toward the noble.

Blueblood turned to face her, his eyes narrowed. “Sergeant, what is it?”

The guard saluted quickly. “Sir, Nest requests your presence immediately. They said the package has woken up.”

Blueblood nodded. “Excellent, I’ll be there immediately. Let them know that I’m on my way.”

“Yes, sir!” The mare turned away and whispered something into an earpiece.

“Duty calls?” Rarity asked softly.

“As always. I need to go,” he said.

“Well, don’t let me keep you.” Rarity smiled and sniffed quietly. “I suppose that I will see you around the palace sometime? Maybe sooner rather than later this time?”

“I would like that,” he replied with a smile. “And maybe you can bring your husband once he’s well enough to travel?”

“Of course! I’m sure the two of you would have much to discuss.”

He nodded. “Indeed. But now, I must take my leave. Take care, Lady Rarity.”

“You as well, Blue. You as well.” She gave him another small, sad smile as he walked away.

Blueblood purposefully strode out of the maze. “Now… to find out what the bloody hell that changeling is doing here…”


“...and so then I told him, ‘Wait! That’s not shampoo!’ So he put the carpet cleaner down, and, as calm as could be, asked me if I would shut the door to the bathroom so that nopony else would hear his screams!” The pegasus who had introduced herself as Captain Flair almost fell out of her chair as she laughed at her own joke.

“Haha,” Button chuckled nervously. He sat in a dark, frigid room, hoofcuffed to a metal chair. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and looked around him.

It felt like a tiny metal box. In front of him was a wooden desk that held the only source of light for the room. The lamp illuminated an enormous mirror that took up the entire back wall. The rest of the room was lined by cold concrete, and the only other objects in the room were two more chairs and the ponies who occupied them.

His captors, the same mares from the hotel, sat across from him. The unicorn was frowning and scribbling notes upon a yellow pad of paper. A small device that showed a large minus sign was on the table in front of her. They had used the device to take a sample of his blood as soon as he had woken up, and they hadn’t been pleased when the symbol appeared.

The other mare was leaning back in her chair. She hadn’t stopped talking since Button had woken up, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about that.

“Uh, not to be rude or anything,” Button began, “but why are you telling me jokes? I mean, you kinda drugged me, then chained me up, and then stole my blood… and you’re telling me jokes?”

The unicorn looked up and snorted. “The Director said that we’re not allowed to torture ponies anymore. So, instead of waterboarding them, we just make them listen to Ember prattle on. I think the waterboarding was more humane.”

Button shivered as he heard the word ‘torture.’ The room may have been cold, but that word chilled him in a way that the temperature never could.

“Hey! Not nice!” Flair said, and she turned to look at Button. “That was her idea of a joke. Haha. So funny.” She poked her partner. “Anyways, you’re not a changeling, so I figure we can at least treat you like a normal pony, I guess.”

Button shook himself and rubbed his forelegs with his hooves. “Well, can you turn the heat up or something? I can hardly feel my legs.”

“No-can-do, Mr. Mash,” Flair said with a shake of her head. “This far underground, and in an interrogation room? We’re not really set up for maximum temperature control.” She snuggled into her large coat. “Mmm. I’m nice and toasty, though.”

He glared at his captor. “Thanks for telling me that.”

The captain chuckled and stood up. She pulled out a set of keys and walked over to his chair. “Here. Lemme help you.” She undid his hoofcuffs and reached underneath the table. She quickly pulled out a large orange coat. “Hey! It even matches your mane!”

Button rubbed at his legs where the cuffs had been. He quickly slipped the coat over his body and sighed as the thick material surrounded him. “Thanks,” he said grudgingly.

“You’re welcome!” Flair said cheerfully. She sat back down in her chair and adjusted her long mane. “So…”

“Ugh, can you not stay quiet for five seconds?” the other agent, who had not introduced herself, asked.

Flair paused for a few moments and then nodded. “Five. Yep, I just did!” She grinned before turning back to Button. “So, Mr. Mash. If you aren’t a changeling spy, then what do you do for a living?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Really? You foalnap me, and now you want my life story?”

“Hey! No need to be rude!” Flair said. She threw her hooves up into the air in a defensive gesture. “I’m just trying to get to know you. You know, before the waterboarding starts.”

“Not allowed to do that anymore,” the other agent muttered.

“Oh, yeah…” Flair said thoughtfully. “Oh well. I guess that I’m just curious, that’s all.” She fiddled with the crossbow that she had propped up against the side of the table.

Button gulped. “I’m, ah, I’m a manager at a club back in Ponyville. I’m here on vacation and looking for jobs. I’ve got a degree in history, and I’m hoping to work at a college here…” He stopped and took a deep breath.

“Oh, history, eh? What part?” Flair asked. She looked at her hoof and rubbed at a small chip.

“Um, I specialize in early Equestrian history. Pre-Discord.” Button rocked from side to side.

The captain grinned. “Neat! I like those old stories. Damsels in distress, knights in shining armor, wars, windigoes, changelings, pirates, monsters! Fun stuff!”

“Yeah…” Button trailed off. He glanced nervously from side to side. The door to his left appeared to be locked from the outside, and there didn’t seem to be any other entrance. Shadows hung in the corners of the room, and Button could see his breath mist up the air as he exhaled. No way out.

“So, got a wife back home?” Flair asked.

“Ember! Pertinence?” the other agent asked.

“Curiosity!” the captain declared happily.

“I, um, no,” Button finished lamely.

“Mmm, okay.” The captain grinned. She flipped her mane back with a hoof.

“Why do you ask?” Button inquired.

The mare’s eyes flashed. “Well, you’re kinda cute…”

Silence filled the room.

“I… I don’t really know how to respond to that…” Button said carefully.

“Just ignore it,” the unicorn said. “It’s what I do when she flirts with me.”

“I do not flirt with you!” Flair said emphatically. “Well, not much.”

Button shook his head. “Who exactly do you two work for, again?”

“We work for—”

Captain Flair’s words were cut off as the door opened. Bright white light filled the room, and Button had to cover his eyes. Another voice spoke into the freezing chamber.

“They work for me, Button Mash.”

Button was finally able to look up just in time to see a pony he immediately recognized. The door behind Secretary Blueblood slammed shut, and the stallion glared at him, his eyes narrowed into slits.

“P-Prince Blueblood?” Button asked.

“Indeed.” His voice was as cold as the temperature, and he walked over to the table. Turning to face the agents, he spoke, “So? Do you have confirmation?”

“The test says negative, sir.” The unicorn shook her head.

“Great. So we nabbed the wrong one,” Blueblood said crisply. He glared at Button. “So, Mr. Mash. Why are you covered in the residue from a disguise spell and doused in something that suspiciously resembles the processed love that changelings consume? Are you working with them?”

Button’s jaw dropped again, and he quickly shook his head. “N-no, sir! I’m not working for them! I promise!” Button felt a shiver fill the air.

“Truth,” the unicorn agent muttered.

“Did you get a good enough baseline?” Flair asked quietly.

“Yes. The spell should work perfectly. I’ve got a large spectrum of emotions sampled, and we know what his truth looks like.” The unicorn agent glared. “He’ll tell us what we need.”

“Perfect.” The captain stood up and leaned against the wall. Blueblood walked over and sat down in the now empty chair.

“Mr. Mash. We received reports of the presence of changelings at your hotel. We came to investigate, and lo and behold, we see all the signs of an infestation… centered in your room. Do you have any possible explanation?” Blueblood held his hooves wide apart on the table as if he were inviting an answer.

“I… I…” Button stammered.

“Well? Speak!” Blueblood roared as he slammed his hooves on the table.

Button jumped, startled. “Okay! I saw changelings at the hotel, all right? I told the police, but they wouldn’t do anything about it!”

“Really?” Blueblood’s eyebrow rose. “How did you notice them?”

“I-I…” Button stammered in the cold. “I was just passing through a hallway and they were there! In a room! I saw them transform, and then I ran away! That’s all, I swear!”

Blueblood leaned back and stroked his chin thoughtfully. He waved the agents toward him, and they trotted over to him. He whispered something, and Button thought that he could vaguely hear the word, ‘informant.’

The unicorn gasped and slapped a hoof to her mouth. She looked over at Button, as pale as a sheet. Captain Flair looked at him and hummed. She shrugged and whispered something back to Blueblood. He nodded and leaned forward again.

Button fidgeted uncomfortably as all eyes turned to him.

“Did you tell anyone besides the police?” Blueblood asked very carefully.

Button’s mind raced. His thoughts immediately turned to Starry, and he nearly gasped. But suddenly, he felt a calm peace envelop him. It was as if all of his being had decided, all at once, to protect her. To keep her safe. To shield her.

“No,” he said calmly. “I only told the police.”

Blueblood looked at the unicorn agent. Her horn lit up for a moment before she nodded. “Truth.”

Button raised an eyebrow as he somehow managed to beat the truth spell. The ramifications of that fact were… interesting.

The prince sighed. “Very well. Answer one more question for me, please. Are you working for the griffons, the changelings, or any other extra-Equestrian agency?”

Button’s eyebrows shot up. “Uh, no. I’m pretty sure that I’m not…”

“Truth,” the unicorn said again. “He’s clean.”

“Well, horsefeathers,” Flair commented. “Why was he covered in all that changeling gunk, then?”

Blueblood rested his head on a hoof. “Well…” He paused momentarily before resuming. “I’d assume that the changelings knew that Mr. Mash here had detected them. They most likely set him up as a red herring.”

“I guess we’re just lucky that they caught him and not our informant…” Flair muttered.

“Wait, informant?” Button asked. “Did someone else know about the changelings?”

The unicorn agent shook her head. “That’s confidential.” She glared at Button.

“Breeze. That was uncalled for,” Blueblood chided. “We need not lie to Mr. Mash about this. He’s smart enough to figure out what is going on.” He gazed at Button. “Mr. Mash, you are not the only other pony to have discovered the changelings. We also have an asset at the hotel who gave us the same information you just described. He, however, was not detected.”

“Oh…” Button muttered.

“But we can use this. The changelings know about you, but we know that. We can take this deeper.” Blueblood grinned. “How would you like to work for me, Mr. Mash?”

Button’s eyes widened. “Work… for you?”

“Equestria needs you, sir.” Blueblood stood to his hooves. “These changelings are smart, and we need every advantage that we can get.” He nodded. “I will ask you again: Will you help us?”

“Hmm…” Button said quietly. He thought for a moment before slowly nodding. “If you need me, then I’ll help.” He shivered suddenly. It felt as if the temperature had dropped another ten degrees.

“Excellent! I suppose that we shall have to— Guh!

Blueblood didn’t even have time to turn around as an enormous ethereal blue pony leapt out of the shadows and moved toward him.

Something red and sticky splashed onto Button’s face as he gazed upon the glowing blue spear that protruded from the prince’s chest. He followed the blade until it met the gurgling stallion’s collapsing body, and he stared in terror as Blueblood sprawled upon the ground, unmoving.


Author's Note:

Song for the evening was Kim by Ryan Adams!

Thanks to all the live readers!

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