• Published 29th Jul 2015
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Her Knight in Faded Armor - Doccular42

Princess Luna still feels alone, nineteen years after her return to Equestria. When she finds a friend in an online game, everything seems better. But not all is well in Equestria, and a sinister plot threatens everything that Luna holds dear...

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Interlude V: Sanity

Father Dmitri snarled and slammed a claw into the stone wall of his quarters in the Canterlot Castle. His door slammed shut behind him, and he could taste his own rage as it enveloped him in a nearly tangible red mist.

“Fucking bastards!” he spat as he threw a chair across the room. “Thrice damned sons of whores!

The air behind him shimmered, and Dmitri felt a presence appear. He paused, glaring out the window across his room. The griffon’s eyes narrowed, and his beak twitched.

:Weak. You are weak.:

The father turned slowly, glancing over his shoulder with a sneer. “You useless piece of shit. I gave you a single job, and you failed.

The windigo trotted forward and cocked his head to the side. :General smart. Ponies strong. Goddesses ready. Not our fail. Your fail. Weak.:

Dmitri bit back a scream and stopped himself from ripping out the throat of his useless minion. “Oh, really? I was the one who couldn’t even kill a general who had followed the same routine every day for over a week? Or murder a weak female and an old pony politician?”

:Stupid plan: The windigo’s expression didn’t even change, but he flicked his muzzle forward in contempt as he paced to the side. :What gain if not fail? None. Ponies prove fault. Ponies discover. Ponies always win.:

“If I want your input, I will command you to speak!” Dmitri growled. His face flushed, and his vision clouded as his rage rose back into the forefront of his mind. Anger. Hate. Fire. Kill. Burn. Steal. Immortal. Power. Princess… Destroy.

:See? Insane. Griffon not made for this power. You die soon.: The windigo bowed his head. :And then we free.:

“I can have any power I want!” the griffon snapped. “I claimed yours, for you are unworthy, and soon, I shall… I shall…” His words faltered, and his knees shook. All he could see was red…

:Maybe a week. Then consumed. Sorry.: The windigo’s thought-send had no inflection, but Dmitri could feel the bitter sarcasm that permeated the last word.

Dmitri ground his beak and chomped down as a claw lashed out to grab onto a wall to hold himself up. He blindly reached out with his magic and grasped for the nearest source of power… the windigo before him.

The ethereal horse sighed. Kill me. Become strong now. Weak later. Cannot handle—:

Shut! Up!” Dmitri screamed as he twisted. The windigo was ripped apart, and the creature didn’t even make a sound. The griffon felt energy rush into his soul, and he breathed a sigh of relief as his energy returned to him. “I. Am. Greater.”

He raised his head with another snarl and walked to the window. Opening the blinds, he sent out a call to his other servants who flew around the castle. :Bring me the traitor,: he sent. A whisper on the wind carried their answer.

:At once.:

The father clicked his beak. After turning away from the window, he moved to his mirror to examine himself. He glared at his reflection, and the face of death stared back.

His eyes were as black as the night sky, and his beak dripped with blood that he knew was his own. His eyelids twitched, and his cheeks were gaunt. Raising a handkerchief with a shaking claw, he wiped the blood away as he took a deep, shaking breath.

“I will prevail. I always do…”

The blood continued to flow, and he hacked painfully as his throat burned him. The magic pooling within him tore at his inhibitions. He wanted nothing more than to leave his room, walk up to the princess herself, and—

“Shut the fuck up,” he said to himself. “Get out of my head! I need… I need…”

He could see himself ripping Celestia in half with his talons, drinking her blood, and absorbing… stealing… taking what was rightfully his.

“Too soon… too soon… follow the plan. Don’t rush.” He looked up to see himself smiling back. “But we can do it… we can take it now! Why do we need these ploys? Why not just finish this?”

His eyes shifted from black to reddish orange, and blue smoke filtered from his beak and nostrils. “We can do it! We’re strong.”

Voices inside his head called out in a chorus, screaming their own voices. The words of the windigos he’d killed, the zebran shamans whose magic he’d re-claimed, the unicorns who had dared to stand before him, all those who now fueled his attacks.

We are the incarnation of power! Equus’ pinnacle! The end of all! And the beginning…” he said in a thousand voices. The air around him blazed with energy, and he could feel himself slipping… as if the line between the mage and the magic had been blurred, and it was nearly impossible to see who controlled whom…

“Stop!” he shouted to himself, cutting through the darkness. “Leave me! I have the power! Bego—”

A knock at the door stopped him short. The voices were immediately silenced, and he gasped at the sudden reprieve. Running a claw through his crest, he composed himself as he took a step forward.

The door swung open, and he gazed out at the proud face of a red-maned mare. She raised her chin, and looked into his eyes. “Father… you wanted me?”

He nodded. “Yes. Come inside.”

“You realize that you most likely just proved my guilt to the princesses, don’t you?” she asked casually as she strode into the quarters. “They’ll know it’s me within the week.”

“Before this week is through, everything will be over,” Dmitri growled. “Pony. How did Celestia know about the attack?”

“How did she know?” The spy laughed derisively. “She didn’t.”

“Impossible. There is a traitor!” he declared as he began to pace. “She was with Chaput! She alerted the castle! She was ready!”

The mare rolled her eyes. “You may be my employer, but you are also a fool. That wasn’t Celestia’s doing. It was Chaput’s.”

Dmitri blinked, and his mind raced. “Oh. He builds up a morning routine, knowing that someone is watching, and then…”

“And then he turns it around right when you’re about to attack,” the spy finished. “I’ve been watching him, just like you ordered. He knows your plans, and he was ready. I bet that he even set up having that pony agent with the griffons, just to throw another wrench into your plans.”

His beak twitched and rose into a sneer. “Bastard…”

“Saving his own captain, and making the pony a hero to all of the griffons. The budding romance story doesn’t hurt either…”

Dmitri shook himself. “It doesn’t matter. This is a minor setback.”

Her eyebrow rose. “A ‘minor setback?’ They’re going to find out who’s behind this. Your game is over. Griffonia and Equestria will be allies, and when your betrayal is discovered, you’ll be killed. I’m just sorry that I won’t be around to see it.” She shook her head. “You blew my cover. I’ll have to leave, tonight.”

“Oh, my dear little pony…” Dmitri shook his head. “I don’t care what happens to you. And you misunderstand. The plan was never a war, and it was never peace. It was a means to an end, and the end is within sight.” He glared down at the mare. “But I need something from you… something that was given to Chaput. And you know it too...”

“And what is that?” she asked.

He grinned. “I know Celestia’s weakness… but what is Luna’s?”

The spy’s eyes widened as realization sunk in.

“His name is Button Mash, and he’s staying at the Citadel.”

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